152 IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, VOL. 30, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2009 A Comparative NBTI Study of HfO2, HfSiOx, and SiON p-MOSFETs Using UF-OTF IDLIN Technique Shweta Deora, Vrajesh Dineshchandra Maheta, Gennadi Bersuker, Christopher Olsen, Khaled Z. Ahmed, Raj Jammy, and Souvik Mahapatra Abstract—The time, temperature, and oxide-field dependence of negative-bias temperature instability is studied in HfO2 /TiN, HfSiOx /TiN, and SiON/poly-Si p-MOSFETs using ultrafast on-the-fly IDLIN technique capable of providing measured degradation from very short (approximately microseconds) to long stress time. Similar to rapid thermal nitrided oxide (RTNO) SiON, HfO2 devices show very high temperature-independent degradation at short (submilliseconds) stress time, not observed for plasma nitrided oxide (PNO) SiON and HfSiOx devices. HfSiOx shows lower overall degradation, higher long-time power-law exponent, field acceleration, and temperature activation as compared to HfO2 , which are similar to the differences between PNO and RTNO SiON devices, respectively. The difference between HfSiOx and HfO2 can be attributed to differences in N density in the SiO2 IL of these devices. Index Terms—Activation energy, field acceleration, high-k dielectric, hole trapping, interface traps, negative-bias temperature instability (NBTI), plasma oxynitride, p-MOSFET, thermal oxynitride, time exponent. I. I NTRODUCTION N EGATIVE-BIAS temperature instability (NBTI), resulting in shifts in device parameters (linear drain current IDLIN , threshold voltage VT , etc.) is a serious reliability concern in p-MOSFETs having Si-oxynitride (SiON) [1]–[4] and high-k [5]–[8] gate dielectrics. It is now well known that defects generated during NBT stress recovers after stress is removed, and conventional stress–measure–stress (SMS) methods suffer from recovery-related artifacts that result in incorrect degradation magnitude, time, and temperature (T ) dependence of NBTI [9], [10]. To overcome this issue, ultrafast (UF) SMS [11] and UF on-the-fly (UF-OTF) IDLIN [4] techniques were developed. UF-SMS provides direct estimation of VT shift, although it cannot be used to measure degradation at very short stress time. UF-OTF can be used to determine degradation from very short (approximately microseconds) to long stress time, although it requires postprocessing to convert IDLIN degradation to VT shift as discussed in [12]. However, while NBTI in SiON p-MOSFETs has been studied using UF-SMS or UF-OTF techniques [4], [11], [13], to the best of our knowledge, most Manuscript received August 29, 2008. First published December 12, 2008; current version published January 28, 2009. The review of this letter was arranged by Editor A. Chatterjee. IIT Bombay acknowledges financial support from SRC/GRC. S. Deora, V. D. Maheta, and S. Mahapatra are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India (e-mail: [email protected]). G. Bersuker and R. Jammy are with SEMATECH, Austin, TX 78741 USA. C. Olsen and K. Ahmed are with Applied Materials, Inc., Santa Clara, CA 94085 USA. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LED.2008.2009235 studies of NBTI in high-k p-MOSFETs [5]–[8] were done using conventional SMS and calls for a reevaluation by UF methods, particularly to probe the degradation at early stress time and to have recovery-artifact-free degradation at longer stress time. In this letter, NBTI stress-induced degradation in HfSiOx and HfO2 p-MOSFETs with SiO2 (N) interlayer (IL) and TiN gate is studied using the UF-OTF IDLIN method [4]. The time and T dependence of degradation at short (submillisecond) stress time is shown to be significantly different for HfO2 as compared to HfSiOx devices. For longer stress time, the power-law time exponent (n), T activation (EA ), and IL field (EOX ) dependence are also shown to be different for HfO2 as compared to HfSiOx stacks. It is shown that time, T , and EOX dependence of NBTI of HfSiOx and HfO2 are similar to that of plasma nitrided oxide (PNO) and rapid thermal nitrided oxide (RTNO) SiON/poly-Si devices, respectively. The differences in NBTI between HfO2 and HfSiOx stacks can be attributed to the difference in N density in the SiO2 IL [16], [17]. This letter shows that NBTI is strongly influenced by the IL quality, and N content in IL plays a very important role, consistent with earlier reports [8], [15], [18]. II. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION Experiments were performed on fully processed pMOSFETs with 2- and 3-nm-thick HfSiOx and HfO2 layers on 1-nm-thick SiO2 (N) IL and TiN metal gate. The high-k layers were deposited using ALD on thermally grown SiO2 and was followed by postdeposition anneal (PDA) in NH3 . For comparison, PNO SiON devices (identical starting base oxide thickness but different N dose that results in different Si/SiON interfacial N density) and RTNO SiON device (having highest interfacial N density) were also studied. The details of UF-OTF measurement setup has been presented elsewhere [4]. Extracted degradation from measured IDLIN transients, ΔV = −ΔIDLIN /IDLIN0 ∗ (VGSTR − VT 0 ) [2], is shown in Fig. 1 for HfSiOx and HfO2 devices for two different stress T and time-zero (t0 ) delay. Note that ΔV is proportional to but different from ΔVT (obtained using SMS) as mobility degradation is not taken into account [12]1 ; VGSTR is stress bias; VT 0 is prestress VT ; IDLIN0 is the peak IDLIN ; ΔIDLIN is degradation in IDLIN from IDLIN0 ; and t0 delay implies delay between application of VGSTR and measurement of IDLIN0 [4]. 1 As described in [12], mobility correction can be done on devices having negligible hole trapping and results in parallel shifts in degradation versus time curve in a log–log plot, i.e., it impacts degradation magnitude but does not impact power-law time exponent n. 0741-3106/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE DEORA et al.: COMPARATIVE NBTI STUDY OF HfO2 , HfSiOx , AND SiON p-MOSFETs Fig. 1. Time evolution of measured ΔV for (left-hand side) HfSiOx and (right-hand side) HfO2 at different temperature and t0 delay under identical VG stress. Fig. 2. Power-law time exponent (linear fit from 10 to 1000 s) as a function of EOX for (a) 2- and 3-nm-thick HfO2 and HfSiOx and (b) PNO (with different N dose resulting in different N density) and RTNO (with highest interfacial N density) under constant t0 delay and temperature. Note that HfO2 shows very high degradation at short stress time (submilliseconds) as compared to HfSiOx when measured using t0 = 1 μs. It is also important to note that this large short-time degradation seen for HfO2 is T independent, while HfSiOx shows clear T dependence. Such differences between HfO2 and HfSiOx have been observed for a wide range of stress EOX and T , which cannot be captured by using conventional SMS [5] or conventional OTF (having t0 of 1 ms) [2], [3] measurements, and hence, such differences between HfSiOx and HfO2 stacks were never reported before. Reduction in measured degradation at higher t0 (due to noncapture of IDLIN degradation at short stress time) is larger for HfO2 as compared to HfSiOx , which is more prominent at shorter stress time, with stronger reduction seen when t0 delay is increased from 1 μs to 1 ms (shown) than from 1 ms to 10 ms (not explicitly shown). The time evolution, impact of t0 delay, and stress T for HfO2 are similar to RTNO, while HfSiOx shows similar behavior as PNO SiON devices [13]. It is evident as shown in Fig. 1 that the time evolution of ΔV does not show a single power-law dependence for the entire (short to long) stress duration. However, the long-time (t > 1 s) degradation shows power-law dependence, with ΔV 153 Fig. 3. T dependence of ΔV at t-stress of 100 s for (a) 2- and 3-nm-thick HfO2 and HfSiOx and (b) PNO(with different N dose resulting in different N density) and RTNO (with highest interfacial N density) at constant t0 delay and VG /EOX stress. Fig. 4. EOX dependence of ΔV at t-stress of 100 s for (a) 2- and 3-nm-thick HfO2 and HfSiOx and (b) for PNO (with different N dose resulting in different N density) and RTNO (with highest interfacial N density) at constant t0 delay and T stress. asymptotically converging to a “final” power-law exponent. Fig. 2 shows extracted time exponent (n) for t-stress > 10 s at different stress EOX for HfO2 and HfSiOx devices having different high-k