RECEIVED USPS-T-30 BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20268-0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2001 Docket No. R2001-1 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF THOMAS M. SCHERER ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Autobiographical Sketch.. ........................................................................... .3 I. Purpose and Scope of Testimony ................................................... .3 II. Priority Mail Characteristics .............................................................. 4 Ill. IV. A. Service Description ............................................................... .4 B. Volume Trends.. .................................................................... .7 C. Rate History.. ........................................................................ .9 Priority Mail Rate Design ................................................................ .I0 A. Overview.. ............................................................................ .I0 B. Development of “Per-Piece Rate Element”. ......................... .I4 C. Development of “Per-Pound D. Rate Impacts of Transportation E. Rezoning Pounds 2-5 .......................................................... .I7 F. Flat-Rate Envelope .............................................................. .21 G. Rate Structure Simplicity.. .................................................... .26 Rate Element” ........................ .I4 Costs ................................. Pickup Fee.. .................................................................................... .I6 .27 LIST OF TABLES Table Table Table Table 6 1 : Priority Mail Volume History .......................................................... 2: Unzoned Priority Mail Volume Trends By Zone.. .......................... .8 .I0 3: Priority Mail Rate Changes.. ........................................................ 11 4: Priority Mail Financial Summary ................................................... Table 5: Proposed Priority Mail Rates.. ..................................................... .I2 -2 1 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Priority Mail FY 2000 Volume and Calculated Attachment B Priority Mail Test Year Before Rates Volume, Postage Pounds and Calculated Revenue Attachment C Pridrity Mail Test Year After Rates Volume, Postage Pounds and Calculated Revenue Attachment D Priority Mail Development Attachment E Priority Mail Development of Per-Pound Attachment F Priority Mail Rate Development Attachment G Pickup Fee Development Attachment H Market Share Report from The Colography LIST OF RELATED USPS-LR-J-103 Revenue of Per-Piece Rate Element Rate Elements LIBRARY REFERENCES Priority Mail Pricing Spreadsheets Group, Inc. 1 2 Autobiographical Sketch My name is Tom Scherer. I joined the Postal Service in March 1999 as an 3 Economist in the Pricing Department. 4 Postal Rate Commission 5 Priority Mail Rate Categories. 6 I previously submitted testimony to the in Docket No. MC2001-1, Experimental Presorted Before joining the Postal Service, I worked for 16 years as a financial and 7 economic analyst. I started my career as a financial analyst at American Can 8 Company. My responsibilities 9 analysis, product costing, and working capital management. there included capital budgeting and investment I then worked for 11 10 years as an economic/financial 11 engineering 12 impact analysis for the U.S. EPA and OSHA in support of the development 13 about a dozen new air emissions and workplace exposure standards. 14 provided expert witness services to the EPA by determining -through 15 discounted-cash-flow 16 civil penalties in about 30 different regulatory enforcement 17 prior to joining the Postal Service, I worked as a steel industry analyst for CRU 18 International, 19 analyst for JACA Corp., an environmental and consulting firm. At JACA, I performed regulatory economic analysis-the a commodities ability of noncomplying cases. In the year research firm. I received a BA in Economics with High Honors from Oberlin College in 1980, and an MBA in Finance from The Wharton School, University of 21 Pennsylvania, 22 I. Purpose 24 I also companies to pay 20 23 of in 1982. and Scope of Testimony My testimony presents the Postal Service’s proposed rates for Priority Mail. These rates meet the cost coverage of 174 percent proposed for Priority 3 1 Mail by witness Moeller (USPS-T-28). 2 change to the Priority Mail rate structure: rezoning rates in the 2-5 pound weight 3 increments. 4 to the one-pound 5 fee for on-call and scheduled Priority Mail, Express Mail, and Parcel Post pick- 6 ups. 7 In addition, a classification as USPS-LR-J-103. 9 II. Priority 11 change-tying the flat-rate-envelope rate rate - is proposed. Finally in this testimony, I propose a new An electronic version of the attachments 8 10 This testimony also presents a proposed to this testimony has been filed Mail Characteristics A. Service Description Priority Mail consists of letters, documents, and packages weighing up to 12 70 pounds. 13 in part, as an extension of First-Class Mail. Priority Mail can also be used for 14 mail weighing O-13 ounces to get such service features as delivery confirmation 15 and expedited handling. 16 For mail pieces weighing more than 13 ounces, Priority Mail serves, Priority Mail competes in the two- to three-day package and document 17 delivery market. This market is competitive, with services also provided by 18 United Parcel Service, Federal Express, Airborne and others. However, Priority 19 Mail does not necessarily include all of the product features offered by these 20 competitors. 21 free track-and-trace, For example, some competitors offer guarantees, free insurance, and other services not included with Priority Mail. 1 The Colography Group, Inc. has charted shares of the “Second-Day and 2 Third-Day Air Letters and Packages” market.’ Priority Mail’s share of total pieces 3 in this market has declined from 82.8% in calendar year 1998, to 61.9% in 1999, 4 60.5% in 2000,59.4% 5 “second-day 6 services, such as UPS Ground, which have comparable 7 Priority Mail and therefore compete with Priority Mail in the relatively close-in 8 zones (approximately 9 Mail’s market share is lower. 10 in IS’ Quarter 2001, and 58.6% in 2”d Quarter 2001. The and third-day air” market definition does not include ground service standards to Zones l-4). When including such competition, Priority Currently, Priority Mail rates are unzoned for mail pieces weighing five 11 pounds or less and zoned for mail pieces weighing more than five pounds. 12 addition, the Postal Service provides a flat-rate envelope mailable at the two- 13 pound rate regardless of the piece’s actual weight. 14 of these features of Priority Mail. First, I propose to zone the rates for pieces 15 weighing more than one pound. The one-pound 16 weighing one pound or less, will continue to be unzoned. Secondly, I propose to 17 make the flat-rate envelope mailable at the one-pound 18 pound rate. ' See Attachment H. 5 In This testimony changes both rate, which applies to pieces rate, rather than the two- Table 1 Priority Mail Volume History (Millions of Pieces) % Change From Year Volume Before Fiscal Year 185 I/ 1970 197 21 6% 1971 208 6% 1972 0% 209 1973 222 6% 1974 206 1975 -7% 192 1976 31 -7% 202 1977 5% 213 1978 41 5% 229 8% 1979 248 1980 ;; 269 1981 259 1982 -4% 271 5% 1983 293 8% 1984 308 1985 5% 330 1986 7% 354 7% 1987 1988 405 5/ 14% 437 1988(r) 51 8% 471 8% 1989 518 10% 1990 530 2% 1991 584 1992 10% 664 14% 1993 1994 770 16% 869 13% 1995 937 1996 1:; 1997 1,088 1,174 1998 10% 1,189 61 1% 1999 1,222 2000 3% I/ First-Class Mail weighing over 13 ounces and airmail weighing over 7 ounces 21 Effective May 16, 1971, First-Class Mail weighing over 12 ounces and airmail weighing over 8 ounces 31 Effective September 14, 1975, First-Class Mail weighing over 13 ounces and airmail weighing over 10 ounces 41 Effective May 29, 1978, First-Class Mail weighing over 12 ounces 51 Effective April 3, 1988, First-Class Mail weighing over 11 ounces 61 Effective January 10, 1999, First-Class Mail weighing over 13 ounces r = Recast to include penalty mail and franked mail. Following years are on the same basis, 6 1 2 B. Volume Trends Table 1 presents historical Priority Mail volumes. For the ten-year period 1990 to 3 2000, Priority Mail volume grew at an average annual rate of 9.0 percent.’ 4 constrained 5 R97-I, which increased the maximum weight for First-Class Mail from 11 to 13 ounces. 6 As a result, many 1 l-l 3 ounce Priority Mail pieces have migrated to First-Class Mail. 7 Cumulative migration through Fiscal Year 2001 was projected in Docket No. R2000-1 to 8 represent approximately 9 last full year before implementation 10 in 1999 and 2000 by the implementation Growth was on January 10, 1999 of Docket No. 14 percent of total Priority Mail volume in Fiscal Year 1998, the of the classification change.3 Table 2 shows volume trends by zone from FY 1998 (the base year in the last 11 omnibus rate case, Docket No. R2000-1) to FY 2000 (the base year in the current rate 12 case) for all unzoned rate categories: the flat-rate envelope, and weight increments up to 5 13 pounds. Overall volume growth, 2.9%, is close to the cumulative 4% growth for 1999 and 14 2000 seen in Table 1. Reflecting in large part the migration of 11-13 ounce pieces to First- 15 Class Mail, volume expectedly declines at one pound (total = -14.3%), in contrast to the 16 other weight increments. 17 The most notable trend in Table 2, however, is the under-performance of volume in 18 Zones L, 1, 2 and 3. Across the board - at the flat rate and at each weight increment - 19 volume growth in these “nearby zones” is significantly lower than in Zones 4-8. For all 20 unzoned Priority Mail, volume in Zones L-3 fell by 6.7% from 1998 to 2000, against growth 21 ranging from 7.0% to 16.5% in Zones 4-8. ’ The relatively low growth rate in 1991 was due at least in part to the implementation in February 1991 Of Docket No. R90-1, which increased Priority Mail rates by 19%. ’ Docket No. R2000-1, USPS-LR-I-114 at 6. 7 ? TABLE Unzoned Weight Increment Flat Rate 1998 vol. 2000 vol. %Change I-Pound 1998 vol. 2000 vol. %Change Z-Pound 1998 Vol. 2ooovol. % Change 3.Pound 1998 Vol. 2000 vol. %Change 4-Pound 1998Vol. 2ooovol. % Change 5.Pound 1998 Vol. 2000 vol. %Change T&l, Unzoned 1998Vol. 2000 vol. %Change Source: Billing 2 Priority Mail Volume Trends GFY 1998 - GFY 2000 By Zone, L.1.2&3 52,558,408 49.817,362 -5.2% 17.043.249 17,443,976 2.4% 17,721.400 19.764,706 11.5% 11,363,191 12,061,193 8.1% 6.976,840 6,079,637 15.8% 15.487,696 121.150,784 14,795,910 -4.5% 121,962,784 0.7% 32.417,994 31,176,999 -3.8% 22.774,813 22,733,325 -0.2% 45.016.996 41,953,047 -6.8% 418,274.497 358,664,853 -14.3% 22,147.586 27,962,256 26.3% 43,573,311 49,532.845 13.7% 382,340.554 433,426.071 13.4% 16,099,148 124,191,830 20,257,348 25.8% 146.414,515 19.5% 7.737.691 9,437.037 53,676.548 63,665,707 18.6% 209.176,613 158.161,665 -24.4% 52.665,372 48,515.513 -7.9% 56,202.710 177,008,898 188.130,769 6.3% 52.251.966 61,500.087 17.7% 57,030,187 68,880.506 20.8% 30.326.607 37.419,608 23.4% 49,443,071 54,654,478 10.5% 17.571,130 22.686.168 29.1% 20,217,526 25,185.584 24.6% 12.012,390 14.335357 19.3% 8,848.366 11,295.579 27.7% 7,692,489 8,853,678 111748.376 32.7% 5,535.943 6.476,459 17.0% 4.035,304 9.380,283 21.9% 19.821.443 21,554,214 8.7% 56.124,305 -0.1% 5,069.337 25.6% 9,484,867 3,505.600 4.598,621 2,588,927 2,048.030 10.254,113 6.1% 4,545,782 29.7% 6,224,299 35.4% 3,428,527 32.4% 2,691,754 31.4% 517,493,299 462.572,601 -6.7% 150,749,806 164,071,809 8.8% 164.624,121 187.927,777 14.2% 94,247,053 104,898,143 11.3% 66,830,939 77,831.886 16.5% Determinants. FY 1998-2000 22.0% 4,053,384 5213,621 28.6% 26,279,429 32.358,097 23.1% 131.968.225 141,189,807 7.0% 1.125,913.443 1,158,492.025 2.9% 1 2 C. Rate History Priority Mail originated in 1968 from the merger of First-Class Mail weighing 3 over 13 ounces and air parcel post, with the rate structure evolving from the air 4 parcel post rates. Initially, Priority Mail rates were zoned for all weight steps. The 5 two-pound 6 unzoned in Docket No. R84-1. Later, in Docket No. R90-1, the three-pound 7 five-pound 8 envelope, pick-up service, and a presort discount were introduced. 9 presort discount was eliminated in January 1999 following Docket No. R97-1. rate -which included all pieces weighing two pounds or less-was through rates were unzoned. Also pursuant to Docket No. R90-1, the flat-rate service was implemented The Priority Mail 10 Delivery confirmation in March 1999, with the cost of the 11 base (electronic) portion of the service included in Priority Mail rates. In January 12 2001, following Docket No. R2000-1, the joint one-pound/two-pound 13 unzoned) was decomposed 14 one pound or less) and two-pound 15 pounds) rates. Pursuant to Docket No. MC2001-1, 16 reintroduced 17 customers. into separate unzoned one-pound rate (still (for pieces weighing (for pieces weighing over a pound and up to two in July 2001 on an experimental presort discounts were basis for a limited number of 18 Table 3, below, shows average Priority Mail rate increases in the last five 19 omnibus rate cases. The average rate increase in the last rate case, Docket No. 20 R2000-1, was 17.2%. The two-pound 21 This can be explained in part by the decoupling of the one- and two-pound 22 two-pound 23 and under. rate increased by 23.4% from $3.20 to $3.95. rate is no longer pulled down by weight-rated 9 rates; the pieces weighing one pound Priority Rate Case R87-1 RSO-1 R94-1 R97-1 ROO-1 Ill. Priority ImDlementation Date April 3, 1988 Februarv 3.1991 January I,’ 1995 January IO,1999 January 7,200l Table 3 Mail Rate Changes, 1988.2001 Average Priority Mail Rate Chance 0% 19.0% 4.8% 5.6% 17.2% Two-Pound &a& $2.40 $2.90 $3.00 $3.20 $3.95 Mail Rate Design A. Overview In designing Priority Mail rates, test-year-before-rates separated into two categories: non-weight-related weight-related (TYBR) costs are and weight-related. The non- costs are the basis for a “per-piece rate element,” which is the same for all rate cells. The weight-related costs are the basis for a “per-pound rate element,” which naturally varies by weight increment, but also by zone depending on transportation related transportation costs”). costs that vary by distance shipped (“distance- Table 4 Priority Mail Financial Summary Test Year Volumes, Revenues, Costs Test Year Before Rates Attachment B, p. 3 Volume (pieces) Attachment B, p. 7 Revenue at current rates Revenue per piece = Q.3 / (a) USPS-T-12, Total adjusted volume-variable Workpaper F, Table E cost (e) USPS-T-6 Contingency Vol.-var. cost with contingency 0 =@)*[I+@)1 Cost per piece (9) = (9 / (4 Cost coverage at current rates O-4 = Cc) / (9) (a) (b) W (d) Test Year AtIer Rates (i) Attachment C, p. 4 Volume (pieces) (j) Attachment C, p. 9 Revenue at proposed rates Revenue per piece 64 = 0) I(i) (I) USPS-T-12, Total adjusted volume-variable Workpaper H, Table E cost Contingency (m) USPS-T-6 in,' =(I)*[1 +(m)] Vol.