USPS LR-J-84 (REVISED 11/15/01) PRC VERSION LETTERS/CARDS MAIL PROCESSING COST MODELS AND FEE COST MODELS Description Introduction First-Class Mail Letters/Cards Standard Mail Letters Fees Paqe Nos. i - iii I- 54 55 - 92 93-104 INTRODUCTION Library reference USPS LR;J-84 is a category 5 library reference that contains both hardcopies and electronic copies of the Postal Rate Commission (PRC) version of the cost studies found in the testimony of witness Miller (USPS-T-22). These cost studies include: First-Class Mail letters/cards, Standard Mail letters, Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) letters/cards, First-Class Mail nonstandard surcharge, First-Class Mail and Standard Mail nonautomation presort letters nonmachinable surcharge, and Special Services fees. A. FIRST-CLASS MAIL LETTERS/CARDS This cost study is contained in the EXCEL file FCMREV2.XLS. (The figures were revised on 1 l/05/01 as described below.) It contains the cost models and cost sheets that are used to develop First-Class Mail total mail processing unit cost estimates and worksharing related savings estimates by rate category for both letters and cards. The calculations and many of the data inputs used to develop these models are discussed C in the testimony of witness Miller (USPS-T-22). However, some PRC versions of various data inputs are used as cited. 6. STANDARD MAIL LETTERS This cost study is contained in the EXCEL file STDREV.XLS. It contains the cost models and cost sheets that are used to develop Standard Mail total mail processing unit cost estimates and worksharing related savings estimates by rate category for letters, The calculations and many of the data inputs used to develop these models are discussed in the testimony of witness Miller (USPS-T-22). However, some PRC versions of various data inputs are used as cited. C. QUALIFIED BUSINESS REPLY MAIL (QBRM) LETTERS/CARDS This cost study uses the same cost models and data inputs as those used for the First-Class Mail letters/cards cost studies. As such, it is also included in the EXCEL file FCMREVZ.XLS. This cost study calculates the worksharing related savings estimate for QBRM letters and cards. The calculations and many of the data inputs used to develop this cost study are discussed in the testimony of witness Miller (USPS-T-22). However, some PRC versions of various data inputs are used as cited. D. FIRST-CLASS MAIL NONSTANDARD SURCHARGE The First-Class Mail nonstandard surcharge cost study is also found in the EXCEL file FCMREV2,XLS. It contains the additional cost estimates required to process nonstandard First-Class Mail single-piece and presort mail pieces. The calculations and many of the data inputs used to develop this cost study are discussed in the testimony of witness Miller (USPS-T-22). However, some PRC versions of various data inputs are used as cited. E. FIRST-CLASS MAIL AND STANDARD MAIL NONAUTOMATION PRESORT LETTERS NONMACHINABLE SURCHARGE The First-Class Mail and Standard Mail nonautomation presort letters nonmachinable surcharge cost studies are found in the EXCEL files FCMREV2,XLS and STDREV.XLS, respectively. These cost studies calculate the additional costs required to process nonautomation presort letters that must be processed manually. The calculations and many of the data inputs used to develop this cost study are discussed in the testimony of witness Miller (USPS-T-22). However, some PRC ,- versions of various data inputs are used as cited. F. SPECIAL SERVICES FEES The cost studies for the following Special Services fees are found in the EXCEL file FEES.XLS: annual permit fee, annual accounting fee, QBRM quarterly fee, nonletter size BRM monthly fee, high volume QBRM per-piece fee, basic QBRM per-piece fee, high volume BRM per-piece fee, basic BRM per-piece fee, and non-letter size BRM per-piece fee. The calculations and many of the data inputs used to develop this cost study are discussed in the testimony of witness Miller (USPS-T-22). However, some PRC versions of various data inputs are used as cited. G. 1 l/05/01 REVISIONS On November 5th, 2001, several revisions were filed. These revisions are described below and only affect the letters and cards cost models found in the FCMREV2,XLS workbook. The figures that changed have been shaded in gray in USPS LR-J-84. ii 1. Nonautomation Presort DPS Percentages The Delivery Point Sequencing (DPS) percentages from the nonautomation presort letters cost models have been included on page 3. In addition, the cumulative value for all nonautomation presort letters has been calculated to support the response to MMAIUSPS-T22-19(B). 2. Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) Letters/Cards The QBRM cost study has been revised based on issues that surfaced in responding to MMAIUSPS-T22-25. These revisions affected pages IO, 11, 12, 13, and 14. 3. Bulk Metered Mail (BMM) Letters Cost Model The title on page 15 has been changed from “First-Class Mail Single-Piece Metered Letters” to “First-Class Mail Bulk Metered Mail (BMM) Letters.” The spreadsheet tab for page 15 has also been changed from “METER COSTS” to “BMM LETTERS COSTS.” The title on page 16 has been changed from “First-Class Mail Single-Piece Metered Letters” to “First-Class Mail Bulk Metered Mail (BMM) Letters.” The spreadsheet tab for page 16 has also been changed from “METER MODEL” to “BMM LETTERS MODEL.” H. 11115/01 REVISIONS On November 15th, 2001, several revisions were filed. These revisions are described below and affect the First-Class Mail letters and cards cost models found in the FCMREV2.XLS workbook and the Standard Mail letters cost models found in the STDREV.XLS workbook, The figures that changed have been shaded in gray in USPS LR-J-60. 1. Bulk Metered Mail Letters Model Costs The Bulk Metered Mail (BMM) letters mail flow model contained an error that occurred in all instances where mail pieces had to be processed through the Remote Bar Coding System (excluding the handwritten mail flow model, which had to be dealt with separately). The portion of the mail that was accepted by the Multi Line Optical Character Reader Input Sub System (MLOCR-ISS), but was not barcoded, needed to be routed to the Output Sub System (OSS). Consequently, the MLOCR-ISS accept iii rate was added to pages 51 and 88. The difference between the combined MLOCRES/Remote Computer Read (RCR) finalization rate and the MLOCR-ISS accept rate was used to estimate the volume of mail to be routed to the OSS. This change affected the mail flows on page 18 and the subsequent costs calculated on page 15. In addition, the BMM letters CRA adjustments factor also changed which affected the QBRM analysis found on page IO and the nonstandard cost models found on pages 41 and 43. The nonstandard cost models, in turn, affected the nonstandard surcharge estimate calculated on page 45. 2. Nonautomation Presort Letters and Cards Model Costs Two revisions were made to the models. Both revisions affected the total mail processing unit cost estimates calculated on pages 3 and 57, as well as the worksharing related savings estimates calculated on pages 1 and 55. In addition, these changes affected the nonmachinable surcharge estimates calculated on pages 8 and 50. First, the nonautomation machinable mail flow models found on pages 18, 20, 62, and 64 contained the same error that was contained in the BMM letters mail flow model. The mail flows changed slightly affecting the respective costs sheets found on pages 17,19,61, and 63. Second, the nonautomation nonmachinable package sorting costs that were calculated on pages 54, 91, and 92 were calculated based on tray presort level rather than package presort level and were not disaggregated to the proper level. These issues have been resolved. 