
Finish Chapter 25: Magnetic Induction
Start Chapter 26: Light
Final Exam
Tue Dec 20, 11.30am—1.30pm
• Cumulative, multiple-choice, 2-3 qns per chapter up to Ch 22,
and 5-6 qns per chapter after that.
• All questions you will have seen before on lecture slides,
midterms, or review sessions (inc. Fri’s final review session)
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Light: preliminaries
• Light is the only thing we actually see – e.g. When I “see”
you, I am actually seeing light reflected off you.
• Light is a transverse wave (recall earlier), whose origin is
accelerating electrons, e.g. in the sun
• Accelerating electrons not only can produce light, but also
radio waves, microwaves, x-rays…. Grouped together as
electromagnetic waves.
• Different types of electromagnetic waves differ in their
frequency (and wavelength): light is just a small part of the
electromagnetic spectrum with certain frequency range
Electromagnetic Waves
• Origin is accelerating electron: how?
• Consider shaking a charged rod back
and forth in space
i.e. You create a current (= moving
charges) that varies in time, i.e. a
changing electric field in space and time.
• Recall from last chapter: a changing electric field creates a
changing magnetic field, that in turn creates a changing electric
field, that in turn…
i.e. a propagating disturbance
•The vibrating (oscillating) electric and magnetic fields
regenerate each other - this is the electromagnetic (EM) wave.
Electromagnetic Waves cont.
The EM wave moves outwards (emanates) from the vibrating
Electromagnetic Wave Velocity
• An electromagnetic wave travels at one constant speed
through space. Why?
Inherently due to wave nature (e.g. objects like spacecrafts can
change speed, and go at different constant speeds); specifically,
induction and energy conservation:
• Recall (last chap): the strength of the induced fields depends on
the rate of change of the field that created it.
So, if light traveled slower, then its electric field would change
slower, so would generate a weaker magnetic field, that in turn
generates a weaker electric field, etc wave dies out.
Similarly, if light sped up  stronger fields,ever-increasing energy.
• Both cases violate energy conservation.
Electromagnetic Wave Velocity cont.
• Then what is the critical speed at which mutual induction
sustains itself? Maxwell calculated this:
300 000 km/s = c
i.e. 3 x 108 m/s
• This is the speed in vacuum, and about the same in air.
Slower in different media (see later)
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
• In vacuum, all electromagnetic waves move at the same
speed c, but differ in their frequency (and wavelength).
recall speed c = f l
• Visible light: 4.3 x 1014 Hz to 7 x 1014 Hz
i.e. red is at the low-freq end of light (next lowest is infrared)
and long-wavelength
violet is the high-freq end (next highest is ultraviolet)
short wavelength
Clicker Question
Which of the following is fundamentally different from
the others?
A) sound waves
B) X-rays
C) gamma rays
D) light waves
E) radio waves
Answer: A
The others are all electromagnetic waves: transverse
oscillations of electric and magnetic fields.
Clicker Question
Answer: 1, until very recently*:
Any radio wave travels at the speed of light.
A radio wave is an electromagnetic wave,
like a low-freq light wave.
A sound wave, on the other hand, is
fundamentally different. A sound wave is a
mechanical disturbance propagated through
a material medium by material particles that
vibrate against one another. Sound is not
part of the EM spectrum!
* In 1999, however,
In air, the speed of sound is about 340 m/s,
researchers in carefully
about one millionth the speed of a radio
controlled expts managed to
wave. Sound travels faster in other media,
slow light down to 17m/s!
and light is slower in other media, but, these
factors are usually more like factor of 2 or 3,
at most, not a million…
The electromagnetic spectrum cont.
• Recall Ch 18 on waves: frequency of wave = freq of
vibrating source.
Applies to EM waves too, where source is oscillating
• Note that EM waves are everywhere! Not just in air, but in
interplanetary “empty space” - actually a dense sea of
radiation. Vibrating electrons in sun put out EM waves of
frequencies across the whole spectrum.
• Any body at any temperature other than absolute zero, have
electrons that vibrate and (re-)emit in response to the EM
radiation that permeates us, even if very low frequency.
A helium-neon laser emits light of wavelength 633
nanometers (nm). What frequency is this? What color ?
