/ . Embryol. exp. Morph., Vol. 17, 1, pp. 213-227, February 1967 Printed in Great Britain 213 A quantitative assessment of mesenchymal contribution to epithelial growth rate in mouse embryonic lung developing in vitro ByTOMMASO ALESCIO 1 & EMILIA COLOMBO PIPERNO 1 From the Institute of Topographic Anatomy, University of Naples INTRODUCTION The experimental analysis of factors operating in lung morphogenesis has shown that the normal pattern of the bronchial tree is related to a mesenchymal budding-promoting activity, distributed non-uniformly throughout the mesenchymal mantle. No budding is present in the absence of mesenchyme (Dameron, 1961 a, b, 1962). The position of secondary epithelial buds may be changed by substituting 'active' for 'inactive' mesenchyme (Alescio & Cassini, 1962a, b; see also for a review and pertinent references Sorokin, 1965). Recent in vitro experiments by Colombo Piperno (1966) dealt with the problem of whether the inductive influence of pulmonary mesenchyme could also operate as a stimulus for the expansion and global growth of the epithelial tree. In order to answer this question a procedure was devised to modify, in a definite way, the quantitative ratio of mesenchyme to epithelium of the 11-day pulmonary rudiment of mouse embryos, without disorganizing the natural topographic arrangement of the two tissues. The essential procedure was the removal of definite parts of the epithelial tree while preserving the normal amount of mesenchyme. In this way at the starting time of the experiments the normal 1:1 ratio of epithelium to mesenchyme was changed to less than one. The size of the epithelial tree of living lung rudiments was measured using a planimetric procedure (Alescio, 1965), and growth curves were obtained showing that, when the relative amount of mesenchyme was increased, an enhanced rate of epithelial growth may be obtained. The purpose of the present work is to give further evidence of the mesenchymal growth-stimulating activity, therefore the experiments by Colombo Piperno (1966) were repeated, with particular attention to the following points: (1) In previous experiments a number of rudiments were eliminated from the data because imperfect transparency due to precocious superimposition of buds 1 Authors' address: Istituto di Anatomia topografica, via L. Armanni 5, Napoli, Italy. 214 T. ALESCIO & E. COLOMBO PIPERNO rendered them unfit for planimetric measurements. Since the rudiments showing precocious superimposition of buds could represent the most rapidly growing ones, whether their exclusion would affect the growth evaluation was studied. (2) Conspicuous regeneration of part of the removed epithelial tree was observed at the sites of the epithelial excision in several cases: hence, could the regeneration process in some way modify the growth properties of the whole epithelial tree ? When a pulmonary rudiment is experimentally deprived of part of its epithelial tree and the removed part is being regenerated, one may expect two different causes of error affecting growth assessment: (a) regeneration may represent a special kind of growth, following a pattern very different from that of the normal growth; (b) regeneration may also require part of the available mesenchymal activity, which is therefore withdrawn from the normal growth of the non-regenerating portion of the tree. The end result is that the inclusion as well as the rejection of the regenerated part in the epithelial growth measurements may bias growth estimates. (3) The increase of epithelial area was taken as an index of epithelial growth. However, such an increase may also depend in part on spreading of the epithelial tree due to accumulation of fluid inside the tracheobronchial cavity. Therefore, a second method of growth measurement, independent of the use of area and based on computation of total number of terminal buds produced during the cultivation period, was used as a collateral criterion. The general features of the earlier results were confirmed, and further evidence of a mesenchymal participation in the determination of the epithelial growth rate was obtained. MATERIALS AND METHODS Completely isolated lung rudiments from 11-day mouse embryos ($ C 57 BL x S BALB/c) were cultured at the surface of a clot of chicken plasma and 9-day chick embryo extract in hanging drop under the following experimental conditions (Fig. 1): Exp. 1. Intact whole lung rudiment. Exp. 2. Isolated right lung. Exp. 3. Isolated left lung. Exp. 4. Right primary bronchus of the epithelial tree with whole pulmonary mesenchyme. Exp. 5. Left primary bronchus of the epithelial tree with whole pulmonary mesenchyme. In Exps. 2 and 3 the left and the right parts, respectively, of the rudiment were removed. Exps. 4 and 5 were done by externalizing the left or the right part of the epithelial tree to be removed through a longitudinal cut in the mesenchymal lining. The epithelium was then cut off as