DETECTION OF COMPACT SOURCES IN CMB MAPS: The Biparametric Scale Adaptive Filter 1 2 1 1 M. López-Caniego , D. Herranz , R. B. Barreiro , J. L. Sanz (1) Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Santander (Spain); (2) CNR - Istituto di Elaborazione della Informacione, Pisa (Italy) ! ! ! ! ! ! INTRODUCTION Interest: detection of compact sources (signal) embedded in a background (1D case). Goal: linear filtering of the data to eliminate partially the background and estimation of the amplitude of the source. Examples of filters currently used: Matched Filter (MF), Mexican Hat Wavelet (MH), Scale Adaptive Filter (SAF). Assumptions: Profile of the source known and background represented by an homogeneous and isotropic Gaussian random field with given power spectrum. Our approach: Find a combination of optimal filter and detector such that the number of detections is maximum for a fixed number of spurious sources Local Peak Detection: introduces not only amplification but also the curvature of the peaks, i.e., Simple n”SIGMA” thresholding is not the whole story! ! We introduce a new detector that uses amplitude and curvature information. The curvature of the maxima of the background and that of the maxima of the background + source are very different. ! The detector is obtained with the Neyman-Pearson rule, fixing the number of spurious sources and maximizing the number of true detections. ! The region of acceptance R* giving the highest number density of detections n*, for a given number density of spurious n*b, is the region L(n,k), or equivalently, j(n,k) L(n , k ) º n(n , k ) ³ L* nb (n , k ) If L >= L* => signal is present If L < L* => signal is absent 1 - ry s y -r ì C2 = s 2 ïC1 = 1- r 2 1- r ï j (n , k ) º C1n + C 2 k í 2 ïy º k s r º s1 ï s n s 0s 2 s î The Background and the Source 1D background represented by an homogeneous and isotropic Gaussian random field x(x) with zero average value and power spectrum P(q), q=|Q|, Q being the Fourier mode. ! Distribution of maxima (Rice, 1954): expected number density of maxima per intervals (x,x+dx), (n,n+dn) and (k,k+dk) is ! I. To filter or not to filter the data: 3s source before filtering 17s source after filtering For Bright Sources -> No filtering may be ok... the source can be easily detected 1 nb (n,k) = (n +k -2rnk ) 2 nb k e 2(1-r ) 2p 1- r2 2 2 nb º 1 n º 2pb r x s0 - x" s0 bº s2 s2 kº rº s 12 s 0s 2 2 and s n is the moment of order 2n associated with the field. - 0.5s source before filtering For Weak Sources ! 3s source after filtering -> Filtering improves the conditions for detection x2 For a Gaussian source, with profile given by t ( x) = e 2 R , embedded in the previous background, the expected number density of maxima is (Barreiro et al. 2003) n(n , k | n s ) = nbk - 2p (1 - r ) 2 2 (n -n s ) 2 + (k -k s ) 2 - 2 r (n -n s )(k -k s ) 2 (1- r 2 ) e IV. Numerical Results We have tested these ideas numerically for two distributions of weak sources: In our approach, the filtering and detection processes are not independent. We look for the optimal filter and the optimal detector such that the number of detections is maximum fixing the number of spurious sources. Uniform Distribution in the interval [0,2]s -> p(n s ) = 1 , n s Î [0, n c ] nc II. The Filters: Biparametric Scale Adaptive Filter -g .- Power spectrum P(q)=Dq , g spectral index of the background .- Combination of MF + MHW for g = 0. .- Conditions to obtain it: - <w(R0,0)>=A unbiased estimator of the amplitude - The variance of w(R0,0) has a minimum at R0 - w(R0,b) has a maximum in the filtered image at b=0 .- The BSAF has two free parameters c and a, - c: parameter to be obtained numerically - a: a > 0, modifies the filtering scale R. 1 ( ) - x2 ~ Y µ x g e 2 1 + cx 2 , x º aqR RD: Relative Difference between BSAF & MF Improvement [%] in n* w.r.t. the MF(a=1) vs. thespectral index g Number of detections n* vs a Filtering at scales other than R, the natural scale of the source, can improve the number of detections, as shown by Vielva et al. (2001) and López-Caniego et al. (2004a). Scale-free Distribution in the interval [0.5,3]s and b =0.5 -> p (n s ) µ 1 ns b [ , n Î n in , n fin ] We introduce the parameter a in all the filters, allowing to modify the filtering scale R, and use the same detection criterion to compare them. 1 Mexican Hat Wavelet - x2 ~ Y µ x g e 12 - x2 æ t ~ ö Y µ x g e 2 ç1 + 2 x 2 ÷ m ø 1 2 è - x ~ Y µ x 2e 2 Biparametric SAF ~ Y µ xg e Matched Filter Scale Adaptive Filter 1 2 x 2 (1 + c x ) 2 x º aqR 1+ g 2 1- g t= 2 m= RD: Relative Difference between BSAF & MF ! CONCLUSIONS Detection of compact sources: “Optimal Filter + Optimal Detector” -> maximum number of detections for a fixed number of spurious. We introduce an optimal filter, the BSAF, with an extra degree of freedom that allow us to filter at scales different from that of the source. This improves the number of detections significantly. We introduce a linear detector based on the Neyman-Pearson rule that takes into account a priori information of the pdf’s of the sources, the amplitude and the curvature of the maxima. We have tested numerically and with simulations these ideas, comparing different filters (MF, MHW, SAF and BSAF). We obtained that the number of detections is under certain circumstances superior to the other filters. In the most favorable case, white noise, g=0, there is a 40% improvement with respect to the standard Matched filter. In the 2D case, we obtain similar results. For g = 0, the BSAF improves the MF by 40% (LC 2004c). ! ! ! R.B. Barreiro et al., 2003, MNRAS, 342,119 López-Caniego et al. 2004a, SPIE.5299..145L López-Caniego et al. 2004b, submitted ! III. The Detector ! Uses the information in terms of the probability distribution functions (pdf’s) H0: Null Hypothesis -> background alone H1: Alternate Hypothesis - > background + signal The detector divides the space R in two subspaces: R* : H0 is rejected -> A signal is present R-: H1 is accepted -> A signal is absent ! ! (R* is the Region of acceptance) Example of a simple detector: “Thresholding”. The space R is defined by the objects above or below a certain arbitrary threshold ns. High threshold - > small number of detections Low threshold - > many detections with a high probability of spurious sources Improvement [%] in n* w.r.t. the MF(a=1) vs. thespectral index g Number of detections n* vs a REFERENCES ! ! López-Caniego et al. 2004c, submitted Vielva et al., 2001, MNRAS 326,181
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