Impact response and damage tolerance characteristics of glass±carbon/epoxy hybrid composite plates N.K. Naik a,*, R. Ramasimha a, H. Arya a, S.V. Prabhu a, N. ShamaRao b a Aerospace Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India b ADA, Bangalore 560 017, India Abstract Impact behaviour and post impact compressive characteristics of glass±carbon/epoxy hybrid composites with alternate stacking sequences have been investigated. Plain weave E-glass and twill weave T-300 carbon have been used as reinforcing materials. For comparison, laminates containing only-carbon and only-glass reinforcements have also been studied. Experimental studies have been carried out on instrumented drop weight impact test apparatus. Post impact compressive strength has been obtained using NASA 1142 test ®xture. It is observed that hybrid composites are less notch sensitive compared to only-carbon or only-glass composites. Further, carbon-outside/glassinside clustered hybrid con®guration gives lower notch sensitivity compared to the other hybrid con®gurations. Keywords: A. Fabrics; A. Hybrid; B. Impact behaviour; B. Damage tolerance; D. Ultrasonics 1. Introduction Composite materials are ®nding increasing applications in various engineering ®elds because of their superior inplane properties. But these materials are highly susceptible even to low velocity impacts. Barely visible impact damage can be formed beneath the surfaces while the surfaces may appear to be undamaged. One of the ways to achieve the improved impact resistance of composite materials is by hybridisation. Hybrid composites consist of two or more types of reinforcements or matrices or both. By mixing different ®bres, it is possible to combine the advantages of different ®bres while simultaneously mitigating their less desirable qualities. Normally, one of the ®bres in a hybrid composite is a high modulus, high strength and high cost ®bre such as graphite/carbon, and the second ®bre usually is a low modulus ®bre like Kevlar, E-glass or S-glass. Hybrid composites are attractive structural materials, because the composite properties can be tailored to requirements. Other characteristics of hybrid composites are: cost effective utilisation of different ®bre materials, possible weight savings, reduced notch sensitivity, improved fracture toughness, longer fatigue life and improved impact resistance. Hybrid compo- sites can be classi®ed into two main categories: intermingled or intraply and interlaminated or interply. Some studies are available on in-plane mechanical properties of hybrid laminated composites [1±11]. It has been found that the tensile failure strain of brittle composites consisting of brittle ®bres like carbon is increased when it is hybridised with ductile ®bres like glass. This is because of hybrid effect. The phenomenon of hybrid effect is de®ned as the positive deviation of a property from the rule of mixtures. In general, hybrid effect leads to the enhancement of the failure strain and strength than that estimated using classical lamination theory and the various failure strain criteria. Studies have also been made on the impact properties of hybrid composites [12±19]. Wang et al. [17] have studied the fracture behaviour of unidirectional laminated hybrid composites. They have studied single-matrix/double-®bre, double-matrix/single-®bre, and double-matrix/double-®bre hybrid composites as well as their single-®bre/single-matrix control versions. The materials studied have been polyphenylene sul®de±graphite, polyphenylene sul®de±glass, epoxy±graphite. They have concluded that as the percentage of glass increases, the maximum load tolerated and impact energy absorbed by the material increases. The maximum load tolerated was the load corresponding to either a gross ®bre failure at the back surface or an interlaminar crack across the composite sample. Also the 566 intermixing of glass and graphite ®bre plies helped decrease the sudden catastrophic failure mode. Jang et al. [15] have studied the impact properties and energy absorbing capability of graphite composites hybridised with three types of plain weave fabric: polyethylene (PE), polyester (PET) and nylon, with epoxy resin. They have measured the impact load and the impact energy absorbed by the specimen upon penetration. They have observed that the hybrids containing PE ®bres, which were of high strength and high ductility were effective in both dissipating impact energy and resisting through penetration. They have also stated that for a particular material combination, stacking sequence is a major factor governing the overall energy absorbing capability