close as possible to the trachea bifurcation, leaving the mesenchyme intact. Epithelial growth rate in lung 215 Exp. 1 was used as a control procedure in order to obtain information about the epithelial growth rate in a situation analogous to that of normal development in vivo. In Exps. 2 and 3 the total size of the rudiments was reduced to about one-half, but no change was made in the epithelium/mesenchyme ratio. They were devised to give information on the ability of the lung rudiment to compensate for the loss of a conspicuous part of its tissue mass. In Exps. 4 and 5 the rudiment contained all the mesenchyme and only the right or left portion of the epithelial tree (right or left primary bronchus), so that the epithelium/ Fig. 1. Plan of the research presented in form of schematic drawings from camera lucida records. The epithelial surface is dotted in the figure. Exp. 1: intact whole lung. Exp. 2: isolated right lung. Exp. 3: isolated left lung. Exp. 4: right primary bronchus with whole mesenchyme. Exp. 5: left primary bronchus with whole mesenchyme. mesenchyme ratio was changed to about one-half. It should be added that because of the uneven size of the right and left lungs at explantation time the left bronchus is smaller and less branched than the right one. Therefore Exps. 2 and 3, and respectively Exps. 4 and 5, are not fully parallel, since the left lung epithelium represents about 34 % and the right lung epithelium about 60 % of the total epithelial surface of the lung rudiment at the 11th day of gestation, the remaining 6 % belonging to a small segment of trachea included in the whole epithelial surface measurements made as described below. Special care was taken to stretch the rudiments flat on the surface of the plasma clot, in order to avoid any superimposition of bronchial buds. Indeed, all the successfully cultured rudiments turned out to be well suited for an accurate planimetric measurement. 216 T. ALESCIO & E. COLOMBO PIPERNO The regeneration of the removed part of the epithelial tree was successfully avoided by cutting the epithelium to be removed exactly at the level of the tracheal bifurcation, so that no stump of the removed bronchus was left inside the emptied mesenchymal mass. Living cultures were drawn by camera lucida immediately after explantation (zero time) and then again after 5, 20, 28, 44 and 52 h of growth at 37 °C. 0 hours 52 hours A. = 19900 Left: nQ = 2 Right: n o = 4 Fig. 2. Schematic drawings from camera lucida records showing an example of growth measurement by the two following criteria: (a) planimetric measurement of the epithelial surface (dotted in the figure), given in arbitrary planimetric units, and growth factor (G.F.) calculation; (b) computation of total number of terminal buds developed from left and right primary bronchus. The first criterion of growth measurement was the same as already used in earlier experiments (Alescio, 1965; Colombo Piperno, 1966). The surface area (Fig. 2 a) of the bronchial epithelial tree was measured on the camera lucida drawings by planimetry; to obtain readily comparable data from all cases, growth factors (AJAQ) were calculated as the ratio of the area at each observation time (At) to the area at zero time (.40). The mean growth factors were plotted as a function of time and growth curves were obtained. The use of growth factors (AtIA0) is necessary for two main reasons: (a) the Epithelial growth rate in lung 217 size and branching stage of the epithelium on explantation differs to some extent in the different rudiments; (b) all experimental treatments, implying the removal either of half organ or half epithelium, reduce the total amount of epithelium. The use of the ratios At\AQ, called 'growth factors' throughout this work, makes the value of the epithelial tree always equal to 1 on explantation, in spite of differences of absolute values of size. Therefore, the measures given here are relative growth measures, allowing comparisons between epithelial rudiments of differing size. For instance, a rudiment showing a growth factor equal to 2-0 grew to twice its initial size; its growth rate is therefore larger than that of another rudiment having a growth factor of 1-5, but this does not necessarily mean that the former is larger in absolute size. The second criterion of growth evaluation (Fig. 2 b) is based on the assumption that, during the developmental stage considered here, the main feature of lung morphogenesis is the appearance of new epithelial buds. Accordingly, the total Table 1. Number of cultured rudiments Used for measurements Degenerated Total Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Exp. 3 Exp. 4 Exp. 5 Total 20 12 11 17 11 71 4 9 13 6 6 38 24 21 24 23 17 109 number (nt) of terminal buds (mean value of all rudiments within each experimental group) was taken as an index of growth. This second criterion should be considered as a collateral and less efficient one, for the