Unlocking the Potential of Public Libraries in supporting teaching and L learning through ODL: A case of B.Ed Programme at Makerere University By: Harriet Nabushawo, Jessica Aguti & Mark Winterbottom Introduction Makerere a dual university was running conventional (internal) programs until 1991. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a mode of study where teachers and students are often separated by time and space. The main teaching tool are specially prepared materials in print, CDs, Audio, video and audio-visual. Supplementary materials like text books, readers, reports, e resources etc. 05-05-2015 Place of Library Services Library services are key in any educational enterprise more so in ODL Offered both on campus and off campus ODL students are entitled to library services like others library services like other students are key in any education enterprise 05-05-2015 Motivation for the study Earlier studies indicate that library services are inadequate in study centres: (Mayende & Obura, 2013: Bbuye, 2012: Kawalya, 2010: Wrightson & Otto, 2005, Aguti, 2004) They are geographically far from the ODL students They have inadequate interactive materials Inadequate ICTs facilities No reading space No qualified/technical staff Ptg Due to the challenges many students have found solace in public libraries A public library is a local center of information; books, reference collections, computer and Internet access) accessible to the general public. According to Meredeth (2010), public libraries have always supported distance learners as members of the community 17/06/2015 The study and the Research questions What services and resources are available in public libraries to support teaching and learning in ODL? How can ODL students benefit from these services to support learning? Why are ODL students not effectively utilising public libraries? Methodology The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative research approaches Sampled 300 students and key informants Used Primary and Secondary data collection methods ( Questionnaires, Interviews, FGDs) Qualitative data was categorized and thematically coded while numerical data was analyzed with descriptive statistics. Findings: Availability resources/services in Public Libraries Available Library resources /services in PL ODL Study Materials Other supplementary reading materials Computers and other accessories Internet and online data bases Technical staff (Librarians and IT) Reading Space 17/06/2015 YES NO 126 (42 %) 112 (37 %) 174 (58%) 188 (63%) 198 (66%) 223 (74%) 220 (73%) 189 (63%) 102 77 80 111 (34%) (26%) (27%) (37%) Findings cont’d There are 32 public libraries in Uganda. As much as these resources existed in the PL, some students did not make use of them due to; Limited information by students about the existence of public libraries and the services therein Findings cont’d No official Partnership to facilitate effective support Geographically far from the ODL students Inadequate supplementary study materials. Inadequate varieties of study materials in the PL (audio, video etc.) 17/06/2015 17/06/2015 17/06/2015 Conclusion & Recommendations Makerere University has embraced ODL by providing library services to students however these services are not only inadequate but also centralised. There is need for the university to partner with other institutions with facilities and resources to ensure continuity of learning. Since the University has subscribed to several data bases, these resources should be accessible to ODL students as well through either study centres or public libraries 17/06/2015 Recommendations Sensitising the ODL students on the availability of resources in PL Stocking PL with a variety of up to date interactive study materials. 17/06/2015 Thank you for your attention END 17/06/2015
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