IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 58, NO. 8, AUGUST 2009 2837 Design and Development of a Low-Cost Digital Magnetic Field Meter With Wide Dynamic Range for EMC Precompliance Measurements and Other Applications Sandeep M. Satav and Vivek Agarwal, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—The design and development of a low-cost, portable, and easy-to-operate instrument that can measure static and timevarying magnetic fields for electromagnetic-compatibility (EMC) precompliance and other applications are presented in this paper. The basic sensor used is a Hall-effect element. The instrument has an accuracy of 0.5% and a wide bandwidth of 30 kHz. The resolution of the meter is 12.5 mG, enabling accurate measurement of small fields, such as the geomagnetic field. Isotropic and linear detection of magnetic fields is possible with true root-mean-square (RMS) measurement. Other desirable features, such as maximum hold, data logging, and computer interface, are also incorporated. A graphical user interface (GUI) has been developed for computer interface and data presentation. A Helmholtz coil and a Zero-Gauss chamber have been used for design validation. A low-cost EMC precompliance test setup, based on the proposed work, is also presented. All the design details and measurement results are presented. Apart from being low cost and accurate, the proposed meter has a lower part count and involves a simple design-and-fabrication process. Index Terms—Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic interference (EMI), Hall-effect sensor, Helmholtz coil, magnetic field, precompliance. I. I NTRODUCTION S TATIC and time-varying low-frequency (typically less than 30 kHz) magnetic fields can severely affect the functioning of electrical and electronic equipment [1], [2]. They can induce interference voltages in wiring loops, the amplitudes of which depend on the area that is exposed to the fields, forming a classical example of electromagnetic interference (EMI). Nontoroidal transformers, switching power transistors, and conducting wires carrying currents are some sources of magnetic field generation, apart from natural sources, such as the geomagnetic field and the fields from nearby magnetized metallic objects [3]. It is desired to keep the magnitudes of such fields well below the susceptibility levels of the systems or the levels defined by the applied EMC standards. EMC compliance Manuscript received December 2, 2007; revised July 21, 2008. First published May 15, 2009; current version published July 17, 2009. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process for this paper was Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay. S. M. Satav is with the Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad 500 069, India. V. Agarwal is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai 400 076, India (e-mail: agarwal@ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2009.2016367 can be confirmed only by measurement of the fields. Hence, an accurate and repeatable measurement of the magnetic field is an important aspect of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) [4], [5]. Other than EMI/EMC, there are several other areas where there is a need for the measurement of magnetic fields, such as product design, material inspection, and research. Some of the specific applications are magnetic dipole characterization, linear and rotary position sensing, current sensing and permanent-magnet quality assurance, inward inspection, and magnetocardiography [6], [7]. There are various techniques that are available for the measurement [8] of magnetic fields, such as induction coils, fluxgates, nuclear magnetic resonances, superconducting quantum interference detectors (SQUIDs), and solid-state devices. A survey of various magnetic field measurement techniques is presented in Table I [8]. Depending on the levels of magnetic field, cost, complexity, sensitivity, and overall performance specification, one can choose a suitable technique for a given application. However, solid-state magnetic field sensors (using a Hall-effect element as the basic sensing element) have several advantages [9] over others, such as small size, high physical reach, and capability of high spatial resolution of the fields. They can monolithically be integrated on a single chip, making it possible to realize a system-on-chip, consume very low power, and provide a direct voltage or current output, which facilitates simpler subsequent circuit stages. They are highly efficient in rejecting electric field during the measurements and do not modulate the field that they are meant to measure. These sensors can also be used to detect the polarity of a static field. Inherent problems associated with Hall-effect [10] elements, such as nonlinearity, temperature dependence, and susceptibility to external noise, can easily be eliminated at the sensor integration level itself using chopper stabilization and other techniques. Time-varying magnetic fields are common (e.g., power lines produce a time-varying field that is proportional to the current in the transmission line). The requirement of time-varying magnetic field measurement for compliance with military and nonmilitary standards is summarized in Table II [11]–[13]. Although it does not represent the complete requirement, it does give an idea about the nature and levels of the field required to be measured by an EMC engineer. 