following reasons: (a) it does not take into account the considerable lengthening and shape modifications of buds preliminary to their next dicotomous division, which participate in the global pulmonary growth; (b) the computation of terminal buds may be considered a subjective and questionable matter. For the purpose of this work only those terminal buds showing a longitudinal axis of at least 3 mm in the scale of our camera lucida drawings were counted. Table 1 shows that the percentage of degenerated rudiments was distributed differently amongst the five different types of experiments. While the lowest degeneration frequency was observed in the control group (Exp. 1) as might be expected, the highest percentage of degenerated rudiments was present in Exps. 2 and 3. This might be related to the considerable reduction of total mass of the rudiments, perhaps making them too small to undergo good organotypic development. Degeneration, when present, was very precocious, and already clearly noticeable during the first 12-18 h of development. The degenerated rudiments were not used for growth measurements. 218 T. ALESCIO & E. COLOMBO PIPERNO RESULTS Lung rudiments cultured as a whole (Exp. 1) showed a morphogenetic pattern very similar to that already described in an earlier paper (Borghese, Alescio & Cassini, 1963). New bronchial buds were produced in an orocaudal direction from the lateral side of both main bronchi, and they grew and divided, giving rise to smaller and smaller bronchial buds. No branches were produced during this period from the medial side of the main left bronchus, while the infracardiac bronchus developed from the medial side of the main right one. This pattern of branching is known to be perfectly comparable to what occurs in normal conditions in utero, the main appreciable difference being that the rate of branching in vitro is slower, so that the pulmonary tree produced in culture conditions is simpler than it would be at the same total age in the in vivo development. When part of the rudiment was removed (Exps. 2 and 3), morphogenesis went on in vitro without any qualitative divergency from the process outlined above. An exception is that secondary buds are produced from the medial side of the isolated primary left bronchus (Exp. 3) in about 60 % of the cases. As earlier stated (Alescio & Cassini, 19626) this behaviour shows a shift from the normal morphogenetic pattern, since budding from the medial aspect of the primary left bronchus is never observed in normal conditions from the 11th to the 13th day of development, in vivo or in vitro. When the left or the right primary bronchus was removed (Exps. 4 and 5), the mesenchymal mantle deprived of its own epithelium soon fused more or less completely with the mesenchyme belonging to the contralateral lung, so that the latter came in contact with a mesenchymal milieu about twice as large as normal. In this case budding went on in an extremely active way and a very rich bronchial arborization was produced. It may be relevant to the interpretation of our results that the fusion of the emptied mesenchyme with the contralateral lung was quantitatively different from case to case. In some instances spreading and cellular migration from the mesenchyme reduced the amount of tissue gathered round the rudiment. The average growth factors (AJAQ) obtained from planimetric measurements of the epithelial area are plotted as a function of time in Fig. 3. They become larger from the intact lung rudiments (Exp. 1) to the isolated right (Exp. 2) and left lung (Exp. 3), and then to the right (Exp. 4) and left (Exp. 5) primary bronchus cultured in association with whole mesenchyme. Therefore, the hypothesis of an acceleration of growth rate is clearly suggested from the data. Since the rate of growth with time appears linear in Fig. 3, the linear regression equations were calculated from the average values of growth factors, to obtain an easier comparison between growth rates of the different experiments. The regression lines are shown in Fig. 4. The fit of the linear regression lines to the data was tested by Fisher's F test, and highly significant values of F were Epithelial growth rate in lung 219 obtained in all cases, thus showing that the hypothesis of a linear relationship of growth factors to time may be accepted. As one can expect from the average values of growth factors, the slope of the regression lines increases sequentially (Fig. 4) from the whole lung rudiments cultured in their normal anatomical conditions (Exp. 1), to isolated right lung 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Fig. 3 Time (h) Fig. 4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Fig. 5 Fig. 3. Growth curves of Exps. 1-5. The average values of growth factors (At/A0) are plotted as a function of time. Standard errors (s/^) are indicated when larger than the points as plotted. Fig. 4. Regression lines of the average values