Linköpings Tekniska Högskola IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems EXAMINATION TMHP51/TEN1 2009-12-15 Page 1(6) EXAMINATION IN Hydraulic Servo Systems, TMHP51 / TEN1 Date: Tuesday 15 December 2009, at 8 am - 12 am Room: ?? Allowed educational aids: Tables: Standard Mathematical Tables or similar Handbooks: Tefyma Formularies: Formula Book for Hydraulics and Pneumatics, LiTH/IEI Mekanisk Värmeteori och Strömningslära Pocket calculator Number of questions in the examination: 5 On the front page and on all following pages the student must write: AID-number, TMHP51/TEN1, YYMMDD, page number Responsible teacher: during exam: Will visit at: Course administrator: Karl-Erik Rydberg 28 11 87, mob 073-806 18 39 9:30 and 11:00 o’clock Rita Enquist, 28 11 89, [email protected] Score: Maximal score on each question is 10. To get the mark 3, you will need 20 points To get the mark 4, you will need 30 points To get the mark 5, you will need 40 points Solutions: Results: GOOD LUCK! 15 December 2009 Karl-Erik Rydberg Professor You will find the solutions of this examination on the notice board in the A building, entrance 17, C-corridor to the right. Results will be announced ??. LINKÖPINGS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems 1. EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 2(6) a) Cavitation in orifices Three orifices are connected as shown in the figure below. The orifice areas are A1, and A2 = A3 = 0,50·A1. The inlet pressure to the first orifice is p1 and the final outlet pressure p2 = 15 bar. For each orifice the critical pressure drop for cavitation can be calculated as: Δpcav = 0,68 ⋅ pin , where pin is the inlet pressure.. Where will cavitation first take place (which orifice) when the pressure p1 increases? Calculate the pressure, p1, which initiate cavitation in some of the orifices. (4p) b) Servo valve efficiency The figure shows a valve controlled servo systems where the supply unit is a constant pressure controlled variable displacement pump. The pump pressure setting is ps = 21 MPa and the pump flow is equal to load flow, qp = qL in full flow range. Calculate and show in diagram the servo valve efficiency, ηsv = Pv,out/Pv,in versus load pressure pL in the range 0 <= pL <=·ps. Show qualitatively in the diagram how the valve efficiency will be affected if the valve has a constant leakage flow. (3p) c) Pressure gain for servo valves The figure shows the pressure gain (pL versus current, iv) for a servo valve, with and without hysteresis. Describe, why all real servo valve characteristics show hysteresis. How will the valve pressure gain be affected by ware? (3p) LINKÖPINGS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems 2. EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 3(6) a) Direct- and pilot operated servo valves Servo valves are manufactured in different concepts from single-stage to pilot operated valves (two-stage and three-stage valves). Describe the most important qualities for selection of servo valves, related to power level and control accuracy requirements in the application. (2p) b) Bandwidth of servo valves The figure below shows step responses of a servo valve at two different input signal amplitudes, in percentage of max amplitude. Assume that the servo valve dynamics can be described by a first order low-pass filter as, Gv = 1 /(1 + τ v ⋅ s ) . Determine the valve bandwidth (ωb, [rad/s]) for input signal amplitude 50% and 100% respectively. Why is the bandwidth reduced at high amplitude? (3p) c) Amplitude margin for position servo with valve controlled servo cylinder The figure shows schematically a valve controlled position servo. At centre position of the cylinder piston, V1 = V2 = Vt/2 = 0,5 litre the hydraulic resonance frequency is, ωh = 100 rad/s and the damping δh = 0,20. The steady state loop gain is adjusted to Kv = 20 1/s, which gives the amplitude margin Am = 6 