A multi-wavelength view of star clusters in the circumnuclear ring of NGC7469 T. Díaz-Santos1, A. Alonso-Herrero1, L. Colina1, S. Ryder2 and J. Knapen3 1 Departamento de Astrofísica Molecular en Infrarroja, IEM, CSIC, Serrano 113b, 28006 Madrid, Spain 2 Anglo Australian Observatory, Epping, NSW 1710, Australia 3 University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK ABSTRACT We present results from a multi-wavelength imaging and near-infrared spectroscopic study of several star formation (SF) knots located in the ring-like circumnuclear region of the Seyfert1 galaxy NGC7469. This galaxy is a nearby (distance of 65Mpc) example where two of the most energetic phenomena of the universe, SF and accretion onto a black hole (AGN activity), coexist within the central kpc. The ultimate goal of this project is to estimate the bolometric contribution of both phenomena in the central region of this galaxy. Because separating both contributions is so delicate, and because of the increasing contamination from the UV to the near-infrared from the underlying (older) stellar population of the galaxy, we require high spatial resolution. To this end we have used UV, optical, and near-infrared images from the HST archive, and mid-infrared images from the literature, together with our own UKIRT near-infrared spectroscopy. We have developed an IDL routine designed to simultaneously fit and perform accurate photometry on unresolved star clusters, and model the underlying (galaxy) emission. We have produced and modeled the UV to mid-infrared spectral energy distributions of these knots to derive their sizes, ages, stellar masses, and extinctions. 1 Introduction Recent mid-infrared (IR) cosmological surveys have shown that luminous and ultraluminous IR galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs, with L(IR)=1011-1012L and L(IR)>1012L , respectively) dominate the galaxy population out to a redshift of at least z=1.5. In the local Universe LIRGs and ULIRGs are powered by both intense star formation (SF) and AGN, with the AGN contribution increasing towards higher IR luminosities (Sanders & Mirabel 1996, ARA&A, 34, 749S). Recent ground-based high resolution images of LIRGs have shown most of the mid-IR emission originates from compact regions located within a few hundred parsecs from the nucleus of the host galaxy, and that the most recent SF is associated with super-star clusters (SSC) and giant HII regions as detected with NICMOS on the HST (Alonso-Herrero et al. 2000, ApJ, 532, 845A; 2002, 2002AJ, 124,166A; also Scoville et al. 1999, Ap&SS, 266, 149S). These regions of young SF are generally in or near dusty environments where a significant fraction of the UV-optical light is absorbed and reprocesed into the mid and far IR. Thus, multi-wavelength studies are essential to quantify the physical processes taking place in this class of galaxies. We have awarded HST/NICMOS time in Cycle 13 to observe a sample of 25 Local Universe LIRGs. All these galaxies are located at distances of less than 100Mpc, so the the spatial resolution (~10-30pc) allow us to study SSC and giant HII regions. These LIRGs cover a morphology range going from isolated galaxies to interacting systems and mergers. As a preliminary study we have obtained archival HST data, and our own UKIRT near-IR spectroscopy to study the SSCs and HII regions of the LIRG NGC7469. 3 UKIRT near-IR spectroscopy of the circumnuclear ring of SF C3 The high spatial resolution of CGS4 on the UKIRT has allowed us to obtain K-band spectra of four diferent regions (figure to the right) of the circumnuclear ring of SF containing most of its clusters as well as of the nucleus of NGC7469. The slit width was 0.6”. The spectra are shown below. We mark the positions of the hydrogen recombination lines (Paα, Brδ, and Brγ), and other features such as the CO bands and molecular hydrogen emission lines. We first measured the spectroscopic index of the CO bands with the SBAND task in IRAF, as explained by Ivanov et al. (2004, ApJS, 151, 387I), and then transformed it into the photometric CO as described by Doyon et al. (1994, ApJ, 421, 101D). We have also measured equivalent widths (EW) of the