0018-9456/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 2838 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 58, NO. 8, AUGUST 2009 TABLE I SURVEY OF MAGNETIC FIELD MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES TABLE II TIME-VARYING MAGNETIC FIELD LEVELS, AS DEFINED IN VARIOUS STANDARDS The dc flow in high-voltage dc transmission, elevators, cranes, and battery-operated power systems (e.g., inverters and uninterrupted power supplies) and the presence of strong magnets in medical imaging systems produce elevated levels of static magnetic fields. Structural and reinforcing steel members in building structures, for example, can get magnetized as a result of being in the vicinity of static magnetic fields over a length of time [1]. Elevated levels of the static magnetic field are quite common on surface ships. These elevated levels of the static field induce interference phenomenon, such as cathode ray tube image distortion and the malfunction of navigational instruments comprising gyros and associated electronic circuits. These examples highlight the need for the measurement of the static magnetic field for EMI/EMC purposes. The same situation applies to any space mission, where every system must be compliant to the designated dc magnetic field levels [14]. Magnetic field (both static and time varying) measurements and verification are essential in various industries, where strong magnetic fields are generated in certain applications (e.g., magnetic-field EMI testing and superconductivity experiments). These fields are highly localized and can be modeled as a magnetic dipole moment. The measurement of such fields SATAV AND AGARWAL: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-COST DIGITAL MAGNETIC FIELD METER with high spatial resolution gives a better analytical view of the fields. Dipole moment characterization after the measurement of magnetic fields around appliances can be used for estimating emissions levels [15]. EMI performance evaluation (compliance) is mandatory for all kinds of equipment available in the market. Similarly, for all the equipment put into an actual application, whether it is commercial or military, assurance of the EMC is mandatory. In most cases, the compliance of the product (EMC) is established in accredited laboratories using the recommended test method and apparatus for the relevant EMC standard. Noncompliance of the product in the first attempt results in the loss of time and money, and lengthens the life cycle of the product. Hence, an EMC precompliance test at the designer’s (or manufacturer’s) site with a low-cost, portable, and easy-to-operate instrument is desirable [16]. A careful precompliance test with such an instrument reduces the overall development cost of any electrical and/or electronic product and is an essential part of a successful product design. The proposed instrument is primarily meant for EMC precompliance although it can also have other applications. In the past, several efforts have been made for the design and development of magnetic field measurement systems through analog and digital approaches. Arseneau and Zelle [17] proposed an isotropic detection method for field measurement. However, with their design approach being analog, it does not have the inherent advantages of a digital system, such as storage of measurement data, incorporation of correction factors, removal of nonlinearity, and easy expandability. In addition, their detection method is not suitable for static field measurements. Sedgwick et al. [18] used a digital design approach where the nonlinearity and temperature variations are mapped and stored in the memory for final corrections. However, this system requires a large number of components. This paper presents a compact, economical, yet accurate magnetic field meter. The salient features of the proposed system are given here. 1) It is a low-cost, low-part-count, and easy-to-operate instrument with high performance-to-cost ratio. Small companies can easily afford it for precompliance testing. 2) Several commercial instruments are available, but they are expensive. Furthermore, their use of applicationspecific ICs precludes customization of the design for specific requirements. There is no such restriction with the present design. 