EXTRAGALACTIC POINT SOURCES AND THE COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND BISPECTRUM. F. Argueso 1 2 1, 2, J. Gonzalez-Nuevo 2, L. Toffolatti Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Oviedo, c. Calvo Sotelo, s/n, 33007 Oviedo Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad de Oviedo, c. Calvo Sotelo, s/n, 33007 Oviedo [email protected] Abstract Most analysis of cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature maps up to date show that CMB anisotropies follow a Gaussian distribution. On the other hand, astrophysical foregrounds, which hamper the detection of the CMB angular power spectrum, are not Gaussian-distributed on the sky. give a sizeable contribution to the CMB bispectrum. Therefore, they should We have calculated the contribution of uncorrelated extragalactic point sources to the CMB bispectrum for all the WMAP and Planck channels. Our calculations, based on current cosmological evolution models for sources, are in good agreement with the point source bispectrum Finally, the our detected results bispectrum due show to at that 41 at clustered GHz from Planck sources LFI is the analysis frequencies, similar to of i.e. that of the WMAP ν ≤ 100 the data. GHz, uncorrelated case, whereas at higher frequencies the clustering term can greatly enhance the normalization of the bispectrum. Keywords: cosmic microwave background, point sources, bispectrum Introduction The analysis of the rst year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy probe (WMAP) data clearly show that temperature uctuations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) follow a Gaussian distribution [1] in agreement with the standard ination paradigm. gular bispectrum, function, Therefore, the third moment of this distribution and its an- Cl1 l2 l3 , the harmonic transform of the threepoint correlation should be zero and the angular power spectrum, statistical properties of CMB anisotropy. Cl , specify all the Anyway, signicant non-Gaussianity can be introduced, for instance, by second order relativistic effects or by features in the scalar eld potential [2]. All these effects can be summarized by the following expression for the curvature perturbations, 2 Φ(x) = ΦL (x) + fnl (Φ2L (x) − hΦ2L (x)i). ΦL (x) where is the Gaussian hi coupling parameter and of fnl part of the perturbations, fnl (1) is the means the statistical ensemble average. non-linear High values could give rise to a bispectrum signal potentially detectable in current as well as future all sky CMB maps, anyway level according to [1]. −58 < fnl < 134 at 95% condence These limits were established by considering the 1-year WMAP data bispectrum. A great challenge to precise measurements of nonGaussianity in the CMB is set by astrophysical foregrounds which constitute an unavoidable limitation. In this paper, we focus on extragalactic point sources whose contribution to CMB anisotropies has been analyzed in detail [3], whereas their contribution to the by the of CMB the bispectrum analysis bispectrum the above, it of the due is to has rst been year poorly extragalactic clearly of studied WMAP great up to observations, sources interest has to been perform now. the claimed a WMAP the the and data point Planck available source bispectrum missions, so far. using for the model Moreover, we whole number take also [1]. In of view analysis of Therefore, we will frequency counts into recently, detection thorough the contribution of point sources to the CMB bispectrum. calculate Very rst able account range to of the reproduce the effect of correlated positions of point sources in the sky for studying how much source clustering can enhance the value of the angular bispectrum. 1. The bispectrum due to unclustered point sources General formalism CMB temperature uctuations Z harmonics alm = where Ω ∆T (n)/T Ω d2 n are usually expanded into spherical ∆T (n) ∗ Ylm (n) T (2) denotes the whole sky. The angular third moment of CMB temperature uctuations is dened as 1 m2 m3 Blm ≡ hal1 m1 al2 m2 al3 m3 i 1 l2 l3 where the averaging is over the ensemble of realizations. (3) If the uctuations are Gaussian distributed, the third moment is zero. Due to the rotational invariance of the universe µ 1 m2 m3 Blm 1 l2 l3 where Cl1 l2 l3 = l1 l2 l3 m1 m2 m3 ¶ Cl1 l2 l3 (4) is the angular bispectrum and the matrix is the Wigner-3j symbol. 3 Extragalactic point sources and the cosmic microwave background bispectrum. Another related quantity is the reduced bispectrum bl1 l2 l3 , which can be expressed easily in terms of the angular bispectrum s (2l1 + 1)(2l2 + 1)(2l3 + 1) × 4π Cl1 l2 l3 = and that contains all the physical information in µ l1 l2 l3 0 0 0 1 m2 m3 Blm 1 l2 l3 ¶ bl1 l2 l3 (5) . Having summarized the general formalism, we remind here the calculation of the reduced bispectrum expected in the case of unclustered point sources, i.e. extragalactic pointlike sources which follow a Poisson distribution in the sky. Under this assumption, the point source bispectrum bps ≡ bsources = l1 l2 l3 i.e., bps equal to the skewness of the sky bps can be expressed h(T − hT i)3 i hT i3 temperature (6) distribution. Therefore, =const at all scales l. The reduced bispectrum, bps , can be then calculated as follows bps = g 3 (x) where dn dS Z Slim 0 dS S 3 dn dS (7) is the differential source count per unit solid angle, S the ux and g the conversion factor from uxes to temperatures g(x) ≡ 2 where x ≡ hν/kB T . (hc)2 (sinh(x/2))2 (kB T )3 x4 (8) The integral in eq.