dB. Assume that the piston in positioned close to end position where the cylinder volumes are, V1 = 0,9 l and V2 = 0,1 l. Calculate the servo amplitude margin (Am) in that operation point, when Kv = 20 1/s. (5p) LINKÖPINGS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems 3. EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 4(6) Positionsservo med 3-ports resp 4-ports servoventil The figure shows hydraulic position servos with 3-ports valve and asymmetric cylinder and 4-ports valve and symmetric cylinder respectively. The two systems are loaded by equal masses Mt and the same force FL. The servo systems have proportional position control with the feedback gain Kf and the controller gains Ksa3 and Ksa4. The servo valves are zero-lapped with symmetric orifices and their “zero-coefficients” are identical, Kqi0 and Kc0. The valves are fast compared to the cylinder-load dynamics. The supply pressure ps are constant and equal in the two systems. For the cylinders the piston area, Ah = 2,0·Ap and the max volume in the asymmetric cylinder is related to the symmetric cylinder as Vhmax = 2,0·(V1 + V2). The cylinders losses can be neglected. a) Controller gain for equal amplitude margin, Am Calculate the ratio for the controller gain in the two systems, Ksa4/Ksa3, which gives the same amplitude margin, Am in the most critical operation point for each system respectively. (6p) b) Servo valve Threshold and Saturation The figure shows a complete block diagram for the linear position servo with 4-port valve and symmetric cylinder. The static gain factors have the following values: Ksa4 = 0,12 A/(V), Kqi/Ap = 6,0 m/(As), Kf = 25 V/m, ΔiTH = 0,5 mA and imax = 0,050 A. Calculate the steady state position error, ΔXp caused by the threshold, ΔiTH (ΔFL = 0). Calculate max piston velocity according to current saturation, imax (ΔFL = 0). (4p) LINKÖPINGS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems 4. EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 5(6) Pump controlled angular velocity servo The figure shows the system and the block diagram for an electro-hydraulic velocity servo with a pump controlled motor and integrating controller (Ksa/s). The pump control unit is fast compared to the motor/load dynamics, (ωps > ωh). The static gain factors in the control loop have the values: Ksa = 0,10 A/V, Kps·Dp·ωp/Dm = 1200 rad/(As) and Kf = 0,10 Vs/rad. For the motor/load dynamics the values are, ωh = 67 rad/s and δh = 0,18. a) Feedback for increased hydraulic damping Show in a block diagram how a negative feedback of time derivative of the speed signal (uf) with the gain factor, KD [A/V] shall be implemented in the control loop. Show with equations how this feedback will gain the system damping (δh). Calculate the value of KD, which gives the new damping δh' = 0,40. (6p) b) Pump speed and it’s influence on the system amplitude margin, Am The above parameter values are valid for the pump speed ωp = 155 rad/s. Assume that the pump speed increases to ωp = 205 rad/s. Show with equations how the increased pump speed will influence the amplitude margin, Am of the control loop, when the extra damping feedback is used. (4p) LINKÖPINGS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems 5. EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 6(6) Linear position servo with valve controlled cylinder and two masses The figure below shows a valve controlled hydraulic cylinder loaded by the masses M1 and M2. The connection between the masses includes a spring and a damper (spring constant KL and viscous friction coeff. BL). The piston position xp is fed back to a proportional regulator with the gain Greg = Ksa. xp be Ap Ap be p1 V1 V2 p2 KL Position transducer uc + Servo amplifier uf - Ksa M2 M1 BL xL Kf i Au(s) Ps = const. The block diagram from valve input signal (i) to piston velocity (sXp) is: Kqi i ___ Ap + - Ap __________ Vt Kce + ___ s 4be PL Ap