ARTICLE IN PRESS Computers & Geosciences 30 (2004) 523–532 The water color simulator WASI: an integrating software tool for analysis and simulation of optical in situ spectra$ Peter Gege* DLR, Remote Sensing Technology Institute, P.O. Box 1116, Wessling 82230, Germany Received 11 August 2003; received in revised form 3 March 2004; accepted 12 March 2004 Abstract A WINDOWS-based program was developed for modeling and analyzing optical in situ measurements in aquatic environments. It supports eight types of spectra which are commonly measured by instruments on ship: downwelling irradiance above and below the water surface, upwelling radiance above and below the surface, remote sensing reflectance above and below the surface, irradiance reflectance, specular reflectance at the water surface, absorption, attenuation, and bottom reflectance. These spectra can either be simulated (by forward calculation) or analyzed (by inverse modeling) using well-established analytical models. The variability of a spectrum is determined by up to 25 parameters, depending on the spectrum type. All model constants and input spectra can be changed easily for adaptation to a specific region. Effective methods are included for dealing with series of spectra. For some spectrum types, inversion is a critical task and can produce erroneous results, that is when different parameter combinations cause similar spectra. In order to handle this problem, specific inversion techniques are implemented for critical spectrum types, and measures are included which allow fine-tuning of the fit procedure by the user. r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Spectral measurements; Water; Analytical models; Inversion 1. Introduction Optical sensors on ship provide many different types of spectra: up- and downwelling radiance above and below the surface, vector and scalar irradiance of the upper and lower hemisphere in air and water, irradiance reflectance, remote sensing reflectance, attenuation, absorption, scattering, backscattering, and others. Usually data from each instrument are analyzed with software that is specifically tailored to that instrument or spectrum type. However, operating a fleet of programs is a potential source of errors, because the data analysis programs must be consistent with each other concerning the model and input data. In addition, maintenance and data handling is time consuming, as is training new staff. For these reasons it is desirable to have one single integrating software. That was the motivation to develop a comfortable, sensor-independent software tool for forward and inverse calculations of major types of spectra in aquatic environments which can be applied for data analysis, data simulation, sensitivity studies, and student training. The resulting ‘‘Water colour Simulator’’ WASI is described in this article. It is available as an executable program free of charge and can be downloaded together with a user manual (Gege, 2002) from an ftp server. 2. Concept 2.1. General features $ Code and manual available by anonymous ftp from http:// in directory /pub/WASI. *Fax: +49-8153-28-1444. E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Gege). WASI is designed as a sensor-independent spectra generator and spectra analyzer with well-documented calculation steps and automatic result visualization. 0098-3004/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2004.03.005 ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Gege / Computers & Geosciences 30 (2004) 523–532 524 The supported spectrum types are listed in Table 1. Forward calculation as well as inversion is implemented for all types, i.e. all spectra can be simulated and analyzed. The variability of a spectrum is determined by up to 25 parameters, depending on the spectrum type. A complete list of all 36 parameters is given in Table 2. All input and output files are in text format (ASCII), making it easy to adapt the calculations to regional specifics by replacing some default input spectra and changing material-specific constants. Spectral data interval, number, and position of spectral channels are arbitrary: the spectra can either be