Detailed Analysis of FIBL in MOS Transistors with High-K Gate Dielectrics Nihar R. Mohapatra, Madhav P. Desai and V. Ramgopal Rao Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 400 076, India [email protected] Abstract This paper analyzes in detail the Fringing Induced Barrier Lowering (FIBL) in MOS transistors with high-K gate dielectrics using two-dimensional device simulations. We found that the device short channel performance is degraded with increase in gate dielectric permittivity(Kgate) due to an increase in the dielectric physical thickness to channel length ratio. For Kgate greater than Ksi, we observe a substantial coupling between source and drain regions through the gate insulator. This fact is validated by extensive device simulations with different channel length and overlap length over a wide range of dielectric permittivities. We also observe that the overlap length is an important parameter for optimizing DC performance in short channel MOS transistors. The effect of stacked gate dielectric and lateral channel engineering on the performance of high-K gate dielectric MOS transistors is also studied to substantiate the above observations. 1. Introduction Continuous CMOS miniaturization necessitates the use of high dielectric constant materials to replace thermally grown silicon dioxide as gate dielectrics in gate stack material system [1,2]. Some of the high-K materials such as Al2O3 (Kgate~10), HfO2/ZrO2 (Kgate~25), La2O3 (Kgate~27), TiO2 (Kgate~60-100) have been widely studied [3]. The main idea is to achieve an equivalent oxide thickness of less than 15Å by combining higher K with larger physical thickness to prevent direct tunneling. Unfortunately, with increase in Kgate, the physical thickness of the gate dielectric becomes comparable to the channel length. So, the percentage of field lines originating from bottom of the gate electrode and terminating on the source/drain regions increases compared to the field lines terminating on the channel. These field lines finally induce an electric field from source to channel thereby reducing the source to channel barrier height. Also, a weaker coupling between gate and channel due to fringing, increases the control of drain on the source to channel barrier height. This phenomenon is generally known as FIBL [4-6]. The reduction of channel length further increases the physical dielectric thickness to the channel length ratio. Thus, two-dimensional effects become dominant, leading to poor short channel performance. Over the years, several attempts have been made to understand the effect of FIBL on the device and circuit performance of MOS transistors with high-K gate insulators. Kencke et al [8] studied the effect of FIBL with asymmetric devices having different source and drain spacer dielectrics. They found that FIBL is caused largely by drain side high-K spacers. Frank et al [9] studied the FIBL and scaling behavior of MOS transistors with high-K gate insulators. They demonstrate that the design space is smaller and bulk MOSFETs can only gain up to ~20% additional scaling by the use of high-K insulators. Mohapatra et al [6,7] presented a quantitative estimate of the fringing field effects by extracting various capacitance components in the MOS system using MonteCarlo techniques. They suggested that FIBL can be reduced by the use of low-K sidewalls for thick gate insulators and confirmed the presence of an optimum Kgate for specified off-current requirements in different technology generations. Although some work has been done on FIBL, these studies do not adequately describe the physics behind the FIBL effect, which is very important for designing a device with high-K gate insulators. In this paper, we have proposed a theory that gives a better insight into the FIBL effect and explains the physics of MOS transistor with high-K gate dielectrics. For this purpose, we have studied the effect of channel length, junction depth and overlap length scaling on the performance of deep sub-micron MOS transistors with high-K gate dielectrics using the 2dimensional device simulator MEDICI. The effect of dielectric stack and lateral channel engineering on the transistor performance is also presented. 2. Simulation Structures Device simulations are performed using the twodimensional (2-D) device simulator MEDICI [10]. The simulated structures are based on the scaled dimensions outlined in the SIA roadmap [11]. A spacer technology (spacer width of 60nm) with heavily doped source/drain extensions is used. The source/drain extensions and deep source/drain junction depths are 30nm and 50nm respectively. A retrograde profile with a low impurity concentration at Si/SiO2 interface and a high peak concentration at a finite depth below the interface was Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI’03) 1063-9667/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 17, 2008 at 23:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. used to provide non-uniform channel doping profile. The permittivities of the gate dielectric (Kgate) are varied from 3.9 to 100 keeping the effective gate dielectric thickness constant at 1.5nm. For each channel length, the channel profiles are optimized to achieve threshold voltage of 0.25volt for Kgate=3.9 (SiO2). The calibrated energy balance model is incorporated to consider the spatial variation of carrier energy in order to account for the velocity overshoot and non-local transport phenomena. The energy relaxation time used for the simulation was 0.2ps. The Fermi-Dirac statistics are used to determine the active carrier density within the simulation structures. A combination of coupled and uncoupled solution techniques is used for the simulation of devices at room temperature. To isolate the degradation essentially due to fringing fields, the effects of poly depletion and quantum mechanical effects are not taken into account. 