PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 45, NUMBER 1 1 JANUARY 1992-I Thermoelectric power of the Kondo-lattice system: CepdSn D. T. Adroja, B. D. Padalia, and S. N. Bhatia Indian Institute of Technology, Potoai, Bombay 400076, India S. K. Malik Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Bombay 400005, India (Received 7 May 1991) Thermoelectric power (TEP) of the antiferromagnetic compound CePdSn has been measured in the temperature range 20 —300 K. It is positive at 300 K, exhibits a broad maximum at 100 K, and becomes negative at low temperatures. The maxima in TEP indicate the presence of Kondo and crystalline electric4eld effects. These results are analyzed using the Bhattacharjee-Coqblin model, which explains the gross features of the experimental TEP curve except the negative sign observed at low temperatures. I. INTRODUCTION (T~=14.5 K) The Ce-based ternary equiatomic compounds of the type CeTX (T= transition metal and X=metalloid) exhibit interesting physical properties. ' For instance, CePtSi (Ref. 1) and CePtIn (Ref. 7) show heavy-fermion behavior with a nonmagnetic ground state while CePdIn (Ref. 3) is a heavy-fermion system with a magnetic ground state. The compounds CeNiSn (Ref. 8) and CeRhSb (Ref. 9) exhibit valence fiuctuation behavior with the formation of a pseudogap at the Fermi level. The continuous evolution of valence fluctuation behavior from the heavy-fermion behavior has been observed in the CePt& „Ni„Si system, which is important for the understanding of the boundary between the heavy-fermion state and the valence fluctuation state. Although the origin of the anomalous properties of the Ce-based compounds is not yet fully understood, these are considered to be due to the strong hybridization of nearly localized Ce 4f electrons with the conduction electrons and are associated with the formation of many electron states in the proximity of the Fermi level. Among the various anomalies observed in physical properties of the Ce-based system, measurements of the transport properties, e.g. , resistivity and thermoelectric power, are necessary to gain insight into the different scattering mechanisms and their relative importance. Since thermoelectric power (TEP) is very sensitive to the different energy scales, this measurement provides an estimate of crystalline-electric-field (CEF) splitting of the 4f levels. The TEP of the anomalous Ce compounds exhibits giant value at low temperatures and shows the maximum at intermediate temperatures. At 300 K, the TEP of most of the Ce-based systems exhibits a positive sign (e.g. , in CeCuzSiz, CeA12) while for the Yb-based systems, it has a negative sign. In an earlier paper, ' we have reported on the magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and specific-heat measurements on antiferromagnetic CePdSn. The magnetic ordering temperature of CePdSn (T&=7.5 K) is anomalous compared to that of the isostructural GdPdSn 45 when considered from the de Gennes scaling point of view. This suggests the presence of Kondo-type interactions in this compound which may give rise to a relatively stronger exchange interaction between the Ce-4f electrons and the conduction electrons resulting in the anomalously high Neel temperature. The presence of crystalline-electric-field effects is also inferred from magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and specific-heat data. In the continuation of our studies on CePdSn, we report here the results of thermoelectric power measurements on this compound. The experimental data on TEP are analyzed on the basis of the model which takes into account Bhattacharjee-Coqblin both the Kondo and the CEF effects. This model explains the gross features of the experimental TEP curve except for the low-temperature behavior. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The compound CePdSn was prepared by melting stoichiometric amounts of the constituent elements of purity better than 99.99%%uo in an arc furnace. The singlephase nature of the compound was checked by powder x-ray-diffraction studies. A rod-shaped sample of length = 1.5 cm was used for the TEP measurements. The sample was clamped between two small copper plates which were thermally anchored to the cold station of a closedcycle refrigerator. The temperature difference along the length of the sample was measured with a copperConstantan therrnocouple. The thermoelectric voltage was measured across Au (50 pm) wires attached on two ends of the sample with conducting silver paint. The differential method was used for TEP measurements with Au serving as the reference. An absolute accuracy of and a relative accuracy of =2 /o could be achieved. 