ISBM Research Q U A RT E R LY Summer 2010 Volume 3, Issue 2 IN THIS ISSUE . . . In This Issue . . . A In This Issue ............................................ 1 Still Time to Register...2010 ISBM B-to-B Academic Conference ...........................1 B-to-B Ph.D. Camp, Conference Highlight 2010 Summer Schedule .....................2 Planning Business-to-Business Research for the Review Process, Lisa K. Scheer.........3 Gary L. Lilien From the Membership: Announcing Next ISBM Members Meeting, Kotler to Keynote .................................5 2010 ISBM Dissertation Award Competition Deadline ............................................6 Raj Grewal IPSS Update: (ISBM Ph.D. Seminar Series) . ..............................................6 Other Announcements ................................7 s summer peaks (at least for those of us north of the equator), we bring you greetings from the ISBM! This issue of the academic newsletter provides both significant substance and some appetite-whetters. On the substance side, Lisa Scheer provides useful guidance for B-to-B scholars who wish to get their research published in a quality journal. (Who doesn’t ?). She suggests how that research should be developed so that it has the best placement possible and we are grateful to her for sharing her views. And we have a lot of appetite whetting to offer. We (Lilien) provide a brief sketch and pointers to the program details for our biennial PhD camp and Academic Conference, both to be held at the Harvard Business School, 11-12 August, immediately before the Summer AMA Conference. We hope to see many of you there—and it is not too late to register. Ralph Oliva’s From the Membership column provides a preview of the ISBM Members’ meeting, to be held 15-16 Sept on the Penn State Campus in State College. The theme is Bridging Marketing and Sales to Drive Profitable Growth and features an outstanding program, with Phil Kotler keynoting. And although summer has just begun, Fall is not that far away and we (Raj) provide a preview of what the ISBM PhD Seminar Series (IPSS) has to offer next. And a key reminder—the ISBM dissertation support completion entries are due 15 September—see details below. So there is some excellent material here and some great opportunities to share research and insights coming up soon. Enjoy! Gary L. Lilien Research Director Institute for the Study of Business Markets CONTACT INFORMATION Research Director Gary L. Lilien, ([email protected]) Associate Research Director Rajdeep Grewal, ([email protected]) Executive Director Ralph Oliva, ([email protected]) Institute for the Study of Business Markets Smeal College of Business The Pennsylvania State University 484 Business Building University Park, PA 16802 USA +1-814-863-2782 • WWW.ISBM.ORG Raj Grewal Associate Research Director Institute for the Study of Business Markets THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER...ISBM ACADEMIC CONFERENCE 2010: ADVANCES IN B-TO-B MARKETING August 11 - 12, 2010 Harvard Business School Hawes Building Boston, Massachusetts 02163 U.S.A. Updates and complete conference details can be found at the conference website or contact the Conference Coordinator, Lori Nicolini ([email protected]) for details and to register. PAGE 2 ISBM B-to-B Ph.D. Camp, Conference Highlight 2010 Summer Schedule T he dates are fast approaching for the biennial ISBM BtoB PhD camp and B-to-B Academic Conference coming up August 11 and 12 (just prior to the AMA Summer Educator’s Conference) at the Harvard Business School in Boston. As usual, Abbie Griffin is acting as Camp Director and has put together a fantastic program for PhD students engaged in or considering a concentration in B-to-B marketing. Participating academics besides Abbie include Ruth Bolton from MSI, Raj Grewal from Penn State, Christophe Van den Bulte from Wharton, Arnaud De Bryun from ESSEC, Michael Ahearne from University of Houston, Srinath Gopalakrishna and Lisa Scheer from Missouri, Rob Palmatier from Washington, and Sundar Bharadwaj and Sandy Jap from Emory. Additional Round Table Leaders include: Ajay Kohli, James Narus, Robert Spekman, Wes Johnston, Robert Thomas, Rosanna Garcia, Thomas Steenburgh and Das Narayandas. For a full schedule of the camp, see The PhD camp takes the full day of 11 August, but overlaps a half day with the Academic Conference which begins at noon on 11 August, allowing PhD students to mix with Academic Conference attendees. The preliminary schedule for the Academic conference is now available at As you will see from the program agenda, featuring over 100 papers and 150 attendees, this will be an exciting event, providing a diverse set of sessions, including a large “meet the editors” session. As an experiment we will be doing the meet the editors session as a “paper fair” this year, so that people can actually meet and speak to the editors one-on-one. The academic conference will close with a B-to-B