Drain Bias Dependence of Gate Oxide Reliability in Conventional and Asymmetrical Channel MOSFETs in the Low Voltage Regime Anil K. G. , S. Mahapatra , I. Eisele , V. Ramgopal Rao and J. Vasi Institute of Physics, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Munich, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany, Fax : ++49-89-60043877. Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai - 400076, India, Tel : ++91-22-5767456. Abstract Drain bias dependence of gate oxide reliability is investigated on conventional (CON) and Lateral Asymmetric Channel (LAC) MOSFETs for low drain voltages that correspond to the real operating voltages for deep-sub-micron devices. For short channel devices, the oxide reliability improves drastically as drain bias increases. Device simulations showed that the vertical field distribution in the oxide is asymmetric for non-zero drain biases and this results in an asymmetric gate current distribution with the peak at the source end. By introducing an intentionally graded doping profile along the channel (LAC), the asymmetry in the vertical filed distribution can be enhanced with consequent improvement in gate oxide reliability. MOS transistors or gated diodes [2]. For short channel MOSFETs, the drain bias can have a significant effect on the gate current by modifying the field in the dielectric at the drain end. Tailoring the electric f i eld by an intentional asymmetric channel doping is reported to improve MOSFET performance and hot-carrier reliability [3]. There is a lack of understanding of the impacts of drain bias and channel doping profile on oxide reliability. In this work, drain bias dependence of gate dielectric reliability for operating drain voltages is investigated and reported for conventional channel profile (CON) and asymmetric channel profile (LAC) transistors for the first time. It is shown that the reliability improves for higher drain biases and that the improvement is greatly enhanced for the LAC devices. 1. 2. Experimental Introduction Gate oxide reliability studies are conventionally done on MOS capacitors. Area dependence of gate dielectric reliability is well known [1] and to take this into account reliability studies may have to be done on MOSFETs. Inversion stress on gate dielectric at room temperature has to be done on The MOSFETs used in this study had a minimum channel length of 0.2 m and gate oxide thickness of 3.6nm. Both CON and LAC MOSFETs were fabricated on the same wafer for fair comparison. The fabrication procedure of the devices is described in detail elsewhere [4]. Fig. 1 shows the Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 4, 2009 at 23:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ./+010 ACB'D"EGFIHKJ LNMOPMQSRUTWVWX YNZ[PZ\S]7^`_4a ()+*-, s>r t q o pn o o ¯±® ° « ¬ "| } ~ ©ª ¨ "y z { ¥1¦§ vw x #$%'& lk m h ijg def "! bc 9:<;>=+?@ 243+576 8 uIvxwPy{z-|}~z7<| }-z-|>|~7'S 4- P4N 4¡£¢P¤¥¦¢§-¡C¨ª©¬«7¡4 x®C¯°±³²µ´¶4¤·¹¸·º»±¶¼½²¾¿ÁÀ© Ú þÿ Ç È1É3Ê ËÍÌeÎÐÏÒѤÈÓ9Ê5ÔOÕ_ÖLÌk×ØÖÙËÍÕ5Ú*ÛÜÌGËÝÛ±ÌeÞ3ÌGÔ1×ßÈÚàÖ"á*Ì / ÉÕ_ÖÌãâkä5ÈO×5ÌãåIâ5Ëçæè\éêÕ Ú×ìëíîæêïðèñÑÆÇiò/ó¿ÛkÏ ä<åNæÝçÝè>é êë C × AB ìªíNîNï¥ðÊñKòôó Ö Õ " 5k*B7 5 ¡_¢¤£ mon m p"q r s"t u ²L³ ´¶µ·I¸"¹º·»U¼½¸o¾¿¹IÀo·Á¸L¸"ºM»" ÃÄÆÅ 57698: ;<4= Ø ÛÝÜWÞNßÝà>á â>ã "!# $%'& (*),+ Ù õ÷öNø÷ù¥úªû üý ÃªÄ Ã ÅªÆ Ç ÈÊÉ Ë ÌÊÍ Î ÏSÐ Ñ +-,-./ 02143 >@? ÒSÓ Ô - .10325476983:<;>=@?BAC=EDGFGHG4IHDKJL6G4M.1NJ".ODNPRQTS/:U8RVXW / YZ\[ H]_^a`Gb YdceZgf -ih/jNk: ! "$#$% &('*) ÿ ô"õ ô ö"÷ ø ùú û üý þ DFEHGJI*K LNM@OQPSRUTWVYX Z[RU\]M^`_SM\(acbFTed]Te^fbFTe^fghTjieklO$\nmoT gePFRpRTe^nmqarM^ts7uwvx\F^fbzyf{|sx}~uLYNa iek7bNMk kTRTf^nmgee\F^F^fTeY@T^nOSm2ahX simulated channel doping profiles of the CON and LAC MOSFETs used in this study and reveals the nonuniform channel doping for the LAC devices. The simulated channel doping for the LAC devices was confirmed by Vl profile measurements [4]. Fig. 2 shows the output characteristics of CON and V LAC devices of channel length 0.2 m. 3. Results and Discussions Fig. 3 shows the simulated transverse field in the gate oxide where it can be seen that the oxide f i eld for operating drain voltages can indeed be engineered by a nonuniform channel doping. Fig. 4 shows the gate current as a function of drain bias for two channel lengths. For high V , the I is one order of magnitude lesser for the LAC