
Online Learning • 888-495-8932 • 270-745-5173 • [email protected] •
Independent Learning • 800-535-5926 • 270-745-4159 • [email protected] •
WKU online programs earn national ranking from
U.S. News & World Report
In its first-ever ranking of the best online degree
programs, U.S. News & World Report has named WKU
among the Top 10 schools nationwide in the category
of Student Services and Technology for online bachelor
WKU was also named among the top 15 online
graduate degree programs in the category of Student
Services and Technology – Education, the top 25
online graduate degree programs in the area of Faculty
Credentials and Training – Education and in the top 12
public universities – South Region.
Other WKU programs were consistently ranked
among the top 100 schools in the nation in the following
areas: Online Business Graduate Degree ¬– Student
Services & Technology, Online Business Graduate
Degree – Faculty Credentials & Training and Online
Education Graduate Degree – Faculty Credentials &
U.S. News defines online programs as those with 80
percent or more required coursework available online.
The ranking was released on Jan. 10 and included
online bachelor’s degree programs combining data
from all undergraduate level disciplines. U.S. News
also ranked five disciplines at the master’s degree level:
business, computer information technology, education,
engineering and nursing. Within each graduate degree
program there are four indicator rankings: Student
Engagement and Accreditation, Student Services
& Technology, Faculty Credentials & Training and
Admissions Selectivity. Within the undergraduate
ranking, there are three indicator rankings: Student
Engagement & Assessment, Student Services &
Technology and Faculty Credentials & Training.
For information about online degree programs at
WKU, contact the Office of Academic Outreach at (270)
745-3067. The methodology used in these rankings can
be found online.
New Virtual Student Resource Center
Online Learning is proud to announce the latest
addition to online student support services – the
Virtual Student Resource Center (SRC). The Student
Resource Center provides a centralized location where
distance learners can access the support they need
anywhere, anytime! Resources include library services
and research assistance, an Online Writing Center,
Online Tutoring, Career Services, organizational tools,
time management tips, note taking strategies, social
networking opportunities and much more – all easily
accessible by visiting
There is also an Online Community for Distance
Learners, designed to help students stay connected
to WKU and stay informed of changes and deadlines
without being on campus. If you would like to become
part of the community email us with your student ID at
[email protected].
We are here to help you succeed!
Inside This Issue
U.S. News & World Report Rankings..................... Page 1
New Virtual Student Resource Center................... Page 1
Adventures of the Red Towel................................ Page 2
New Online Elementary Math Endorsement........ Page 3
Watch your Mailbox!............................................ Page 3
Health Services Info............................................. Page 3
New Year, New Priorities?..................................... Page 4
Other Points of Interest........................................ Page 4
Links to Distance Learning Social Media............... Page 4
Online Community for Distance Learners............. Page 5
Coming Soon........................................................ Page 5
Departments for Online Students......................... Page 6
Going the Distance
January 2012
Page 2
Adventures of the Red Towel
Returning students may recall that last fall we asked
for you to submit photos from your Adventures of
the Red Towel. A big thanks to each of you who
participated!! It’s exciting to see the presence of WKU’s
distance learners represented in this way.
Maria Montgomery, Communication Disorders
student and former Miss Kentucky USA 2009, at the
9/11 Memorial in New York City.
Anthony Iles, Recreation & Sport Administration
student, displays his towel at University of Louisville.
Maria Gallo, Marcella Fernandez, Keira Stewart and
Leslie Rivera, Communication Disorders students at
St. Lukes in New York City.
Kadisha Currie and Pauline Meyer, Communication
Disorders students, at the Henry Brooks Assisted
Living Facility in New York City.
Going the Distance
January 2012
New Online Elementary Mathematics Specialist
WKU will offer a new online Elementary Mathematics
Specialist (EMS) Endorsement beginning Fall 2012.
WKU is Kentucky’s first university to offer the
Elementary Mathematics Specialist Endorsement, P-5,
for teacher certification.
The EMS Endorsement is designed to give professionals
both a deep and practical knowledge of the content
and pedagogy of elementary mathematics and skills
for working with other professionals to develop their
mathematical knowledge for teaching in P-5 settings.
• Unique model with roots beginning the Toyota
Math and Technology Leadership Academy
• State and national reputation for highly qualified
teacher education graduates
• Highly qualified and dedicated faculty and staff
• Integration of educational technology throughout
• Educational Resources Center that contains library
resources dedicated specifically to education
This graduate endorsement program requires 15
hours and may be incorporated into the Elementary
Education MAE program or other graduate programs
for elementary teachers. For additional information
about this program, and how you can start taking
classes as early as this summer, contact Cindy Troutman
at [email protected] or call 270-745-4087.
Page 3
Watch your Mailbox
During the first two
weeks of the semester
Distance Learning
will be mailing out
tools to help you stay
organized. Students
returning this spring
will receive a spring academic calendar. New students
will receive a support packet designed to connect
distance learners with support services available online
and at regional campus locations. So, watch your
Health Services Offers Info on a
Healthier You in 2012!
With the new year, many of us make New Year’s
resolutions. Most Americans’ resolutions are centered
on improved health and wellness. Maybe this is spurred
from over indulging in holiday goodies and a slowdown in our exercise routines during the cold winter
WKU Health Services has a great deal of information
on tips to maintaining a healthy weight, getting better
sleep, decreasing stress and advice on a host of other
wellness topics and conditions. For more information,
visit the following link:
Coming Soon to the Online Community: Health
Services has recorded its Passport to Wellness series for
distance learners. This series provides insight on topics
such as sexual health and weight management, among
others. The lectures are presented by WKU’s Health
Services professional staff.
