RECEIVEI~ Jan12 3 13 PM‘00 USPS-T-5 POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2000 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF HERBERT B. HUNTER Ill ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Docket No. R2000-1 I USPS-T-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF LIBRARY .._ ._. ._. ._. .._ ___ _.. .._ _____._______._._. ,_. ___..__.._._. _..._,. REFERENCES AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL _.. SKETCH ._. 1. PURPOSE II. ESTIMATION III. BULK MAIL REVENUE, IV. PREPARATION OF REVENUE. .._ ___.____._.__..._ _____._____ ii ___._. ____.______.______._. _.. ________.___.__.._ ___ AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY iii ___ ________..___.. ____._ __. ___._ 1 VOLUME AND WEIGHT .._ _______ ___.._ ___ 2 PIECES AND WEIGHT SYSTEM (BRPW) ___ _.. OF REVENUE, i VOLUME AND WEIGHT ESTIMATES .__ 2 4 TABLE 1 - FISCAL YEAR 1998 REVENUE ESTIMATES AND ASSOCIATED CONFIDENCE LIMITS .._ ____.__.. ___._. .__.,. _.. .._ ____.. ____.. _.. __.______..___ 6 TABLE 2 - FISCAL YEAR 1998 VOLUME CONFIDENCE LIMITS ESTIMATES AND ASSOCIATED ..__._..___ .______.. __.___ 8 TABLE 3 - FISCAL YEAR 1998 WEIGHT ESTIMATES AND ASSOCIATED CONFIDENCE LIMITS _., .._ .., .,, ___ ____.______._____. _____.____.. ____________..__. IO ii LIST OF LIBRARY REFERENCES Supporting Library References: USPS-LR-I-25 Bulk Mail Revenue, Pieces, and Weight System (BRPW), Computer System Documentation USPS-LR-I-26 Bulk Mail Revenue, Pieces, and Weight System (BRPW), Statistical System Documentation USPS-LR-I-28 Bulk Mail Revenue, Pieces, and Weight System (BRPW), Variance Estimation Program Documentation DIRECT TESTIMONY OF HERBERT B. HUNTER Ill 1 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 2 3 4 SKETCH My name is Herbert B. Hunter Ill. I am an Operations 5 the U.S. Postal Service at its Headquarters 6 with the Postal Service in 1972 and have been employed 7 since 1983. 8 9 in Washington, Research D.C. I began my career in Finance at Headquarters In my present position in the Revenue, Volume & Performance office, and in my previous positions at Headquarters Measurement as a Senior Mathematical 10 Statistician, 11 and Cost Systems, my responsibilities 12 oversight of statistical surveys and data reporting 13 Postal Service’s measures of Revenue, Pieces and Weight (RPW) System volumes 14 and service performance. 15 forward and volume model witnesses 16 and R97-1. 17 Operations Analyst for Research Analyst, and Statistician in the Office of Revenue have included the design, development I provided technical and systems to provide or improve the support to Postal Service cost, roll in Docket Nos. R84-1, R87-1, R90-1, ~R94-1 I was a volumes witness for the Postal Service in Docket No. MC96-2. I received a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics in Virginia in 1984. My education includes additional from George Mason 18 University 19 applied statistics at George Mason University and at George Washington 20 in Washington, D.C. I am a member of the American graduate courses in University Statistical Association. 1 1 2 I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY The purpose of my testimony is to provide estimates of revenue, volume and 3 weight totals for the major categories 4 Pieces and Weight System (BRPW) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 1998 period. 