of the hybrid structure. However, during the service life of the composite structure, low velocity impacts leading to other modes of failure such as delamination are also important considerations. Delamination and the other secondary modes of failure such as matrix cracking, debonding, etc. would lead to reduction in residual inplane strength of impacted composites. Such studies also need to be carried out. Novak and DeCrescente [12] have observed that the addition of glass ®bres to carbon/epoxy and boron/epoxy composites improves the impact strength by a factor of about three to ®ve, which is higher than that predicted from the impact properties of the unmixed composites. Chamis et al. [13] have studied glass/carbon hybrid composites and have observed that hybrid composites failed under impact by combined fracture modes: ®bre breakage, ®bre pullout and interply delamination. They also imply that as a result of this complex failure process, the impact resistance of hybrid composites may be synergisitically increased over that predicted from the behaviour of the separate constituents. Harris and Bunsell [14] have conducted Charpy impact tests on unidirectional hybrid composite rod samples containing glass reinforcements and carbon reinforcements. They have stated that the work of fracture by impact and the ¯exural modulus are both simple functions of composition corresponding to a mixture rule based on the properties of plain glass reinforced composites and carbon reinforced composites. In this study, the authors have not observed the advantages of hybrid effect. Saka and Harding [16] carried out inplane tensile impact studies on woven hybrid composites. They also used a simple laminate theory approach to predict the in-plane tensile impact behaviour of woven hybrid composites. They observed that the tensile strength was higher at impact strain rate compared to that at quasi-static strain rate. Their experimental studies showed that the tensile strength of woven glass/carbon hybrid composites was more than that of only-carbon or only-glass composites. Kowsika and Mantena [18] have studied the in¯uence of hybridisation on the characteristics of unidirectional glass/carbon epoxy composite beams. They have made studies using low velocity instrumented drop weight impact tests. They have experimentally determined that the strain to failure of glass/epoxy which is about 0.026 under static loading is found to increase to 0.044 under impact showing that glass ®bres are highly sensitive to strain rate of loading. They have concluded that the peak contact force is the highest for the carbon outside hybrids when compared with the all-carbon, all-glass and glass outside hybrid composites. 1.1. Effect of strain rate on the mechanical behaviour of composites In literature, studies are available on the effect of strain rate on the mechanical behaviour of composites [20±26]. Harding and Welsh [20] carried out tensile impact testing of composites using Hopkinson-bar apparatus. They observed that there is a signi®cant increase in stiffness and strength at intermediate and impact strain rates for woven fabric composites. For unidirectional laminated composites, the increase was marginal. Generally, it was observed that the increase in elastic and strength properties was signi®cant for glass plain weave composites [20,21]. The increase was not signi®cant for satin weave and unidirectional laminated composites. Generally, the gain was more for glass composites than for carbon composites. Hence, glass plain weave composites are very attractive materials for impact resistance and damage tolerance applications. 1.2. Composite structures under varying loading conditions Composite structures experience different loading conditions during their service life. For the effective use of composite structures, they should have superior impact resistance and damage tolerance properties. At the same time, they should have excellent static mechanical properties. The composite laminates/structures which can ful®ll such contrasting requirements are the hybrid composites. The objective of the present study is to characterise impact behaviour and post impact behaviour of hybrid laminated composite plates. Plain weave E-glass and twill weave T300 carbon fabrics have been chosen as the reinforcing materials with epoxy resin as the matrix. Studies have been carried out on instrumented drop weight impact test apparatus on three hybrid composites and only-carbon and only-glass composite plates. Post impact compressive strength and the impact behaviour during the impact event have been evaluated and compared. 