Lesson Plans

Indv & Team Sports: PE
Lesson Plans: Unit #3- Volleyball
09/29 – 10/10
Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Day 1Unit #3 - Volleyball
Day 5:
09/29/14 Students will participate Badminton Successfully
 Intro to rules and procedures
 Game play, sportsmanship, scoring & tournament play
TEKs: 116.55.Individual Sports(one-half credit)
©Knowledge and skills:
1.Movement. The student develops the ability to participate confidently in individual
1B. consistently perform skills and strategies and follow rules at a basic level of
competency. Follow all safety considerations and rules
Activity: Daily warm up activity
Westside Warm-up: (this is the same for all PE classes)
 Walk/jog 5 min. around gym
In squad lines:
 Hamstring Stretch 10 sec. straight down
 Rt. Over Lf. 10 sec.
 Lf. Over Rt. 10 sec.
 Quad Stretch 10 sec. each leg
 Sitting Butterfly Stretch 10 sec.
 Sit-ups 10
 Push-ups 10
 Westside Jumping Jacks
Unit #3: Volleyball
Students will successfully learn & perform in Volleyball
Lesson 1: Stance, passes(bump, set & volley)
Students correctly display stance and perform bump pass, set passes, volley passes
Lesson 2: Court recognition, rotation & serve
Students recognize court dimensions, perform overhead and underhand serves, learn
rotations at “side out”.
Lesson 3: Fitness day Thursday (no pe Wednesdays)
Students engage in fitness stations (rotation of 4 stations @ 6 minutes each) designed
for cardio, flexibility, strength enhancement
Lesson 4: Game play & scoring
Students learn game play procedures and correct scoring. Play a game
Name of any attached handouts (if you have them goes here)
See attached handout