RECEIVED BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 : POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2000 JUL7 122sPM‘00 piJ$T*i ;;:i?i: ;;i’:‘,. ,~‘.,;,:b, OFFf(:E 0; 71;: :,::cii’(~&,‘l Docket No. R2000- 1 AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION AND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PRESORT MAILERS DESIGNATION OF WRITTEN CROSS-EXAMINATION OF MAJOR MAILERS ASSOCIATION WITNESS HARRISON (MMA-T-2) (July 7, 2000) The American Bankers Association (“ABA”), and the National Association Presort Mailers, Inc. (“NAPM”) designate the following interrogatory joint written cross-examination of Major Mailers Association responses as their Witness Harrison USPS/MMA-T2 1,2,4,5(a) USPSJMMA-Tl 20 (redirected from MMA witness Bentley). ABA & NAPM reserve the right to designate additional of interrogatory : responses that they may receive after the date hereof. Respectfully submitted, AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PRESORT MAILERS Henry A. Hart, Esq. Reed Smith Shaw & McClay LLP 130 1 K Street N.W. Suite 1100 - East Tower Irving D. Warden Assoc. General Counsel American Bankers Association 1120 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20005 Ph: 202-414-9225 Fax: 202-4 14-9299 Washington, DC 20036 Ph: 202-663-5027 Fax: 202-828-4548 Counsel for National Association of Presort Mailers Counsel for American Bankers Association July 7, 2000 Washington, D.C. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the instant participants document on all of record in this proceeding in accordance with Section 12 of the Rules of Practice. Irving D. Warden American Bankers Association 1120 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone (202) 663-5027 Fax (202) 828-4548 email: [email protected] July 7,200O -2- BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2000 : Docket No. R2000- 1 AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION AND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PRESORT OF MAJOR MAILERS DESIGNATION OF WRITTEN CROSS- EXAMINATION MAILERS ASSOCIATION WITNESS BENTLEY (USPS-T-l) (July 7, 2000) The American Bankers Association (“ABA”), and the National Association Presort Mailers, Inc. (“NAPM”) designate the following interrogatory joint written cross-examination of Major Mailers Association responses as their Witness Bentley : USPS/MMA-Tl 2-5, 9,lO and 12 USPS/MMA-T2 5(b) (redirected from MMA witness Harrison. ABA & NAPM reserve the right to designate additional of interrogatory responses that they may receive after the date hereof. Respectfully submitted, AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PRESORT MAILERS Henry A. Hart, Esq. Reed Smith Shaw & McClay LLP 1301 K Street N.W. Suite 1100 - East Tower Irving D. Warden Assoc. General Counsel American Bankers Association 1120 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20005 Ph: 202-414-9225 Fax: 202-414-9299 Washington, DC 20036 Ph: 202-663-5027 Fax: 202-828-4548 Counsel for National Association of Presort Mailers Counsel for American Bankers Association July 7,200O Washington, D.C. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the instant participants document on all of record in this proceeding in accordance with Section 12 of the Rules of Practice. Irving D. Warden American Bankers Association 1120 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone (202) 663-5027 Fax (202) 828-4548 email: [email protected] July 7, 2000 -2-
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