Utilization of Blind Source Separation Techniques for Modal Analysis B. Swaminathan+, B. Sharma+, S. Chauhan* + Structural Dynamics Research Lab, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA * Bruel & Kjaer Sound and Vibration Measurement A/S Skodsborgvej 307, DK 2850, Naerum, Denmark Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract In past few years, there have been attempts at utilizing Blind Source Separation (BSS) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) techniques for modal analysis purposes. Most of the early work in this regard has been promising, though restricted to application of these techniques to analytical and laboratory based experimental structures. It is felt that in order to make these techniques applicable to more challenging scenarios, they need to be modified keeping in view the demands of modal parameter estimation procedure. This includes making them more robust and applicable to handle complex scenarios (for e.g. closely coupled modes, heavily damped modes, low signal-to-noise ratio, etc.). This forms the motivation for this paper which aims at tuning BSS / ICA methods for modal analysis purposes in an effective and efficient manner. Amongst other methods, it is shown how to incorporate signal processing techniques, modify BSS techniques to handle data in specified frequency ranges, extract modal parameters from limited output channels, etc. to derive most benefits out of these algorithms. 1. Introduction Blind Source Separation techniques emerged from the medical imaging and wireless communication fields as image or signal processing techniques. Antoni [1] demonstrated how these techniques can be used for blind separation of vibration components and laid down the associated principles. This was followed by works that attempted at showing the application of these techniques for modal analysis [2-5]. These early works aimed at establishing a connection between BSS techniques and Operational Modal Analysis (OMA). These studies showed encouraging results, by means of application of BSS techniques to analytical and simple laboratory structures and estimating modal parameters in the process. As fundamental principles of application of BSS techniques for OMA became clear and understood, their limitations in this regard also came into light. Mathematical formulation of BSS techniques shows that they are more suitable to handle systems having no or negligible damping [5]. Early simulations, however, suggest that this does not pose serious challenge as long as the modal coordinates [4] have distinct spectra and are mutually uncorrelated. However, the verdict is still not clear and more rigourous study needs to be conducted. Yet another limitation, on account of mathematical foundations of BSS techniques, is that they find real modal vectors, which might not be the case for most real-life structures. A framework to extend BSS techniques to take this limitation into account was recently suggested in [6]. Further, the effect of noise on the performance of these techniques is not yet evaluated (for modal analysis applications). Typically, these techniques work directly on the raw data without much signal pre-processing and thus their performance is more sensitive to the quality of the data acquired. Current formulation of most BSS algorithms also poses a limitation on account of the fact that one can estimate only as many modes as the number of output responses being measured. The work presented in this paper attempts at addressing some of these issues by means of utilizing Second Order Blind Identification (SOBI) [7, 8] algorithm. In light of above discussion, a modified formulation of SOBI algorithm is provided in the paper that aims at circumventing the limitation that only as many modes can be found as the number of sensors measuring the output response. This modification also includes use of signal processing techniques such as averaging and windowing to reduce the effect of noise. Suggested modifications, thus improve the overall performance of SOBI algorithm and contributes towards making it more suitable for OMA purposes and widely applicable to more realistic structures. Section 2 presents SOBI in its original form and its modified form developed in this work, along with revisiting the link between BSS and OMA. Section 3 demonstrates the positive effect these modifications have on overall results, by means of studies conducted on a 15 degree-of-freedom analytical system and a lightly damped circular plate. Finally, based on these results, conclusions are drawn in Section 4. 