of growth factors on time. Fig. 5. Regression line of the average values of growth factors on time after Colombo Piperno's (1966) experiments. (Exp. 2), to isolated left lung (Exp. 3), to right epithelium cultured in association with whole mesenchyme (Exp. 4), to left epithelium in the same conditions (Exp. 5). The statistical significance of the differences in slope of the various regression lines was studied by comparing the regression coefficients two by two by means of Student's t test. The results of these comparisons are given in Table 2, and can be summarized as follows: (a) the rates of growth observed in the isolation experiments (2 and 3) and mesenchyme doubling experiments (4 and 5) are first compared with the rates of growth of the whole lung rudiments (Exp. 1). The difference is not significant as far as the isolated right lung is concerned; it is 220 T. ALESCIO & E. COLOMBO PIPERNO highly significant in all other cases, (b) Isolation experiments (2 and 3) and mesenchyme doubling experiments (4 and 5) are then compared to each other; the difference is not significant, (c) The rates of growth of right and left lung associated with whole mesenchyme (Exps. 4 and 5) are compared with the rates Table 2. Statistical comparisons of growth rates under different experimental conditions Experiments 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 2:3 4:5 2:4 3:5 Comparisons D.F. Whole lung: isolated right lung 0-02985 003526 2-2172 Whole lung: isolated left lung 0-02985 004080 3-8153 Whole lung:right epithelium 0-02985 0-04737 4-4130 with whole mesenchyme Whole lung:left epithelium with 0-02985 0-05869 8-2165 whole mesenchyme 0-03526 0-04080 1-6390 Isolated right lung:isolated left lung 0-04737 0-05869 2-2504 Right epithelium with whole mesenchyme:left epithelium with whole mesenchyme 0-03526 0-04737 2-7839 Isolated right lung:right epithelium with whole mesenchyme Isolated left lung:left epi0-04080 0-05869 42494 thelium with whole mesenchyme bx = Regression coefficient of the first variable on time. b2 = Regression coefficient of the second variable on time. n.s. < 0010 < 0-005 < 0-001 n.s. n.s. < 0050 < 0-010 Table 3. Statistical comparisons of growth rates with those from Colombo Pipemo's (1966) experiments Experiments Comparisons D.F. t 99 0-02990 0-02985 00295 Whole lung 100 0-03990 0-03526 1-6811 Isolated right lung 99 0-03726 0-04080 1-1606 Isolated left lung Right epithelium with whole 100 0-04517 0-04737 0-5116 mesenchyme 5:5 Left epithelium with whole mesen- 101 005496 005869 10163 chyme b, = Regression coefficient of growth on time from previous experiments. b, = Regression coefficient of growth on time from the present experiments. 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 P n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. of growth of the corresponding isolated lungs (Exps. 2 and 3). Both differences are statistically significant, (d) The regression lines obtained in these experiments were compared with the regression lines found in the same experiments by Colombo Piperno (1966) and reported in Fig. 5. Table 3 presents the results of statistical comparisons by Student's t test. In spite of slight changes in the slope Epithelial growth rate in lung 221 of the regression lines, all the differences are not statistically significant. We may conclude that the present results are in good agreement with those previously reported. Further evidence of a higher rate of growth and morphogenesis was obtained from the data on the terminal buds. Fig. 6 is a plot as a function of time of the average number of terminal buds observed in the isolated right lung (Exp. 2), in the right primary bronchus with whole mesenchyme (Exp. 4) and, for comparison, in the right primary bronchus of whole rudiments (Exp. 1). Growth 10 20 30 40 50 60 .0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (h) Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 6. Average number of terminal buds of the right lung as a function of time. 1, Right primary bronchus of whole lung rudiments (Exp. 1); 2, isolated right lung (Exp. 2); 4, right lung epithelium with whole mesenchyme (Exp. 4). Standard errors Cs/V'O are indicated, when larger than the points as plotted. Fig. 7. Average number of terminal buds of the left lung plotted as a function of time. 1, Left primary bronchus of whole lung rudiments (Exp. 1); 3, isolated left lung (Exp. 3); 5, left lung epithelium with whole mesenchyme (Exp. 5). Standard errors (s/*Jri) are indicated when larger than the points as plotted. curves are obtained showing the pattern of growth as measured in terms of number of epithehal buds produced during the experimental period of time. It appears that after both experimental treatments (Exps. 2 and 4) the right primary bronchus produced an average number of buds clearly larger than under normal conditions (Exp. 1). Budding activity in Exp. 4 appears only slightly more intense than in Exp. 2. The