3 -1 10 -2 10 ION/IOFF DIBL -3 2 10 S -4 10 Vth 1 20 40 60 80 100 Gate Dielectric Permittivity (Kgate) 4 (b) 3 Figure 2 shows the physical distance (lphysical) of point A in the channel (near the source) from different electrodes of a MOS transistor through different paths. Here, we defined the equivalent electrical distance (le) as the ratio of physical distance (lphysical) and the dielectric constant (Hr) of the medium. le = lphysical / Hr A 10 -1 10 ION/IOFF 2 -2 10 -3 10 S -4 Vth 0 3.1 Physics of the FIBL Effect 0 LG=50nm TOX,eff=1.5nm DIBL 1 Normalized ION/IOFF (a) 0 Normalized Vth, S, DIBL 0 10 LG=70nm TOX,eff=1.5nm 4 10 Normalized ION/IOFF Normalized Vth, S, DIBL 3. Results and Discussion Lowering (DIBL, change in threshold voltage with change in drain bias) and Ion/Ioff, normalized to their value for Kgate=3.9 (SiO2) as a function of gate dielectric constant for 70nm and 50nm MOS transistors. It can be seen that with an increase in Kgate from 3.9 to 100, DIBL increases exponentially compared to a linear increase in the sub-threshold swing. We also observed a drastic degradation in the short channel performance for Kgate > Ksi. This feature can be attributed to FIBL as discussed in the previous literatures. With reduction in the channel length these effects are further enhanced resulting in increased degradation in the characteristics. 20 40 60 80 100 Gate Dielectric Permittivity (Kgate) 1. Normalized Threshold Voltage (Vth), Figure 1 SubSub-threshold awing (S), DIBL and Ion/Ioff as a function of gate dielectric constant for (a (a)) 70nm (b) 50nm channel length NMOS transistors. The effective gate dielectric thickness during this simulation is kept fixed at 1.5nm. Note that, the saturation current (Id,sat) and off current (Ioff) of the device is matched with the reported values (by judiciously choosing the model and model parameters) in the SIA roadmap and/or literature before starting the simulation. Figure 1 shows the threshold voltage (Vth), sub-threshold slope (S) and Drain Induced Barrier 2. Schematic showing the coupling of a Figure 2 point near source to gate and drain electrodes through different paths. From the figure, it can be seen that the drain electrode is coupled to the channel through paths II (through gate dielectric) and III (through silicon). The coupling through the silicon is well known to the research community and can be reduced by controlling the junction depth. But the coupling through the gate dielectric is a strong function of the physical thickness of the gate dielectric as well as the drain-side overlap area. It may be noted that this coupling is small (can be neglected) in conventional MOS transistors due to smaller physical thickness of the gate oxide. In the case of MOS transistors with different gate dielectric materials the equivalent electrical distance from the gate electrodes to the channel (path I) is kept constant by scaling the dielectric thickness accordingly. However, the electrical equivalent distance between the drain and channel (path II) is not scaled leading to a decrease in le in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI’03) 1063-9667/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 17, 2008 at 23:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0.20 0.16 0.00 0.0 40 0 100 VG=0.4Volt LG=70nm TOX,eff=1.5nm 0.2 60 120 0.12 0.04 80 LG=70nm TOX,eff=1.5nm 20 Kgate=3.9 Kgate=30 Kgate=60 Kgate=100 0.08 Kgate=3.9 Kgate=30 Kgate=60 Kgate=100 100 0.4 0.6 0.8 Drain Voltage (Volts) 1.0 3. Output characteristics of a MOS Figure 3 transistor with different gate dielectrics. To prove the coupling through gate insulator (path II) in high Kgate MOS transistors, we have extracted DIBL for different junction depths. This simulation is done for two transistors having overlap length (Lov) of 1nm and 12nm. To isolate the degradation essentially due to overlap length, the effective channel length is kept constant at 55nm throughout the simulation. The difference in DIBL ('DIBL) between Lov=1nm and 12nm is calculated as a function of junction depth for different Kgate. This is plotted in figure 4. It may be noted that 'DIBL at a fixed junction depth symbolizes the coupling between source and drain through the gate insulator (coupling through silicon remains constant, thus cancels out). From the figure, it can be observed that for a constant physical gate dielectric thickness (fixed gate dielectric constant), 'DIBL is independent of junction depth. But for a fixed junction depth, 'DIBL increases with an increase in Kgate due to higher physical gate dielectric thickness leading to a stronger coupling between source and drain through the gate insulator (path II). With increase in the channel length this coupling further increases due to decrease in the equivalent electrical distance resulting in higher DIBL. 