RECEIVEL) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2000 JIM26 I 11PM‘00 POST,hL 2,&T!‘ i‘O;(b!(;,.:i:;,t OFFICE Oi 'iii S'CtIEijR'r i Docket No. R2000-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE REVISIONS TO THE TESTIMONY OF OCA WITNESS: PAMELA A. THOMPSON OCA-T-9 (ERRATA) [June 26.2000) The Office of the Consumer Advocate hereby gives notice of the filing of the following revisions to the testimony of Pamela A. Thompson 22, 2000. (OCA-T-9), filed on May There is no impact on the OCA’s cost proposal. In the testimony on page 8, line 4, change “$60,647,000” to “$60,637,000.” A revised page 8 is attached. To keep the OCA replication script files similar, four changes the OCA proposal instruction of the Postal Service’s are necessary script files “SFYOORCR.FAC” “di 22:257 -148136 and OCA’s to the cost reduction proposal instructions and “FYOORCR.FAC.” in Change 3:35” to “di 22:257 -66936 3:35,” change “cl 12 3:40 3:421 31422 3:423 31467 3:468 3:469 3:470 3:471 3~41 3:227 3:228 -19928” to “cl 14 3:35 3:40 3:421 3:422 3:66 31423 31467 3:468 3:469 3:470 3:471 3:41 3:227 3:228 -102342,” delete the instruction 22:218 22:259” to “ds 3:66 1 22:218.” “di 22:259 -213 3:66” and change “ds 3:66 2 2 Docket No. R2000-1 Respectfully submitted, Director Office of the Consumer Advocate KENNETH Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6830; Fax (202) 789-6819 E. RICHARDSON Docket No. R2000-1 Another OCA-T-9 Revised 6/26/00 instance of a dual distribution effect occurs in “other programs” $798,000 is allocated $60,637,000 component 3, component segment to segment 3, component remaining that $638,000 $160,000 8 components: 9 command. is the amount (798,000 - 638,000) 35. A cost of increase of In order to properly reflect the cost reduction and run the cost model to be assigned is allocated to component to the following 35. The segment 3 40, 66, 421, 422, 423, 467, 468, 470, 471, 41, 227 and 228 using a “cl” I incorporate USPS corrections and Ewen (OCA-T-5) and the changes 11 Smith (OCA-T-4) 12 into the cost model. 13 constraints, 14 Electronic copies of my results are provided in OCA-LR-I-l. I was Appendix unable 15 16 C. 17 After updating The OCA Proposals 18 witness 19 Ewen’s (OCA-T-5) 20 changing 13 in a given cost level 35.‘3 A cost reduction 3 components. 35 cost effect, I isolate the $798,000 to determine IO for segment to fourteen is allocated to one component Smith’s Incorporates for the previously proposed in the next section of my testimony) proposed Due to time the test year after rate PESSA OCA Witnesses mentioned changes to elemental -8- variabilities and allocation. Ewen’s Cost I incorporate OCA and OCA witness load. OCA witness Smith proposed proposed the USPS FY 00 VBL6 file. Smith’s USPS changes, mail processing several of the MODS variabilities See USPS-LR-I-6, by OCA witnesses B, Exhibits 2A - 2B reflect my results. to complete (OCA-T-4) (discussed proposed by USPS witness Van-Ty-Smith CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing document participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the rules of practice. KENNETH Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 June 26.2000 upon all E. RICHARDSON
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