3. Delivery Unit Costs As a result of the changes described above, the percent of mail sorted in Delivery Point Sequence (DPS) in the nonautomation machinable letters cost models changed slightly. These percentages subsequently affected some delivery unit cost estimates. The revised delivery unit costs, in turn, affected the worksharing related savings estimates found on pages 1 and 55. 4. Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) Letters/Cards The handwritten mail flow model on page 12 contained an error. Handwritten mail pieces have their images lifted on the Advanced Facer Canceler System Input Sub iv System (AFCS-ISS). The handwritten reply mail images are routed directly to the RCR system. Consequently, the usage of the combined MLOCR-ISWRCR rate was not appropriate. A per-piece RCR cost was calculated on the cost sheet on page 11 and applied to the volume that flowed through that operation in the revised mail flow model on page 12. Given that the handwritten reply mail letter costs changed, the QBRM worksharing related savings estimate found on page 10 also changed. 4. Nonstandard Surcharge The error that was discussed above in the BMM letters mail flow model also affected the nonstandard single-piece letter and nonstandard presort letter mail flow models found on pages 42 and 44, respectively. The mail volumes flowing though those models changed, which affected the costs found on pages 41 and 43. These cost estimates, in turn, affected the nonstandard surcharge estimate found on page 45. 5. First-Class Models Mail Single-Piece Machinable and Nonmachinable Cost Cost models were added to pages 40A, 408,4OC, and 40D to estimate the difference between a machinable single-piece letter (machine printed address) and a nonmachinable single-piece letter as discussed in response to Presiding Officer’s Information Request (POIR) No. 4, Question 9a. .‘IRST-CLASS MAIL PRESORT LETTERS SUMMARY WORKSHARING RELATED m lf.2.34 5.206 4.273 3.947 2.860 3.690 1.782 WORKSHARIG RELATED IJNrr COST WORKSHARING RELATED UNIT COST VdDRKSHARING RELPITED .s&!&$ - USPS LR-Jd4 Page 2 .-‘IRST-CLASS MAIL CARDS SUMMARY PRCVERSlON 0, (3) (4 (6) TOTAL “NIT COST MAlL PROC WORKSHARING RELATED “NlT COST DELNERY WORKSHARING RELATED “NIT COST TOTAL WORKSHARING RELATED “NIT COST WORKSHARING RELATED SAVlWOS 3.855 3.593 2.674 5.267 2.949 2.766 2.789 5.555 2.455 2.271 2.692 4.963 2.281 2.098 2.668 4.766 1.705 1.522 2.548 4.070 2.145 1.962 4.088 s.osc! 1.133 0.9so 4.022 4.972 MAIL PROC BENCHMARK RATE CATEGORY (I, CRA Mai, prosess,m ““S costs: ~orkshr,,,,,~ p,op.,,tion;l, cost Pods + Workshoring Model-Sased Ma,, Process,“‘! ““M Corls: (soda, cop wo,ks,,rr,ng proportions, Ad,“rtme”t) (2) CRA Mill, prose*aina ““It co*u: - (Mode, Cm’ Worksharlng (3, USPS LRJ-117 (4, (2, (6, S*nchr”ark l Pro9otilo”al (3) (4,. Rate category (4 12, Fixed Cost Pools + Non-Worksharing + Worksharing Adjustment, + Worksharing Fired Adjustment+ FIxed Adlustm”l Fixed Cost Pools Non-Worksharing Flxad Adlust”=“t FIRST-CLASS MAIL LETTERS MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COST SUMMARY NONAUTOMATION PRC “ERSlON PRESORT CRA LETTER MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COSTS 11.576 3.281 1.5,0 16.427 t”loae,e* Workshari”~ Related (Propodional,cost PC& OtherWorksharingRelated (Fixed) Cost Pwls Non-WorkSwin~ Related (Fixed, Cost Pools Total CRA PROPORTIONAL ADJUSTMENT (11 (2) (31 (4 FACTOR (6) (6) (71 IW USPS LR-J-84 Page 4 FIRST-CLASS AUTOMATION PRC VERSION CRA LETTER MAIL LETTERS MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COST SUMMARY PRESORT MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COSTS Modeled Worksharing Related (Proportional) Cost Pwls Other Worksharing Related (Fixed) Cost Pools Non-Worksharing Related (Fixed) Cost Pools TOtal CRA PROPORTIONAL ADJUSTMENT 2.421 1.229 0.312 3.962 FACTOR Base Model Costs Automation Mixed AADC Automation AADC AutOmation 3-Digit Automation 5.Digit Other Automation S-Digit CSSCS/Manual Automation Carrier Route (9) Total Weighted Model Cost (5) (6) (7) Y0&?l cost 5.613 4.296 3.635 1.656 3.473 0.781 3.416 Base Year volume (000) 2.504.647 2.690.656 21,632,339 9.212.146 3,509.299 1.075.333 40,6t3,622 Base Year Volume % 6.14% 6.57% 53.49% 22.57% 6.60% 2.63% 100.00% CFtA Proportional Adjustment ADJUSTED LETTER (1) (2) 13) (4 MAIL PROCESSING 0.709 (9) UNIT COSTS WI (12) NOll Worksharing w (13) Total Mail Proc w Model Related w Automation Mixed AADC 5.613 5.206 0.312 5.5i6 Automation AADC 4.296 4.273 0.3i2 4.566 Automation S-Digit 3.936 3.947 0.312 4.259 Automation 5-Digit Other 1.656 2.544 0.312 2.656 Automation S-Digit CSBCSlManual 3.473 3.690 0.312 4.962 Automation Carrier Route 0.791 1.792 0.312 2.094 Rate Cateaow w USPS LR-J-84 Page 5 FIRST-CLASS CARD MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COST SUMMARY AUTOMATION PRC VERSION PRESORT CRA CARD MAIL PROCESSING hdekd UNIT COSTS 1.315 Worksharing Related (Proportional) Cost Pools Other Wo,!ab,ing Non-Worksharing 0.657 0.183 Related (Fixed) Cost PWIS Related (Fixed) Cost Pools (1) (4 TOtal 2.166 (3) (4 Card,Le”er Cost Ratio 0.529 (5) CRA PROPORTIONAL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (6) Base Mods, CosuI Automation Mixed AAOC Automation AADC Automation Automation Automafion Automatim 3-Digit S-Digit Other 5-Digit CSECS/Manual Carrier Route (9) Tobl Weighted Model Cost Model Cost 2.970 2.273 2.030 0.982 1.838 0.413 1.851 (7) 8868 Year Volume 1000~ 223,012 CARD MAIL PROCESSING 10.76% 11.51% 913,723 441,388 168.098 88.394 44.07% 2,073.278 21.29K 8.11% 4.26% 100.00% 0.710 UNIT COSTS (11) R*e Categorq Base Year "ol"ms % 238,665 CRA Proponional Ad,“s,me”, ADJUSTED (8) Model Unit w WlWkSha,l”g R9latsd u WI Non Worksharing w Au,omat,on Mixed AALIC 2.970 2.766 0.183 2.949 A”,omauo” AAOC 2.273 2.27, 0.183 2.456 A”,oma,io” 3-Dign 2.030 2.098 0.183 2.281 Automation 5.Diglt Other 0.982 1.354 0.183 1.537 Au,oma,ion 5.Dig,, CSBCSlManusl 1.838 1.992 0.193 2.145 Autcmation Carrier R0”tB 0.413 0.950 0.'183 '1.133 REVISED 11/15/01 USPS LR-J-84 Page 6 - FIRST-CLASS MAIL LETTERS NONMACHINABLE SURCHARGE PRC VERSION UNIT COST MAIL TYPE Nonautomation Nonautomation Nonmachinable All Presort Levels Machinable All Presort Levels Nonautomation Nonautomation Nonmachinable Mixed ADC Machinable Mixed AADC Nonautomation Nonautomation Nonmachinable ADC Machinable AADC (1) (2) (3) (4) 6) (6) Nonautomation Nonautomation Nonmachinable 3-Digit Machinable 3-Digit (4) (6) (6) Nonautomation Nonautomation -~ Nonmachinable 5-Digit Machinable 5-Digit (1) SUM (Page 1 Nonmachinable Total Worksharing Related Costs * Page 2 Volume X) (2) SUM (Page 1 Machinable Total Worksharing Related Costs l Page 2 Volume %) (3) (f)-(2) (4) Page 1 Nonmachinable Total Worksharing Related Costs (6) Page 1 Machinable Total Worksharing Related Costs (5) (4) - (5) COST SUMMARY FIRST-CLASS CARD/LETTER RATIO CALCULATIONS AND PRESORT MIX ADJUSTMENT PRC“ERSlOY (11 LETTER MODEL (21 (31 (9 LETTER LETTER LETTER BASEVR PRESORTWElG”TED PI (9, (71 CARD CARD CARD BASEVR PRESORTVJEIOHTED USPS m-J-94 Page 9 XA FIRST-CLASS MAIL CARDS MAIL PROCESSING 9c.urce: USPS LRJ-91 PRC VERSION UNIT COSTS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x XW.1 WA) WA1 WA) WI x WA) X(A) x WA1 x : E x x xx xx REVISED 11/15/01 USPS LR-J-84 Page 10 QBRM WORKSHARING RELATED SAVINGS SUMMARY PRC VERSION (1) BENCHMARK RATE CATEGORY MAIL PROC MODEL UNIT COST (2) CRA PROPORTIONAL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR (3) MAIL PROC ADJUSTED UNIT COST 14) MAIL PROC WORKSHARING RELATED SAVINGS Handwritten Letters QERM Letters (1) (2) (3) (4) Model Costs from “HAND COSTS” and “QSRM COSTS” worksheets Metered Letters CRA Worksharing Related Proportional Mail Processing (1) = (2) Benchmark (3) -Rate Category (3) Unit Cost I Metered Model Cost REWSED,,,,0/0, USPS LRJ-94 Page 11 FIRST-CLASS MAIL SINGLE-PIECE HANDWRITTEN REPLY MAIL LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSlON (11 Entw ActlviUes Package Sorting Tpn 10,ccc (21 (31 PiCCBS m - Wag0 8o!e .