
Embedding Video into Your Blog / VLE
Geoff Riley
Embedding video
Available from many news / digital channels
Can be effective if combined with another activity
Might be included in Shorter reflective assignments
Course or Topic Glossaries
Posted into student forums before a lesson
Mainstream broadcasters will make copyright conditions clear 1/ Find your resource & click share
2/ Clicking share will bring up this …
2/If you can embed, click copy code
3/ Go into your own blog or VLE
4/ Create a new web page
Paste in the html code to embed the video by clicking here
5/ Looks horrendous! But don’t worry!
6/ Click save and you have embedded video content into your blog
Embed into a course glossary
Embed into online assignments
Good Sources:
BBC news output – a growing selection
You Tube
Teachers TV – available under creative archive licence
Google video
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