XV List of Abbreviations 2D-BZ 2P-PES 2-dimensional Brillouin zone 2-photon photoemission spectroscopy FEM FIM A AES AFM AISI APS ARUPS ARXPS ASTM ATR Auger electron spectroscopy atomic force microscope American Iron and Steel Institute appearance potential spectroscopy angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy angle-resolved X-ray photoemission spectroscopy American Society for Testing and Materials attenuated total reflection B BBZ BIPM BZ bulk Brillouin zone Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Brillouin zone C CB CBM CISS CITS CMOS CODATA CVD conduction band conduction band minimum collision ion scattering spectroscopy current imaging tunneling spectroscopy complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor Committee on Data for Science and Technology chemical vapour deposition D DFB DFG DOS DSC DTA distributed-feedback difference frequency generation density of states differential scanning calorimetry differential thermal analysis E EB ECS EELS ELEED ESD EXAFS F electron-beam melting electron capture spectroscopy electron-energy loss spectroscopy elastic low-energy electron diffraction electron-stimulated desorption extended X-ray absorption fine structure field emission microscope/microscopy field ion microscope/microscopy G GMR giant magnetoresistance H HAS HATOF HB HEED HEIS helium atom scattering helium atom time-of-flight spectroscopy Brinell hardness number high-energy electron diffraction high-energy ion scattering/high-energy ion scattering spectroscopy HK Knoop hardness HOPG highly oriented pyrolytic graphite HPDC high-pressure die casting HR-EELS high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy HR-LEED high-resolution LEED HR-RHEED high-resolution RHEED HREELS high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy HRTEM high-resolution transition electron microscopy HT high temperature HTSC high-temperature superconductor HV Vicker’s Hardness I IACS IB IBAD ICISS ICSU IPE IPES ISO ISS IUPAC International Annealed Copper Standard ion bombardment ion-beam-assisted deposition impact ion scattering spectroscopy International Council of the Scientific Unions inverse photoemission inverse photoemission spectroscopy International Organization for Standardization ion scattering spectroscopy International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry J JDOS joint density of states XVI List of Abbreviations K KRIPES R K-resolved inverse photoelectron spectroscopy L LAPW LB LCM LCP LCs LDA LDOS LEED LEIS LPE linearized augmented-plane-wave method Langmuir–Blodgett liquid crystal material liquid crystal polymer liquid crystals local-density approximation local density of states low-energy electron diffraction low-energy ion scattering/low-energy ion scattering spectroscopy liquid phase epitaxy M MBE MD MEED MEIS MFM ML MOCVD MOKE MOSFET MQW molecular-beam epitaxy molecular dynamics medium-energy electron diffraction medium-energy ion scattering/medium-energy ion scattering spectroscopy magnetic force microscopy monolayer metal-organic chemical vapor deposition magneto-optical Kerr effect MOS field-effect transistor multiple quantum well NIMs neutral impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy National Institutes for Metrology O OPO reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy rare earth reflection electron microscope/ microscopy reflection high-energy electron diffraction reactive ion etching random-phase approximation room temperature room temperaure and standard pressure S SAM SAM SARS SAW SBZ SCLS SDR SEM SEXAFS SFG SH SHG SI SIMS SNR SPARPES SPIPES SS STM STS SXRD self-assembled monolayer scanning Auger microscope/microscopy scattering and recoiling ion spectroscopy surface acoustic wave surface Brillouin zone surface core level shift surface differential reflectivity scanning electron microscope surface-sensitive EXAFS sum frequency generation second harmonic second-harmonic generation Système International d’Unités secondary-ion mass spectroscopy signal-to-noise ratio spin polarized angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy spin-polarized inverse photoemission spectroscopy spin-polarized surface photovoltage spectroscopy superconducting quantum interference devices surface state scanning tunneling microscope/ microscopy scanning tunneling spectroscopy surface X-ray diffraction optical parametric oscillation T P PDS PED PES PLAP PLD PSZ PZT RHEED RIE RPA RT RTP SPLEED SPV SQUIDS N NICISS RAS RE REM photothermal displacement spectroscopy photoelectron diffraction photoemission spectroscopy pulsed laser atom probe pulsed laser deposition stabilized zirconia piezoelectric material TAFF TEM TFT TMR TMT TOF TOM thermally activated flux flow transmission electron microscope/microscopy thin-film transistor tunnel magnetoresistance thermomechanical treatment time of flight torsion oscillation magnetometry List of Abbreviations TRS TTT truncation rod scattering time-temperature-transformation VBM VLEED U UHV UPS UV V ultra-high vacuum ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy ultraviolet valence band maximum very low-energy electron diffraction X XPS X-ray photoemission spectroscopy XVII
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