2. Second Order Blind Identification (SOBI) [7, 8] 2.1 Theoretical Background Mathematically, an instantaneous BSS problem, in time domain, can be formulated as x(t ) = As (t ) (01) where x(t) is a column vector of m output observations representing an instantaneous linear mixture of source signals s(t), which is a column vector of n sources at time instant t. A is an m X n matrix referred to as “mixing system” or more commonly as “mixing matrix”. SOBI is a BSS algorithm that separates the sources assuming that they have a temporal structure with different autocorrelation functions (or power spectra) and are mutually uncorrelated (having zero crosscorrelation). It utilizes the concept of joint diagonalization for achieving this goal. Following are the steps involved in this algorithm. Note that, number of sources are considered equal to number of sensors (or observations) i.e. m = n. 1. First the covariance (mean removed correlation) matrix of the output observations is estimated 1 Rˆ x (0 ) = N N ∑ x(k )x (k ) T (02) k =1 where Rˆ x (0 ) is the covariance matrix at zero time lag and N is the total number of time samples taken. 2. Compute EVD (or SVD) of Rˆ x (0 ) Rˆ x (0 ) = U x ∑ x VxT = Vx Λ xVxT = Vs Λ sVsT + VN Λ NVNT (03) where Vs is m X n matrix of eigenvectors associated with n principal eigenvalues of Λs = diag{λ1, λ2, ….., λn} in descending order. Vn is m X (m-n) matrix containing the (m-n) noise eigenvectors associated with noise eigenvalues Λn = diag{λn+1, λn+2, ….., λm}. The number of sources n is thus estimated based on the n most significant eigenvalues (or singular values in case of SVD). 3. Perform pre-whitening transformation x (k ) = Λ s 2VsT x(k ) = Qx(k ) −1 4. Estimate the covariance matrix of the vector other than τ =0. 1 Rˆ x (τ i ) = N (04) x (k ) for a preselected set of time lags (τ 1 ,τ 2 ,......,τ L ) N ∑ x (k )x (k − τ ) T k =1 i (05) 5. Perform Joint Approximate Diagonalization on the above set of covariance matrices Rx (τ i ) = U D (τ i )U T (06) to estimate the orthogonal matrix U that diagonalizes a set of covariance matrices. Several efficient algorithms are available for this purpose including Jacobi techniques, Alternating Least Squares, Parallel Factor Analysis etc. [9, 10]. 6. The mixing matrix and source signals can be estimated as 1 Aˆ = Q +U x = Vs Λ s2U x y (k ) = sˆ(k ) = U xT x (k ) It should be noted that (07) (08) D(τ i ) is a diagonal matrix that has distinct diagonal entries. However, it is difficult to determine a priori a single time lag τ at which the above criterion is satisfied. Joint diagonalizaton procedure avoids this difficulty by providing an optimum solution considering a number of time lags. 2.2 BSS and OMA The basic fundamental behind application of ICA / BSS techniques to modal analysis goes back to the concept of expansion theorem [12] and modal filters [14]. According to the expansion theorem [15], the response vector of a distributed parameter structure can be expressed as x (t ) = ∞ ∑φ η r =1 r r (t ) (09) where Φr are the modal vectors weighted by the modal coordinates ηr. For real systems, however, the response of the system can be represented as a finite sum of modal vectors weighted by the modal coordinates. In this manner, mathematically, expansion theorem yields similar formulation as expressed in Eq. (01), with source vector s(t) and mixing matrix A being analogous to modal coordinate response vector η(t) and modal vector matrix [Φ], and hence BSS techniques like SOBI can be applied to obtain modal vectors and modal coordinates (which define the modal frequency and damping). To obtain a particular modal coordinate ηi from response vector x, a modal filter vector ψi is required such that ψ iT φ i = 0, for i ≠ j (10) and ψ iT φ i ≠ 0, for i = j (11) so that ψ iT x(t ) = ψ iT ∑ φ rη r (t ) (12) = ψ iT φiη i (13) N r =1 or Thus modal filter performs a coordinate transformation from physical to modal coordinates. Multiplying the system response x with modal filter matrix ΨT results in uncoupling of the system response into single degree of freedom (SDOF) modal coordinate responses (η). 