5 testimony together with that of Witness Pafford, which covers estimates generated 6 under the Domestic Revenue, 7 determine the revenue, volume and weight (RPW) estimates for the base year 8 underlying 9 the BRPW and includes estimates of statistical 10 11 -~ of mail captured under the Bulk Mail Revenue, My Pieces and Weight System (DRPW), completely the Postal Service’s request, My testimony covers the general design of reliability for the major categories of mail shown in my tables. My testimony is divided into three sections: 12 overview of the RPW estimation 13 itself; and the third section describes 14 prepared. 15 shown in Tables l-3. 16 computer system documentation, 17 previously 18 USPS-LR-I-26 19 statement forms previously 20 Library Reference 21 documentation, 22 in Library Reference the first section provides an process; the second section describes the BRPW how revenue, volume and weight estimates are The estimates of RPW totals and their estimates of relative precision are Library Reference USPS-LR-I-25 updates the BRPW source code listings and machine-readable provided in Library Reference USPS-LR-H42/R97-1. updates the BRPW statistical system documentation provided in Library Reference USPS-LR-I-28 code Library Reference and postage USPS-LR-H-89/R97-1. updates the BRPW variance estimation source code listing and machine-readable USPS-LR-H-177/R97-I. code, previously provided 2 1 II. 2 ESTIMATION OF REVENUE, VOLUME AND WEIGHT The Postal Service’s postage revenue accounting 3 accounts that are associated 4 most general postage revenue accounts do not correspond 5 categories. 6 necessary 7 revenue accounting 8 probability-based 9 postage statement-based 10 Additionally, system contains several with specific classes or subclasses the revenue accounting volume information. of mail. However, exactly with specific mail system does not provide the As a result, the Postal Service supplements information with statistical its data obtained from two systems: the sampling system known as DRPW, and the revenue account and system known as BRPW. BRPW, while witness Pafford’s testimony My testimony USPS-T-4 discusses discusses the the DRPW. 11 12 13 Ill. BULK MAIL REVENUE, PIECES AND WEIGHT SYSTEM (BRPW) The BRPW provides estimates of revenue and volume totals where bulk mail 14 categories 15 BRPW also generates 16 volume data from source postage statements 17 revenue and volume are estimated for the bulk mail categories 18 permit imprint Priority Mail, Periodicals, 19 Post and Bound Printed Matter. 20 subaccounts 21 for permit imprint First-Class 22 and AIC 130 for permit imprint Standard correspond to the Postal Service’s revenue accounting estimates for the bulk mail categories are available. system. The for which revenue and Under the BRPW, total of First-Class Mail, Standard Mail (A), and permit imprint Parcel The following AIC (Account from the revenue accounting Identifier Code) system are used in the BRPW: Mail and Priority Mail, AIC 135 for Periodicals, AIC 121 AIC 125 Mail A, and AIC 131 for permit imprint. 