JIII-AP 1-26

Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
Sheridan, Yoshimi
Unit Name and #:
Story (Essay) Writing
Japanese III, AP
Week of 1-26-2015
Objective: Students will be able to write a story in Japanese with 起承転結(introduction/quick get-away,
development/ build up, turn/ climax, conclusion/ending) format, using cultural knowledge and correct grammar
rules. Students will gain an understanding of Japanese cultural perspectives through their study of the writing and
performing the story. SW add more vocab and 漢字。
Learning Activities:
PowerPoint demo and guidance on 起承転結 format with the example, 大きな木
Practice saying, reading, and writing sentences using technology-Rubric on Hub
N5Vocab.5-6 review
Assessment Methods: Class participation, notes
Checks for Understanding: Demo. Asking Questions
Materials: PC, Projector, PowerPoint, notes, pencil, vocab-list
Follow Up/HW: Extended Activity Assignment due 1/26
Objective: Students will be able to write a story in Japanese with 起承転結(introduction/quick get-
away, development/ build up, turn/ climax, conclusion/ending) format, using cultural knowledge and
correct grammar rules. Students will gain an understanding of Japanese cultural perspectives through their study of
the writing and performing the story. SW add more vocab and 漢字。
Learning Activities:
Demo and guidance on ~は、~が structures-Nearpod activity
Practice saying, reading, and writing sentences using technology- Rubric on Hub
N5Vocab.5-6 review
Wednesday /Thursday
Assessment Methods: Class participation, and Hub assignments
Checks for Understanding: Hub assignments
Materials: PC, Projector, PowerPoint, notes, pencil, Nearpod presentation
Follow Up/HW: Study the particles for the test Wednesday
Objective: Students will be able to write a story in Japanese with 起承転結(introduction/quick getaway, development/ build up, turn/ climax, conclusion/ending) format, using cultural knowledge and
correct grammar rules. Students will gain an understanding of Japanese cultural perspectives through their study of
the writing and performing the story. SW add more vocab and 漢字。
Learning Activities:
Nearpod review on ~は、~が structures.
Practice saying, reading, and writing sentences using technology- Rubric on Hub
Hub test on the particles
AP writing Essay 6 on Hub
Assessment Methods: Class participation, Assignment and Test on Hub.
Checks for Understanding: Demo. Asking Questions, Test, Assignments
Materials: PC, Projector, PowerPoint, notes, pencil, Essay assignment on Hub, Test on Hub
Follow Up/HW: Particle Test, Writing assignment
Objective: Students will be able to write a story in Japanese with 起承転結(introduction/quick get-away,
development/ build up, turn/ climax, conclusion/ending) format, using cultural knowledge and correct grammar
rules. Students will gain an understanding of Japanese cultural perspectives through their study of the writing and
performing the story. SW add more vocab and 漢字。
Learning Activities:
Practice saying, reading, and writing sentences using technology - Rubric on Hub
N5Vocab.5-6 review
Assessment Methods: Class participation, Hub Assignment
Checks for Understanding: Demo. Asking Questions, Assignment
Materials: PC, Projector, PowerPoint, vocab lists, pencil, Hub-assignments, online-sites
Follow Up/HW: Hub Test and assignments
*Plans are subject to modifications at the teacher’s discretion.