-var. cost with contingency Cost per piece (0) = (n) / 0) Cost coverage at proposed rates (P) = (k) / (o) Average rate increase (4 =[ 04 - (c) I/ (4 1,257,064 (000) $5,fQW$ (000) $3,674,718 (000) 3.0% $37849;; (000) 154% 1 ,I 78,757 (000) $6.19;;3;; (000) $3,464,i86 (000) 3.0% $3,5”&$; (000) 174% 13.5% (r) Attachment (s) Attachment G G Pick-up Service, TYAR Revenue at proposed rates Costs with contingency $3,270 (000) $3,326 (000) (t) WP-15 Fee Revenue, TYAR $I,41 7 (000) (u) (4 W 64 USPS-T-33, = = = = (0 0) + (0 + (9 (n) + 6) (4 / (4 Total Total Total Total Cost Test Year After Rates volume revenue cost with contingency coverage 11 1 ,I 78,757 (000) $6,200,083 (000) $3,571,438 (000) 174% -* Proposed Weight up to (pounds): Flat Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Zones L,1.2&3 $ 3.85 3.85 3.95 4.75 5.30 5.85 6.30 6.80 7.35 7.90 8.40 8.95 9.50 10.00 10.55 11.05 11.60 12.15 12.65 13.20 13.75 14.25 14.80 15.30 15.85 16.40 16.90 17.45 18.00 18.50 19.05 19.55 20.10 20.65 21.15 21.70 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Zone4 3.85 3.85 4.55 6.05 7.05 8.00 8.85 9.80 10.75 11.70 12.60 13.35 14.05 14.75 15.45 16.20 16.90 17.60 18.30 19.00 19.75 20.45 21.15 21.85 22.55 23.30 24.00 24.70 25.40 26.15 26.85 27.55 28.25 28.95 29.70 30.40 Table 5 Priority Mail Rates $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Zone5 3.85 3.85 4.90 6.85 8.05 9.30 9.90 10.65 11.45 12.20 13.00 13.75 14.50 15.30 16.05 16.85 17.60 18.35 19.30 20.20 21.15 22.05 22.95 23.90 24.85 25.75 26.60 27.55 28.50 29.45 30.35 31.20 32.15 33.10 34.00 34.95 12 Zone6 $ 3.85 $ 3.85 $ 5.05 $ 7.15 $ 8.50 $ 9.85 $ 10.05 $ 11.00 $ 11.95 $ 12.90 14.00 $ $ 15.15 $ 16.30 $ 17.50 $ 18.60 $ 19.75 $ 20.85 $ 22.05 $ 23.15 !$ 24.30 $ 25.35 $ 26.55 $ 27.65 $ 28.80 $ 29.90 $ 31.10 $ 32.25 $ 33.35 $ 34.50 $ 35.60 $ 36.80 $ 37.85 $ 39.00 $ 40.10 $ 41.25 $ 42.40 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Zone7 3.85 3.85 5.40 7.85 9.45 11.00 11.30 12.55 13.80 15.05 16.30 17.55 18.80 20.05 21.25 22.50 23.75 25.00 26.25 27.50 28.75 30.00 31.20 32.45 33.70 34.95 36.20 37.45 38.70 39.95 41.20 42.40 43.65 44.90 46.15 47.40 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Zone 3.85 3.85 5.75 8.55 10.35 12.15 12.30 14.05 15.75 17.50 19.20 20.90 22.65 24.35 26.05 27.80 29.50 31.20 32.95 34.65 36.40 38.10 39.80 41.55 43.25 44.95 46.70 48.40 50.15 51.85 53.55 55.30 57.00 58.70 60.45 62.15 Table 5 (Continued) Proposed Priority Mail Rates Weight up to (pounds): 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Zones L.1.2&3 22.25 22.75 23.30 23.75 24.25 24.70 25.20 25.65 26.15 26.60 27.10 27.55 28.05 28.50 28.95 29.45 29.90 30.40 30.85 31.35 31.80 32.30 32.75 33.25 33.70 34.20 34.65 35.15 35.60 36.10 36.55 37.05 37.50 38.00 38.45 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Zone4 31.10 31.95 32.65 33.50 34.30 35.00 35.85 36.60 37.40 38.20 39.00 39.75 40.60 41.35 42.15 42.95 43.75 44.50 45.25 46.10 46.85 47.65 48.45 49.25 50.00 50.85 51.55 52.40 53.20 53.90 54.75 55.60 56.30 57.10 57.95 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Zone5 35.85 36.80 37.70 38.65 39.60 40.45 41.35 42.30 43.25 44.15 45.05 46.00 46.95 47.80 48.75 49.65 50.60 51.50 52.45 53.40 54.25 55.15 56.10 57.05 58.00 58.85 59.80 60.75 61.70 62.50 63.45 64.40 65.35 66.25 67.15 13 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Zone6 43.55 44.65 45.85 47.00 48.10 49.25 50.30 51.50 52.60 53.75 54.85 56.05 57.20 58.30 59.45 60.55 61.75 62.85 63.95 65.05 66.25 67.35 68.50 69.60 70.80 71.95 73.05 74.20 75.35 76.45 77.55 78.70 79.80 81.00 82.10 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Zone7 48.65 49.90 51.15 52.40 53.60 54.85 56.15 57.40 58.70 59.95 61.20 62.50 63.75 65.05 66.30 67.55 68.80 70.05 71.30 72.50 73.75 75.00 76.25 77.50 78.75 80.00 81.25 82.50 83.70 84.95 86.20 87.45 88.70 89.95 91.20 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Zone8 63.85 65.60 67.30 69.05 70.75 72.45 74.20 75.90 77.60 79.35 81.05 82.75 84.50 86.20 87.95 89.65 91.35 93.10 94.80 96.50 98.25 99.95 101.65 103.40 105.10 106.85 108.55 110.25 112.00 113.70 115.40 117.15 118.85 120.55 122.30 -, L-c. 1 2 -, 6. Development of “Per-Piece Rate ElemenV4 The per-piece rate element is developed by subtracting total 3 transportation costs and weight-related 4 pound, as in previous rate cases) from TYBR total volume-variable 5 cost is increased for the contingency 6 the total cost to be recovered on a per-piece basis. The result is divided by 7 volume to give the per-piece rate element. 8 C. Development of “Per-Pound non-transportation costs (2 cents per costs. This and the Priority Mail markup to determine Rate Element”’ 9 The per-pound 10 surface transportation 11 components. 12 46.8% of Priority Mail surface transportation 13 distance-related, 14 year are distance-related. 15 46.8% in Docket No. R2000-1 largely because the new FedEx transportation 16 contract has no distance-related 17 dispersion of zoned rates particularly between Zones 5 and 8, where the use of 18 air transportation 19 rate element is developed by distributing total air and total costs, TYBR, to distance- and nondistance-related This distribution relies on two inputs from USPS-LR-J-43 costs in the test year (FY 2003) are and 16.9% of Priority Mail air transportation costs in the test The 16.9% factor for air transportation has fallen from elements.6 The decrease causes a lower (as opposed to surface transportation) Nondistance-related at 12: air transportation is predominant. costs are distributed to zones 20 based on total pounds flown. This information (as well as the average haul per 21 zone) is available for commercial air and for all other Priority Mail air networks 4 See Attachment D. ‘See Attachment E 14 1 combined from USPS-LR-J-96 2 are distributed to zones based on air pound-miles. 3 calculated for each zone by multiplying total commercial air pounds by average 4 haul. 5 Nondistance-related at 13. Distance-related surface transportation air transportation Air pound-miles costs are costs are distributed to all 6 zones based on total postage pounds. 7 costs are distributed only to Zones L-3 and 4 based on surface pound-miles, 8 Zones L-3 surface pound-miles 9 Zones L-3 air pounds from total Zones L-3 pounds. 10 250-mile average haul. Zone 4 surface pound-miles 11 subtracting Zone 4 air pounds from total Zone 4 pounds and multiplying the 12 result by a 350-mile average haul. 13 Distance-related surface transportation are developed by subtracting Local pounds and The result is multiplied by a are developed by -., For each zone, total distributed transportation costs are then summed and 14 divided by total postage pounds to arrive at the total transportation 15 pound. A two-cent, weight-related 16 recommended 17 to the total transportation 18 zone. Anomalously, 19 cost (see Attachment 20 per-pound cost is set in column (k) at midway between the Zone 6 and Zone 8 21 costs. All per-pound costs by zone are then increased for the contingency 22 the Priority Mail markup to determine the per-pound non-transportation by the Postal Rate Commission cost per cost per pound (as in previous rate cases) is added cost per pound to arrive at the total per-pound cost by the Zone 7 per-pound cost is below the Zone 6 per-pound E, p. 3, column (j)). As a smoothing convention, the Zone 7 and rate element for each zone. 6 Docket No. RZOOO-1, USPS-LR-I-60 at 9, 10. Note: the 46.8% factor for air transportation in Docket No. RZOOO-1 is no relation to the 46.8% factor for surface transportation in the current rate 15 --. 1 2 .-~ D. Rate Impacts of Transportation Transportation costs -which Costs as explained above are treated as weight- 3 related and included in the per-pound rate element - account for a significantly 4 larger share of total Priority Mail volume-variable 5 omnibus rate case, Docket No. R2000-1. In that case, transportation’s 6 (including the “Emery Adjustment”) 7 TYBR, was 28.3% ($900,742.000 8 transportation 9 variable costs ($3,674,718,000).6 costs than in the previous of total adjusted volume-variable out of $3,183,801,000).’ accounts for 38.5% ($1,414,237,000) share costs, In the current case, of total adjusted volume- The increase has two primary explanations. 10 First, transportation costs for Priority Mail in the test year have gone up as a 11 result of the FedEx transportation 12 Emery Worldwide Airlines was on a per-piece basis that did not allow for 13 identification 14 bundled with all other Emery costs and recorded in Cost Segment 16, Supplies 15 and Services. Now, unbundled, they are being recorded in Cost Segment 14, 16 Purchased Transportation. of transportation contract. Second, the PMPC contract with costs. In Docket No. R2000-1, these costs were 17 The effect on the rate design of the shift to a more transportation-intensive 18 cost structure is - in comparison to Docket No. R2000-1 - a greater percentage 19 increase in the per-pound rate elements than the per-piece rate element. This is 20 putting upward pressure on rates for relatively heavyweight 21 impacts over 5 pounds would be considered excessive without mitigation. All rate pieces. case. ’ Docket No. RZOOO-I, USPS-T-34. Attachment F and Attachment G, Page 1 (A). a See Attachment D. 16 Most rate 1 impacts over 5 pounds are therefore constrained to a maximum of +18.5%, 5 2 percentage points above the subclass average rate increase of 13.5% (see 3 Attachment F, Pages 5 and 6). As a result of these constraints, 4 coverages over 5 pounds fall to below the subclass average. This is a reversal 5 from Docket No. R2000-1, where cost coverages over 5 pounds were above the 6 subclass average. 7 implicit cost The constraints over 5 pounds result in a revenue deficiency of $72.3 a million that must be recovered from the flat-rate envelope and from pounds l-5 9 by setting their rates above the levels implied by the per-piece and per-pound IO rate elements. About one-quarter 11 joint flat rate/one-pound 12 rates at 2-5 pounds (Attachment 13 cost coverages that are consistent from 1 to 5 pounds (see Attachment 14 17).’ Final proposed rates (see Table 5) are rounded to the nearest five-cent 15 increment. 16 E. Rezoning 17 Pounds of the revenue deficiency is recovered from the rate (Attachment F, Pages 8-10) and the rest from the F, Pages 11-13). This results in average implicit -8 F, Page 2-5 Rate impacts up to 5 pounds are not similarly constrained because I 18 propose in this testimony to rezone rates in the weight increments from 2 to 5 19 pounds (affecting all weight-rated 20 averaging these rates results in impacts ranging from -24.0% for 5 pounds to 21 Zones L-3, to +64.4% for 3 pounds to Zone 8 (see Attachment pieces over one pound, up to five pounds). De- F, Page 16). ’ The calculated implicit cost coverages in Attachment F, Page 17 are not on the same basis as the total subclass cost coverage calculated at the bottom of Attachment C. Page 9. For example, the RPW revenue adjustment factor of 101.24%, which has the affect-by boosting revenue-of increasing the calculated cost coverage, is applied to the latter but not the former. 17 -7 1 The main reason for proposing rezoning is to stem the erosion of nearby- 2 zone volume evidenced in Table 2. Competitors are charging zoned rates that, 3 compared to Priority Mail’s unzoned rates, are relatively more attractive to 4 customers for shorter hauls and relatively less attractive for longer hauls. 5 Software is readily available to indicate the cost-saving choice to customers for 6 given weights, zones, and service standards. The market for ground service to 7 local/nearby 8 introduction of “guaranteed,” 9 UPS Ground in 1998. For customers who receive a daily pick-up, UPS Ground zones has also become more competitive, especially since the day-certain delivery to commercial by 10 guarantees 11 within four zones, at published rates that are very competitive with Priority Mail. 12 For example, according to UPS’s web site, the 2-pound rate is $3.18 per piece to 13 Zone 2 and $3.72 to Zone 4.” 14 I-, 2- or 3-day delivery to commercial addresses addresses approximately The contribution that Priority Mail makes to institutional costs, measured 15 as revenue minus volume-variable 16 rate categories shifts toward longer hauls. That is because long hauls are more 17 costly, and produce less cost coverage, than short hauls. With the decline in 18 contribution, 19 costs, declines when the mail mix in unzoned there is then pressure on rates to rise throughout By approximating the subclass. underlying costs more closely than unzoned rates, 20 zoned rates can help stop the erosion of nearby-zone volume in the 2-5 pound 21 weight increments. Customers will not have to pay as much for shorter hauls that 22 cost less, but will be asked to pay more for longer hauls that cost more. Rate ” See www.uDs.comlusina/software/currentrateslrate-Ddflqndcomm.Ddf. The quoted rates exclude pick-up charges. A $1.05 per-piece surcharge is assessed for residential deliveries. 18 1 incentives will no longer favor any one zone over another. Implicit cost coverage 2 will not decrease, but will remain essentially constant going out in zones. 3 Changed circumstances also favor a shift back to zoned rates. When the 4 Postal Service proposed unzoned rates for the 3-5 pound weight increments in 5 Docket No. R90-1, it was argued that such rates would “enable customers to 6 drop off virtually all of their Priority Mail packages in collection boxes.“” 7 longer holds for Priority Mail packages weighing one pound or more that bear 8 postage stamps. Since August 1996, such packages, for airline security reasons, 9 cannot be deposited This no in a collection box. Therefore, an unzoned rate over one 10 pound no longer avoids a trip to the post office for customers using postage 11 stamps, and rezoning from 2-5 pounds will not take away any collection-box 12 convenience 13 1 from stamped Priority Mail pieces. 1 Metered Priority Mail pieces can also be deposited in a collection box, with 14 certain restrictions. For example, DMM Section P030.5.4a extends this 15 opportunity only to Priority Mail pieces that are not zone-rated. 16 Service now considers this restriction unnecessary, 17 technology, 18 zone charts (for example, in a one-page format from wwwuspscom) 19 zoned-rate 20 stamp on a mail piece provides traceable information to meet USPS security 21 needs, Even prior to the present proposal to rezone Priority Mail rates in the 2-5 22 pound weight increments, 23 revised DMM language to eliminate the Section P030.5.4a restriction. The The Postal however. Metering associated software, online rate calculators, and easily available can allow customers to calculate and pay proper postage. In addition, the meter USPS Mail Preparation 19 and Standards had drafted -~ 1 revised language is scheduled to be published in the Postal Bulletin on October 2 4, 2001, and will allow - effective that same day - metered Priority Mail to be 3 deposited in a collection box, whether zoned or unzoned. As a result, the 4 proposed rezoning of pounds 2-5 will not take away a collection-box 5 currently enjoyed by any metered pieces. 6 convenience Another argument for unzoned rates offered by the Postal Service in 7 Docket No. RQO-1 was that they were the industry standard.” This also no 8 longer applies. The industry norm is now zoned, or distance-based, 9 fact, no major competitors of Priority Mail are known to have unzoned rates. 10 Rezoning the rates from 2-5 pounds is consistent with pricing criterion pricing. In 11 3622b(2), which considers “the value of the mail service actually provided,” 12 “including....mode 13 Mail zones in this respect: while surface transportation 14 to move Priority Mail to Zones L-3, more-costly air transportation 15 exclusively to Zones 5-8. The proposal to rezone also comports with pricing 16 criterion 3622b(5), which considers “the available alternative means of sending I? and receiving letters and other mail matter at reasonable costs.” As discussed 18 above, alternatives to Priority Mail are available at very competitive rates, 19 especially in the nearby zones, where, as a result of averaging, Priority Mail rates 20 have been out of proportion to costs. 