calculated for equidistant wavelengths, or for arbitrary spectral channels whose center wavelengths are read from a text file. Spectral weighting within channels using sensor-specific response functions is not supported. WASI was developed for PC environments using WINDOWS as the operating system. The programming language is Borland Delphi 6. The program consists of the executable file WASI.EXE, an initialization file WASI.INI, and 25 input spectra. The input spectra are listed in Table 3. Several input spectra and model constants may be test-site specific. The data provided with WASI were determined at Lake Constance (Gege, 1994, 1995; Heege, 2000), and are suited for calculating all spectrum types of Table 1 at least from 390 to 800 nm at a spectral resolution of 1 nm. 2.2. The file WASI.INI All program settings are stored in ASCII format in a single file, WASI.INI. It contains the file names of the input spectra of Table 3, information on how to import them (number of header lines, columns of x- and yvalues), input and output directories, model constants, model parameter settings (default values, user values of forward and inverse mode, range), settings concerning program operation in the different modes, wavelength range, spectral sampling interval, and visualization. WASI.INI is automatically read during program start. An update is created either manually during program operation, when the user decides to store the complete set of actual settings, or automatically at program termination (optional). Whenever WASI creates output files, an updated copy of WASI.INI is automatically stored in the relevant directory. Thus, WASI.INI serves as the file which completely documents all calculation settings. WASI.INI is furthermore the key for other programs to use WASI as a slave that generates or analyzes data according to their inputs. For that, the master program has to modify a copy of WASI.INI and it has to start WASI using the syntax ‘WASI /INI-fileS’, where / INI-fileS is a copy of WASI.INI containing the actual settings. When WASI is started in this way, no user interface is opened (background mode), and it automatically performs the sequence of reading /INI-fileS, starting calculation as defined in that file, saving the results, and terminating. 2.3. User interface Table 1 Spectrum types and major model options Spectrum type Model options Symbol Equation Absorption Exclude pure water Include pure water — Wavelength dependent Constant — aWC(l) a(l) Kd(l) Rsurf rs (l) (1) (3) (5) (8a) Rsurf rs R(l) (8b) (9) Below surface R–rs(l) (11) Above surface For irradiance sensors For radiance sensors Above surface Rrs(l) Rb(l) (12) (13) Rbrs(l) Ed(l) (14) (15) Below surface Below surface E–d(l) L–u(l) (16) (18) Above surface Lu(l) (19) Attenuation Specular reflectance Irradiance reflectance Remote sensing reflectance Bottom reflectance Downwelling irradiance Upwelling radiance A representative screen shot of WASI’s graphical user interface (GUI) is shown in Fig. 1. Some details depend on the mode of operation and on the spectrum type. The GUI consists of eight elements: 1. Drop-down list for selecting the spectrum type. 2. Check boxes for specifying the operation mode. The box ‘‘invert spectra’’ selects between forward and inverse mode. A hook in the ‘‘batch mode’’ check box indicates that a series of spectra is analyzed; otherwise, a single spectrum is inverted (single spectrum mode). The check box ‘‘read from file’’ selects whether the spectra are read from files (hook), or if previously forward calculated spectra are taken (reconstruction mode, no hook). 3. Parameter list. This is the interface for the user to specify parameter settings. All parameters relevant for the selected spectrum type are tabulated. It displays the parameters’ symbols (in WASI notation, see Table 2), their values, and, in the inverse mode, a check box for selecting whether a parameter is fitted (hook) or kept constant during inversion (no hook). ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Gege / Computers & Geosciences 30 (2004) 523–532 525 Table 2 Parameter list Symbol Ci CL CS X Y S n T f Q ysun yv sL n a b g d a b g d fn WASI C[i] CL CS CX CY S n TW f Q Sun View Sigma L Nue Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Alpha s Beta s Gamma s Delta s fA[n] Units 1 mg l mg l1 mg l1 m1 m1 nm1 — C — sr — — — — — — sr1 sr1 sr1 sr1 — Description Concentration of phytoplankton class No. i, i=0y5 Concentration of large suspended particles Concentration of small suspended particles Concentration of non-chlorophyllous particles Concentration of Gelbstoff Exponent of Gelbstoff absorption Exponent of backscattering by small particles Water temperature Proportionality factor of reflectance (‘‘f-factor’’) Anisotropy factor (‘‘Q-factor’’) Sun zenith angle Viewing angle (0=nadir) Reflection factor of sky radiance Exponent of aerosol scattering Fraction of irradiance due to direct solar radiation Fraction of irradiance due to molecule scattering Fraction of irradiance due to aerosol scattering Fraction of irradiance due to cloud scattering Fraction of radiance due to direct solar radiation Fraction of radiance due to molecule scattering Fraction of radiance due to aerosol scattering Fraction of radiance due to cloud scattering Areal fraction of bottom surface type no. n, n=0y5 Table 3 Input spectra Symbol WASI Units Description l ai ðlÞ aX ðlÞ aY ðlÞ aW(l) daW(l)/dT bL(l) Ls(l) Ed(l) R(l) an(l) E0(l) tA(l) tC(l) gi x aP[i] aX aY aW dadT bL Ls Ed R albedo[n] E0 tA tC gew nm m2 mg1 — — m1 m1 C1 — mW m2 nm1 sr1 mW m2 nm1 — — mW m2 nm1 — — — Wavelengths for which spectra are calculated Specific absorption of phytoplankton class No. i, i=0y5 Normalized absorption of non-chlorophyllous particles Normalized absorption of Gelbstoff Absorption of pure water Temperature gradient of pure water absorption Normalized scattering of large suspended particles Sky radiance Downwelling irradiance above water surface Irradiance reflectance Albedo of bottom surface type no. n, n=0y5 Extraterrestrial solar irradiance Transmission of the atmosphere for direct radiation Transmission of clouds Weights of channels at calculation of residuals Which values are displayed depends on the mode of operation: the actual values are shown in the forward mode, the start values in the inverse mode, and the fit results in the single spectrum mode of inversion. 4. The appearance of this area depends on the mode of operation. In the forward and reconstruction mode, a selection panel for specifying the iterations is displayed (see Fig. 2). In the single spectrum mode of inversion, the residuum and the number of iterations are shown here after calculation is finished. In the batch mode of inversion, this area is empty. 5. Check boxes for selecting model options. Several spectrum types support options which further specify the model, cf. Table 1. Each option is either switched on or off. 6. Menu bar. Further details concerning the model, data storage and visualization can be specified in various pop-up windows, which are accessed via the menu bar. ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Gege / Computers & Geosciences 30 (2004) 523–532 526 Fig. 1. Graphical user interface of WASI in inverse mode: 1—drop-down list for selecting the spectrum type, 2—check boxes for specifying operation mode, 3—parameter list (model specific), 4—display elements depending on mode of operation, 5—check boxes for selecting model options (model specific), 6—menu bar, 7—start button, and 8—plot window. 7. Start button. Calculation is started by pressing this button. 8. Plot window. For visualization of imported and calculated spectra. All input spectra of Table 3 can be visualized. Calculated spectra are plotted automatically. In the example of Fig. 1, a remote sensing reflectance spectrum above water, imported from the file B1.fwd, was inverted in the single spectrum mode. The spectrum had been previously generated in the forward mode, where noise with a standard deviation of 104 sr1 was added. During inversion three parameters were fitted (C P, C L, sigma L), the other parameters were kept constant. Fit results are C P=1.91 mg l1, C L=1.98 mg l1, and sigma L=0.00999. The fit converged after 86 iterations at a residuum of 4.92 106 sr1. 