I_ _ -‘. 3. - i _ ..__ _ ___ ___.~_ -.--.. --- - I-. -7 - - ~ ~- ~. __.-.-._ _ _. I I t hu __ ~__. _~~~__. .. ____- __._ : __-____ _.._.~ ____ ___-- 11 ---------------___tc_-----_ ,;I ,I’ /, I’ :/, .~.____ _~__ ,‘i ii : ___“____~__ ~__ __. _..._______-._. ..____..__.___. __ _~~_~ __. Ni ( I trw=4leV eV 9. ,u fill c0 b 5c All 5a AL 5-s AJ_ 00 -oI:,, 00 IT A , w 4u AL 2. - Calculated angular distributions of photoemission from Jrincipal valence states of an oriented CO molecule. A ,, and A ,. - to polarization directions parallel and perpendicular to the molecular axis. (Davenport, Ref. [3].) 8,: 450 I -12 0 :63O #J = 900 I -10 -8 -6 -4 E N E R G Y (eV) -2 EF F IG. 3. - Experimental photoemission spectra for CO ads on Ni(l00) taken for various angles of emission and conditic polarization. (Allyn et al.. Ref. [4].) ~------_ t---.----.---- -7 T T L . .
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