- WI Direct Cents Per - (61 Piggyback &g -. (91 Prmliwn pay m (71 Premiwrl pay &g&# - 0 0 o.w, 0.090 0 0 0.005 0.098 (91 (91 Total C%“b Weighted cent8 Per Piece o.ccc m o.occ l”COnli”~ RSCS ISSlRCR REC OS.5 LMLM *“to 3.PBS LIPS Am *-Pass UPS Ma” 1°CSBC Final A, Plant Ma” ,nc set Final A, DU BOXsection sort DPS BOXsection son. Other HOI MODEL COST 3 WI DPS % =(I FIRST-CLASS MAIL SINGLE-PIECE HANDWRITTEN REPLY MAIL LETTERS FIRST-CLASS MAIL SINGLE-PIECE QBRM LETTERS COST SHEET PROVERSION u Actkiti * Package sorting O”tminrr WCS lSS,RCR - 0.481 2.924 0.335 0.823 0.537 6.600 0.377 s.503 lnComi”ll RBCS ISSlRCR REC oss LMLM 0.854 2.824 0.360 0.823 0.566 5.880 0.516 5.883 0.516 A”,0 3-Pea A”,0 2.Pass Man ,nc set Man ,“C set BOXsection Bax,Sedion DPS OPS Final A, Plan, Final A, 0” sort. DPS son, other 0.615 0.108 0.348 6.558 2.685 1.304 2.ece FIRST-CLASS .- MAIL SINGLE-PIECE PBRM LETTERS REWSED 11116101 USPS LRJ-84 Page IS FIRST-CLASS MAIL BULK METERED MAIL (BMM) LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSION (0 (2) 01 14) o”fgo,nq RBCS ISSlRCR REC oss LMLM 0.537 s.scil 0.377 oss LMLM C l”CDnli”tl MYP A”tomatiD” *DC Manual ADC IS) FIRST-CLASS MAIL BULK METERED MAIL (BMM) LETTERS FIRST-CLASS MAIL NONAUTO MACHINABLE MIXED AADC I AADC PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC MRSlON MODEL COST DPsY= IRST-CLASS MAIL NONAUTO MACHINABLE MIXED AADC I AADC PRESORT LETTERS FIRST-CLASS COST SHEET PRCYERSION MAIL NONAUTO MACHINABLE 3-DIGIT I5DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS ‘IRST-CLASS MAlL NONAUTO MACHINABLE MAIL FLOWMODEL .ncYEIPCSOUTI &g PCS,“. EgGI 3-DIGIT f5-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS RNISEO 11116m1 USPS LR-J-84 Page 21 FIRST-CLASS MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE MADC PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRCVERSION Inconll”Ll RBCS ISS REC DSS LMLM 0.006 0.068 0.036 0.018 0.035 (10, MODEL COST = pq DPSX=+, 17)1W-1l’W) (2) Values From”PRODUCTIVITY” Spreadsheet (3, “aI”*s From’wAOE” 6presdsheel (4, I(3) * ,106 contaldollar) I I ,2) (5) Value* From”P,oGYBAC)(” spreadsheet (6, VPl”e* From”WAoE” Spr**dGwet (8) (9, (IO) (11, 14) * I4 + (7) ,~,‘,8,116,000 Piece* Sump) (Pieces Fi”*lhd in DPS Oper*tlons, (tO,OOOPieces) I ,RSTxLASS MA,L NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE MAlL FLOWMODEL .KYII1YP MADC PRESORT LETTERS FIRST-CLASS MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE ADC PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSION .-REC OS.3 w&M !thmninq MMP Automation AADC MODEL COST = /-i,RST-CLASS MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE y$~LF~DW MODEL PCS,“. &,z PCSOUT.~ ADC PRESORT LETTERS REVISED 1,H6/01 USPS LRJ-64 Page 25 FIRST-CLASS MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE 3-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC“ERsxlN (1) E”tN Acdvitiep PeCkage sor!ing cwtlmina RBCS ISSlRCR REC oss LMLM I”comi”0 RSCS ISS REC oss LMLM Incolni”. MHP Automation AADC Tpn (2, Piecer &c&w 6,283 696 9,205 3.749 (3, WW= e - 630.640 920.409 s30.940 $30.640 1.876 4.390 0.664 2.144 1.105 8.285 0.990 7.862 60*lt 0.990 lncomlno Secondaries Ati0 carrier Route A”,0 wa*s UPS A”,0 24%6 OP.5 Ma” 1°Csee Fine, A, Plant Ma” In.2set Final A, DU BOXsection soti, OPS sax section sort, other 1.166 0.220 0.690 9.105 3.728 1.637 3.672 MODEL COST - DPS%=,+k, -. :,RST-CLASS ,,,A,L NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE MAN.FLOW MODEL McYtw .- 3-DIGITPRESORTLETTERS REVISED 1,,161D, USPS LR-J-84 Page 27 FIRST-CLASS MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE &DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSlON I4 Entw A~ti”,dee P*Ck*g* sorting outcloina RBCS ISSlRCR REC oss LMLM - - 6.293 698 9,205 3,749 630.940 920.409 630.640 $30.640 (9, Direct C*“tS per- (91 Pntnliw” Piggyback (91 (9, To64 cede We&h&d cents 0.491 2.924 0.335 0.623 0.537 6.600 I.061 8.164 O”t‘,oin9Seco”dsry Aut0”M,i0” Manual 0.377 6.503 0.740 9.029 lncomlna ISS REC oss LMLM 0.664 2.924 0.360 0.623 1.979 4.390 0.964 2.144 0.566 5.880 1.106 6.295 0.516 5.663 0.880 7.962 0.516 0.960 0.615 0.109 0.346 5.559 2.685 1.304 2.606 1.186 0.220 0.680 9.105 3.729 1.837 3.672 lncominq SCFlPrimrY Automation MB”“d Insomln.6 AlAO carrier A”,0 z-pass AUka Z-P*55 MB” 1°Cset Man Inc Set BOXsection Box section Route DPS DPS Final A, Plant Fins! At DU son. OPS son. Other MODEL COST = Value9 From”MODEL” Spreadsheet Values F,o~“PRODUCTI”ITY Spr*sd*h-t “duee From ‘WAGE” Spreadrheet i.3; [ (3) * ,100 centsldollsr) 1 I(2) (6) Wuee From “PIOGYSACK” Spreadsheet (9) Valuee From”WAOE” Spraad*h*st (7) (9, (9) (10) (1,) IFI - 1 I * (4 (4, * WI l 171 (1) - ,a, ,10,006 Pieces Sum (91 (Piece* Flnallzed in DPS Opsrstlons, , Pieces, I ,.,RSTJXASS MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE MAIL FLOWMODEL .“SYEUYI PCSOUT. @Es PCSIY. lzs S-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS USPS LRJsd page 29 I=IRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO MIXED AADC PRESORT LETTERi COST SHEET PRCVERSION (7, PCWlll”m PSY A&&t - -. 0 0 0 0 6,263 mm40 688 520.4oQ 9.206 630.640 3.749 630.640 0.491 2.924 0.336 0.823 0.007 0.040 0.006 0.011 4.390 0.642 2.144 O.wO o.wo 0 0 6,740 630.840 467 630.840 0.537 6.800 0.007 0.090 1.m 9.164 O.CCO o.wo 6,166 474 0.377 6.503 0.0X5 0.086 0.740 9.028 0.763 0.361 0 0 0 0 0.864 2.824 0.360 0.623 0.012 0.040 0.005 0.011 1.679 4.390 0.664 2.144 0.000 0.000 O.wO O.COO 4.558 561 0.566 5.880 0.006 0.060 1.105 8.285 0.604 0.465 6.496 275 0.516 5.663 0.007 0.077 0.990 7.662 0.644 0.218 0 0.616 0.007 0.880 0.000 2,047 3.122 13.184 1.278 4% 656 234 0.615 0.109 0.348 6.668 2.685 1.304 2.606 0.006 0.001 0.006 0.06s 0.038 0.016 0.036 ,.I86 0.220 0.690 8.106 3.726 1.837 0.243 0.810 I.183 0.1S9 0.121 10,308 400 (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (6) “dues From”MODEL” Spreadsheet “due* From “PROD”CTI”ITY” Spr*adrhe*t Values Frcm”WAGE” Spreadsheet [,3)‘,109 cenOldollar,ll,2, Ysluss F,om”PIGGYBACK” Spreadsheet “dues From”WAGE” Spreadsheet 530.840 630.840 (7, 116,.11. (4, (8, (9) (10, (I,) ,4,*w + (7, ,1,‘,8,, to,000 Piecer S”rn,B, (Piecer Flnallzed In DPS Operations, ,,o,ooo Plecea, I C IRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO MIXED AADC PRESORT LETTERS USPS LRJ-84 Page 31 iIRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO AADC PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSION W EntN Activniee Package sming O”t.wl”a RBCS lSSlRCR REC oss LMLM O”,cmlml Primsty A”tOl77.d0* REC ass LMLM lncomina P,“tomatnn A4oc Man”., ADC lncominll SCFFvimerv A”tomadml Manual lncomina Auto Carrier mm S-P... A”,0 2.Pea Man ,nc set Mao Inc Set BOXsection sax Section Route DPS DPS Fin.1 A, Plant Final Al DU sort. DPS sort. Other Piece* Per pyH 1o.m Wag. w Direct Piggyback C.M. &Q&Q&&&r .- VI PC.rnl”.l P.Y f&&J -. Pr.nd”nl P.Y u - ml Tot.1 cent. Per o.ow ,Bl Weighted cent. P.rPl.cs! 0 0 0 0 0.491 2.924 0.335 0.823 2.187 1.466 I.803 2.693 1.014 1m4 1.014 1.014 0.007 0.040 0.005 0.011 1.080 4.380 0.842 2.144 0.000 0.000 0.o.m 0 0 0.53, 6.600 ,.Bso 1.376 1.014 1.014 0.007 0.090 1.osI 0.164 o.ooc 0.000 0 0 0.37, 6.503 1.861 1.375 1.014 1.014 0.00s 0.046 0.,40 8.028 0 0 0 0 0.864 2.924 0.300 0.923 2.197 1.488 1.830 2.683 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.014 0.012 0.040 0.006 0.01 I 1.878 4.380 0.664 2.144 0.0% o.wo o.ow 10,078 4w 0.586 5.880 I.938 1.396 1.014 1.014 0.008 0.000 I.305 8.285 1.114 0.331 1,901 103 0.616 5.663 1.905 1.375 1.014 1.014 0.00, 0.077 o.*Bc 7.862 0.194 0.081 0 0.516 I.905 I.014 0.00, o.sso 0.000 2.11B 3,232 13.M6 0.615 O.lOB 0.348 6.558 2.685 1.304 I.918 2.003 1 .a97 1.375 1.375 1.396 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.014 0.00% 0.001 0.006 0.088 0.030 0.018 0.035 I.186 0.220 0.6w) 8.105 3.728 1.837 3.672 0.251 0.071 0.942 0.969 0.14, 0.126 0.07, 377 680 210 (r) “a,~.. From”MODEL” Spresdlrheet (2) “du.. Pmm”PROD”CT,WTY” Sp,..d.b..t 13) Value. From”WAGE” (4) , (3, f (l-30 C.nt.ldOsar, I IV, (6) Value. Frm, “PIGGIBACK” Spr..d.h..t (6, “elu.. From’WAGE” I (S). ‘I 1. (4) (8) (4)’ 16)+17) 17, (0, (1) * (8, ,10.090 Pi.... (IO) Sum fB) 11,) (Pies.. Fi”.liz.d In DPS Op.r.tlon., (10,000 Place., I FIRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO AADC PRESORT LETTERS USPS LR-J-84 Peg. 33 FIRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO 3-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC“ERSlON (4) E”,W AC,,“iti.. Package soning - (6) 61 D,,.C, C.M. pBI - - P,.d”Ill pay - - (7) VI Pr.r#ll”m PW &&+j - TOtPI C.