emission lines. C7 C27 2 NGC7469: a Seyfert 1 galaxy with a ring of star formation NGC7469 is a nearby LIRG that contains a Seyfert 1 nucleus (the bright central source) and a ring of star formation (Wilson et al. 1991, ApJ, 381, 79) of about 1kpc in size. The ring is detected in the UV, optical, near and mid-IR, and radio, as can be seen from the figure to the left. Genzel et al. (1995, ApJ, 444, 129) established that approximately two thirds of the bolometric luminosity of this galaxy is produced by the ring of star formation. We are currently using HST and ground based UV to midIR observations to characterize the properties of different regions of the ring of star formation in this galaxy. Below is a 1.1µm contour map showing the location of the four slits used to obtain K-band spectroscopy with the UKIRT, and the star clusters identified in the ring of SF and their associated labels we use in the photometric analysis. C6 4 Accurate photometry of individual clusters C13 C2 C25 C29 C31 C14 C23 C11 C21 * C4 C22 C20 C1 C12 C15 C9 * C5 C8 We have developed an IDL routine to obtain accurate photometry from individual clusters observed in HST images. Basically, this program is composed of two main procedures: finding & fitting. The first one employs an iterative growing method to roughly locate all those clusters with a maximum intensity of n standard deviations above a mean background interactively selected by the user. The next step is to fit each individual cluster to a Gaussian plus a background plane by a least-square method. The photometry of the unresolved sources is performed by first modeling in a similar fashion synthetic PSFs generated by the Tinytim software (Krist et al. 1998, PASP, 110, 1046K) to estimate accurate aperture corrections since we find that Gaussians do not accurately reproduce the shape of the unresolved clusters. For NGC7469 we used HST observations taken with the F218W, F547M, F606W, F814W filters of WFPC2, and the F110W, F160W and F222M filters of NICMOS. We have selected star clusters at 1.1µm. As can be seen from the figure to the left, within each of the UKIRT slits we detect a number of clusters that we model individually. A similar procudure was followed with the other filters. Finally we cross-correlated the positions of the 1.1mm clusters with those detected at other wavelengths to produce the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) shown below. CO index & EW(Brγ) as age indicators Slit 4 Slit 3 Slit 2 Slit 1 Nucleus The EW of Brγ (2.16µm) and the photometric CO index (2.36µm) are both good indicators of the age of the star formation. The EW of hydrogen emission lines measures the ionizing photons from young stars relative to the supergiants. The CO bands are prominent when the first red supergiants appear. This occurs at about 3Myr after the peak of SF -in our case we are assuming Gaussian bursts of SF with FWMH of 1, 5, and 100Myr (Rieke et al. 1993, ApJ, 412, 99R) and a Salpeter IMF. Thus the EW of Brγ and the CO indices can be used to estimate the age of the clusters. The diagram below shows the clusters in the ring of NGC7469 as well as clusters of the SF ring of NGC2903 (Alonso-Herrero et al. 2001, MNRAS, 322, 757A) and the younger SSC in the nucleus of NGC5253 (Alonso-Herrero et al. 2004, astro-ph/0405093). The ages of the clusters of NGC7469 (~4Myr after the peak of SF, or 7Myr from the beginning of the 1Myr Gaussian burst) appear to be all very similar and intermediate between those of NGC5253 and those of NGC2903. NGC7469 NGC5253 We compare the SEDs of the individual and the sum of the 1.1µm clusters detected within each of the UKIRT slits with the integrated SEDs obtained by simulating the slit coverage at each HST filter. In black we show Starburst99 (Leitherer et al. 1999, ApJS, 123, 3) SEDs for an instantaneous burst of SF with ages of 5Myr, 8Myr and 15Myr. In most cases the slit SEDs do not characterize the properties of the individual clusters or the sum of them. The slit SEDs include a large contribution from the underlying (unresolved) stellar population which appear to dominate at near-IR wavelengths.
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