10' III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The compound CePdSn crystallizes in the orthorhombic TiNiSi-type structure (space group Pnma) with four formula units per unit cell. The unit-cell volume of 477 1992 The American Physical Society BRIEF REPORTS 478 700 t I CePdSn 560— 0 0 E 420— 0 0 0 o0 0 0 0 o oo Do 0 oo ooo oo ooo ooo oo o ooo 0o oo 45 oooo~ I 1 I 1 I l I CePdSn 273 o 0- 252— O E Cg o 231 280— Cy -4- 210- 0 189— 140 168 I 50 1 -8 30 20 10 TE MPERATURE(K) 0 I I 00 CePdSn follows the usual lanthanide contraction indicating the trivalent or near trivalent nature of the Ce ions in this compound. This is consistent with magnetic susceptibility data on this compound. ' Figure 1 shows the resistivity of CePdSn as a function of temperature. The resistivity is 700 pQcm, decreases room-temperature linearly with decreasing temperature from 300 K, but shows a curvature starting at about 80 K. It exhibits a broad maximum at 20 K and a sharp drop at about 7.5 K, the latter of which is due to the antiferromagnetic ordering of the Ce moments. The curvature in the resistivity has been analyzed earlier' on the basis of crystallineelectric-field effects. The minimum in the resistivity (as also the anomalously high T~) suggests the presence of Kondo-type interactions in this compound. Figure 2 shows the TEP of CePdSn as a function of temperature in the temperature range 20 —300 K. The value of TEP at room temperature is =1 pV/K with a positive sign. This positive sign is consistent with the sign observed in most of the Ce-based Kondo and heavyferrnion systems. The magnitude of TEP of CePdSn increases with decreasing temperature (from room temperature) and reaches a maximum value of =4 pV/K at about 100 K. On further decrease of temperature below " 1 (2) n(EF) g2 1 100 I I I 150 I 200 I I 250 I 300 T (K) 300 resistivity of CePdSn as a function of temInset shows the variation at low temperatures. S= k~ I I ]50 200 250 TEMPERATURE (K) FIG. 1. Electrical perature. I 50 FIG. 2. Thermoelectric power of CePdSn as a function of temperature. The solid and dotted lines represent two fits based on the BC model (see text). 100 K, TEP shows a sharp drop and reaches a value of —4. 2 pV/K at 21 K. From the trend of the experimental curve, it is likely that TEP may show a minimum at a temperature below 21 K. However, due to our experimental limitations of the lowest achievable temperature on the closed-cycle refrigerator, we could not observe this minimum. The negative sign of the TEP of CePdSn observed below 50 K is an exception among the Ce-based Kondo and mixed-valence compounds and has been observed earlier in CeAlz, CeA13, and CeCuzSiz. ' The maximum around 100 K in the TEP of CePdSn can be understood on the basis of the BhattacharjeeCoqblin (BC) model' (special case of the two-level model) in a manner similar to that applied in the case of CeA13. ' This model is based on the Kondo effect in the presence of CEF in which TEP has been calculated exactperturbation theory using the ly in the third-order which describes the resonant effective Hamiltonian scattering and takes into account both crystalline electric fields and the combined spin and orbit exchange scattering for the case of two levels split by the crystalline electric field. The TEP power, S, in this model is given by [Eq. (32), Ref. 13]. g C G)(hl;, 0)+ g' g[U', G, (h„,b, where the symbols have the same meaning as in Ref. 13. This equation, in conjunction with Eqs. 36(a) and 36(b) and 38(a) —38(d) of Ref. 13 provide a closed form expression for the calculation of TEP. According to the BC model, TEP exhibits a maximum in the temperature , )+ V', G~(b, „,h, )] range between b, /3 to 6/6, where b is the energy separation between the CEF split levels. In the analysis of TEP of CePdSn, following BC, we have taken the electron density of states at EF, n(E~)=2. 2 states/eV (which is the density of states of BRIEF REPORTS 45 pure lanthanum), and the mixing parameter between the conduction electrons and the 4f electrons Vzf =0.07 eV. ' The value of ground-state degeneracy a, (obtained from susceptibility and resistivity analysis) is taken to be 2 and for simplicity the excited-state degeneracy a2 is taken as 4, (although CEF splitting will lead to three doublets for the Ce + ion). The cutoff energy (D) is defined in such a way that the exchange coupling parameters are zero if the energy of the conduction electrons is greater than D and has been taken to be 850 K, which is the for CeA13. value taken by Bhattacharjee and Coqblin' The three remaining parameters, viz. , the direct scatterthe ing potential V, the exchange integral &, and crystal-field splitting 6 were considered as variables. A least-squares fit procedure was used to obtain the optimum values of these parameters. Two of the fits ob0. 073 eV, and tained, one with V= —1.02 eV, J&&= — 5=400 K in the temperature range 50-300 K and the second with V = —1.85 eV, J» = — 0. 078 eV, and 5=360 K over the temperature range 20 —300 K are represented as solid and dotted lines respectively in Fig. 2. Good agreement between theory and experiment in J & the high-temperature range is evident from the figure. However, this approach fails to explain the lowtemperature negative region of the TEP curve. 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