Evolution of radio-loud young compact AGNs Magdalena Kunert-Bajraszewska1 Andrzej Marecki1 Ralph E. Spencer2 Toruń Centre for Astronomy, N. Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland 2 Jodrell Bank Observatory, University of Manchester, UK 1 Abstract The VLBA+Effelsberg 1.6 GHz observations were made in order to study the morphology and evolution of radio-loud compact steep spectrum AGNs selected from the VLA FIRST catalogue. It is possible that some young sources are short-lived phenomena due to a lack of stable fuelling from the black hole. Table 1: Basic parameters of 6 CSS sources observed with VLBA Total flux at Total flux at GHz 1.4 GHz 4.85 GHz 14..485GHz mJy mJy Sorce name RA hms DEC º ′ ″ ID z (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 0809+404 0949+287 1159+395 1315+396 1502+291 1616+366 08 12 53.124 09 52 06.091 12 01 49.965 13 17 18.635 15 04 26.696 16 18 23.581 0.551 — 2.370 1.560 — — 1068 1354 603 615 567 536 392 529 249 227 261 268 -0.81 -0.76 -0.71 -0.80 -0.63 -0.56 40 18 59.878 G 28 28 32.406 — 39 19 11.023 G 39 25 28.141 G 28 54 30.548 — 36 32 01.811 — LAS mas LLS pc h-1 (9) (10) 14.87 76.27 308.8 — 41.08 224.06 30.00 177.72 41.60 — 55.00 — (1) – Source name in the IAU format; (7) – Total flux density at 4.85 GHz extracted from GB6; (2), (3) – Source coordinates (J2000); (8) – Spectral index (S~ vα) computed between 1.4 and 4.85 GHz; (4) – Optical identification:G-galaxy, Q-quasar; (9) – Largest Angular Size (LAS) from the present paper; (5) – redshift; (10) – Largest Linear Size (LLS), adopted cosmological parameters are (6) – Total flux density at 1.4 GHz extracted from FIRST; q0=0.5 and H0=72 km s-1 Mpc-1 (Freedman et al., 2001). Introduction Readhead et al. (1996) proposed an evolutionary scheme for radio-loud AGNs, which has been discussed recently in detail by Snellen et al. (1999, 2000). In particular they concluded that the radio luminosity of GPS/CSO (Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum/Compact Symmetric Objects) objects increases as they evolve, reaches its maximum for CSS /MSO (Compact Steep Spectrum/Medium-sized Symmetric Objects) phase and then gradually decreases as these objects grow further to become LSOs (Large Symmetric Objects). What seems quite natural to us now is to claim that this evolutionary track is not necessarily the only one. We think that the choice of a particular evolutionary track depends on the duration of the activity period of the host galaxy. A complete evolutionary track of a radio-loud AGN looks as follows: ignition of activity GPS/CSO CSS/MSO FRII FRI decline of activity quiescence. But if the energy supply cuts off earlier, the evolutionary track will shrink to: ignition of activity GPS/CSO CSS/MSO decline of activity quiescence or even to: ignition of activity GPS/CSO decline of activity quiescence. This claim can be firmly underpinned with the theory of SMBH accretion disc instabilities – Hatziminaoglou et al. 2001. According to them the SMBH determines the length of the activity phase of the AGN as well as the timescale of the activity re-occurrence. Observations Using the VLA FIRST catalogue we selected a new sample of candidates for weak CSS sources and surveyed them with MERLIN at C-band. Among the observed sources we distinguished a group of sources with angular sizes < 0.2 arcsec and steep spectra in a very strict sense i.e. they are not (Gigahertz-Peaked sources) that remained unresolved or barely resolved with MERLIN. We observed them with VLBA supplemented with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at 1.6 GHz in a snapshot mode. We were