Reliability Studies on Sub 100 nm SOI-MNSFETs S. Mahapatra', V. Ramgopal Raol, J.Vasi', B. Cheng', and J.C.S. Woo3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400076, India. 'Advanced Products Research & Development Lab, Motorola, 3501 Ed Bluestein, Austin, TX 78721,USA Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1 594, USA. I Ahstract - SO1 MNSFETs with channel lengths down to 100 nin and having a Jet Vapor Deposited (JVD) silicon nitride (Si3N4) gate dielectric are fabricated and characterized. The JVD MNSFETs show comparable performance in coinparison to conventional S i 0 2 SOI-MOSFETs, in tenns of low gate leakage, Si3N4/Si interface quality and lun/luf, ratio. In addition, the MNSFETs show better hot carrier reliability coinpared to conventional MOSFETs. Our results explore the worthiness o f J V D SiiNl as gate dielectric for future low power ULSl applications. K e y w o d - MOSFET, silicon on insulator (Sol),jet vapor deposition (JVD), hot-carrier degradation (HCD) A two-step titanium silicidation process with Ge preainorphization is iinpleinented to control the silicide depth and reduce the series resistance. Identical bulk MOSFETs and MNSFETs were also fabricated during the same process run for split C-V measurements and interface characterization using charge pumping. The electrical equivalent of gate oxide thickness (EOT) (as measured in inversion froin split-CV measurements) was 3.9 nm for conventional SiOz and 3.1 nm for JVD nitride as shown in Figure 1. The thickness of the SO1 film and buried oxide are 35 nm and 370 nin respectively. I. INTRODUCTION Figure 2 shows the output characteristics of a 100 nm channel length SO1 JVD MNSFET and conventional MOSFET. Due to differences in EOT of the Si3N4and SiOl films, the drain currents are nonnalized to gate capacitance for fair comparison. It can be seen that the JVD MNSFETs show identical drain current drive as coinpared to S i 0 2 MOSFETs. 111. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SO1 devices are of great interest, especially for low power and low voltage applications where the goal is to have higher drive current and transconductance with minimal short-channel effects. However, gate oxide scaling without the associated gate leakage is very crucial for SO1 MOSFETs to maintain the low power advantage down to sub 100 inn nodes. In this regard, Jet Vapor Deposited (JVD) Si3N4showed promising characteristics as a gate insulator [I], where more than an order of magnitude lower gate leakage has been observed in the sub 3.5 nm gate dielectric thickness regime, compared to conventional SiOz of equivalent gate capacitance. Recently, a bulk CMOS process having channel length down to 100 nm and having a JVD Si3N4gate dielectric has been demonstrated [2,3]. In this paper, we report SO1 MNSFETs fabricated using JVD Si3N4gate dielectric. Our comprehensive set of electrical measurements presented in this paper on both SOIMNSFETs and its identical bulk counterpart show the salient features of JVD nitride MNSFETs, namely; improved transistor performance, good Si-Si3N4 interface quality, and excellent short channel and hot-carrier reliability. IT. DEVICE FABRTCATION Two sets of SO1 n-channel FET's were fabricated in the same device run in identical fashion except for the gate insulator. E-beam lithography was used to define channel lengths down to 100 nm. JVD nitride and thennal S i 0 2 (conventional oxide) were used as gate dielectrics. ............. . , ,, Figure 2. Output characteristics of 100 nin channel length SO1 conventional MOSFET and JVD MNSFET. 4x10' ' -a, 3x10' ' - U- 0.06- ' 2 "s1x102 - . Oxide -JVD nitride 0.04 - U) 0.02 - 0.00 1 0 - 2x10~ v cl 1 v, . I - ........ ...... Oxide 0.0 0.4 0.8 3 1.2 1.6 . v, (VI Figure 1. Split-CV ineasureinents in bulk conventional MOSFET and JVD MNSFET to determine gate capacitance in inversion. 2000 IRW FINAL REPORT 8' 1x10~ n, a - 0 - 0. -0.4 , I 1.0 1.5 2.0 I . -0.5 0.0 0.5 a - 3x103lg CF -g 2x10' 4x103 (V) Figure 3 . Transconductance as a f h c t i o n of gate bias for 100 nin channel length SO1 conventional MOSFET and JVD MNSFET measured at low and high drain biases. 0~7803~6392~21001$10.00 '2000 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 01:45 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 29 Reliability Studies on Sub 100 nm SOLMNSFETs Mahapatra et al. Figure 3 shows the low-field transconductance (g,,,) as well as the saturation transconductance (g,,,,sdt)as a function of Vci for 100 nin channel length JVD and conventional SO1 transistors. As before, the measured values are normalized to gate capacitance for fair comparison. Compared to S i 0 2 MOSFETs, both the low-field and saturation transconductance for the JVD devices are lower at low gate biases, and a cross-over . i s observed at higher Vci values. Similar observation was made and explained by other workers [4]. Figure 4 shows the saturation transconductance, scaled to gate capacitance, as a function of channel length. Note that SO1 JVDMNSFETs perfonn excellently all the way down to 100 nm channel lengths in comparison to the conventional SOI-MOSFETs. 1 M H z and transition times of 250 ns. The substrate was shorted to ground, and the sourceidrain current was measured. Measurements were performed on transistors having different channel lengths. Results are shown in Figure 6, which substantiates the extremely good SiiSilN, interface obtained by using the JVD deposition process. 