The photometric system onboard Gaia The photometric system onboard Gaia C. Jordi, J.M. Carrasco, F. Figueras, J. Torra, X. Luri, E. Masana University of Barcelona JENAM 2004: The life of galaxies Sept 14, 2004 (September-2004) JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 1 1 The photometric system onboard Gaia Goals of Gaia Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 2 2 The photometric system onboard Gaia Goals of Gaia Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 3 3 The photometric system onboard Gaia Goals of Gaia Extragalactic objects: galaxies, supernovae, QSO, local group, etc Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 4 4 The photometric system onboard Gaia Continous scan during 5 years PHOTOMETRY • 109 objects to Vlim~ 20 (unbiased) • Trigonometric parallax and annual proper motions accurate to 10µas at V=15 10% at 10 kpc • 5-D phase space for over 109 objects • Radial velocity: 6-D phase space for over 300·106 objects • Age and chemical abundace: 2 additional dimensions Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 5 5 The photometric system onboard Gaia Continous scan during 5 years • 109 objects to Vlim~ 20 (unbiased) • Trigonometric parallax and annual proper motions accurate to 10µas at V=15 10% at 10•All kpcobjects to Vlim ~ 20 to cover a wide type of objects (even • 5-D phase space for over 109 objects unknown objects) • Radial velocity: 6-D phase space for over 300·106 objects • Age and chemical abundace: 2 additional dimensions Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 6 6 The photometric system onboard Gaia Continous scan during 5 years • 109 objects to Vlim~ 20 (unbiased) • Trigonometric parallax and annual proper motions accurate to 10µas at V=15 10% at 10 kpc Extension to galactic areas with systematic variation in atmospheric and interstellar abundances • 5-D phase space fornot overinvestigated 109 objects at present • Radial velocity: 6-D phase space for over 300·106 objects • Age and chemical abundace: 2 additional dimensions Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 7 7 The photometric system onboard Gaia Continous scan during 5 years • 109 objects to Vlim~ 20 (unbiased) • Trigonometric parallax and annual proper motions accurate to 10µas at V=15 10% at 10 kpc Current photometric systems designed for specific types of objects New photometric system • 5-D phase space for overfor 109Gaia objectsrequirements • Radial velocity: 6-D phase space for over 300·106 objects • Age and chemical abundace: 2 additional dimensions Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 8 8 The photometric system onboard Gaia Instrument description • Two ASTRO telescopes • One SPECTRO telescope See poster by Carrasco et al Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 9 9 The photometric system onboard Gaia ASTRO focal plane Detection Chromaticity Astrophysics AF1: Confirmation AF1-AF11: Astrometry Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 10 10 The photometric system onboard Gaia SPECTRO focal plane Detection Max. 16 bands (one of them: RVS) Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 11 11 The photometric system onboard Gaia Gaia Photometry bands Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 12 12 The photometric system onboard Gaia G magnitude (white light) • very broad band • Glim~ 20 ~ 300-1050 nm Vlim~ 20-25 • the best S/N for variability detection • small B.C. Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 13 13 The photometric system onboard Gaia • 82 observations • 11 CCDs per obs. V~20 equivalent to Hipparcos V~9 Cepheids LMC: 13.5 < V < 16.5 M31: 19.5 < V < 22.5 Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 14 14 The photometric system onboard Gaia Broad Band System: BBP Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 15 15 The photometric system onboard Gaia L. Lindegren Current baseline: 5 bands Under investigation Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 16 16 The photometric system onboard Gaia Medium Band System: MBP Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 