Voice & Speech for Actors, Fall 2012
MPAET-UE 1055-001, Thursday 4:55 – 6:35, Tisch Building, LC1
Evan Mueller [[email protected]] Office Hours: By appointment [646.263.3172]
Course Objective:
• To give students an overview of the Voice & Speech issues faced by actors.
• Voice & Breath: to improve the actor’s vocal production by releasing tension,
connecting to the breath, and opening the actor’s natural resonance.
• Speech & Diction: to provide an introduction to the elements of diction, with exercises
to contribute to the actor’s goal of overall clarity & efficiency in speech.
• Language & Text: to provide the actor with a basis for the dynamic use of language in
vocal production.
• To give students a way of working on their voice & speech skills that will be a
foundation for the rest of their career.
Primary Texts:
Freeing the Natural Voice
Kristin Linklater
Attendance/Attitude: 20%
Written Homework & Journals: 40%
Preparation and In-Class Work with Text: 40%
Total: 100%
Attendance is absolutely essential, and being late for class WILL NOT BE
TOLERATED. Most of your learning will take place as you experience the exercises
with the class. It is impossible to duplicate these experiences once you have missed
them through absence or tardiness. If you are late three times it will count as an
unexcused absence. Each unexcused absence will drop your final grade one full
letter, without exception. It as at the discretion of the instructor to determine if an
absence is to be excused; advanced notice and documentation are expected . IT IS
A Voice & Speech Journal entry is required as assigned. These Journals should be
approximately one full page long, and give the actor a chance to reflect and comment
on his/her feelings about classwork, reading material, and how Voice & Diction is
perceived outside of class.
Text Work:
We will be using Poetry and other Text as a tool to explore our use of Voice & Speech.
Timely selection and memorization of these texts are required. DO NOT come to
class without having your text memorized. It is a waste of everyone’s time, and it
will be reflected in your grade. In addition to memorization, it is required that you
WORK on the text outside of class to develop your Voice & Speech skills.
In addition to text work, this semester will consist of reading assignments and written
homework. Successful completion of these assignments is required. Assignments
turned in late will be discounted one full grade for each class period they are late.
Assignments will not be accepted if more than two class periods late.
*It is important to wear loose fitting clothing to class that will allow for free movement.
*It is important that students come to class with curiosity and an open mind.
*Actors should cultivate their willingness to take risks, to fail, and to share their
creativity and talent with others in the class.
Academic Integrity:
All students are responsible for understanding and complying with the NYU Steinhardt
Statement on Academic Integrity. A copy is available at
The Actor Speaks
Patsy Rodenberg
Classically Speaking
Patricia Fletcher
*Students with Disabilities: Students with physical or learning disabilities are recommended to register with the Moses
Center for Students with Disabilities, 719 Broadway, 2nd Floor, and are required to present a
letter from the Center to the instructor at the start of the semester in order to be considered for
appropriate accommodation.
Voice & Speech for Actors - Fall 2012
Course Outline:
Over the course of the semester we will cover three units: Breath & Voice / Speech &
Diction / Language & Text. The following is a ROUGH outline and syllabus of our
semester. Everything is subject to change; we will move as slowly or as quickly as your hard
work allows us to move. In addition to the reading, oral, and written assignments listed, other
homework will be assigned over the semester.
Week 1
Introductions – Philosophy of Voice and Speech
Week 2
Breath & Voice: Awareness: Spine, Breathing
*Reading: Linklater Pgs 1-25 (Introductions)
Week 3
Breath & Voice: Sound & Vibration
* Reading: Linklater 31 - 63 (Spine, Breathing)
Week 4
Breath & Voice: Channel for Sound (Jaw, Tongue, Soft Pallet)
* Reading: Linklater Pgs 65 - 86 (Touch of Sound)
Week 5
Breath & Voice: Open Throat, Chest/Mouth/Teeth, Upper Resonators
* Reading: Linklater Pgs 87 - 126 (Vibrations)
Week 6
Presentation Day
*Working with dramatic/poetic text
*Reading: Linklater Pgs 127 – 160 (Channel, Jaw/Tongue)
Week 7
Speech & Diction: Voice into Speech / Consonants
*Reading: Rodenberg Pgs 1-39 (Stage 1: The Actor Speaks)
Week 8
Speech & Diction: Consonants (cont.) / Vowels
* Reading: Rodenberg Pgs 40 – 88 (Stage 1 contd.)
Week 9
Speech & Diction: Vowels (cont.) & Diphthongs
*Reading: Speech & Phonetics Materials/ Fletcher - Consonants
Week 10
Presentation Day
*Working with dramatic/poetic text
*Reading: Speech & Phonetics Materials / Fletcher - Vowels
Week 11
Language & Text: Speech Into Language
*Reading: Speech & Phonetics Materials / Fletcher 1-26, 47-85 & Diphthongs
Week 12
No Class – Thanksgiving!
Week 13
Language & Text: Language Devices
*Reading: Linklater Pgs 343 - 355 (Link to Text, Use of Language)
Week 14
Language & Text: Analysis / Scoring of Text
*Reading: Rodenberg Pgs 161-235 (Stage 3: Word & Text)
Week 14.5
Language & Text: Working with Complicated Text
*Work with Final Text of Choice / Speech
Final Exam:
A Final Presentation, To be held Thursday, December 20th from 6pm – 7:50pm.
Course Syllabus MPAET-UE 1055.001 Fall 2012, Page 2