600 I h Qn v I - a 300 200 100 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 L (pm) E 1 m n . Figure 6. Detennination of pre-stress interface-state density in bulk JVD MNSFET and conventional MOSFET as measured using charge pumping. Oxide JVD nitride -B-Et . n . u . n 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Channel length (pm) Figure 7 shows the DlBL and VT roll-off measured for both JVD and conventional SO1 transistors as a function of channel Figure 4. Saturation transconductance as a function of channel length. Almost no degradation in DIBL and VT roll-off for JVD length for SO1 conventional MOSFETs and JVD MNSFETs. nitrides shows the effect of fringing fields to be negligible, which has been recently identified as a potential problem in replacing SiO? Figure 5 shows the sub-threshold slope (S) and ID.sat/lof ratio by high-K gate materials in deep submicron MOSFETs [6]. The for the two sets of SO1 transistors as a function of channel length. excellent short-channel performance of JVD MNSFETs is an additional motivation for the choice of JVD nitrides at the 100 nm No degradation in S is observed for JVD nitride SO1 transistors indicating a good Si/SiN interface. The identical values of ID.*at/lo~ and below technology nodes. in JVD nitride SO1 MNSFETs assures the low-power advantage of SO1 technologies as maintainable down to the sub 100 n m technologies. 0.00 0.20 -0.02 n 95 ' 1o5 U g m > -0.04 E -0.06 > : 0.10 m al a 2 0.15 . 90. -0.08 n -0.10 E 85. Io2 Channel length (pm) Figure 5. Subthreshold slope and IDSAT/IOFF as a function of channel length for SO1 conventional MOSFETs and JVD MNSFETs. The Si/Si,N, interface quality has been verified by a direct ineasureinent of interface state density on bulk JVD-MNSFETs using charge pumping [ 5 ] . Measurements were performed using a fixed base level and varying top level gate pulse having frequency of k + % r 6 ul 3 -0.12 v 80 2 v 0.05 cn < 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Channel length (pm) Figure 7 . DIBL and VT roll off as a function of channel length for SO1 conventional MOSFETs and JVD MNSFETs. The hot-carrier performance of SOI-JVD nitride MNSFETs has also been studied in comparison to conventional S i 0 2 SOIMOSFETs, as shown in Figures 8 and 9. Stressing was performed at Vc;=VD/2 condition for different times. Note that for bulk MOSFETs, this condition is known to be responsible for inaxiinuin avalanching and interface-state generation [7]. Due to the thin gate oxides used in this study, we do not expect inuch permanent charge 30 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 01:45 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2000 IRW FINAL REPORT Reliability Studies on Sub 100 nm SOI-MNSFETs Mahapatra et al. trapping and related threshold voltage shifts, so these devices were not stressed at other conditions (Va=V, or Vc;=V,). Note that both for JVD MNSFET and conventional MOSFET, the well-known power-law degradation is observed for all the measured parameters. The lower degradation in threshold voltage, subthreshold slope, transconductance and drive current for the JVD SO1 MNSFETs can be clearly seen for all stress times. 1 1 -0- JVD 0.085 0.1 D e 0.090 Nitride 0.095 0 . 00 DISTANCE ALONG THE CHANNEL (pm) 0) 0.1 0 10 JVD nitride 100 stress time (s) 1 0.01 Figure 10. Generated interface-state density distributions along the channel as measured using charge pumping in 100 nm channel length bulk conventional MOSFET and JVD MNSFET. 1013 1000 Figure 8. Threshold voltage shift and degradation in subthreshold slope as a function of stress time for 100 nm channel length SO1 conventional MOSFET and JVD MNSFETs. V,=V,l2 h N 6 L = I O O nm 60 1 v a L=100 nm 2 n, 0. 7 - . I stress time (s) n, a 0.0 --d 10 p JVD nitrige 0.0 100 stress time (s) 1000 Figure 9. Degradation of peak transconductance and saturation drain current as a function of stress time for 100 nin channel length SO1 conventional MOSFET and JVD MNSFET. We believe the lower degradation of transistor parameters in JVD SO1 MNSFETs compared to that of conventional SO1 MOSFETs is due to lower interface trap generation at the Si/Si3N4 interface. This fact is further substantiated by direct determination of stress induced interface trap density distribution in bulk MOSFETs using charge pumping as shown in Figure IO, and the time evolution of the peak and spread of the interface trap profiles as shown in Figure 11. This proves that the JVD Si/Si3N4 interface clearly shows a lower degradation indicating improved robustness against hotcarrier stress in spite of its lower energy barrier (2.1 eV) compared to the conventional oxides. Figure 11. Evolution of interface-state density peak and spread as a function of stress time, measured on a 100 nin channel length bulk conventional MOSFET and JVD MNSFET. TV. CONCLUSIONS Thin film SO1 substrate MNSFETs with channel lengths down to 100 nm using a JVD Si3N4 gate dielectric are fabricated and characterized. Extremely good drive current, transconductance, short channel and hot carrier performance of JVD-SO1 MNSFETs in comparison to the conventional Sol-MOSFETs make them excellent candidates for future low power applications. . Acknowledgment: Authors wish to acknowledge Prof. T.P.Ma for JVD depositions at the Yale University. References: [ I ] T.P.Ma, IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev., v.45,p.680, 1998. [2] S.Mahapatra et al., 1999 VLSl Tech. Syinp., p.79, Kyoto, Japan. [3] S.Mahapatra et al., IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev., to appear. [4] M. Khare et al., IEEE Electron Device Lett., v.20, p.57, 1999. [5] S. Mahapatra et. al., 1999 ESSDERC, p.592, Leuven, Belgium. [6] B.Cheng etal., IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev., v.46, p.1537, 1999 [7] S.Mahapatra et al., IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev., v.47, p.171,2000. 2000 IRW FINAL REPORT Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 01:45 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 31
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