ISBM Research Q U A RT E R LY Winter 2010 Volume 3, Issue 1 IN THIS ISSUE . . . In This Issue . . . In This Issue ............................................ 1 Harvard to Host 2010 ISBM B-to-B Academic Conference ..........................................2 B-to-B Ph.D. Student Research Camp 2010 .......................................3 The International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) Information from Editor, Marnik G. Dekimpe ..............................4 From the Membership: ISBM Trends 2012 Study: Value, Needs, Growth................................................5 2009 ISBM Dissertation Award Winners Announced .........................................6 IPSS Update: (ISBM Ph.D. Seminar Series) . ..............................................6 Other Announcements ................................6 CONTACT INFORMATION Research Director Gary L. Lilien, ([email protected]) Associate Research Director Rajdeep Grewal, ([email protected]) Executive Director Ralph Oliva, ([email protected]) Institute for the Study of Business Markets Smeal College of Business The Pennsylvania State University 484 Business Building University Park, PA 16802 USA +1-814-863-2782 • WWW.ISBM.ORG W elcome to the first issue of the 2010 ISBM academic newsletter. Our feature this issue is Ralph Oliva’s “From the Membership Column.” Ralph reports on the top line results of the biennial ISBM Trends Study. That study is designed to poll thought leaders in academia and industry about the issues and topics Raj Grewal Gary L. Lilien that are likely to be of most concern to BtoB marketers in the next several years. Ralph provides focus on several topic areas that are most in need of attention; academics concerned with research on relevant topics should take careful note. Our close colleague, Marnik Dekimpe has just taken over the editorship of the excellent International Journal for Research in Marketing. His column discusses why IJRM should be the place to go with your best BtoB academic research. We would like to thank Marnik for that invitation and we urge our readers to give IJRM their top consideration. We are pleased to congratulate the three winners of the 2009 ISBM dissertation support award competition Ranjan Banerjee, The University of Minnesota, Mahima Hada, The Pennsylvania State University, and William Zahn, The University of Houston. Congratulations to all! As we go to press, two ISBM PhD Seminar Series (IPSS) courses have just kicked off—Channel Management, taught by Mark Bergen and George John and Innovation Management taught by Gerry Tellis. Raj Grewal provides more detail inside. Two important ISBM events are coming up this summer: our biennial PhD camp, with Abbie Griffin serving as Camp Counselor (again—thanks Abbie!) and our biennial Academic Conference (run by Das Narayandas and the two of us). Both events will take place at the Harvard Business School in August just prior to the summer AMA Marketing Educators’ conference. See inside for camp application details and calls for papers and special sessions. We hope to see all (or at least most) of you in Boston in August. All the best! Gary L. Lilien Research Director Institute for the Study of Business Markets Raj Grewal Associate Research Director Institute for the Study of Business Markets PAGE 2 Harvard to Host 2010 ISBM B-to-B Academic Conference, August 11-12th M ark your calendars! We are pleased to announce that the Harvard Business School will be hosting the 2010 ISBM BtoB Academic Conference, scheduled to begin at noon on 11 August 2010 and continue through the end of the day on 12 August. That time is just prior to the AMA Summer Educator’s Conference which will be held in Boston beginning on 13 August. Raj Grewal and Gary Lilien from the ISBM and Das Narayandas from the Harvard Business School will be acting as conference co-chairs. Some features of the conference: 1. Overlap with the 2010 BtoB PhD Camp. Elsewhere in this issue, please see the announcement of the 2010 ISBM BtoB PhD Camp—which will be held on 11 August, also at the Harvard Business School. The half day overlap means that we will be mixing with PhD students at least during the early part of the conference and that many of the PhD students will stay around for the Academic Conference as well. 2. Senior BtoB Marketing Executive Plenary. Das Narayandas will organize and chair a Plenary session with 3-4 Senior BtoB Marketing Executives who will identify key issues that they face in their practice and what those issues mean for business marketing academics. 