“b per P1.C. o.wo IW W.iBl8t.d cent. &Eks6 o.oal O”tllolnQ RBCS lSS,RCR REC oss LMLM 0 0 0 0 6.283 688 9,206 3,748 $30.840 $20.409 130.840 530.840 0.491 2.924 0.335 0.823 I.014 1.014 1.014 I.014 0.040 0.006 0.011 4.390 0.642 2.144 O.OW 0.000 0.000 O.OW O”,llOi”cl PrimPry .4omnation Manuel 0 0 5,740 467 $30.840 $30.840 0.537 6.600 1.014 1.014 0.007 0.080 1.001 9.164 0.000 0.000 0 0 8.186 474 $30.840 530.840 0.377 6.503 I.014 I.014 0.006 0.740 9.028 0.003 o.wo 0 0 0 0 3,812 088 8.568 3,749 $30.640 $20.409 530.840 530.840 0.864 2.924 0.360 0.623 1.014 1.014 1.014 ,.D,4 0.012 0.040 0.005 0.011 1.879 4.390 0.684 2.144 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 5.447 $30.840 625 530.840 0.666 5.660 1.014 1.014 0.008 0.060 I.106 8.285 0.000 0.000 400 5,877 545 630.640 630.840 0.516 5.683 1.014 I.014 0.007 0.077 O.BVO 7.862 0.890 0.314 0 5.977 530.840 0.516 1.014 0.007 0.880 0.000 2.136 3.258 13.769 1,012 359 685 205 5,016 28.256 8.86, 470 1,149 2,366 1,183 630.840 $30.840 630.840 5Sc.B40 630.840 530.840 630.840 0.615 0.109 0.348 6.558 2.086 1.304 2.606 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.014 1.014 0.00, 0.006 0.089 0.030 0.018 0.035 I.186 0.220 0.690 8.105 3.726 1.637 3.672 0.263 0.072 0.860 0.921 0.134 0.126 0.076 REC ass LMLM lncOming MMP Automstion Awe Ma”“., Aoc hornin,, S.cond.rl.. **to csrrier mute A”,0 3-P%. DPS AulD Z-P... DPS Man ,nc set Final Al Plant Man Inc Set Final At DU BOXsectkm sort DPS Box Section Sod, Other (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (B, “elu.. From”MODEC Spresdaheet Y.,u.. From”PRODUCTI”ITY” “elu.. From”WAGE” Spreadsheet [ ,3)‘,100 c.nt.JdoS.r, 1 IV, “elu.. Frm,“PIGGYBACK” Spreadsheet “&,.. Fmm”WAGE” 17, ,w (8, (10) (I,) I 16,.,I * (4, (4) * (6, l (7, (l)‘(8) ,10.000 P!-z.e. SumlO) (Piecer Finrllzed in DPS Opentionr, ,ro,ooo Piece*, I .FIRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO 3-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS MAIL FLOWMODEL ,BLYIUII PCIOUT.~ PC.,“. @jg LJSPSLRJ-04 Page 35 FIRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO &DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS (OTHER SITES) COST SHEET PRCVERSION (7) P,WIll”” Celli Piggyback w (8) TOtal C.“tS & .- YE? 0.007 0.040 0.00s 0.011 1.080 4.300 c.s42 2.144 0.007 I.061 8.184 mm 0.088 0.740 9.028 0.012 0.040 0.005 0.011 1.078 4.300 0.000 0.080 o.w7 0.077 0.007 0.009 O.Wl 0.005 0.098 o.os6 0.018 0.035 (9) Weighted CWltS pwp* 0.000 FIRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO 5-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS (OTHER SITES) MAL FLOWMODEL ~S”tPa+sl USPS LR-J-84 Page 37 - FIRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO 5-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRCVERSION ,ncominrl RSCS IS iio,ooiPieces) (CSBCSIMANUAL SITES) FIRST-CLASS MAlL AUTO &DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS (CSBCSIMANUAL MAIL PLOWMODEL PncvE~ SITES) “SPS LR-J-84 Page 38 P ilRST-CLASS MAIL AUTO CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC “ERSIDW PBr - .__ REC 0% LMLM lncomlnq MMP A”,cm*tion AAOC ,ncmnina S.?co”*srie~ A”,0 carrier RD”k Auto 3.Pas DPS A”,0 2-Pass OPS Man ,nc set Final A, Plant Man 1°Cset Final Al ou BOXSectio” sort, DPS BOXsection sort, other 0.461 2.624 a.335 0.623 1.000 4.380 a.642 2.144 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.537 6.600 I.061 6,364 0.000 o.wo 0.377 6.503 0.005 0.066 0.740 S.028 0.854 2.924 0.360 0.823 0.012 o.a40 0.00.5 0.011 , .8,8 4.380 2.144 0.566 5.660 0.00s o.a*a I.105 0.205 o.Kw o.oKl 0.516 o.w, 0.07, o.sw 7.662 0.000 o.L?oa 0.007 0.660 mm 0.006 0.m 0.00s 0.086 0.036 0.016 0.035 1.166 0.220 0.660 B.lOS 3.728 1.83, 3.672 0.000 0.283 wml 0.207 0.030 0.087 O.lS3 ilRSTCLASS MAIL AUTO CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT LETTERS pl~Al0” MODEL PCSIW. @?z PCSWT. i,mwl REVISED ,,,WS, USPS LR-J-84 Page 40A C FIRST-CLASS MAIL SINGLE-PIECE MACHINABLE LETTERS COST SHEET PRCVERSlON EntrY Acd”,tle* Package sorting O”moin. RSCS lSSlRCR REC 05s LMLM 0”1(1ci”(l Prhnarv A”tWll~tiD” Ihconlin. RSCS ISS REC OS.5 MODEL COST = SULK METERED MAIL LETTERS WORKSHARlNG RELATED PROPORTIONAL COSTS METERED LETTERS MODEL COST CRA WORKSHARlNG RELATED PROPORTlONAL ADJUSTMSNT FACTOR = BULK METERED HAIL LETTERS WORKSHARING RELATED WED ADJUSTMENT FACTOR SULK METERED MAIL LETTERS NONWORKSHAR,NG RELATED FIXED ADJUSTMEWT PACTORCRA AOJUSTED FIRST-CLASS S,NGLE.P,ECE MACHINABLE LETTERS COST -(I 5.48, 7.746 6.476 1.414 3.618 o.%B WI (13, I121 WI WI 119 118, IRST-CLASS MAlL SINGLE-PIECE MACHINABLE LETTERS ,-IRST-CLASS COST SHEET PRCWRSION MAIL SINGLE-PIECE NONMACHINABLE LETTERS ,-. IRST-CLASS MAIL SINGLE-PIECE NONMACHINABLE LETTERS REWSEDHH5ml USPSm-J44 Pa** 41 FIRST-CLASS MAIL NONSTANDARD SINGLE-PIECE LETTERS COST SHEET PRCVERSION - O”,.Oi”.a RBCS ISSlRCR REC ,“Cmn,“0 RBCS ISS REC oss LMLM 2.18, 1.488 1.803 2.593 0.007 0.040 o.w5 0.011 1.%a0 1.375 0.007 0.090 1.951 1.375 0.035 0.080 2.18, 1,488 1.830 2.583 0.012 0.040 0.011 1.938 1.396 O.WB 0.080 1.805 1.375 o.w7 0.077 1,905 0.007 0.980 1.015 2.003 1.967 1.375 1.375 1.396 1.386 no98 0.001 0.005 0.088 0.036 0.018 0.035 1.186 0.220 0.680 8.106 3.728 1.83, 3.672 1.878 4.380 0.684 2.144 o.wo 0.w o.Mxl ,RST-CLASS MAIL NONSTANDARD SINGLE-PIECE LETTERS RMSED 11H5ml USPSLRJ-84 PSOS43 FIRST-CLASS MAIL NONSTANDARD PRESORT COST SHEET PRC“ERSlON LETTERS VI P,*d”lll p=Y &!bsl - OulclOi”a RBCS lSS,RCR REC oss LMLM lnCmni”* WCS ES REC 0% LMLM 0.481 2.924 0.335 0.823 0.307 0.040 0.005 0.011 0.537 6.6W 0.007 o.wo 0.577 6.503 Mm 0.088 0.854 2.924 0.380 0.823 0.012 0.040 0.005 0.011 0.566 5.880 am* 0.080 ,.,05 8.285 0.516 5.683 o.c-07 0.077 0.890 7.882 0.515 0.007 0.990 0.615 0.109 0.348 6.558 2.685 1.304 2.606 0.008 0.001 0.005 0.088 9.036 0.01s 0.035 1.188 0.220 0.680 8.105 3.728 1.837 3.672 IRST-CLASS MAlL NONSTANDARD MAIL FLOWMODEL mc”ws~ PCSOUT.~ PCSI”. Ezg .- PRESORT LETTERS REVlSED11115101 USPS LR-J-64 Page 45 FIRST-CLASS MAIL NONSTANDARD SURCHARGE COSTS PRC VERSION A. INPUTS ,. AVERAGE TEST YEAR MAIL PROCESSING Source: USPS LRJ-53 First-Class Single Piece w Letters Flats FE2 38.751 First-Class PlssOti (Cents) 3.594 2. VOLUMES BY SHAPE Source: FY 2000 RPW Data First-Class Single Piece FYOO m m Source: First-Class Single Piece FYOO FY 2000 Mailing First-Class PrssOrt FYOO Statement m Percent 13.38% 77.07% 9.55% 100.00% 14.843.971 23,067.362 6.099.183 44,010,516 33.73% 52.41% 13.86% 100.00% 61,705.003 355.875,364 44.083.720 461,744,967 3. MANUAL LETTER MAIL PROCESSING (PERMIT) Data First-Class presort “” FYOO Percent ktters Flats Parcels First-Class Single Piece UNIT COSTS (CRA) UNIT COSTS (MODELS) First-Class Presort sJag= Letters 8. RESULTS Fir&Class Sinala Piece % Total First-Class presort X Total Formula: (Manual Model SP Letters - CRA SP Letters) * (% SP Letters) + (WA SP Flats - CRA SP Letters) * (% SP Flats) + (CRA SP Flats = CR4 SP Letters) l (% SP Parcels) Additional Nonstandard Single Piece Letter Costs Formula: (Manual Model Pr + + USPS LR-J-64 Page 46 MARGINAL (VOLUME VARIABLE) PRODUCTIVITIES PRC VERSION (1) (2) MODS Productivity Outgoing ISS Incoming ISS REC LMLM Outgoing OSS Incoming OSS Outgoing BCS Primary Outgoing BCS Secondary Incoming BCS MMP Incoming BCS SCFlPrimary Incoming BCS Secondary Carrier Route Incoming BCS Secondary DPS (2 Pass) Incoming CSBCS Secondary DPS (3 Pass) Manual Outgoing Primary Manual Outgoing Secondary Manual ADC Manual Incoming SCF/Primaty Manual Incoming Secondary MODS Site Manual Incoming Secondary Non MODS Sites P.O. Box Sort DPS P.O. Box Sort Other Tray Opening Unit Bundle Sorting -. (1) USPS L&J-S5 (2) Data Sources As Indicated 13) (2)1(l) 0.998 0.998 1.000 1.000 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.990 0.990 0.990 6269 3604 696 3749 9177 6539 5724 6162 5431 5959 5001 6626 26,156 465 472 522 542 466 1,143 2,341 1,171 160 Productlvlty m Docket Docket Docket Docket USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USRS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 No. MC95-1, Exhibit USPS-T-IOF No. MC95.1. Exhibit USPS-T-IOF No. MC95-1, Exhibit USPS-T-1OF No. MC95-1, Exhibit USPS-T-108 Marginal Productivity 6,263 3,612 698 3,749 9,205 '3,566 5,740 6.165 5,447 5,977 5.016 6,651 26,255 467 474 525 545 470 1.149 2,366 1,183 162 USPS LR-J-84 Page 47 .