CHEMICAL YIELDS IN SPH SIMULATIONS A data-driven statistical approach Francisco J. Martínez-Serrano1, Arturo Serna1, Mercedes Molla2 , Rosa DomínguezTenreiro3 1 Dpt. Física y A.C., Universidad Miguel Hernández, E-03206 Elche, Alicante, Spain 2 Dpt. Fusión y Física de Partículas, CIEMAT, Avda. Complutense 22, E-28040 Madrid, Spain 3 Dpt. Física Teórica C-XI, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, E-28049 Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain 1. Introduction It is important to trace the evolution of the chemical abundances in the universe. The main ingredients in order to solve it are the results from the theory of stellar evolution, and the equations of chemical evolution giving the diffusion and increase of metals of the interstellar medium (ISM). Several approaches have been devised to deal with the problem of element production and its mixing into the ISM. Chemo–dynamical models for individual galaxies, considering a multi–phase ISM have been developed by Ferrini et al. [1], Samland et al. [2] or Molla et al. [3] among others. Gravitohydrodynamic codes also allow us to follow the evolution of the abundances through the motion of the gas and diffusion. It has also been more recently addressed at cosmic scales by Mosconi et al. [4], Lia et al. [5], Cora & White [6], Portinari et al. [7], Kobayashi [8] and Aguirre et al. [9]. 2. The simulation algorithm In this work we follow the approach by Lia et al. [5], who adapted the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) algorithm to handle the production and diffusion of the different metals. Their approach is probabilistic, because the creation and destruction of star-like particles happens at random, according to probabilities computed to match the rate of gas ejection of an stellar population given by the theory of stellar evolution. This approach differs from the one followed by Mosconi et al. [4] because it does not consider that each baryonic particle is composed of a gas and a star part: they are either gas or stars. This is physically motivated since star particles are fully collisionless and do not 2 follow gas particles, allowing the introduction of metal diffusion. It is based on the SPH translation of the diffusion equation, however with this approach more particles are needed to map the same configuration. We go a step further and develop an adaptation of a multistep AP3M-likeSPH code, DEVA (Serna et al. [10]), to follow the evolution of abundances of 17 isotopes as they are produced in stars and diffuse later. DEVA pays special attention towards conservation laws by including the so-called ∇h terms in the SPH equations, which improve energy and entropy conservation. DEVA also conserves angular momentum for a low number of particles, something which is crucial in disk formation and evolution. The ∇h terms proved to be important in high density regions, associated either to central cores of collapsed objects or shock fronts, that are the regions where star formation and metal enrichment first happen and are more efficient. Since metal enrichment determines the evolution of subsequent stellar generations, the ∇h terms can help to increase the accuracy of the metallicity distributions obtained. Our approach starts from that of Lia et al. [5], and takes into account the metallicity dependence of the yields and stellar lifetimes. This biparametric (on time and metallicity) approach forces us to abandon the simple analytical relations for the representation of the metal yields used by those authors and to develop instead a method based on tables of computed values as we will describe. In the SPH algorithm each particle represents a fluid element whose position, velocity, energy, density, chemical composition, etc. are followed in time. The properties of the fluid at an arbitrary position are locally estimated by interpolation of the properties of its neighbors, the chemical abundances are one of these properties. As explained in Serna et al. [10], a phenomenological parameterization based on the empirical Kennicutt-Schmidt law is used to trigger star formation. A probability to become a star-like particle is assigned to each gas particle, according to a Schmidt-like transformation rule based on the local gas density. Particles are transformed into stars according to this probability. Once a particle becomes a star-like one, it no longer interacts hydrodynamically with its neighbors. A star particle can be considered to represent a starburst, effectively hosting a Single Stellar Population (SSP). The metallicity of this SSP influences