3. Invited plus competitive paper sessions. We are in the process of reviewing all the great paper abstracts that have been submitted. Accepted authors will be notified later this month as we will build the preliminary conference agenda. Please direct any questions on your submission to our conference administrator, Lori Nicolini ([email protected]). Complete conference details, along with registration information, fees, conference agenda, and travel information will be updated to our conference website ( as it becomes available. To receive the “early bird” rate of $395 USD, submit your registration form before 16 June 2010. We are suggesting participants stay at the Inn at Harvard and have negotiated a nightly rate of $185 USD. To guarantee this rate, please mention you are with the ISBM Academic Conference when making your reservations in order to receive this group rate. In the meantime, if you have any questions or suggestions for the conference, please feel free to contact any one of us. We hope to see you there! Raj Grewal, [email protected] Gary L. Lilien, [email protected] Das Narayandas, [email protected] Das Narayandas Harvard Business School © 2006 PAGE 3 Ph.D. Student Camp for Research in B-to-B Markets to be held August 2010 R eminder! The next Ph.D. Student Camp for Research in Business-to-Business Markets will be held in Boston, MA at the Harvard Business School on Wednesday, 11 August, just prior American Marketing Association’s Summer Educator Conference. Students are encouraged to attend the ISBM Business-to-Business Markets Academic Conference that begins on the afternoon of 11 August and continues through 12 August, which also will also be held at Harvard Business School. The camp is designed for students who have completed at least one year of doctoral work and have interest in or are thinking of pursuing work in BtoB marketing and management. There are no geographic or field restrictions; we anticipate that students studying in fields including marketing, strategy, management, R&D management, information systems, and business logistics/ supply chain management will find the Camp attractive and beneficial. The purpose of this event is to enable students to interact with prominent faculty members and young, promising scholars, get acquainted with research paradigms and topics in business-tobusiness strategy, marketing, and management, understand how to develop and publish quality business research articles in top academic journals and give students opportunities to have their research ideas and projects constructively critiqued. The camp is jointly sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) at Penn State and Harvard Business School. There is a small registration fee for students to attend ($75 USD camp only; $175 USD camp and academic conference) which includes breakfast and lunch. Attendees and their schools will be responsible for travel and lodging costs. We have negotiated a nightly rate of $185 USD at the Inn at Harvard. This rate will be extended for the dates 8-16 August 2010 in case you are staying on for the AMA Educators’ conferenence. In order to receive this rate, please mention the group ISBM Academic Conference when you reserve your room. The deadline to submit an application for the camp is 1 April 2010. Look for complete registrations details and nomination process on the ISBM website We are in the process of building our camp sessions and recruiting our camp counselors. Current faculty counselors include: Ajay Kohli (Editor, Journal of Marketing), Sandy Jap (Emory), Wes Johnston (Georgia State U.), Srinath Gopalakrishna (U. Missouri), Das Narayandas (HBS), Jim Narus (Wake Forest), Rob Palmatier (U. Washington), Lisa Scheer (U. Missouri), Robert Spekman (U. Virginia), Robert Thomas (Georgetown), Raj Grewal (Penn State), Gary Lilien (Penn State), and Abbie Griffin (U. Utah). If you have any additional questions, please contact Abbie Griffin at abbie.griffi[email protected]. We hope students and faculty from all over the globe will attend this event. Abbie Griffin Camp Director University of Utah abbie.griffi[email protected] Faculty and Ph.D. Students, 2007 Ph.D. Camp at Georgetown Abbie Griffin PAGE 4 The International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) Information from Editor, Marnik G. Dekimpe F Marnik G. Dekimpe irst, I would like to thanks the ISBM, and Gary Lilien in particular, for this opportunity to make you more familiar with the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM). IJRM is a broad journal that is open to a wide array of substantive topics, research paradigms, and methodologies, provided the research is innovative and demonstrates high methodological and/or conceptual rigor IJRM has a keen interest in contributions from the businessto-business domain, and would like to continue being one of the premier outlets for research in that ISSN: 0167-8116 Imprint: ELSEVIER area. This interest is reflected in the composition of the editorial board. Several of IJRM’s Associate Editors, including Sandy Jap, Aric Rindfleisch, Christophe Van den Bulte, Peter Verhoef and Stefan Wuyts, have a clear businessmarketing profile, as do many of our editorial board members. For example, both ISBM’s Reseach Director (Gary Lilien) and Associate Research Director (Raj Grewal) are very active members of the review board. Recent B2B studies published in IJRM include “Partner selection in B2B information service markets” by Wuyts, Verhoef & Prins (2009), “The profit implications of altruistic versus egoistic orientations for business-tobusiness exchanges” by Hill and Watkins (2009) and “Survival of high tech firms: the effects of diversity of product-market portfolios, patents, and trademarks” by Srinivasan, Lilien, and Rangaswamy(2009), to name just a few. Apart from this general interest in the substantive domain, I also want to emphasize that IJRM is open to and supportive of survey research provided