3. Models 3.1. Absorption 3.1.1. Water constituents Absorption of a mixture of water constituents is the sum of the components’ absorption: aWC ðlÞ ¼ 5 X i¼0 ðlÞ þ Ya ðlÞ: Ci ai ðlÞ þ XaX Y ð1Þ l denotes wavelength. Three groups of absorbing water constituents are considered: phytoplankton, nonchlorophyllous particles, and Gelbstoff. Phytoplankton: The high number of species that occur in natural waters causes some variability of the phytoplankton’s absorption properties. This is accounted for by the inclusion of six specific absorption spectra ai ðlÞ: The default spectra provided with WASI are taken from Gege (1998b). The ‘‘optical class’’ number 0 represents a mixture of various phytoplankton species which can be considered typical for Lake Constance. Thus, if no phytoplankton classification is performed, the spectrum a0 ðlÞ is selected to represent the specific absorption of phytoplankton. The Ci are the pigment concentrations, where ‘‘pigment’’ is the sum of chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin-a. Non-chlorophyllous particles: Absorption is calculated as product of concentration X and specific absorption aX ðlÞ: The spectrum aX ðlÞ provided with WASI is taken from Prieur and Sathyendranath (1981). It is normalized to 1 at a reference wavelength l0 : Gelbstoff (dissolved organic matter): Gelbstoff absorption is the product of concentration Y and specific ðlÞ: The spectrum a ðlÞ can either be read absorption aY Y from file or calculated using the usual exponential approximation (Nyquist, 1979; Bricaud et al., 1981): aY ðlÞ ¼ exp½Sðl l0 Þ; ð2Þ ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Gege / Computers & Geosciences 30 (2004) 523–532 where S denotes the spectral slope, and l0 is a reference wavelength where aY is normalized to 1. Default values are l0 ¼ 440 nm and S ¼ 0:014 nm1, which can be considered representative of a great variety of water types (Bricaud et al., 1981; Carder et al., 1989). 3.1.2. Natural water The bulk absorption of a natural water body is the sum of absorption of pure water and of the water constituents: daW ðlÞ aðlÞ ¼ aW ðlÞ þ ðT T0 Þ þ aWC ðlÞ: ð3Þ dT Absorption of pure water is split up into a temperature-independent term aW ; which is valid for a reference temperature T0 ; and a temperature gradient daW =dT with T being the actual water temperature. For aW ðlÞ the spectrum measured by Buiteveld et al. (1994) at T0 ¼ 20 C is used for 391–787 nm, for daW ðlÞ=dT a spectrum is provided which was measured by the author (unpublished data). 3.2. Backscattering Backscattering bb of a water body is the sum of backscattering by pure water and suspended particles. In WASI the following parameterization is chosen: b ðlÞ ¼ b ðlÞ þ C b b ðlÞ þ C b ðl=l Þn : ð4Þ b b;W L b;L L S b;S S For pure water, the empirical relation of Morel (1974) is used: bb;W ðlÞ ¼ b1 ðl/l1 Þ4:32 : The specific backscattering coefficient, b1 ; depends on salinity. It is b1 ¼ 0:00111 m–1 for fresh water and b1 ¼ 0:00144 m–1 for oceanic water with a salinity of 35–38%, when l1 ¼ 500 nm is chosen as reference wavelength. For suspended matter, a distinction between large (\5 mm, index ‘‘L’’) and small (t5 mm, index ‘‘S’’) particles is made. The backscattering of large particles is calculated as the product of concentration CL ; specific ; and normalized scatterbackscattering coefficient bb;L ing function bL ðlÞ: The user has several options for calculation: * * CL can be treated either as an independent parameter, or CL ¼ C0 can be set, where C0 is the concentration of phytoplankton class No. 0 (see Section 3.1.1). The latter is useful for Case 1 water types where the concentrations of particles and phytoplankton are highly correlated. bb;L can be treated either as constant with a default ¼ value of 0.0086 m2 g–1 (Heege, 2000), or as bb;L ACLB : Such a non-linear dependency of scattering on concentration was observed for phytoplankton (Morel, 1980). It may be used for Case 1 water types, while b b,L=constant is appropriate for Case 2 waters with significant sources of non-phytoplankton suspended matter. Typical values of the empirical * 527 constants are A ¼ 0:0006 m2 g–1 and B ¼ 0:37 (Sathyendranath et al., 1989). bL(l) can either be