average number of terminal buds observed in cultures of isolated left lung (Exp. 3) and left primary bronchus with whole mesenchyme (Exp. 5) in comparison to that of the left lung of whole rudiments (Exp. 1) is plotted 222 T. ALESCIO & E. COLOMBO PIPERNO against time in Fig. 7. Again, in both experiments (3 and 5) the average number of terminal buds was well above that of the controls (Exp. 1). The relative increase of mesenchyme (Exp. 5) also brought about a rate of budding clearly higher than that of simple isolation experiments (Exp. 3), as the last point of the Exp. 5 growth curve lies well above the corresponding point of Exp. 3. Comparison of Fig. 6 with Fig. 7 shows that stimulation of budding activity is present in right and left lung under both experimental treatments, irrespective of their different size at starting time; the average number of buds at zero time is about 4 for the right lung and about 2 for the left lung. The general pattern of budding stimulation is the same. The main difference is that the mesenchyme Table 4. Statistical comparisons of average number of buds produced under different experimental conditions Experiments 1:2 1:4 2:4 1:3 1:5 3:5 Comparisons Right part of the whole lung: isolated right lung Right part of the whole lung: right epithelium with whole mesenchyme Isolated right lung: right epithelium with whole mesenchyme Left part of the whole lung :isolated left lung Left part of the whole lung: left epithelium with whole mesenchyme Isolated left lung:left epithelium with whole mesenchyme D.F. mx m2 t P 29 8-9473 92-0833 3-5139 < 0-005 33 8-9473 3-8218 < 0-001 26 120833 28 5-2105 7-6363 3-8936 < 0001 28 5-2105 10-3636 6-5782 < 0001 20 7-6363 10-3636 2-5574 < 0025 12-8750 12-8750 0-5520 n.s. mx = Mean of first variable. m2, = Mean of second variable. doubling experiment seems to be more effective in the case of the left lung, as a clear difference is present in the end results of Exps. 3 and 5. In the case of the right lung, the results obtained with Exps. 2 and 4 are not significantly different. Table 4 reports a statistical analysis by Student's t test of average numbers of buds present after 53 h cultivation. Budding activity of the isolated right lung (Exp. 2) and of right primary bronchus with whole mesenchyme (Exp. 4) are both significantly higher than that of the controls (Exp. 1). However, the difference of budding rate of Exps. 2 and 4 is not statistically significant. The budding activity of isolated left lung (Exp. 3) and of left primary bronchus associated with whole mesenchyme (Exp. 5) are significantly higher than the controls (Exp. 1). Moreover, Exp. 5 shows a budding rate significantly faster than that in Exp. 3. Epithelial growth rate in lung 223 DISCUSSION In the present research an attempt was made to estimate the growth rate of the lung rudiment epithelial tree and its dependence upon mesenchymal factors. A critical evaluation of these results must be primarily concerned with the use of area as a measurement of growth. Mitotic activity is indeed thought to be the basic mechanism of epithelial growth (Sorokin, 1965); therefore, budding and epithelial expansion should be strictly correlated with cellular proliferation, but the nature of their relationship still remains unknown. Furthermore, one should remember that a number of mechanisms besides cellular proliferation do participate in the size determination of the epithelial tree; of these, the size of the bronchial cavity, and changes in histological structure seem to be, at first sight, of some importance. Also, research by Glucksmann (1964) on human embryonic lungs developing in vitro points out the role of cell death in normal morphogenesis. However, all these factors take part in epithelial morphogenesis as normal developmental processes. Therefore, our criterion, being a measure of a quantity (size of the epithelial tree) which is the overall consequence of the different actions participating in lung development, seems to be reliable in giving an appraisal of epithelial growth, whatever elementary processes may be involved in its determination. Even if not a measure of cellular proliferation rate, it certainly may afford a useful approach for quantification of the morphogenetic process. Causes of error may come from abnormal shape changes in the epithelial tree of the cultured rudiments, such as spreading of the bronchial cavity due to the accumulation of fluid in the ducts. However, such bronchial spreading was never observed to any appreciable extent during the present research. Also, and more important, the second criterion of growth measurement, namely computation of the total number of terminal buds, may greatly help in a correct evaluation of morphogenesis. Indeed, the appearance of new epithelial buds requires a normal state of epithelial cavity distention; no or very little budding activity is present where accumulation of fluid spreads out the bronchial