Teaching Nanoelectronic Devices Jerry G. Fossum SOI Group Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-6130, U.S.A. J. G. Fossum / 1 Outline * CMOS Scaling * Nonclassical Devices * Teaching Issues * A Novel Graduate Course * Summary J. G. Fossum / 2 Projected HP CMOS Gate-Length Scaling* 7nm ! *2003 SIA ITRS J. G. Fossum / 3 CMOS Scalability (to Lgate < 45nm)? Classical Devices Nonclassical UTB Devices Bulk Si PD/SOI FD/SOI DG G G G B Gf B S S B D S B D D S D Gb BOX BOX Si Substrate Si Substrate Si Substrate Si Substrate No, No, Maybe, Yes; but could be enhanced via strained-Si channels. but with (e.g., floatingbody) performance advantage over bulk Si. but extremely thin SOI (ultra-thin body) will be needed. thin Si is needed, but performance potential is high and technology can be pragmatic. J. G. Fossum / 4 Nonclassical UTB Devices Lgate Lgate Gf toxf y S Gf toxf Wgate D tSi y S x x toxb tSi Wgate D Gb toxb BOX Generic DG MOSFET (SDG or ADG) Substrate (Gb) SG FD/SOI MOSFET Gf Gf z x hSi wSi toxb BOX Lgate z x hSi wSi Lgate toxf toxf Nanowires toxb BOX Substrate (Gb) Substrate Tri-Gate (TG) MOSFET Gate-All-Around (GAA) MOSFET J. G. Fossum / 5 Nonclassical Devices: Truly Different Structures DG FinFET tSi < 10nm ? Carbon Nanotube FET Lgate < 10nm Diameter ~ 1-2nm (defined by chemistry, not processing) J. G. Fossum / 6 DG MOSFET: Challenging Technology, Superior Features, Complex Physics y Gf * short-channel effects (SCEs) * quasi-ballistic/ballistic transport * thermal injection velocity (vinj) * quantum transport (S-D tunneling) ΦGf t oxf x S 7nm ⇒ Lgate n+ p n+ D ΦGb toxb tSi Gb 3nm ⇒ * Gf-Gb charge coupling * tSi-dependent quantization (QM) * 2D DOS with Fermi-Dirac statistics * volume inversion * QM-defined µn and vinj Understanding nonclassical devices requires strong backgrounds in solid-state physics and quantum mechanics! J. G. Fossum / 7 New Physics, e.g., that underlying channel n(x): Symmetrical DG nMOSFET 18 12 x 10 VGS=0.0 V VGS=0.5 V VGS=1.0 V Electron density [cm−3] 10 8 6 4 (volume inversion) classical (3D electrons) 2 0 Qi = q ∫ t inv 0 n dx 14 w⁄ E F – E c n = N c ( 3D ) F 1 ⁄ 2 ------------------ kBT 16 18 Position [nm] Qi = q ∫ t Si 0 20 22 E F – E min n dx = qN c ( 2D ) ln 1 + exp ----------------------- kT J. G. Fossum / 8 New (Solid-State & Quantum) Physics * structural confinement of electrons/holes * energy quantization (eigenvalues of SWE) * 2D electrons/holes (DOS) * quantum n(x)/p(x) (eigenfunctions of SWE) * degenerate electrons/holes (Fermi-Dirac) * many-body effects (exchange energy, BGN) * lattice-orientation effects * lattice-strain effects * quantum tunneling (through G dielectric, S/D junctions, and S-D barrier) * ballistic (thermal injection), quasi-ballistic transport (BTE 2nd moment) J. G. Fossum / 9 Teaching Issues * Large EE-physics overlap in nanoelectronic device/circuit area. * Inadequate student backgrounds. * Inadequate curricula. * Declining population of nanoelectronic students. J. G. Fossum / 10 A Novel Graduate Course: “Nonclassical Si-Based Nanoscale CMOS Devices” * Lectures are based on current literature, but are centered around a physics-based compact DG MOSFET model (UFDG) to bring device, circuit, and physics students together. UFDG is used as a teaching tool that students with various backgrounds can relate to. * Prerequisite is a classical scaled CMOS device design course, which is focused on channel-doping engineering. * Computer simulation-based project involving nonclassical devices and/or circuits is assigned, in lieu of final exam. UFDG/Spice is made available for the project, as well as numerical device simulators. * Objectives are to encourage students to enter the device area, as well as to teach the physics-based properties of nanoelectronic devices. J. G. Fossum / 11 UFDG: A Process/Physics-Based Predictive Compact Model Applicable to Generic UTB DG MOSFETs Wg Gf ΦGf Gf = Gb S n+ Lmet p