read from file, or it can be calculated as bL ðlÞ ¼ a0 ðlL Þ=a0 ðlÞ; where a0 ðlÞ is the specific absorption spectrum of phytoplankton class No. 0 (see Section 3.1.1), and lL denotes a reference wavelength. This method assumes that backscattering by large particles originates mainly from phytoplankton cells, and couples absorption and scattering according to Case 1 waters model of Sathyendranath et al. (1989). However, such coupling may be used in exceptional cases only, since living algae have a negligible influence on the backscattering process by oceanic waters (Ahn et al., 1992), and in Case 2 waters particle scattering is related to phytoplankton absorption only weakly in general. In WASI, bL ðlÞ ¼ 1 is set as default. Backscattering by small particles is calculated as the product of concentration CS ; specific backscattering coefficient bb;S and a normalized scattering function ðl=lS Þn : The exponent n depends on particle size distribution and is typically in the order of 1 (Sathyendranath et al., 1989). bb;S in the order of 0.005 m2 g1 for lS ¼ 500 nm. 3.3. Attenuation The diffuse attenuation coefficient of downwelling irradiance (Ed ) is defined as Kd ¼ ð1=Ed Þ dEd =dz; where z is the depth. It depends not only on the properties of the medium, but also on the geometric structure of the light field. The following parameterization of Kd is adapted from Gordon (1989), which eliminates the light field effect near the surface to a large extent: Kd ðlÞ ¼ k0 aðlÞ þ bb ðlÞ : cos y0sun ð5Þ aðlÞ is calculated according to Eq. (3), bb ðlÞ using Eq. (4). The coefficient k0 depends on the scattering phase function. Gordon (1989) determined a value of k0 ¼ 1:0395 from Monte Carlo simulations in Case 1 waters, Albert and Mobley (2003) found a value of k0 ¼ 1:0546 from Hydrolight simulations in Case 2 waters. Some authors use Eq. (5) with k0 ¼ 1 (Sathyendranath and Platt, 1988, 1997; Gordon et al., 1975). In WASI, k0 is read from the WASI.INI file; the default value is 1.0546. 3.4. Specular reflectance An above-water radiance sensor looking down to the water surface measures the sum of two radiance components: one from the water body, one from the ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Gege / Computers & Geosciences 30 (2004) 523–532 528 surface. The radiance reflected from the surface, Lr ðlÞ; is a fraction sL of sky radiance Ls ðlÞ: Lr ðlÞ ¼ sL Ls ðlÞ: ð6Þ Ls ðlÞ is the average radiance of that area of the sky that is specularly reflected into the sensor. It can be imported from file or calculated using Eq. (17). sL is the Fresnel reflectance and depends on the angle of reflection. The value can either be specified by the user or it can be calculated from the viewing angle yv using the Fresnel equation for unpolarized light (Jerlov, 1976): 1sin2 ðyv y0v Þ tan2 ðyv y0v Þ þ sL ¼ 2 ð7Þ : 2sin ðyv þ y0v Þ tan2 ðyv þ y0v Þ y0v is the angle of refraction, which is related to yv by Snell’s law nW sin y0v ¼ sin yv ; where nW E1:33 is the refractive index of water. For viewing angles near nadir, sL E0:02: The ratio of the radiance reflected from the water surface to the downwelling irradiance, Rsurf rs ðlÞ ¼ Lr ðlÞ Ls ðlÞ ¼ sL ; Ed ðlÞ Ed ðlÞ ð8aÞ is called specular reflectance. Ed ðlÞ and Ls ðlÞ can either be imported from file, or one or both can be calculated using Eq. (15) or (17). If the wavelength-independent model of surface reflection is chosen, it is sL Rsurf : ð8bÞ rs ¼ p Toole et al. (2000) showed that Rsurf rs ðlÞ is nearly spectrally flat at overcast sky, but clearly not for clearsky conditions. Thus, Eq. (8a) should be used in general, and Eq. (8b) at most for days with overcast sky. 3.5. Irradiance reflectance The ratio of upwelling irradiance to downwelling irradiance in water, RðlÞ ¼ Eu ðlÞ=Ed ðlÞ; is called irradiance reflectance (Mobley, 1994). A suitable parameterization in terms of absorption aðlÞ and backscattering bb ðlÞ was found by Gordon et al. (1975): RðlÞ ¼ f bb ðlÞ : aðlÞ þ bb ðlÞ ð9Þ Independently, Prieur (1976) found the relation RðlÞ ¼ f 0 bb ðlÞ=aðlÞ: Both relations are implemented in WASI. The Gordon algorithm (9) is set as default, because it restricts the R=f values