Issues Forum, where Ralph Oliva, ISBM Executive Director will report on the 2012 ISBM Trends Study and, along with Das Narayandas and Thomas Steenburgh from HBS, will moderate a panel of B-to-B Marketing Executives. The Panelist will react to the Trends Study and give their perspectives on the issues most crucial to their businesses that we should be focusing our research attention on. It is not too late to register for this important conference Do try to come; it will be the place to be for the global B-to-B Marketing Community. We hope to see you there! Gary L. Lilien, [email protected] Raj Grewal, [email protected] Das Narayandas, [email protected] Conference Co-Organizers Abbie Griffin, abbie.griffi[email protected] Camp Director Das Narayandas Harvard Business School © 2006 Abbie Griffin PAGE 3 Planning Business-to-Business Research for the Review Process W e’re driven to explore topics that intrigue us. We invest countless hours in the literature Lisa K. Scheer and untold more executing original research. We’re enthused and eager to share our findings with the world. Then we submit our precious work and nervously await judgment from unseen others, much like hopefuls at an Internet-dating service. But disappointment often ensues despite our best efforts. Even if blessed by the revision of our dreams, we are often frustrated by the inquisition. • Can you take actions that increase the probability of a positive publication outcome? Yes. Although reviewers idiosyncratically focus on issues close to their hearts, they also often concur about serious problems. The fact is, many potentially devastating reviewer objections can be foreseen – if you think like a critic instead of the creator of a work of art. However, if you wait until manuscript preparation to think critically, it’s too late. Let me share a couple examples from my research with various colleagues to illustrate how you can plan your research for the review process and thereby mitigate many pitfalls. • Invest time in clearly defining key constructs. Don’t focus only on what the construct is, but equally on what it is not. If you can’t figuratively draw a bright line around the conceptual domain, don’t proceed. Potential for mismeasurement soars. Questions about discriminant validity will abound. Stop. Think. Clarify. For example, when planning to publication. But we underestimate the danger of having no link with precedent. This becomes increasingly critical as your “Aha! Factor” rises. When theory contradicts established precedents, findings are counterintuitive, or implications threaten conventional wisdom, beware! Do not assume reviewers will be thrilled about these pathbreaking contributions. Instead, expect reviewers to scrutinize your findings exceptionally diligently. And indeed they should – as should you! Are your findings driven by an idiosyncratic research context? Is the “wow” ephemeral and due to mis-labeled constructs or improper measures? Demonstrating that a wellestablished precedent is replicated in your research helps anchor your study, lends credibility to your methods, and makes it harder to dismiss your exciting findings. assess trust at three different levels within a B2B joint venture, we needed to clarify “Who trusts whom?” at each of those levels.1 Without a very clear picture of the specific parties within the dyads at each level, it would have been very unlikely to get discriminant validity between interorganizational trust, agency trust, and intra-JV trust. If your focal construct’s domain is close to a previously-studied concept, measure both constructs. If you do, you can demonstrate discriminant validity. If you don’t, you must resort to arguing your case without evidence. Reviewers tend to view their own unsubstantiated logic as more persuasive than yours. It matters not that the construct doesn’t appear in your model – its role is to ensure your model sees the light of day! For example, when introducing distributive fairness to the marketing literature,2 we anticipated that reviewers were likely to hold one of two preconceived notions – that distributive fairness between supplier and reseller would implicitly equal equity or, alternatively, be equated with better outcomes. We decided to measure both equity and outcome favorability so we could demonstrate distributive fairness’s distinctiveness. In a side benefit, we also formulated separate hypotheses regarding the role of equity, which ultimately generated another publication.3 • Plan to replicate a well-known finding. We are rightly wary of duplicating well-established results and not making sufficient contribution to warrant For example, when introducing the construct of customer’s salesperson-owned loyalty, we knew many studies had linked customer loyalty with greater selling firm outcomes. We needed to replicate that well-established finding to provide credibility for our methods and to demonstrate that salesperson-owned