3) It has a wide dynamic range of 96 dB, a high resolution of 12.5 mG, and a sensitivity of 50 mG. 4) It can measure dc magnetic fields with 0.5% accuracy (of the reading) and also indicates their polarity. 5) It has an ac bandwidth of 30 kHz. 6) It has computer connectivity and data storage capacity for 512 readings. 7) It is lightweight (less than 300 g) and of small size (approximately 150 × 80 × 35 mm3 ). This makes it highly suitable for field applications due to its portability. All the details of this paper are presented in the succeeding sections. 2839 II. H ARDWARE D ESCRIPTION OF THE P ROPOSED M AGNETIC F IELD M EASUREMENT S YSTEM The principal objective was to develop an ac/dc magnetic field measurement system for EMC precompliance measurements and other applications that require information about the surrounding magnetic fields. The block diagram of the proposed system is shown in Fig. 1. It comprises an analog multiplexer, a true root-mean-square (RMS)-to-dc converter, a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and a digital meter based on a popular low-cost microcontroller (Atmel’s 89S52, which belongs to Intel’s MCS-51 family). The man–machine interface (MMI) is provided in the form of a keyboard and an eight-character liquid-crystal-display (LCD) module. Computer connectivity is provided through a standard RS232 port. Appropriate grounding, filtering, and shielding practices have been followed to curb external noise and reduce the internal noise coupling [19], [20]. A. Linear Hall-Effect Magnetic Field Sensor An integrated Hall-effect sensor (Allegro MicroSystems, Inc., Part No. 1321A) [21], [22] has been used for measuring the magnetic field. It is a ratiometric Hall-effect sensor, which produces a voltage that is linearly proportional to the applied magnetic field. It has a monolithic circuit, which integrates a basic Hall-effect element, temperature compensation circuitry, a high-gain amplifier, and a low-impedance output stage for an external interface. A proprietary dynamic offset cancellation technique that employs an internal high-frequency (HF) clock reduces the residual offset voltage, which is normally produced by external thermal and mechanical stresses. This technique produces an extremely stable quiescent output voltage and precise recovery after temperature cycling. The output precision is achieved during the manufacturing process by internal gain and offset trim adjustments [22]. However, any other similar Hall-effect sensor can be used, in association with the rest of the circuit. By using a monolithic sensor, the requirement of several external electronic building blocks, such as a precision current source and a digital-to-analog converter, for inherent offset compensation has been eliminated, resulting in a lowcomponent-count design. Two probes—one transverse and the other isotropic—have been fabricated using the Hall-effect sensor. Each probe is fabricated out of a thin FR-4-grade printed circuit board (PCB). In the transverse probe, the Hall-effect sensor is placed on the tip of the PCB (Fig. 2). Copper tracks on the PCB are coated with carbon graphite to shield the dc output signal from external noise. A black dot is placed on the front surface of the sensor to define the polarity of the magnetic field under measurement. In the isotropic probe, three similar sensors are orthogonally placed and covered in a Teflon spherical enclosure. In isotropic detection, the output on the LCD module provides the vector sum of the magnetic flux density from its three (the x, y, and z probes) components as follows: B= Bx2 + By2 + Bz2 . (1) 2840 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 58, NO. 8, AUGUST 2009 Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed digital magnetic field meter. Fig. 2. Prototype of the transverse probe employing the Hall-effect sensor. The conducting leads are realized using a high-impedance transmission line (nonmetallic conductive wires of FIBEROHM make, having a resistance of approximately 8 kΩ/in, were used) to minimize the modulation of the output dc signal by external electrical noise. B. Analog Multiplexer Philips Semiconductor’s 74HC4051, which is an eightchannel analog multiplexer, is used. Of the eight channels, only three have been used for the circuit operation, and the rest of the channels are tied to the power supply to reduce noise pickup and maintain parameters, such as the “ON” resistance (typically 70 Ω) and crosstalk, within limit. In isotropic detection, the output of each X, Y, and Z Hall sensor is routed through the three channels, which are subsequently fed to the true-RMS-to-dc converter. In transverse detection, only one channel (channel Bx ) is selected by default. The control signals for the multiplexer are generated from the microcontroller. These signals have an appropriate phase between them that is governed by the settling time of the Hall sensor. The effect of the “ON” resistance of the device (typically 