SIMULATIONS OF CLUSTERED EXTRAGALACTIC POINT SOURCES AT PLANCK FREQUENCIES 1, L. Toffolatti 1 2 1, J. Gonzalez-Nuevo 2 F. Argueso Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Oviedo, c. Calvo Sotelo, s/n, 33007 Oviedo Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad de Oviedo, c. Calvo Sotelo, s/n, 33007 Oviedo [email protected] Abstract We present predictions on the angular power spectrum of cosmic microwave background (CMB) uctuations due to extragalactic point sources (EPS) by using a method for simulating realistic 2D distributions of clustered EPS. Both radio and farIR selected source populations are taken into account. To analyze different clustering scenarios, we exploit angular power spectra of EPS, P (k) , estimated either by data coming from currently available surveys or by means of theoretical predictions. By adopting the source number counts predicted by the Toffolatti et al. (1998) evolution model capable of accounting well for the available data at radio cm wavelengths we are able to reproduce current data on the twopoint angular correlation functions, w(θ) , of radio sources. We can conrm that the detection of primordial CMB anisotropies is not hampered by undetected clustered sources at frequencies ≤ 150 − 200 GHz. On the other hand, our current ndings show that at higher frequencies the clustering signal could severely reduce the detectability of intrinsic CMB anisotropies, thus conrming previous theoretical predictions. Keywords: 2D simulations; extragalactic point sources: clustering; CMB anisotropies: an- gular power spectrum. Introduction Extragalactic through the point beam, sources being their i.e., typical galaxies seen projected isotropically distributed all over the sky. as angular a `pointlike' size ¿ θbeam object are Thus, they give rise to a contaminat- ing signal which presents the same average level all over the sky, frequency (Tegmark and Efstathiou, 1996). at a given This signal can be only reduced by the identication and detection of as many sources as possible. On the other hand, the relatively large beam sizes and high ux detection limits of current and forthcoming earth, balloon and spaceborne experiments (e.g., BOOMERanG, 2 VSA, CBI, DASI, ACBAR, Archeops, NASA WMAP and ESA Planck missions) imply that only relatively bright sources can be detected and removed from current as well as future CMB sky maps (Vielva et al., 2003). the contribution CMB of temperature the highly undetected uctuations must be extragalactic accurately source estimated Therefore, populations to avoid an to un- wanted incorrect reconstruction of the angular power spectrum of primordial anisotropies. This multipoles, i.e. Among all problem is particularly important at intermediate to high ` ≥ 1000 , where the intrinsic CMB anisotropies are damped. the analyses on the extragalactic foreground contributions to smallscale uctuations, a thorough one, over the full wavelength range from ∼1 cm to ∼ 300 µ m, which improved on previous ones, has been presented by Toffolatti et al. (1998). Assuming a Poisson distribution of point sources in the sky, they found that the central frequency channels of the Planck mission will be `clean' (i.e, only a few high latitude pixels will be contaminated by bright undetected sources). As for radio selected extragalactic sources, which contaminate CMB anisotropies at Planck Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) channels (Mandolesi et al., 1998), their clustering signal was found to give a generally small contribution to temperature uctuations, thanks to the broadness of the local luminosity function (Dunlop and Peacock, 1990) and of the redshift distribution of sources which dilute the clustering signal (Blake and Wall, 2002). At higher frequencies, the clustering of farIR selected dusty galaxies was found to give a more relevant albeit not dominant contribution to temperature anisotropies. More recently, the new results coming from the Submillimeter Common Use Bolometric Array (SCUBA) surveys have been giving increasing evidence that many of the sources detected in this frequency region of the e.m. are ultraluminous starforming galaxies at z ≥ 2 (see, e.g., spectrum Dunlop, 2001). These ndings are explained by recent models of Galaxy formation in which SCUBA sources mainly correspond to the phases of intense star formation in large spheroidal galaxies at substantial to high redshift. As a consequence, the relevant redshift range for these sources is highly limited and the dilution of the clustering signal results relatively reduced; correspondingly, the amplitude of ∆T /T uctuations due to clustering is expected to be large, in agreement with recent galaxies at ndings. Moreover, intermediate (see, e.g., Webb et al. to all recent highredshifts studies are clearly indicate strongly