'DIBL (mV/V) Drain Current (mAmp) 0.24 120 'DIBL (mV/V) the lateral direction. Also, the strength of lines of forces at the edges of the gate electrode (in the overlap region) decreases due to higher physical dielectric thickness and enhanced fringing. Thus, in high-K gate dielectric MOS transistors the drain electrode is more tightly coupled to the channel through the gate insulator and lateral electric field lines from drain reach a larger distance into the channel. This electrically closer proximity of drain to the channel gives rise to higher short channel effect in high Kgate MOS transistors as shown in the output characteristics (figure 3) and figure 1. LG=50nm TOX,eff=1.5nm 80 60 40 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 Junction Depth (nm) 4 The difference in DIBL between Figure 4. transistors having Lov of 1nm and 12nm as a function o off junction depth for different gate dielectric constant. The effective channel length of the transistors is kept fixed during simulation. Figure 5 shows DIBL and Ion/Ioff as a function of Kgate for different gate to source/drain overlap length. As can be seen from the figure, the sub-threshold behavior is improved with decrease in the overlap length. This is mainly due to the decrease in the coupling area between source and drain (path II). Also, reducing the overlap length decreases the accumulation and spread resistance by a significant amount, thereby increasing the current drivability [12]. Therefore, the overlap length could be an important parameter for optimizing DC performance of short channel MOS transistors with high-K gate dielectrics. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI’03) 1063-9667/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 17, 2008 at 23:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 180 Kgate = 3.9 Kgate = 30 Kgate = 60 Kgate = 100 120 90 60 30 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 2 4 6 8 10 12 Overlap Length (nm) 160 DIBL (mV/V) Ion/Ioff 0 Kgate = 3.9 Kgate = 30 Kgate = 60 Kgate = 100 0 Kgate=10 Kgate=25 Kgate=60 Kgate=100 Stack 120 High-K SiO2 80 40 LG=70nm 2 4 6 8 10 12 Overlap Length (nm) 5 DIBL and Ion/Ioff of a 70nm NMOS Figure 5. transistor as a function of overlap length for different gate diele dielectrics. ctrics. 3.2 Effect of Dielectric Stack on FIBL Interfacial layers between the high-K dielectric and the silicon system are intentionally and unintentionally introduced in the material system. Intentional layers like thermal oxides (Kgate ~ 3.9), silicon nitrides (Kgate ~ 7) or oxy-nitrides (Kgate ~ 5) are introduced to have better interface properties. Inadvertently formed interfacial layers, however occur during dielectric deposition stages or during post deposition annealing in oxygen ambient and this layer may be composed of low quality nitrided oxide/oxy-nitride and metal silicides depending on high-K dielectric chemistry and growth conditions [3,13]. In this work, we have also looked at the device performance with stacked gate dielectrics. In the first part of the simulation the bottom dielectric is kept fixed as SiO2 and the permittivity of the top dielectric is varied from 10 to 100. In the second part, simulations are done by alternating the dielectric stack i.e. SiO2 as the top dielectric. The above simulations are done for different physical thickness of 160 DIBL (mV/V) DIBL (mV/V) 150 LG=70nm oxide to effective dielectric stack thickness ratio (Tox/Teff), keeping the equivalent dielectric thickness constant at 1.5nm. The results are plotted in figure 6. As can be seen, with decrease in Tox/Teff ratio the sub-threshold performance is severely degraded. Also the device performance is improved when SiO2 is used as bottom dielectric in the gate oxide stack. The reason for this can be attributed to drain to source coupling through the bottom insulator. For top SiO2 stack the coupling takes place through the higher permittivity gate insulator, which strongly influences the source/drain to channel barrier height compared to the bottom SiO2 stack. Thus, it can be concluded that the dielectric constant of the bottom insulator predominantly affects the sub-threshold swing and off-state current of a MOS transistor. Inverted Stack SiO2 High-K 120 80 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 Physical Thickness of Oxide/Effective Dielectric Thickness (%) 6 DIBL of a NMOS transistor as a function Figure 6. of physical thickness to effective dielectric thickness ratio. The simulation is done for different gate dielectrics and with two differen differentt stack structures. The effective dielectric thickness is kept fixed at 1.5nm during the simulation. 