looking for symmetric, double structures with evidence of weak or non-existent hotspots within the diffuse lobes and with weak cores thereby suggesting that the central energy source has turned off. Table 2: Flux densities of sources principal components at observed frequencies Source name RA DEC S1.6 GHz θ1 θ2 PA hms º ′ ″ mJy ″ ″ º (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 0809+404 08 12 53.123 08 12 53.124 08 12 53.126 09 52 06.102 09 52 06.79 09 52 06.082 12 01 49.964 12 01 49.965 12 01 49.965 13 17 18.635 15 04 26.697 15 04 26.696 15 04 26.698 16 18 23.581 16 18 23.580 40 18 59.880 40 18 59.871 40 18 59.851 28 28 32.400 28 28 32.415 28 28 32.421 39 19 11.041 39 19 11.003 39 19 11.028 39 25 28.142 28 54 30.554 28 54 30.545 28 54 30.582 36 32 01.813 36 32 01.802 155.45 154.29 — 154.97 353.40 55.00 257.01 154.44 — 244.81 115.45 207.66 27.58 68.08 — 0.018 0.021 — 0.013 0.040 0.016 0.009 0.008 — 0.005 0.005 0.002 0.011 0.014 — 0.011 0.012 — 0.007 0.018 0.010 0.003 0.004 — 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.003 — 142 148 — 83 98 63 172 170 — 106 29 99 49 46 — 0949+287 1159+395 1315+396 1502+291 1616+366 (1) – Source name in IAU format; (6) – Deconvolved minor component angular size at 1.6 GHz obtained by JMFIT; (2), (3) – Components coordinates (J2000) as measured at 1.6 GHz; (7) – Deconvolved major axis position angle at 1.6 GHz obtained by JMFIT. (4) – VLBA flux density at 1.6 GHz; (5) – Deconvolved major component angular size at 1.6 GHz obtained by JMFIT; Conclusions and future plans We present here the results of VLBA+Effelsberg observations of the most compact sources in our parent MERLIN sample. · At least 2 of the observed sources (0809+404, 0949+287) seem to fit to the picture of ‘dying’ radio sources. Two sources (1315+396, 1616+366) still remain unresolved with VLBA+Effelsberg. · 0809+404 and 0949+287 have symmetric double structures and the two visible components are most likely the radio lobes. It is possible that we can see hotspots in the radio lobes of 0949+287. These two sources are our candidates for ‘dying’ CSS objects. · 1159+395 is another double source and we identify it as a GPS/CSO because of its high redshift. · 1502+291 shows a core-jet structure directed to the north-east, so it is not a dying source. The sources presented here have just been observed with the VLBA at higher frequencies (5, 8.4 and 15 GHz) to exclude the existence of compact , flat spectrum components in the structures of our candidates for dying sources and to discern the radio morphology of those unresolved ones. References Freedman W.L., Madore B.F., Gibson B.K., et al. 2001, ApJ, 553, 47 Hatziminaoglou E., Siemiginowska A., Elvis M., 2001, ApJ, 547, 90 Readhead A.C.S., Taylor G.B. Xu W., et al., 1996, ApJ, 460, 612 Snellen I.A.G., 1999, NewAR, 43, 675 Snellen I.A.G., Schilizzi R.T., Miley G.K., et al., 2000, MNRAS, 319, 445 Acknowledgements. We thank EAS for its support in MK-B participation in JENAM conference. Fig. 1. VLBA+Effelsberg map of 0809+404 at 1.6 GHz. Contours increase by a factor 2 and the first contour level corresponds to ≈ 3σ. Fig. 2. VLBA+Effelsberg map of 0949+287 at 1.6 GHz. Contours increase by a factor 2 and the first contour level corresponds to ≈ 3σ. Fig. 3. VLBA+Effelsberg map of 1159+395 (up) and 1315+396 (bottom) at 1.6 GHz. Contours increase by a factor 2 and the first contour level corresponds to ≈ 3σ. Fig. 3. VLBA+Effelsberg map of 1502+291 (up) and 1616+366 (bottom) at 1.6 GHz. Contours increase by a factor 2 and the first contour level corresponds to ≈ 3σ.
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