sXp 1 __________ GLX(s) (M1 + M2) s s2 + 2δ a s +1 ωa , (ωa < ω1) The transfer function of the mechanics is G LX ( s ) = 2δ 1 s + s +1 ω12 ω1 ω 2 a 2 a) The transfer function Gh(s) = sXp/i of the hydraulic system Derive an expression of the transfer function Gh(s) = sXp/i and show how the fundamental hydraulic resonance frequency, ωh' and damping, δ h' are varying according to the gain of the load dynamics, GLX (s ) . (6p) b) Negative velocity feedback to improve hydraulic stiffness in the position servo Assume that ωh < ωa in the system above. Describe qualitatively with equations how the hydraulic system dynamics will be influenced by implementation of a negative velocity feedback in the position servo. (4p) LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems SOLUTIONS FOR EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 1(5) SOLUTION SUGGESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION, TMHP51 1. a) Cavitation in orifices Orifices A1, A2 = A3 = 0,50·A1 The critical pressure drop for cavitation: Δpcav = 0,68 ⋅ pin . Where will cavitation starts? q1 = Cq ⋅ A1 2 ( p1 − pm ) = Cq ⋅ ( A2 + A3 ) 2 ( pm − p2 ) , which ρ ρ gives with A2 + A3 = A1: p1 − pm = pm − p2 and ( p1 − pm )cav > ( pm − p2 )cav , which means thar cavitation starts first after orifices A2 and A3. Which value of p1 starts cavitation? p1 = 2 pm − p2 and pm, cav = p2 /(1 − 0,68) = 46,9 bar gives: p1,cav = 93,8 – 15 = 78,8 bar. (4p) b) Servo valve efficiency ps = 21 MPa and qp = qL. qL ⋅ pL . qp = qL gives ηsv = pL/ps. qs ⋅ ps pL Leakage flow, qlsv gives η sv = . p → ps means qL → 0 and ηsv → 0. (1 + qlsv / qL ) ⋅ ps L Calculate ηsv = Pv,out/Pv,in: η sv = (4p) c) Pressure gain for servo valves All real servo valve characteristic shows hysteresis, because of friction and hysteresis in the electro magnet material (Threshold gives hysteresis). The pressure gain for a worn valve will be less than for a new valve, because of increased leakage flow (increased Kcvalue gives reduced Kp-value). (2p) LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems 2. SOLUTIONS FOR EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 2(5) a) Direct- and pilot operated servo valves Servo valve selection, related to power level and control accuracy requirements. Single-stage valves can not be used in high power applications, because of low controllability (low actuating force for the main spool control). Therefore, multi-stage (pilot operated) valves must be used in high power applications. Pilot operated valves also shows much better control accuracy than single-stage (direct operated) valves. (2p) b) Bandwidth of servo valves Calculate valve bandwidth from diagram, when Gv = 1 /(1 + τ v ⋅ s ) . Bandwidth, ωb = 1/τv [rad/s]. 50% ampl. gives ωb = 200 and 100%, ωb = 148 rad/s. Reduced bandwidth at high amplitude is caused by saturation in the valve controller. (3p) c) Amplitude margin for position servo with valve controlled servo cylinder Data: V1 = V2 = Vt/2 = 0,5 litre, ωh = 100 rad/s δh = 0,20, Kv = 20 1/s gives Am = 6 dB. Calculate the amplitude margin (Am) when V1 = 0,9 l and V2 = 0,1 l and Kv = 20 1/s. V1 = V2 → ωh = δ h1 = 4 β e Ap2 Vt M t , δh = K ce Ap βe M t Vt and V1 ≠ V2 → ωh1 = ⎛1 1⎞ V K ce β e M t ⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟ , which gives ωh1 ⋅ δ h1 = ωh ⋅ δ h ⋅ t 4 2 Ap ⎝ V1 V2 ⎠ and Am = −20 ⋅10 log Kv − 2ωh1δ h1 → Am = −20 ⋅10 log β e Ap2 ⎛ 1 1⎞ ⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟ , M t ⎝ V1 V2 ⎠ ⎛1 1⎞ ⋅ ⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟ = ωh ⋅ δ h ⋅ 2,78 ⎝ V1 V2 ⎠ 20 = 14,9 dB. − 2 ⋅ 100 ⋅ 0,2 ⋅ 2,78 (5p) LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems 3. SOLUTIONS FOR EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 3(5) Position servo with 3-ports and 4-ports servo valve respectively Parameter values: Ksa3, Ksa4, identical Kqi0 and Kc0, Ah = 2,0·Ap and Vhmax = 2,0·(V1 + V2). a) Controller gain for equal amplitude margin, Am Ksa4/Ksa3, which gives the same amplitude margin, Am? Kv and K v = C ⋅ δ h ⋅ ωh gives constant Am. The loop gain is Au ( s ) = 2 ⎛s ⎞ 2δ h s ⋅ ⎜⎜ 2 + s + 1⎟⎟ ⎝ ωh ωh ⎠ β 1 β 3-port valve: (δ h ⋅ ωh )3v = K ce e . 