tSi n+ D tSi ΦGb Gb UFDG is applicable to SG FD/SOI MOSFETs, as well as asymmetrical and symmetrical DG MOSFETs (including FinFETs). Wg Lg J. G. Fossum / 12 Quantization Effects Modeling in UFDG UFDG is actually a Compact Poisson-Schrödinger Solver: Classical PE Eigenfunction Ψ0 (104 m-1/2) (charge coupling, inversion-charge distribution) potentials, electric fields (classical Qi & Ich) Model SCHRED* 2.0 0.6V SWE (eigenfunctions, eigenvalues, 2D DOS, F-D) in UTB/channel QM Qi & Ich 1D SWE analytical solution is derived using a variational approach, then coupled to PE and Qi(VGfS, VGbS) via Newton-Raphson iteration, all with dependence on tSi as well as Ex. tSi = 5nm 1.0V 1.5 VGS = 1.5V SDG nMOSFETs: n+ poly gates tSi = 20nm tox=1.5nm NB=1017cm-3 1.0 0.5 1.5V 0.0 updated potentials, electric fields 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Normalized Position x/tSi 1.0 The QM modeling is also the basis for a physical mobility model for the UTB carrier transport, which is dependent on tSi as well as Ex. *1D numerical PE-SWE solver [D. Vasileska and Z. Ren, Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, IN, Feb. 2000]. J. G. Fossum / 13 QM Modeling (e.g., for nMOSFET) • Trial Eigenfunction for Asymmetrical (Generic) DG Device: – b j x ⁄ t Si – b j ( t Si – x ) ⁄ t Si aj ( j + 1 )πx 2 ψ j ( x ) = ------ ------- sin ------------------------ e + ηe t Si 2 t Si , j = 0, 1, 2, ... ; aj are normalization constants, and η is a charge-partition parameter. • Solve Poisson equation for the electric potential φ(x) in the Si-film: q q d2 ---------- φ ( x ) = -------- ( N A + n ( x ) ) = -------- ( N A + N inv ψ ( x ) 2 ) ε Si ε Si d x2 ⇒ φ( x) . • Use Schrödinger equation to get subband energies (eigenfunctions): h2 d2 – ------------------ ---------- ψ j ( x ) + – q φ ( x )ψ j ( x ) = E j ψ j ( x ) 8π 2 m d x 2 ⇒ E j( b j) . x • Apply QM variational approach (with Qi = -qNinv): dE j ---------- = 0 db j ⇒ 5 qm π 2 Q + x d ( eff ) --6- Q i b j ≅ t Si ------------------------------------------------------------- ( j + 1 )ε Si h 2 1⁄3 , j = 0, 1, 2, ... J. G. Fossum / 14 Energy Quantization ⇒ Carrier Distribution SDG nMOSFET Energy-Band Diagram E1’ Front Gate Back Gate Ec E0’ E1 EF E0 EF Ei qVGS φs Ev qVGS φ(x) EFG EFG Si-Film Channel 0 tSi x The quantization (carrier confinement and formation of 2D energy subbands Ej) is dependent on the Si-film thickness (tSi) as well as the transverse electric field (EX). J. G. Fossum / 15 QM Model Implementation in UFDG (to get Qi) Weak Inversion: φsf,b = φsf,b(CL) - ∆φ(QM)[E0(VGfS, VGbS)]. • Diffusion current follows from integration along channel (0 < y < Le). • 2D Poisson solution defines SCEs and effective channel length (Le). Strong Inversion: Inversion charge via Newton-Raphson (and straight) Iteration(s): 4πqk B T n i2 qφ sf – E j – Q i = ---------------------- gm d ∑ ln 1 + ----------------- exp ------------------------- NcN A kBT h2 j f –φ ) qφ sf – E ′j n i2 C oxf ( V GfS – V FB sf + g ′ m d′ ∑ ln 1 + ----------------- exp ------------------------- = ------------------------------------------------------------------NcN A γ kBT j j = 0, 1 . • Uncertainty in the effective mass mx (mx’) and the 2-D density-of-states effective mass md (md’) suggests two tuning parameters, QMX and QMD, which are generally unity: mx = mx/QMX and md = md/QMD. • QMX is also used as a flag: QMX = 0 gives classical solution (PE only). • Drift/diffusion current follows from integration along channel (0 < y < Le). • 2D Gauss solution near drain defines channel-length modulation (Leff - Le). Moderate Inversion: VTW and VTS are increased via ∆φ(QM)(E0). J. G. Fossum / 16 UFDG: QM vs. Classical Solutions •Electrical Properties (SDG nMOSFETs) UFDG 1.2 SCHRED toxf = toxb = 3nm t = 10nm 0.8 Si NA = 1015 cm-3 ΦG ~ mid-gap 2.4 Classical 1.8 Classical UFDG SCHRED 1.2 QM 0.4 0.0 0.0 Intrinsic Gate Capacitance CG (mF/cm2) -Qi/q (x1013 cm-2) Integrated