21 22 of transportation.” There are great differences For the sake of consumer convenience, among Priority is used almost exclusively the one-pound is used almost rate is proposed to remain unzoned. Currently, Priority Mail packages weighing less than a pound ” Docket No. R90-1. USPS-T-18 at 128, lines 5-7. ” Docket No. R90-1, USPS-T-18 at 129, lines 1-3. 20 1 that bear postage stamps can be deposited in a collection box, avoiding the 2 need to tender the packages at a post office retail window. Zoning the one- 3 pound rate would undermine this collection-box 4 would be responsible 5 would increase the need for customers to travel to and stand in line at post 6 offices. If, instead, the one-pound 7 ensure that a package weighs less than a pound in order to take advantage of 8 the collection-box 9 one-pound 10 11 convenience because customers for knowing the correct zone and its associated convenience. rate. This rate remains unzoned, customers only have to As we will see in the next section, an unzoned rate is also a simple and convenient tie-in for the flat-rate-envelope rate. Rezoning the rates from 2 to 5 pounds may result in some “zone- 12 skipping,” i.e., the depositing of mail closer to its destination 13 advantage of lower closer-zone 14 into my rate design model. Any such assumptions 15 The amount of zone-skipping 16 mail-consolidation 17 occurs, there is some protection against declining revenue from proportionately 18 (since implicit cost coverage is essentially constant across zones after rezoning) 19 declining volume-variable 20 F. Flat-Rate 21 rates. No assumptions in order to take for zone-skipping are built would be highly speculative. may ultimately depend on the extent to which a market develops to serve Priority Mail. Also, if zone-skipping costs. Envelope Rezoning at two pounds requires establishing a new basis for the flat-rate- 22 envelope rate (currently, the flat rate is set equal to the two-pound 23 are two options: set the flat rate equal to the one-pound 21 rate). There rate, or establish an --. 1 independent 2 based on an average weight for flat-rate envelopes of 1.543 pounds.13 The 3 problem with this approach is that the zoned, upward-sloping 4 undercuts the flat rate in Zones L-3. Flat-rate customers would be at risk of 5 missing the opportunity 6 particularly troubling is that customers would need to be aware of the 7 demarcation 8 choice. 9 P weight basis for the flat rate. The latter approach was examined two-pound rate to save at two pounds in Zones L-3.14 What is between Zone 3 and Zone 4 in order to make the cost-saving The much better approach is to tie the flat rate to the one-pound rate. This 10 has several advantages. First, customers no longer risk using flat-rate envelopes 11 weighing up to a pound and missing the opportunity to save at the one-pound 12 rate. Second, the Postal Service no longer needs to offer the “EP-14G” weight- 13 rated envelope, which was introduced in Docket No. R2000-1 as a convenience 14 to one-pound 15 rate. With the one-pound 16 rate envelope serves all purposes of the weight-rated 17 economical use of the flat-rate envelope to one pound and under (currently the 18 one-pound rate is the cost-saving choice in this range) results in increased 19 opportunities 20 therefore enhances the convenience customers after the one-pound rate was set lower than the flat and flat rates proposed as the same, the “EP-14F” flatenvelope. Third, extending to deposit stamped flat-rate envelopes in collection boxes and of the flat-rate envelope. ‘3 This weight - calculated in Attachment 6, Page 2(A) -follows from the assumption that afler the establishment in Docket No. R2000-1 of an independent one-pound rate, all flat-rate pieces weighing up to a pound will migrate to the lower one-pound rate. (In Attachments B and C. this is referred to as the “RZOOO-1 One-Pound Rate Effect.“) l4 Such a risk already exists for users of flat-rate envelopes weighing up to a pound, who can save $3.95 - $3.50 = 45 cents at the one-pound rate. 22 1 One implication of attaching the flat rate to the one-pound rate is a 2 reversal of the migration from flat-rate envelopes weighing one pound or less to 3 the less-expensive 4 R2000-1’5 - and reflected in Attachment 5 one-pound 6 One-Pound 7 one-pound rate, projected for the aftermath of Docket No. 6, Pages 2 and 3. This is because the rate is no longer below the flat rate. This reversal of the “R2000-1 Rate Effect” is represented in Attachment C, Page 1. Another implication of attaching the flat rate to the one-pound rate is that 8 with the flat rate now lower than the two-pound rate, some migration from two 9 pounds to the flat-rate envelope can be expected to occur. This migration is 10 modeled in Attachment 11 posited as ftats and letters. This assumes no migration of parcels, some of 12 which, technically, can fit into a flat-rate envelope. As indicated in column (b) of 13 Attachment 14 volume in Zones L-3 rated at 2 pounds and weighing l-2 pounds was flats or 15 letters. This percentage 16 22.9% (Zone 4). 17 C, Page 3. The candidate population for migration is C, Page 3, in Government Fiscal Year (GFY) 2000, 39.1% of all drops for Zones 4-8, ranging from 17.4% (Zone 7) to How much of this “candidate population” will migrate is uncertain. Several 16 factors were considered in the assumption employed. First, most migration is 19 likely to come from commercial 20 pound pieces are currently priced the same, retail mailers are liable to be already 21 opting for the flat-rate envelope due to its convenient availability at post offices. 22 Second, while more migration can be expected to occur as the zones become mailers. Although the flat-rate envelope and two- ” See Docket No. RZOOO-1, USPS-T-34, Attachment C, page 1 (6) and (C); and Attachment C, page 2. 23 1 more distant (because the rate differential between 2 pounds and the flat-rate 2 envelope increases), the slope of this function is not likely to be steep because 3 commercial mailers have an incentive to respond, when feasible, to a cost- 4 saving rate differential of any size. A third factor is the feasibility of responding. 5 Many commercial mailers are likely to find it impractical to switch to the flat-rate 6 envelope because it doesn’t fit into their production, distribution, 7 schemes. 8 9 With all of this in mind, the share of the candidate 2-pound flats and letters volume migrating to the flat-rate envelope is posited in Attachment C, 10 Page 3, column (c) as 25% in Zones L-3 (where the differential between the 2- 11 pound rate and the flat rate is only 10 cents), 30% in Zone 4, 32.5% in Zone 5, 12 35% in Zone 6, 37.5% in Zone 7, and 40% in Zone 8. Total migration is 34.2 13 million pieces, causing flat-rate-envelope 14 (TYAR) to increase by 29.1% from 117.6 million to 151.8 million, and 2-pound 15 volume to decrease by 8.2% from 417.9 million to 383.7 million. The average 16 weight of a flat-rate envelope also increases, from 0.632 pounds (after reversal 17 of the “R2000-1 One-Pound 18 pounds (see Attachment 19 .+-- or marketing volume in the Test Year After Rates Rate Effect” - see Attachment C, Page 2) to 0.813 C, Page 5). Another assumption in this methodology is that there is no migration from 20 over 2 pounds (e.g., pieces rated at 3 pounds or 4 pounds) to the flat-rate 21 envelope, even though the rate differential increases. It is presumed that any 22 migration will have already been prompted by the current positive rate 23 differential. 24 1 From Attachment F, Page 8, it can be calculated that tying the flat rate to 2 the one-pound rate results in a “push-up” on the latter of 3.6 cents per piece.16 3 Without the migration from 2 pounds to the flat-rate envelope, there would be a 4 push-down 5 on average, would be lighter than one-pound 6 average (see Attachment 7 from 2 pounds to the flat-rate envelope is to push up the one-pound 8 cents + 1.2 cents = 4.8 cents. 9 As a classification of 1.2 cents. This is because the flat-rate envelope, at 0.632 pounds pieces, at 0.696 pounds on C, page 2, column (e)). So the effect of the migration rate by 3.6 change, tying the flat-rate-envelope rate to the one- 10 pound rate must be considered against the six classification criteria in Section 11 3623(c) of Title 39, USC. 12 addresses fairness and equity; No. 2, which addresses the “value” of “mail 13 matter;” and No. 5, which addresses “desirability” to both the Postal Service and 14 customers. 15 The most applicable criteria are No. 1, which Tying the flat rate to the one-pound rate is fair and equitable (criterion 1) 16 because processing and transportation costs are comparable for Rat-rate 17 envelopes and one-pound 18 in the same range: while one-pound 19 rate envelopes are projected to weigh 0.813 pounds on average after the 20 migration of 34.2 million two-pound 21 also served by eliminating the possibility that some flat-rate customers will miss 22 the opportunity pieces. This follows from their average weights being pieces weigh 0.696 pounds on average, flat- pieces.” to save at the lower one-pound Fairness and equity (criterion 1) is rate. ” Average revenue per piece, before setting the joint rate, from an independent one-pound rate is $3.778, compared to $3.814 for the joint one-pound/flat rate. 25 -, Tying the flat rate to the one-pound 1 rate will also extend economical use 2 of the flat-rate envelope to one pound and under (currently the one-pound 3 the cost-saving choice in this range). This will increase use of the flat-rate 4 envelope, a convenience 5 customers to deposit stamped flat-rate envelopes in collection boxes without 6 taking them to a retail window to be weighed and rated. These results enhance 7 the value of flat-rate envelopes (criterion 2) and are desirable to customers 8 (criterion 5). The proposed classification 9 customers and the Postal Service (criterion 5) because it eliminates the need for item, and will result in increased opportunities rate is for change is also desirable to both 10 the “EP-14G” weight-rated envelope. Only the “EP-14F” flat-rate envelope will be 11 needed. One rather than two envelopes will present customers with an easier 12 choice, and will be simpler (and perhaps less costly) for the Postal Service to 13 provide. 14 G. Rate Structure Simplicity 15 Rezoning the rates from 2-5 pounds does sacrifice some simplicity in the 16 rate structure (Section 3622b, criterion 7). There is a tradeoff between managing 17 price (in line with costs) and simplicity. However, the resulting rate schedule 18 remains relatively simple. The rezoned rates continue to be offered in a simple, 19 two-dimensional 20 convenient and simple unzoned option to customers. Moreover, tying the flat-rate 21 envelope to the one-pound 22 the least-cost option in certain circumstances. 23 becomes simpler to use. “Without “weight x zone” framework. The one-pound rate remains as a rate will eliminate potential customer confusion over The flat-rate envelope therefore the migration, flat-rate envelopes would weigh 0.632 pounds, on average. 26 1 IV. Pickup Fee 2 Pickup service is available for Express Mail, Priority Mail, and Parcel Post 3 on an on-call or scheduled basis. The current fee per pickup stop is $10.25. This 4 fee applies to all three mail classes/subclasses. 5 test year was developed by witness Abdirahman 6 $12.366 for on-call service’*. In Attachment 7 cost based on the estimated number of pickup stops for Express Mail, Priority 8 Mail, and Parcel Post in the test year. This weighted-average 9 contingency, is $12.43. The average cost per stop in the as $10.916 for scheduled and G, I develop a weighted-average cost, including the I propose rounding up the fee to the nearest 25cent IO interval, or $12.50 per pickup stop, yielding a cost coverage of 100.5%.‘g The 11 low cost coverage is consistent with cost coverages from prior rate cases and is 12 justified by the large fee increase, 22%, required to cover estimated test year 13 costs. The proposed 512.50 fee is estimated to produce total pickup revenue for 14 Express Mail, Priority Mail and Parcel Post in the test year of $9.2 million. ” USPS-T-42, Appendix A at 2. ” Cost coverage is actually slightly below 100% for Priority Mail and Parcel Post, and slightly above 100% for Express Mail. 27 3.173.526 2.487.2cr Priority One-Pound, Two-Pound, Attachment B Mail Flat Rate: Volumes and Average Postage Weights Page 2 of 7 Test Year Before Rates TYBR vol. W/o RZOOO-1 I-Lb. Rate Effect ounceIncrement 0.001-1.000 1.001-2.000 2.001-3.000 3.0014000 4.001-5.000 5.001-6.000 6.001-7.000 7.001-8.000 8.001-9.000 9.001-10.000 10.001-11.000 11.001-12.000 12.001-13.000 13.001-14.000 14.001-15.000 15.001-16.000 18.001 + Total, 0.001-18.000 Total, 16.001 + TOta 63 (‘4 3.063,759 21,929,973 14.007.646 9,529,345 7.429.883 6,291,003 5,304.925 4.591.308 3.868.386 3,817,819 3.307.274 3.001.034 3,000,108 3,086,604 2,940.713 3,040.781 27,224,996 96.190,743 98190,743 27,224,996 125,415,739 98.190.743 (0 @I = (0 ’ 16 (W = tW&‘) (i) = (a) Total. 0.001-16.000 /(a) Total (i) = (a) Total, 16.001 + I (a) Total W = N’) MO * (WOL (I) = (k)118 RZOOO-1: Migration to One-Pound Rate Weight Per Piece lOUllCeS1 (Cl 3,063.759 21.929,973 14,007,848 9.529,345 7,429.863 6.291.003 5.304,925 4,591,308 3.868.366 3,817,819 3.307.274 3.001.034 3,000,108 3.066.604 2.940.713 3.040.781 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TOtal Weight Iounces, (dj = (b) * ic) 3,063,759 43.859,947 42,023.545 38,117,380 37.149.413 37.748.017 37,134,475 38.730,461 34,815,293 38.178.193 38,380,017 36,012,403 39.001.402 42,932,451 44.110.896 48.852.502 TYBR Vol. With RZOOO-1 l-Lb. Rate Effect 69 = (a) - IV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,224,998 595,907.954 0 0 27.224.996 27.224,998 Avg. Weight (Lbs.), Total Avg. Weight (Oz.), Total Avg. Weight (Oz.), 0.001-16.000 Percent Of Volume. 0.001-16.000 Percent of Volume, 16.001 + Avg. Weigh! (Oz.). 18.001 + Avg. Weight (Lbs.). 16.001 + (a) Total for Rat-rate envelopes in Attachment 9. p. 1 distributed by ounce increment from Special Weight Report (b) All flat-rate pieces under one pound assumed to migrate to one-pound rate (c) Postage ounces (maximum weight) (f) Special Weight Report 0.632 10.112 8.089 78.29% 21.71% 24.895 1.543 -W Priority One-Pound. Two-Pound, Attachment Mail Flat Rate: Volumes and Average Postage Weights B Page 2 of 7 Test Year BeforeRates (B) Up to One Pound, Weight-Rated Pieces TYBRVol. W/o RZOOO-1 l-Lb. Rate Effect ounce Increment (4 RZOOO-1: Migration from Flat Rate En". TYBRVol. With R2000-1 l-Lb.Rate Effect W Cc)= (a) + 0) 0.001-1.000 1.001-2.000 2.001-3.000 3.001-4.000 4.001-5.000 5.001-6.000 6.001-7.000 7.001-8.000 8.001-9.000 9.001-10.000 10.001-11.000 11.001-12.000 12.001-13.000 13.001-14.000 14.001-15.000 15.001-18.000 9,813,359 14,781.310 10.630,207 11.058,128 12,168,907 13.122.350 14,408,985 14,809,239 16,873,376 19,916,240 17.398.394 19.466,821 24.261.445 83.559.447 57.274,&13 49,676.179 3,083,759 21.929.973 ~.~ .