loyalty could have an impact beyond that associated with loyalty to the firm. We were able to show that salesperson-owned loyalty had a direct impact on selling firm outcomes – and that what appears to be loyalty to the firm can be comprised largely of salespersonowned loyalty.4 • Include a test of the most compelling alternative explanation for your findings. We can never rule out all competing continued on page 4 PAGE 4 Planning Business-to-Business Research for the Review Process continued from page 3 possibilities, but with sufficient forethought we often can identify alternative explanations for the observed pattern of effects. Think: Even if your key hypotheses were supported, what potential alternative explanations are reviewers most likely to raise? Has prior research grown from one theory base, while you draw on another literature? Is there a welldocumented antecedent of your dependent variables which could be confounded with the construct you examine? Don’t modify your theoretical model, but simply measure another construct or two which allows you to examine that alternative empirically. You can either proactively share those results to bolster confidence in your hypothesized model or hold them in reserve until a reviewer raises the question. “We had the same thought and can rule out that possibility because . . .” For example, when developing measures of punitive tactics and punitive capability,5 we were certain reviewers would question how our approach differed from Frazier and Summers’ influence strategy framework, so we also measured influence strategies using extant scales. Thus, when a reviewer insisted that our constructs were simply a relabeling of coercive influence, we were prepared – we documented conclusively that they were indeed discriminant, we explained theoretically why coercive influence should not have the same effects, and then demonstrated empirically that coercive influence and punitive tactics did not have the same effects. It is important to note that these tactics should be deployed after you develop your theoretical framework or model. Strong theory is the foundation and these ideas concern the style, functionality, and safety of the structure built upon that foundation. Time spent incorporating these types of considerations at the research design phase will reduce time invested in data analysis and enhance your odds of publication. References: 1 Fang, Eric (Er), Robert W. Palmatier, Lisa K. Scheer, and Ning Li (2008), “Trust at Different Organizational Levels.” Journal of Marketing, 72 (March), 80-98. 2 Nirmalya Kumar, Lisa K. Scheer, and Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp (1995), “The Effects of Supplier Fairness on Vulnerable Resellers,” Journal of Marketing Research, 32 (February), 54-65. 3 Lisa K. Scheer, Nirmalya Kumar, and Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp (2003), “Reactions to Perceived Inequity in U.S. and Dutch Interorganizational Relationships,” Academy of Management Journal, 46 (3), 303-16. 4 Palmatier, Robert W., Lisa K. Scheer, and Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp (2007), “Customer Loyalty to Whom? Managing the Benefits and Risks of SalespersonOwned Loyalty,” Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (May), 185-99. 5 Nirmalya Kumar, Lisa K. Scheer, and Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp (1998), “Interdependence, Punitive Capability, and the Reciprocation of Punitive Action in Channel Relationships,” Journal of Marketing Research, 35 (May), 225-35. Lisa K. Scheer Emma S. Hibbs Distinguished Professor of Marketing University of Missouri [email protected] PAGE 5 “From the Membership” Announcing Next ISBM Members Meeting: Kotler to Keynote W ill dig into the issue of marketing/sales connection at our next ISBM members meeting. We’ll be getting together September 15-16, 2010, at the Nittany Lion Inn here on the Penn State University Park Campus. Please save the date and plan on being here! The title for this meeting be “Bridging Marketing and Sales to Drive Profitable Growth”. We are working to assemble this meeting in close concert with Dr. Mike Ahearne, Executive Director of the Sales Excellence Institute at the University of Houston. Dr. Ahearne and his team are bringing important additional research insight to the process of professional selling. Linking together with The Sales Excellence Institute, as well as Dr. Wes Johnston at Georgia State provides important balance to our resources covering business markets. Outstanding Speakers: We are very fortunate to have Dr. Philip Kotler, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, and Mr. Neil Rackham, “The Professor of Professional Selling” as our keynote speakers kicking off the meeting.) Dr. Kotler and Mr. Rackham will be building on their research insights and frameworks covered in their article “Ending the War between Sales and Marketing,” in the July/ August 2006 issue of