2.3 Suggested Modifications Mixing model shown in Eq. (1) does not take into consideration the additive noise, which is often present while dealing with real life structures. From operational modal analysis application point of view, one of the drawbacks of SOBI is in dealing with significantly noisy output response signals. In typical OMA scenario, such as response measurements taken over a bridge or a building, SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) might not be good and this can deteriorate the performance of the algorithm. Apart from whitening (Eq. 4), SOBI doesn’t involve any other signal pre-processing step and thus errors can creep in due to additive measurement and process noise that is generally random in nature. One of the ways, to overcome this issue and improve performance of SOBI, is by minimizing the errors in measurement, i.e. effect of noise and bias, by means of techniques like averaging and use of windowing functions. Thus, instead of working directly on raw data, SOBI algorithm can be modified to work with correlation functions that are obtained after inverse Fourier transforming the averaged power spectra. This means that in step 5, instead of applying joint diagonalization procedure to covariance matrices calculated using complete data, it is performed on covariance matrices obtained after averaging procedure is carried out for noise minimization. Welch Periodogram method [11] is one such method that can be used for obtaining averaged output response power spectra. Along with averaging the power spectra, windowing and overlapping can also be used to reduce the leakage (bias) errors. This process of noise minimization, using power spectra averaging based technique, also provides a mechanism to extend the effectiveness of SOBI algorithm by making it possible to apply this technique within frequency band of interest. This is a significant improvement over SOBI in its original form, as it overcomes the limitation of identifying only as many sources as number of measured responses. Thus step 5, in the previous section, can be preceded by selecting averaged power spectra in the frequency band of interest, say between ω1 and ω2, Gˆ x (ω )ω1 ,ω2 . This is followed by inverse Fourier transforming the power spectra in selected frequency range to obtain corresponding Covariance matrix. ( ~ Rˆ x (τ ) = ℑ−1 Gˆ x (ω )ω1 ,ω2 ) (14) Step 5 then involves performing joint diagonalization of these covariance matrices, thus restricting SOBI to estimate modes in the specified frequency range. Advantages of these modifications are shown in the next section where modified version of SOBI is applied to a 15 Degree-of-Freedom analytical system and a lightly damped circular plate. 3. Case Studies 3.1 15 Degree-of-Freedom Analytical System A 15 DOF analytical M-C-K system is considered for analysis using the modified version of SOBI algorithm (Figure 1). This system has some moderately damped (1-4 %) modes; with a pair of closely spaced modes around 53.3 Hz and also some locally excited modes in 100-200 Hz frequency range. Figure 1: Analytical 15 Degree of Freedom System Theoretical modal frequency (in Hz) and damping (in % Critical) values for the system are shown in Table 1. Response data is obtained at each DOF by exciting the system at these DOFs by uncorrelated random forces. Simulated response data is sampled at a frequency of 1024 Hz and a total of 163840 response samples are collected. Complete Frequency Range Based Analysis In this analysis, data is analyzed in complete frequency range from 0-512 Hz. Table 1 lists the estimates of frequency and damping obtained using SOBI in its original form and its modified form. The estimates of modal frequency and damping