2. Instrumented drop weight impact test apparatus An instrumented drop weight impact test apparatus was used in this study for conducting impact tests. Impact parameters such as deceleration/acceleration, contact force, plate velocity and plate displacement were measured during impact testing. The recording of parameters was performed using the instruments: piezoelectric accelerometer, bonded strain gauge load cell ®tted on the impactor, linear velocity transducer (LVT) and linear variable differential transformer 567 (LVDT). The instrument outputs were recorded using a data acquisition card PCL 208 on a computer. The signals were ampli®ed to match the entire range of the data acquisition card. Contact force and deceleration/acceleration were measured directly from the inputs of load cell and accelerometer, respectively. Data obtained from accelerometer was used to compute the contact force, velocity, displacement and energy. The velocity and displacement were derived from deceleration/acceleration data by using incremental integration. Velocity and displacement values were also compared with the independently obtained experimental results. An energy graph was plotted using the derived contact force and displacement values. The contact force was obtained using the expression: with the laminate axis. The rate of loading was maintained as 1.27 mm/min. F t ma t Orthogonal plain weave E-glass fabric of 0.26 mm thickness was selected for glass reinforcements. Orthogonal twill weave T-300 carbon fabric of 0.40 mm thickness was selected for carbon reinforcements. Epoxy resin (LY 556) with hardener (HY 951) was used for the matrix. Laminates were cured at room temperature for 24 h. Five types of laminates of nominal thickness 5.0 mm were prepared. The laminates were GLE-12, [G4/C4]S, [G/C]4S, [C4/G4]S, and CTE-1. The GLE-12 laminates consisted of 19 layers of E-glass reinforcement. The CTE-1 consisted of 13 layers of T-300 carbon reinforcement. The hybrids [G4/C4]S, [G/ C]4S and [C4/G4]S consisted of eight layers of E-glass and eight layers of T-300 carbon reinforcement arranged symmetrically in the three stacking sequences. The hybrid laminate [C4/G4]S is of carbon-outside/glass-inside clustered con®guration, whereas [G4/C4]S is of glass-outside/carboninside clustered con®guration. The hybrid laminate [G/C]4S is of dispersed con®guration. For all the laminates, overall ®bre volume fraction (Vf0 ) was 44%. Laminates of dimensions 350 mm £ 350 mm £ 5 mm were fabricated using matched die moulding technique. Specimens of dimensions 150 mm £ 150 mm £ 5 mm were prepared from the laminates. Required quality of the laminates/specimens was ascertained through C-scan results. All the experiments were done at room temperature. The study was carried out at constant incident impact energy, EII 19.76 J. The impactor mass was M 4.7 kg, and the incident impact velocity was, V0 2.9 m/s. Four identical specimens of 5 mm thickness were tested for all the ®ve types of laminates. Visual inspection was conducted by observing the damage patterns by viewing the specimens against a strong source of light. The damage area was thus marked, and measured using a 10 £ magnifying glass. C-scans and A-scans were also obtained to identify the maximum area of delamination and location of major delamination. where m is the mass of the impactor and a(t) the recorded accelerometer data as a function of time. Impactor velocity wrt time was computed as: Z V t V0 2 a t dt where V0 is incident impact velocity. On further integration, displacement of the impactor wrt time was derived as: Z d t V t dt The energy exchanged at time t, due to work done by contact force during the loading and unloading was computed as: Z E t F t D t dt where D(t) dd(t)/dt Impact testing was conducted on the specimens clamped on all the four sides. The unsupported area of the specimen during impact loading was 127 mm £ 127 mm. 2.1. Compression after impact test ®xture Post impact compression testing of impacted specimens was carried out using compression after impact (CAI) test ®xture fabricated as per NASA 1142 standard [27]. Specimens were cut to have a width of 125 mm. The specimens were clamped along the top and bottom edges during CAI tests. Anti-buckling guides were used to provide simple support along the lateral edges to prevent overall buckling of the specimen. The side supports were snug ®t so that the transverse deformation due to Poisson's effect was not constrained. A gap of 6 mm between the supports and end plate was provided to allow for the compression of the specimen. The CAI testing was carried out by loading the specimen