LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET COURSE INFORMATION Institutionen för Ekonomisk och Industriell Utveckling Avdelningen för Produktionsekonomi Helene Lidestam Mars 2015 TPMM06 Analysing and Improving Manufacturing Operations (6hp) Aim: The purpose of the course is to present perspectives on how to analyse manufacturing operations and based on such analyses improve the value processes of the manufacturing firm. After taking this course, the student should possess enhanced knowledge about different analysis tools and approaches and about improvement models and approaches of both conceptual and operational nature. Prerequisites: Basic courses in Production and Operations Management and Manufacturing Planning and Control Teachers: Helene Lidestam (HL), Examiner, lecture 1, 2, 4, 7 [email protected] Fredrik Persson (FP), lecture 3, 5, 6, 7 seminars and project [email protected] Lujie Chen (LC), seminars and project, [email protected] Sayeh Noroozi (SN), project, [email protected] Organisation: The teaching is organised in lectures and seminars and laboratories. The lectures deal with the theoretical approaches and the seminars and laboratory sessions deal with a project Lectures: 14 hrs; Seminars: 10 hrs; Laboratories: group work. Course contents: ANALYSING MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS: Analyses of lead-times, capacity, material flow, customer and manufacturing orders, delivery service, inventories, information, and from a systems perspective. IMPROVING MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS: Value-based process enhancements through improvements in time, cost, flexibility and quality, with a special focus on setup-time reduction. SIMULATION AS SUPPORT FOR ANALYSING AND IMPROVING OPERATIONS: Relationships among lead-times, capacity, material flow, inventories, orders, delivery service, costs, information, and planning strategy. Course literature: Anupindi, Chopra, Deshmukh, Van Mieghem & Zemel, Managing Business Process Flows, 3:e upplagan, Prentice-Hall, 2012/2014. ISBN 9781292023113. Additional handouts. Examination: Seminar project, 4p. Written examination, 2p. A written report and presentation of the project (4p) and a written examination (2p). The final grade depends on the sum the above two parts. The project task consists of a larger problem in which a simulation tool is used to analyze and develop the production of a fictitious company. The task is assessed based grading criteria contained in the documentation for the project assignment. The project team selects the rating sought and then the grading criteria must be followed. A self-evaluation of how well the criteria are met will be submitted with the final report. The latest time for submission is 1 of June at 5 pm. Course Webpage: Summary: Important dates in the course: - The course starts 24 of March at 10 am. - Start of simulation runs, 1 of April at 5 pm. - The last simulation run, 20 of April at 5 pm. - Distribution of the simulation tool, PICSIM, to part B in the project, 21 of April - Submission of project report and self-evaluation, 1 of June at 5 pm. Course outline Lectures (Le)/Seminars (Se) Item Time and place Content and objective of each item Reading Teacher Le 1 W13, Tuesday, 10-12 Book Chap 1-3 + course presentation HL Le 2 W13, Friday, 15-17 Se 1 W14, Tuesday, 10-12 Course presentation, process management and strategy, measurement of process flow Overview, product attributes, Process attributes Little’s Law Flow-time, Capacity, Inventory analysis and cyclic planning Flow-time analysis, Capacity analysis, Inventory analysis, Cyclic planning Analysis of production flow Introduction to PICSIM simulation Lab From 1 of April to 20 of April W16, Tuesday 10-12 Le 3 Managing uncertainty Overview, Safety inventory and safety capacity Inventory in queueing systems Analysis of the simulation W16, Wednesday, 8-10 Le 4 W16, Thursday, 13-15 Setup time analysis Background and definitions, Methods for setup time reduction, Analysis setup time reduction W17, Tuesday, 10-12 Statistics Experimental design W17, Wednesday Analysis of the simulation 8-10 W17, Friday Simulation in manufacturing systems 15-17 Definitions and terminology, Steps in a simulation project Se 3 Le 6 Handout material LC project case Simulation running Se 2 Le 5 Book Chap 4-6 HL Handout material cyclic planning LC Book Chap 7,8 FP Handout materials LC Handout material HL FP LC Book Chap 10 FP Handout materials simulation tools and experimental design LC, SN Se 4 W20 Monday, 13-15 W20, Tuesday, 8-10 W20, Wednesday, 810 Discussion and supervision of simulation project Le 7 W21, Tuesday 10-12 W21, Thursday, 13-17 Summary HL, FP Group presentation – simulation results LC, HL W23, Monday, 1 of June at 5 pm W23, Friday 8-‐12 The latest time to hand in the project report and the selfevaluation Written exam Se 5 HL HL Simulation schedule for task A in the project– spring 2015 The simulations should be sent in by email to [email protected] Date Latest hand in Results ready Wednesday April 8 09.00 11.00 Wednesday April 8 17.00 19.00 Thursday April 9 08.00 11.00 Thursday April 9 14.00 15.00 Thursday April 9 17.00 19.00 Friday April 10 09.00 11.00 Friday April 10 13.00 15.00 Friday April 10 17.00 19.00 Monday April 13 09.00 11.00 Monday April 13 14.00 15.00 Monday April 13 17.00 19.00 Thursday April 16 09.00 11.00 Thursday April 16 17.00 19.00 Friday April 17 09.00 11.00 Friday April 17 17.00 19.00 Monday April 20 09.00 11.00 Monday April 20 13.00 14.00 Monday April 20 17.00 19.00
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