are obtained by applying SDOF frequency domain methods on the power spectra of the obtained sources [12]. These are compared against the theoretical values of frequency and damping. It should be noted that while using modified version of SOBI, frequency band of interest is chosen to cover the complete frequency range. Thus, effectively this is similar to SOBI original, except that modified version of SOBI works with covariance functions obtained after inverse Fourier transforming the averaged complete power spectra, where as original form of SOBI works directly on the data without performing any prior signal processing. Figure 2 shows the plots of power spectra of SDOF modal coordinates obtained using original SOBI. All 15 modes are easily obtained using original SOBI. Similar plots are obtained for modified version of SOBI as well. Figure 2: Power Spectra of SDOF Modal Coordinates (Original SOBI) Table 1 shows that the comparison on the basis of modal frequency and damping estimates is quite satisfactory though damping values obtained using SOBI (both algorithms) are slightly overestimated. Both SOBI approaches, original and modified, show fairly similar results. Table 1: Comparison of Modal Parameter Estimates for the 15 DOF System Theoretical Original SOBI Modified SOBI Freq (Hz) Damping (%) Freq (Hz) Damping (%) Freq (Hz) Damping (%) 15.985 1.004 15.990 1.360 15.990 1.360 30.858 1.937 30.818 2.238 30.818 2.238 43.600 2.735 43.604 2.884 43.604 2.891 46.444 2.912 46.486 3.107 46.485 3.112 53.317 3.338 53.291 3.560 53.344 3.492 53.391 3.345 53.471 3.246 53.439 3.341 59.413 3.715 59.413 3.819 59.421 3.850 61.624 3.858 61.662 4.055 61.660 4.070 68.811 4.298 68.795 4.192 68.798 4.220 73.630 4.593 73.532 4.668 73.522 4.697 128.84 2.609 128.83 2.669 128.83 2.670 136.55 2.455 136.56 2.492 136.56 2.494 143.86 2.329 143.87 2.379 143.87 2.382 150.83 2.221 150.82 2.254 150.82 2.259 157.47 2.122 157.47 2.168 157.47 2.169 The mode shapes of this system are complex. Except for the first mode at 15.98 Hz, which has fairly real mode shape, other modes have complex mode shapes. Since, BSS techniques (such as SOBI in its original form) are typically suited to give real mode shapes (although modified SOBI does produce complex mode shapes), it is expected that results might not be as accurate as expected. However, as shown by Table 2, when mode shapes obtained using the two algorithms are compared with theoretical mode shapes, the comparison between theoretical mode shapes and SOBI Original mode shapes is pretty good. MAC (Modal Assurance Criterion) [12] comparison for the mode shapes corresponding to the two closely spaced modes (around 53.3 Hz) is not as good as other modes, which highlights that BSS techniques such as SOBI find it difficult to handle effectively the cases involving closely spaced modes. Modified SOBI’s performance, on the other hand, is inferior in comparison (Highlighted in Table 2). One of the possible reasons can be the fact that the output response data obtained for this analytical system is free from noise and use of signal processing techniques such as averaging, windowing and overlapping invariably introduces some errors into the processed power spectra. Further, the modal vectors obtained using modified SOBI are complex (due to discrete Fourier transformation) and it is observed that if only the real part of the modal vectors is compared with the theoretical modes, MAC is significantly improved. Table 2: MAC Comparison Theoretical Modes Theoretical vs. Original SOBI Theoretical vs. Modified SOBI Theo. vs. Mod. SOBI Mode Shapes (Real Part Only) 15.985 1.00 1.00 1.00 30.858 1.00 1.00 1.00 43.600 1.00 1.00 1.00 46.444 1.00 1.00 1.00 53.317 0.91 0.52 0.98 53.391 0.88 0.48 0.96 59.413 1.00 0.60 0.99 61.624 1.00 0.39 0.98 68.811 1.00 0.99 0.99 73.630 0.99 0.99 0.99 128.84 1.00 1.00 1.00 136.55 1.00 1.00 1.00 143.86 1.00 1.00 1.00 150.83 1.00 1.00 1.00 157.47 1.00 1.00 1.00 Analysis in a Limited Frequency Band Table 3 highlights the real advantage of Modified SOBI which is not apparent when it is applied to complete frequency range like Original SOBI. In this case Modified SOBI is