-- TEST YEAR WAGE RATES PRC VERSION Descriotion Remote Encoding Centers (REC) Other Mail Processing Premium Pay Adjustment Factor Source Wage &tg USPS LR-J-XI USPS LR-J-50 USPS LR-J-52 20.409 30.840 1.014 USPS LR-J-84 Page 48 PIGGYBACK FACTORS PRC VERSION EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MLOCR REC LMLM MPBCS DBCS CSBCS Manual Manual P.O. Box Tray Opening Unit Bundle Sorting - SOURCE USPS LR-J-53 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-53 USPS LR-J-53 USPS LR-J-53 OPERATION DESCRIPTION Outgoing ISS Outgoing REC Outgoing OSS Outgoing LMLM Outgoing Prim Auto Outgoing Prim Man Outgoing Set Auto Outgoing Set Man Incoming ISS Incoming REC Incoming OSS Incoming LMLM Incoming MMP Auto Incoming ADC Man Incoming SCF/Prim Auto Incoming SCFlPrim Man Incoming &Digit Barcode Sort Incoming Set Auto Carrier Route Incoming Set Auto 3-Pass DPS Incoming Set Auto Z-Pass DPS Man Inc Set Final At Plant Man Inc Set Final At DU Box Section Sort. DPS Box Section Sort, Other Tray Opening Unit Bundle Sorting (1) For automation operations, these factors are the weighted average of MPBCS and DBCS piggyback factors using volume percentages in “FY 00 MODS” spreadsheet 2.187 1.488 2.593 1.795 I.967 2.003 1.375 I.396 1.556 (1) y&l& 2.187 1.488 1.903 2.593 1.960 1.375 1.951 1.375 2.187 1.488 1.830 2.593 1.938 I.396 1.905 1.375 1 Ilo5 1.916 2.003 1.967 1.375 1.375 1.396 1.396 1.556 USPS LR-J-84 Page 49 c- FY 2000 MODS VOLUMES Source: Corporate Information PRC VERSION Ow DesCriDtiOn No. 7 System Primary OSS - MPBCS Secondary OSS - MPBCS Primary OSS - DBCS Secondary OSS - DBCS MODS Volume % Volume 7,985,880,700 33.86% 878,580,800 3.70% 14,070.389.300 59.30% 791,632,lOO 3 3.34% 23,726,262,900 100.00% 37.36% 971 972 271 272 Outgoing Outgoing Outgoing Outgoing 871 891 Outgoing Primary - MPBCS Outgoing Primary - DBCS 588.752.200 14,868,055.800 15,454,808,000 3.80% 96.200/ 100.00% 872 892 Outgoing Secondary - MPBCS Outgoing Secondary - DBCS 1,154,795,000 11.258.812.400 12,411.407.400 9.30% 90.70% 100.00% 973 974 975 273 274 275 Incoming Incoming Incoming Incoming Incoming Incoming 1,948,035,400 1,215.252.700 38.28% 23.88% 79.55% 274,473.700 5.39% 20.46% MMP OSS - MPBCS SCF OSS - MPBCS Primary OSS - MPBCS MMP OSS - DBCS SCF OSS - DBCS Primary OSS - DBCS 5,088,479,800 100.00% 16.90% 83.10% 100.00% 873 893 Incoming MMP - MPBCS Incoming MMP - DBCS 4.829.566.200 23,741.428.000 28,570,994,200 874 875 894 895 Incoming SCF - MPBCS Incoming Primary - MPBCS Incoming SCF - DBCS lncoiming Primary DBCS 12,048,09Q,700 25.28% 5,007,310,500 10.51% 19.726.014.500 41.40% 10.870,574.800 22.81% 47,849,999,500 100.00% 876 896 Incoming Secondary Carrier Route - MPBCS Incoming Secondary Carrier Route.- DBCS 7,305,982,800 17,302,665.500 24,608,648.300 29.69% m 100.00% 62.64% 35.79% 64.21% FIRST-CLASS MAIL ENTRY PROFILE PRCVERSION V&f M ,00.00% 3,W&SS7 8.83% 281,478 281.478 8.83% 40.85% 1s6r.393 I .585.383 48.65% 15.09% 504.094 401,258 102.836 12.73% 3.26% 802.032 25.44% 25.44% 802,032 606,310 ‘I00.00% 36.23% 183.050 183,056 36.23% 38.34% 183.752 193.752 38.34% 4.05% 20.40s 3.22% 0.83% 16,283 4,175 21.38% 108.042 21 .a% 108.042 2.874.M2 100.00% 35.93% 1,032,cm 15.87% 1B.ooY 459.033 573.858 45.04% 1,312,026 3.Digit 20.28% 25.38% 583.028 72s.997 kc ISS ,nc SCF,Prirn Man 8.16% 263.273 324% 0.83% 4.05% 1.04% 83.125 23,868 1%5,440 29,841 Mixed AOC nays out ISS out Prim PAan 8.27% 266,551 4.12% 5.15% 118,448 148,103 ,00.00% 4,25wn 51.70% 2,201,ss4 41.15% 10.55% 1.752.70s 440.1S6 2.057.484 48.30% 2.057.484 1s,3*s,oo* 8.967.204 39.147.747 48.30% ,- USPS LR-J-64 page52 ,?RESORT LETTERS MAIL FLOW DENSITIES Source: Docket No. RZOOO-1,USPS-T-24, Workpaper 1 PRC VERSION INCOMING ----OlJTGOING- From Ooeration Refeedo m seconllaw Mgd Mall m SCFl Pllmaly Inc &g Out ISS Auto 3.22% 26.61% 3.66% 37.94% 26.36%~ 100.00% Out 0% Auto 2.12% 16.26% 10.74% 36.66% 34.00% 100.00% 7.29% 35.74% 50.36% 6.59% 100.00% 47.12% 46.01% 4.67% 100.00% Inc ISS Auto 2.41% 32.39% 65.19% 100.00% Inc OSS Auto 0.92% 20.26% 76.61% 100.00% 20.43% 79.57% 100.00% 12.61% 33.16% 35.15% 100.00% 94.94% 5.06% 0.00% 100.00% 6.16% 93.62% 100.00% Out Prim Auto 0.05% Out Set Auto 3.06% Inc MMP Auto Out Prim Man Out Set Man Inc ADC Man 0.79% 16.66% USPS LR-J-64 Page 53 .- MISCELLANEOUS FACTORS PRC VERSION Description /c Source ya&g AADC Trays Entered At MMP Operation Docket No. R97-1, LR-H-128 79.60% RBCS Leakage Rate Operations Leakage Target 5.00% Automation Incoming Secondaries Delivery Unit (ZIP Code) Carrier Route 3.Pass DPS (CSBCS) Z-Pass DPS (DBCS) FYOOF.A.S.T. FYOOF.A.S.T. FYOOF.A.S.T. FYOOF.A.S.T. Data Data Data Data 5.33% 10.14% 12.11% 72.42% 100.00% Auto Carrier Route Presort % To CSBCS Site (3) / I(1) + (2) + (3) 1 43.91% Finalized At Least To Carrier Route At Plant Docket No. R2000-1, USPS-TZ4A 73.61% Post Office Box Destination Docket No. MC95-1, USPS-T-101 8.90% Nonstandard Letters % Accept Docket No. R2000-1. Tr. 22110162 at 16 75.00% STANDARD MAIL PRESORT LETTERS WORKSHARING RELATED SAVINGS I21 MAIL PROC WORK- (3) (4) DELIVERY TOTAL WORK- WORK. 6) WORK- SHARING RELATED “NlT COST SHARING RELATED “NIT COST SHARING RELATED UNIT COST SHARING RELATED m - 8.312 30.682 - - REVISED ,1/15/Oi USPS LRJ44 Page 58 STANDARD MAIL PRESORT LETTERS SUMMARY PRCVERSION (2) (31 (41 MA,‘ PROC MAtL PROC WDRKSHARING RELATED t,NlT COST DELIVERY WDRKSHARING RELATED t,NlT COST TOTAL WORKSHARING RELATED “NIT COST 3.690 3.360 2.263 3.027 3.812 3.738 7.517 7.172 6.001 TOTAL UNlT COST m NO”a”toma,io” Presort Letters Nonautomation Basic Presort Letters Nonautomation Nonmachinable Mixed ADC No”automatio” Nonmachinable ADC N~nwtomatii” Machinable Mixed AADC Nona”,oma,,o” Machinable AADC Nonautomation 3.Digit6Digit Presort Letters Nonautomation Nonmachinable 3.Digit Nonautomation Nonmachinable 5-Digit Nonautomation Machinable 3-Digit Nonautomation Machinable 5-Digit Automation Mixed AADC Presoll Letters Automation AADC Presort Letters Automation 3.Digit Presofl Letters Automation 5.Digit Presort Leners - ($1 4.695 4.365 3.269 (1) CRA Mao Ploceaaina unit costs: Workoharlng Proportional Cost PO& + Worksharing Fixed Cost Pools + Non-Worksharing Flxed Cost Pools Model-Based Mall Process,“,, Untt Cm%: (Mode, Cos,* Worksharlng Proportlona, Ad,“s,ms”t, + WorkSharlng Fixed Ad,“stme”t + Non-Worksharlng Ftxed Ad,ust”wnt (2) CRA Mail Proces*,“ll unn co*t8: Worksharing ProportIonal Cost Pools + Worksharing Fixed Cost Pools Model&sod Mail Processina Unit Costll: (Model Cost * WorksharIng Propotiionat Ad,“st”Ient, (3) USPS LRJ-117 (4) (2) + (3) + Worksharing Flxed AdJustmnt REVISED 11H310, USPS LRJ-84 Page 57 rC STANDARD MAIL LETTERS NONAUTOMATION PRESORT PRC VERSIDN MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COST SUMMARY CRA LETTER MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COSTS ModeledWorksharingRelated (Proportional)Cost Po0,s Olhe, WorksharingRelated (Fixed) Cost Pools Non-WorksharingRelated (Fixed) Cost Pool6 Totit CRA PROPORTIONAL ADJUSTMENT 0.712 0.405 3.957 14.104 FACTOR (0) Model Co.1 Base Mode, cods NonautomationNonmachinableMixed ADC Nona”,omatikmNOnmachinablePm NonautomationMachinableMixed AADC Nonau,omationMachinableAADC Nonautoma,ionNmmachinable 3.Digit NonautomationNonmechinable5-Digh Nona”tomatio” Macbirmble3.D@t N~nautomatkmMachinable5-Dkkit (0) Tots, Welghbd Model Cost (0) (7) Mai, Char VOl”rm VO,“r”# n 123.303,002 2.13% 144.744570 2.50% 614.218.460 10.50% 440.045.541 7.50% 673.152.212 11.61% 070,042.0t.5 15.15% 1.4,7,277,904 24.44% 1.50,.175,628 25.88% 0,700,040.000 100.00% CRA Proportions, Ad,“a,mn, w ADJUSTED LETTER MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COSTS ,W Model gg!