Harvard Business Review. Dr. Fred Wiersema will be part of the discussion, and hopefully lead a panel to enable us to share ideas, questions, and further thoughts. In addition to these important thought leaders, we’ll be gathering insights from cases in process and experiments underway in better linkage between marketing and sales ongoing at Xerox, Grainger, and Sabert. better alignment? Which “levers” would have the greatest impact: linkages in language, linkages in process, linkages in organization, -- with which really are the most important to focus on? Dr. Andy Zoltners suggests an important framework for thinking through the space between sales and marketing -which might also create pathways for research. He outlines important solution pathways including those found in company culture, people, structure, and process/systems. You’re cordially invited... As the business-to-business academic thought leadership and field research community, you are the most valuable asset in the ISBM network. Our pledge is to do whatever we can to help you frame, conduct, and publish research bringing insight to our practice. Our upcoming Members Meeting might be a great opportunity for many of you who are navigating this murky space between sales and marketing, to share and learn with our members in the practice. Please join us at the Nittany Lion Inn on the Penn State University Park campus September 15-16, 2010. Call or email us, (814-863-2782; [email protected]) to register or learn more about the event. All the very best, Ralph A. Oliva Executive Director Institute for the Study of Business Markets Professor of Marketing [email protected] Research leaders including Wes Johnston from Georgia State, Andy Zoltners from ZS Associates and Tim Furey of MarketBridge are also on the agenda. We’re fortunate to have Dr. Srinath Gopalakrishnan of University of Missouri and Suj Krishnaswamy from Strategic Insights coming to share some of their research with us as well. Some early insights . . . In early discussion with each of the speakers, some insights, ideas, and thoughts on potential future research are already developing. What are the antecedents to good strong linkages between these two functions? How can we measure the quality of “alignment” between sales and marketing? Is this a place where a figure of merit, maturity model, or series of metrics would better enable us to guide activities to drive Ralph Oliva PAGE 6 2010 ISBM Dissertation Award Competition Deadline - 15 September Penn State's Institute for the Study of Business Markets announces its twentieth @annual Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition. Up to three candidates in accredited doctoral programs will receive dissertation support awards. Dissertations in any area of business-to-business (industrial) marketing or in any of the methodological areas that support advances in business marketing will be considered. See "Research Priorities" under the ISBM Research section of the ISBM website for more information. In addition to applications from Ph.D. students in marketing, we encourage applications from students in economics, management science, organizational psychology, statistics, anthropology and other disciplines whose developments help advance our understanding of the operation of the business marketplace. The award consists of: • Up to $7,500 in financial assistance to be used for travel, conference attendance, data collection, and other expenses of conducting and presenting the results of the research. • Assistance, as needed, in gaining the cooperation of both ISBM member firms and non-member firms for data, interviews, etc. • Unlimited use of databases held by or accessible to the ISBM, as needed. The outstanding submission, if awarded, will receive the ISBM Dissertation Proposal Prize, an additional award of $2,500. Ph.D. candidates interested in the competition should submit an abstract of their research not to exceed five double-spaced pages, along with a current vita and a vita of their dissertation advisor. The abstract should address the potential importance of their work to business marketing practice, its theoretical contributions, the research methodology, and the amount and kind of support requested. The abstract must be submitted no later than September 15, 2010. Please visit the website ( for complete submission details. Since 1991, the ISBM has funded the research of over 70 B-to-B Ph.D. students through the competition. To see some of the past winners and their topics, see the ISBM Competition Award Winners ( IPSS Update: ISBM Ph.D. Seminar Series Fall 2010 L et me begin by thanking Mark Bergen and George John for teaching an excellent seminar on Channel Management this past Spring (2010) and to Gerry Tellis for an equally outstanding offering on Innovation Strategy. Indeed, with these scholars devoting their time to develop future B-to-B researchers, I can safely say that the future