~~ 14,007,848 9.529.345 7.429.883 6,291,003 5,304.925 4.591,308 3.888.366 3,817,819 3.307,274 3,001,034 3,000,108 3,066,604 2.940,713 3,040.781 12,677.118 36.711.283 24:638:056 20,587.473 19,598,790 19,413.353 19.713.690 19,400.547 20541,741 23,734.080 20,705.688 22.487.855 27,261.552 66,828,051 60.215.556 52.716,981 Total, 0.001-18.000 388,819.211 98.190,743 467,009.95-l Weight Per Piece louncesl Cd) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Avg.Weight(Ozs.) Avg. Weight (Lb%) VI = (d/(C) (9) = (O/76 m: (a)Total for one pound in Attachment B, p. 1 distributed by ounce increment from Special Weight Report (b)AttachmentB,p.Z (A),wlumn (b) (d)Postageounces (maximumweight) (C)One-Two Pound, Weight-Rated Pieces T&Year Before Rates Volume OunceIncrement 16.001-17.000 17.001-18.000 18.001-19.000 19.001-20.000 20.001-21.000 21.001-22.000 22.001-23.000 23.001-24.000 24.001-25.000 25.001-26.000 26.001-27.000 27.001-28.000 28.001-29.000 (a) 45.379.468 48.273.876 38,951,449 34835,598 32.140,013 30.420.710 28.878.530 26.301,784 25,067,924 23.449,366 22,406,007 20.605.661 18.449.885 Weight Per Piece iOUl-C?Sl 08 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 Total Weight (OuncesI (cj =(a)'ib) 771.450,924 868.929.789 740.077.527 898.711,965 674.940,289 689,255,822 864,160.184 631,242.819 628,698,092 809.683.518 604962,177 576,958,510 535,046,653 Total Weight (OWceS~ (ej = (c)'id) 12.677,118 73.422.587 73.914.187 82.349.894 97.993,950 116,480,120 137.997.228 155.204.374 l&1.875,873 237,340.598 227.762.347 289,614.256 354,400,181 93?,784,714 903.233.338 843.471,389 4.703,501.892 10.07 0.829 Priority One-Pound, Two-Pound, Attachment Mail Flat Rate: Volumes and Average Test Year Before Rates 29.001-30.000 30.001-31.000 31.001-32.000 17.687.695 16.734.133 16,116,938 Total. 18.001-32.000 445,697.034 (d) = CC)/ (a) (e) =(d) I 16 Page 2 Of 7 Postage Weights 30 31 32 530.630.641 518.758.129 515,742,027 10,235.249,029 Avg. Weight (0%) Avg. Weight (Lb%) 22.96 1.435 (a) Total for two pounds in Attachment B, p. 1 distributed by ounce increment from Special Weight Report (b) Postage ounces (maximum weight) B ..-, 2m2.345 40.594.914 38.479.015 14,74,,213 w359.818 3,525,594 2.100.891 1.*!35.630 1.018.199 700.632 545,567 386,249 304,164 200,124 194,262 158,351 89,209 97,248 60.683 55.724 53,274 34.075 62.462 48,201 29,578 29.630 15.366 16.679 27,724 5.04, 13,796 8,190 ,8.1,2 6.929 14.&?5 8.577 ,0.726 5,447 4,274 6.721 2,065 3,696 1.428 1,694 1,326 I.126 1,569 1,560 563 2.486 4,016 418 0 383 239 495 1,098 294 588 1,321 2.583 z.?.BI 1.803.667 2!3.800,584 28,753,911 11.615.374 5.212.858 2.767.962 1,669,514 1,000.043 835,571 488,791 421.81, 294,126 316.061 2m3.917 144,283 145,467 93,439 80.450 74,790 53.603 79.818 52,344 31,367 36,978 27.459 17.76, 14,922 13.773 8.963 16.630 31.082 6,965 7.396 6,002 6,868 7.739 6,252 4,936 38.147 6,140 7,086 2,099 3,257 2.872 4,576 2,156 4,953 2.828 ?.a01 1.416 1,227 355 26 1,248 108 534 299 1,144 302 360 286 ZOne 3.302.799 54,626,,,9 60.935.196 20,630,865 9.70‘,214 5.361.227 3.044.634 2.104.243 1562,754 1,094,136 821.755 658,152 445.587 356.048 274,288 256,745 221.824 189,293 167.57, 180,171 72,252 88,895 81,660 75,378 63.294 77,012 51,173 43,366 45,403 26,924 29.563 32.079 24.988 22.681 19.235 26,605 22.513 14,954 8,605 22,017 11,544 16.754 4.124 10,269 7,373 22,337 13.056 4.826 2.8m 8,415 3,703 2.31 I 4.501 2.555 6.891 5.075 9.764 2.352 2.739 0 1,742 29,400 28,122 34,030 29.033 14.339 8,942 17,078 18,412 8.428 15.709 9,916 14.888 8,916 14,594 10,399 7.364 2,856 29,502 Priority AttachmentB Mail PETge4of7 WeightPerPiace(Pounds).NBR Weight to: IPounds) Flat Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 62 m 1.543 0.629 1.435 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 &Q& 1.543 0.629 1.435 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 &xJ 1.543 0.629 1.435 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 &m@ 1.543 0.629 1.435 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 47.00 48.00 49.00 50.00 51 .oo 52.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 31 .oo 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 47.00 46.00 49.00 50.00 51.00 52.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 47.00 48.00 49.00 50.00 51 .oo 52.00 23.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 29.00 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 47.00 48.00 49.00 50.00 51.00 52.00 &@.I 1.543 0.629 1.435 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 &f& 1.543 0.629 1.435 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 47.00 48.00 49.00 50.00 51.00 52.00 23.00 24.00 25.06 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 46.00 47.00 48.00 49.00 50.00 51.00 52.00 Priority AttachmentB Mail Weight Per Piece (Pounds). Page4of7 TYBR Weight to: IPounds) 53 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 L.QQ 53.00 54.00 55.w 56.00 57.00 58.00 59.00 60.00 61.00 62.00 63.00 64.00 65.00 66.00 67.00 68.00 69.00 Zone 53.00 54.00 55.00 56.00 57.00 58.00 59.00 60.00 61.00 62.00 63.00 64.00 65.00 66.00 67.00 66.00 69.00 &.& 53.00 54.00 55.00 66.00 57.00 58.00 59.00 60.00 61.00 62.00 63.00 64.00 65.00 66.00 67.00 68.00 69.00 &g$& 53.00 54.00 55.00 56.00 57.00 58.00 59.00 60.00 61.00 62.00 63.00 64.00 65.00 66.00 67.00 68.00 69.00 &,ngI 53.00 54.00 55.00 56.00 57.00 58.00 59.00 60.00 61.00 62.00 63.00 64.00 65.00 66.00 67.00 68.00 69.00 &Rg 53.00 54.00 55.00 56.00 57.00 58.00 59.00 60.00 61.00 62.00 63.00 64.00 66.00 66.00 67.00 68.00 69.00 70 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 Flat-rate envelope: Attachment B. p. Z(A), row (I) I-pound:AttachmentB,p.2(B),row(g) 2.pound: AttachmentB, p.2(C). row(e) 3-70 pounds: postage pounds (maximum weight) .-. Prlorlty T&Year Weight to: p&g.&.) Flat Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 tJJ&? 17,163,954 129.632,456 277.666.337 168,605.492 88.657.791 62.722.112 33,964.004 25.688.061 19.249.065 13,665,427 10,203,785 9,716.170 7.475374 6,322.908 4,666.313 5,282.173 3,044.022 3,057,891 2.596.307 1.893.122 2,466,782 2.478.976 2,034,586 1.682.948 1.900,824 1.095.568 1,363,816 1.404.072 998.379 550,825 1,540,006 1,720,173 766,912 977,800 901,611 1,084,502 776,649 385.938 507,603 303,508 283,680 612,710 209,674 170,491 417.465 141.516 147,992 81.768 82,307 35,825 166,699 76,473 99,066 182.506 gg)g$ 6.010.105 39.764282 90.769.330 69.985,346 38S83.413 23.372,401 14,937.090 11,508,668 8.366.057 6.946,809 5.381.938 4.253.392 4.405974 2.964,558 2.318.756 2.308,577 1,418.332 1,771,737 1,124.810 1.707,260 1.025,615 931.825 1.268.393 1,240.159 1,050,672 706.535 721,804 418.911 385,391 462,915 1.055.475 210,729 574,419 420.437 318,312 842,927 55,711 68.006 150.056 221,038 255,125 285.819 122,769 186.463 120,885 25.804 153,263 42,999 36,709 26,231 180.885 0 16,989 92.096 kafore Mall Attachment8 Page 50f7 RatesWetght(Poundr) &wj 6.809.684 46.000.600 101,662,253 77.695,882 48,323.964 32.002.595 21,914.183 16,580,815 12,187.634 9,018,407 7.857.777 6.193.431 5,175,077 4.943,163 3,313,128 2.994,159 2.996.392 2,246.906 1.575,600 1.464,475 1.551.896 1,202,880 1,332,779 711.734 1,116.027 690.492 707,336 775,407 577,849 489.658 896.589 254,242 223,418 222,652 111,257 187,046 364,705 109,608 222,728 91.935 144.444 285,187 86,422 269,349 114,970 211,194 133,652 116,095 100.460 171,121 25,697 196.098 465,451 29,090 &nQ$ 4.155.534 25.553.290 55,228,422 44.223.640 26,639,270 17,627,972 12,804,147 3069,757 8,145.592 6,305.692 5455.669 4.270.736 3,650,207 2,601,818 2.719.664 2,375,266 1.427.337 1,653,216 1.090.485 1,058,759 I,065478 715,579 1,374,166 1,108,631 709,877 740,762 399.507 450.323 776,267 146,374 413,893 253,877 581,512 228,669 497,577 300,189 386.148 201,546 162,404 262,136 62,595 151.528 59,971 72.840 58.315 50,659 72,180 73,326 27,025 ,121,799 200,794 21,301 0 20.289 u 2.783,739 18.632.687 41,270,108 34846.123 20.851,432 13.839.809 10.017,084 7,000,302 6,684.566 4.399.115 4.218.169 3.235,385 3,792,727 2.728.915 2.019.959 2.182.008 1,495.030 1.367.646 1346.219 1.016.455 1.596.351 1.099.215 690,076 &go& 5,097,747 34.385.554 73.106,614 62.492.596 38.816.856 26,806.135 18.267,801 14,729,700 12.502,032 9.847.227 8.217.554 7,239,688 5,347,048 4.628,618 3,840.031 3.851.171 3.549.180 3.217.977 2,836,381 3.423.245 1.445034 1.866.798 1.796.294 m 42,020.763 293.968.868 639,703,064 457.849.079 261,872,725 166.371.024 111,704,310 84.577.303 67,134,946 60.182.477 41334.893 34.908.781 29.846.406 24,189,781 18.875.849 18.993.357 13.930.292 13.315.474 IO,669303 10.555,315 9.153.156 8.295.274 8.496.291 850.500 659,023 444,173 387.980 371,866 250,970 479,376 932,474 215.914 236,670 198.064 233.519 270,859 225.087 182,647 1449,569 239,446 283,423 86,049 136,784 123,518 201.328 97.012 227,855 132,912 48,066 69,486 61.359 18,092 1,356 66,158 1.733.705 t519.067 1.925.303 1,348.lOQ 1.170.891 1,271,281 760,800 886,882 994,437 799,604 748,479 654,003 931,162 810,461 553,311 326,988 868,655 461.749 768,931 173,221 441.551 324,390 1,005,163 600.573 226,609 134,632 412,340 185.142 117,865 234,031 135,408 7,327,678 6,955,490 5.602.832 4,926,551 4,591,470 4.260.138 2.909.948 5.725.320 3,649.372 3,182,533 2.796.101 2,716,279 3.616.68.5 2.618.761 1,501,056 2.619.349 1.976.717 1.511.017 2,190,225 787,841 1.264.209 1.237.354 1,531,348 1.335.514 673,910 429.199 836,802 820,575 429,829 816,891 525,547 Priority TestYear Weight to: IPounds) 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 66 69 L&&3 109,429 93,682 104,678 318,666 55.909 69,330 103,850 26,969 26,867 3,908 14,709 26,380 10,133 116,152 3,610 0 &Up m 21,134 10.641 38,231 58,079 60,546 0 12,406 48.911 0 93,739 0 64.140 60,325 0 0 0 0 70 TOtal 910,008.784 By& Mail &Q.@ 282,548 50,271 49,343 0 80,144 0 1,377,205 413.458 16.568 0 13,058 0 11,887 0 0 105,579 0 0 352,060,156 cell.Attachment8.p.3 AttachmentB Before RatesWe,ght(Pounds) 427,534.653 m Page5of7 12.908 27.229 61,502 16,771 34,131 77,917 154.987 216,971 4,594 0 14,392 0 17,781 15.067 55,877 52,695 &,g 5,826 29,390 16,717 65,202 17,520 21.258 17,140 0 0 46,340 14,553 14.781 15,008 0 28.117 38,792 114,063 248.520,696 0 196.627,299 &@ 372,091 279,151 546,811 134,052 158,882 0 104,542 174,166 13.336 21,251 0 94.662 0 21.515 2,233 0 20.075 371.786,972 Q&l 803,936 490.864 817.282 892.770 427,133 168.505 1,770,131 880,476 61,365 165,238 56,713 199,963 115,134 152,733 89,837 197,066 134.138 2.506.538.558 'AttachmentB.p.4 4 AttachmentB Priority Mail RZOOO-1 Rates After Modification Weight to: m Flat Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 zone L&B $3.95 3.50 3.95 5.20 6.45 7.70 8.10 8.40 8.50 8.65 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.65 10.05 10.45 10.85 11.25 11.65 12.05 12.45 12.85 13.25 13.65 14.05 14.45 14.85 15.25 15.65 16.05 16.45 16.85 17.25 17.65 18.05 18.45 18.85 19.25 19.65 20.05 20.45 20.85 21.25 21.65 22.05 22.45 22.85 23.25 23.65 24.05 24.45 24.85 25.25 Page6of7 zg0.Q $3.95 3.50 3.95 5.20 6.45 7.70 8.30 6.90 9.50 10.10 10.65 11.25 11.85 12.45 13.05 13.65 14.25 14.85 15.45 16.05 16.65 17.25 17.85 &Q& $3.95 3.50 3.95 5.20 6.45 7.70 8.35 9.00 9.65 10.30 10.95 11.60 12.25 12.90 13.55 14.20 14.85 15.50 16.30 17.05 17.85 18.60 19.35 &n& $3.95 3.50 3.95 5.20 6.45 7.70 8.50 9.30 10.10 10.90 11.80 12.80 13.75 14.75 15.70 16.65 17.60 18.60 19.55 20.50 21.40 22.40 23.35 &?.&g $3.95 3.50 3.95 5.20 6.45 7.70 9.55 10.60 11.85 12.70 13.75 14.80 15.85 16.90 17.95 19.00 20.05 21.10 22.15 23.20 24.25 25.30 26.35 &ra 53.95 3.50 3.95 5.20 6.45 7.70 10.40 11.85 13.30 14.75 16.20 17.65 19.10 20.55 22.00 23.45 24.90 26.35 27.80 29.25 30.70 32.15 33.60 18.45 19.05 19.65 20.25 20.85 21.45 22.05 20.15 20.95 21.75 22.45 23.25 24.05 24.85 25.60 26.35 27.15 27.95 26.70 29.50 30.25 31.05 31.80 32.60 33.40 34.15 34.90 35.70 36.50 37.25 38.00 38.80 39.60 40.35 41.15 41.90 42.70 24.30 25.25 26.25 27.20 28.15 29.10 30.05 31.05 31.95 32.90 33.85 34.80 35.80 36.75 37.70 38.70 39.65 40.60 41.55 42.45 43.45 44.40 45.35 46.30 47.30 48.25 49.20 50.15 51.10 52.10 27.40 26.45 29.50 30.55 31.60 32.65 33.70 34.75 35.80 36.85 37.90 38.95 40.00 41.05 42.10 43.15 44.20 45.25 46.30 47.40 48.45 49.55 50.60 51.65 52.75 53.80 54.90 55.95 57.00 58.05 35.05 36.50 37.95 39.40 40.85 42.30 43.75 45.20 46.65 48.10 49.56 51.00 52.45 53.90 55.35 56.80 58.25 59.70 61.15 62.60 64.05 65.50 66.95 68.40 69.85 71.30 72.75 74.20 75.65 77.10 23.25 23.85 24.45 25.05 25.65 26.25 26.95 27.55 26.25 28.95 29.55 30.25 30.90 31.55 32.25 32.90 33.55 34.25 34.90 35.55 36.25 36.90 Priority Mail Attachment6 RZOOO-1 Rates After Modification Weight to: (Pounds) 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Page6of7 Zone Ll,i?Q 25.85 28.05 26.45 26.85 27.25 27.65 28.05 28.45 26.85 29.25 29.65 30.05 30.45 30.85 31.25 31.65 32.05 &a!@ 37.55 38.20 38.90 39.55 40.20 40.90 41.55 42.20 42.90 43.50 44.20 44.90 45.50 46.20 46.90 47.60 48.20 Zone 43.45 44.25 45.05 45.80 46.55 47.35 48.15 48.95 49.65 50.45 51.25 52.05 62.75 53.55 54.35 55.15 55.90 &nej 53.05 53.95 54.90 55.90 56.65 57.80 58.75 59.75 60.70 61.65 62.60 63.60 64.50 65.45 68.40 67.35 68.35 Zone 59.10 60.75 61.20 62.25 63.30 64.35 65.40 66.45 67.50 68.55 69.60 70.65 71.70 72.75 73.80 74.85 75.90 Zone 78.55 80.00 81.45 62.90 84.35 85.80 87.25 88.70 90.15 91.60 93.05 94.50 95.95 97.40 98.85 100.30 101.75 32.45 48.90 56.65 69.30 76.95 103.20 Pickup Fee $ 10.25 -., / I / ! 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 46 49 50 1.013.205 781,217 524.124 455,876 435.221 292,649 557.068 1.080.116 249,346 272,640 227,474 267.517 309,553 256.662 207,823 1.646.024 271,372 320,622 97,173 154.371 139.170 226,722 109,085 255,342 149,172 53.874 77.853 68.661 20,221 1.513 73.773 6.490 32.703 13.583 72,409 19,438 23,564 18.982 191.191.625 201.194.026 108,320,499 62,592.130 41.281.448 31.664.189 24.935278 20.784.628 f8,l38.511 13.312.438 11.616.376 8.510.718 736.778 6.034334 6.020.664 5.523.412 4937,864 4.380.833 5.*69,996 2,21&128 2857,979 2743,430 2.642.016 2.310.247 2.922.610 2.039.873 1.771.515 1.920.543 1.177.931 1.336.236 1.634,534,838 1.760.503.286 793.606.069 422.269.770 256.211376 162.475.542 114.361.869 85.890.995 61.233.744 48.814.452 39.789,931 33.098.866 26.254.020 20.390.045 20.036.278 15.075.397 14.114.153 11.294.281 11.603.950 9,069,474 3.293.289 8.455.134 7.443.671 6.759.258 8.013.836 4.865.575 4,460.484 4.369.546 2,963.067 5251,141 3.316.619 3,103,402 2.603.945 2,564,891 3.359,10* 2.618.033 1.583.213 2.857.844 2.213.348 1.543.907 2.152,690 738.655 1.313.933 1.159,727 1.919.513 1.515.055 727.023 430.651 989.527 776.081 414.766 790.875 472.139 369,903 567,035 1.w6.996 480,815 437.367 134.112 1.503410 6,909 0 12,356 44.898 4.737 42,228 0 54.175 1,680 0 0 0 0 0 5 2.212.998.059 5 796300.004 s &2& &g *15,904 336,528 13,482 4,566 0 Cl 14.302 10,620 0 0 9.644 17,633 0 14,932 0 55.343 85,535 52,199 112.922 0 944.812.839 5 542.392.704 5 0 0 51.194 18,065 16,304 16.543 0 30.949 42.671 0 LEO& 257.395 19.702 31,387 0 139.736 0 31,743 3.293 0 29.596 IQ&! 856.960 50.427 150,187 47,694 213.296 90,784 100.850 94.266 180.404 142,519 55.?53.121,362 Less, Effects Of Priority Mail Presort Experiment: (b, CR-J-28, Section ct. p. 12 (C, LR-J-28. p. 1, me FPMSROI.XIS.Sheet I w 2 lb) * (C) I 5 (e) = (3 5 5.749.742.964 5 5 5 5 5 101.243535% 5.821.243.058 2.859.502 5,824.10*.560 1.169.000 5.825.271.560 w (1) (8) + (h) 0) USPS-T-36. w-14 (W = 0) + 0) 19,123.000 0.,76666? 3.3?8,39? 