Inversion Charge Density 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.9 VGfS = VGbS (V) 1.2 0.0 -0.3 0.0 QM toxf = toxb = 3nm tSi = 10nm NA = 1015 cm-3 VDS = 0.0 V 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 VGfS = VGbS (V) • UFDG has classical option; QM doubles run-time. J. G. Fossum / 17 Course Application of UFDG: Nanoscale SDG FinFET (Scaling and Design Issues) LeD LeS Gate NB = 0 y x tSi n+ Source hSi n+ Drain Lg With undoped body, (effectively) undoped fin-extension lengths (LeS, LeD) can be defined by the S/D lateral doping profiles and the positioning of the gate on the fin. J. G. Fossum / 18 UFDG (Partial) Calibrations to Nanoscale SDG nFinFET* Lg = 17.5nm, Wg = hSi = 50nm, NB = 0, tox = 1.7nm, n+ poly gate 10-4 10-5 Leff=29.5nm IDS (A) 10-6 10-7 10-8 Leff=44.0nm 10-9 VDS=0.1V measured data VDS=1.2V measured data 10-10 10-11 UFDG: tSi=17nm, RD=100Ω-µm, RS=550Ω-µm; µn0 ~ 300cm2/V-s -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 VGS (V) UFDG: Leff is bias-dependent, with G-S/D underlap; S/D resistances are unequal, non-ohmic; new modeling is needed. *Fabricated at AMD. J. G. Fossum / 19 2D Numerical Device Simulations SDG nFinFET: NB = 0, Lg = 105nm, LeS = LeD = 25nm, tSi = 26nm; Vt ~ 0V φs(y), x = 0, tSi ns(y), x = 0, tSi 1020 Potential (V) 1018 -0.1V 0.4 1017 1016 0.3 S D VGS=-0.3V 1015 1014 0.2 1013 0.1 Lg LeS LeD 1012 1020 1.2V 1019 1018 1019 0.0V -0.1V 1017 1018 1017 1016 1015 1014 1016 S D VGS=-0.3V 1014 1013 1013 1012 1011 1015 Lg LeS LeD 1012 1011 1010 Doping Concentration (cm-3) 0.0V 0.5 Doping Concentration (cm-3) 1019 1020 Electron Density (cm-3) 1.2V 0.6 11 0.0 0.05 10 0.08 0.11 0.14 y (µm) 0.17 0.20 0.23 109 0.05 VDS = 0.1V 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.17 0.20 0.23 1010 y (µm) The gate voltage modulates φ and n in the undoped fin-extension regions, especially for weak inversion, confirming a bias-dependent effective channel length. J. G. Fossum / 20 More Course Content: TG MOSFET Issues Lg 1) Corner Effects: Drain hSi Si Corner regions of body can affect subthreshold characteristics. Gate wSi Source A A’ 2) Short-Channel Effects: Fin width or height must be ultra-narrow. A - A' Cross-Section Gate 3) Layout Efficiency: z Corner Regions x Si Gate Oxide Effective gate width is too narrow. SiO2 Substrate J. G. Fossum / 21 TG Short-Channel Effects 3D DAVINCI*: TG nMOSFET Fin Size for SCE Control (Leff = 28nm, low NB, tox = 1.1nm) 2.0 S = 80mV DIBL = 100mV/V hSi/Leff 1.5 1.0 hSi = wSi = Leff hSi = Leff wSi = 1.4wSi(DG), hSi = 1.4hSi(FD) 1/5 ~ hSi(FD)/Leff 0.5 wSi = Leff Design Space 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 wSi/Leff wSi(DG)/Leff ~ 1/2 Ultra-small wSi and/or hSi is needed, as in a DG FinFET or an FD/SOI FET! *3D numerical device simulator (Ver. 2003.06) [Synopsys, Durham, NC]. J. G. Fossum / 22 Examples of Course Projects * “Bias-Dependent Effective Channel Length of Nanoscale Ultra-ThinBody MOSFETs with Gate-Source/Drain Overlap” * “Threshold-Voltage Tuning for Double-Gate MOSFETs” * “Gate Tunneling Current in Nanoscale Double-Gate FinFETs” * “Speed Enhancement of Nonclassical CMOS by Pragmatic Degradation of Subthreshold Slope” * “A Square-Law Mixer Using an Independent Double-Gate MOSFET” * “High-Frequency, Low-Power Double-Gate CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier” * “Benchmarking DG vs. SG CMOS RF Circuits” J. G. Fossum / 23 Summary * Nanoelectronics / nonclassical CMOS ⇒ complex devices / physics. * Teaching issues: EE-physics overlap; inadequate student backgrounds, curricula; loss of students. * Novel nonclassical CMOS-device course; UFDG is tool, glue. * Course works, but really need a Shockley-like guy [ref., Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors, 1950] to develop nanoelectronic device physics theory that can be effectively taught to all CMOS engineers. J. G. Fossum / 24
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