correlated that in dusty the sky 2003) and, thus, they are giving rise to a clustering signal which probably dominates over the Poisson one at all multipoles and in almost all Planck High Frequency Instrument (HFI) channels (Puget et al., 1998). In view of the above and for having a useful tool for the analysis of current as well as future allsky maps, we decided to try a different approach for estimating the power spectrum of EPS temperature uctuations. This approach is based on a fast algorithm capable of simulating allsky maps as well as sky patches on which EPS are distributed following a given twopoint angular correlation 3 Simulations of clustered extragalactic point sources at Planck frequencies function, w(θ) . Moreover, with the purpose of producing allsky maps which could be used by the CMB community in general and by the Planck Consortia, in particular, we adopted the standard HEALPIX pixelization scheme of Gorski et al. (2002) throughout the paper. A at cosmological model with adopted. H0 = 70 km/s/Mpc, ΩΛ = 0.7 has been Anyway, the present results are almost unaffected by the underlying cosmology. 1. 2D simulations of EPS: making the density eld First of all, we remind here that the current approach is a purely phenomenological one, aimed at simulating 2D allsky maps of clustered EPS in a fast way with the guarantee that the input angular correlation function is well recovered from the map. As a preliminary step towards the realization of a at (a sky patch) or spherical (allsky) map of clustered sources, we distribute point sources by adopting a n(x) hni = N (> Smin )/Npixels simple Poisson distribution for the number, of n(x) is then , of sources per pixel. The mean , i.e. the average number of sources per pixel, which is determined by the total number counts ν frequency . As usual, N (> Smin ) = Slim the differential source counts and We then δ(x) = dene the projected R Slim Smin N (S)dS N (> Smin ) N (S) , where at a given indicates the ux limit for source detection. density contrast at a given point n(x)−hni , being hni the average number of sources per pixel. hni (pixel) as Therefore, the covariance function of the projected density contrast is the usual twopoint angular correlation function (see, e.g., Peebles, 1993; Peacock 1997) w(θ) = hδ(x)δ(x + θ)i where θ (1) is the angular separation in the sky between the two positions and the brackets indicate an ensemble average. As a following step, we calculate the Fourier transform of the density contrast 1 L2 δ(k) = where It is Fourier L Z δ(x)e−ikx dx (2) is the angular size of the map we are actually using. very easy transform to of show the that the angular angular power correlation angular power spectrum depends only on spectrum function h|δ(k)|2 i (Peacock, is 1997). the The k = |k| , being the eld homogeneous and isotropic. Thus, the basic idea of our method is to obtain a density eld determined by a given power spectrum or, equivalently, by the suitable angular correlation function. trast, We do this by calculating the Fourier transform of the density con- δ(k) , and obtaining its power spectrum, which is constant for all modes, 4 P (k)P oiss = const , if sources are Poisson distributed in the sky. Subsequently, we introduce the chosen angular power spectrum of correlated sources, § suitable for the particular source population adopted (see 3.2.), P (k)cl , by applying the following formula p P (k)cl + P (k)P oiss p P (k)P oiss δcorr (k) = δ(k) Then we apply the inverse Fourier transform to recovering of a new density eld, P (k)cl w(θ) modied by function, . , i.e. δcorr (k) (3) which allows us the δnew (x) , in which the Poisson term has been the Fourier transform of the chosen angular correlation Finally, we calculate nnew (x) = hni(1 + δnew (x)) which map, gives the according P (k)cl = 0 2. to modied the number previously of point calculated sources new (4) at each density position eld, in the δnew (x) . If in equation (3) we obtain, again, a pure Poisson distribution. The EPSS-2D algorithm: an efcient way for distributing uxes We have shown how it is possible to their average number density per pixel, number counts at each frequency. T (x) hni , of sources per pixel. EPS in the sky, by using , which is determined only by the In this way we have obtained a pure density eld, characterized by the particular number, distribute hni P (k) used in each map and by the average Now, for converting it to a temperature map, N (> Smin ) S(Jy) → T (K) , we have to distribute rst the uxes corresponding to the sources of the total counts. Then, the usual conversion is applied. To do this, we have to know the differential counts at a given frequency and, in principle, for each source population which are giving us the number, N (S) , of extragalactic sources in each ux interval. Then, it is