(7) has to be computed up to the ux detection limit foreseen for the experiment, are contributing to the estimated bps Slim , since only undetected sources . Extragalactic point source contribution To perform the integral in eq.(7) we have used the differential counts corresponding to the cosmological evolution models for radio and farIR selected sources discussed in [3]. The prediction of this model are very close to cur- rent data on source number counts coming from different experiments at low frequencies, such as WMAP [4], CBI [5] or VSA [6]. On the other hand, a lot of new data on farIR/submm source counts have piled up in the last few years, in particular by means of the SCUBA and MAMBO surveys. models These of current farIR data selected are better sources, as explained the ones by new presented physical in [7] . evolution Therefore, 4 we have also taken into account the counts in [7] in order to calculate our rst estimate of bps at high frequencies. Anyway, the integral in eq.(7) results not much affected by the adopted evolution model. In bps Figure 1 we present our current estimates of the reduced bispectrum, , due to Poisson distributed extragalactic sources at various frequencies in the range 30850 detection. GHz and applying different ux Slim limits, , for source The frequencies and ux detection limits has been chosen to directly compare with those of the Planck satellite mission. All our estimates have been calculated by taking into account both the radio and farIR source populations at each frequency channel. model in our We have considered a standard calculations. The values of bps are at a ΛCDM cosmological minimum close to the CMB intensity peak where bright sources reach a minimum number. bps It is also interesting to compare pectrum obtained in non-Gaussian potential given by eq.(1). [8]. estimates with the reduced CMB bis- models with uctuations They have shown that the equilateral bispectrum, bl1 l2 l3 l ' 200 angular bispectrum at multipole . of the ination This quantity has also been carefully calculated in when l1 = l2 = l3 blll i.e., multiplied by l4 the reduced exhibits a peak The height of this peak is proportional to the factor fnl , the coupling parameter. bps l ' 200 In Figure 1 we compare our estimates of lateral bispectrum, blll with the primordial CMB equi- , at its peak value ( ) by adopting blll Looking at Figure 1, the peak value of the primordial bps in a frequency window around the CMB window sets larger by increasing the value of detection limit, fnl < 10 ( Slim . intensity fnl peak: bps (9.5±4.4)×10−5 µK 3 are in good agreement with this detection: GHz differential counts up to , by adopting Slim = 0.75 Jy, we nd ' 0.7 Slim ' 1.0 we have to apply a correction factor of the more realistic bps = 22 × 10−5 µK 3 . value Our current ndings bps = 14 × 10−5 µK 3 1σ 2. . level, whereas for obtaining their best-t value. Jy for source detection we On the other hand, by integrating the counts at 61 Slim = 1.0 ' 0.8 GHz (WMAP V band) up to showing a reduced scatter of Slim ' 0.75 in fact, by directly integrating the 41 These results are compatible with the detected value at the use the at microwave frequencies has been Jy for source detection in the 41 GHz WMAP channel. we obviously, and by reducing the source In principle, very low values of the coupling parameter Very recently [1], the rst detection of If . ) could be detectable by the Planck experiment. claimed: the reported value is nd fnl = 100, 10, 1 appears greater than Jy we obtain bps = 1.4 × 10−5 µK 3 with the best-t value at this frequency. The bispectrum due to clustered point sources The clustering contribution to CMB uctuations due to extragalactic sources is generally small in comparison with the Poisson one [3]. On the other hand, 5 Extragalactic point sources and the cosmic microwave background bispectrum. if clustering of sources at high redshift is very strong it can give rise to a power spectrum stronger than the Poisson one. Anyway, in view of extracting the most precise information from current and future CMB data, i.e. pursuing precision cosmology, it is also important to assess to which extent the clustering signal can reduce the detectability of the primordial CMB bispectrum. the clustering contribution to bps We estimate as previously done for the Poisson case. We focus on WMAP and Planck LFI channels, at which extragalactic radio sources, displaying a at energy spectrum, dominate the bright counts. bps a rst estimate of We briey remind here the adopted procedure. simulations in 2Dat patches of the sky of 2 deg and with a We also give at 545 GHz (a Planck HFI channel). pixel size of ∼ 1.5 arcmin We have 12◦ .8 × 12◦ .8 for Planck carried out 100 25◦ .6 × 25◦ .6 ∼ nside = 512 and and of WMAP, since maps are created in the HEALPix format with 6 arcmin for in this latter case. As discussed in more detail elsewhere [9], we rst distribute point sources at random in the sky with their total number xed by the integral counts, of the model [3] at each given frequency. N (> S) , We then calculate the Fourier trans- form of the density contrast map, obtaining a white noise power spectrum, thus normalized next step is to to the modify total this number the angular correlation function, population. We adopt of normalized here the sources foreseen spectrum w(θ) w(θ) S > 50 by the by the Fourier model. The transform of , corresponding to the appropriate source measured source population of bright sources ( at 4.85 GHz [10], since the mJy) which has been