4 Zone4 &$J 640 955 194 752 1,395 826 Total 417.932.976 9,597,658,862 22.96 1.435 Priority Volume Migration 2-Pound Vol., TYAR Before Mig. Attachment C Mail From Z-Pound Rate To Flat Rate, NAR % of F & L % Flats & Letters Page 3 Of 9 Z-Pound Vol. Migrating Migrating Cd) = (3 * (b) * Cc) (e) = (a) - Cdl 4 59.301,726 22.9% 4.074,029 55,227.698 5 6 66,418.326 21.,% 36.082,020 20.9% i 4.554.637 2,639,400 61.663,691 33.442.620 7 6 26,962.727 47.762.261 17.4% 16.0% 1 1.759,316 3.438.663 25.203.409 44,323.378 Total 417.932.976 34.196.694 363.734282 -SXXCB: (a) Attachment C, p. 1 (b) Special Weight Report for GFY 2000, volume rated at 2 pounds weighing 1-2 pounds (c)Assumption 2-Pound Vol., TYAR After Mig. 925 867 Priority Average Migration Total (After Migration) Percent Of Average Weight Weighted-Avg. Volume Total (Lbs.) Per Piece Weight/Piece Cd)= (b) * CC) CC) W 117.603,146 77.5% 0.632 0.490 34.196.694 22.5% 1.435 0.323 151,801,640 sources: (a) Attachment C. pp. 1 and 3. column (d) (b) Column (a) / Column (a) Tota (c)Attachment C Page 5 Of 9 Envelopes Flat-Rate (a) Before Migration Attachment Mail Postage Weight, Flat-Rate NAR, After Migration C. p. 2. column (e) 0.813 Priority AttachmentC Mail Page6of9 Weight per Piece(Poundo),NAR Weight to: lpQu.g& &JJQ Zone4 Flat Rate 0.813 1 0.696 0.813 0.696 2 1.435 1.435 Zone Zone 0.813 0.813 0.696 1.435 0.696 1.435 Zone 0.613 0.696 1.435 zQo& 0.813 0.696 1.435 3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4 5 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6 7 5.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8 9 8.00 9.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 10 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 11 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 12 13 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 13.00 14.00 13.00 14.00 13.00 14.00 13.00 14.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 14 15 15.00 15.00 15.00 18 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 15.00 16.00 17 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 16 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 19 20 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 20.00 21.00 20.00 21.00 20.00 21.00 20.00 21.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 21 22 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 23 23.M) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 24 24.W 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 25 25.W 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 26 27 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 28 29 28.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 30 30.00 29.00 30.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 30.00 29.00 30.00 31 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 32 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 33 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 34 34.00 34.00 34.00 34.00 34.00 34.00 35 36 35.00 36.00 35.00 36.00 35.00 36.00 35.00 36.00 35.00 36.00 35.00 36.00 37 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 36 39 36.00 39.00 36.00 39.00 36.00 39.00 36.00 39.00 36.00 39.00 38.00 40 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 41 41.00 41.00 41.00 41.00 40.00 41.00 42 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 43 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 44 44.00 44.00 44.00 43.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 45 46 45.00 45.00 46.00 45.00 46.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 46.00 46.00 46.00 46.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 .- Priority AttachmentC Mail Page6ofQ Weight perPiece(Poundo),TYAl? Weight to: uzg &@.,$ 47.00 Zone 47.00 Zone 47.00 Zone 47 47.00 46 48.00 46.00 46.00 49 50 49.00 50.00 49.00 49.00 46.00 49.00 47.00 48.00 50.00 50.00 51 51 .oo 51.00 52 52.00 53 IPounds) &ggj 47.00 46.00 49.00 49.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 53.00 54 54.00 54.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 54.00 55.00 53.00 54.00 55 54.00 55.00 53.00 54.00 56 57 56.00 56.00 58.00 56.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 56.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 56 58.00 58.00 56.00 58.00 58.00 56.00 59 59.00 60.00 59.00 59.00 59.00 59.00 59.00 60 60.00 60.00 61.00 60.00 61.00 60.00 61 60.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 62 63 62.00 62.00 62.00 63.00 63.00 62.00 63.00 61.00 62.00 64 63.00 64.00 62.00 63.00 64.00 64.00 64.00 64.00 64.00 65 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66 55.00 56.00 63.00 67 67.00 67.00 67.00 67.00 67.00 67.00 66 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 69 69.00 70.00 69.00 70.00 69.00 70.00 68.00 69.00 70 69.00 70.00 68.00 69.00 70.00 sources: Flat rate: Attachment C. p.5.column (d) I- and Z-pound: Attachment C, p. 2,cnlumn 3-70 pounds: maximum postage weight (e) 70.00 Priority Attachment c Mail Total Weight(Pounds), mx7of9 TYAR Weight to: (Pounds) w Zone Zone &@ w Flat Rate 1 X+,469.078 106,158,557 16,986,830 19,196,827 11.600.820 20,925.695 7,764,lOO 14,394,590 123,412,243 32S63.136 2 234,918.391 79.267.585 37,670,082 88.792,139 15.258,385 26.158.473 47.999.751 36,174,120 63.616.759 240,732.329 550,768,745 3 158,102,455 65.625,709 72,655,928 41.468.792 32.675434 58.599,709 429.328.026 4 83,134.981 36,179.915 45.313.692 24,979.815 19,552.522 36.398.815 245,559,739 5 49.437.864 21,916,451 12,977.678 31.848.266 24,087,860 14.006.606 10.791.752 30,009,039 20.549,070 15.547.937 18,529,863 6 7 11,818.990 8,504,769 9,393.084 6.564,228 25.136,285 17.129.835 13,612,135 8 9 18.049.972 12.814.159 7J44.906 6.513,880 11,428,423 8,456.618 7,636,174 5.912.688 6,268,181 4.125.079 11.723,236 9.233.808 156,007,179 104.745.850 79,308,682 62.952.871 47,056,432 10 9.568.155 5.046‘678 3,955,404 7.705.653 38.759.995 9.110.915 4.004.696 3,033,842 6,788.663 32,734,189 12 7.009.707 3.988.433 4.131.511 7.368.288 5.807,620 5.115.816 11 13 5.929.031 14 4,852,703 3,422.822 3,556,465 5,013,961 27,987,169 4.635.236 3,106,740 2.439.554 22.682,913 2,550,246 2,558.921 1,8Q4,128 4.340.285 4,375,632 2.779.885 2.172.437 3,600,821 17,700,005 15 4.953,128 2.184.767 2.807,642 2.227,305 2,046.063 3.611.268 17.810,193 16 2,854,399 1,329.979 2.809.736 1.338.423 1,401,699 3,328,089 13,062,525 17 2,867.497 1.661.369 2,106,939 1,550.231 1.282.451 3.017,516 12,486.005 18 2.434.574 1.775.193 1.054.741 1,477,450 1.022.555 1,282.358 2,659,693 9,911,372 1363,870 1,455,223 992,805 999,106 955,012 2.314.992 1,600.908 961,726 3.209,999 1,355,018 9.897.787 8,582.974 21 2,324,551 873,778 1.127.948 671,003 1,750,509 7.778.531 22 1,907,844 1,189,380 1,249,756 1.288.563 647,089 1.684,398 7.967,027 23 1,578,lll 1,162,905 867,397 1.039,571 797,520 1.625,706 6,871,211 24 25 1,782,415 1,027.321 617,970 1,424,439 6,522,208 416,504 1,805,369 1.262,255 5,253,812 4.619.659 1,097,952 4.305,451 19 20 985,222 1.046.505 662,522 647,478 665,656 694,617 663,273 727,104 422,271 363,811 348,701 541,853 727,911 235,336 1.192,089 3.994,759 459,156 137,256 449.514 732,161 2,728,677 26 1.278.859 676.840 27 1,316,608 28 936,187 516,512 392,815 361,384 434,078 29 1,496,909 1.030,741 374,620 30 1,444,073 989,726 840,738 388,110 874,387 831,635 5,368.870 31 1,613,017 197,602 238,405 238,062 202,464 932,490 3.422.039 32 719.138 538,636 209,500 545,287 221,927 749,794 33 34 916,889 394.246 208,782 185,726 296.483 790,418 104.326 175,394 701,854 613,263 2.964,282 2,621.922 845,447 1.016.945 214.424 466,581 52,241 37 728,268 361,897 38 475,983 39 40 284,601 266,006 41 574,542 42 196,612 159,870 35 36 281,489 218,973 253,986 341,986 102,780 362,094 208,854 207,269 86,208 239,233 135,448 266.015 115,121 2,547.073 873,157 3,391.389 211,086 759,974 2,455.629 188,991 171,270 518,643 1,407,550 152,287 1,359.270 306,619 245,807 77,450 224,530 805,166 432,986 2.643.721 1,853,561 267,422 80,101 142.088 721,032 2.053,788 56,236 80.689 126,264 162,430 174.847 252,570 68.302 115,821 414,045 738,764 ,.185,467 63.770 140.708 265,768 1.416.890 43 44 391,460 113,355 107,808 54,662 188.786 304,183 1,160,274 45 132.700 198,038 47.503 90.969 942.548 1,435.955 46 138.773 24.197 143,716 125,326 67,683 213.661 563,161 1,252,320 Priority AttachmentC Mail Total Weight(Poundo), Page7of9 TYAR Weight to: (Pounds) !&2&3 &@j Zone Zone Zone 47 48 76,675 77,180 40,321 34,422 108,863 94,202 68,759 25,341 124,632 49 33,593 24.597 160,461 114,212 50 156,314 169,617 24,096 188,285 51 71.710 0 183,882 19,974 52 92,894 15,931 436,456 0 53 171.137 86,359 27,278 19,026 54 102,613 19,817 264.947 12,104 55 87,846 98,157 9,978 47,139 35,850 54,461 46,269 298,815 58 52,427 75,529 59 65,011 0 60 97,381 11,633 61 25.289 25.193 56 57 62 63 m: 126,246 402.463 65.157 57,537 386,654 784,675 16,965 1,271 173,609 769,469 110,522 403,053 766,004 62,037 126,973 5,463 348,912 753,856 25,533 57.671 27,559 261,762 459.818 15,676 512,748 15,727 125.701 148,984 766,370 555,844 0 75,151 32,005 61.141 16,429 0 73,063 19,934 1.291.414 145,332 16,072 98,030 1.659.863 45.864 387,703 203.455 0 163,317 825,628 0 67.900 15.536 0 43,453 12,505 19,927 57,542 164,945 13,647 13,860 88,766 4,308 0 65 24,737 60,144 0 0 68 9,502 56,567 11,146 87 108,916 0 0 16,673 14.128 68 3,385 0 0 69 70 0 0 99,002 0 0 By rate cell. Attachment 45,072 492,809 64 849.843,669 631,930 219,452 3,665 13,793 TOtal Total && 212,681 0 12,245 13,496 0 330.908.702 0 401.711.151 C. p.4'AttachmentC,p.6 52,396 49,412 106,957 233,919.519 0 0 0 14,073 0 20,175 26,365 2,094 0 36,376 0 l&1.793,722 18,825 349.220.570 400,525 168.008 53,180 187,507 107,962 143.219 84,240 184,790 125,782 2.350.397.332 Priority Mail Attachment Rates Page 8 of 9 Proposed C Weight to: m (P0unds) &pQ Zone &EQ Zone m&! $ 3.85 $ 3.85 $ 3.85 $ 3.85 5 3.85 $ 3.85 3.85 3.95 .$ $ 3.85 4.55 $ $ 3.85 $ 3.85 $ 4.90 $ 5.05 $ 3.85 5.40 $ $ 3.85 2 S 5 3 5 4.75 5 6.05 $ 6.65 $ 7.15 5 7.65 5 8.55 4 $ 5.30 $ 7.05 $ 8.05 $ 8.50 $ 9.45 $ 10.35 5 $ 5.85 5 8.00 $ 9.30 $ 9.85 $ 11.00 $ 12.15 6 7 6.30 6.80 7.35 7.90 $ $ $ 5 8.85 9.60 10.75 11.70 $ $ $ $ 9.90 10.65 5 $ 10.05 11.00 5 $ 11.30 12.55 $ $ 12.30 14.05 8 9 $ $ 5 5 11.45 12.20 $ 5 11.95 12.90 $ $ 13.60 15.05 5 5 15.75 17.50 10 5 8.40 $ 12.60 $ 13.00 $ 14.00 $ 16.30 $ 19.20 $ 15.15 $ 17.55 $ 20.90 Flat Rate 1 5.75 11 $ 8.95 $ 13.35 $ 13.75 12 $ 9.50 $ 14.05 $ 14.50 $ 16.30 $ 18.80 $ 22.65 13 14 $ IO.00 a 14.75 $ 15.45 $ $ $ 24.35 $ 17.50 16.60 $ 10.55 $ $ 20.05 $ 15.30 16.05 11.05 11.60 $ $ 16.20 16.90 $ 5 16.85 5 19.75 5 16 $ $ $ 5 26.05 15 21.25 22.50 17.60 $ 20.85 $ 23.75 $ 27.80 29.50 17 $ 12.15 $ 17.60 5 18.35 $ 22.05 5 25.00 5 31.20 18 $ 12.65 $ 18.30 $ 19.30 5 23.15 $ 26.25 5 32.95 19 5 13.20 $ 19.00 $ 20.20 $ 24.30 5 27.50 $ 34.65 20 $ 13.75 .$ 19.75 $ 5 14.25 $ 20.45 $ $ $ 25.35 26.55 $ $ 28.75 30.00 $ $ 36.40 21 22 21.15 22.05 5 14.80 $ 21.15 $ 22.95 5 27.65 $ $ 15.30 $ 21.85 $ 23.90 $ 26.80 $ $ 5 39.80 23 31.20 32.45 24 25 $ 15.85 5 22.55 $ 23.30 24.00 $ $ $ $ 26.60 5 32.25 5 34.95 36.20 5 5 43.25 44.95 26 $ $ 29.90 31.10 $ 16.40 16.90 $ J 33.70 5 $ 24.85 25.75 27 $ 17.45 $ 24.70 $ 27.55 $ 33.35 $ 37.45 5 48.40 28 $ 18.00 $ 25.40 5 28.50 $ 34.50 5 38.70 $ 50.15 29 30 $ 18.50 5 26.15 $ 19.05 19.55 $ $ 26.85 27.55 $ $ 5 $ 35.60 36.80 $ $ 39.95 41.20 5 5 51.85 53.55 31 J $ 29.45 30.35 31.20 5 37.85 5 42.40 $ 55.30 32 $ 20.10 $ 26.25 $ 32.15 5 39.00 5 43.65 $ 57.00 33 $ 20.65 $ 26.95 $ 33.10 $ 40.10 $ 44.90 $ 58.70 34 $ 21.15 $ 29.70 $ 34.00 34.95 $ $ 41.25 42.40 5 $ 46.15 $ 60.45 35.85 $ 43.55 5 47.40 48.65 $ $ 62.15 63.85 36.10 41.55 46.70 35 $ 21.70 $ 36 37 5 22.25 $ 30.40 31.10 $ $ $ 22.75 S 31.95 $ 36.80 $ 44.65 $ 49.90 $ 65.60 $ 45.85 $ 51.15 $ 67.30 38 $ $ 23.30 23.75 $ $ 32.65 33.50 $ $ 37.70 38.65 $ 47.00 $ 52.40 $ 89.05 5 $ 24.25 24.70 5 $ 34.30 35.00 5 $ 39.80 $ 48.10 5 53.60 $ 70.75 40.45 5 49.25 $ 54.85 $ 72.45 42 43 $ 26.20 $ 35.85 $ 41.35 $ 50.30 5 56.15 $ 74.20 $ 25.65 $ 36.60 5 28.15 $ 37.40 $ 51.50 52.60 $ $ $ $ $ $ 57.40 44 42.30 43.25 $ $ 26.60 27.10 $ $ 38.20 $ 44.15 $ 53.75 5 5 $ 75.90 77.60 45 58.70 59.95 39.00 I 45.05 5 54.85 $ 61.20 5 39 40 41 46 79.35 81.05 Priority AttachmentC Mail Page8of9 ProposedRaIer Weight to (Pounds) Zone &.w &jfQ &(& &ag Zone 47 5 27.55 5 39.75 $ 46.00 $ 56.05 $ 62.50 5 82.75 48 $ 28.05 $ 40.60 $ 46.95 $ 57.20 $ 63.75 $ 84.50 49 26.60 26.95 $ $ 41.35 42.15 5 $ 47.80 40.75 $ $ 56.30 59.45 $ 65.05 $ 86.20 50 5 $ $ 66.30 $ 67.95 51 $ 29.45 5 42.95 5 49.65 S 60.55 5 67.55 $ 89.65 52 53 $ 29.90 $ 43.75 J 50.60 $ 61.75 $ 68.80 5 91.35 $ 30.40 $ 44.50 5 51.50 $ 62.85 $ 70.05 $ 93.10 54 5 30.85 5 45.25 $ 52.45 5 63.95 55 $ 31.35 5 46.10 5 53.40 $ 65.05 $ $ 71.30 72.50 5 5 94.80 96.50 56 $ 31.80 $ 46.65 $ 64.25 5 66.25 $ 73.75 5 98.25 57 5 32.30 $ 47.65 5 55.15 $ 67.35 $ 75.00 5 99.95 58 32.75 33.25 $ 5 48.45 49.25 $ $ 56.10 57.05 $ 5 68.50 69.60 $ 76.25 $ 101.65 59 $ 5 5 77.50 5 103.40 60 5 33.70 5 50.00 $ 56.00 5 70.80 5 70.75 I 105.10 61 62 5 34.20 5 50.65 $ 58.85 $ 71.95 34.65 35.15 $ $ 51.55 52.40 $ 5 59.60 60.75 5 $ 73.05 74.20 60.00 81.25 $ 5 106.85 108.55 63 $ J $ a $ 82.50 $ 110.25 64 5 35.60 5 53.20 $ 61.70 $ 75.35 $ 83.70 5 112.00 65 5 36.10 5 53.90 5 62.50 5 76.45 $ 84.95 5 113.70 66 67 5 36.55 $ 54.75 $ 63.45 $ 77.55 5 37.05 5 55.60 $ 64.40 5 78.70 J $ 86.20 07.45 $ s 115.40 117.15 68 69 5 37.50 $ 56.30 $ 65.35 $ 79.80 5 88.70 $ 118.85 5 36.00 $ 57.10 5 66.25 $ 81.00 $ 89.95 5 120.55 70 $ 38.45 $ 57.95 5 67.15 $ 82.10 $ 91.20 $ 122.30 S 12.50 source: AttachmentF.p.14 PickupFee Priority Mail Devetopment of Per-Piece Rate Element Test Year Before Rates (a) USPS-T-12, WP-F. Table E (b) USPS-T-12, WP-F, Table D Cc) = (a) (W (d) R97-1, PRC Lib. Ref. 12. p. 2 (e) Attachment B. p. 5 (9 = Cd) ’ W Attachment Nontranspotiation Costs Total Costs Total Transportation Costs Total Nontransportation Costs Weiqht-Related Nontransportation Costs Nontransportation Cost pet Pound Postage Pounds Total Weight-Related Nontransportation Costs $ $ D 3,674,718 1.414.237 2,260.461 (000) (000) (000) 0.020000 2306,539 50,131 (000) (000) (i) =@)’ [I+ ON (j) Rate design assumption 04 = (iI* 0) Piece-Related Nontransportation Costs Piece-Related Nontransportation Costs Contingency Piece-Related Nontrans. Costs Including Contingency Priority Mail Target Cost Coverage Piece-Related Nontrans. Costs Including Markup and Contingency 2,210.350 (000) 3.0% 2,276,660 (000) 171.2% 3.698.098 (000) (I) LR-J-28, Sect. Cl, p. 12 Test Year Before Rates Priority Mail Volume 1,257,0&l (9) = CC) (9 (h) USPS-T-6 Cm) = 0) /(I) (n) = (Q/O) ) _-____x.