necessary to nd an efcient algorithm for distributing uxes in the map and which satises two fundamental requirements: to the ux limit, Slim a) the differential counts should be recovered down , allowed by the adopted resolution element (the pixel size or the FWHM of the beam); b) the input angular correlation function should also be reconstructed, at least down to the ux limit of the sample by which that specic In P (k) has been determined. principle, among pixels: one e.g., can by choose simply a pixel in which there are n of uxes, taken at n many different distributing ways uxes for under distributing the condition uxes that in sources we have to put a corresponding number random from the distribution given by the differential counts; or, e.g., by imposing that the brightest uxes fall always in the highest 5 Simulations of clustered extragalactic point sources at Planck frequencies density pixels, thus strengthening, like imposing a bias factor, the correlation function of sources. Anyway, no matter the method of distributing uxes one chooses, the constraint has to be always the same: a) and b), fundamental requirements. Thus, to full the above quoted, for testing the method and with the purpose of simulating maps of EPS at CMB frequencies, we have exploited the published data on the w(θ) s (or the P (k) s) of radio sources coming from the analysis of the NRAO VLA 1.4 GHz Sky Survey (NVSS) (Blake and Wall, 2002) and of the Parkes-MIT-NRAO survey at 5 GHz (Loan, Wall and Lahav, 1997). As a rst approach, we made the choice of distributing the uxes at random × among the pixels (512 512 pixels of 1.5 arcmin side in a at patch of the sky). This is the simplest way of distributing uxes but it works well, at least in the case of source populations not strongly clustered or for which the clustering signal is washed out by the very broad redshift distribution, as in the case of radio selected sources (see, e.g., Blake and Wall, 2002). on the comparison of the above quoted observed The detailed results P (k) s and the corresponding ones recovered from our 2D simulated maps have been discussed extensively by Gonzalez-Nuevo et al. summarized as follows: (2004). a) the input The main outcomes P (k)cl Slim , converted to from the simulated maps for every chosen of C` that work can be , is well recovered , in agreement with the results of the original articles; b) the Poisson term gives rise to a much greater signal than the clustering term, in all the cases: is two/three orders dependence on k of (or ` magnitude above the total power, the clustering P (k)cl + P (k)P oiss term. Moreover, , the ) of the Poisson and of the clustering term is different: this well known result is a direct consequence of the increase of the clusteringto-Poisson ratio at low multipoles (De Zotti et al., 1996). 3. Source counts and correlation functions at CMB frequencies All the most recent surveys of radio sources are conrming with a small offset the predictions on number counts made by Toffolatti et al. least up to 2004). as well ∼ 40 At these frequencies, the EPS relevant at uxes of interest for current as future α ' 0.0 S(ν) ∝ ( (1998), at GHz (see, e.g., Bennett et al., 2003; Gonzalez-Nuevo et al., , CMB ν −α ) anisotropy experiments sources, i.e. are mainly atspectrum QSOs, BL Lacs and local AGNs and the contributions coming from other fainter source populations can be neglected. Moreover, the number of inverted spectrum sources which could have represented a threat for CMB (De Zotti et al., 2000). ∆T /T measurements is found to be always small Therefore, we can adopt the Toffolatti et al. (1998) model counts and the angular correlation function determined by the ParkesMIT-NRAO survey at 5 GHz (see above) for simulating sky maps of clustered 6 EPS sources at Planck LFI frequencies and angular resolutions. On the other hand, when analyzing CMB sky maps coming from high resolution experiments which probe fainter uxes the most suitable w(θ) , for simulating sky maps of clustered radio EPS, is the one determined by Blake and Wall (2002) from the NVSS survey. As for dusty galaxies, which dominate the source counts at HFI frequencies, the measurements of their clustering properties is made difcult by the poor statistics. However, Peacock et al. (2000) found some evidence for clustering of the background SCUBA source population in the Hubble Deep Field observed at 850 et al. µ m. The power in excess over Poisson uctuations detected by Peacock (2000) is well accounted for by a twopoint angular correlation function of the form w(θ) = (θ/θ0 )−0.8 by Perrotta et al. with θ0 in the range 12 arcsec. (2003) the above value of θ0 As discussed is consistent with a number of data on clustering of SCUBA sources and can be well accounted for by a w(θ) derived from physical assumptions on the