epithelial wall. Therefore, computation of total number of terminal buds, even if less accurate as a full description of epithelial growth, may be a useful collateral criterion to rule out some possible reasons of biased measurements. Its basic agreement with the epithelial surface measurement data may improve the reliability of these results. The relation of growth to time remains linear in all experimental treatments (extirpation of left or right lung; removal of the left or right part of the epithelial tree). However, the slope increases as one goes from the whole rudiment to combining part of the epithelial tree with the whole amount of mesenchyme. Growth of the right and left primary bronchus associated with whole mesenchyme (Exps. 4 and 5) is in fact remarkably faster than that of whole lung rudiments (Exp. 1). The results are less clear as far as isolation experiments are 224 T. ALESCIO & E. COLOMBO PIPERNO concerned. A rate of growth significantly higher than that of the controls is demonstrated for the isolated left lung (Exp. 3) but not for the isolated right one (Exp. 2), in contrast to the results of Colombo Piperno (1966). On the other hand, the experiments in which the proportion epithelium/mesenchyme was brought to about half normal (Exps. 4 and 5) gave clear evidence of a rate of growth significantly faster than that of the corresponding isolation experiments (2 and 3). This result is in complete agreement with the earlier findings. The results of epithelial area measurements are confirmed by the data on the rate of budding, the rudiments showing the same general trend towards an acceleration of budding activity as a function of the experimental treatments. The only difference concerns the effect of Exp. 2: right lung isolation. When measured as rate of budding, the growth of isolated right lung is significantly higher than that of the controls, closely approaching that obtained by the combination of right lung epithelium with whole mesenchyme (Exp. 4). . The main purpose of these experiments was to confirm the earlier results by clarifying some doubtful points, such as the effect of epithelial regeneration and the possibility of distention and spreading of the epithelial tree due to accumulation of fluid within the bronchial cavity. Epithelial regeneration was successfully avoided, and a new criterion of measurement independent of spreading gave very similar general results. The present data are in good general agreement with those previously reported, and we may also now conclude that a substantial reproducibility of the experimental results is demonstrated. As a general conclusion it appears that isolation experiments (2 and 3), in which the epithelium/mesenchyme ratio is not changed but the total mass of the rudiment is reduced, increase the growth rate of epithelium as compared with that of the intact rudiments. The enhancement of growth under these conditions might be tentatively interpreted as a kind of'compensatory growth', as though the explant is attempting to reach the same order of magnitude, whatever its initial size. Of course, this expression is far from being an explanation of how this phenomenon takes place; a reference could also be made to the controversial point of growth autoregulation. Data in favour of such autoregulation were obtained with embryonic heart and metanephros cultures by Weiss (1952, 1955), while other in vitro experiments by Nicoll (1965) provided no evidence for autoregulation of duct growth in mammary glands. A different situation occurs in Exps. 4 and 5, where a part of the epithelial tree is combined with the whole mesenchyme. The epithelial growth rate is markedly increased, not only in comparison with that of the whole rudiments, but also when compared with that of the isolated lungs. Under these conditions the ratio of mesenchyme to epithelium is increased to about twice normal at the starting time of the experiment, and the result could support the idea of a stimulating effect of the mesenchyme on the total growth of the epithelium. Moreover, this interpretation becomes even more attractive if one considers that the effect seems to be higher for the left epithelium (Exp. 5) than for the Epithelial growth rate in lung 225 right (Exp. 4). In the former case, the epithelial tree being smaller at the beginning, this ratio was yet further increased. A larger statistical fluctuation of the mean growth factors is indicated (Fig. 3) in Exps. 4 and 5. Such a fluctuation may be explained in part by the variability of spreading and cellular migration from the emptied mesenchyme. Where more migration is present, a smaller amount of mesenchyme fuses with the contralateral lung. For this reason the rate of epithehal growth may be inversely dependent on the rate of mesenchymal cell migration, but this point was not established. It may be concluded that under the reported conditions of growth in vitro, lung mesenchyme exerts some