-- Nontransportation Nontransportation Cost Per Piece Including Contingency Per-Piece Rate Element $ s 1.811093 3.100954 (000) AirTlanSpo*tion SunaceTranSpOrtatio” TOM (a) 958.630 455,607 1.414.237 PJ) 1mox CC) = W’ w 46.80% 376,233 (4 = (a)- CC) Attachment E Page 2 Of 3 Nondirtance-Related TOtal postage Pounds ,000, w 910.009 352,060 427,535 246,521 196,627 NondistanceRelated surface costs rooQl (b) $87.998 $34.044 $41.343 $24.032 Distance-Related TOtal POStage PO”“& ,000, w=w Local NO”LOC& Air POStage POStage POSt&le Pounds ,000, Pounds ,000, Pounds ,000, (d) (e) = 6) - Cd) (0 surface POSt&le Pounds ,000, (8) = (N (0 Average surface t&u! (h) Total surface PoundMile* KNm, (iI= (9) * 03 DistanceRelated surface costs IOOO, (iI Development Attachment E Page 3 Of 3 Priority Mail of Per-Pound Rate Elements Test Year Before Rates Total Nondistancezone Related Air costs (50001 costs i5000, zone L, 182.3 4 5 6 7 8 Total 10,997 86,828 220.513 138.886 102,022 237 376 364 6,432 22,245 17,932 21,708 93,328 Total Distance- T&l Related Surface Related Surface Transportation costs 15000~ costs (5000) W 87,998 34,044 41,343 24.032 19,014 35,952 156,615 56,609 costs f5OOOl @)=(a)+(b)+(c)+(d) 255,974 183.914 284,101 160.850 142,744 366,655 TOtal cast per TOW POStage Poutlds 0001 Transportation Cost per &@ NO”tra”SpotitiO” cost per pouMl (9) 910,009 352.060 427,535 W = (0 / (9) $0.281287 $0.522392 50.664509 0) $0.02 50.02 50.02 Ec!Ym (i) = (h) + 0) $0.301267 $0.542392 50.684509 246,521 196,627 $0.727706 $0.725960 $0.02 $0.02 $0.747706 $0.745960 368,655 371.787 $0.988198 $0.02 51.008198 1,414,237 2.506,539 Target cost Per-Pound Rate TOtal Transportation costs ($000) (f) = w 255,974 183,914 284.101 180.850 142.744 TOtal Cost per Pound Smoothed cost per zone Total Nondistance- (C) W w L. 1.2,3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Distance- Related Air Pound L, 122.3 4 5 6 (k) $0.301287 $0.542392 $0.684509 50.747706 7 8 51.006198 Continqenw (Incl. Continaencrl (1) Cm)= 00 ’ [I *(VI 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% $0.310326 $0.558684 50.705044 50.770138 $0.903261 51.036384 (a) Attachment E. p. 1 (B), column (r) (b) Attachment E, p. 1 (B). c&m” (h) (c)Attachment E. p. 2. column (b) (d) Attachment E, p. 2. column (i) (g)Attachment E. p. 2, column (a) (I) R97-1, PRC Lib. Ref. 12, p. 2 (k) = 0). except for Zone 7, where (k) =[ IO’), Zone 61+ IO’), Zone 811I2 (I, USPS-T-6 (n) Rate design assumption Coveraae m 171.2% 171.2% 171.2% 171.2% 171.2% 171.2% &Eg (0) = (m) * 03 $0.531340 $0.956545 51.207177 51.318630 $1.546563 51.774496 Priority Mail Unit Costs Including Allocated Cost per Piece $ 1.811093 Cost per Pound 5 0.310326 Attachment Contingency 5 0.568664 $ 0.705044 2.2853 2.2000 f 5 F Pagelof17 5 0.770138 2.3843 5 2.4372 2.3019 5 2.3472 5 0.903281 $ 5 2.6464 5 2.6537 5 2.4398 5 2.5325 1.036384 Weight to pgQ&, Flat Rate 2.0634 5 1 2.0271 5 2 2.2565 5 2.6129 5 2.8230 $ 2.9165 5 3.1075 $ 3.2986 3 4 2.7421 5 3.4871 5 3.9262 5 4.1215 5 4.5209 5 4.9202 3.0524 3.3627 5 5 4.0458 5 4.6313 5 4.8916 5 5.4241 5 5.9566 4.6044 $ 5.3363 $ 5.6616 5 6.3274 $ 6.9930 5.1631 5.7217 5 $ 6.0414 6.7464 $ 5 6.4319 5 5 5 7.2307 8.1339 5 5 5 6 3.6730 % 7 3.9834 $ 8.0294 8 4.2937 5 6.2804 $ 7.4514 5 7.2021 7.9722 9.0372 5 9.0658 10.1022 9 4.6040 5 6.8391 5 8.1565 $ 8.7423 5 9.9404 5 11.1385 IO 4.9143 5.2247 5 5 7.3977 5 8.6615 5 9.5125 5 10.6437 5 12.1749 7.9564 $ 9.5666 5 10.2826 5 11.7470 5 13.2113 11 12 5.5350 $ 8.5151 $ 10.2716 5 11.0527 5 12.6502 5 14.2477 13 5.8453 5 9.0737 $ 10.9767 $ 11.8229 5 13.5535 $ 15.2841 14 6.1557 6.4660 $ 5 9.6324 5 5 $ 13.0918 5 5 5 $ 5 6.7763 13.3632 14.1333 14.4587 15.3600 16.3205 5 $ 5 5 12.5930 10.1911 10.7497 11.6817 12.3868 16.2633 5 17 7.0866 5 11.3084 5 13.7968 $ 14.9034 5 17.1665 5 19.4296 18 7.3970 $ 11.8670 5 14.5019 I 15.6736 $ 18.0698 5 20.4660 19 7.7073 5 12.4257 $ 15.2069 $ 16.4437 5 18.9730 5 21.6024 20 6.0176 8.3279 5 5 12.9844 $ $ $ 15.9120 16.6170 5 $ 17.2138 17.9840 5 5 19.8763 20.7796 5 5 22.5368 23.5752 15 16 21 22 17.3568 16.3932 6.6383 5 13.5430 14.1017 17.3221 5 18.7541 $ 21.6628 5 24.6115 23 8.9486 5 14.6604 5 18.0271 5 19.5243 5 22.5861 5 25.6479 24 9.2589 5 15.2190 5 18.7322 5 20.2944 5 23.4894 5 26.6843 25 9.5692 $ 15.7777 5 19.4372 5 21.0645 $ 24.3926 5 27.7207 26 5 5 16.3364 5 20.1422 $ 21.8347 5 25.2959 5 28.7571 27 9.8796 10.1899 16.8950 $ 20.8473 5 22.6046 5 10.5002 5 17.4537 5 5 10.8105 5 16.0124 5 5 5 23.3749 29 21.5523 22.2574 5 5 29.7935 26 26.1991 27.1024 24.1451 5 30 11.1209 11.4312 5 $ 18.5710 5 24.9152 5 31.8662 32.9026 33.9390 24.3725 5 5 5 5 5 25.6854 26.4555 29.8122 11.7415 $ 5 5 5 5 5 19.1297 19.6883 22.9624 23.6675 28.0057 28.9089 30.7164 5 34.9754 12.0518 12.3622 5 5 20.2470 5 25.0776 5 20.8057 5 25.7826 5 27.2256 27.9958 $ 5 31.6167 32.5220 5 5 36.0118 37.0481 35 36 12.6725 $ 21.3643 $ 26.4876 $ 28.7659 5 33.4252 $ 36.0645 12.9828 5 21.9230 5 27.1927 5 29.5360 5 37 13.2931 13.6035 5 $ 22.4817 5 30.3062 31.0763 5 5 39.1209 40.1573 36.1350 $ 41.1937 13.9138 5 $ 5 5 $ $ $ 23.0403 23.5990 27.8977 28.6026 34.3285 35.2317 29.3078 5 31.6465 5 37.0383 $ 42.2301 40 14.2241 $ 24.1577 5 30.0129 $ 32.6166 5 37.9415 5 43.2664 41 14.5344 5 24.7163 5 30.7179 5 33.3867 5 36.8448 5 44.3028 42 14.8448 $ 25.2750 $ 31.4230 $ 34.1569 5 39.7480 5 45.3392 31 32 33 34 38 39 30.8296 Priority Allocated Cost per Piece 5 1.811093 Costper $ 0.310326 Pound AttachmentF Mail Unit Costs Including $ 0.558664 5 Pagelof17 Contingency 0.705044 5 0.770138 $ 0.903261 5 1.036384 Weight to: (Pounds) a Q.&Q zones m &g& &go& 43 5 15.1551 $ 25.8337 5 32.1280 5 34.9270 5 40.8513 $ 46.3766 44 45 5 15.4684 5 28.3923 5 32.8330 5 35.6972 5 41.5846 5 47.4120 5 15.7757 5 26.9510 5 33.5381 5 46 5 16.0861 5 27.5096 5 34.2431 5 36.4673 37.2374 5 5 42.4578 43.3611 5 5 48.4484 49.4847 47 5 16.3984 5 28.0683 5 34.9482 5 38.0076 $ 44.2643 5 50.5211 48 5 16.7067 $ 28.6270 5 35.6532 5 38.7777 5 45.1676 5 51.5575 49 5 17.0170 $ 29.1856 5 38.3583 5 39.5478 5 46.0709 5 52.5939 50 5 5 17.3274 17.6377 5 5 29.7443 30.3030 5 5 37.0633 37.7684 $ 5 40.3180 5 46.9741 5 53.6303 41.0881 5 47.8774 5 64.8667 5 $ 30.8618 31.4203 $ 5 38.4734 39.1784 5 5 41.8583 $ 48.7808 $ 55.7030 42.6284 5 49.6839 5 56.7394 51 53 54 5 5 17.9480 18.2584 5 18.5687 5 31.9790 5 39.8835 5 43.3985 5 50.5872 5 57.7758 55 5 18.8790 5 32.5376 5 40.5885 5 5 5 19.1893 5 5 33.0963 $ 41.2936 5 5 51.4904 52.3937 5 56 44.1687 44.9388 5 58.8122 59.8486 60.8850 52 57 5 5 5 41.9988 42.7037 5 5 53.2970 5 5 33.6550 34.2138 $ 5 19.4997 19.8100 45.7089 58 46.4791 5 64.2002 $ 81.9213 59 60 5 20.1203 5 34.7723 5 43.4087 $ 47.2492 5 55.1035 5 62.9577 5 20.4306 5 35.3309 5 44.1138 5 48.0194 5 56.0067 $ 63.9941 61 5 20.7410 5 35.8896 $ 44.8188 5 62 5 21.0513 5 36.4463 5 45.5238 5 48.7895 49.5596 5 5 56.9100 57.8133 5 5 65.0305 66.0889 63 5 21.3616 5 37.0069 5 48.2289 5 50.3298 5 58.7185 $ 67.1033 64 5 21.6719 5 37.5856 5 46.9339 5 51.0999 5 59.6198 5 68.1397 65 5 5 21.9823 22.2926 5 5 38.1243 38.6829 5 $ 47.6390 48.3440 5 $ 51.6700 5 60.5230 $ 89.1760 52.6402 5 61.4263 5 70.2124 67 68 5 22.6029 5 39.2418 5 49.0491 5 53.4103 5 62.3298 5 71.2488 5 22.9132 5 39.8003 $ 49.7541 5 69 5 23.2236 5 40.3589 5 50.4592 5 64.1805 54.9506 $ 5 63.2328 64.1361 $ 5 72.2852 73.3216 70 5 23.5339 $ 40.9176 5 51.1642 5 55.7207 $ 65.0393 5 74.3580 66 Sources: Byratecell. (costperpiece)+(wstperpound'postageweight). - the cost per piece is from Attachment 0, row(m) -the costperpoundisfrom Attachment E, p.3.column --postageweightishomAttachmentC,p.8 where (m) Priority Preliminary Attachment Mail Rates (Allocated Per-Piece Element 5 3.100954 Per-Pound Element 5 0.531340 5 0.956545 5 1.207177 Flat Rate 5 3.53 5 3.88 5 1 2 5 3.47 5 5 5 F PageZof17 Rate Elements) 5 1.316630 5 1.546563 5 1.774496 4.08 5 4.17 5 3.94 5 4.02 5 4.36 4.18 5 5 4.54 4.34 5.65 Weight to: pQg&) 3 4 5 3.86 5 3.77 4.47 4.83 5 4.99 5 5.32 5 5 4.89 5 5.97 5 6.72 5 7.06 5 7.74 5 8.42 5.23 5 6.93 7.66 5 5 7.93 9.14 5 5 8.38 9.69 5 5 9.29 5 10.20 10.83 5 11.97 8.84 5 10.34 5 11.01 5 12.38 5 13.75 9.80 5 11.55 5 12.33 5 13.93 5 15.52 5 5 12.76 5 13.65 5 5 5 17.30 19.07 5 5 5 6 5 7 8 9 5.76 5 5 6.29 6.82 5 $ 5 7.35 5 7.88 5 13.97 $ 14.97 5 15.47 17.02 10 5 5 10.75 11.71 8.41 5 12.67 5 15.17 5 5 20.85 5 8.95 5 13.62 5 5 22.62 5 9.48 5 14.58 5 5 5 20.11 12 16.38 17.59 5 5 18.57 11 16.29 17.61 18.92 5 21.66 5 24.39 13 5 5 5 15.54 5 18.79 $ 20.24 $ 23.21 5 26.17 16.49 5 20.00 5 21.56 5 24.75 5 27.94 29.72 14 5 10.01 10.54 15 5 11.07 5 17.45 5 21.21 5 22.88 5 5 11.60 5 18.41 5 22.42 5 24.20 5 26.30 27.85 5 5 5 5 12.13 5 5 25.52 5 29.39 5 31.49 33.27 $ $ 5 23.62 12.87 19.38 20.32 24.83 26.04 5 5 26.84 28.15 5 5 30.94 5 35.04 5 32.49 5 36.82 5 38.59 16 17 18 19 5 5 21.26 22.23 5 20 5 13.20 13.73 27.24 5 29.47 5 34.03 21 5 14.26 5 23.19 5 28.45 5 30.79 5 35.58 5 40.37 22 5 14.79 5 24.14 5 29.66 5 32.11 5 23 5 15.32 5 25.10 5 30.87 5 33.43 5 37.13 38.87 5 5 42.14 43.91 24 25 5 5 15.85 5 5 5 5 34.75 5 40.22 5 45.69 5 26.06 27.01 32.07 16.38 33.28 5 36.07 5 41.77 5 47.46 26 5 5 5 5 37.39 36.70 5 5 49.24 5 5 5 5 28.93 34.49 35.69 43.31 5 16.92 17.45 27.97 27 44.86 5 51.01 28 5 17.98 5 29.88 5 36.90 5 40.02 5 29 5 18.51 5 30.84 5 38.11 5 41.34 5 46.40 47.95 5 5 52.79 54.56 30 31 5 19.04 5 31.60 5 39.32 5 42.66 5 49.50 5 56.34 5 19.57 5 5 43.98 5 51.04 5 58.11 20.10 5 5 5 40.52 41.73 5 45.30 5 52.59 5 59.88 33 5 5 32.75 33.71 5 54.14 5 61.66 5 5 5 5 35.62 42.94 44.14 46.62 5 5 5 34.67 34 20.64 21.17 47.93 5 55.88 5 83.43 57.23 5 65.21 5 5 66.98 88.76 32 5 35 5 5 5 5 5 21.70 22.23 36.58 36 37.54 5 45.35 46.56 5 5 49.25 50.57 5 5 37 5 22.76 5 38.49 5 47.77 5 51.89 5 56.76 60.32 38 39 5 23.29 5 53.21 5 61.87 5 70.53 5 5 5 5 23.82 39.45 40.41 48.97 63.42 5 72.31 41.38 5 74.06 42.32 5 52.60 5 5 5 5 5 55.85 57.16 64.96 41 5 5 5 5 5 24.35 24.89 50.18 51.39 54.53 40 5 5 42 5 25.42 5 43.28 5 53.80 5 58.48 5 66.51 68.06 5 5 75.86 77.63 ? I Priority Prelimlnary Per-Piece Element Per-Pound Element 5 3.100954 5 0.531340 5 0.956645 Attachment Mail Rates (Allocated 5 1.207177 5 F Page2of17 Rate Elements) 1.318830 $ 1.646563 $ 1.774496 69.60 71.15 5 $ 81.18 82.95 Weight to: (Poundsl 43 5 25.95 5 44.23 5 55.01 5 59.80 5 44 5 26.48 5 45.19 5 5 27.01 5 5 5 5 58.63 $ 62.44 63.76 5 5 5 27.64 46.15 47.10 72.70 46 5 5 5 5 61.12 45 66.22 57.42 74.24 5 64.73 47 5 5 59.84 5 65.08 5 75.79 5 86.56 5 5 $ 48.06 48 28.07 28.61 49.02 5 61.05 5 88.28 29.14 5 49.97 5 62.25 5 5 5 5 5 88.40 67.71 77.34 49 78.88 5 50 51 5 5 29.67 5 50.93 5 63.46 5 69.03 5 80.43 5 90.05 91.83 30.20 5 51.88 5 30.73 5 52.84 $ 5 $ 5 71.67 $ 81.96 83.52 5 5 95.37 53 5 5 64.67 65.87 70.35 52 31.26 5 53.80 5 67.08 5 72.99 5 85.07 5 97.15 54 5 31.79 5 5 74.31 5 86.62 5 98.92 5 32.32 5 5 5 68.29 55 54.75 55.71 69.50 5 75.63 5 88.16 5 100.70 56 5 5 5 56.67 57.62 5 5 5 5 5 5 $ 71.91 76.94 78.26 89.71 5 32.86 33.39 70.70 57 58 91.26 5 102.47 104.25 33.92 5 58.58 5 73.12 5 79.58 5 92.80 5 106.02 34.45 34.98 5 5 59.54 60.49 5 5 74.32 75.53 5 5 80.90 5 5 5 5 107.80 82.22 94.35 95.89 5 5 61.45 5 76.74 5 5 62.41 5 77.95 5 $ 5 97.44 96.99 5 $ $ 113.12 114.89 59 60 5 5 5 61 5 62 5 35.51 36.04 83.64 84.66 93.60 109.57 111.36 83 5 36.58 5 63.36 5 79.15 86.17 $ 100.53 64 5 37.11 5 64.32 $ 80.36 5 87.49 5 102.08 5 116.67 65 5 37.84 5 65.28 5 81.57 5 88.81 5 103.83 5 118.44 66 5 38.17 5 68.23 5 82.77 5 90.13 $ 105.17 5 120.22 67 68 5 38.70 5 67.19 5 83.98 5 91.45 5 39.23 5 5 67.60 5 5 5 5 70.06 04.09 95.41 109.81 5 5 5 5 5 70 39.76 40.29 85.19 86.40 5 5 $ 5 92.77 69 88.15 69.10 5 $ 121.99 5 106.72 108.27 111.36 5 125.54 127.32 sources: By rate ceil. (rate element per piece) + (rate element per pound * postage weight), where -- the rate element per piece is from Attachment D. row(n) --the rate element per pound is from Attachment E, p. 3, column (0) --postage 79.40 weight is from Attachment C, p. 6 123.77 AUachmentF Page3off7 Weight to: (Pounds) na, Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 !JJ&3 65.767.474 152,504,451 163.669,598 52.699.566 20,783.251 9,887,338 5307,918 3,441.041 2256,193 1,423,762 Zone 26693,962 48,780.183 55226,386 21.874,717 9.044.764 4,383,186 2334,379 1,541,642 Zone &EJ 23,612.260 14,269,118 64.116.820 61.862.222 24,284,732 30,061,&23 33.441.826 13,822,602 11.328.154 6,001,665 3.424.764 2221,081 1.428.519 6J44.805 3.306,894 1.969.785 1,214,938 954.749 939,602 736.811 527.953 404.382 366,546 656.972 611,569 364,055 285,228 187,654 182,158 148,483 83.649 91,188 966,793 828,246 584,128 456.066 980,590 723,747 504.656 362,576 344,284 213.832 312,538 330,201 176.396 155.170 144,314 83,122 221.905 187,172 175,604 168,672 136,251 93,429 115,747 110,690 66,716 68.612 74.266 97,725 66,595 84,256 46.085 41.608 123,935 82,079 711,781 72,759 63.711 54,061 50,560 41.050 56,606 29.017 43,603 41,092 49.186 46,762 33,434 26,500 28.032 14,548 12,906 17.810 46.135 52,032 22,473 27,784 24,665 29,056 20,229 14.968 32,990 25.899 25,510 28,929 19.351 15,633 28.024 9,781 12,526 7,297 6,650 14.013 4,661 3.718 1,451 7,690 6,547 6,327 3,088 5.011 9,499 1,723 3,703 5.314 5,961 6,537 2,741 2,778 5,498 2.210 3,386 6,522 1,907 4.066 5,874 2.450 6,374 16,832 11.947 6,779 22.563 &@,I 9549.916 21.920.187 25,202,810 10,891.552 4.668,014 2.595.474 1.565477 937,725 783,501 456,331 395,531 275.797 296,365 Zone TOtal 17.705,4*3 151,798,234 40,452.447 44.322.326 345.835.931 383,725,167 19.532,772 9,099,486 5,027,138 Z854.905 1.973,115 1.465,370 143.105.943 61,388.477 31.200.695 17.457.227 11.329.543 1,025.954 770,647 617,138 417.620 7.868.922 5228.366 3,875,907 2.975.765 2.332209 196.635 135.292 136,402 87,617 333,860 257,195 240.745 206,001 1.744.798 1,X4.256 1,187,318 616,386 75,436 70,129 50,263 74,844 49,082 177.497 147,767 166,943 67,749 83,356 734,453 550,619 520,924 429.138 370,397 29,412 34,674 25,748 16,660 76,662 70,681 59.350 72.213 362,129 296,741 271,752 210.147 13.992 12,915 8.405 15,500 29,146 48,547 40.664 42,574 25,246 27.721 10,058 6.531 6,935 5,626 8.440 7.257 5,863 30.080 23,430 21,268 18.037 24.947 21,110 177,675 159,467 142,667 94,090 178,951 110,386 5,108 4.007 6,303 1,936 3,465 1,339 1.588 1.243 4,629 35.769 5,767 6,644 1,968 3,054 2,693 4.290 14,022 8,069 20.645 56,607 52.252 49.964 31,952 68,570 45.198 27,735 27,764 14,408 15,639 25,996 4,733 ?2.937 7,679 17.040 6,496 13.723 6,042 10,624 17,586 3,887 9,629 6,913 93.257 79,450 74.912 96,896 68,210 38,041 69,570 47,627 35,421 50,091 17.589 27,568 26,369 -, AtiachmentF Page3of17 Weight to: m 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 64 65 56 57 68 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 66 67 88 69 70 Total w zQ@& 2.949 3,017 1,631 1.608 686 3.126 1.406 1.768 3,229 1.900 1,597 1.753 5,242 904 1,102 1.623 416 406 58 216 381 144 &QQjj &oQ5 4,401 2,724 2.316 1,066 1.471 1.463 2.021 4,646 2,652 717 502 3,392 1,962 3,275 482 3,606 528 2,331 3,766 392 306 1.629 367 181 640 956 8,393 515 4.906 657 626 939 1,330 1.151 333 24 359 224 464 1.030 276 1,170 101 601 280 1.302 1.296 194 752 21,523 6,356 251 552 1,238 2.422 3,336 69 1,395 191 926 857 169 1,626 50 1.435 465.752,656 Zone Zone 538 3,124 658 165.600,157 192,126.487 211 253 211 4,525 2,630 7,891 3,472 2.167 4,220 2,396 8,481 4,759 9,156 2.205 2,569 1.073 283 338 268 1.634 2,677 202 316 690 213 213 213 771 716 1.528 388 527 107.231,327 60,682.193 Total 20,945 12,242 1.366 301 31 269 147.335,960 Rate design assumption of 1,176,729,00Ototal pieces distributed by Attachment C. p-4 31.909 27,224 13,445 8.364 16.013 15.389 7,903 14.731 9,298 13,960 8,360 13.885 9.761 6.905 2,878 27,664 13.535 928 2,459 831 2.885 1,636 2,138 1.239 2,678 1.797 1.178.729.000 Weight to: pan&) Flat Rate 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 8 L&&Q &E+ 232.351.489 8 529,313,162 632.350.399 247.423.035 108.619.766 81.039.498 8 96.394.018 8 59544.706 3 41.621237 % 80.446.429 $ 91.570.989 ,75,407,,03 176210,587 213287,159 120.812.987 299.0,7.201 166,993.967 134.096986 250,326,5,9 247.075.691 97.543.939 84307,821 184,552,724 130.604.938 163253.756 62.654.286 52,303,200 46.395,996 92.605,,20 89.828.434 32.047.677 34.555628 28,118,766 60,192,,06 54.836250 21.892.714 ,9,381.123 39249.034 20.636.430 35.425.812 14.981.843 15.103,111 25656.138 13.059.593 30.627.538 10.544.590 18.225573 13.032318 12.123.477 25.346.367 8.474.977 9.833.965 7,800,807 13,,22,054 19.566.405 8,392,174 6,332,060 11.1x.435 7.343.659 18,082,759 4,939,357 13,!359,923 8.647.817 6.40!3503 5,547.m ,0.192,684 5.397.808 6.419.180 5,019,49, 7.111.904 6.736.922 X798.696 4.567.817 3.322,106 6.701.057 3.927.808 7.187.043 2,559,,60 4.438.412 3.348.853 7,154.569 2,518,160 3.397.361 3.587298 3.969.652 1,529,911 6.650.542 3,936.309 2.024.235 2.439.768 1.892.178 2.326.902 5.904.656 2.217269 2.927,703 5,177,691 1.190.585 1.524.496 2,038,024 2.169.738 6,219,881 1.792.579 1.47,,,41 1.868,983 1,632,813 1.069.022 1.472324 2,814,505 1.982.294 2.547.095 964.811 983,865 3.364.879 I.748269 1.528.155 1,880,719 ,.305,3,0 1.091.946 3226.298 1.684.792 1,289,128 1,510,932 3.103.921 ,,340,907 895,627 1,069,881 2.711.643 963,736 1.035.551 1.398.499 3.427.474 715.893 861,913 1,002,078 695.795 728,135 879,774 538.653 605,033 2.390.356 961,228 579.323 2.074.363 420.850 605.302 385,693 714,105 390.016 2247,325 1.040.435 743.250 1377,474 461,620 196.662 603,365 1.048.995 1.101.796 551.878 1.442.641 1.561.659 311.637 333,368 