that this research approach fits the substantive problem at hand, and that state-of-the-art survey techniques are used (see e.g., the excellent discussion of A. Rindfleisch in the Winter 2008 issue of the ISBM Research Quarterly). Let me finish by presenting five reasons why you should select IJRM for your best B2B work: • As already indicated, IJRM has an intrinsic interest in B2B applications, and both the reviewers and Associate Editors who will be assigned to your papers share this interest. Moreover, we have a clear policy of providing constructive comments aimed at improving the submitted work. • IJRM is among the premier academic journals in the marketing field, with an impact factor of 1.61, and a 5-year impact factor of 2.62. An inspection of the last volumes shows an impressive list of papers from highly-cited authors in the field, from prior editors, and from scholars who have awards named after them. Your papers will thus be in good company. • The review process is among the smoothest in the field. Even though each paper is reviewed by two reviewers and an expert associate editor, we manage to keep the turnaround time to less than two months (55 days in 2008). Moreover, we work hard to avoid multiple revision rounds. If the paper makes it through the first round, a clear commitment is made to publish the paper if the conditions outlined in the decision letter are met in the revision. • Once accepted, the time to seeing your article in print is limited. We do not have a lengthy back-log and typically publish papers within 6 months following the final acceptance. As such, the paper comes to print sooner, and can start to accumulate citations more quickly. • Finally, we actively look for articles that have clear managerial implications, and we push the authors on that dimension so as to obtain as large an impact in the business community as possible. For further information on the journal, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected], or visit the journal’s web page at I look forward to receiving your manuscripts. Marnik G. Dekimpe Research Professor of Marketing, Tilburg University Editor, IJRM [email protected] PAGE 5 “From the Membership” ISBM Trends 2012 Study: Value, Needs, Growth” A s we went into the fourth quarter of 2009, we were fielding the current track of our ISBM “Trends Study” which can provide important direction for our practitioners in Member firms and researchers alike. We Ralph Oliva conduct the ISBM trends study every two years, and the current track looks out from 2010 to 2012. This study was originally triggered by a request from Connie Cavanaugh at Hewlett-Packard back in 1997. Since then we’ve continued to do the study every two years, with the seventh track coming out of the field in December 2009. As we conduct the study we reach out to ISBM virtual faculty around the world, as well as to a broad base of ISBM member practitioners, with three key questions looking out over the next 2-3 years: • What are the critical challenges business marketers will face? • What are the key capabilities we must build? And... • In the areas identified, please cite benchmark examples and suggest tools we might deploy to improve in those areas. The study follows a two-round research process. In a first qualitative anecdotal stage, we simply ask these three questions to a selected group of thought leaders from academia and practice. This year 39 respondents provided us with quite a bit of anecdotal data and narrative on the three issues. Working from the anecdotal data we identified 22 “challenge/capability clusters” and formulated these into a questionnaire we deployed to a broader audience of practitioners and academic researchers. We gathered 344 respondents who rated the importance of each item on a one to seven scale. The Top Three: Value Communication, Indentification or Real Need, Find Growth Opportunities The key challenges business marketers will face and capabilities we need to build as identified in the survey are: 1. Business Marketers must develop, learn and utilize new tools and approaches to more effectively quantify and communicate the value we create for our customers. 2. We need to work to develop systemic methods to better understand what customers really need -- beyond what they can say or articulate. 3. We need to be in the lead in finding, sensing, identifying and assessing new opportunities for organic growth. This set of items was rated at the top by all audiences. Theses three “trends” clearly dominate in importance - in this order. For many researchers and practitioners these might qualify as “perennial favorites.” What was particularly telling in this research is the emphatic alignment across academic, practitioner, and consulting audiences on number 1, 2 and 3. Implications for Researchers: Research providing insight on the whole business of value management is indicated –perhaps building on the work of Dr. Jim Anderson at Kellogg. Are there better, more profitable ways to quantify value of a new offering stream? What are the differential impacts of value being communicated thought the agents of a firm, a trusted third-party advisor, a peer in another firm, a competitor? Research which would provide additional insight