applied to the data in three different frequency ranges of 10-40 Hz, 35-85 Hz and 100-200 Hz. MAC values (highlighted in Table 3) for the two closely spaced modes at 53.3 Hz and also 59.4 Hz and 61.6 Hz mode show significant improvements in comparison to results obtained using Modified SOBI in complete range. MAC number for these four modes improves from 0.4-0.6 range to around 1 (around 0.95 for the closely spaced modes). In fact, the results are even superior to those obtained using Original SOBI in which case MAC is 0.91 and 0.88 (see Table 2). A typical plot of power spectra of SDOF modal coordinates (for a chosen frequency range of 10-40 Hz) is shown in Figure 3. There are only two proper estimates of modal coordinates in the selected frequency range (as indicated in Figure 3) and these estimates correspond to the modes at 15.99 Hz and 30.819 Hz. Rest of the 13 estimates can be neglected. Figure 3: Power Spectra of SDOF Modal Coordinates (Modified SOBI 10-40 Hz) Table 3: Frequency Band based Analysis using Modified SOBI Theoretical Modes Modified SOBI (Applied in Freq. Band) MAC Frequency (Hz) Damping (%) Frequency (Hz) Damping (%) 15.985 1.004 15.99 1.3604 1.00 30.858 1.937 30.819 2.2371 1.00 43.600 2.735 43.611 2.8753 1.00 46.444 2.912 46.486 3.1092 1.00 53.317 3.338 53.345 3.4503 0.95 53.391 3.345 53.427 3.3519 0.94 59.413 3.715 59.414 3.8261 1.00 61.624 3.858 61.672 4.0557 1.00 68.811 4.298 68.805 4.1962 1.00 73.630 4.593 73.542 4.6779 1.00 128.84 2.609 128.83 2.6703 1.00 136.55 2.455 136.56 2.4930 1.00 143.86 2.329 143.88 2.3839 1.00 150.83 2.221 150.82 2.2603 1.00 157.47 2.122 157.47 2.1683 1.00 Analysis conducted on 15 DOF analytical system verifies that, when applied in frequency bands, Modified SOBI is as effective (and in certain cases better) than original SOBI algorithm and compares well with the theoretical modal parameters. This study is now followed by analysis on an experimental structure to assess the utility of Modified SOBI further, especially in terms of assessing its performance in limited response sensors scenario (Number of sensors measuring output response is less than number of modes of interest). 3.2 Lightly Damped Circular Plate A lightly damped aluminum circular plate (Figure 4) is considered for experimental validation of Modified SOBI method. 30 responses are taken on the plate in a configuration shown in Figure 5. Plate is randomly excited by tapping it with fingers all over its surface. Data is acquired for a period of 5 mins. at a sampling rate of 1600 Hz, thus providing 4,80,000 samples. Figure 4: Experimental Set Up for Lightly Damped Circular Plate Figure 5: Lightly Damped Circular Plate (Sensor Locations) Since there are 30 responses observed over the plate, due to algorithmic limitations one can at most identify 30 modes in the frequency range of interest (0-700 Hz) using original SOBI. For comparison purposes, an EMA test is also performed by exciting the plate by means of random excitation at three locations using electrodynamic shakers. Using EMA algorithms, such as Polyreference Time Domain (PTD) [13], a total of 21 modes are identified. This is in agreement with the corresponding Complex Mode Indicator Function (CMIF) plot [12] (Figure 6) which also indicates the presence of 21 modes. These modes are listed in Table 4 and are considered the reference against which performance of both SOBI algorithms (original and modified forms) will be evaluated. Figure 6: CMIF Plot for EMA Case Figure 7: Cross MAC Plot (EMA modes vs. Modified SOBI modes) Table 4 lists the modal parameters obtained using the three approaches; EMA, original SOBI and modified SOBI. It should be noted that in case of modified SOBI, modal parameters are obtained by performing analysis in various frequency bands where as original SOBI estimates the modes by analyzing complete frequency range (0-800 Hz). Further, modal frequency and damping, in case of SOBI algorithms, is obtained by applying SDOF frequency domain methods to power spectra of obtained sources (as done in case of 15 DOF system). Advantage of modified SOBI is apparent in this analysis as it is able to identify all