Use c = f l, so f = c/l
= (3 x 108 m/s)/(633 x 10-9 m)
= 4.74 x 1014 Hz
i.e. red
Clicker Question
Answer: 3
All bodies with any temperature at all continually emit
electromagnetic waves. The frequency of these waves varies with
temperature. Lamp B is hot enough to emit visible light. Lamp A is
cooler, and the radiation it emits is too low in frequency to be
visible—it emits infrared waves, which aren’t seen with the eye. You
emit waves as well. Even in a completely dark room your waves are
there. Your friends may not be able to see you, but a rattlesnake can!
Transparent materials
• When light goes through matter, electrons in the matter are
forced to vibrate along with the light.
• Recall Ch 20 on sound – response of material depends on how
close the forced vibration is to the natural frequency of the
material. Same is true here with light.
• First note that visible light has very high freq (~1014 Hz), so if
charged object is to respond to this freq, it has to have very little
inertia i.e. mass. An electron does have tiny mass!
• Transparent materials – allow light to pass in straight lines
Transparent materials
Simple model of atom: think of electrons attached to nucleus
with springs. Light makes these springs oscillate.
• Different atoms/molecules have different “spring strengths”
- so different natural frequencies.
• If this natural freq = that of impinging light, resonance
occurs (recall ch 20) i.e. vibrations of electrons build up to
high amplitudes, electrons hold on to the energy for “long”
times, while passing it to other atoms via collisions, finally
transferred to heat. Not transparent, i.e opaque
• So materials that are opaque to visible
light, have natural frequencies in the
range of visible light.
Transparent materials cont.
• Glass is transparent: its natural freqs are higher, in the
ultraviolet range. So glass is not transparent to ultraviolet.
But is transparent to lower freqs i.e. visible spectrum.
• What happens in this off-resonance case?
Atoms are forced into vibration but at less amplitude, so
don’t hold on to the energy long enough to transfer much
to other atoms through collisions. Less is transferred to
heat; instead vibrating electrons re-emit it as light at same
frequency of the impinging light. (see more next slides)
• Infrared waves – frequencies lower than visible – can
force vibrations of atoms/molecules as well as electrons in
glass. Increases internal energy and temperature of glass.
Often called heat waves.
Clicker Question
Given that electrons in the atoms in glass have natural
frequencies in the ultraviolet (UV), and that the
atoms/molecules in glass have natural frequencies in
the infrared(IR), which of the following is true?
Glass is transparent to UV and IR, but not to visible
Glass is transparent to UV, but not to visible or IR
Glass is transparent to IR and visible, but not to UV
Glass is transparent to visible, but not to UV or IR
None of the above is true
Answer: D
Transparent materials cont.
So: Light-transparent materials (like glass) have natural
frequencies that don’t coincide with those of light. The atoms reemit after absorbing.
This re-emission is time-delayed:
• This
leads to speed of light being different in different media:
In vacuum, it’s c
In air, only slightly less than c
In water, it’s 0.75c
In glass, 0.67c (but depends on type of glass)
When light emerges
back into air, it travels
again at original c
(1) Why in the sunlight is a black tar road hotter to the
touch than a pane of window glass?
Sunlight is absorbed and turned to internal
energy in the road surface, but transmitted through the
glass to somewhere else.
(2) Can you get sunburned through a glass window?
Glass is opaque to ultraviolet light, so won’t
transmit it, so you won’t get sunburned (although you
might get hot! as light in the visible-range is
transmitted and then you absorb it).
Opaque materials
• Have natural frequencies in the visible range, E.g. books,
you, tables, metals…
• So, they absorb light without re-emitting it.
• Light energy goes into random kinetic energy, i.e. heat.
• Usually, not all the frequencies in the visible light spectrum
are resonant - those that aren’t, get reflected: this gives the
object color (see much more next chapter)
Some cases of interest:
• Earth’s atmosphere – transparent to some UV, all visible,
some infrared. But is (thankfully) opaque to high UV.
- the small amount of UV that does get through
causes dangerous sunburn.
- clouds are semi-transparent to UV, so can still get
sunburned on a cloudy day.
• Water – transparent in the visible.
- This explains why objects look darker when wet:
Light is absorbed and re-emitted, bouncing around inside
wet region; each bounce loses some energy to material. So
less light enters your eye – looks darker.
• A thin beam of light is called a ray.
• Shadow = region where light rays cannot reach e.g. caused
by an obstacle in the path of the light.