4-port valve: (δ h ⋅ ωh )4 v = 2 K ce e . 2 Vh max Vt 2 Ap K ce β eVh max ⎡ Ah = 2 Ap ⎤ K v 4 K sa 4 ⋅ K qi 0 ⋅ K f / Ap (δ h ⋅ ωh )4 v K = = =⎢ → sa 4 = ⎥ = 4. K v 3 K sa 3 ⋅ K qi 0 ⋅ K f / Ah (δ h ⋅ ωh )3v K sa 3 0.5 Ah K ce β eVt ⎣Vh max = 2Vt ⎦ (6p) b) Servo valve Threshold and Saturation in the servo with 4-port valve Data: Ksa4 = 0,12 A/(V), Kqi/Ap = 6,0 m/(As), Kf = 25 V/m, ΔiTH = 0,5 mA and imax = 0,050 A. Position error from threshold: ΔX p ⋅ K f ⋅ K sa = ΔiTH ⇒ ΔX p = Numerically: ΔX p = 0,0005 = 0,00017 m = 0,17 mm. 0.12 ⋅ 25 ⋅ ⋅ Max velocity from saturation: iv ⋅ K qi / Ap = X p ⇒ X p max = ⋅ Numerically: X p max = ΔiTH . K f ⋅ K sa imax ⋅ K qi 0 . Ap 0,050 ⋅ 6,0 = 0,30 m/s. 1 (4p) LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems 4. 4(5) SOLUTIONS FOR EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 Pump controlled angular velocity servo Ksa = 0,10 A/V, Kps·Dp·ωp/Dm = 1200 rad/(As), Kf = 0,10 Vs/rad, ωh = 67 rad/s and δh = 0,18. a) Feedback for increased hydraulic damping Implementation of negative feedback of duf/dt = acceleration feedback: Gps = 1,0 gives 1 2δ h ⎛s ⎞ ⎜⎜ 2 + s + 1⎟⎟ ⎝ ωh ωh ⎠ → 1 ⎛s ⎞ Dω ⎞ ⎛ ⎜ 2 + ⎜ 2δ h + K D K ps p p ⎟ s + 1⎟ ⎜ω ⎜ ω ⎟ Dm ⎟⎠ ⎝ h ⎝ h ⎠ = 1 2δ h' ⎛s ⎞ ⎜⎜ 2 + s + 1⎟⎟ ⎝ ωh ωh ⎠ D pω p ω where δ h' is the new damping, which can be calculated as: δ h' = δ h + h K f K D K ps 2 Dm 2 2 2 Dm 2 1 KD for δ h' = 0,40: K D = (δ h' − δ h ) 2 ⋅ = 5,47·10-5 A/V. = (0,4 − 0,18) ⋅ ωh K f K ps D pω p 67 0,1 ⋅ 1200 (6p) b) Pump speed and it’s influence on the system amplitude margin, Am How will an increased ωp influence Am, when acceleration feedback is used? The steady state loop gain is: K v = K sa K ps D pω p K f ⇒ K v ∝ ω p and the hydraulic Dm damping δ h' = δ h + const ⋅ ω p Amplitude margin: Am = −20 ⋅10 log Const ⋅ ω p Kv . = −20 ⋅10 log − 2ωh (δ h + const ⋅ ω p ) − 2ωhδ h If const·ωp >> δh the amplitude margin will not be changed by increased ωp. (4p) LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET IEI Fluid and Mechanical Engineering Systems 5. 5(5) SOLUTIONS FOR EXAMINATION TMHP 51 2009-12-15 Linear position servo with valve controlled cylinder and two masses xp Ap p1 C1 KL Ap M2 M1 C2 p2 BL xL Position transducer Kf Servo uc + amplifier Ksa uf - i Ps = const. Au(s) The block diagram from valve input signal (i) to piston velocity (sXp) is: Kqi i ___ Ap + - Ap __________ Vt Kce + ___ s 4be s2 PL Ap sXp 1 __________ GLX(s) (M1 + M2) s + 2δ a s +1 ωa G LX ( s ) = 2δ s + 1 s +1 2 ω1 ω1 ω 2 a 2 a) The transfer function Gh(s) = sXp/i of the hydraulic system: The block diagram gives: Gh ( s ) = ωh = 4 β e A p2 (M 1 + M 2 )Vt , δh = K ce Ap sX p i = K qi / A p ⋅ G LX ( s ) ⎛ s 2 2δ h ⎞ ⎜⎜ 2 + s + G LX ( s ) ⎟⎟ ⎝ωh ωh ⎠ β e (M 1 + M 2 ) Vt where and Vt/2 = V1 = V2. ωh' and damping, δ h' are varying according to the gain of the load dynamics, GLX ( s) as Gh ( s) = K qi / Ap ⎛ s 2 2δ h' ⎞ ⎜⎜ '2 + ' s + 1⎟⎟ ⎝ ωh ωh ⎠ , where ωh' = ωh GLX ( s ) and δ h' = δh GLX ( s ) . (6p) b) Negative velocity feedback to improve hydraulic stiffness in the position servo Assume that ωh < ωa in the original system above. Negative velocity feedback with the feedback gain Kvfv will give the new resonance frequency and damping as: ωh' = ωh GLX ( s) ⋅ K vfv and δ h' = δh GLX ( s ) ⋅ K vfv . The velocity feedback gain is always Kvfv > 1,0, which means that the resonance frequency will increase and the damping decrease. If the the velocity feedback gain the hydrauliv resonance so it comes very close to ω1, GLX (s ) > 1,0 and the effective damping will be very low and the system become very oscillative. (4p)
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