3 1 Bound Printed Matter. Because these revenue accounts 2 category detail or volume information, 3 comprising 4 postage statements 5 automated 6 stratified random sample of non-automated 7 documented 8 and volume data from the following 9 BRPW for the FY 1998 period: and they do not represent all bulk mail, the BRPW also utilizes mailpiece all mail categories information obtained from gathered from an ongoing panel of post offices comprised of bulk mail entry offices under the PERMIT SYSTEM and a supplemental in Library References 10 3541 (Periodicals), 11 Mail B and Priority Mail), 12 BRPW is found in Appendix 13 do not provide rate post offices. USPS-LR-I-44 The PERMIT System is through USPS-LR-I-48. postage statement series are captured PS Form 3600 (First-Class PS Form 3602 (Standard Revenue in the Mail), PS Form Mail A), and PS Form 3605 (Standard A copy of each type of postage statement captured in the A of Library Reference For the bulk mail categories of First-Class USPS-LR-I-26. Mail, Periodicals and Standard Mail 14 (A), the BRPWs estimates of total revenue and volume comprise the Postal 15 Service’s final estimates for the constituent 16 mail categories 17 which some revenue falls in the general postage revenue accounts, the BRPW 18 estimates the permit imprint indicia component 19 while the Domestic Revenue, 20 total revenue and volume for the postage affixed component 21 categories comprised rate categories. For the remaining bulk of Priority Mail, Parcel Post and Bound Printed Matter, for and its constituent rate categories, Pieces and Weight System (DRPW) estimates the and its constituent rate 4 Each Postal Quarter (PQ), the BRPW panel postage statement 1 2 revenue account information 3 and volume. 4 produce Government 5 BRPW sample design and data reporting procedures 6 Reference data and the are combined to produce the estimates of total revenue The Postal Quarter estimates are in turn combined Fiscal Year (GFY) based estimates. and adjusted to A description is contained of the in Library USPS-LR-I-26. 7 8 IV. PREPARATION OF REVENUE, PIECES AND WEIGHT ESTIMATES Fiscal Year 1998 BRPW and DRPW estimates are combined with other data 9 10 in the RPW Adjustment System to produce estimates of revenue and volume for all 11 categories of mail. The RPW Adjustment 12 Reference USPS-LR-I-30. 13 systems are based on a Postal Fiscal Year (PFY) and not, a Government 14 (GFY), a final adjustment 15 revenue, volume and weight for the major categories 16 l-3. 17 with the estimated 18 mail category, 19 combined 20 Matter total volume is obtained by combining the estimate of bulk permit imprint total 21 volume from the BRPW with the estimate of bulk postage affixed total volume from System is documented Because the Postal Service’s statistical is required. Estimates of the coefficient information Fiscal Year For Fiscal Year 1998, GFY estimates of variation (c.v.), expressed upper and lower 95% confidence of total of mail are shown in Tables as a percentage, limits, are also shown. the tables identify the source of the estimate: systems. in Library For example, the estimate of Standard along For each BRPW, DRPW or Mail (B) Bound Printed 1 the DRPW and residual official mail (U.S. government 2 franked mail). agency and congressional TABLE 1 FISCAL YEAR 1996 REVENUE ESTIMATES AND ASSOCIATED CONFIDENCE LIMITS REVENUE SERVICE CATEGORY ________________-______________ --__-I C.V. 3/OF ESTIMATE -_- _____ I~l~~~-.-..PE--~!~!6/____- _____ FIRST-CLASS MAIL: SINGLE-PIECE LETTERS, FLATS, AND IPPS _U NONAUTO PRESORT LETTERS, FLATS, AND IPPS -I/ AUTO PRESORT LETTERS AND FLATS I/ AUTO CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT LETTERS 11 SINGLE-PIECE CARDS _U NONAUTO PRESORT MAILING CARDS I/ AUTO PRESORT CARDS I/ AUTO CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT CARDS a/ DOMESTIC MAIL FEES _U TOTAL FIRST-CLASS UPPER 95% CONFIDENCE ____-!L!!EY-.