of the field is in good hands. In this coming Fall (2010) semester Sundar Bharadwaj, Rob Palmatier, and Lisa Scheer will offer two new offerings that will help foster Ph.D. students’ academic growth. In his Marketing Strategy Ph.D. Seminar, Sundar Lisa K. Scheer Robert Palmatier Bharadwaj will introduce students to classic and contemporary research in the areas of short-term and long-term marketing performance and metrics, marketing organizational orientations and structure, marketing capabilities, cross-functional issues among others. In their course on Relationship Marketing Theory and Research, Rob Palmatier and Lisa Scheer will help students (1) understand the theories, research streams, and methods employed in relationship marketing research; (2) become more sophisticated consumers of relationship marketing research; and (3) be better prepared to conceptualize, design and implement their own research ideas. Sundar Bharadwaj I would like to thank Sundar, Rob, and Lisa in advance for their efforts and, as usual, I look forward your suggestions and feedback. Raj Grewal Director - IPSS [email protected] PAGE 7 Special Issue of Industrial Marketing Management on Business to Business Branding Industrial Marketing Management announces the call for papers for a special issue on Business to Business Branding. The deadline for submission is 30 December 2010. This special issue of Industrial Marketing Management invites submissions that contribute to a better understanding of branding in B2B markets. Papers can be conceptual or empirical and indicative topics include: • The extent to which branding theory developed in consumer markets is transferable to business markets • The development, conceptualizattion, measurement and management of brand equity for business to business brands • The role of branding in the buyer’s decision making process • The contribution of branding to developing and maintaining B2B relationships • The importance of emotional and hedonic values for B2B brands • Factors influencing the application of branding at the organizational, product line, and individual product level 5th International Conference on Business Market Management Tampere, Finland 18th - 20th of May 2011 Organized by the Department of Industrial Management, Tampere University of Technology. Tampere University of Technology (TUT) The conference is hosted by the Department of Industrial Management at Tampere University of Technology (TUT) in collaboration with the Journal of Business Market Management (jbm). Every second year, leading academics in the field of business-to-business markets meet at the International Conference on Business Market Management to present and discuss latest research results. We cordially invite researchers in the field of business-to-business markets to share their knowledge while enjoying a stimulating and diverse program, complemented by the opportunity to network with colleagues and friends. We are keen to receive both strong and innovative conceptual, as well as empirical contributions, with a sound theoretical basis. Papers, abstracts, and special session proposals should be submitted to [email protected]. Submissions should be made in MS Word format. The maximum length of papers is 25 pages, including references, tables, and figures. Abstracts are expected to have a length of about 5 pages. Please check jbm’s author guidelines for style/format instructions ( The deadline for submissions is the 10th of January 2011. Reviews and acceptance letters will be sent on the 14th of March 2011. The conference will take place one week before the EMAC Conference at Ljubjana, Slovenia. For further information, please contact: • Identification of performance metrics for B2B brands • B2B brand extensions • Cases of B2B brand success or failure • Outsourcing in B2B branding • The role of marketing communications in developing strong business to business brands • The role of the internet in developing strong B2B brands • Social media and the effect of word-of-mouth/mouse on B2B brands We would love to hear from you. If you wish to comment on any of the articles (or have thoughts for future articles), please pass them on. Your suggestions will make the newsletter better and more responsive to your needs. Please email your correspondence to: • Customization and B2B brands Newsletter Editor Lori Nicolini ([email protected]) • The impact of sustainable marketing practices on B2B brands Any questions can be emailed to guest editors: Dr. George Christodoulides, [email protected] or Dr. Sheena Leek, [email protected]. Olavi Uusitalo, Conference Chair, [email protected] Tommi Mahlamaki, Conference Manager, [email protected] COMMENTS... IDEAS... Institute for the Study of Business Markets Smeal College of Business The Pennsylvania State University 484 Business Building University Park, PA 16802 USA +1-814-863-2782 • WWW.ISBM.ORG
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