sampled at this frequency is representative also of bright sources seen at higher frequencies. In this way the source density is modied by the adopted correlation function whereas the normalization to the total effective number of sources predicted by the model remains xed. By the 2D Fourier antitransform we get again the map in the real space (the sky patch); we then distribute the uxes at random according to the differential source counts in [3] and obtain the simulated map in terms of ∆T /T . Finally, we calculate the bispectrum in the 2D at-sky approximation. We have calculated bps for all the WMAP channels and the Planck channels from 30 to 100 GHz with different source detection limits. we can conclude: sources, e.g. From the results If we perform simulations with a correlated distribution of by the w(θ) as in the Poissonian case. of [10], the value of bps remains practically the same This also happens if we choose another angular corre- lation function among realistic ones which could be suitable for the underlying source population. As previously discussed, this is due to the very broad red- shift distribution of sources contributing to the bright counts in this frequency range. On the other hand, to give a preliminary estimate of bps at Planck HFI fre- quencies, we have also calculated the reduced equilateral bispectrum of a non 6 Poisson distribution of sources at 545 GHz. At this frequency the source populations dominating the number counts are dustenshrouded elliptical galaxies and spheroids at substantial redshift and, consequently, the clustering term should not be negligible, given that the dilution of the signal is less effective than that of sources showing a broad redshift distribution. The results are obtained, as before, by distributing sources in the sky using a Poisson distribution which is then modied by the angular correlation functions appropiate for each source populations. As for sources whose emission is dominated by cold dust, the lack of direct data at 545 GHz forced us to rely on SCUBA as well as on optical and near IR surveys. By distinguishing the relevant populations in starburts/spirals at low redshift and ellipticals and spheroids at intermediate to high redshift, we then applied to them the w(θ) of [11] and [12] , respectively. This is a very preliminary estimate and, naturally, it will be possible to improve it in the future. It is clear that at frequencies value of bps ≥ 300 GHz source clustering greatly enhances the and, particularly, at multipoles l≤ 100. More details can be found in [13]. 3. Conclusions The primordial bispectrum is a telling quantity of the non-Gaussianity level of the CMB and its the early Universe. detection should be of great importance for theories of Undetected extragalactic sources, which are not Gaussian distributed in the sky are surely giving rise to a bispectrum detectable by current as well as future CMB experiments. Assuming that the sources are Poisson distributed in the sky their reduced bispectrum is easy to calculate by integrating relevant source populations at a given frequency. the differential counts of the In this paper, we have carried out a detailed analysis of the bispectrum due to extragalactic point sources in all Planck and WMAP frequency channels. We used the evolution model in [3] for radio and farIR selected sources as a template to estimate the in the case of a Poisson distribution of point sources. bps foreseen Our main results can be summarized as follows: a) the bispectrum detected by [1] in the WMAP 1 year sky maps ( Q and V bands) is compatible at the by the band number can be counts explained in 1σ [3]. by Slim = 0.75Jy (' 0.8 bps mismatch measured as in [1]. best-t undetected model predictions multiplied by to level with the predictions on The value of extragalactic ' 0.70 bps bps calculated measured sources in according the to Q the if we integrate the number counts up On the other hand, in the V band we nd a smaller with current WMAP measurements. Both uncertainties in the and errors in the predictions could explain the detected offsets. 7 Extragalactic point sources and the cosmic microwave background bispectrum. b) The bispectrum due to extragalactic sources depends on the source detection threshold, Slim , and, thus, on the efciency of the detection algorithm. The primordial CMB bispectrum, poles close to l ∼ 200 blll , appears higher than where it reaches its peak value. inside which the peak value of blll bps only at multi- The frequency window is detectable sets larger by increasing by reducing the source detection limit, Slim ciency of the sources detection algorithm. , i.e. fnl and it strongly depends on the ef- In principle, very low values of the fnl < 10 coupling parameter ( ) could be detectable by the Planck experiment. c) For estimating to which extent the clustering of sources can affect the value of of bps 1.5 does we have carried out at 2D simulations in sky patches with pixel sizes (Planck) and not modify 6 the hand, at frequencies (WMAP) arcmin. bispectrum at . We conclude that source clustering frequencies ≤ 100 GHz . On the other ν≥ 300 GHz, the number of sources in the sky at a given ux limit is greatly enhanced by the rising energy spectra due to the emission of the cold dust components. 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The peak value of ) generated by a quadratic potential is also plotted for different values of the coupling parameter, fnl .
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