&&t m-m w Non Wo,ksh.rt”g w Nonmsblnnbte Mixed ADC 3.867 No”a”,~““t,‘m Normachinable ADC 3.837 Nona”t.,o”a,,on Msehlnsbte Mixed AADC 3.en Nona”to”lntlo” Machinable AADC 3.967 Non,,,tomtion Nonmschinsble 3.OlgR 3.007 Nonautoms”on Nonmachinable 3.Digtt 1.007 Nonau,ornation Machinable 3-Digit 3.86, NO”.“,c.Mtlo” 3.967 6-Digit ,r, own 0‘ mowsd work*harl”~ rdaed co.1 poor* I” “CRA LETTERS”wnadlheat (2) own or otherworkstmng mwd coat pool* In -CRI LETTERS”spmadshnt (3, sum 0,*h.rlng reluod cost poou I” “CRALSTTERS”*Pn.dshHt Ic ,W Workah.rlng R&ted &s&&t N~m”,m”tlo” M*shi”*b* 19 (1) l 0, (6, f.we, (6) “ol”m* l PI co*ts from horn (7, RIU (8) sumlW’t7)l C.tewy to1 (‘II n*pctlve “ENTRY (0 I TOtal rate PROFILE” megory -c0s7.5- sprwdshelld “COSTS” qlmsdshnra sp,wMleet (5, 1 VI (,O, Mcde, ut, ,w*,m, WI (9 I’IJ) l’1’1l+w4 CO‘ti + t*, ,,m” mlpctlve (1) 12) (3) 14 rate utegory W T&l ?.w PrnC m c E USPS LR-J-64 Page 56 STANDARD MAIL LETTERS AUTOMATION NON-CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COST SUMMARY PRC VERSION CRA LETTER MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COSTS 2.461 0.617 1.006 4.104 Modeled Worksharing Related (Propoltional) Cost Pools Other Worksharing Related (Fixed) Cost Pools Non-Worksharing Related (Fixed) Cost Pools TOtal CRA PROPORTIONAL ADJUSTMENT Base Modal Costs Automation Mixed AADC Automation AADC Automation 3-Digit Automation B-Digit (8) Total Weighted Model Coat CRA Proportional - (1) (2) (3) (4) FACTOR (5) (6) (7) Model Cost 5.451 4.175 3.727 2.237 3.372 Base Year VOkUlW 2,354,963,527 2,675.476.520 15,600,601,966 11,222.413.732 32,053,665,765 Base Year Volume X 7.35% 6.97% 46.67% 35.01% 100.00% 0.736 Adjustment (9) ADJUSTED LETTER MAIL PROCESSING UNIT COSTS (10) Rata Catesory Model unit cost (11) Worksharing Related Unit cost (13) Total Mall Pmc unit cost Automation Mixed AADC 5.451 4.629 1.006 5.634 Automation AADC 4.175 3.690 1.006 4.696 Automation S-Digit 3.727 3.360 1.006 4.366 Automatlon &Digit 2.237 2.263 1.006 3.269 (I) Sum of modeled worksharing related coet pools in “CRA LETTERS” spreadsheet (2) Sum of other worksharing related coat poola in “Cf7A LETTERS” spreadsheet (3) Sum of non-worksharing related cost pools in “CRA LETTERS” spreadsheet (4) (5) (6) (7) (12) NOll Worksharing Unit cost ,I)+ ,21+ (3) Model costs from respective rete category “COSTS” spreadsheets USPS LRJ-ss Rate Category (6) I Total (6) (8) Sum I(5)'(7)1 (9) (1) I(81 (10) Model cc&e from respective rate category “COSTS” spreadsheets (10 (9)’ f10) + (21 (12) (3) (13) f1V + ($2) REVISED 11/15/01 USPS LR-J-84 Page 59 - STANDARD MAIL NONMACHINABLE SURCHARGE COST SUMMARY PRC VERSION MAIL TYPE Nonautomation Nonmachinable All Presort Levels Nonautomation Machinable All Presort Levels UNIT COST (1) (2) (3) Nonautomation Nonmachinable Basic Nonautomation Machinable Basic Nonautomation Nonmachinable Mixed ADC Nonautomation Machinable Mixed AADC Nonautomation Nonmachinable ADC Nonautomation Machinable AADC Nonautomation Nonmachinable 5E-Digit Nonautomation Machinable 3-/5-Digit - Nonautomation Nonmachinable 3-Digit Nonautomation Machinable 3-Digit Nonautomation Nonmachinable 5-Digit Nonautomation Machinable 5-Digit (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) SUM (Page 56 Nonmachinable Total Worksharing Related Costs l Page 57 Volume %) SUM (Page 56 Machinable Total Worksharing Related Costa l Page 57 Volume X) (1) - (2) SUM (Page 56 Nonmachinable Total Worksharing Related Costs MADC, ADC * Page 57 Volume %) SUM (Page 56 Machinable Total Worksharing Related Costs MADC, ADC * Page 57 Volume X) (4) - (5) Page 56 Nonmachinable Total Worksharing Related Costs Page 56 Machinable Total Worksharing Related Costs (7) - (8) SUM (Page 56 Nonmachinable Total Worksharing Related Costs I-Digit, 5-Digit * Page 57 VolUme %) SUM (Page 56 Machinable Total Worksharing Related Costs j-Digit, 5-Digit l Page 57 Volume X) (4) - (5) USPS LRJ-84 pap* so CRA STANDARD MAIL LETTERS sowce: USPS LRJ-8, PRC VERSION MAlL PROCESSING WRP MP unn ate WRF MP ““It &qgg NAI UNIT COSTS NWRF MP ““It &ga z x x x x x x XIAI x x x x x x X x X(NA) XWl X&l X(A) xwv X(A) x x x x c G :: x x x x x X x 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 54 57 58 MODS48 MOOS.8 MODS48 MOOS78 M00S88 MOOS98 NONMOOS NONMOOS NONMODS NONMOOS NONMOOS NONMODS NONMOOS NONMODS x x x x ; ISUPP_Fl ISUPP-F.4 ALLIED AUTOlMEC EXPRESS MAW MANL MANP MSC REGlSTRY x x x c x x x x x - STANDARD COST SHEEl PRCVERSION OutWi”(l sscg LWRCR REC ,“colnln. RSCS ISS REC OSS LMLM MAIL NONAUTO MACHINABLE MIXED AADC I AADC PRESORT LETTERS STANDARD MAIL NONAUTO MACHINABLE MAIL PLOW MODEL I”c”cuIy PCS,“. llwwl PCSOUT. llwwl MIXED AADC I AADC PRESORT LElTERS STANDARD COST SHEET PRCVERSIOW .-REC css LMLM MAIL NONAUTO MACHINABLE 3-DIGIT /5-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS STANDARD MAIL NONAUTO MACHINABLE 3-DIGIT I &DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS RE”l8ED ,,,wo, “SPS LR-J-64 F-age66 - STANDARD MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE MADC PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRCVERSION &Q%y - 0 0 0 0 p”taol”Ll Prlmry Automation Manual 0.491 2.924 0.335 0.823 1.067 4.262 0.626 2.106 o.oQo 0.000 o.ow 4.224 1.036 6.850 0.966 0.866 0.888 OS66 0.537 B.MKI 0 0.377 6.603 0.M 0.866 0.013 -0.220 0.722 8.719 0.m 6.719 0 0 0 0 0.854 2.924 0.380 0.823 0.968 OS66 0.986 -0.029 -0.069 -0.012 -0.028 1.838 4.262 0.647 2.106 o.ocQ moo 0.000 0.m 0 9,484 0.666 5.880 0.666 0.M 4.018 4.188 1.078 8.006 o.ow 7.601 0 0.516 5.663 0.866 0.M -0.017 4.182 0.6% 7.693 0.004 0.628 0 0.516 0.966 4.017 0.W 0.000 0 0 0 7.381 2.618 0 690 0.616 0.106 0.348 0.M 0.966 0.966 0.M 0336 0.866 0.866 -0.021 1.167 0.216 0.674 8.784 3.601 1.776 3.649 0.000 O.CCC O.wO 6.481 0943 O.wO 0.316 REC 06s LMLM 1,ow mSesondsr*r Ati0 carrier Route 630.640 620.408 630.840 630.640 P@Y 0 0 10,wo l”COnll”ll MMP Au,omation AADC Manual ADC 6.263 666 wn 3.749 - 2.686 1.304 2.606 4.012 -0.222 4.081 -0.044 -0.066 17)116).11. (4 18) (4) * 16) + (7) (9) (1) - (8) ,16.000 PieCea (10) Swn IS) (1,) ,Plece* Plnaliz*d I” DPS cJpention*) , Pieces) I STANDARD MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE MAIL FLOWMODEL ~vxMlc% PcaOYT. @ig PCS,“. I MADC PRESORT LETTERS REVISED 11HUOt USPS LR-J-S, Page 87 STANDARD MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE ADC PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSION Entr” Actl”l,leq P&age sorting Outaolna RSC$ lSS,RCR REC oss LMLM IncOmlnll RSCS ISS REC OS.5 LMLM Insomlnc! MYP AutomatiOn AADC Ma”“alAoC Ineoml”tl SCFlPrirmrv Automation Manual Auto S-pass Auto Z-Pars Man Inc Set MB” In.2set BOXsection BOXsectiOn DPS DPS Final At Plan, Fins, At D” soti. DPS sort. Other -0.017 -0.098 4.011 4.028 1.057 4.252 0.626 2.105 O.CCQ O.CGO 0.000 0.000 0.985 0.m 4.018 4.224 1.035 8.850 O.wO O.OW 0.377 6.503 0.953 0.866 4.013 4.220 0.722 8.718 O.wO O.Mx) 0 0 0 0 0.854 2.924 0.380 0.823 0.986 0.986 0.066 OS38 4.028 -0.088 -0.012 -0.028 1.838 4.252 0.647 2.105 O.wO 0.000 O.OiW O.OGO 0 0.586 5.880 0.986 0.M -0.198 1.078 B.cc6 O.wO B.oos 0 0.518 5.663 0.966 0.868 4.017 0.102 0.866 7.583 0.003 0.469 0 0.516 0.M 4.017 0.W O.Mx) 0 0 0 0.615 0.109 0.348 6.558 2.685 1.304 2.6ce 0.866 0.986 OS6 0.868 0.W 0.966 4.021 -0.004 -0.012 4.222 4.091 -0.M4 -0.088 1.157 0.215 0.674 8.784 3.801 1.775 3.548 O.CCO 0.000 o.ow 6.491 0.943 O.wO 0.316 0 0, 0 0 0.491 2.824 0.335 0.823 0 0 0.537 mm 0 0 10,000 7,381 2,619 0 880 MODEL COST = (0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) “,,,ues Prom “MODEL- Spreadsheet “ahe, Prom”PROD”CTI”lTY” Spreadsheet Values Prom “WAGE” Spreadsheet [ ,3)‘,100 unts!dollsr) 1 I I*) Values From”PIGGYBACK” Spreadsheet Values Prom”WAGE” Spreadsheat (1,) (Piece, Pln~llzed In DPS Opwrtlons) (10,000 Piece.) I STANDARD MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE ADC PRESORT LETTERS REVISED 11116101 USPS LR4-34 Page 68 STANDARD MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE 3-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSION (7) Entw Activil~ Package sorting 0”1401”t7 wcg ISSlRCR I”SOlnl”Q RSCS ISS REC oss LMLM -lnsomlnll Automation Manual Incoml”#l S*cond.rb* Auto carrier Route Auto 3-Pass OPS Auto Z-Paw DPS Man Inc SW Final At Plant hIen ,“C set Fins, A, DU so* section salt. DPS SOY.section sort Other - - - P~“ll”“I P*Y &c&j (8) I*) TOtA C*“* WeIghtad C*“tS 2.187 1.488 1.803 2.593 0.888 0.988 0.886 0.868 -0.017 0.m -0.0, 1 4.028 1.057 4.252 2.105 O.wO O.OCC O.wO 0.537 1.860 1.375 0.866 0.868 4.018 -0.224 I.035 8.850 O.OCO O.COO 0 0 0.377 5.503 1.851 1.375 0.886 0.866 0.013 -0.220 0.722 8.718 O.wO O.wO 0 0 0 0 0.854 2.924 0.360 0.823 2.187 1.468 ,.x30 2.593 0.M 0.866 0.W 0.W -0.029 -o.Lm -0.012 -0.028 1.838 4.252 0.847 2.105 0.0X 0.0&l O.wO O.OW 0 0 0.580 5.880 1.838 0.W 0.868 1.078 8.cc8 O.wO O.@X 0 10.000 0.516 5.683 0.986 O.gss O.wW 7.563 O.wO 7.503 0 0.516 0.866 0.886 O.OiW 0 0 0 7.381 2,618 0 0.616 O.lOB 0.348 6.558 2.685 1.304 2.606 1.157 0.215 0.674 8.784 3.601 1.775 3.549 0.CC-l O.wO 0.000 6.481 0.843 O.wO 0.316 0 0 0 0 0.491 2.924 0.335 0 0 0.9% 0.986 0.m 0.W 0.966 -0.004 6.012 -0.222 -0osf -0.044 -0.088 MODEL COST = (I) (2) (3) 1,) (6) (6) “ehms Fr.,m”MODEL” Spread.heet Values From”PRODUCTIVITY” Spreadsheet “alme Ptom”WAGE” Spreadsheet I(3) * ,100 cenb,dolhr)] I(2) Values From”PIGGYSACK” Spreadsheet Value From ‘WAGE” Spnsdahest I71 II81 - 11*w (8) (4)’ 16) + 17) (9) ,I) * (8) I 10.000 Plec~r (90) Sump) (11) (PIwe. Plnalked in DPS Opwatlona, , Pkc-ss) I -H b n -- REVISED ,1Hslo, USPS LRJ-34 Page 71 - STANDARD MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE 5-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSlON 111 12) I*) C*“b &@&Q - EntrY Package Sorting Outaolna RBCS ISSlRCR REC ns --LMLM 13) Piggyhask - 17) - I*) 18) P,*ml”,ll Pay Aa!dsl - TOteI Cent8 Wslghbd cent4 0 0 0 0 0.49, 2.924 0.335 0.823 2.187 1.488 1.903 2.593 0.988 0.8% 0.%8 0.888 4.017 6.069 0.011 -0.028 1.087 4.252 0.828 2.105 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OW 0 0 0.537 *.soo 1 .gso 1.375 0.988 0.W 4.018 -0.224 1.035 8.850 O.wO 0.000 0 0 0.377 6.503 1.99, 1.378 O.WS 0.999 -0.013 4.220 0.722 8.718 O.COO 0.033 I”COnd”(l WCS ISS REC oss LMLM 0 0 0 0 0.884 2.924 0.360 0.823 2.187 1.488 1.830 2.593 0.5% 0.986 0.958 4.028 -0.099 -0.012 -0.028 1.838 4.252 0.847 2.105 0.000 O.wO o.ow O.COO &&I&@#@ Automatiin A4oc MBnUa, ADC 0 0 0.566 5.880 1.938 1.386 0.W 0.W -0.018 d.,SS 1.078 *.ws O.wO 0.000 Incomlnt, SCFlPri”wv Automfdion ManUs, 0 0 0.818 5.663 1 .a05 1.375 0.866 0.886 -0.017 4.182 0.886 7.583 0.W O.COO 0 OS16 1.905 0.W 0.017 O.WS O.CW 0 0 0 7,381 2.619 0 0.815 0.109 0.348 6.558 2.685 I.304 2.608 1.919 *.*3 I.987 1.375 1.375 1.396 1.396 0.938 0.088 0.986 O.BB8 OS8 0.866 O.BSS -0.02, 4.004 0.012 4.222 4.091 4.044 0.088 1.157 0.215 0.874 8.784 3.901 1.775 3.549 0.090 0.000 O.wO 6.481 0.943 0.W 0.318 lnsomlna Auto carrier Auto 3-Pa** A”,0 2.Psra Man kc set MB” 1°C set BOXsection Box .section Route OPS DPS Final A, Plant Final At OU sort. DPS sort, other MODE‘ COST = DPS..pisq (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (9) Values From”MODEL” Spreadsheet Vslues From “PRODUCTIVITY” Sp,*ad*h**t Val,,es From”WAGE” Spreadsheet ~,3,‘,100 centeldolhr), I(2) Values F,om”PIGGYEACK’ Spnrdsheet “&me F,o,,, “WAGE” Sp~sadrhest 17) 116). 11. I4 18) I4 * IS) + 17) (9) ,I) * (8) ,10,000 Pieces ._-. I_. ,I”, ~Ynl w, (I,) ,P,ec*s Finaltzed in DPS O~=antlons) I (19,989 Piece,) STANDARD MAIL NONAUTO NONMACHINABLE MAIL FLOWMODEL P”cYEulca PcdOUT.&$g PUIW. mg E-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS - STANDARD MAIL AUTO MIXED MIX AADC PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC“ERSlON 17, P@Y &$@ 1o.ow IW P?.3lld”lll f-Y &&i&t - Welphted cants 0.000 O.OW 0.000 O.wO w 0 0 0 0 0.481 2.924 0.335 0.823 2.187 1.488 1.933 2.583 O.QS6 0.9% O.SSS 0.968 4.017 -0.098 -O.OH -0.028 0 0 0.537 s.sco 1.375 0.888 0.866 -0.224 1.035 8.850 0.003 0.000 10,308 400 0.377 6.503 I.851 1.375 0.S 0.886 0.013 -0.220 0.722 8.718 0.745 0.348 0 0 0 0 O.SyI 2.924 0.3&O 0.823 2.187 MS8 1 .a30 2.ss3 0.9% 0.886 O.SSS 0.0% 0.028 AlOBS -0.012 4.028 1.838 4.252 0.047 2.?05 0.000 OmJ O.OVJ O.wO 4.5ss Ml 0.566 5.880 1.338 1.386 0.868 O.SSS -O.O,S -o.,ss I.078 s.ow 0.482 0.44* 5,486 275 0.516 5.663 I.905 I.375 0.886 0.886 -0.017 4,w 0.886 7.593 0.531 0.20s 0 0.510 I.905 0.868 -0.017 0.968 0.000 1.810 2.003 1.375 I.375 1.386 1.3% 0.888 0.886 0.988 O.SSS 09% 0.030 0.W 6.02, -0.004 -0.012 1.157 0.215 0.574 8.784 3.sol 1.775 3.540 0.237 0.067 0.888 1.124 0.183 0.117 0.083 s ISS REC DSS LMLM 2,047 3.122 13.184 1,278 453 856 234 0.109 6.558 2.885 1.304 2.606 O.OSl -0.044 -0.088 STANDARD MAIL AUTO MIXED MIX AADC PRESORT LETTERS MAIL FLOWMODEL .mccv- USPS LR-J-54 Page 75 - STANDARD MAIL AUTO AADC PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSION Ca”b E”trv ASwti~ Package somng Ouulol”a mea IS.YRCR PIggyback - m - - 0 0 0 0 0.481 2.924 0.335 0.823 2.187 1.488 1.803 2.593 0.566 OS66 0 0 0.537 &Boo 1.880 1.376 0 0 0.377 6.503 .O 0 0 0 4.017 4.099 -0.011 -0.028 1.057 4.252 2.105 O.OW o.ow 0.000 O.OC.3 0.966 O.SS 4.018 -0.224 I.035 8.860 0.004 0.000 1.951 1.376 0.W 0.866 -0.013 4.220 0.722 8.718 O.wO O.OiM 0.854 2.924 0.380 0.823 2.18, 1.466 I .830 2.593 0.866 0.888 0.888 0.966 4.029 -f.os+ -0.012 6.026 1.&?a 4.252 0.647 2.105 0.000 O.oW O.M)[I 0.060 10,078 400 0.586 6.880 1.938 I.386 0.866 0.W -0.018 -3.lSS 1.076 1.06, 0.320 1,sw 103 0.616 6.683 1.906 1.376 0.W 0.W -0.01, e.192 0.866 7.593 0.188 0.076 0 0.51s 1.906 0.886 -0.017 0.W 0.000 2.118 3.232 13.646 I.054 37, 680 210 0.616 0.108 0.348 6.568 2.685 1.304 2.606 1.816 2.003 1.a67 1.375 I.376 1.386 1.396 0.6% 0.W 0.6% 0.866 O.!XM 0.866 0.M -0.021 6.004 -0.012 -0.222 -0.091 6.044 4.086 1.167 0.216 0.874 8.704 3.601 1.776 3.648 0.245 0.069 0.91g 0.935 0.136 0.121 0.075 v ISS REC oss LMLM DPSX.$&q (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) ,S) Value8 From’MODEC Spreadsheet Values From”PRODUCTIVIT”” Spreadshest Values From’WAGE” Spreadsheet ~,3,‘,,00 cenb,dollar,) I(2) Value, From”PIGGVBACK*’ Spreadsheet Values From”WAGE’* Spreadsheet IT, Il6)~ ,lf14) (6, (4,- (6)* (7, (6) ,,)*,8,, 10,000 Pl*ces (IO) sum (6) (11) (Pieces Fin.Sz.ed in UPS Opmatlon., (10,000 Piecas, I TANDARD MAIL AUTO AADC PRESORT LETTERS adAILFLOWMODEL PIcYI”u*I USPS LR-J-84 pa&l* 77 STANDARD MAIL AUTO 3-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC VERSlON 141 Dhd cents @.&c&m - En,,” Aedvitk~ Package somng VRBCS ISSlRCR REC ass LhiLM REC ass LMLM I”colnin. MMP Automation AADC Piggyback (6) 17) P,~WdYlll Premium pay Adh!a Q& 0 0 0 0 0.4% 2.824 0.336 0.623 2.187 1.488 1.903 2.593 0.888 0.988 0.966 0.968 4.017 4.088 4.011 0.028 1.057 4.252 0.626 2.106 0 0 0.537 6.602 I.gso 1.376 0.M 0.966 4.016 4.224 1.035 8.650 0 0 0.377 6.503 1.961 1.376 0.9W 0.0% 4.013 -0.220 0.722 8.718 0 0 0 0 0.854 2.924 0.360 0.823 2.187 1.488 1.830 2.583 0.W 0.886 0.886 0.02g 4.09s -0.012 4.028 1.638 4.252 0.647 2.105 0 0 0.566 6.880 1.836 1.396 0.6i36 0.866 4.019 43.163 1.078 6.0% 0.516 J.BB3 1.375 0 0.51s 1.805 0.966 -0.017 2,138 3.258 13.759 1,012 358 686 20.5 0.616 0.10s 0.348 6.558 2.666 I.304 2.605 1.816 2.003 1.887 1.375 1.375 1.396 1.386 0366 02% 0.866 0.866 0.W 0964 0.6% -0.021 6.004 6.012 6.222 -0.091 0.044 -0.068 10,OCO 400 Auto Wars DPS Auto Z-Pass DPS Man Inc Set Final At Plant Man Inc SW Final At OU BOXSection Son. DPS Sax Section Sm. Other 161 -0.017 0.192 MODEL COST = 1+-i DPs..