inductive influence on the total growth of the epithelium expressed as total amount of branching, and that this influence appears to some extent proportional to the amount of mesenchyme relative to epithelium. These results are in agreement with earlier observations by Grover (1961), who found that an optimal ratio between mesenchymal and epithelial cells was necessary to obtain development of tubuh during the reaggregation of 11-day embryonic chick lung cells in vitro, and by Dameron (1961a, b, 1962), who observed that in chick embryo lungs cultured in vitro tubule formation is in direct proportion to the amount of mesenchyme. A cellular basis for this mesenchymal effect is indicated by the results by Sobel (1958), who found that mitotic activity in the mouse embryonic pituitary epithelium is present only when in association with mesenchyme. Rutter, Wessells & Grobstein (1964) also reported results showing that the rate of mitotic activity in pancreatic rudiments was significantly lower in the absence of mesenchyme. Wessells (1963) showed that in chick epidermis the thymidine incorporation rate is influenced by the quality or age of dermis present. Other research (Cohen, 1964, 1965) deals with the problem of isolation and chemical characterization of a substance stimulating epidermal growth found in salivary glands. Evidence was given for its stimulating activity on epidermal cell proliferation. These results seem to strengthen the hypothesis that the duration of the epithehal cell cycle may depend on mesenchymal factors. No deduction can be drawn from our results on the action of mesenchyme on the cellular kinetics of the growing bronchial epithelium, since the total epithelial growth, on our criteria, may be only indirectly correlated with the rate of cellular proliferation. If the model of growth of the epithehal tree as a whole reflects the kinetics of the epithehal cells, namely if the cellular population growth follows a linear rate, the fraction of dividing cells should drop with time, and the theoretical relation should be of hyperbolic type. In this context it should be remembered that, although the mitotic index alone cannot account for cellular kinetics, Sorokin (1961) found a slowing down of the mitotic index with time in rat and guineapig lungs cultured in vitro. 15 J E E M 17 226 T. ALESCIO & E. COLOMBO PIPERNO SUMMARY 1. The growth rate of the epithelial tree of mouse embryonic lung cultured in vitro was studied after removal of the right or left part of the rudiment, or after modification of the epithelium/mesenchyme ratio to about one-half of the normal. 2. The epithelial growth rate is enhanced in both experimental conditions well above that of the controls. 3. No satisfactory explanation can be put forward, so far, for the fact that when the total mass of the rudiment is reduced without any change in the ratio of the tissues, the growth rate of the epithelium is enhanced. 4. From the results of the experiments in which the ratio of the two tissues was experimentally changed the conclusion may be suggested that, under the reported conditions of growth in vitro, lung mesenchyme exerts some stimulating influence on the total growth of the epithelium, expressed as total amount of branching, and that this influence is to some extent proportional to the amount of mesenchyme as compared with epithelium. RIASSUNTO Valutazione quantitativa del contributo mesenchimale al tasso di crescita epiteliale nel polmone di topo coltivato in vitro 1. £ stato studiato il tasso di crescita dell'abbozzo epiteliale del polmone embrionale di topo coltivato in vitro dopo asportazione della porzione destra o sinistra dell'abbozzo, e dopo modincazione del rapporto dell'epitelio col mesenchima ad un valore di circa meta del normale. 2. II tasso di crescita dell'epitelio risulta aumentato in entrambe le condizioni sperimentali a valori superiori a quelli dei controlli. 3. Non puo essere attualmente proposta alcuna spiegazione soddisfacente dell'aumento del tasso di crescita epiteliale osservato dopo riduzione della massa totale dell'abbozzo e senza modincazione delle quantita relative di epitelio e mesenchima, che sembra esprimere una tendenza dell'abbozzo a ripristinare le dimensioni normali. 4. I risultati delle esperienze in cui il rapporto fra i due tessuti veniva modificato aumentando la quantita relativa di mesenchima, suggeriscono che, in condizioni di cultura in vitro, l'accrescimento globale dell'epitelio e sottoposto ad una influenza mesenchimale direttamente proporzionale alia quantita relativa di mesenchima. The authors are indebted to Professor Italo Barrai for his helpful advice on the statistical part of this work. This research was performed under contracts of U.S.A.E.C. (NYO-3355-5) and Euratom (043-65-1BIOI) and with a contribution from the Italian C.N.R. Epithelial growth rate in lung 227 REFERENCES T. (1965). 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