70 Ω) is compensated in the calibration process and therefore does not affect the field measurement. Similarly, the sine-wave distortion through the multiplexer is typically only 0.06% at 5-V power supply, which does not affect the accuracy of the ac field measurements [23]. C. True-RMS-to-DC Converter For the measurement of time-varying magnetic fields, it is necessary to measure and/or compute the RMS value of the field levels. Before converting a time-varying signal into its RMS value, the signal is buffered through an ultralow-offset operational amplifier [Fig. 3(a)]. The traditional method of converting peak values into RMS values using heat and temperature measurement suffers from Fig. 3. (a) Circuit schematic of the buffered true-RMS-to-dc-converter section of the magnetic field meter. (b) Interfacing of the ADC with the sensor. many inherent limitations, such as poor dynamic range, temperature sensitivity, and large conversion errors. Maxim’s MX536A is a true-RMS-to-dc converter that uses an implicit method of RMS computation [24]. The transfer equation of the device is given as follows: (2) Vout = avg (Vin )2 . As it is a low-power-consumption device, it is useful for battery-operated instruments. The conversion error of the device is compensated using the calibration process and by averaging (moving average) over eight samples. To reduce the noise, such as the harmonics of the power line frequency (50/ 60 Hz), power supplies, or relay-switching transients, an implicit antialiasing filter is provided in the true-RMS-to-dc converter. The chip employs two levels of filtering for better noise performance. First, in the circuit, an averaging time constant of 25 ms is set through an internal resistor of 25 kΩ (connected at SATAV AND AGARWAL: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-COST DIGITAL MAGNETIC FIELD METER 2841 pin 4 of the MX536A IC) and an external capacitor of 1 μF. It implies that any signal above 40 Hz is averaged, thereby significantly reducing the noise. Second, a post filter (one-pole filter, a 2.2-μF capacitor, and a 25-kΩ internal resistor connected between pins 8 and 9 of the MX536A IC) has been incorporated, which reduces the ripple [24]. D. ADC This section uses Maxim’s MAX1162, which is a 16-bit successive-approximation ADC [25]. It is a serial-output lowpower (12.5 mW at 5 V) small-sized ten-pin dual-flat-no-lead (DFN) device, which makes it an ideal choice for batterypowered portable devices. The interfacing of the ADC with the sensor is shown in Fig. 3(b). It has separate analog and digital power supplies, making it suitable for small-signal (analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion) applications. General EMC design guidelines were followed to keep the system noise level as low as possible. Separate analog and digital power supplies have been used. The analog and digital grounds are separately maintained and shorted only at the most stable point of the two ground planes, which is obtained after probing the planes with the help of a spectrum analyzer. The external reference voltage (4.096 V), which sets the input signal range, is derived from a separate three-pin reference source regulator with heavy decoupling. The full linear bandwidth of the MAX1162 is 10 kHz (the −3-dB bandwidth is 4 MHz), which may pose severe problems in the form of power line frequency, and HF and radio-frequency (RF) noise coupling during the measurement of the dc signal. Since the ADC is used to measure only the dc signal, it is highly desirable to eliminate all the noise above 10 Hz. Filtering has been used at three different levels. An EMI filter (low-pass filter) has been incorporated just before the ADC, similar to an antialiasing filter [Fig. 3(b)]. This filter attenuates HF/RF noise superimposed on the dc (or time-varying dc) signal being fed into the ADC. Oversampling reduces the broadband white noise. The low-frequency (50/60 Hz) noise is removed by the movingaverage technique (eight-sample processing). The ADC is used to measure only the dc signal (or dc varying over time) from the true-RMS-to-dc converter. A sample rate of 100 Sa/s was used. The ratiometric linear sensor is powered with the A/D reference voltage source, allowing the sensor to track changes in the A/D least-significant-bit (LSB) value. As the reference voltage varies, the LSB will proportionally vary. The output of the ADC is in serial form, which further reduces the copper track traffic on the PCB. The read clock of the ADC is properly guarded to reduce radiated emissions and crosstalk. E. Digital Meter and MMI The digital meter is built around the popular low-cost 8-bit microcontroller AT89S52 from ATMEL. The device was chosen, in particular, because of its low cost, in-system reprogrammable flash memory, and low power consumption. An MMI is provided in the form of a low-power alphanumeric display module and keyboard. The