-.-~ 21.807.405 1.542.425 9,035.064 305,949 612,924 99,659 207,143 20,677 149,740 33.661.187 0.26 2.26 0.15 0.79 1.52 4.95 1.23 0.97 2.36 0.20 21.687.726 1,474,101 9,008.501 301,212 594,664 89,990 280,220 20,461 142,814 33,728,451 21.927,084 1,610,748 9,061.628 310,686 631,184 109,328 294,065 21,274 156,666 33,993,922 4,166,416 941 4,187,356 1.08 6.33 1.09 4,097,798 624 4,097,899 4,275,035 1,058 4,276,816 854,530 N/C 5/ 1.678 N/C 79,302 2.56 75,323 83.281 1,643,645 317,027 12,229 20,082 2.072,285 0.16 0.65 0.00 3.86 0.04 1,638,490 312,986 12,229 18,562 2,070,660 1,648,799 321,065 12,229 21,601 2,073.909 123,859 1,927,930 5.263.923 4.945,601 406,447 665.081 211,744 76,958 13,701,742 5.69 0.71 0.32 0.45 1.00 0.52 1.44 0.95 0.06 110,045 1.901,101 5,230.907 4,902,179 476,913 656,302 205,766 75,525 13.685,626 137,672 1,954,759 5,296.938 4,989.423 495,981 671.659 217,720 78,391 13,717.955 947,945 427,027 330,301 45,684 2,506 1.754,264 0.92 0.81 2.88 3.04 7.61 0.86 930,852 421,035 311,656 42,962 2,123 1,724,007 965,039 434,619 348,946 48.406 2.890 1,764.522 PRIORITY MAIL I/ DOMESTIC MAIL FEES _U TOTAL PRIORITY I/ EXPRESS MAIL MAILGRAMS PERIODICALS MAIL: IN-COUNTY 3/ OUTSIDE C&NTY: REGULAR I/ SPECIAL NONPROFIT 31 CLASSROOM 31 DOMESTIC MAIL FEES _U TOTAL PERIODICALS I/ STANDARD MAIL (A): SINGLE-PIECE _U REGULAR - NONAUTO PRESORT 31 REGULAR -AUTO PRESORT a/ ENHANCED CARRIER ROUTEJ/ NONPROFIT - NONAUTO PRESORT 31 NONPROFIT - AUTO PRESORT a/ NONPROFIT ENHANCED CARRIER ROUTE a/ DOMESTIC MAILING FEES a TOTAL STANDARD MAIL (A) I/ LOWER 95% CONFIDENCE STANDARD MAIL(B): PARCEL POST 11 BOUND PRINTED MATTER I/ SPECIAL STANDARD _U LIBRARY MAIL2 DOMESTIC MAIL FEES Z TOTAL STANDARD MAIL(B) I/ 6 - TABLE 1 (CONTINUED) FISCAL YEAR 1996 REVENUE ESTIMATES AND ASSOCIATED CONFIDENCE LIMITS SERVICE CATEGORY ___-___-____-____---____________________------------U.S. POSTAL SERVICE C.V. 41 OF LOWER 95% UPPER 95% REVENUE ESTIMATE CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCE LIMIT 61 PERCENT 5/ LIMIT 6/ ($l,OOOs~ -_--_-__-~~~__--_-~-_-_______I______ MAIL FREE MAIL FOR THE BLIND AND HANDICAPPED TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL TOTAL INTERNATIONAL N/C 1,599.838 N/C 58.032.880 N/C MAIL TOTAL ALL MAIL _-, 56.433,042 SPECIAL AND OTHER SERVICES: REGISTERED _U INSURANCE _U COLLECT ON DELIVERY2 CERTIFIED 2/ RETURN RECEIPTS 2/ SPECIAL DELIVERY 2/ MONEY ORDERS SUBTOTAL OUT. MONEY ORDERS TAKEN INTO REVENUE STAMPED ENVELOPES BOX RENTS TOTAL MAIL 8 SPECIAL SERVICES 89.221 72,547 17,829 385,745 262,058 1 178,942 1,006.343 31,177 17,440 617,434 1,672,395 59,705.275 N/C 486,982 N/C 60.192.256 N/C OTHER INCOME TOTAL INCOME 0.06 2.75 0.01 4.05 3.86 69.50 N/C 2.51 N/C N/C N/C N/C I/ COMBINED DRPW AND BRPW (INCLUDES OTHER SOURCE DATA IF ANY) _U DRPW (INCLUDES OTHER SOURCE DATA IF ANY) 3/ BRPW (INCLUDES OTHER SOURCE DATA IF ANY) 41 COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION = (100 x (EST. STD. ERROR I EST. REVENUE) 51 NOT COMPUTED c/ LOWER LIMIT EST. REVENUE - (1.97 x EST. STD. ERROR) UPPER LIMIT - EST. REVENUE + (1.97 x EST. STD. ERROR) 7 89,116 68,637 17,826 355,125 242,231 0 956,835 89,326 76,457 17,833 416,366 281,884 3 1,055,851 TABLE 2 FISCAL YEAR 1996 PIECES ESTIMATES AND ASSOCIATED CONFIDENCE LIMITS C.V. 41 OF ESTIMATE PIECES SERVICE CATEGORY -___------_-_------ -------- -- ---- --------- FIRST-CLASS MAIL: SINGLE-PIECE LETTERS, FLATS. AND IPPS 21 NONAUTO PRESORT LETTERS, FLATS, AND IPPS I/ AUTO PRESORT LETTERS AND FLATS 11 AUTO CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT LETrERS 1, SINGLE-PIECE CARDS 21 NONAUTO PRESORT MAILING CARDS I/ AUTO PRESORT CARDS 11 AUTO CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT CARDS 31 DOMESTIC MAIL FEES 21 TOTAL FIRST-CLASS W!!