the expected modes in comparison to original SOBI which is able to identify only 19 modes, though overall estimates for these modes are in good agreement with the values obtained using EMA. Modified SOBI, on the other hand, provides satisfactory estimates for all the modes except for the discrepancy in frequency estimates which can be explained in terms of different frequency resolution used in the two approaches. MAC plot between modes obtained through EMA and those obtained using modified SOBI, shown in Figure 7, indicates that mode shapes corresponding to the two closely spaced around 133 Hz are not matching well. However, if real part of mode shapes obtained from modified SOBI is considered and compared with EMA, the MAC improves significantly. These MAC values are listed in Table 4. This behaviour is similar to that observed while analyzing closely spaced modes in 15 DOF system. Some higher modes (above 650 Hz) show similarity to some of the other lower modes. This is, perhaps, due to limited spatial resolution due to which these modes appear to have similar mode shape as the lower modes. Table 4: Comparison of Modal Parameter Estimates for the Circular Plate EMA Modes Original SOBI Modes Modified SOBI Modes Freq (Hz) Damp (%) Freq (Hz) Damp (%) MAC Freq (Hz) Damp (%) MAC (Real Part) 57.476 0.149 57.987 0.353 0.99 57.844 0.400 0.98 58.257 0.265 56.076 0.405 0.96 56.938 0.347 0.96 96.811 0.663 96.637 0.762 1.00 96.425 0.810 1.00 133.595 0.045 132.74 0.176 0.89 132.73 0.167 0.99 133.865 0.064 133.00 0.111 0.99 132.96 0.135 0.94 221.766 0.158 219.70 0.194 0.97 219.67 0.195 0.97 223.183 0.098 222.92 0.151 1.00 222.91 0.136 1.00 233.448 0.053 231.96 0.136 0.98 231.93 0.125 0.98 234.212 0.050 233.28 0.106 0.97 233.27 0.086 0.95 355.934 0.217 350.99 0.153 0.98 350.97 0.143 0.97 358.990 0.258 358.23 0.068 0.98 358.23 0.059 0.98 378.200 0.130 377.24 0.130 0.98 377.21 0.116 0.98 381.017 0.109 379.16 0.167 1.00 379.11 0.139 1.00 413.485 0.511 412.59 0.469 0.99 412.45 0.470 0.99 495.306 0.120 488.48 0.126 1.00 488.47 0.116 1.00 571.080 0.119 567.56 0.144 0.97 567.52 0.125 0.97 572.242 0.419 569.93 0.250 0.93 569.99 0.206 0.92 643.368 0.123 639.04 0.170 0.98 639.13 0.174 0.97 647.299 0.105 646.69 0.125 0.98 646.08 0.128 0.97 672.637 0.071 - - - 664.68 0.108 0.99 676.281 0.088 - - - 674.44 0.081 0.98 Limited Sensor Based Analysis One of the main contributions of this paper is to demonstrate improved ability of modified SOBI algorithm to deal with situations where number of modes of interest exceeds the sensors measuring the response. This analysis brings to fore this advantage of modified version of SOBI. As mentioned before, one of the limitations of SOBI is that the number of modes that can be identified is at most equal to the number of sensors measuring the response. Following analysis shows that this limitation can be overcome by applying the proposed modified version of SOBI in a number of frequency bands, instead of complete frequency range as is the case with original SOBI. For this case, eighteen channels (out of thirty) are selected; other channels are not considered (See Figure 8). Goal is to identify all twenty one modes, given the response information corresponding to these eighteen channels only. Figure 8: Selected Channels Figure 9: Power Spectra of SDOF Modal Coordinates (Original SOBI Limited Channel Study) When original SOBI is applied on this limited dataset, it is known beforehand that at most eighteen modes could be identified due to algorithmic limitations. However, power spectra of estimated modal coordinates (Figure 9); indicate that only nine modes are properly identified. This underlines the drawback on part of original SOBI and severely affects its utilization for OMA purposes. Modified SOBI takes care of this limitation effectively since it can be applied in limited frequency ranges. Before discussing the results obtained using modified SOBI algorithm, effect of reducing the number of sensors from original thirty to eighteen on the estimation of modes is discussed. One of the potential dangers of reducing the number of sensors is that some of the modes might not be