on a universal testing machine with a maximum capacity of 200 kN. The loading axis was carefully aligned 2.2. Compression testing Compressive behaviour of all the ®ve types of composite specimens has been experimentally determined. Lockheed test ®xture with a modi®ed specimen geometry was used for the experimental studies. The lower end of the specimen was tapered to avoid end crushing during loading. The loading rate was 0.3 mm/min. 3. Design of experiments 4. Data analysis and presentation To study the impact behaviour of composites, deceleration/acceleration and contact force histories were recorded 568 Fig. 1. Variation of contact force, velocity, displacement and energy versus time for GLE-12. Fig. 2. Variation of contact force, velocity, displacement and energy versus time for [G4/C4]S. 569 Fig. 3. Variation of contact force, velocity, displacement and energy versus time for [G/C]4S. using accelerometer and load cell, respectively. The deceleration/acceleration data, a, obtained from the accelerometer, curve ®t deceleration/acceleration, a-cf, contact force, F, derived from the deceleration/acceleration data and contact force data, F-lc, obtained from the load cell wrt time were analysed for the ®ve types of specimens. Contact force, F, plate velocity, V, plate displacement, d and energy, E, wrt time, t were derived using recorded Fig. 4. Variation of contact force, velocity, displacement and energy versus time for [C4/G4]S. 570 Fig. 5. Variation of contact force, velocity, displacement and energy versus time for CTE-1. deceleration/acceleration a data. Typical plots have been presented in Figs. 1±5. The duration of impact, tf, indicated the time duration after which there was no contact between the plate and the impactor. At the end of impact event, impact force and deceleration/acceleration were zero. The maximum deceleration, am, maximum contact force, Fm, zero velocity, V 0, maximum plate displacement, d m, and maximum plate energy, Em, occur simultaneously. The characteristic impact parameters: peak contact force, maximum displacement, duration of impact, maximum plate energy, maximum deceleration and time to reach peak contact force for each type of lami- nate are presented in Table 1. The values of maximum plate energy, absorbed energy and plate strain energy are presented in Table 2. The results are the averages of four tests. The quantities in the bracket indicate the scatter. 4.1. Deceleration/acceleration plots The deceleration/acceleration data measured is for the impactor. During the entire impact event, since there was contact between the impactor and the plate, the deceleration data measured is also that of the plate. Table 1 Characteristic impact parameters Laminate Peak contact force, Fm (kN) Maximum displacement, d m (mm) Duration of impact, tf (ms) Maximum plate energy, Em (J) Maximum deceleration, am (m/s 2) Time to reach Fm, tfm (ms) GLE-12 6.0 (0.1, 20.3) 6.3 (0.3, 20.1) 6.9 (0.3, 20.1) 7.1 (0.6, 20.1) 6.8 (0.2, 20.1) 6.5 (0.5, 20.1) 7.0 (0.1, 20.1) 5.6 (0.4, 20.1) 4.2 (0.1, 20.3) 3.9 (0.5, 20.1) 7.5 19.5 (0.1, 20.8) 19.5 (0.1, 20.1) 19.6 (0.1, 20.1) 19.6 (0.1, 20.1) 19.6 (0.1, 20.1) 1277 3.5 1340 3.6 1468 3.0 1510 2.5 1447 2.4 [G4/C4]S [G/C]4S [C4/G4]S CTE-1 7.1 5.7 5.2 4.0 571 Table 2 Characteristic impact energies Laminate Maximum plate energy, Em (J) Energy absorbed, Ea (J) Plate strain energy, Es Em 2 Ea (J) GLE-12 [G4/C4]s [G/C]4s [C4/G4]s CTE-1 19.5 19.5 19.6 19.6 19.6 7.8 8.6 10.2 15.0 13.5 11.7 10.9 9.4 4.6 6.1 compared with the duration of impact event. This was con®rmed by independently measuring the residual displacements by the LVDT, which were much lower than the derived values. 4.5. Energy plots 4.2. Contact force plots Contact force was derived from the deceleration/acceleration data. Contact force was also obtained from the load cell. The value of contact force obtained from the load cell was marginally lower than the contact force computed from the accelerometer data. The variation was of the order of 5%. Data from accelerometer was used to derive the value of contact force by multiplying the acceleration values with the mass of the impactor. The contact force measured indicates the resistance offered by the plate during the impact event. The energy±time relation was plotted using the contact force and displacement results obtained from accelerometer data. The maximum plate energy, Em, represents the maximum energy transferred to the plate by the impactor during the impact event. The maximum plate energy consists of the plate strain energy, Es, and the energy absorbed, Ea, for fracture propagation. The plate strain energy is responsible for the rebound of the impactor. The energy absorbed is the energy lost in the plate for creating damages. The energy absorbed also contained the kinetic energy of the plate since the plate had not come back to its initial position. Thus, the energy absorbed does not completely represent the fracture energy, if the separation takes place between the plate and the impactor before the plate reaches to its original position. 