module is shielded with μ metal Fig. 4. Magnetic field concentrator for volumetric measurement. to reduce the radiated emissions from it. The backlight in the LCD is a switchable option to extend the battery life. The keys are interfaced in the interrupt-driven mode to reduce the RF emissions that would occur due to continuous scanning of key lines in the polling mode. A piezobuzzer is also interfaced to the meter section to form a threshold alarm that can be set as a percentage of the full-scale reading, which is 1000 G. A 1-kB nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM) is incorporated to store up to 512 measurement data points. The data can be logged at variable rate. The maximum time for logging is 24 h, with an interval of approximately 3 min. The computer interface is provided through a standard universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter available in the microcontroller. Data transfer uses the RS232 protocol, and the necessary level shifting is achieved using Maxim’s MAX232 IC. F. Power Supply The proposed instrument requires two +5-V (analog and digital) supplies and a single −5-V supply (which is only used by a true-RMS-to-dc-converter IC), and is provided by two 9-V rechargeable batteries. Linear fixed-voltage regulators are used to regulate the power supplies. The reference voltage for the ADC is separately regulated to avoid any missing code. For example, a transient spike on the reference voltage of the ADC can cause a missing code or a blank code, such as 0000F. A digital potentiometer is provided for the fine-tuning of the reference voltage. Use of switching regulators for the generation of negative supply from a single positive supply is avoided to keep the system noise as low as possible. G. Field Concentrator The presented instrument uses a Hall probe for point magnetic field measurements. However, there are several requirements of volumetric measurement of the magnetic fields, such as geomagnetic survey, electrical power-line-frequency interference studies, and security inspections of aircraft. The volumetric measurement can be achieved with the Hall-effect sensor by using concentrators [6], such as that shown in Fig. 4. The structure is symmetrical about a 3–5-mm air gap, comprises soft iron or other ferrous metals, and allows the placement of a Hall sensor in the air gap. The concentrator bends the local magnetic flux lines, so that more lines pass through the Hall sensor. However, an inappropriate size of the field concentrator can distort the magnetic field under measurement; hence, its size depends on the volume under measurement. For 2842 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 58, NO. 8, AUGUST 2009 a volume of 1 m3 , a magnetic field concentrator with a diameter of 6 cm gives results that are comparable to those obtained with an induction coil or loop of 6-cm diameter. III. S OFTWARE D ESCRIPTION OF THE P ROPOSED M AGNETIC F IELD M EASUREMENT S YSTEM This section discusses the firmware designed for the digital meter and the graphical-user-interface (GUI) development for the computer interface and data presentation. A. Firmware In this paper, the operation of the entire system is controlled by an 8-bit microcontroller. The program of the microcontroller (assembly code) was developed and stored on to the flash readonly memory (ROM) of the microcontroller. An operation flow diagram was laid according to the sequential operations during the measurement process. Each module of the program (e.g., the keyboard and LCD interface, analog-signal-processing control section, data acquisition from the ADC, signal processing (as in moving averaging), and mathematical operation) is separately written and rigorously tested for several anticipated conditions. The keyboard is interfaced in the interrupt-driven mode to minimize power consumption and reduce radiated emission due to continuous row and column key scanning. Mathematical operations, such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division, were implemented in 16-bit format as the input data from the ADC are of 16-bit format. Each operation functions as an individual module. Data manipulation, such as binaryto-binary-coded-decimal (BCD) and BCD-to-ASCII conversions, was also implemented as dedicated modules/subroutines. Similarly, memory (NVRAM/E2 ROM) write/read, maximum hold function, and moving-average (as explained later in this section) subroutines were also developed. These subroutines are invoked, as required by the algorithm during execution. A flowchart of the program flow is shown in Fig. 5. Moving-Average Signal Processing: In a measuring instrument, such as that presented here, the data are prone to corruption by all kinds of noise (i.e., RF, power line frequency, transient, high-speed digital switching within the system, and overall system noise). Although the instrument is provided with a true-RMS-to-dc