* UNIT 1 *
AUGUST 25, 2014 – AUGUST 29, 2014
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Understanding (s)/goals:
EU1: PE.8.4D: Students will
understand the importance of
identifying and applying weight
training principles and safety
Essential Question(s):
EQ1: What are some of
the long-term benefits
that one can enjoy as a
result of wearing the
proper attire and
EU2: P.E.8.5C: Students will
understand the purpose of
engaging in the proper warm-up
and cool-down procedures for all
EQ2: What happens
SO2.1: Students will be able to engage in general cardiovascular
physiologically when a warm-up exercises as well as specific warm-up exercises.
proper warm-up and
cool-down is used as
SO2.2: Students will be able to engage in cool-down activities.
part of a complete
EQ3: How are
SO3.1: Students will be positioned properly to spot a group member
muscular development or partner for each repetition.
and joint integrity
SO3.2: Students will be able to properly execute repetitions for
impacted as a result of various lifts in a controlled, consistent manner.
improper weight lifting SO3.3: Students will be able to return free –weights and bars to the
proper racks and machines will be returned to proper settings.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
EU3: PE.8.5A: Students will
understand how to use equipment
safely and properly.
Student Outcomes (objectives):
SO1.1: Students will be able to take potentially dangerous
environmental conditions such as wind, cold, heat, and insects into
account to be sure attire is appropriate for physical activity.
SO1.2: Students will wear the correct braces and belts for various
Performance Task(s) and Other Evidence: (Assessment evidence should be collected for each Student Outcome (SO) listed above.)
Formative Assessments– HOT Questions,
Summative Assessment(s) (Attached)
SO1.1 Circulate around the room to make sure students are Unit Test Question #1, #6
properly dressed. Probing questions to gauge
understanding of the importance of dressing
SO1.2 Circulate around the room to make sure students are Unit Test Question #2, #7
using the proper braces, and belts while lifting and
spotting if and when necessary.
SO2.1 Thumbs up when proper technique for calisthenics
Unit Test Question #3, #8
and stretches are executed properly before a workout
as a (warm-up) activity.
SO2.2 Thumbs up when proper technique for calisthenics
Unit Test Question #4, #9
and stretches are properly executed after a workout
as a (cool-down) activity.
SO3.1 Present scaffolding question: How do you emphasize Unit Test Question #5, #10
allowing the participant to lift or push more than he
or she would normally do safely as a spotter?
Understanding (s)/goals
[this is a goal, not an objective. List the big ideas or concepts that you want them to come away with, not
facts that they must know]
Essential Question(s):
[What leading questions can you ask of students to get them to understand the Big Ideas?]
[Address the heart of the discipline, are framed to provoke and sustain students interest; unit questions
usually have no one obvious “right” answer
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
[These are observable, measurable (often dally) outcomes that students should be able to demonstrate
and that you can assess. Your assessment evidence in Stage 2 must show how you will assess these.]
[Your learning activities in Stage 3 must be designed and directly linked to having students be able to
achieve the understandings, answer the essential questions, and demonstrate the desired outcomes
Performance Tasks:
[Authentic, performance based tasks that have students apply what they have learned and
demonstrate their understanding.]
[designed at least at the application level or higher on Bloom’s Taxonomy. ]
[Rubrics can be used to guide students in self-assessment of their performance]
Other Evidence:
[includes pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment evidence]
[Can be individual or group based]
[Can include informal methods (such as thumbs up, thumbs down, and formal assessments, such
as quiz, answers to questions on a worksheet, written reflection, essay]
Learning Activities:
[[This is the core of your lesson plan and includes a listing describing briefly (usually in bullet or numbered
form so easy to follow) what:
the students will do during the class to prepare them for the outcomes you expect of them.]
the teacher will do to guide the learning]
Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
Chapter 1. Backward Design: Figure 1.4. UbD Design Standards
Stage 1—To what extent does the design focus on the big ideas of targeted content?
Consider: Are . . .
The targeted understandings enduring, based on transferable, big ideas at the heart of the
discipline and in need of uncoverage?
The targeted understandings framed by questions that spark meaningful connections, provoke
genuine inquiry and deep thought, and encourage transfer?
The essential questions provocative, arguable, and likely to generate inquiry around the central
ideas (rather than a “pat” answer)?
Appropriate goals (e.g., content standards, benchmarks, curriculum objectives) identified?
Valid and unit-relevant knowledge and skills identified?
Stage 2—To what extent do the assessments provide fair, valid, reliable, and sufficient measures
of the desired results?
Consider: Are . . .
Students asked to exhibit their understanding through authentic performance tasks?
Appropriate criterion-based scoring tools used to evaluate student products and performances?
Various appropriate assessment formats used to provide additional evidence of learning?
The assessments used as feedback for students and teachers, as well as for evaluation?
Students encouraged to self-assess?
Stage 3—To what extent is the learning plan effective and engaging?
Consider: Will the students . . .
Know where they're going (the learning goals), why the material is important (reason for learning
the content), and what is required of them (unit goal, performance requirements, and evaluative
Be hooked—engaged in digging into the big ideas (e.g., through inquiry, research, problem
solving, and experimentation)?
Have adequate opportunities to explore and experience big ideas and receive instruction to equip
them for the required performances?
Have sufficient opportunities to rethink, rehearse, revise, and refine their work based upon timely
Have an opportunity to evaluate their work, reflect on their learning, and set goals?
Consider: Is the learning plan . . .
Tailored and flexible to address the interests and learning styles of all students?
Organized and sequenced to maximize engagement and effectiveness?
Overall Design—To what extent is the entire unit coherent, with the elements of all three stages