as compared to the CON, validating the simulation results. Fig. 5 shows the drain bias dependence of breakdown voltage of the gate oxide. V was measured in inversion with source, drain and substrate tied to ground. The breakdown voltage increases with increasing drain bias and for the LAC devices the increase is more pronounced. Fig. 6 shows the V distribution for CON and LAC devices. The narrow V distribution proves that the results in Figures 4 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 4, 2009 at 23:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 23 45 687:9-;<-= ./ 01 >@?BA E C DGF ) * +-, ] [\ Z WYX H:I:JK LNM-O ¾ »¼½ ¸¹º yjzt{v|}| ¶µ · ³b´ %& '(' ! 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For ultra thin oxides, SILC can be used as a monitor for trap generation in the oxide [1]. SILC for the CON and LAC devices stressed at the same gate overdrives and two different drain biases as a function of stress time are shown in Fig. 7. Whereas the LAC and CON devices showed nearly identical SILC for zero drain bias, it is reduced by a factor more than 3 for CON and more than 6 for LAC stressed at Vg = 0.75V implying reduced trap generation for LAC devices. Stress time evolution of charge pumping ¾8¿ (CP) current (I ) was studied for stress at VÇ =0 and 0.75V. The CP was done from the source side with the drain floating and from the drain side with the source floating to investigate the asymmetric nature of ¾8¿ stress [5]. The normalised values of I are plotted in Fig. 8. For CON, the interface state build up at the source and drain ends are nearly identical for VÇ =0V. For LAC, the drain side shows higher degradation for VÇ =0 due to higher oxide f i eld re- Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 4, 2009 at 23:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ZY UV XW ST PQ R O MN L JK and LAC devices. The narrower distributions than the factor of improvement shown in Fig. 9 prove that these results are not artefacts of statistical distribution of t] \ of the oxide. 1+2'34 5678 #"%$'&( ! 9;:=<>?@ ACBCD EGFIH )+*',- ./0 []\_^a`cb 4. Conclusions d ehgjilknmpojqsrutlkvxw]yaehz{m{|~}evm}t knmw]{|t=w# f wiG}etft%s|jkweew#ptlk=xrwl#|G ¢¡Id¤£f¥¦¢t%u|fe¨§Im knm%}© ª wllGm y¤yhm%#g%}ª#{q ½ ¼ ¹»º ¾¿¤ÀÁàÄ{ÅÆ{Ç_ÈÉ ÊÌËÍÏεÐÑcÒ ÓÔÖÕaÔ× ØÙÖÚÜÛÝ ÞßÖàaßá âãäå¤æ çèêé°ë çìíÜîÜï ðñêò°ó ðôÃõöø÷ ¶¸· ³µ´ « ¬ ® ¯°¯ ùhúû¦üµýþÖÿ Acknowledgment ±²²°² !"#%$&'&)(&*,+-*/.0+1%234+5*!$/6798 : *<;>=?.@*>ACBEDF6G= :IH/J ALKMBONPRQSUTV*,. A detailed study of oxide reliability of gate oxide on CONventional (CON) and Lateral Asymmetric Channel (LAC) MOSFETs were undertaken. It has been shown that gate oxide reliability improves for short channel devices with the application of a drain bias, representative of the real operating voltage of the devices. Channel engineering that introduces a graded doping along the channel with the peak at the source end improves the reliability by virtue of the reduced transverse eld in the gate oxide. These results suggest a possible relaxation of oxide reliability specifications for deep sub-micron devices. : .W8 .@/,=<+XG6+5E6,6YTZ sulting from the lower V[ near the drain. For both CON and LAC, for V\ =0.75V, the interface state build up is more at the source end than at the drain end and are explained by the simulation results shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 9 shows the normalised timeto-breakdown (t] \ ), considering softbreakdown, versus V\ plots for CON and LAC devices. For the 0.25 ^ m device, as V\ increased to 1V, t] \ improved by a factor of 40 for CON and 100 for LAC. Fig. 10 shows the Weibull plot of t] \ for CON The samples used in this study were provided by Prof. J. C. S. Woo of UCLA, USA. Anil K. G. also acknowledges Siemens AG, Germany for providing a research fellowship. [1] G. Groeseneken et al., in Proc. ESSDERC, 1999, p. 72. [2] E. Rosenbaum et al., IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev., vol. 43, p. 70, 1996. [3] R. Rao et al., in IEDM Tech. Dig., 1997, p. 811. [4] B. Cheng et al., in Proc. VLSI Tech. Symp., 1999. [5] S. Mahapatra et al., Solid State Electronics, vol. 43, p. 915, 1999. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 4, 2009 at 23:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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