its later release of metals and its probability of becoming a gas-again particle. As time passes since its birth, stars begin to die, according to τM (z, M ), which is taken from Portinari et al. [11], and the (hidden) gas fraction of the particle increases, thus effectively increasing its probability gt (t) of becoming a gas-again particle: 3 Chemical yields in SPH simulations gt (∆t) = Z t+∆t e(t)dt t (1) 1 − E(t) where e(t) = dE(t) dt represents the ejection rate of gas at time t, and ∆t stands for the chemical simulation step (see details in Lia et al. [5]). Once it is decided, according to gt (t), that a star-like particle becomes a gas-again particle, it has to be assigned new abundances, which are computed by using the method described in Section 3. Diffusion of metals in the gas is achieved by the SPH translation of the diffusion equation dZ = −κ∇2 Z (2) dt where the diffusion coefficient κ is computed from the size of a supernova remnant 106 yr after the explosion, given a typical velocity of 50 km s−1 . 3. The stellar yields Following the basic equations of the chemical evolution field (Ferrini et al. [1], Pagel [12], Portinari et al. [11], Lia et al. 2002 [5]), the ejected mass of a SSP is: E(t) = Z t e(t0 )dt0 (3) τmin where: e(t) = (M − Mr )Φ(M ) − dM dt , (4) M =M (t) τmin stands for the life time of the most massive star, Mr the remnant of a star of mass M , shown in Fig.1, as the function M(t). Φ(M ) is the Initial Mass Function (IMF). As this work constitutes a first approximation, only a Salpeter IMF, with a power law x = −2.35, was considered, but it is trivial to implement another one, such as the one given by Elmegreen [13]. The ejection of each element z, equivalently is: Ez (t) = Z t ez (t0 )dt0 (5) τmin where ez (t) = ((M − Mr )Xz,0 + yz )Φ(M ) − which we may decompose into two terms: dM dt (6) M =M (t) 4 ez (t) = Xz,0 e(t) + pz (t) (7) The first term takes into account the elements already present in the star particle at the moment of its creation, while the second one pz (t) is the stellar production of new metals: dM pz (t) = yz Φ(M ) − dt (8) M =M (t) The stellar yields yz are the new elements which each star creates in its interior by the nucleosynthesis process, and they are given by different authors from the stellar evolution field. In this case we take those from the models of Portinari et al. [11] for the high-mass stars and Marigo [14], for the intermediate and low-mas stars. The calculation will be repeated in the near future for other set of yields, mainly the ones by Molla, Gavilán & Buell [15], which take into account the effects of the convective dredge up and the hot bottom burning , incorporating the most recent improvements in the TP-AGB processes. As both sets of yields are metallicity dependent, our computation of the new abundances is also metallicity dependent. Therefore, the calculations for computing abundances of a SSP reduce to compute e(t) and pz (t). This method involves manipulation, including derivatives, of the input data (remnants and stellar yields), which are usually given as tables. Since they are metallicity dependent, our functions are actually e(z, t) and pz (1, t). To calculate a continuous function of the two parameters (metallicity and time), an interpolation between known points must be performed. Furthermore, although the given models represent a significant part of the whole function, particles may happen to form in the simulation with a metallicity outside the known range, thus extrapolation may be needed. Once the given functions, e(z, t) and pz (z, t), have analytical approximations, we can compute the total ejection E(t), following Eq. 3 and the integrated yields Pz (z, t), integrating them along time: Pz (z, t) = Z t τmin pz (z, t)dt (9) and give tabulated values for the application range of the models. The integration is performed numerically using proper integrating algorithms. The integrated yields Pz (z, t) for some metals are plotted in Fig. 2 along with the integrated total ejection E(t). 4. DEVA calculation results for a SSP To test the metal production implementation in DEVA, the same test as in Lia et al. [5] has been implemented. The test consists of studying the production of metals in a single burst of star formation. 