1.747.936 208.777 337.721 771.855 273,199 384.721 1.403,,3, 567.412 271.650 304,882 1.311.351 414,151 302.888 1.144,,38 312.728 135.452 857.786 358.618 396.110 415.298 1.6X.736 826,081 227.266 54,469 442.285 344.599 1.414,ooo 508.848 66,342 132,884 279.227 964,147 265.042 213,233 569.101 146.073 269,160 2.213.087 1.492.749 343,664 365.094 214.737 110.920 108,129 431.619 801,879 247.377 174,004 276.632 343.044 198.104 130.890 1333,970 78,304 207.833 118,616 102,807 300,217 187,473 764,562 94.989 179.854 323.104 75.958 116,415 561,198 137.738 305,267 24.812 252.708 65.911 146,955 1.737.458 93.810 344,836 1.037266 147,155 159.736 95.202 200.970 391.424 41,228 138.597 35.052 72,616 232,173 35,149 119.801 25,084 104,891 157.828 710.568 203,855 56.927.850 33.x31.452 23.469.039 18.586.787 11.223.527 8.050.789 7.409.225 5.535.801 4.564.501 3.294.056 3.655.887 2.069.816 2.046.624 1.712.962 1.232.927 1.588.943 1.578.342 1.282398 1.051.255 1.177.339 673,266 832,015 850.758 601.100 329.666 916.538 1,018.387 451,764 573.325 526.315 630.428 449.678 222,615 291.744 173,845 181,959 348,723 118.981 96.472 235.581 79.651 63.088 45.798 45,994 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Rev. Per Piece, Combined 5 Set Joint Rate: 3.814 Priority Preliminary AttachmentF Mail Rates, With Unzoned Flat Rate/One-Pound Page9oft7 Rate (Step TWO) Weight to: IPounds) FM Rate 5 3.65 $ 3.65 $ 3.85 5 3.85 $ 3.65 5 3.85 1 5 3.65 5 3.85 5 3.85 5 5 3.85 5 3.86 5 4.47 5 4.63 $ 5 5 3.65 2 3 3.65 4.99 5.32 $ 4.69 5 6.72 7.93 $ $ 7.74 5 5.65 8.42 6.38 $ 5 5 5 $ $ $ 5 5.23 5.76 5.97 6.93 7.06 4 5 5 7.68 5 9.14 s 9.69 5 9.29 10.83 5 5 11.97 6 5 6.29 $ 8.64 5 9.69 5 10.07 5 11.32 $ 12.32 7 5 6.62 $ 9.80 $ 10.67 5 11.02 5 12.56 $ 14.04 6 5 7.35 5 10.75 5 11.44 5 11.97 5 13.81 5 15.76 9 5 7.80 5 11.71 5 12.21 5 12.92 5 15.05 5 17.48 10 11 5 8.41 5 12.62 5 5 14.52 5 16.29 $ 5 5 13 5 $ $ 17.54 10.78 19.20 20.92 9.48 10.01 5 5 5 5 12 13.33 14.04 13.96 15.17 5 8.95 5 5 16.29 5 5 12.96 13.76 14.75 5 15.29 $ 17.48 5 20.03 $ 24.36 14 5 10.54 5 15.46 $ 16.06 5 18.60 5 21.27 5 26.07 15 5 11.07 $ 16.16 5 16.83 $ 19.73 5 22.52 5 27.79 16 5 11.60 5 16.89 5 17.60 $ 5 5 12.13 5 17.60 5 5 29.51 31.22 5 12.67 5 18.31 $ 5 5 25.00 16 18.37 19.32 5 5 23.76 17 20.66 22.04 23.17 5 26.25 5 32.94 5 13.20 5 19.02 $ 20.20 $ 24.29 5 27.49 5 34.66 21.15 22.04 5 $ 25.36 $ 26.54 $ 26.74 29.98 5 $ 38.10 22.93 $ 27.67 5 31.22 $ 39.82 23.68 5 28.80 $ 32.47 5 41.53 19 20 21 5 13.73 5 19.73 5 22 5 5 14.26 14.79 $ a 20.44 21.15 5 5 23 5 15.32 5 21.86 $ 10.20 22.63 36.36 24 5 15.85 5 22.67 5 24.83 5 29.92 5 33.71 5 43.25 26 5 16.36 $ 23.29 5 25.77 5 31.11 5 34.96 5 26 27 5 5 16.92 5 26.60 27.55 5 5 32.23 33.36 $ 5 36.20 37.45 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 26 17.45 17.98 24.00 24.71 44.97 46.69 25.42 5 28.50 5 $ 5 18.51 5 26.13 5 29.45 5 5 5 38.69 29 34.48 35.6, 39.93 5 50.13 51.64 30 5 19.04 5 26.64 5 31 32 5 5 19.57 20.10 5 $ 27.55 28.26 5 5 30.34 31.22 5 5 36.79 37.66 5 5 41.18 42.42 $ $ 53.56 55.28 32.17 $ 36.99 5 43.67 $ 57.00 33 5 20.64 5 28.97 $ 33.12 $ 40.11 $ 44.91 5 58.72 34 5 21.17 $ 29.68 $ 21.70 22.23 $ $ 30.40 31.11 $ 5 5 5 5 5 5 34.01 34.96 41.24 35 36 42.42 5 46.16 47.40 5 5 60.44 62.15 35.86 5 63.87 22.76 5 31.94 5 $ 5 23.22 5 32.65 $ 5 5 49.89 38 36.79 37.68 $ 5 $ 5 43.56 44.6, 48.64 37 45.86 5 51.13 5 65.59 67.31 48.41 39 5 23.76 5 33.48 5 38.63 5 46.99 5 52.36 5 69.03 40 41 5 5 24.23 24.71 5 5 34.31 5 $ 49.24 5 53.62 54.87 5 5 72.46 42 5 25.16 5 $ 5 5 $ 48.11 35.02 35.86 39.56 40.47 41.36 5 50.30 5 56.17 5 74.18 70.74 Priority Preliminary Attachment Mail Rates, With Unzoned Flat Rate/One-Pound Rate F Page9of17 (Step Two) Weight to (Pounds) 43 5 25.66 5 36.62 5 42.30 5 51.49 5 57.41 5 75.90 44 5 26.13 5 37.39 5 43.25 5 52.61 5 58.72 5 45 5 26.60 5 36.22 5 44.14 5 53.74 5 59.96 5 77.62 79.34 46 47 5 27.08 $ 38.99 5 45.03 $ 54.87 5 61.21 5 61.05 5 27.55 5 39.76 5 45.96 5 56.05 5 62.51 $ 62.77 48 5 28.03 5 40.59 5 46.93 5 57.18 5 63.75 5 04.49 49 50 5 28.50 5 41.36 5 5 65.06 5 66.21 28.97 $ 42.13 0 5 5 58.30 5 47.61 48.76 59.43 5 66.30 5 51 5 29.45 5 42.96 5 49.65 5 60.55 5 5 29.92 $ 5 30.40 30.67 5 5 51.49 5 61.74 62.86 5 5 70.03 5 93.06 54 5 5 5 5 50.60 53 43.73 44.50 5 5 87.93 89.65 52 67.55 66.79 45.27 5 52.44 5 63.93 $ 71.28 5 94.80 55 56 5 31.34 5 46.10 5 53.38 5 65.06 5 72.52 5 96.52 5 31.82 $ 46.87 5 5 5 5 5 47.64 46.47 5 5 5 $ 66.24 57 54.27 55.16 67.37 5 73.77 75.01 5 5 96.24 99.95 56.11 $ 101.67 5 5 5 5 57.06 68.49 69.62 76.25 5 77.50 5 103.39 91.36 58 5 32.29 32.77 58 5 33.24 5 49.24 60 5 33.71 34.19 5 5 50.01 5 58.01 5 70.60 5 76.74 5 105.11 50.04 5 58.84 $ 71.93 5 79.99 5 106.83 34.66 5 51.55 5 59.76 5 73.06 5 61.23 5 108.55 5 35.14 5 52.38 5 60.73 5 74.16 5 82.46 5 110.26 5 53.21 $ 61.68 5 75.37 5 83.72 5 62.51 63.46 5 5 76.43 5 64.96 5 111.86 113.70 77.56 5 86.21 5 115.42 5 78.66 5 87.45 66.70 5 5 117.14 89.94 $ 120.57 91.19 5 122.29 61 62 63 64 5 5 5 35.61 65 5 36.08 5 53.92 5 66 67 5 36.56 5 54.75 5 68 5 37.03 5 69 5 5 37.51 37.96 5 $ 70 5 38.45 5 55.58 56.29 5 $ 64.40 65.35 5 57.12 5 66.24 5 79.81 80.99 5 5 57.95 5 67.13 S 82.12 5 Flat rate and one pound: Attachment F, p. 8 Z-70 pounds: Attachment F. p. 5 118.86 AHachmentF Page10of17 Pre,,minaly Revenues, With Unzoned Flat RatelOne-Pound Rate [Step TWO, Wei9ht to: &?g!&j Flat Rate 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 33 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 - &XL@ 3253,204.776 56&7.142,13& $632,350.399 $247,423.035 $,0*.6,9.76* 556,927.*50 S33,3&,.452 523.469,039 5,6,5&6.787 511.223527 58.050.789 57.409.225 55.535.801 54,564.501 $3,294.056 53,655,667 $2,069,&16 52846.624 51.712.982 $1.232.927 51.588.943 $1.578.342 $1.282.598 51.051.255 51.,77,339 5673.268 5832.015 16660.758 $601,100 $%29.888 $916.538 5,.0,8,367 $461.784 5573,325 5526,315 5630,428 5449.678 $222,615 $291,661 5173.378 5161,152 5346,220 $117,877 $95,382 $232.462 $78.448 $8,.6&6 544,946 580.441.754 5180.103.706 $247.075.691 $130.604,936 562.664.286 534.665.626 520,636,430 5,5.,03.,,, 510,544,690 58.474.977 56.36&,&*3 54.833394 54.834.527 53,,54.72, 52.399.594 52,334.321 51.403.614 $,,7,9,696 51.072,778 51302,492 W&.732 $850,509 51.143.521 51,,05.403 5926,672 5617,065 5624,663 5359,450 5326,055 5391.099 5885,462 $175.615 $475,709 $346.13, 5260.589 5686,411 545,136 555,040 5120,863 5177.908 5205.171 5226,697 596,252 $,48,687 596,315 $20,549 5121,801 534.106 zc!!u zQ.!a iTQos.2 zc?@a I&! 590.907.279 $206349,756 5299.017,201 5163.253.756 5*9,*2*.434 564.636.260 $33,&87.,&, 523.6*?,&30 S16.335.47, 5,,.46*.3,1 59.560.679 *7,257.24, *5.*70.,,5 $5.450.373 53.563.069 53.149.538 53,090,153 52.276.369 51.565.390 51,450,280 51,539,026 5,.,*3,*34 $1.302,541 $092.851 51.082.488 5667,602 5678.646 5741.93, $551.50, 5466,226 $850.134 5240,128 8210.626 5209.54, w4.936.106 5115.738.094 5166,993.967 59?.543,939 552.303.200 $32.047.677 519.840.658 513.389.226 S11.426.915 58,485.779 57,153.27* 55.521.981 $4.647.44, 53279.949 53,3*&.923 52,929,615 51.744.593 52,009,&73 5,.3,6,040 51.269.323 51.266.786 5648,128 51,620.608 5,,30,,469 5&29,86? 5864,257 5464,403 5621.692 5896.440 5166,533 $475,996 5290.741 $664.323 5260.632 53*.7*7.,7* 5&4.392,?20 5134.096.986 584.307.62, 545.395.996 52*,,,*.?** 517,71*,,10 511.?7&,759 5,0,6,6.434 56.897.655 56.444.683 54.838.932 56.566.402 53,941,925 52.877.755 53.07,.09& 52.081.705 51.888.178 51,840.73* 51,3&1,819 52,150.726 5,.47,,49* 5918,396 $1.,25.&2& 5868.054 5682.383 5506,650 5483.598 5325.179 5618.989 5,,200,1?? 5277,062 5302,836 5252,759 $68.188.108 $155,741.921 5250,326,5,9 5164.552.724 592.805.120 5*0.192,,06 $35.183.845 527.706.977 523.094.959 517.932.399 514.792.192 5,2.907,*02 99.456.733 58.,30.0?9 56.706.085 56.689.895 56.137.37, 55.642.294 $4,&67,565 55,&56.7*6 52.464.686 53.175.660 53.04&,378 $2,936.*9, 52,567.046 53.247.475 52,266.6,7 51.968.429 52.134.022 5,,30&.*64 5,,4&4,?67 51.662.808 $1.335,503 51.248.775 $584.423.200 51,331.46&.336 $1,729.860.764 5**7,6*6.01, 5451.606.802 $266,*7*.277 1,60.645,676 5115.134,w 5**.*o5.,54 564.482.648 552.370.502 542.7**.575 *35,9,,.0,9 528.521.549 522.228.482 52,.*30,,35 516.527.25, 5,*.4*,,033 512.395.472 512.792.627 59.958.899 59.107.970 59,3,6.041 5&,2,2.5,* 57,451.4*2 56.651.950 $5,3?2,&93 54.925.858 $4836,296 53.283.377 55.*13,074 53.664.740 53.440.780 52891.162 5104.353 5176,177 $340,518 $102.206 5207,106 $85.390 5134.018 5263.944 578,872 5246,479 5105,974 $194,254 5122.68, 5106.494 $565,694 5341,181 *43*.0,0 5228.185 5183.780 5296.129 593,153 5170,629 567.351 581.783 565,386 556.728 580,726 581,997 5297,253 5343.962 5285.191 5230,924 51.828.989 5301.536 $366.261 5107.974 5,7,.530 5154,640 5251,924 5121.210 5264,260 $165,753 51.090.049 51,550,522 51.348.320 $919.730 5543.089 51.425.033 $765.785 51.274.309 5266.879 5730.813 S636.577 51.661.689 5992,290 5374,545 52Z44.454 53.727.680 52.906.856 $1.?58,700 53.175.510 52.459.376 51.716.52, $2.391.974 5820,761 51.459.985 5,.2**.637 52.132.878 51.683.462 5807.641 A”achmnt F Page10of17 Weight to: IPOUndS) 46 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Total u.z&J 545,061 $19,538 590,577 541,404 553,451 598.144 $58.657 550,060 555.768 5169,278 $29,616 $36,625 554,718 514.173 $14,084 52,044 $7.674 $13,732 55,263 $60,197 51.867 $0 $0 52,027,200.632 Sources: Byratecell, Zane4 529.105 $20.760 5142.905 50 113,396 172,502 516.612 58,363 $30,002 S46.514 963.113 50 59,695 138.222 $0 173.076 so 549.889 546,922 50 $0 50 50 5&32,057.436 Attachment F, r,.9'A"achment ZOne 592.092 5156,576 523,499 5179,016 5424,691 $26.499 5257,266 545,754 544,841 $0 572.700 50 51..2448.481 5373,935 514,980 50 511.*00 50 510,717 50 50 596,042 50 51.050.588.987 F, p.3 Zone 530,185 5135.891 5223.7682 523,715 50 522.566 514.330 530.201 $68,216 518,587 537,794 586.211 5171.497 5239.903 55.076 50 515.892 - &n@ 559,662 566,506 $76.293 522,469 51.682 581.973 57.211 536,336 520,646 580,457 521,599 526.163 $21,092 5222,215 5680.248 5305,291 5194.266 5385.666 5222,992 $612.520 5459,349 5899.453 5220,424 $261.161 so 5171,727 5286.006 521,892 534,876 $0 5155,269 50 50 556,885 517.861 518.116 50 519,593 518.382 50 516.592 535,271 50 534,390 53,659 561.495 558,000 547,415 50 5125.474 532,886 50 5620.696.400 5510.938.269 51,026.340,6&l RevenueTsrget (Attachment F.p.4, Difference Percent Difference w $478.520 51.099,51* 5862,347 5460,669 9878.785 5524,676 5966,596 5630,065 51.118.929 $534,260 $485.983 5149.019 $1.677.189 5952,236 556.033 5166.881 553.218 5237,006 5100,675 5112,060 5101.410 5200.457 5156,360 56.067.722.407 -554.363.623 -0.9% -, Mail Attachment Recovery From Pounds 26 (Step Three) Pagellof17 Priority Revenue Required Weight Increments Percent Prelim. Increase RC?VeflUe (Pounds) w 2-5 53.335.631.&&4 0) Cc) = W f (a) 1.63% 554,363,623 sources: (a) Total in Attachment F. p. 10 br2-5 (b) Inverse of “difference” pounds at bottom of Attachment F. p. 10 F Priority PreliminaryRates,With AttachmentF Mail Full Revenue Page12of17 Recovery (Step Three) Weight to IPounds) Flat Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 37 38 39 40 41 42 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.86 $ 3.85 5 3.85 5 3.86 $ 3.85 5 3.85 3.85 $ 3.85 4.65 5 3.85 $ 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.93 a 5 4.91 $ 5.07 5 5 4.77 8.07 $ 6.83 5 7.17 5 7.87 7.04 $ 8.06 5 8.51 5 9.44 5.85 5 5 5 8.01 5 9.29 5 11.01 $ 10.07 5 11.32 $ 5 $ 9.89 6.82 8.84 9.80 5 5 9.85 6.29 5 5 5 5 5 5 10.67 5 11.02 5 12.56 5 14.04 7.35 $ 10.75 5 11.44 5 5 5 11.97 5 13.81 5 15.76 12.92 13.98 5 5 15.05 16.29 17.48 19.20 5 15.17 18.29 5 17.54 5 5 5 5 18.78 5 22.63 17.48 5 20.03 5 24.35 18.80 19.73 5 5 21.27 5 26.07 22.52 5 27.79 5.31 5.41 5.74 8.66 10.37 12.17 12.32 7.86 $ 11.71 5 12.21 8.41 8.95 5 12.62 $ $ 9.48 $ 13.33 14.04 5 5 12.98 13.75 10.01 $ 14.75 5 15.29 10.54 $ 11.07 5 15.46 16.18 $ 5 16.83 5 5 5 5 11.60 $ 16.89 5 17.60 5 20.86 5 23.76 5 29.51 12.13 $ 17.60 5 18.37 $ 22.04 5 25.00 5 31.22 12.87 5 18.31 5 19.32 5 23.17 5 13.20 13.73 $ $ 19.02 20.20 21.16 5 5 24.29 5 26.25 27.49 5 5 32.94 34.86 28.74 5 36.38 $ 5 22.04 5 29.98 5 38.10 14.79 $ 21.15 s 22.93 5 5 25.36 26.64 5 14.28 19.73 20.44 5 5 27.67 5 31.22 $ 39.82 15.32 $ 21.86 5 23.88 5 28.80 5 32.47 5 41.53 15.85 $ 22.57 5 24.83 $ 29.92 5 33.71 5 43.25 16.38 $ 23.29 5 25.77 31.11 5 44.97 $ 24.00 5 26.60 36.20 5 46.69 17.45 $ 24.71 5 27.55 33.36 5 5 5 34.96 16.92 37.45 5 48.41 17.98 $ 25.42 5 28.50 34.48 5 38.69 5 50.13 18.51 $ 26.13 5 29.45 5 5 5 5 5 35.61 51.84 5 26.84 $ 5 5 42.42 5 53.56 55.26 5 5 5 37.88 20.10 27.55 28.26 5 5 36.79 $ 30.34 31.22 39.93 41.16 5 19.04 19.57 5 5 20.64 21.17 5 5 28.97 29.68 5 5 21.70 22.23 5 30.40 5 $ 31.11 22.78 5 23.29 $ 23.78 14.52 16.06 32.23 20.92 32.17 5 43.67 5 57.00 $ 38.99 40.11 5 33.12 5 34.01 5 41.24 5 44.91 48.16 5 5 58.72 60.44 34.96 35.85 5 5 42.42 5 47.40 5 5 5 48.64 5 62.15 63.87 31.94 5 36.79 37.68 51.13 5 5 65.59 5 $ 5 38.63 5 46.99 5 5 5 49.89 32.65 33.48 5 5 43.55 44.67 52.36 5 69.03 24.23 $ 34.31 $ 39.56 5 48.11 5 53.62 5 24.71 $ 5 49.24 5 70.74 72.46 $ 41.36 5 50.30 5 54.87 56.17 5 25.18 $ 5 40.47 5 74.18 35.02 35.85 45.86 67.31 Priority Preliminay Attachment Mail Rates, With Full Revenue F Page12of17 Recovery (Step Three) Weight to: IPounds) 43 5 25.66 5 36.82 5 42.30 $ 51.49 5 57.41 5 75.90 44 5 26.13 5 37.39 $ $ 58.72 5 77.62 5 26.60 $ 38.22 5 5 5 52.61 45 43.25 44.14 53.74 5 59.96 5 79.34 46 5 27.08 $ 38.99 5 45.03 5 54.87 5 81.21 5 61.05 47 5 27.55 $ 39.78 5 5 62.51 5 82.77 5 26.03 5 5 5 47.81 5 57.18 58.30 5 $ 5 5 5 5 5 63.75 28.50 28.97 40.59 41.36 $ 5 58.05 48 45.98 46.93 5 48.78 $ 59.43 5 5 5 84.49 86.21 42.13 65.06 66.30 5 29.45 $ 42.98 5 49.65 5 80.55 5 67.55 5 89.65 5 29.92 5 43.73 $ 5 5 44.50 45.27 5 81.74 62.66 5 5 $ 5 5 5 $ 68.79 30.40 30.87 50.60 51.49 91.36 93.06 52.44 5 5 5 31.34 5 46.10 5 31.82 5 46.87 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 57 5 5 5 5 5 63.93 5 70.03 71.26 53.38 5 65.06 5 72.52 5 98.52 54.27 $ 66.24 5 73.77 $ 96.24 5 67.37 $ 75.01 5 99.95 101.67 103.39 32.29 5 47.64 5 56.11 $ 68.49 $ 76.25 5 57.06 5 69.82 5 77.50 5 58.01 5 70.60 5 78.74 5 105.11 58.64 59.78 5 5 71.93 5 79.99 5 81.23 5 106.83 108.55 $ $ 110.26 60 5 33.71 $ 61 5 34.19 5 5 49.24 5 50.01 5 50.84 $ 62 5 5 34.66 35.14 5 5 51.55 52.38 5 32.77 5 59 5 33.24 5 48.47 5 80.73 $ 73.06 74.18 $ $ 61.68 $ 75.37 5 82.48 83.72 62.51 5 76.43 5 84.96 5 113.70 115.42 117.14 64 65 5 35.61 5 5 36.08 5 5 53.21 5 53.92 5 66 5 36.56 5 54.75 5 63.46 5 77.56 $ 86.21 5 67 5 37.03 5 EA.40 5 78.68 5 67.45 5 111.98 66 5 37.51 5 5 56.29 5 5 37.98 5 57.12 5 65.35 66.24 5 5 79.81 80.99 5 5 88.70 89.94 5 5 118.86 69 70 5 38.45 5 57.95 5 87.13 5 82.12 5 91.19 5 122.29 55.58 Flat rate. 1 pound. pounds 6-70: Attachment F. p. 9 Pounds 2.6: Attachment F. p. 9’ (1 + Attachment F. p. 11. wlumn Cc)) -. 