%- 53,773,061 4,429,070 34,588,114 1,259,287 2,884,381 499,945 1,809,859 146,290 54,772,987 4,887,403 34,805,733 1,298,898 3.059,120 607,378 1,894.815 151,960 100,434,151 0.29 99,863,283 101,005,019 1,174,425 1.05 1,150,256 1,198,595 1,174,425 1.10 1,149,105 1.199,746 66,244 N/C 5/ 4,302 N/C 923,865 2.20 884,028 963,702 7,195,166 2,136,927 60,793 0.19 0.76 0.00 7.168.371 2.105.096 60,793 7,221.961 2,168.759 60,793 10.316,751 0.17 10.282,376 10.351.127 150.276 6,952.941 28.134.073 34.059.127 3.719.254 6.845,382 2,647.088 8.87 0.66 0.31 0.47 1.26 0.50 1.59 124,150 6.862.998 27,963.130 33.745,374 3.627,403 6,778,297 2.564,594 176,402 7,042,884 28,305,016 34,372.879 3,811.104 6.912.467 2.729,582 82,508,141 0.12 82,314,082 82,702,200 MAILGRAMS STANDARD MAIL (A): SINGLE-PIECE a REGULAR - NONAUTO PRESORT 31 REGULAR -AUTO PRESORT 31 ENHANCED CARRIER ROUTE31 NONPROFIT - NONAUTO PRESORT a/ NONPROFIT -AUTO PRESORT 31 NONPROFIT ENHANCED CARRIER ROUTE 31 DOMESTIC MAILING FEES _U TOTAL STANDARD MAIL (A) I/ -_-_-PER~~~?r---C’M’T~~----~~!~~~----0.47 2.51 0.16 0.79 1.50 4.95 1.17 0.97 MAIL PERIODICALS MAIL: IN-COUNTY 31 OUTSIDE COUNTY: REGULAR 11 SPECIAL NONPROFIT31 CLASSROOM 3/ DOMESTIC MAIL FEES 21 TOTAL PERIODICALS II UPPER 95% CONFIDENCE 54,273,024 4,658,236 34,696,924 1,279,092 2,971.751 553,662 1.852,337 149,125 PRIORITY MAIL 11 DOMESTIC MAIL FEES _U TOTAL PRIORITY I/ EXPRESS LOWER 95% CONFIDENCE STANDARD MAIL (6): PARCEL POST I/ BOUND PRINTED MATTER 11 SPECIAL STANDARD 2 LIBRARY MAIL2/ DOMESTIC MAIL FEES 2/ TOTAL STANDARD MAIL (B) 11 8 316,148 488,413 191,093 27,728 0.88 0.45 3.73 3.39 310,695 484,105 177,123 25,886 321,601 492,720 205,063 29,571 1,023,382 1.50 993,294 1,053,469 TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) FISCAL YEAR 1996 PIECES ESTIMATES AND ASSOCIATED CONFIDENCE LIMITS C.V. 31 OF ESTIMATE PIECES SERVICE CATEGORY ________________________________________-----------U.S. POSTAL SERVICE I’,OOO~-._-P.E~~~~_~~!~-~~-----~!~~~ -_-_ MAIL FREE MAIL FOR THE BLIND AND HANDICAPPED TOTAL DOMESTIC TOTAL INTERNATIONAL MAIL TOTAL ALL MAIL USPS SPECIAL SERVICE TRANSACTIONS REGISTERED TRANSACTIONS: CERTIFIED TRANSACTIONS RETURN RECEIPTS SPECIAL DELIVERY TRANSACTIONS SPECIAL HANDLING TRANSACTIONS TOTAL 361,329 398,877 53,169 4.58 48,396 57,942 N/C N/C N/C 15,254 40,789 3,845 278,298 237,256 1 208,597 784,038 0.12 2.96 0.02 4.12 3.86 69.54 N/C 2.58 15,218 38,423 3,843 255,824 219,306 0 15,290 43,156 3,846 300,771 255,206 1 744,391 823,686 14,700 1,114 1,133 0 4 16,952 0.00 15.87 27.03 14,700 767 533 14,700 1,460 1,734 30.37 2.10 2 16,254 7 17,649 11 COMBINED DRPW AND BRPW (INCLUDES OTHER SOURCE DATA IF ANY) _U DRPW (INCLUDES OTHER SOURCE DATA IF ANY) 31 BRPW (INCLUDES OTHER SOURCE DATA IF ANY) 41 COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION = (100 x (EST. STD. ERROR I EST. PIECES) 51 NOT COMPUTED fi/ LOWER LIMIT - EST. PIECES - (1.97 x EST. STD. ERROR) UPPER LIMIT - EST. PIECES + (1.97 x EST. STD. ERROR) 9 _____ 2.52 0 944,022 0 196,904,691 