Going the Distance
January 2012
A new year…. time for new priorities?
Happy New Year, Distance Learners! Perhaps some of
you are just beginning college, just returning to school
after a long absence or the new year has brought some
new life changes.
Whatever your
circ umst ance,
managing your
time effectively
is crucial.
The Academic
Center hosts a webinar that is great at giving useful
and pertinent information for time management for
students who are juggling many responsibilities at
home, school and in the workplace. The webinar is
presented by Jennifer Markin, Advising Associate for
the Potter College of Arts and Letters. Jennifer has firsthand knowledge of continuing her education while
balancing the joys and responsibilities of raising two
The webinar can be found at:
tlc/tlc_videos.php. Visit this site often for valuable
webinars on topics are pertinent to your success as a
Other Points of Interest
Contacting Faculty, Staff and Campus Offices at
WKU: To contact faculty, staff and campus offices at
WKU visit the Campus Directory. If you need to reach
your advisor and you don’t have their name contact
the departmental office for your major, or call us at
Page 4
To learn more visit The Learning Center online or call
Online Writing Center: We know that writers need
feedback! The Writing Center can give you the feedback
you need. Tutors will talk with you about your writing
and help you brainstorm ideas, clarify main points,
strengthen logic and support, integrate sources and
credit them properly, and more! Visit http://www.wku.
edu/online/src/writing-center.php to learn more.
Using Library Resources: The upcoming semester
will include research projects and papers for many of
you. We have online resources available through WKU
Libraries that can help! Electronic journals, databases,
e-books and more are available at
library. If you need assistance getting started or tips on
how to search visit the Library Services and Research
Assistance section of the Student Resource Center at
We also have one-on-one assistance available through
our Ask Your Librarian program. Ask Your Librarian
provides easy access to a trained librarian through our
Online Community. Roxanne Spencer, an Associate
Professor in the Department of Library Public Services,
is available to answer any questions you may have about
your research. So, whether you have a specific question,
or just need some direction on the best place to start
just Ask Your Librarian!
Not a member of the Online Community for distance
learners? Joining is easy! Just email us with your student
ID at [email protected] and let us know you would
like to join!
Bookmark us! All of these resources and much more
are available at Save us to
Top Tools for Online Learners: Going to school your favorites to have one-click access to the support
online can be a great experience, especially if you have you need.
the right resources. In our Student Resource Center
there is a list of some of the best free and low-cost tools
Follow us
available designed to help you stay organized, conduct
effective research, cite your sources and collaborate.
Join our circle
Visit and click on the Tools &
Tips section to learn more!
Like us
Online Tutoring: Online tutoring is available in more
than 200 subject areas through The Learning Center!
Going the Distance
January 2012
The Online Community for Distance Learners –
helping you stay connected!
The Online Community for Distance Learners houses
a great deal of relevant information. Members can view
announcements that serve as reminders for upcoming
news and deadlines. There are also sections with study
tips and helpful suggestions on time management.
In addition, there is a Library Resources section
monitored by a WKU librarian,
Ms. Roxanne Spencer. She is
available to answer questions
about research projects and point
you in the right direction.
The discussion board allows
students to connect with other
online students in their program Ms. Roxanne Spencer,
and is a great tool for discussing Coordinator, Educational
Resources Center
anything from assignments to
personal interests.
A current work in progress is the Events section. Here
we post videos of on-campus lectures, workshops and
presentations that distance learners may find of interest.
If you have any suggestions of items you would like to
see added to the online community or if you hear of any
on campus lectures or presentations that you would like
to view from the comfort of your home, please let us
know! We will do our best to find a way to make them
available through the community.
If you aren’t a current member of the Online
Community and would like to become a member,
simply email us with your student ID number and we’ll
be happy to add you!
Page 5
Online Learning will be
implementing a new student
support feature.
Check our website on February 1
to learn more about this exciting
new addition!
Going the Distance
January 2012
Page 6
Key WKU Departments for
Online Students
Admissions......................................... 270-745-2551
Billings & Receivables..................... 270-745-6381
Bookstore............................................ 270-745-2466
Career Services Center................... 270-745-3095
Community College........................ 270-780-2550
Counseling & Testing Center....... 270-745-3159
Summer registration begins March 12!
Distance Learning............................ 270-745-5173
Diversity Programs.......................... 270-745-5066
Financial Aid...................................... 270-745-2755
Graduate Studies............................. 270-745-2446
Access the Schedule of
online classes here!
Independent Learning................... 270-745-4158
Library Resources............................. 270-745-6125
Online Tutoring................................ 270-745-6254
Registrar.............................................. 270-745-3351
Student Disability Services........... 270-745-5004
DELO Testing Center....................... 270-745-5122
Student Support Staff
Danita Reiger is the Student
Support Specialist for Online
Learning. She has been with
Distance Learning since August
2009. Danita provides current
and potential students with
information regarding online
courses and programs, helps
them get connected across campus and provides
needed assistance with navigating the university at
a distance. If you would like more information on
online courses and programs email Danita at
[email protected].
Tanja Bibbs is an Independent
Learning Specialist. She has
been with Distance Learning
since February 2009. Tanja’s
primary job responsibilities
include processing Independent
Learning registrations, attending
and hosting student recruitment
events, and processing course exam requests. If you
would like more information about independent
learning courses email Tanja at [email protected].
Online Learning • 888-495-8932 • 270-745-5173 • [email protected] •
Independent Learning • 800-535-5926 • 270-745-4159 • [email protected] •