94.80 55.16 58 63 67.93 120.57 AttdmwntF PriorMy Mai, hQe13Of17 PreliminaryRevenuas,WithFullRevenueRecovely (StepThree) Wei9htto: IPounds) FM Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LQ@ && 5253.204.776 5587,142,138 580.441.764 5180,103,706 5842.855.733 5251.455.257 5110,389,928 557.855,596 $33,381.462 5251,102.251 5132.733,388 563,675.355 535,118.777 523.489.039 516.586.787 511.223.527 58,050.789 520.636.430 515.103.111 $10.544,590 58.474.977 &L&/j Zone zq@ 590.907.279 554,936,108 53C767.178 $208.349,756 $303,890,246 $165.914,281 591.292.367 555.729.909 533,887.181 $115,738,094 $169,715,447 $99,133.800 $53.155.579 $32.569.954 $19.840.858 $23.687.830 516,335,471 $11,468.311 584,392,720 $136282.348 585.681,571 $46.135,809 $28.577.014 517.716,110 5254.406.058 5167,234.418 $94.317,653 581.173,049 535.183,845 $13.389.226 §11,426.915 $8.485.779 57.153,278 511.778.759 510,816,434 $6.897,655 56,444,883 527.706.977 523,094,959 $17,932,399 514,792,192 51.758,052,083 5902.152.516 54.58.968.580 $271.024.299 5180.845,676 5115.134.944 55,521,981 54,647,441 53,279.949 53,388,923 52.929,615 54.836.932 $5,586.402 53.941,925 $2.877.755 53.071,098 512,907,602 $9.458.733 58,130,079 58.705.085 56,689,895 $8,137.371 56,368,883 54.833.594 54.834.527 53,154,721 52.399.594 52,334.321 59,560,879 57,257,241 55.870,115 55,450.373 $3.583.069 53,149.538 $2,069,816 $2,046,824 51.712.962 51,403.614 51.719,696 $1.072.778 $3,090.153 52,276.369 51.585.390 51.744.593 52,009.873 $1.318,040 52,081.705 51,686.176 51.840.738 20 21 22 23 24 25 51,232,927 51.588.943 $1,578,342 51,282,598 51,051,255 51,177,339 5673,268 $1.802,492 5948,732 5850,509 51.143.621 51.105.403 5926,672 5617,065 $1,450.280 $1,539,028 51.183.834 51,302,541 5692.851 $1,082.486 5667,502 51269.323 51,288,786 5848,128 51,620,608 51,301,489 5829,867 $664,267 51.381,819 52.150.726 51.471.496 $918,395 51.125,828 $868,054 5582,383 26 27 28 $832,015 $860,758 5601,100 $824,663 5359,450 5328,055 $678,646 5741,931 5551,501 $464,403 $521,692 $898.440 $506,550 $483,598 $325.179 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 5329,886 5916.538 51,018,387 $451.784 $573,326 $526.315 $630,428 $391,099 5365,462 $175,615 5475,709 5346,131 $280.589 $686.411 5486,226 5850,134 5240.128 5210.628 5209,541 5104,353 5175,177 $168,533 $475.998 5290,741 $664,323 $260,632 $665.894 $341.181 $618,989 51,200,177 5277,062 $302,835 $252,759 5297,253 $343,962 36 37 $449,678 5222,615 $45,138 38 39 40 41 42 $291.661 $173,378 $161,152 $348.220 $117.877 555,040 $120,883 5340,518 5102,206 $207.106 $438,010 $228,185 $183,780 $285.191 $230,924 $1.828.989 5177,908 5205,171 5228,897 $98,252 585.390 5134.018 5263,944 578,672 43 44 595.382 $232,462 5148,887 596,315 $248,479 5105,974 $298,129 $93.153 $170,629 567,351 581,783 $301.536 $356.281 5107,974 $171,530 $154,640 565,386 5251.924 17 18 19 Total 5584.423200 51,331.468.336 57.409.225 55,535,801 54.584,601 $3,294,056 53.655.887 13 14 15 16 Zone 568,166.108 $155.741,921 $5.542.294 54,867,565 55,855,788 $2.464.688 53.175.660 53.048,378 52.935.891 52.567,045 53247.475 52.266.817 588,805,154 564,482,648 $52,370.502 542,788,575 535,911.019 528,521,549 522,228.482 521,830,135 516,527,251 $15,481.033 512,395,472 512,792.627 $9358,899 $9,107,970 $9,316,041 $8,212,518 571451,462 58,651,950 55,372,893 $4,925,858 51.968.429 52.134.022 51.308,884 $4,838,296 53,283,377 51,484,767 $1,662,808 $1.335.503 $1,248,775 51,090,049 $1,550,522 $5.813,074 53.664.740 53.440.780 52,891.162 $2.844.464 $3.727.680 $1,348,320 $2.906,856 $919,730 5543.089 51,425.033 5785,765 51.274.309 $1,758.700 $3.176.610 52.459.375 51,715,621 52.391.974 5820,761 5286,879 5730,813 $536,577 ? 51.459.985 $1.288,637 ? AltachmentF Pagsl3of17 Weight to: (Poundr) 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 TOtal LQ@ Zone Zone &&& &QJ $78.448 $20,549 $194,254 $56.726 5121,210 $81.685 $44,945 $45,061 519,538 $121,601 $34,106 $29,105 $20,760 $122,661 $106.494 $92.092 $156,576 $60.726 $61,997 $30,165 $264,260 $165.753 559.662 $90.577 $41,404 $53,451 $142,905 523,499 $179,016 $424.691 $135,691 5223,762 $23,715 $66.506 $76,293 $22,469 51.662 $98,144 $56,657 550,060 $55,768 $169.276 $29,616 $36.625 $54,716 $14.173 SO $13,396 $72,502 $16.612 $6,363 530,002 $45,614 $63,113 $0 $9.695 $36,222 514.084 $2,044 $0 $73.076 $7,674 $13,732 $5.263 $60,197 $0 $49,669 $46,922 $1,667 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $2,044,236,095 $639.796666 $26,499 $257,266 545.754 $44,641 $0 $72,700 $0 $22,566 $14,330 $30,201 $66.216 wJ.587 537,794 $0 $1,246,461 $66,211 $171,497 5373,935 $14.960 5239,903 $5,076 50 $11.800 so $15,892 $0 $10,717 so $19,593 $61.973 $7,211 $36,336 $20,646 $80.457 $21,599 $26,163 $21,092 JO 50 $56,665 $17,651 $16,116 $16,362 &&J @a $1.661.689 $992.290 $374.545 $222.215 $2,132,678 $1,683,462 $607,641 $476.520 $660,246 $305,291 $194.266 $365,566 $222.992 $1.099.516 $662,347 $460,669 $676,765 $612,520 $459,349 $699,453 $220,424 $261,161 $0 $171,727 $266,006 $21.692 $34,676 $0 5155,269 $0 $35,271 $16.592 SO $61,495 $3,659 $34.390 SO $95,042 $47,415 556,000 50 $125,474 $32.866 $0 50 $1.060.460,139 $626.282.195 $515,695,641 $1,035.595.291 RevenueTarget(AttachmentF,~.4) mferena, $0 Percent Difference $524,676 $966,596 5630,065 $1.116.929 $534,260 $485,963 $149,019 51,677,~~~ $952,236 $56,033 $166.661 $53,216 $237.006 $100,675 $112,060 $101.410 $200,457 $156,360 $6,122.066.030 $ $0 0.0% Priority Rounded -z AttachmentF Page14of17 Mail and Final Rates Weight to: (Pounds) 3.65 5 3.65 5 3.65 5 3.65 $ 3.65 5 3.85 3.65 5 3.65 $ 3.65 5 3.85 5 3.65 5 3.95 5 4.55 $ 4.90 5 5.05 5 5.40 5 3.65 5.75 29 $ 5 $ $ $ 5 $ 5 $ $ $ s 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 $ $ 5 5 5 5 5 5 I $ 30 5 31 $ 19.05 19.55 32 33 5 20.10 5 28.25 5 32.15 5 a 20.65 $ 26.95 $ 33.10 5 40.10 $ 43.65 44.90 34 $ 21.15 $ 29.70 $ 34.00 5 41.25 $ 46.15 5 60.45 35 $ 21.70 $ 30.40 5 34.95 $ 42.40 5 47.40 $ 62.15 36 37 .5 22.25 $ 31.10 $ 35.65 5 43.65 $ $ 63.65 5 46.65 49.90 5 65.60 36 5 $ 51.15 $ 67.30 $ 69.05 70.75 Flat Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 $ 39 $ 40 $ 41 42 5 .S 4.75 5 6.05 $ 6.65 $ 7.15 $ 7.65 5 6.55 5.30 5 7.05 $ 6.05 5 6.50 5 9.46 5 5.65 $ 6.00 5 9.30 5 9.65 5 11.00 $ 10.35 12.15 6.30 $ 0.85 5 5 9.60 10.75 $ 5 $ $ $ 5 5 11.45 11.00 11.95 11.30 12.55 12.30 5 $ $ $ 10.05 6.60 7.35 9.90 10.65 13.60 $ 15.75 7.90 $ 11.70 5 12.20 $ 12.90 $ 15.05 $ 17.50 6.40 $ 12.60 $ 13.00 $ 14.00 5 16.30 5 19.20 6.95 .$ 13.35 5 $ 17.55 $ 5 14.05 5 5 $ 15.15 9.50 13.75 14.50 16.30 5 16.60 $ 20.90 22.65 10.00 5 14.75 5 15.30 $ 17.50 5 10.55 5 16.05 5 16.60 5 26.05 5 $ 5 5 5 11.05 15.45 16.20 20.05 21.25 16.65 5 19.75 5 22.50 5 27.60 11.60 12.15 $ $ 16.90 $ 17.60 5 20.65 5 23.75 5 29.50 17.60 $ 16.35 $ 5 31.20 $ 18.30 $ 19.30 $ $ 5 25.00 12.65 22.05 23.15 26.25 5 13.20 5 19.00 5 20.20 $ 24.30 $ 27.50 5 32.95 34.65 13.75 $ 19.76 $ 21.15 $ 25.35 $ 26.75 J 36.40 14.25 $ 20.45 $ 22.05 $ 26.55 5 30.00 5 36.10 14.60 15.30 5 $ 21.15 21.65 5 $ 22.95 23.90 $ 5 27.65 5 s 22.55 $ 24.65 5 $ 5 $ 5 15.85 26.60 29.90 31.20 32.45 33.70 $ 41.55 43.25 16.40 $ 23.30 5 25.75 5 31.10 $ 34.95 5 44.95 16.90 $ 24.00 5 26.60 5 32.25 5 $ 24.70 5 27.55 $ 33.35 5 5 $ 46.70 17.45 36.20 37.45 16.00 $ 25.40 5 5 36.70 $ 50.15 $ 26.15 5 5 $ 34.50 16.50 28.50 29.45 35.60 $ 39.95 $ 51.65 $ $ 26.85 27.55 $ $ 30.35 $ 5 53.55 5 $ 5 41.20 31.20 36.80 37.65 42.40 5 39.00 $ 5 a 55.30 57.00 22.75 23.30 $ 5 31.95 32.65 5 5 36.60 37.70 $ $ 44.65 45.65 5 47.00 5 52.40 39.60 5 48.10 $ 53.60 5 40.45 5 49.25 $ 5 50.30 5 54.65 56.15 $ 5 23.75 24.25 5 5 33.50 34.30 5 $ 36.65 24.70 $ 35.00 5 25.20 5 35.65 $ 41.35 14.05 24.35 -? 39.60 46.40 56.70 72.45 74.20 --Y Priority Rounded Attachment Mail F Page14of17 and Final Rates Weight to (Poundsl 43 44 5 25.65 26.15 $ $ 36.M) 5 42.30 5 51.50 5 57.40 5 5 37.40 5 43.25 5 5 77.60 5 26.60 $ 5 59.95 5 79.35 5 27.10 5 5 5 44.15 46 38.20 39.00 5 5 56.70 45 52.60 53.75 75.90 45.05 5 54.65 5 61.20 $ 81.05 47 5 27.55 5 39.75 5 46.00 5 56.05 5 62.50 5 62.75 46 5 28.05 5 40.60 5 46.95 5 57.20 5 63.75 5 64.50 49 5 28.50 5 41.35 5 47.60 $ 58.30 5 65.05 5 86.20 50 5 28.95 5 42.15 5 48.75 5 59.45 5 66.30 5 51 5 29.45 5 42.95 5 49.65 5 $ 87.95 89.65 5 5 50.60 51.50 5 $ 5 5 67.55 52 60.55 61.75 5 5 68.80 70.05 5 5 93.10 91.35 29.90 5 43.75 5 5 30.40 30.65 5 5 44.50 45.25 5 5 52.45 $ 62.65 63.95 71.30 5 94.80 5 31.35 5 46.10 5 53.40 5 65.05 $ 72.50 5 96.50 5 31.60 $ 46.85 5 54.25 $ 66.25 5 73.75 5 98.25 57 5 32.30 $ 47.65 5 55.15 5 67.35 5 75.00 5 56 5 32.75 $ 46.45 5 56.10 $ 68.50 5 76.25 5 99.95 101.65 59 5 33.25 $ 49.25 $ 57.05 $ 69.60 5 77.50 5 60 5 5 33.70 5 50.00 5 58.00 5 70.60 5 5 $ 50.85 5 71.95 73.05 5 I 81.25 5 106.55 63 5 35.15 5 5 5 5 5 106.85 51.55 52.40 58.65 59.80 5 5 5 34.20 34.65 78.75 80.00 60.75 5 74.20 5 82.50 5 110.25 64 5 35.60 .5 53.20 5 61.70 $ 75.35 5 83.70 5 65 5 36.10 5 53.90 5 62.50 5 76.45 5 64.95 5 112.00 113.70 66 5 36.55 5 54.75 5 63.45 $ 77.55 5 67 5 37.05 5 55.60 $ 64.40 5 78.70 5 66.20 87.45 5 5 68 5 37.50 5 58.30 $ 65.35 I 79.80 5 69 70 5 5 38.00 36.45 5 5 57.10 5 81.00 62.10 5 5 120.55 5 5 $ 5 5 57.95 66.25 67.15 88.70 69.95 91.20 5 122.30 53 54 55 56 61 62 Source: Attachment F, p. 12 rounded to the nearest S-cent increment 103.40 105.10 115.40 117.15 118.85 AttachmentF Page150‘17 Weight to: pgw&l Flat Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4, 42 43 44 46 46 47 46 L.1.2g3 5263.204.776 5587,,42,,3a 5646494,911 $260.322.941 $110,151,233 557,840,926 $33.439.684 523.399.079 $16.583.018 511.247.717 56.037,069 $7.412.796 55,549,2,9 $4,560,685 53.297.273 $3.648.717 $2,069,390 52,049,369 $1.710.924 $1233,263 $1.691.519 $1.677.337 51,283.428 $1.049.762 $,,,77,,09 5673.907 $831.238 $850,898 5601,820 5329,491 $916,965 $,.0,7.217 $451,698 5573,737 $626,906 5630,491 545O.,OO 5222.512 5291,846 5173,311 $161,264 $346,118 5117,965 1695.362 $232,646 578,439 581,753 544,943 545.10, z@& 580,441,754 $180,,03.706 $26,,280.056 5132,342,037 $63,765,685 $36.065.488 $20,669.263 $15.108.094 510.541.342 58.467.843 $6.358.663 54.840.393 54.837.196 53,154,026 $2,397,363 $2,337,693 5,,404,767 51,7,9,965 51,072,295 51,600,870 $949,662 $860,874 51.143.399 51.,04,734 5925,676 5617.466 $624,760 $369,346 5327.819 5391.409 5685,764 5175,607 5475,603 $345,853 $260.727 5686,518 $45,129 $55,066 $120.896 $178.034 5205,137 $228.767 $98,262 5148,820 $96.360 520.540 $121.843 534,100 $29,116 590.907.279 162W349.766 5303,,24.887 5166.350.417 $91,19,,639 565,8,5,486 $33,905,161 $23.664514 $16.356.54, 51,,463,,43 59.678.547 $7.269.363 $5,863,544 $6,455,,87 $3.661.571 $3.153.843 $3.090.636 52,274,200 5,,684.1,8 $1.449.975 $1.638.862 5,,,84.3,8 51.303.691 $693,496 51,083,543 5666,887 $678,563 5741,897 5551,516 5466,270 $860,626 $239,937 $210,477 $209,410 $104,324 5176,139 $340,553 5102,222 5207,200 $65,432 $134,089 $263,828 576,859 5248,453 5106,968 $194,293 5122.735 5106,645 592.139 ZoneG 554.936.106 5,,5,736,094 5168.881.221 598,83,,605 553.080.846 532,563.056 $19.796.338 5,3,334,320 $11.409,252 56.474.939 $7.161.972 $5.615.428 $4.649.223 $3.283.936 $3,388,104 52,932.548 5,.744.091 $2,0,0,694 5135,088 51.269.716 51266,336 5848,320 $1.619.45, 51.301.692 $629,277 5864.083 $464,662 $62,,570 $696,868 5168,489 $476,070 5290,669 $664,653 5260.552 $566.069 $340.996 5438,023 $228.060 $183.742 $296,222 593,131 5170.676 567,347 581,802 $65,369 556,739 580,703 581,996 $30,198 Zone 536.767.178 $84.392,720 5136,095.175 585,498,687 $46,,9,.735 $28,560,2,4 517,689.886 511.768.444 510,812,320 $6.697.886 $6,447,,65 $4.840.241 $6.671.662 $3,946.561 52,874,948 $3,069,052 52,080,894 $1.885,9,* $,.840,895 51.382,22, 52,,51,766 51.472,453 $917,667 5,,,25,,70 $867.713 5682,268 $606.626 $483,650 $325,261 $619.230 5,,200,796 5276,912 $302.716 5252.694 5297.216 $343,962 $286,226 $230,977 51.829.606 5301,669 5356,120 $107,943 $171,472 $164,604 $251.852 512l,188 5284.266 $165,730 569.859 Zones 568.166.108 5165741,921 $264.853,372 $167,005,204 594,,79.697 561.079.722 535,115,328 527.722.269 523,079,572 5,7.964.200 $,4,794.503 $12.898.191 $9.463.627 58,129,495 56.69994, 56.692.724 56,,36.019 $6,637.90, $4.668.699 55.853.885 52,466,074 $3.175.846 53.047.163 52.936.804 $2.666.896 $3,246,977 52.267.15, $,,968,,34 $2,135,065 $1,309,022 51.484.434 51.663.402 $I,335538 5,,248,4,9 $1.090.320 $1,560,441 51247,867 $919,873 $543,025 $1,425,523 5766,825 $1,274,085 5286,963 5730,820 5536,466 $1.661.987 5992,241 5374,446 5222.240 IQ!&! 5584,423,200 $,.33,,468,336 51,760.729,623 5900.350.891 5456.660.735 5270,9,4,893 5160,606.86, $115.016.721 588,782,045 564.605.726 562.377,901 $42,766,401 $3593447, $28,629,879 $22,2,9,219 521,834.778 516,526.787 515,478.041 5,2,39,,920 512,789,929 $9,964.229 59,,09,,48 59.314.790 58,211.658 57.460.2,5 $6.650,568 56372,901 $4.925,495 54,638,349 $3,283,911 55,614,675 $3.663.733 $3,440,485 $2.890.665 52.844551 $3,727.548 $2.906.897 $,,768,710 53.176.314 52,460,,9, 51,715,566 $2.391.438 5820,858 $1,459,862 $1288,640 $2.133.186 51.683.532 $807,769 5478,662 ? Auachment F Pa9e16of17 Weight to: pgg&) 49 50 61 62 63 64 65 66 57 58 69 60 61 82 63 64 66 66 67 68 69 70 TOM L.1.283 $19,538 590.504 541,408 553.413 $98,159 $58.621 $50.071 $65.738 $169,324 $29,602 536,637 554.694 514,178 514.079 $2,045 $7.672 $13,738 56,262 $60,228 51.667 50 50 $2,046,695,978 z&o& zQt?s $20.756 $156.526 5142,984 $23,493 5179.010 50 $13,403 $424,696 $72,607 $26.606 $16,606 $267.336 $45,767 58.364 529,991 544,822 546.626 $0 $63,091 $72,698 SO 50 ~~~~~~337 59.694 $38,232 $374,029 $14.986 50 $73,109 SO $11.804 SO $49,872 SO 546,924 510.715 50 50 so 50 596.054 50 SO 50 5839,636,880 $ zQ!@ ic9.0%6 Iad $135,886 $680.178 $88,498 $1.099385 5223.866 $76,292 5305,371 $862,510 $460,878 $23,714 $22,470 $194,276 $386,609 $878,702 $1,682 SO $624,760 $22,561 $61,992 5223.036 $612,620 5966,629 514.334 $7,213 $36,327 $469,263 $629.969 $30,196 $20,644 $1,118.997 $68,226 5899,677 $18.682 $80.446 $220.413 5634,292 5281,102 $485,679 537,796 $21.598 $26,184 $86,188 $149.006 SO $171.46-6 5171.712 $1,877.0.?0 521,094 $286,066 $962,476 5239.971 $0 521.893 $66,033 $6.076 SO $166.926 565.901 $34,672 SO $17,847 $53.212 $15.869 50 518.113 $166.268 $236.992 50 $100,872 519.690 $16,380 SO $16.596 $36,276 $112.097 50 $3,659 5101,403 561,487 $34.391 $68.004 $47,419 $200.478 SO $32,888 $168.331 5125,443 50 $624,976,117 $615,325,746 51,036,627,173 $6,122,317,63!3 Re~en~eTa~et (A"achme"t F,p.4) $6.122.086,030 $231,606 oifference percent Diierence 0.00% Priority Change AttachmentF Mail Page16of17 in Rates From RZOOO-1 After Modlftcation Weight to: IPounds) m Zone &ng! 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Average: Total revenuefromAttachme"tF,p. zonesofunitcostfrom A~chment 1 15,totd cost,whemtotal F, p. 1 'volumefmm cost=thes"m Attachment F, p.3 acrossall Attachmedt G Pickup Fee Development Test Year Before Pates On-call +pr 326,607 274.608 36.569 639,964 (a) USPS-LR-J-108 (b) Attachment 8, p. 3, distributed according to FY ‘00 (C) USPS-T-33, vmtepapers w-1. PP.13. PP-30 Cd) = (a) + (b) + Cc) SCh&“ld stops 161,131 4.168 557 165,856 T”’ stops P69.736 278,976 37.126 806.640 (e) USPS-T-42. Appendix A, p. 2 cost per stop $ 12.366 (f) = W * (8) (9) USPS-T-6 S 7.914.041 (h) = (0 * [I+(@1 T&l cast Contingency Factor Total Cost Including Contingency (0 = (W1W Average Cost per Stop Including Contingency J 12.43 U) Proposed Pickup Fee $ 12.60 $ 10.916 $ 1,810.463 J 9.724.624 3.0% $ 10.016.25Q Test Year After Rate* m (k) “SPS-LR-J-106 Express Mail (I) Attachme"tC,p.4,distrib"ted XCOKhQ t0 m’oo (“7) USPS-T-33. workpapers w-1. PP.,& PP.30 Priority Mail On-call stops 297.430 257.689 29,913 585,033 (n) =(k) + (II + Cm) Parcel Post TOtal (0) = (B) * (k) * [l+(Q)] (P) = @) + (1)* P+(g)1 (4) = (e) * cm) * II+(g)1 costs lncl”dinc4 Conti”.aency Express Mail Priority Mail Parcel Post $3.766.360 $3,282.181 $381.007 (0 = (0) + (P) + (9) TOtal $7.451,548 (s) (0 (to w = 0) ’ (k) = ti)’ (1) = 0). (m) = (5) + 0) + (U) w = w / (0 Scheduled Stops 146.843 3.908 466 Total stops 443,273 261.697 30,369 160,207 735.239 $1.639.763 $43,942 $5,122 51.666,647 $6,428,143 $3.326.124 $386,129 $9.140.395 $1.623.038 $46.653 $5.694 $1.877.665 $5.540.913 $3.269.967 $379,613 $9.190,492 m $3.717.875 $3,221.114 $373.918 $7,312.907 100.5% Attachment Page 1 of DOMESTIC QUARTERLY MARKET GROWTH AND COMPETITOR TOTAL SECOND-DAY AND THREE-DAY AIR LETTERS Percent Market Share Of Pieces SHARE REPORT AND PACKAGES H
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