5000 particles are turned into 5 Chemical yields in SPH simulations MΤ Hz,log10 HtLL Mr Hz,ML 100 75 50 M HM L Τ 25 0 10 0.05 0.04 0.03 Mr HM L 5 0 100 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 z z 0.02 80 9 60 40 M0 HM L 20 7 8 log10 HtL 0.01 10 0.05 SnIa 0.003 rSnIa 0.002 0.001 0 0 10 0.01 9 log10 HtL 0.02 0.03 z 0.04 8 0.05 Figure 1. Functions Mr (z, M ), Mτ (z, t) and SnIa rate stars and its gas fraction (fraction of gas-again particles) and gas metallicity are studied. The tabulated values for Pz (z, t) and E(z, t) are used by the DEVA code by means of bilinear interpolation. When, according to the probability gt (∆t), a star particle transforms into a gas-again particle, it is assigned new abundances, namely Pz (t + ∆t) − Pz (t) + MzIa (RSnIa (t + ∆t) − RSnIa(t)) + Xz0 E(t + ∆t) − E(t) (10) here t is the time since the gas became a star and ∆t is the chemical timestep, RSnIa is the integrated rate of SnIa as given in Fig. 1, MzIa represents the chemical ejecta for the given metal in a SnIa, and Xz0 = z represents the intial metallicity of the stellar particle. The W7 model from Iwamoto et al. [16] is used for this parameter. Since 5000 SSPs together are a SSP, we can make the same computation analytically as follows: Xz (∆t) = [Z] = Pz (z, t) + MzIa RSnIa (z, t) + E(z, t)Z0 E(z, t) where Z stands for any metal. (11) 6 1 EHz,log10 HtLL log10 HtL 10 10 H log10 HtL 9 9 8 8 7 7 0.3 0 -0.01 P z -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 E0.2 0.1 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 z 0.03 0.04 z 0.05 3 10 0.05 12 He 10 log10 HtL 9 C log10 HtL 9 8 8 7 7 0.008 0.006 Pz 0.004 0.002 0 0.00004 Pz 0.00002 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 z 0.03 0.04 z 0.05 16 10 0.05 56 O 10 log10 HtL 9 Fe log10 HtL 9 8 8 7 7 0.01 0.0008 0.0006 Pz 0.0004 0.0002 0 0.0075 Pz 0.005 0.0025 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 z 0.03 0.04 z 0.05 Figure 2. 0.05 Functions E(z, t) and Pz (z, t) for 1 H, 2 He, 12 C, 16 O and 56 Fe The results of this test are presented in Fig. 3, where the evolution of the total abundance of the returned gas (computed as 1 − zH − zHe ), and abundances of 12 C, 16 O and 56 Fe for a metal-free SSP can be appreciated. As it can be seen, metallicity is high at the beginning, when the highly enriched gas from massive stars is expelled. Later on, this metallicity is diluted by the less metallic gas ejected by long lived stars. The abundance of iron is an exception, as it grows later due to the contribution of type Ia supernovae. In spite of the statistical fluctuations of the probabilistic process, it follows very closely the analytical prediction. Our results agree, in shape and magnitude to those in Lia et al. [5], and in fact they match closely when the stellar evolution data for solar metallicity are taken, except for 56 Fe which increases strongly for later times in our case. We note, however, that the same initial metallicity must be taken for the selection 7 Chemical yields in SPH simulations of the stellar yield table and for calculations of Eq.(10) and (11). Otherwise, the calculations result to be inconsistent. In fact, the lowest metallicity available in the yield tables must be used when a metal free gas is assumed in the simulation, as both Lia et al. and we assume. Since those authors do not use metallicity dependent yields, they must perfom their calculations as if an effective solar abundance was actually used for yields, although a low Z is included in Eq.(10). We explain the existing differences between both result sets, as an effect of this inconsistent selection of metallicities, as it can be seen by looking at Fig. 2, where the integrated yields of 16 O and 56 Fe are represented. These yields are greater for metal-free stars. Z Z 12 @ 12 CD C 0.25 0.02 0.2 0.015 0.15 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.05 7.5 6.5 8 8.5 16 @ 16 OD 9 9.5 10 log10 HtL 7.5 6.5 56 @ 56 FeD O 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 log10 HtL 9 9.5 10 log10 HtL Fe 0.2 0.01 0.15 0.008 0.006 0.1 0.004 0.05 0.002 6.5 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 log10 HtL 6.5 7.5 8 8.5 Figure 3. Abundances in the returned gas for the SSP test. Staired line represents the DEVA approach, continuous line represents the analytical result. 5. Conclusions We have extended the method proposed in Lia et al. [5]to take into account the inicial metallicity of stellar particles. This algorithm has been implemented in a computational efficient way in DEVA, a SPH code that focuses on conservation laws. Our test produces systematically greater yields that can be explained by the evolution of metal free stars, which tend to be more efficient in metal production (see Fig. 2). This means that the dependence on metallicity needs to be taken into account for a correct modeling of chemical evolution. 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