readout, it is desirable to filter aberrations and reveal the real trend in a collection of data points. “Moving average” is a simple mathematical technique that has been adopted in this paper to achieve this. If a digital waveform is cluttered with noise or a slowly drifting baseline needs to be eliminated from a higher frequency signal, a moving-average filter may be applied to achieve the desired results. The moving average is also a prototype of the finite-impulse response filter, which is the most common type of filter used in computer-based instrumentation. The moving average of a waveform can be calculated as A(n) = 1 S n+(a−1) n Y (n) (3) Fig. 5. Flowchart of the firmware of the proposed system. where A is the new averaged value, n is the data point position, S is the smoothening factor, and Y is the original data point value. Any periodic waveform can be thought of as a long string or collection of data points. The algorithm accomplishes a moving average by taking two or more of these data points from the acquired waveform; adding them; dividing their sum by the total number of data points added (smoothing factor); replacing the first data point of the waveform with the average just computed; and repeating the steps with the second, third, and remaining data points until the end of the data is reached. The new waveform consists of the averaged data, having lesser number of data points. The number of data points in the new form is given by Number of new data points = [Total number of data points−(smoothing factor−1)] . (4) For example, if the total data points are 100, with a smoothening factor of 8, then the new averaged data set consists of 93 data points, which is highly undesirable for a data acquisition system. This can be resolved using a feathering technique with waiting time in the beginning and a decreasing smoothing factor toward the end of the data sequence. SATAV AND AGARWAL: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-COST DIGITAL MAGNETIC FIELD METER 2843 Fig. 7. Measurement setup for the digital magnetic meter. measurement, and product design information) can be saved in text file format for further reference, such as while carrying out the final compliance tests of the product. IV. C ALIBRATION AND M EASUREMENT R ESULTS Fig. 6. Screenshots of the GUI. (a) Offline and (b) online displays of measurement data. B. Computer Interface and GUI Development The main objectives of the computer interface, along with the GUI, are ease of use, large storage space for the measurement data, and graphical presentation. Calibration (correction factors) of the instrument, correction of nonlinearity of results, and firmware upgradability are also achieved. A GUI has been developed for this purpose using Matlab; however, it could be developed using any other high-level language, such as C, C++, or Visual Basic. Screenshots of the GUI in the offline and online modes are shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b), respectively. After connecting the instrument to a personal computer (PC) via a null modem cable, the GUI can be activated. A communication is established after the appropriate port (COM1 or COM2 in the PC) is selected. In the offline mode, the contents of the random-access memory are transferred to the PC. The measured field in the transverse mode can be shown against time, whereas, for isotropic detection, all three components can simultaneously be seen. In the online mode, the graph (display panel) inside the GUI will show the reading of the LCD module of the microcontroller. For easy interpretation of the magnetic field levels in various units, the result can be shown in different units; gauss, amperes per meter, and tesla. The measurement data with necessary comments (e.g., description of the measurement site, time of To accurately measure a magnetic field [26], a system for periodic calibration of the magnetic field meter is needed. The current ANSI/IEEE standard specifies two possible methods for calibration: 1) a single square loop or 2) a round Helmholtz coil [27]–[30]. The latter option has been adopted in this paper. The complete measurement setup is shown in Fig. 7. For the measurement of magnetic fields in the laboratory and the calibration of the proposed magnetic field measurement system, a circular Helmholtz coil with a coil constant of 1.6400 G/A has been used. It is a small coil with a diameter of 0.2 m and a working volume of 4 × 4 × 4 cm3 . A field uniformity of the coil of 100% is realized within 2 cm about the center of the coil [Fig. 8(a)], which is sufficient for measuring the surface area (approximately 2 × 2 mm2 ) of the Hall-effect sensor. The normalized magnetic field uniformity of the coil is shown in Fig. 8(b). For generating a pseudo-Zero-Gauss ambient for zeroing of the instrument, a specialized Gauss chamber has been fabricated. The Zero-Gauss chamber comprises a double-walled