SPECIAL AND OTHER SERVICES: REGISTERED _U INSURANCE u COLLECT ON DELIVERY21 CERTIFIED u RETURN RECEIPTS U SPECIAL DELIVERY _U MONEY ORDERS SUBTOTAL UPPER 95% CONFIDENCE 380,103 195.960,669 MAIL LOWER 95% CONFIDENCE TABLE 3 FISCAL YEAR 1996 WEIGHT ESTIMATES AND ASSOCIATED CONFIDENCE LIMITS WEIGHT SERVICE CATEGORY ______________-__--_----------------------------FIRST-CLASS MAIL: SINGLE-PIECE LETTERS, FLATS, AND IPPS _U NONAUTO PRESORT LETTERS, FLATS, AND IPPS 11 AUTO PRESORT LETTERS AND FLATS 11 AUTO CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT LETTERS 11 SINGLE-PIECE CARDS _U NONAUTO PRESORT MAILING CARDS II AUTO PRESORT CARDS I/ AUTO CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT CARDS a/ DOMESTIC MAIL FEES a TOTAL FIRST-CLASS PRIORITY MAIL11 DOMESTIC MAIL FEES U TOTAL PRIORITY I/ EXPRESS STANDARD MAIL (B): PARCEL POST 11 BOUND PRINTED MATER I/ SPECIAL STANDARD _U LIBRARY MAIL2 DOMESTIC MAIL FEES 2/ TOTAL STANDARD MAIL (B) I/ UPPER 95% CONFIDENCE _______ 2,589.862 188,724 1,285.947 46,628 18,579 4.089 16:ZQl 1,226 0.40 1.76 0.24 0.95 1.50 6.24 1.83 0.90 2,569.557 182,214 1,279,897 45,760 18,033 3,589 15,706 1,204 2,610,166 195,234 1,291,996 47,496 19,126 4,590 16,875 1,248 4,151,345 0.27 4,129.377 4.173,314 1,979.953 1.21 1.932,996 2,026.909 1,979,953 1.21 1.932.996 2,026,909 77,739 N/C 51 MAILGRAMS STANDARD MAIL (A): SINGLE-PIECE _U REGULAR - NONAUTO PRESORT 31 REGULAR -AUTO PRESORT 21 ENHANCED CARRIER ROUTE/ NONPROFIT - NONAUTO PRESORT 3/ NONPROFIT - AUTO PRESORT 31 NONPROFIT ENHANCED CARRIER ROUTE 31 DOMESTIC MAILING FEES 2/ TOTAL STANDARD MAIL (A) 11 LOWER 95% CONFIDENCE t’ --___ J-““‘9 _____ _p.~~~~_T_--~!M_LT_~~-----~~~~~ MAIL PERIODICALS MAIL: IN-COUNTY s/ OUTSIDE COUNTY: REGULAR 11 SPECIAL NONPROFIT 3/ CLASSROOM 3/ DOMESTIC MAIL FEES _U TOTAL PERIODICALS 11 C.V. 41 OF ESTIMATE N/C 253,938 3.67 235,672 272,204 3.580,405 585,102 31,664 0.28 0.45 0.00 3,560,756 579,941 31,684 3,600,054 590.262 31,684 4,451,129 0.31 4.424,083 4,478,174 28,032 1,182.083 3,400,264 4.872,082 239,983 458,590 195.751 5.05 0.99 0.36 0.88 0.66 0.55 1.20 25,257 1,159,146 3,376,272 4.788,048 236,879 453,646 191,147 30,807 1.205.020 3,424.256 4.956.115 243,087 463,533 200,355 10,376,784 0.29 10.317,803 10,435.766 1.847,608 1.198.384 308,191 53,105 0.86 0.43 2.31 3.75 1.816.465 1,188,284 294,238 49,202 1,878,751 1,208,484 322,145 57,008 3,407.288 0.60 3,367.218 3,447.358 10 - TABLE 3 (CONTINUED) FISCAL YEAR 1998 WEIGHT ESTIMATES AND ASSOCIATED CONFIDENCE LIMITS SERVICE CATEGORY ___________________---------------------------------------U.S. POSTAL SERVICE C.V. 41 OF LOWER 95% UPPER 95% WEIGHT ESTIMATE CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCE LIMIT 61 ,ooosJ ______-______-~______--~------------=------PERCENT 51 LIMIT 61 _-_ Cl______ MAIL 96,248 3.31 90,004 102,492 27,190 4.45 24,819 29,562 24.567.677 N/C FREE MAIL FOR THE BLIND AND HANDICAPPED TOTAL DOMESTIC MAIL TOTAL INTERNATIONAL TOTAL ALL MAIL MAIL 0 244,612 0 24,812,289 11 COMBINED DRPW AND BRPW (INCLUDES OTHER SOURCE DATA IF ANY) _U DRPW (INCLUDES OTHER SOURCE DATA IF ANY) 31 BRPW (INCLUDES OTHER SOURCE DATA IF ANY) $1 COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION = (100 x (EST. STD. ERROR I EST. WEIGHT) 51 NOT COMPUTED 61 LOWER LIMIT - EST. WEIGHT - (1.97 x EST. STD. ERROR) UPPER LIMIT - EST. WEIGHT + (1.97 x EST. STD. ERROR) 11 N/C N/C
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