on the most effective ways to package value in a quantifiable way, and overcome the obstacles involved in even beginning the dialog, let alone closing business would be most helpful. Although Value Communication was cited as key to the role of B-to-B marketers, in reviewing the anecdotal responses, research on how to better improve the marketing/ sales connection was a component of “Trend Number one.” How can we better work to improve the dialogue, build more effective “on the road tools”, and prove to management that when these tools are deployed, sales efficiency and effectiveness improves, would all be seen as critical as we move into the next decade. Continued research on approaches and insight on the discernment of opportunities to create fundamental new value for firms -- and instruction on how to embed this is a core competency would be more valuable than ever right now. Building on the work of Dr. Abbie Griffin to create tangible approaches in helping firm uncover value creation opportunities that lie between a firms business design and the business design of their key customers we be of highly leveraged value. Summary Thoughts for Researchers: As we move into the new decade, business-to-business and industrial firms have done just about all the cutting they can. For real this time. For many of the firms we encounter, we’re seeing that there are not enough marketers left to even do a reasonably good job of outsourcing elements of their function. So the focus now is turning to the top line. Research initiatives which can help firms identify organizational approaches, processes, tools, and insights on how to drive organic growth, and create stepfunctions in value -- have always been important. They’re more than important than ever as we look to the dawn of what we hope will be a much brighter decade. Ralph A. Oliva Executive Director Institute for the Study of Business Markets [email protected] PAGE 6 2009 ISBM Dissertation Award Winners Announced T he ISBM is pleased to announce three winning entries in its 2009 Dissertation support award competition, selected from a total of thirty-one entries: Special Issue of Industrial Marketing Management on Business to Business Branding Industrial Marketing Management announces the call for papers for a special issue on Business to Business Branding. The deadline for submission is 30 December 2010. • Ranjan Banerjee, University of Minnesota “Incentive Design for Internal Suppliers: Structural Analysis of a Field Experiment” PhD Advisors George John and Om Narasimhan For guidelines visit Any questions can be emailed to guest editors: Dr. George Christodoulides, [email protected] or Dr. Sheena Leek, [email protected]. Ranjan Banerjee • Mahima Hada, The Pennsylvania State University, “Referral Equity of the Supplier Firm” PhD Advisors Rajdeep Grewal and Gary L. Lilien We would love to hear from you. If you wish to comment on any of the articles (or have thoughts for future articles), please pass them on. Your suggestions will make the newsletter better and more responsive to your needs. Please email your correspondence to: Mahima Hada • William Zahn, The University of Houston “Exploration and Exploitation: How Competition Motivates through Challenge and Threat” PhD Advisor Steven Brown Dissertation competition entries are judged on the rigor of the proposed work and the relevance of that work to B-to-B marketing practice. The winners will each receive grants of $7500 to support their research. COMMENTS... IDEAS... Newsletter Editor Lori Nicolini ([email protected]) William Zahn The ISBM dissertation support award competition has supported outstanding B-to-B dissertation work since its inception in 1991. To see details on the 2010 competition and a list of past winners see Institute for the Study of Business Markets Smeal College of Business The Pennsylvania State University 484 Business Building University Park, PA 16802 USA +1-814-863-2782 • WWW.ISBM.ORG Congratulations to all! IPSS Update: ISBM Ph.D. Seminar Series Spring 2010 I am pleased to announce that Spring 2010 is the eighth semester of IPSS and we are offering two courses: Mark Bergen and George John (University of Minnesota) are teaching Channel Management. This course is designed to provide a foundation for doctoral students interested in examining channels issues (designing and/or managing channels). It will identify, review and critique a variety of theoretical topics in the channels field. Gerry Tellis (University of Southern California) is teaching Innovation Strategy. Innovation—the use of new technology to create new Mark Bergen George John business models, products, and services—is a powerful force in world economies that is responsible for the steady improvement in consumers’ standard of living throughout history. This seminar will give students an appreciation of the issues, competing viewpoints, research methods, major findings, and unresolved problems in the area of innovation strategy. Both of these courses have enrolments of about a dozen students from four continents. In our next newsletter I will provide details about our Fall 2010 offereings. Raj Grewal Director - IPSS [email protected] Gerard Tellis
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