cylinder with a thickness of about 8 mm and is made from very high permeability μ metal. The Zero-Gauss chamber is further enclosed in an iron (low carbon) enclosure filled with iron wool. The arrangement is designed to provide a shielding effectiveness (SE) of more than 120 dB for the magnetic fields. A schematic of the arrangement under Zero-Gauss condition is shown in Fig. 9(a). The SE of the Zero-Gauss chamber was verified with a permanent magnet and a commercial calibrated gauss meter. There is a nearly Zero-Gauss field (500 nG after 120-dB attenuation of a 500-mG ambient magnetic field) within the chamber. After placing the Hall-sensor probe into the chamber, the reference voltage is set at 5.000 V. This sets the full-scale calibration of the instrument. For verification of the static field measurement results, a known dc from a linear power supply is fed into the Helmholtz coil. For verifying time-varying field measurement results, a low-total-harmonic-distortion (THD < 2%) generator is used to drive the Helmholtz coil. Deviations in the results from the calibration chart of the Helmholtz coil 2844 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 58, NO. 8, AUGUST 2009 Fig. 8. (a) Field uniformity of the Helmholtz coil used for the calibration of the meter. (b) Normalized magnetic field uniformity. Fig. 9. (a) Zero-Gauss setup for measurement. (b) Measurement results of the output voltage and magnetic flux density mapping. are found to be less than 1.5% at higher field levels. These deviations are noted and stored in the program memory of the microcontroller, so that appropriate correction factors can be applied while displaying. The system’s noise floor is about 200 μV. Each bit corresponds to 62.5 μV; hence, the two lower bits cannot be read due to a noise floor of 200 μV. Hence, the effective number of bits of the ADC is 14. Since the ADC has a unipolar transfer function, the full scale (Vref ) is represented by FFFF H, whereas 0 V is 0000 H. The conversion factor of the sensor is 5 mV/G, and 1 LSB is equal to (4.096/216 ) = 62.5 μV. Hence, the system resolution for the magnetic field density is 62.5 μV/5 mV/G = 12.5 mG. The minimum voltage level that the instrument can detect is 200 μV, which gives a sensitivity of 50 mG. The reference voltage for the ADC is 4.096 V. Here, it is worth noting that 212 = 4096, which is exactly 1/16 of 216 . This minimizes rounding errors, because each code change is a nice fraction of 4.096 V. Another way to say this is given here: A group of 16 bits, each worth 4.096/(216 ), will be equal to 1 mV with a 4.096-V reference. The complete voltage scale calibration in terms of the magnetic flux density (in gauss) is shown in Fig. 9(b). During the measurement of a magnetic field using a Halleffect-sensor-based meter, there are two common sources of errors. The first is the influence of ambient magnetic fields and offset signals from the internal circuitry of the meter. This error is nulled after taking a reading with the probe in the Zero-Gauss chamber and is particularly recommended for the measurement of fields below 1 G. The other error occurs due to the relative angle between the Hall element face and the magnetic flux being measured. The maximum output is generated when the flux lines are perpendicular to the Hall sensor and is the way each Hall-effect sensor (or probe) is calibrated and specified. The error can be removed by rotating and tilting the probe in different planes to obtain the highest possible output for a given field. The use of isotropic detection can also minimize this error [6]. V. EMC P RECOMPLIANCE T EST S ETUP B ASED ON THE P RESENTED W ORK One of the requirements of CE-marking standards is for power line magnetic field immunity for residential, commercial, industrial, and audio/visual electrical and electronic products. The relevant standard is IEC 61000-4-8. Failures in the final compliance tests may increase the R&D costs and the timeto-market, so there is a need for precompliance methods and tools. A very low cost EMC precompliance test setup for this standard, along with the proposed digital magnetic field meter, offers a cost-effective solution. The proposed test setup is shown in Fig. 10. It comprises an uninterrupted power supply with a sine wave output having a THD of less than 5%, a variable transformer (autotransformer), resistive loads, an induction coil (size = 1 m2 ) made from appropriate currentcarrying-capacity copper wires, and a digital magnetic field meter with probe. SATAV AND AGARWAL: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-COST DIGITAL MAGNETIC FIELD METER 2845 Fig. 10. Low-cost EMC precompliance test setup for the standard IEC 61000-4-8. TABLE III TYPICAL BOM COST OF THE PROPOSED DIGITAL MAGNETIC FIELD METER The induction loop can be constructed using polyvinyl chloride pipes with tees and elbows. An area of 1 m2 is recommended for products