• Sharp shadows are from large far-away light source, or from
a small nearby one.
• Blurry shadows – from large nearby source. If too big, no
E.g. Move a pen from near a light bulb to further away –
shadow on wall gets sharper.
Shadows cont.
• Question: Why is there no definite shadow of your hand
when you hold it high above your desk?
Because of the many different light sources in the
room - the shadow cast by one source is illuminated by
another light source.
• Umbra = total shadow; penumbra = partial shadow – how do
we get penumbras?
e.g. where some of the light is blocked and light from
another source fills it in. Or when light from a large source is
only partly blocked.
Shadows of the earth and moon
• Both earth and moon cast shadows when sunlight incident
• When one passes into the shadow of the other – eclipse:
lunar eclipse
Demonstrates umbra vs
solar eclipse
Sun is so big that some
parts of earth are in the
umbra - see complete
darkness - whereas
others are in penumbra
– see partial eclipse
(1) Why do you not cast a shadow on the ground on an
overcast day?
A relatively small light and distant source such as the sun casts a
relatively sharp shadow. On an overcast day, the primary sun is
blocked and the whole sky (the “secondary” light source),
illuminates you. The source is now so big that no shadow is seen.
(2) Lunar eclipses are always eclipses of a full moon. i.e
moon is full just before and after the earth’s shadow
passes over it. Why? Can we have a lunar eclipse when
we have a half-moon?
Lunar eclipse is perfect alignment of Sun-Earth-Moon. Not-quiteperfect alignment gives Earth observers a full view of the moon
since the sunny-side of the moon is facing the night-side of the
We cannot have a half-moon eclipse, since at halfmoon, the lines
from Earth to moon and from Earth to sun are at right angles, so
shadow of the Earth does not fall on the moon.
Clicker Question
While Earth is experiencing a total solar eclipse, an observer
on the moon on the side that faces the Earth would see
A) Earth disappear from the sky.
B) Earth dim and turn reddish.
C) nothing unusual.
D) a tiny dark spot move across the face of Earth.
Answer: D
Solar eclipse is when the moon is between the sun and earth, all in a line.
To a viewer on the earth, the moon blocks the sun.
A viewer on the moon facing the earth, sees the moon’s shadow on the
earth – a tiny dark spot.
The Eye
Cornea -transparent
cover, through which
light enters and bends
to enter pupil…
is what we detect light with:
Lens does
most of the
bending to
focus images
onto the retina.
Retina is very sensitive
to light, made of
“antennae” called rods
and cones (see next
slide). Not uniform.
Fovea is most
concentrated – so
images most distinct
in iris)
Blind spot – no rods and
cones - optic nerve exits
here. Try the fun expt
(26.15) in your book !!
Image disappears if
focused on blind spot.
More on the eye
• Rods - mostly towards periphery of retina
- sensitive to light or dark but not color.
• Cones - 3 types, depending on whether they detect highfreq, intermediate-freq, or low-freq.
- denser towards the fovea, and most dense there.
- detect color
- need more energy than rods before they “fire” an impulse
• So, cones don’t detect low intensities, e.g. at night, it's your
rods that do the seeing.
• If want to see detail and color of object, focus it on the fovea.
• In contrast, at periphery of vision, can’t tell what color objects
are (…next slide)
More on the eye
Eg. DEMO for homework! Get a friend to jiggle
colored objects at side, where you can only just see
them – you see them moving, but can’t tell what color
they are!
• Periphery
of eye is very sensitive to
motion – makes sense from evolutionary
point of view.
There’s some more about the eye in your book, that
makes for interesting reading, but won’t be covered or
examinable in this course.
E.g. How pupil dilates when we are sense something that
pleases us, and contracts if we find something repugnant!
E.g. “Lateral Inhibition” effect – which tends to make us notice
E.g. Optical illusions – consider the illusions in Fig. 26.21 in
your book!
Clicker Question
Given that cones don’t work at low intensity, why do stars
always look white to us, even though time-exposure with
camera shows them to be brightly colored (red for
cooler stars, blue for hotter)?
A) Because the color only arises through interaction with
the camera – actually starlight is white
B) Because starlight too weak to trigger the cones in our
C) Because starlight is too weak to trigger the rods
D) None of the above
Answer: B Cones have a higher threshold intensity before
they fire, c.f. rods. So we see the stars with our rods which
cannot detect color; hence perceived as white.