3.3 Effect of Channel Engineering on FIBL Lateral channel engineering e.g. halo and pocket implants is inevitable for sub 100nm MOS transistors to improve the short channel performance. This is usually achieved by implanting ions with a tilt angle after gate patterning. These implants can be symmetrical (double halo, DH) or asymmetrical (single halo, LAC) with Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI’03) 1063-9667/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 17, 2008 at 23:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. MOS transistors the improvement through channel engineering is less significant. Hence, it can be concluded that the channel engineering has a very marginal effect on the device performance of MOS transistors with high-K gate dielectrics. 240 CON LAC DH 200 DIBL (mV/V) respect to source/drain. Recently, very excellent short channel performance was demonstrated in 0.1Pm nchannel MOS transistors with lateral channel engineering [14,15]. In this work, we have also studied the device performance of double-halo (DH) and LAC MOS transistor with high-K dielectrics using 2-D process and device simulations. The simulated doping profiles of a 70nm conventional (CON), DH and LAC MOS transistors are shown in figure 7. The effective channel length in all the cases is kept fixed at 50nm. The channel profiles are optimized to achieve a threshold voltage of 0.22 Volts for Kgate=3.9. With increase in drain bias the drain electric field as well as the drain to channel depletion width increases. Thus the coupling between drain region and point A (figure 2) through silicon increases thereby reducing the source to channel barrier height. The main aim of channel engineering (higher doping near the source/drain junction) is to shield the lines of forces from drain and to reduce the above coupling. 160 120 80 LG=70nm TOX,eff=1.5nm 40 0 -3 Net Doping (cm ) 20 10 CON LAC DH LG=70nm 19 10 18 10 17 10 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 Distance along the channel (Pm) 7 Simulated doping profiles of 70nm Figure 7. channel length CON, DH and LAC MOS transistor. Figure 8 shows the DIBL and source to channel barrier height as a function of gate dielectric constant for CON, DH and LAC MOS transistors. As expected, for Kgate=3.9 (SiO2) LAC MOS transistors show better short channel performance compared to CON and DH MOS transistors. Since the channel length is very small, DH transistors also show more DIBL compared to the conventional transistors due to higher doping and thereby higher lateral electric field (figure 9) near the drain junction. It can also be observed that DIBL (increases) and barrier height (decreases) degrade significantly with increase in Kgate and are insensitive to the channel engineering. This observation can be explained by noting that in MOS transistors with high-K gate insulators the source is coupled to the drain predominantly through the gate insulator (path II) in addition to path III and the coupling through gate insulator is not affected by channel engineering. Since this coupling is stronger in high Kgate Source/Channel Barrier Height (V) 21 10 20 40 60 80 100 Gate Dielectric Permittivity (Kgate) 0.56 CON LAC DH 0.52 0.48 0.44 0.40 LG=70nm TOX,eff=1.5nm 0.36 0 20 40 60 80 100 Gate Dielectric Permittivity (Kgate) Figure 8. DIBL and source/channel barrier height height of Fi gure 8 CON, LAC and DH 70nm NMOS transistors as a function of gate diele dielectric ctric permittivities. 4. Conclusion A detailed analysis of FIBL in MOS transistors with high-K gate dielectrics is done using extensive device simulations. For the first time a theory is proposed which gives better insight into the physics of FIBL phenomenon. We observe that the degradation in the short channel performance of high-K gate dielectric MOS transistors is significantly enhanced due to the additional coupling between source and drain through the gate insulator and it can be controlled by optimizing the overlap length and the bottom layer dielectric constant in stack structures. Our work also shows that the performance gain is marginal with channel engineering for MOS transistors with highK gate dielectrics. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI’03) 1063-9667/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 17, 2008 at 23:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Lateral Electric Field (MV/cm) Lateral Electric Field (MV/cm) 0.5 CON LAC DH 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 0.18 LG=70nm TOX,eff=1.5nm Kgate=3.9 0.20 0.22 0.24 Distance along the channel (Pm) 0.5 CON LAC DH 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 0.18 LG=70nm TOX,eff=1.5nm Kgate=30 0.20 0.22 0.24 Distance along the channel (Pm) 9. Simulated lateral electric field along the Figure 9 CON, ON, LAC and DH 70nm NMOS surface of C transistors for Kgate=3.9 and 30. 5. Acknowledgement This work is funded by Intel Corporation through a student fellowship to Nihar R. Mohapatra. 6. References [1] S. H. Lo, D. A. Buchanan, Y. Taur and W. 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Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI’03) 1063-9667/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 17, 2008 at 23:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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