with a volume of 0.6 × 0.6 × 0.5 m3 . For larger test volumes, a larger induction loop or square Helmholtz coil can be constructed according to the requirements of the standard. One or two turns of the copper wire are sufficient for a low-level (less than 10 A/m) magnetic field. The approximate inductance of the coil is given by the empirical formula [31] as follows: 2N 2 μ0 μr w w ln − 0.774 (5) L= π a where N is the number of turns, w is the length of the copper wire for one side, a is the radius of the copper wire, and μr is the relative permeability of the medium. Depending on the impedance of the coil at 50 Hz, the load resistance can be varied over a wide range to generate the desired magnetic fields inside the loop. The proposed digital magnetic field meter, along with an appropriate probe, can accurately measure the fields than the use of Biot–Savart’s law, which can lead to erroneous results due to variations in copper quality, mechanical tolerance, temperature, etc. VI. C ONCLUSION A low-cost, portable, and easy-to-operate digital magnetic field meter having 50-mG sensitivity, 12.5-mG resolution, and a dynamic range of 96 dB has been designed and developed for EMI precompliance evaluation and other applications. A computer interface and a user-friendly GUI give the added advantage of modern-day instrumentation, rendering the proposed digital magnetic field meter a good choice for carrying out an electromagnetic (magnetic field part) survey of the sites. As the dynamic range of the meter is 96 dB, it can be used for various educational, industrial, and automotive applications. A simple and low-cost EMC precompliance test setup for the standard IEC 61000-4-8 has also been proposed. This, along with the designed digital magnetic field meter, provides an overall lowcost tool for achieving EMC during the product development cycle. The typical bill-of-material (BOM) cost of the presented digital magnetic field meter is tabulated in Table III. The low part cost and count lead to economical and simple fabrication of the system; a survey carried out by the authors showed that a similar instrument with comparable features costs more than dollar400 in the commercial market. The magnetic field measurement system described in this paper has no proprietary cover; hence, it can freely be used by any EMC engineer engaged in the use and/or design of such systems. R EFERENCES [1] J. W. Munderloh, “Solving EMI problems,” Broadcast Eng. Mag., pp. 86– 89, Nov. 1, 1999. [2] F. Reverter, M. Gasulla, and R. Pallàs-Areny, “Analysis of power-supply interference effects on direct sensor-to-microcontroller interfaces,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 171–177, Feb. 2007. 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Satav received the B.E. degree in electronics engineering from Amravati University, Amravati, India, in 1991, the Postgraduate Diploma in business management from Indore University, Indore, India, in 1995, and the M.Tech. degree in electrical engineering, with specialization in electronic systems design, from Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 2005. In 1992, he joined a private-sector company, where he worked on test and measuring instruments as a Research and Development Engineer. He has designed and developed one of India’s first microcontroller-based analog oscilloscopes. Since 1999, he has been with Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad, India, which is a pioneer laboratory of the Defence Research and Development Organisation, as a Scientist, working on the electromagnetic compatibility of defense-related systems. His research interests include the design and development of indigenous and low-cost sensors, and test and measuring instruments for electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic-compatibility (EMC) precompliance. Mr. Satav is a Life Member of the Society of EMC Engineers of India. Vivek Agarwal (S’92–M’93–SM’01) received the B.S. degree in physics from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University, New Delhi, India, in 1985, the integrated M.E. degree in electrical engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1990, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, in 1994. He has been with Statpower Technologies, Burnaby, BC, as a Research Engineer. In 1995, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai, India, where he is currently a Professor. His current research interests include new power converter configurations, intelligent control of power electronic systems, power quality issues, nonconventional energy, and electromagneticinterference/electromagnetic-compatibility issues in electronic and power electronic systems. Prof. Agarwal is a Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers and a Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education.
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