to the physically reasonable range from 0 to 1, which is not the case for the Prieur equation. The factor f depends on the scattering properties of the water and on the geometric structure of the light field. It can be treated either as an independent parameter with a default value of 0.33, or the relationship of Albert and Mobley (2003) can be used: f ¼ 0:1034ð1 þ 3:3586ob 6:5358o2b 2:4121 ; þ 4:6638o3b Þ 1 þ 0 cos ysun ð10Þ where ob ¼ bb =ða þ bb Þ and y0sun is the sun zenith angle in water. Also parameterizations of Kirk (1984), Morel and Gentili (1991), and Sathyendranath and Platt (1997) are implemented in WASI and can be selected. 3.6. Remote sensing reflectance The ratio of upwelling radiance to downwelling irradiance, Rrs ðlÞ ¼ Lu ðlÞ=Ed ðlÞ; is called remote sensing reflectance (Mobley, 1994). In water, it is proportional to RðlÞ: R rs ðlÞ ¼ RðlÞ : Q ð11Þ The factor of proportionality, Q ¼ Eu =L u ; is a measure for the anisotropy of the upwelling light field and typically in the order of 5 sr. It is treated as a wavelength-independent parameter. Alternately to Eq. (11), the equation R rs ðlÞ ¼ frs ob ðlÞ can be selected, where frs ¼ f =Q is parameterized similarly to Eq. (10) as a function of ob ; y0sun ; and the viewing angle in water, y0v (Albert and Mobley, 2003). In air, the remote sensing reflectance is related to RðlÞ as follows (Mobley, 1994): Rrs ðlÞ ¼ ð1 sÞð1 s RðlÞ LÞ þ Rsurf rs ðlÞ: n2w Q 1 s RðlÞ ð12Þ The first term describes reflection in the water, the second at the surface. Frequently, the first term alone is called remote sensing reflectance (e.g. Mobley, 1994). In WASI, the reflection at the surface is also included in the Rrs definition. It is calculated using Eq. (8a) or (8b) and can easily be excluded by setting sL equal to zero. Two alternate equations for calculating Rrs ðlÞ are also implemented in WASI. The first links remote sensing in water to that in air: in numerator and denominator of Eq. (12) RðlÞ is replaced by QR rs ðlÞ: The second avoids the use of the factor Q; which is difficult to assess: in the numerator RðlÞ is replaced by QR rs ðlÞ: The factors s L ; s; and s are the reflection factors for L u ; Ed ; and Eu ; respectively. sL can either be calculated as a function of yv using Eq. (7), or a constant value can be taken. s depends on the radiance distribution and on surface waves. Typical values are 0.02–0.03 for clear sky conditions and solar zenith angles below 45 , and 0.05– 0.07 for overcast skies (Jerlov, 1976; Preisendorfer and Mobley, 1985, 1986). s is in the range of 0.50–0.57 with a value of 0.54 being typical (Jerome et al., 1990; Mobley, 1999). Default values are s ¼ 0:03; s L ¼ 0:02; s ¼ 0:54; Q ¼ 5 sr, and nW ¼ 1:33: ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Gege / Computers & Geosciences 30 (2004) 523–532 3.7. Bottom reflectance The irradiance reflectance of a surface is called albedo. When N different surfaces of albedo an ðlÞ are viewed simultaneously, the measured albedo is the following sum: Rb ðlÞ ¼ N1 X fn an ðlÞ: ð13Þ n¼0 fn is the areal fraction of surface number n within the P sensor’s field of view; it is fn ¼ 1: This equation is implemented in WASI for N ¼ 6 bottom types. When the upwelling radiation is measured by a radiance sensor, the corresponding remote sensing reflectance can be expressed as follows: Rbrs ðlÞ ¼ N1 X fn Bn an ðlÞ: ð14Þ 529 two provided with WASI were determined from measurements at Lake Constance. The downwelling irradiance in water, Ed ; is related to the downwelling irradiance in air, Ed ; through Ed ðlÞ ¼ ð1 sÞEd ðlÞ þ s Eu ðlÞ: s is the reflection factor for downwelling irradiance in air, s for upwelling irradiance in water, and Eu is the upwelling irradiance in water. Using the irradiance reflectance R ¼ Eu =Ed yields the following expression: Ed ðlÞ ¼ 1s Ed ðlÞ: 1 s RðlÞ ð16Þ This equation is used in WASI for calculating Ed ðlÞ: RðlÞ is calculated using Eq. (9). Ed ðlÞ can either be calculated according to Eq. (15), or a measured spectrum can be taken. Default values of the reflection factors are s ¼ 0:03 and s ¼ 0:54: n¼0 Bn is the proportion of radiation which is reflected into the direction of