Seminarie 1 Artikel 2-3 Grupp 2 .pptx

Grupp 2
Sharareh Ani
Amanada Hellingwerf
Denice Johansson
Lina Persson
 Michael Porter - What is strategy?
 C.K Prahalad & Gary Hamel - The core competence
of the corporation
 Jämförelse av de båda artiklarna
Michael Porter – What is strategy?
 Operational effectiveness
 Strategic positioning
 is the creation of a unique & valuable position, involving a different set of
 requires you to make trade-offs in competing - to choose what not to do
 involves creating "fit among a company's activities
 Why do so many companies fail to have a strategy?
Operational effectiveness is not
 Delivers greater efficiency
 Results in lower average unit costs
 Perform similar activities better than competitors
Operational effectiveness ≠ Strategy
Strategy is…
 Strategy rests on unique activites
 A sustainable strategic position requires trade-offs
 "Fit" drives both competitive advantage & sustainability
Strategy rests on unique activities
 Olika uppsättningar av aktiviteter
 En värdeskapande mix
Exempel: IKEA
A sustainable strategic
position requires trade-offs
 En hållbar fördel – Ej garanterad
 Konkurrenter kan imitera en värdefull position
 Måste finnas trade-offs med andra positioner
”Fit” drives both competitive
advantage & sustainability
 Strategi handlar om att kombinera aktiviteter
 Konkurrensfördelar kan uppnås genom sättet aktiviteterna
passar(fit) och förstärker varandra
 Fit
Hindrar imitation
Förstärker positionens värde
Separata aktiviteter
Why do so many companies fail
to have a strategy?
 Failure to choose
 The growth trap
 Profitable growth
 The role of leadership
Så… Vad är strategi?
”Strategy is
creating fit among a company’s activities. The
success of a strategy depends on doing things well-not just
a few-and integrating among them”
C.K Prahalad & Gary Hamel – The Core
Competence of the Corporation
 "Core competencies are the collective learning in the
organization, especially how to coordinate diverse
production skills and integrate multiple streams of
 In the short run: Competitiveness derives from the
price/performance attributes of current products
 In the long run: Competitiveness derives from an ability to
build at lower cost and more speedily than competitors, the core
competencies that spawn unanticipated products
The roots of competitiveness
 Utan kärnkompetens är företaget en samling ”business units”.
 Kärnkompetens är klistret som håller ihop företaget
 Exempel -> Honda: ”Gasoline powered engines”
Identifying core
 A core competence provides potential access to a wide
variety of markets
 A core competence should make a significant contribution
to the perceived customer benefits of the end product
 A core competence should be difficult for competitors to
Losing Core Competences
 Decentralisering
 Outsourcing
 ”Cost-cutting moves”
Inse sin kärnkompetens!
SBU (Strategic Business Unit)
vs Core competence
Criticism against SBU
 Underinvestment in Developing Core Competencies and
Core Products
 Imprisoned Resources
 Bounded Innovation
Strategic Architecture
• " A road map of the future that identifies which
core competencies to build and their constituent
Tankar och
Tack för oss!