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Chinese Studies Minor
(21 credits beyond [CHIN 102])
[CHIN 201] Intermediate Chinese I (3)
[CHIN 202] Intermediate Chinese II (3)
[CHIN 301] Advanced Chinese (3)
One of the following options (12 credits):
a. Twelve additional credits in Chinese language fulfilled in China (12)
b. Both of the following fulfilled in China (12):
Nine additional credits in Chinese language (9)
Three credits in Chinese Culture (3)
c. CHIN 302 Advanced Chinese II (3) AND
Nine credits from the following (9):
[CHIN 260] / [IDCC 260] China Cross-Cultural (3)
[CHIN 320] Special Topics in Chinese (3)
[CHIN 391] Independent Study (1-3)
[HIST 371] Premodern Civilizations of Asia (3)
[HIST 372] Modern Civilizations of Asia (3)
[PHIL 318] Asian Philosophy (3)
[POLI 370] Topics in International Politics: Chinese Politics (3)
[RELI 334] Religions of China and Japan (3)
Requirements for students who declare the minor in 2016-17.