observable due to limited spatial resolution. This is also indicated by the auto MAC plot for the EMA modes shapes defined by the selected points, as shown in Figure 10. Indeed, some of the modes appear to be identical to some of the other modes, for e.g. closely spaced modes around 133 Hz are very identical, which is also the case for closely spaced modes around 571 Hz. On inspecting the mode shapes for these two pair of modes, the reasons for this observation becomes even clearer. It turns out that these modes are torsional modes and each closely spaced mode differs from the other only with respect to relative motion between the points, torsional motion being shifted by 45 deg. in the two cases. Removing immediately adjacent points to the ones selected has resulted in affecting the observability of these modes and thus it is expected that these modes might not be estimated. It is important to understand that, in this analysis, EMA mode shapes for comparison purposes are obtained by truncating the original EMA mode shapes (mode shapes obtained during analysis in previous section where complete data from all 30 sensors is used). It is observed that even EMA algorithms are not able to estimate these modes if data corresponding to the selected 18 channels is used. CMIF plot based on power spectra of the 18 selected channels also supports this (Figure 11). Some of the other modes also show similarity to other modes due to observability issues (Modes around 57 Hz and 233 Hz, 355 Hz and 670 Hz). The observability can be improved by altering the selection of channels on the physical structure, and results for a second set of 18 response points on the structure (discussed in Appendix A) indicate improved estimation (all the modes are identifiable) and better resolution between some of the closely lying modes. Figure 10: Auto MAC Plot (EMA Mode Shapes defined by Selected Channels) Figure 11: CMIF Plot for Limited Channel Configuration There are still, however, nineteen valid modes that need to be identified by means of information available from the eighteen channels. Estimates of these modes using modified SOBI algorithm along with corresponding MAC values (compared with EMA mode shapes defined by selected points) are shown in Table 5. All the estimates compare well with the EMA estimates, underlying the improved performance of SOBI algorithm with proposed modifications. Cross MAC plot between EMA and modified SOBI estimates, shown in Figure 12, is very similar to the auto MAC plot for EMA estimates (Figure 10), i.e. certain EMA modes that looked similar to each other due to limited spatial resolution, look similar to corresponding modes obtained using modified SOBI as well (for e.g. modes around 232 Hz and 57 Hz, and 355 Hz and 670 Hz). Table 5: Modal Parameter Comparison for Limited Sensor Case EMA Modes Modified SOBI Modes Freq (Hz) Damp (%) Freq (Hz) Damp (%) MAC 57.476 0.149 56.921 0.327 0.99 58.257 0.265 57.672 0.412 0.99 96.811 0.663 96.419 0.799 1.00 133.595 0.045 - - - 133.865 0.064 132.90 0.161 1.00 221.766 0.158 219.67 0.194 0.95 223.183 0.098 222.92 0.145 0.99 233.448 0.053 231.95 0.129 1.00 234.212 0.050 233.27 0.101 0.96 355.934 0.217 350.98 0.148 0.98 358.990 0.258 358.23 0.065 0.98 378.200 0.130 377.23 0.124 0.98 381.017 0.109 379.14 0.158 1.00 413.485 0.511 412.56 0.438 0.99 495.306 0.120 488.46 0.121 1.00 571.080 0.119 - - - 572.242 0.419 569.85 0.208 0.99 643.368 0.123 639.08 0.175 0.98 647.299 0.105 646.10 0.126 0.98 672.637 0.071 664.60 0.108 0.98 676.281 0.088 674.42 0.080 0.98 Figure 12: Cross MAC (EMA vs. Modified SOBI) Limited Channels Configuration 6. Conclusions It has been shown, by means of work presented in this paper, how modifying the original Second Order Blind Identification algorithm can improve its effectiveness and utility for Operational Modal Analysis purposes. These modifications take into consideration more elaborate signal processing techniques, such as averaging, windowing etc., to reduce the effect of noise that is generally present while acquiring response data on real life structures, there by improving performance of SOBI. One of the main advantages