evolution of clustering (Matarrese et al., 1997). In the framework of this physical evolution model for clustering, Perrotta et al. power (2003) worked out a complete set of predictions on the angular spectrum due to EPS sources at HFI frequencies. Given that we are currently interested in testing our algorithm for distributing clustered sources in CMB sky maps, in the following we adopt the number counts of spheroids of Granato et al. w(θ) of Perrotta et al. and the (2001) for simulating all-sky maps of farIR selected EPS. We have to remind that for reproducing the correlated distribution in the sky of these highly clustered source populations, like dusty proto-spheroidal galaxies at high redshift, we have to force the brightest sources to fall in the highest density bins (see Gonzalez-Nuevo et al., 2004). Finally, it is important to stress that the proposed method allows to add up as many source populations as needed. However, it shall be generally sufcient to simulate only one source population. The one which dominate the counts in the ux interval of interest, except for some very specic frequency channel in which two, or more, source populations showing different clustering properties are giving a comparable contribution to the counts. This is a great advantage, which reduces the total required CPU time, and is determined by the fact that the total variance of intensity uctuations due to EPS, 2 σN , is obtained by adding up in quadrature all the contributions coming from different source populations (see, e.g., Negrello et faint EPS populations to the total 4. al., σN 2004). Therefore, the contribution of is generally very small. Angular power spectra of clustered EPS at CMB frequencies As an example of the goodness of the proposed method, Figure 1 displays our current results on the temperature angular power spectrum, C` , due to clustered 7 Simulations of clustered extragalactic point sources at Planck frequencies EPS at 30 and 353 GHz. The C` have been recovered from the simulated maps obtained by the EPSS2D algorithm. for two main reasons: a) they These two frequencies have been chosen corresponds to the central frequencies of two Planck channels; b) the source populations, radio sources and dusty galaxies, which dominate the bright counts in each channel are showing quite different clustering properties. Notice that each plotted C` has been calculated only one all-sky map of EPS, following the method explained in the assumptions of at p sky δT` (ν) = made ±1σ also plot the § in 3. However, for giving a condence § from 2 and with interval, we levels around the mean, having performed 100 simulations patches. As in Toffolatti `(` + 1)C` /2π et al. (1998) we represent the quantity (in units of K). From the upper panel of Figure 1 it is clear that the contribution of clustered radio EPS to temperature CMB uctuations at these frequencies is found to be negligible at all angular scales, if sources are not subtracted down to uxes well below the detection limit of the survey, thus greatly decreasing the Poisson uctuations, while the contribution arising from clustering is only weakly affected (Toffolatti et al., 1998). In fact, if only bright sources at S>1 Jy are subtracted out from the map e.g., the detection limit of the WMAP survey the C` of clustered EPS still match very well the predictions of Toffolatti et al. (1998). These results are, again, in agreement with the well known observa- tional result: the wide redshift range of radio sources washes out much of the clustering signal (Blake and Wall, 2002). From the same panel it is also pos- sible to appreciate a small excess at the largest angular scales in the estimated C` s of clustered EPS, in comparison with a pure Poisson source distribution in the sky. This is in agreement with the well known outcome that the ratio of clusteringtoPoisson uctuations increases with increasing angular scale, i.e. at decreasing multipole number (De Zotti et al., 1996). In the bottom panel of Figure 1 we plot our current outcomes at 353 GHz by using the EPS counts of spheroidal galaxies of Granato et al. by applying the w(θ) of Perrotta et al. (2003). In this case, (2001) and due to the very strong angular correlation function detected in SCUBA elds, for recovering the input pixels. w(θ) , we have to force the brightest uxes to fall in the highest density From Figure 1 it is clear that a very good agreement is found between the recovered C` all multipoles. ±1σ s and the theoretical predictions of Perrotta et al. The small scatter around the average value, condence intervals, shows that we can be condent in the from each simulated map. at very bright uxes and, SCUBA surveys, their C` (2003), at displayed by the C` s recovered At 353 GHz spheroids starts to dominate the counts thus, if they are strongly clustered as suggested by s are no doubt the dominant ones. As for other far IR selected source populations, they give a small to negligible contribution to CMB temperature uctuations, since they are much less clustered (Toffolatti et al., 2004). 