17 17 The photometric system onboard Gaia 1 H2M H3M 0.8 0.6 0.4 C. Bailer-Jones 0.2 Transmission 0 3F 0.8 CCD−Blue CCD−Red 0.6 Univ. Barcelona 0.4 + Obs. Geneve 0.2 0 X2M 0.8 0.6 V. Vansevicius0.4et al RVS 0.2 0 Sept 14, 2004 400 600 800 Wavelength (nm) JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 1000 18 18 The photometric system onboard Gaia 1 H2M H3M 0.8 0.6 0.4 C. Bailer-Jones 0.2 Transmission 0 3F 0.8 CCD−Blue CCD−Red 0.6 Univ. Barcelona 0.4 + Obs. Geneve 0.2 Current baseline: 12 bands 0 X2M 0.8 0.6 V. Vansevicius0.4et al RVS 0.2 0 Sept 14, 2004 400 600 800 Wavelength (nm) JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 1000 19 19 The photometric system onboard Gaia Continuum MgH+Mgb Balmer jump Metallicity Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 20 20 The photometric system onboard Gaia Continuum Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 21 21 The photometric system onboard Gaia TiO C RVS Hα Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 22 22 The photometric system onboard Gaia Photometry performances Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 23 23 The photometric system onboard Gaia Several steps ... 1. Definition of scientific targets for Gaia performances evaluation for the quantitative description of chemical & dynamical evolution of the Galaxy 2. Galaxy model + 3D interestellar absorption model Collaboration with J. Knude (Copenhagen Obs) Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 24 24 The photometric system onboard Gaia Several steps ... ∼ 6500 stars Halo: [Fe/H] = -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0 [α/Fe] = +0.2, +0.4 Bulge: [Fe/H] = -1.0, -0.5, +0.0, +0.5 [α/Fe] = +0.0, +0.4 Thick: [Fe/H] = -1.0, -0.5, +0.0 [α/Fe] = +0.2 Thin: [Fe/H] = -1.0, -0.5, +0.0, +0.5 [α/Fe] = -0.2, +0.0 Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 25 25 The photometric system onboard Gaia Several steps ... 1. Definition of scientific targets for Gaia performances evaluation for the quantitative description of chemical & dynamical evolution of the Galaxy 2. Galaxy model + 3D interestellar absorption model Collaboration with J. Knude (Copenhagen Obs) 3. Simulated photometry (G, BBP, MBP) using BaSeL2.2 and NextGen new release spectral libraries (a minimum photometric error of 0.003 mag have been assumed) Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 26 26 The photometric system onboard Gaia Sky background: Interstellar absorption: • AV, 3D model • RV, A(λ) = AV · [A(λ) / AV] • zodiacal light (ecliptic coordinates) V = 22.5 mag/arcsec2, (G2 V) • LMC, M31, nebulae, ... Photo-electrons/s per band/CCD: F = ∫ SED(λ)·10(- 0.4Aλ) ·Band(λ)·QE(λ)·T(λ)·S dλ B = ∫ Sky(λ)·Band(λ)·QE(λ)·T(λ)·S dλ Modelling the object (spectra) •"normal" star: Teff, log g, [M/H], [α/Fe], [C/Fe], ... • Peculiar stars, Solar System objects, galaxies, QSO, ... • Multiplicity UB- Photometry simulator ( Magnitude zero point: • Vega= Kurucz: Teff=9550K, log g=3.95, [M/H]=-0.5 • Brightness (G, V) • Doppler shift Instrument model (ASTRO, SPECTRO): • Main mirror size, TDI • Optical transmittance (λ) • Vignetting • PSF (λ) • QE of CCD (+ number of CCDs) • RON • Filter transmission curves (λ) • Sample and window sizes Sept 14, 2004 Number of observations: • Celestial coordinates + Scanning law Æ Nobs end-ofmission JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies Magnitude error: • synthetic aperture: Høg et al (1999) • PSF fitting • calibration (+20% contingency) • per observation (variable stars) • end-of-mission 27 27 The photometric system onboard Gaia Several steps ... 