the sensor. In WASI, the Bn ’s of all surfaces are assumed to be angle-independent. The default values are set to Bn ¼ 1=p ¼ 0:318 sr1, which represents isotropic reflection (Lambertian surfaces). The same parameterization as for Ed ðlÞ is also implemented for Ls ðlÞ: Ls ðlÞ ¼ ½a tA ðlÞ þ b ðl=lR Þ4:09 þ g ðl=lM Þn þ d t ðlÞE ðlÞ: C 3.8. Downwelling irradiance An analytic model of the downwelling irradiance spectrum Ed ðlÞ with only few parameters was developed by Gege (1994, 1995). It fits to measured spectra with a high degree of accuracy (average rms error of 0.1%). The radiation illuminating the water surface is parameterized as the sum of four spectrally different components: (1) the direct solar radiation transmitted through the atmosphere, (2) the blue sky, (3) radiation scattered by aerosols, and (4) clouds. Each component is expressed in terms of a wavelength-dependent fraction of the extraterrestrial solar irradiance E0 ðlÞ: Ed ðlÞ ¼ ½atA ðlÞ þ bðl=lR Þ4:09 þ gðl=lM Þn þ dtC ðlÞE0 ðlÞ: 3.9. Sky radiance ð15Þ The four functions ti(l)={tA(l), (l/lR)4.09, (l/lM)n, tC(l)} are transmission spectra which spectrally characterize the four light sources. Their weights a; b; g; d may change from one measurement to the next, but the ti ðlÞ themselvesRare assumed to be R constant. Each ti ðlÞ is normalized as ti ðlÞE0 ðlÞ dl ¼ E0 ðlÞ dl; the integration interval is set to 400–800 nm by default. The functions (l=lR )4.09 and (l=lM )n are calculated during run-time. Normalization yields their scaling factors: lR ¼ 533 nm, and lM is typically between 563 nm (n ¼ 1) and 583 nm (n ¼ 1). The exponent n parameterizes the wavelength dependency of aerosol scattering. The two other functions, tA ðlÞ and tC ðlÞ; are read from file. After import they are normalized. The 0 ð17Þ The functions E0 ðlÞ; tA ðlÞ; ðl=lR Þ4:09 ; ðl=lM Þn ; and tC ðlÞ are those of Eq. (15). Parameters of Ls ðlÞ are the weights a ; b ; g ; d ; which represent the relative intensities of the four above-mentioned light sources for a radiance sensor, and the exponent n: This model of Ls ðlÞ has been included for modeling specular reflection at the water surface. Its usefulness has been demonstrated (Gege, 1998a). Capillary waves at the water surface, and moreover gravity waves, spread greatly the sky area that is reflected into a radiance sensor, and change the angle of reflection. Consequently, measurements of Ls ðlÞ are frequently not representative. For these cases, and if no Ls ðlÞ measurement is available, Eq. (17) can be applied. If the wavelengthindependent model of surface reflection is chosen, Ls ðlÞ ¼ Ed ðlÞ=p is set. 3.10. Upwelling radiance The upwelling radiance is that part of the downwelling irradiance which is reflected back from the water into a down-looking radiance sensor. Calculation is based on a model of Rrs and a model or a measurement of Ed : In water, Eq. (16) is used for calculating Ed ðlÞ; and Eq. (11) for R rs ðlÞ: The upwelling radiance is then calculated as follows: L u ðlÞ ¼ Rrs ðlÞEd ðlÞ: ð18Þ ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Gege / Computers & Geosciences 30 (2004) 523–532 530 In air, the upwelling radiance after crossing the waterair boundary is related to L u as follows: 1 s L Lu ðlÞ ¼ Lu ðlÞ þ Lr ðlÞ: n2W ð19Þ The first term on the right-hand side is the radiance upwelling in the water, weakened at the interface by Fresnel reflection (factor 1 s L ) and refraction (flux dilution by widening of the solid angle, factor 1=n2w ). L u ðlÞ is obtained from Eq. (18), Lr ðlÞ from Eq. (6). sL can either be calculated as a function of yv using Eq. (7), or a constant value can be taken. Default values of the constants are s L ¼ 0:02 and nW ¼ 1:33: 5. Inverse modeling Inverse modeling is the determination of model parameters for a given spectrum. Table 2 summarizes all parameters whose values can principally be determined via fit. The actual number of fit parameters depends on the spectrum type, on model options, and on the user’s choice which parameters to fit and which to fix during inversion. Three modes of operation are implemented: * 4. Forward modeling Forward modeling is the calculation of spectra