8 −4 δ Tl(ν)[K] 10 −5 10 −6 30 GHz 10 1 2 10 3 10 10 Multipole(l) −4 δ Tl(ν)[K] 10 −5 10 353 GHz 1 2 10 3 10 10 Multipole(l) Figure 1. Poisson from Top panel: distributed the simulated angular power spectrum ( EPS at 30 GHz. map without The any thick source δT` = dashed subtraction. p line `(` + 1)C` /2π δT` shows The thin the dashed ) of clustered and values line same quantity calculated after having subtracted from the map all sources with recovered represents S≥1 Jy. the The thin continuous line shows, for comparison, the prediction of TO98 obtained applying the same detection limit for sources, simulations spectrum of on 2D EPS sky at Slim = 1 patches 353 GHz. is Jy, as before. also The shown thick dashed (2003) for the case dotted lines show, again, the line shows the δT` 1σ line 1σ condence level obtained by 100 lines). shows Bottom the Slim Mhalo /Msph = 100 the map by applying the same detection limit, obtained by Perotta et al. The (dotted , δT` angular power recovered from for EPS as in the theoretical predictions (thin continuous line). condence level obtained by 100 simulations. The The thin dashed values obtained with Poisson distributed sources and by adopting the same detection limit as in Perrotta et al (2003). In each panel, the thick continuous line represents, for comparison, the primordial CMB power spectrum calculated for a at 5. panel: values Λ CDM model. Summary We have presented predictions on the angular power spectrum of EPS by 2D simulated maps in which extragalactic sources are distributed with correlated positions in the sky. The code, named EPSS-2D, is able to simulate both sky patches and allsky maps taking short CPU process times in a common Work- 9 Simulations of clustered extragalactic point sources at Planck frequencies station. We want to stress again that we adopted a purely phenomenological approach given that our main purpose was the denition of a fast and exible tool for simulating 2D maps of EPS, under the most general assumptions on source counts and on the angular correlation functions of point sources. present outcomes are, obviously, model dependent. to take into account all current data on source clustering at CMB frequencies. number The On the other hand, they try counts of EPS as well as on The main results can be summarized as follows: a) we create 2D maps by rst making a Poisson density eld, corresponding to the differential subsequently, we counts, modify N (S) , in of the the specic Fourier space EPS eld according to some angular power spectrum, population this white of interest; noise density P (k) , the most reliable one for that specic source population; as a nal step, we distribute uxes on the density eld map, under the condition that n uxes taken from the differential counts fall in a pixel whose number of sources is in detail in source n . This method, discussed § 2, proves safe given that we are always able to recover the input counts and the input P (k) . Moreover, the proposed method allows us to estimate also the contribution of clustered EPS to the CMB bispectrum (Argueso et al., 2003). b) By using the Toffolatti et al. (1998) cosmological evolution model for EPS and by applying the w(θ) of Loan, Wall and Lahav (1997) we have estimated the temperature angular power spectrum of clustered EPS at WMAP and Planck LFI frequencies. Our current results conrm that the extra power due to clustering of EPS is always small in comparison with the Poisson term in all cases for which no subtraction of bright sources is applied. As extensively discussed in the body of the paper, the present outcome is in full agreement with all the main studies on the subject. c) On the other hand, we nd that at frequencies contribution of the clustering term, σC ν ≥ 150 − 200 GHz, the , to the total confusion noise can be, very probably, the dominant one, thus conrming previous theoretical predictions. This result is mainly determined by the very steep slope of EPS counts at sub mm wavelengths combined with the strong clustering signal - not diluted in redshift - inferred for high redshift spheroidal galaxies and SCUBA sources. Late-type dusty galaxies are found to be weakly clustered (Madgwick et al., 2003) and, thus, their contribution to confusion noise is much lower and can be neglected. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the Spanish MCYT for nancial support under project ESP2002-04141-C03-01. 10 References Argueso, F., J. Gonzalez-Nuevo, and L. Toffolatti (2003). ApJ, 598, 86. Bennett, C. L., et al. (2003). 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