1. Definition of scientific targets for Gaia performances evaluation for the quantitative description of chemical & dynamical evolution of the Galaxy 2. Galaxy model + 3D interestellar absorption model Collaboration with J. Knude (Copenhagen Obs) 3. Simulated photometry using BaSeL2.2 and NextGen new release spectral libraries (a minimum photometric error of 0.003 mag have been assumed) 4. G+BBP+MBP+parallax (and its error) (L.Lindegren, Lund Obs) Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 28 28 The photometric system onboard Gaia I - Perpendicular to galactic plane 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 Halo population: Chemical galactocentric distribution (G & K giants) AV AGB / RGB BHB, HB-A FV, GV, KV, MV GIII, KIII, RR-Lyr AIV, FIV, GIV AV, BV/III, OV/III BIa, Cepheids, FIa, MIa Disk & halo population: Precision enough to classify stars Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 29 29 The photometric system onboard Gaia I - Perpendicular to galactic plane 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 Halo population: Chemical galactocentric distribution (G & K giants) AV AGB / RGB BHB, HB-A FV, GV, KV, MV GIII, KIII, RR-Lyr AIV, FIV, GIV AV, BV/III, OV/III BIa, Cepheids, FIa, MIa RR-Lyrae (V~15.6) σlogg ~0.07, σAv ~0.03 σMv ~0.15 mag σ[M/H] ~ 0.1 at [M/H]=-2 σ[M/H] ~ 0.3 at [M/H]=-4 KIII at 30 kpc (V~17.5): • σ[M/H] ~ 0.1 at [M/H]=-2 Disk & halo population: • σ[M/H] ~ 0.3 at [M/H]=-4 Precision enough to Outer halo &classify halo stars streams characterized Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 30 30 The photometric system onboard Gaia I - Perpendicular to galactic plane 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 Halo population: Chemical galactocentric distribution (G & K giants) AV Halo Age galact. gradient (turn-off stars) σage~1.5 Gyr at 2.5 kpc σage~2.2 Gyr at 5 kpc Chemical galact. gradient (G & K giants) σ[M/H] ~0.07 at 5 kpc σ[M/H] ~0.15 at 12 kpc σ[M/H] ~0.20 at 17 kpc AGB / RGB BHB, HB-A FV, GV, KV, MV GIII, KIII, RR-Lyr AIV, FIV, GIV AV, BV/III, OV/III BIa, Cepheids, FIa, MIa Disk & halo population: Precision enough to classify stars Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 31 31 The photometric system onboard Gaia II - Anticenter direction 0.3 0.7 1,4 3.5 AV Chemical abundance gradient 3.5 AGB / RGB BHB, HB-A FV, GV, KV, MV GIII, KIII, RR-Lyr AIV, FIV, GIV AV, BV/III, OV/III BIa, Cepheids, FIa, MIa Large-scale structure Disk & halo population: Precision enough to classify stars Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 32 32 The photometric system onboard Gaia III - Center direction 0.3 1 2 5 AV 8 Disk Galactic center Galactic anticenter Age galact. gradient (turn-off stars) σage~1.2 Gyr at 2 kpc σage~4.7 Gyr at 3 kpc σage~1.1 Gyr at 2 kpc σage~2.6 Gyr at 3 kpc Chemical galact. gradient (G,K giants) σ[M/H] ~0.05 at 2 kpc σ[M/H] ~0.20 at 5 kpc σ[M/H] ~0.05 at 2 kpc σ[M/H] ~0.10 at 5 kpc σ[M/H] ~0.15 at 8 kpc Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies AGB / RGB BHB, HB-A FV, GV, KV, MV GIII, KIII, RR-Lyr AIV, FIV, GIV AV, BV/III, OV/III BIa, Cepheids, FIa, MIa 33 33 The photometric system onboard Gaia III - Center direction 0.3 1 2 5 AV 8 Distance Scale Cepheids: σπ/π < 10% for all observ. σAv < 0.03 for all observ. RR-Lyrae: σπ/π < 10% up to 10 kpc in galactic pole direction up to 5 kpc in the disk σAv < 0.02 at 2kpc, 0.04 at 4 kpc. Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies AGB / RGB BHB, HB-A FV, GV, KV, MV GIII, KIII, RR-Lyr AIV, FIV, GIV AV, BV/III, OV/III BIa, Cepheids, FIa, MIa σMv< 0.20 34 34 The photometric system onboard Gaia Conclusions & Future work • The current photometric BBP & MBP systems baselines is able to assure the scientific goals of the mission • Optimization of the bands • Investigation on [α/Fe] abundances determination • emission line stars, peculiar stars, solar system objects, QSOs, … Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 35 35 The photometric system onboard Gaia Teff=5500 K logg=4.0 [Fe/H]=-0.4 Teff=4500 K logg=3.0 [Fe/H]=-0.4 Filters of 80-100Å CaII H-K, MgIb σ[α/Fe]=0.1 giants V~17, dwarfs V~16 σ[α/Fe]=0.2 giants V~18, dwarfs V~16.5 Tautvaišienė & Edvardsson (2002) Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 36 36 The photometric system onboard Gaia Conclusions & Future work The definitive photometric system for Gaia will be finally decided in middle of 2005 Sept 14, 2004 JENAM 2004:The life of galaxies 37 37
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