thicknesses and for PNO (with different interfacial N density) and RTNO devices. Note that, although n is different for different devices, it is independent of stress VG (EOX ), suggesting absence of trap generation in high-k or SiON bulk during NBT stress [14]. Although not explicitly shown, n was found to be independent of stress T as well for all the devices used in this letter. The EOX and T independence of n validates the power-law time dependence of NBTI at long stress time. HfSiOx shows higher n as compared to HfO2 , although n is insensitive to high-k thickness. Reduction in n is seen for PNO with increase in interfacial N density, while RTNO device having highest interfacial N density shows lowest n. Fig. 3 shows measured ΔV at fixed stress time but different stress T for HfO2 and HfSiOx devices with different high-k thicknesses and for PNO (with different interfacial N density) and RTNO devices. Obtained EA , although not sensitive to high-k thickness, is larger for HfSiOx as compared to HfO2 . 154 IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, VOL. 30, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2009 Reduction in EA is seen for PNO with increase in interfacial N density, while RTNO device having highest interfacial N density shows lowest EA . Note that n and EA show similar process dependence, which has been discussed in detail for SiON devices in [13]. Fig. 4 shows measured ΔV at fixed stress time as a function of EOX in IL for HfO2 and HfSiOx devices with different high-k thicknesses and as a function of EOX for PNO (with different interfacial N density) and RTNO devices. The EOX -dependent slope (Γ) is lower for HfO2 as compared to HfSiOx , although Γ is independent of high-k layer thickness for HfO2 but increases with high-k layer thickness for HfSiOx . Reduction in Γ is seen for PNO as interfacial N density (proportional to N%) is increased, while RTNO device having lowest N% have highest interfacial N density and, therefore, shows lowest Γ [4], [13]. We now explain the possible physical mechanism behind the difference in HfSiOx and HfO2 devices.2 As Γ is a strong indicator of interfacial N density (i.e., Γ is higher for lower N density and vice versa, see [13] for details), N density in SiO2 IL after identical high-k PDA is higher for HfO2 as compared to HfSiOx . As both 2- and 3-nm HfSiOx devices underwent similar PDA, higher Γ (implying lower N) seen for higher thickness implies better N blocking capability of the HfSiOx layer. HfO2 on the other hand is a poor N blocker, as reported in [16] and [17], which results in higher N content in the IL and lower Γ. Presence (in RTNO and HfO2 ) or absence (in PNO and HfSiOx ) of large T -independent shorttime degradation (Fig. 1) clearly suggest presence or absence of large hole trapping (ΔVh ) component in N-related traps [4], [11], particularly at early stress time. As ΔVh saturates fast and has weaker T activation [3]–[5], [11], [12], it causes lower n (Fig. 2) and EA (Fig. 3) for ΔV (= ΔVIT + ΔVh ) when added to generated interface traps (ΔVIT ) that show power-law time dependence and stronger T activation [2], [3]. Relatively high n and EA for HfSiOx implies lower ΔVh due to lower N density in SiO2 IL, similar to that observed for PNO SiON devices [13]. III. C ONCLUSION The use of UF-OTF technique has helped identify a very important difference between HfO2 and HfSiOx stacks. Similar to RTNO SiON, HfO2 shows very high T -independent degradation at short stress time. This is not seen for HfSiOx that behave similar to PNO SiON films. Similar to differences between RTNO and PNO SiON devices, HfO2 shows higher overall degradation, lower EA , and lower EOX -dependent slope when compared to HfSiOx stacks. This is uniquely attributed to higher N density in SiO2 IL for HfO2 as compared to HfSiOx that results after similar PDA. The importance of SiO2 IL in governing high-k NBTI is consistent with published reports. 2 An alternative explanation relates the difference between HfO and HfSiO x 2 to differences in amount of Hf diffusion and oxygen deficiency in the IL [15]. The change in IL is more profound in HfO2 . R EFERENCES [1] Y. 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