Supernovae searh at intermediate z II. Host galaxy morphology J. Mendez (1,2), P. Ruiz-Lapuente (1), A. Balastegui (1), G. Altavilla (1), M. Irwin (3), K. Shamanahe (4), C. Balland (5,6), R. Pain (4), N. Walton (3) 1) Department of Astronomy, CER for Astrophysis, Partile Physis and Cosmology, Univerisitat de Barelona, Diagonal 647, 08028, Barelona, Spain 2) Isaa Newton Group of Telesopes, 38700 Santa Cruz de La Palma, Islas Canarias, Spain 3) Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge. CB3 0HA, United Kingdom 4) LPNHE-IN2P3-CNRS-Universites Paris 6 et Paris 7, 4 plae Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05 Frane 5) Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, B^ atiment 121, Universite Paris 11, 91405 Orsay Cedex, Frane 6) Universite Paris Sud, IAS-CNAS, B^ atiment 121, Orsay Cedex, Frane We disuss the host galaxy morphology of the 8 supernovae (SNe) disovered as a part of the International Time Programme (ITP) projet \ and from Supernovae, and the physis of Supernovae Explosions" at the European Northern Observatory (ENO). Identiation of the SN host galaxies was performed exploiting both imaging and spetrosopi failities at ENO. The relation between the SN type and the host galaxy morphology is investigated. The study of the supernovae searh at medium and low redshift is also extended here to the analysis of kinematis and abundane tomography. The expansion veloities of the ejeta measured for eah normal SNe Ia are found to be within the typial veloity dispersion for their epoh. Meanwhile, the sub-luminous SN 2002lk SiII expansion veloity is signiantly higher than that of SN 1991bg at maximum, meaning that the observed epoh is a few days before maximum. Abstrat. 1. Galaxy morphology Spetrosopi observation were arried out using the Intermediate dispersion Spetrograph and Imaging System (ISIS) mounted at the WHT. From the analysis of the galaxy spetra, though ontaminated by the SN, we an disriminate between spheroidal (elliptial and lentiular) and spiral galaxies. In the analysed SN sample only the morphologies of a few host galaxies an be easily identied by visual inspetion (see Fig.1, 2). The results are summarised in Table 1. This study will be presented in details in a forthoming paper but we an already note that the peuliar sub-luminous SN 2002lk, similar to SN1991bg, exploded in a late-type galaxy while sub-luminous SNe, assoiated with an older stellar population, are usually expeted in early-type galaxies (Howell 2001). 1 2 Mendez et al. Figure 1. SN 2002lq host galaxy image (left panel) and spetrum (right panel). The SN position is marked by an arrow. The SN spetrum shows numerous galaxy features (Balmer series lines are learly visible). Both spetrosopy and imaging are onsistent with a fae-on spiral galaxy. Figure 2. SN 2002lk host galaxy image (left panel) and spetrum (right panel). The SN position is marked by an arrow. The SN spetrum shows a few galaxy features (due to the high brightness of the SN, the only galaxy lines learly identied are H , nitrogen and sulphur lines). A deep sodium absorption is visible too. Spetrosopy and the absorption lane visible in the imaging suggest that this is an edge-on spiral galaxy. Table 1. SN name 2002li 2002lj 2002lp 2002lq 2002lr 2002lk 2002ln 2002lo z 0.329 0.180 0.144 0.269 0.255 0.033 0.138 0.136 Host galaxy summary. SN Type Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia pe. II II Galaxy Type Spiral Spheroidal Spiral Spiral Spiral? Spiral Spiral Spiral Oset from nuleus 0".1 W 0".2 S 0".2 W 0".2 E 2".0 N 4".5 E 0".7 S 3".0 S 0".7 W 0".2 N 1".1 W 8".3 S 0".6 E 1".3 S Identied lines H , H , HÆ , [SII℄, [NII℄, [OIII℄, [OII℄ H , H , H , [OII℄ H , H , H , HÆ , H , H , H , [SII℄, [OIII℄ H , [SII℄, [NII℄, [NeV℄ H , [SII℄, [NII℄, NaD H , H , H , H , [SII℄ H , H , H , [NII℄, [OIII℄, [OII℄ Host Galaxy Morphology Table 2. Expansion veloities for CaII (3950 A) and SiII (6355 A) lines. Objet name SN SN SN SN SN SN 2. 3 2002li 2002lj 2002lp 2002lq 2002lr 2002lk Expansion veloity Expansion veloity CaII (km s 1 ) SiII (km s 1 ) 17200500 12300300 13800900 189001400 12800300 8900300 10400400 8600400 14500500 Expansion of the ejeta Expansion veloities for CaII (3950 A) and SiII (6355 A) lines have been measured for eah SNe Ia, whenever the lines were present and well dened in the spetra. A summary of the results is shown in table 2. The unertainty in expansion veloity is measured by square summing the standard deviation of several measurements, and adding to that an error in redshift of 0.001. The unertainty in the epoh, respetive to maximum, when measured with spetra omparison it is ommonly assumed to be approximately of 2 days (Riess et al. 1997). Figure 3 shows the expansion veloity, for CaII (3950 A) and SiII (6355 A) lines, versus epoh from maximum, plotted for all SNe Ia. Referene evolution traks are also inluded, orresponding to the reent well followed lose SNe Ia SN 2002bo (Benetti et al. 2004). All data lie within the typial dispersion of expansion veloities for normal SNe Ia. On the other hand, the sub-luminous SNe Ia SN 2002lk SiII expansion veloity (14500 km s 1 ) is signiantly higher than the veloity measured for SN 1991bg (9900 km s 1 ) at maximum, meaning that probably the phase of SN 2002lk ould be younger than the previously reported. Further results will be presented elsewhere. Aknowledgments. This researh was arried out within the International Time Programme "Omega and Lambda from Supernovae and the Physis of Supernova Explosions" at ENO. Referenes Benetti, S., Meikle, P., Stehle, M. et al. 2004, MNRAS, 348, 261 Howell, D. A., 2001, ApJ, 554, 193 Riess, A. G., Filippenko, A. V., Leonard, D. C. et al. 1997, ApJ, 114, 722 4 Mendez et al. 30000 SiII CaII SN 2002bo SiII SN 2002bo CaII −1 expansion velocity (km s ) 25000 SN 2002lq 20000 SN 2002li SN 2002lp 15000 SN 2002lj SN 2002lk 10000 SN2002lp SN 2002lj SN 2002lr SN 2002lr 5000 0 −10 −5 0 5 Epoch (days from maximum) 10 Figure 3. Expansion veloities for CaII (3950 A) and SiII (6355 A) lines as a funtion of the epoh from maximum. It is also shown, as a referene, the expansion veloities for SN 2002bo. 15
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