according to user-specified parameter settings. During a run, either a single spectrum or a series of spectra is calculated. For calculating a series of spectra, up to three parameters from Table 2 can be iterated simultaneously. The iterated parameters, their range of variation, and the number of steps are specified using the selection panel shown in Fig. 2. In the forward mode, this panel is always displayed in the main window (as element number 4 of Fig. 1). The check boxes labeled ‘‘log’’ specify whether the parameter intervals are equidistant on a linear scale (no hook) or on a logarithmic scale (hook). The calculated spectra are automatically plotted on screen, and can be saved as individual files in ASCII format. Two features are implemented which are useful for performing sensor-specific simulations: * * Gaussian distributed noise has to specify the standard The radiometric dynamics realised by user-specified spectral values. can be added. The user deviation. can be reduced. This is rounding of calculated Fig. 2. Selection panel for specifying parameter iteration at forward calculation. * * Single spectrum mode. Fitting is performed for a single spectrum which the user loads from file. After inversion, an overlay of imported spectrum and fit curve is automatically shown on screen and resulting fit values, number of iterations, and residuum are displayed. This mode allows to inspect the fit results of individual measurements. It is useful for optimizing the choice of initial values and the fit strategy before starting a batch job. Batch mode. A series of spectra from file is fitted. After each inversion, an overlay of imported spectrum and fit curve is automatically shown on screen. This mode is useful for processing large data sets. Reconstruction mode. Combines forward and inverse modes. Inversion is performed for a series of forward calculated spectra which are not necessarily read from file. The model parameters can be chosen differently for forward and inverse calculations. This mode is useful for performing sensitivity studies. The fit parameters are determined iteratively: in the first iteration, a model spectrum is calculated using initial values for the fit parameters. This model spectrum is compared with the measured spectrum by calculating the residuum as a measure of correspondence. Then, in the further iterations, the values of the fit parameters are altered, resulting in altered model curves and altered residuals. For selecting a new set of parameter values from the previous sets, the Simplex algorithm is used (Nelder and Mead, 1965; Caceci and Cacheris, 1984). The procedure is stopped after the best fit between calculated and measured spectrum has been found, which corresponds to the minimum residuum. The values that were used in the step with the smallest residuum are the results. If the solution of the inversion problem is ambiguous, the inversion algorithm may not find the correct values of the fit parameters. The problem occurs when different sets of model parameters yield similar spectra, i.e. the problem is model specific. Measures are implemented in WASI to handle the ambiguity problem. The most effective measure is to use ‘‘realistic’’ values of all fit parameters as initial values when inversion is started. Methods are implemented to determine automatically ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Gege / Computers & Geosciences 30 (2004) 523–532 start values of some parameters. Other fit tuning measures are to restrict the search to the expected range, or to weight the spectral information differently for individual spectral channels. The description and discussion of these measures is out of scope of this article. A paper focusing on the inversion subject is in preparation; some details are also described in the manual (Gege, 2002). 6. Conclusions The Water Colour Simulator, WASI, is a software which integrates forward and inverse modeling for eight common types of optical in situ measurements in aquatic environments. It is designed for effectively generating, analyzing, and visualizing series of spectra. 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