4.6. Damage pattern 4.3. Plate velocity plots The velocity plots were derived from the deceleration/ acceleration plots. The incident impact velocity indicates the velocity of the impactor at the beginning of the impact event. The velocity of the impactor was also measured using a LVT. In general, experimentally observed incident impact velocities and rebound velocities matched the derived data. The rebound velocity was less than V0. 4.4. Plate displacement plots Plate displacement plots were derived from the deceleration/acceleration plots. At the end of the impact event, the plate might not have come back to its original position. Hence, the plate displacement at this time derived from the deceleration/acceleration plot may not indicate the residual displacement. The residual displacement is signi®cantly lower than the displacement at F 0. The duration for the plate to come back to rest is signi®cantly longer as The damage sizes measured visually and through C-scans are given in Table 3. Damage shapes obtained visually and through C-scans are given in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. The C-scans showed that damage areas consist of both delamination and matrix cracks. The location of maximum delamination/damage has been determined using A-scans. In general, the major damage/delamination was found at a distance of about 2.0 mm from the top surface. 4.7. Post impact compression testing Post impact compression testing was performed for all the specimens using the compression after impact test ®xture. The loading during CAI testing was along the warp direction. The results of CAI testing have been presented in Table 3. Unnotched compressive strength values have been obtained experimentally. The results are the averages of four tests. Table 3 Damage tolerance characteristics Laminate GLE-12 [G4/C4]S [G/C]4S [C4/G4]S CTE-1 Damage dimensions (mm) Visual observation, top C-scan results Along warp Along ®ll Along warp Along ®ll 19.0 23.5 28.0 27.0 21.0 17.0 27.3 27.3 24.5 26.5 21.0 23.8 28.5 20.9 21.0 17.0 27.6 27.6 22.8 26.6 Post impact compressive strength, Xcn (MPa) loading along warp Compressive strength, Xc (MPa) loading along warp Xcn =Xc (%) 172.0 (14, 28) 196.8 (8, 27) 186.4 (5, 26) 200.0 (7, 28) 220.8 (11, 210) 225.0 (30, 210) 238.2 (7, 25) 239.5 (4, 27) 240.1 (5, 2 4) 300.0 (20, 28) 76.4 82.6 77.8 83.3 73.6 572 Fig. 6. Damage shapes and sizes obtained from visual observation for plates subjected to impact. 5. Results and discussion The area of damage has been estimated by visual observation and by C-scan results. The area of damage is found to be least for the all-glass specimen, GLE-12 and found to increase in the order GLE-12, [C4/G4]S, CTE-1, [G4/C4]S, [G/C]4S. The damage area is indicative of the area of the sublaminate formed by delamination of a certain region from the rest of the laminate. The reduction in compressive strength is expected to be due to the buckling of the sublaminate. The sublaminate buckling load is higher for a subla- minate of smaller area. Hence, under similar conditions of laminate stiffness, strength and sublaminate thickness, the laminate having lesser area of delamination is expected to have higher compressive strength. The damage length transverse to the loading direction is indicative of the size of the notch, since this length is perpendicular to the line of loading. The damage length is the least for the all-glass specimen GLE-12, and is found to increase in the order GLE-12, [C4/G4]S, CTE-1, [G4/C4]S, [G/C]4S. This hierarchy is exactly the same as that for the damage area. Since the damage length along 573 Fig. 7. Damage shapes and sizes for different glass±carbon/epoxy hybrid laminates, EII 19.76 J, LZ 5.0 mm: C-scans. ®ll represents the size of the notch, there is more reduction in strength for a laminate having bigger notch size. Under similar conditions of laminate in-plane stiffness and strength, the laminate having smaller notch size is expected to have higher compressive strength. The compression after impact (CAI) strength for the ®ve types of laminates are found to be decreasing in the order CTE-1, [C4/G4]S, [G4/C4]S, [G/C]4S, GLE-12. The damage tolerance is de®ned