syllabus 2014

Westside High School
A.P. US Government and Politics
Mr. Clardy
Welcome to AP American Government! It is my hope that this course will create a lifelong interest in
being an informed citizen and participant in the political process. This course is taught with a variety of
strategies and activities that appeal to all learning styles. The end result of the course is for you to take the
National AP Exam in May. This syllabus is designed to help you understand what it will take for you to be
successful in this class and on the AP Exam.
Email: [email protected]
Office: 281 920 8000 ext. 6177
Tutorials: Tuesdays and Thursdays second 30 minutes of lunch
AP Exam date: Tuesday, May 17, 2915 7:30 am
Room: S213
Texts: Government in America: People, Politics and Policy, 10 Edition. By George
C. Edwards, Robert Lineberry and Martin Wattenberg
Readings and Cases in American Government, 15 Edition, edited by
Peter Woll
Both textbooks are designed for college and university students. In order to be successful in a course of this
type, you need to maximize your time through proper organization and time management skills to complete all
assigned readings prior to class discussion. In addition to the survey textbook, you are required to read portions of
the supplemental reader as well.
Standards and Expectations: This course is the equivalent of a college course taught by a college professor.
College level textbooks and readings are essential. However, a textbook is not enough. For you to do well on the
AP Exam, you must be prepared to use current examples and applications that may not be in a textbook. This
requires that you have access to current political news. You will be held accountable for understanding current
national political issues and should allocate time each week to read and study current political news stories
General Course Description and Expectations: Advanced Placement US
Government and Politics will give students an analytical perspective on
government and politics in the United States. This course includes both
the study of general concepts used to interpret US politics and the analysis
of specific contemporary examples. It also requires students to familiarize
themselves with the various institutions, groups beliefs and ideas that
constitute our political system The major topics to be examined are:
Constitutional Underpinnings of US Government
Political Beliefs and Behaviors
Political Parties, Interest Groups and Mass Media
Institutions of National Government
Public Policy
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
(a separate detailed handout will follow)
Because this course is the equivalent of a college course and in order for you to perform
well on the AP National Exam, you must meet the high expectations for the course and share the
responsibility for mastery of course objectives. This involves careful reading of the textbook, class
participation, cooperation and collaboration, as well as knowledge of current examples of contemporary
American politics.
Notebook: Students are required to maintain a notebook (3 ring binder with pockets) in which you
will keep all notes and handouts in preparation of the AP test. (Notebook order/tabs
will be discussed later in class.)
 Highlighter
* binder with notebook paper
 Two blue or black pens
 Period
Grading Policies: I will strictly adhere to all HISD policies in respect to grading, make-up work, and attendance and
progress reports. This information can be found in the Westside Way or on the schools website..
Grading criteria for each six weeks is as follows:
Minor Grades
Major Grades
Classroom Management, Behavior and Discipline: Students need to refer to the Westside Way
with respect to the following policies as they will be strictly adhered to in this class.
 If you are absent, it is your responsibility to collect all missing assignments from me on the
day that you return to school not to class. You will be responsible for turning in any
homework that was due while you were gone. You are responsible for getting any missed
lecture notes from a responsible classmate.
 As outlined in the student handbook, you have one day to complete assignments for every
day that you were absent.
 If you are going to be absent from class due to a school related activity , you will be
responsible for getting your assignments ahead of time.
 If you are absent on a test day, you must make arrangements with me to make up the test
during lunch within one week of the original test date.
 All homework must be turned in at the beginning of the class day that it is due.
 Absolutely NO LATE work accepted.
 Retakes are for tests with grades below 70 only.
 The maximum grade that can be earned on a retake is 75.
 You are allowed only one retake per six weeks.
 In order to qualify for a retake, you must attend one full tutorial(Tuesday or Thursday
during the first part of A lunch.) you must show all notes and assignments relevant to the
material tested
Class Participation:
 Each student is expected to be present on time during class.
 Each student is expected to participate in class discussions
Electronic devices:
 Cell phones are not to be seen or heard during class unless authorized by the teacher.
 Cell phones should be in either a purse, backpack or pocket for the duration of class.
Food and Drink:
No food or drink other than bottled water is permitted in the classroom.
Please read over these rules with your parent/guardian. Your signature and the signature of your
parent/guardian is required. Your signatures indicate your understanding of these rules and your willingness to
abide by them. Please return the signed portion of this sheet no later than ________________________. Keep
the first page for reference in the front of your binder. Thank you for your cooperation
Name (please print) ___________________________________________Class period _______
Student signature
Student e-mail
Parent signature
Parent work email
parent work phone
______________________________________________________________________________Parent home email
parent home phone