of the suggested modification is that it enables SOBI to be applied even to situations where number of sensors measuring the response is lesser than the number of modes to be estimated. It is, however, important to note that this does not avoid observability related issues that might still be inherently present due to limited spatial resolution. In a more practical scenario (experimental analysis of the circular plate), it is shown that the modified form of SOBI outperforms its original version. This is attributed to incorporation of better noise reduction signal processing capabilities in the algorithm and extending its applicability to limited frequency ranges. Results presented in this paper are encouraging and form good foundation for future research in this area. One of the obvious research direction is to assess the performance of modified SOBI on real life structures that are typical OMA applications, like buildings, bridges etc. SOBI utilizes the concept of modal expansion theorem, according to which response of a system can be decomposed into several single degree of freedom systems (defined by resonant frequencies of the system) by means of modal vectors of the system which act as modal filters. Typically, modal expansion theorem is valid for systems having distinct modes and negligible or very light damping. Damping constraints also imply that expansion theorem is defined for systems with real modal vectors. Although one should not draw conclusions only on the basis of work presented in this paper, yet it is interesting to note that SOBI can identify heavily damped modes as well as modes with complex modal vectors (as shown in section 3.1, 15 DOF system). However, estimation of closely spaced modes does pose some challenges. In view of this discussion, future work in this research should concentrate on improving SOBI further. This requires making SOBI capable of handling closely spaced modes, and assessing its performance more rigourously for practical structures and for systems with heavily damped and complex modes. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dr. Randall J. Allemang, SDRL, University of Cincinnati, for his expert guidance and feedback which were critical for completion of the paper. 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Appendix A This section details results from a limited-sensors based study for an altered combination of response points on the lightly damped circular plate. This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of the selection points on the structure, on estimation of all the modes using the Modified SOBI methods. Eighteen points are chosen out of the available thirty responses, with the selection shown in Figure A.1. Figure A.1: Selected Channels Modal estimates for this set of channels are listed in Table A.1. It is observed that this combination of channels is able to resolve the torsion modes around 133 Hz with better distinction. However, this selection of points too is unable to distinctly observe the closely lying modes around 571 Hz, although results are better in comparison to configuration shown in Figure 8, Section 3.2. This indicates the importance of selecting proper measurement locations in order to observe and estimate all modes of interest. Table A.1: Modal Parameter Comparison for Limited Sensor Case EMA Modes Modified SOBI modes Freq (Hz) Damp (%) Freq (Hz) Damp (%) MAC 57.476 0.149 57.028 0.413 0.98 58.257 0.265 57.987 0.318 0.96 96.811 0.663 96.576 0.917 0.97 133.595 0.045 132.760 0.184 0.99 133.865 0.064 132.940 0.151 0.95 221.766 0.158 219.680 0.197 0.98 223.183 0.098 222.970 0.151 0.99 233.448 0.053 231.930 0.121 0.98 234.212 0.050 233.270 0.100 0.93 355.934 0.217 350.950 0.146 0.95 358.990 0.258 358.230 0.079 0.96 378.200 0.130 377.270 0.126 0.92 381.017 0.109 379.090 0.150 0.98 413.485 0.511 412.440 0.430 0.99 495.306 0.120 488.510 0.107 0.94 571.080 0.119 567.720 0.150 0.68 572.242 0.419 569.640 0.181 0.83 643.368 0.123 639.110 0.165 0.99 647.299 0.105 646.070 0.122 0.96 672.637 0.071 664.560 0.108 0.99 676.281 0.088 674.370 0.077 0.99
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