
Rule the
Google's beliefs
Have they deviated from their Mission Statement?
After over 100 acquisitions, it’s hard to believe that they still only do “one thing”.
List of mergers and acquisitions by Google – Wikipedia
How have the acquisitions changed since 2001?
What appear to be the current focus and why?
The bottom-up justification for
M&A at Google
“a product manager that has a
problem and needs to solve that
problem is the raison d'être of a
potential acquisition”
On how much it is willing to spend
on a company
“the value of a deal equals the value
of the team plus the value of the
year it would spend a Google
team to create the same
Business Insider article
List 3 benefits of the Nest purchase.
Which do you think is the most important and
Forbes Article
What is the “Internet of Things”?
What are the concerns about the purchase and
why should this concern Google?
The Internet of Things
CNET Article - Internet of Things
Charlie Brooker's view on the Internet of Things - Youtube (17:40 - 19:40min)
The Daily Mash's Vision of Google's Future
What problems can you foresee with Google’s omnipresence?
“Network thinking is poised to invade all domains of human
activity and most fields of human inquiry. It is more than
another helpful perspective or tool. Networks are by their very
nature the fabric of most complex systems, and nodes and
links deeply infuse all strategies aimed at approaching our
interlocked universe.”
Barabási, Linked, p. 222.
Google Driverless Cars - Youtube clip
Google Glass Review - Youtube clip
BBC - Google patent advert technology
linking restaurants to free taxis
BBC - Google patent robot that updates
social media on your behalf
Are these diversifications in line with their mission statement and beliefs?
Justify your answer.
Google Glass V Black Mirror - Youtube clip
Black Mirror (The Entire History of You) was a 2011 TV programme in which
everyone had a hard drive implanted in the brain which would record and play
back everything the person saw.
How many years until this becomes a reality?
Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of this technology.