as the ratio of compressive strength after impact to the compressive strength of the unnotched laminates. It is found to be highest for [C4/G4]S and found to be decreasing in the order [C4/G4]S, [G4/C4]S, [G/C]4S, GLE-12, CTE-1. It can be seen that the damage tolerance is higher for hybrid composites compared to those of only-glass or only-carbon. On comparison of the heirarchy amongst the three hybrid composites, it is found that the decreasing order of compressive strength and decreasing order of damage tolerance is [C4/G4]S, [G4/C4]S, [G/C]4S. This heirarchy is found to remain consistent under considerations of damage area, damage length transverse to the loading direction, compressive strength after impact and notch sensitivity. Also on comparison it is found that although the CAI strength of CTE-1 is the highest among the ®ve types of laminates studied, the CTE-1 laminate has the highest notch sensitivity and the highest reduction in compressive strength. This clearly shows the advantage of hybridisation in decreasing the notch sensitivity. The displacement of the plate under the impactor is found to increase in the order CTE-1, [C4/G4]S, [G/C]4S, GLE-12, [G4/C4]S. This indicates that CTE-1 has the least displacement and it is maximum for [G4/C4]S. The hierarchy of increasing displacement amongst the three hybrid composites is [C4/G4]S, [G/C]4S, [G4/C4]S. The duration of impact is indicative of the time during which the transfer of energy takes places during the impact. The duration of impact is highest for GLE-12, and decreases in the order GLE-12, [G4/C4]S, [G/C]4S, [C4/G4]S, CTE-1. The chances of catastrophic failure is reduced if the duration of impact is higher. From the study of Figs. 2±4 and Table 3 it is noticed that the heirarchy amongst the three hybrid composites for decreasing peak contact force and increasing maximum displacement is [C4/G4]S, [G/C]4S, [G4/C4]S. The consistency of these heirarchies match the reasoning that the plate having higher peak contact force has more resistance to deformation and lesser maximum displacement under the impactor. These observations match those obtained by Kowsika and Mantena [18]. They observed during their studies on impact behaviour of hybrid composite beams made of unidirectional laminae that the peak contact force is the highest when the layers are symmetrically arranged such that carbon layers are on the outer surfaces and glass layers are near to neutral axis. From Figs. 6 and 7, and from Table 3, the heirarchy for increasing damage area, increasing size of notch perpendicular to the loading direction and the decreasing compressive strength after impact is [C4/G4]S, [G4/C4]S, [G/C]4S. This heirarchy is expected due to the following reasons. The hybrid composite [C4/G4]S has the highest ¯exural modulus because the layers are arranged such that the laminate contains the high stiffness carbon reinforcement away from the neutral axis and the low stiffness glass reinforcements at the neutral axis. Additionally, carbon being a stronger and stiffer material, it is able to withstand higher stresses. Hence placing the carbon layers at highly stressed regions would be bene®cial. Hence [C4/G4]S con®guration has lowest damage and least notch sensitivity. 6. Conclusions The following are the important conclusions based on the experimental studies carried out. ² Glass±carbon/epoxy hybrid composites have lower notch sensitivity compared with only-carbon or onlyglass composites. ² Carbon-outside/glass-inside clustered hybrid con®guration gives higher post impact compressive strength and lower notch sensitivity. Also, with this con®guration, 574 damage area and the crack lengths along warp and ®ll directions are less compared with the other hybrid con®gurations. ² The transverse displacement is less for carbon-outside/ glass-inside clustered hybrid con®guration compared with the other hybrid con®gurations. ² Impact duration is higher for glass-outside/carbon-inside clustered hybrid con®guration compared with the other hybrid con®gurations. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Structures Panel, Aeronautics Research and Development Board, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, Grant No. Aero/RD-134/ 100/10/95-96/890. References [1] Bunsell AR, Harris B. Hybrid carbon and glass ®bre composites. Composites 1974;5:157±64. [2] Aveston J, Sillwood JM. Synergistic ®bre strengthening in hybrid composites. Journal of Materials Science 1976;11:1877±83. [3] Zweben C. Tensile strength of hybrid composites. Journal of Materials Science 1977;12:1325±37. 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