[*l (1) (2) (3) (4, (6, (6) Vdues Fmm”MODEL” Spnadsheet Values From”PROD”CTIVIPI” Spmd* Values From’WAGE” Spr*ad*hW , ,3)‘,100 s*nlsldoS.r, 1 I(2) Values From “PIGGYBACK” Spmdsheet Values From”WAGE” Spr**d*hwt I71 (8, (6, (10, (II, I (61 - 11. (4) 14)*6) + 17, (I,’ (6) ,16,006 PkceS sum (6) (Piece* Pi”*,kTd I” DPS opetason*,, ,10,006 Pl*c**, iTANDARD MAIL AUTO J-DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS MAIL FLOWMODEL PPCYEW r i USPS LRJ-3-4 Page 79 - STANDARD MAIL AUTO &DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS COST SHEET PRC“ERSlON (1) IV PIme Ew&.urHDur m ,o.M)o (3) wags - - &x ti - 0 0 0 0 0.491 2.924 0.336 0.823 2.187 ,I.488 I.803 2.593 0.m 0.988 0.866 0.906 4.017 ~4.006 4.01 I -0.026 1.067 4.262 0.628 2.106 0.m 0.m 0.m o.cim 0 0 0.637 B.600 1.360 1.376 o.wo 0.9% -0.018 4.224 1.035 8.860 0.000 0 0 0.377 0.603 1.861 1.376 o.w6 0.866 4.013 4.220 0.722 6.719 o.wo O.OW 0 0 0 0 0.064 2.924 0.360 0.823 2.187 1.488 1.830 2.693 0.064 0.908 0.m 0.066 6.029 4.os9 -0.012 4.028 0.647 2.106 moo O.WX o.wo 0 0 0.585 5.660 1.836 1.396 0.w 0.966 -0.019 4.188 1.078 6.006 o.cQo 0 0 0.615 6.663 1.906 1.376 0.886 we6 4.017 4.102 0.964 7.603 o.coo 0 0.516 1.906 0.865 0.017 0.866 0.m 2,226 3,394 14.332 746 266 714 176 0.815 0.108 0.348 0.660 2.666 1.304 2.6ce 1.810 2.003 1.867 1.375 1.375 1.386 1.396 0.068 0.960 0.068 0.866 0.9% o.sea o.gss -0.021 1.167 0.216 0.674 6.704 3.601 1.776 3.548 0.257 0.073 0.886 0.658 0.096 0.127 0.063 (7) (4 (6, (10, I (6) .* 1. (9 I4 * (6) + (7) ,1,‘,6,I 10,000 Ph.. S”rn(6, STANDARD MAIL AUTO &DIGIT PRESORT LETTERS MAIL FLOWMODEL ,W”mBce USPS LR-J-64 Page 81 P MARGINAL (VOLUME VARIABLE) PRODUCTIVITIES PRC VERSION (1) Variability &c&! Outgoing ISS incoming ISS REC LMLM Outgoing OSS Incoming OSS Outgoing BCS Primary Outgoing SCS Secondary Incoming BCS MMP Incoming BCS SCFlPrimary lnceming BCS Secondary Carrier Route Incoming BCS Secondary DPS (2 Pass) Incoming CSBCS Secondary DPS (3 Pass) Manual Outgoing Primary Manual Outgoing Secondary Manual ADC Manual Incoming SCFlPrimary Manual Incoming Secondary. MODS Site Manual Incoming Secondary Non MODS Sites P.O. Box Sort DPS P.O. Box Salt Other Tray Opening Unit Bundle Sorting - (I) USPS-LR438 (2) Data Sources As Indicated (3) (2) 1 ,I) 0.99s 0.998 1.000 1.000 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.990 0.990 0.992 (2) MODS Productivihl 6269 3604 696 3749 9177 6539 5724 6162 5431 5959 5001 6826 28.166 465 472 522 642 466 1,143 2,341 1,171 160 Productivity m Docket Docket De&et Docket USPS LRJ-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LRJ-56 USPS LR-J-66 USPS LRJ-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LR-J-56 USPS LRJ-56 No. MCDS-1, Exhibit USPS-T-IOF No. MC95-1. Exhibit USPS-T-IOF No. MC9.G1, Exhibit USPS-T-IOF No. MC95-1. Exhibit USPS-T.108 6,263 3,612 696 3,749 9,205 6,566 5,740 6,165 5,447 5,977 5,016 6.651 26,255 467 474 525 545 470 1,149 2,368 1.163 161 USPS LR-J-84 Page 82 TEST YEAR WAGE RATES PRC VERSION Descrbtion Remote Encoding Centers (REC) Other Mail Processing Premium Pay Adjustment Factor Source Wage &3& USPS LR-J-50 USPS LR-J-50 USPS LR-J-52 20.409 30.840 0.966 USPS LR-J-84 Page a3 PIGGYBACK FACTORS PRC VERSION EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MLOCR REC LMLM MPBCS DBCS CSBCS Manual Manual P.O. Box Tray Opening Unit Bundle Sorting SOURCE USPS LR-J-53 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-52 USPS LR-J-53 USPS LR-J-53 USPS LR-J-53 OPERATION DESCRIPTION Outgoing ISS Outgoing REC Outgoing OSS Outgoing LMLM Outgoing Prim Auto Outgoing Prim Man Outgoing Set Auto Outgoing Set Man Incoming ISS Incoming REC Incoming OSS Incoming LMLM Incoming MMP Auto Incoming ADC Man Incoming SCFlPrim Auto Incoming SCFlPrim Man Incoming 5Digit Barcode Sort Incoming Set Auto Carrier Route incoming Set Auto 3-Pass DPS Incoming Set Auto 2-Pass DPS Man Inc Set Final At Plant Man Inc Set Final At DU Box Section Sort, DPS Box Section Sort, Other Tray Opening Unit Bundle Sorting (1) For automation operations, these factors are the weighted average of MPBCS and DBCS piggyback factors using volume percentages in “FY 99 AP 11 MODS VOL” spreadsheet 2.107 1.488 2.593 1.795 1.967 2.003 1.375 1.396 1.547 (1) u 2.187 1.408 1.903 2.593 1.960 1.375 1.951 1.375 2.167 I ,488 1.830 2.593 1.938 1.396 1.905 1.375 1.905 1.916 2.003 1.967 1.375 1.375 1.396 1.396 1.547 USPS LR-J-84 Page 04 FY 2000 MODS VOLUMES Source: Corporate Information System PRC VERSION P Oper No, Descrbtion 971 972 271 272 Outgoing Outgoing Outgoing Outgoing 871 891 MODS Volume Primary OSS - MPBCS Secondary OSS - MPBCS Primary OSS - DBCS Secondary OSS - DBCS % Volume 7,985,660.70033.66%1 62.64% 791.632.100 23.726.262,900 3.34% 100.00% Outgoing Primary - MPBCS Outgoing Primary - DBCS 586,752.200 14,868,055.800 15.454.808,000 3.80% 96.20% 100.00% 872 892 Outgoing Secondaty - MPBCS Outgoing Secondary - DBCS 1,154,795.000 11,256,612,400 12,411,407,400 9.30% 90.70% 100.00% 973 974 975 273 274 275 Incoming Incoming incoming Incoming Incoming Incoming a73 893 Incoming MMP - MPBCS Incoming MMP - DBCS 4,829,566,200 23.741.428.000 28,570,994,200 874 875 a94 ~895 Incoming Incoming Incoming lncoiming 12,046,099,700 25.26% 5,007.310,500 10.51% 19,726.014,500 41.40% 10.870,574,800 3 22.81% 47.649,999.500 100.00% 676 896 Incoming Secondary Carrier Route - MPBCS Incoming Secondary Carrier Route - DBCS MMP OSS - MPBCS SCF OSS - MPBCS Primary OSS - MPBCS MMP OSS - DBCS SCF OSS - DBCS Primaly OSS - DBCS SCF - MPBCS Primav - MPBCS SCF - DBCS Primary DBCS 37.36% 1.948,035,400 38.28% 1,215,252.?00 1 23.88% 274,473,700 68.903.100 5,088.479,800 7,305,982,800 17.302.665.500 24,608,648,300 5.39% 1.35% ) 100.00% 79.55% 20.45% 16.90% 83.10% 100.00% 29.69% 70.31% 100.00% 35.79% 64.21% ,.26X STANDARD NONPROFIT MAIL ENTRY PROFILE PRCVERSION /c- STANDARD REGULAR MAIL ENTRY PROFILE PRCYERSION ACCEPTIFINAL!ZATIONRATES PRC“ERaON USPS LR-J-64 Page69 - PRESORT LETTERS MAIL FLOW DENSITIES Source: Docket No. R2000-I, USPS-T-24, Workpaper 1 PRC VERSION INCOMING ---OUTGOING- From O~eratlon m m mudmai Secondary m SCFl m Inc m Out ISS Auto 3.22% 26.61% 3.66% 37.94% 26.36% 100.00% Out OSS Auto 2.12% 16.26% 10.74% 36.66% 34.00% 100.00% 7.29% 35.74% 50.36% 6.59% 100.00% 47.12% 46.01% 4.07% 100.00% Inc ISS Auto 2.41% 32.39% 65.19% 100.00% Inc OSS Auto 0.92% 20.26% 76.61% 100.00% 20.43% 79.57% 100.00% 12.61% 33.16% 35.15% 100.00% 94.94% 5.06% 0.00% 100.00% 6.16% 93.62% 100.00% Out Prlm Auto 0.05% Out See Auto 3.06% Inc MMP Auto Out Prim Man out see man Inc ADC Man 0.79% 16.66% USPS LR-J-84 Page 90 - ,MlSCELLANEOUS FACTORS PRC VERSION Description r Source yg& AADC Trays Entered At MMP Operation Docket No. R97-1, LR-H-128 79.60% RBCS Leakage Rate Operations Leakage Target Automation Incoming Secondaries Delivery Unit (ZIP Code) Carrier Route I-Pass DPS (CSBCS) 2-Pass DPS (DBCS) FYOOF.A.S.T. FYOOF.A.S.T. FYOOF.A.S.T. FYOOF.A.S.T. Data Data Data Data 5.00% 5.33% 10.14% 12.11% 72.42% 100.00% Auto Carrier Route Presort % To CSBCS Site (3) 1 I(l) + (2) + (3) 1 43.91% Finalized At Least To Carrier Route At Plant Docket No. R2000-1, USPS-T-24A 73.01% Post Office Box Destination Docket No. MCg5-1. USPS-T-101 8.90% USPS LR-J-84 Page 93 FEE SUMMARY PRC VERSION Description cost 6.) Annual Permit Fee $119.384 Annual Accounting Fee $379.554 QBRM Quarterly Fee $762.770 Non-Letter Size BRM Monthly Fee $534.132 Descrbtion Cost (Cents) High Volume QBRM Per-Piece Fee 0.416 Basic QBRM Per-Piece Fee 4.081 High Volume BRM Per-Piece Fee 5.468 Basic BRM Per-Piece Fee 56.869 Non-Letter Size BRM Per-Piece Fee 0.608 “SPS LRJ-84 Page 94 4NNUAL PERMIT FEE PRC VERSION &$& Issuance - Literature Rc”ocatio”r 23.75 $30.54 $12.21 DOcket NO. RZCOO-1.USPS-T-29 From ‘INPUTS spreadsheet (1) * (2) / (50 minutes Per hour) From ‘INPUTS spreadsheet From’lNPUTS’ spreadsheet [ (5) - 1 1’ (3) (3) * (4) l (6) $1.13 (Docket NO. R2WO.1, USPS-T-29 + 1.10 CPlU Adjustment to TYO3 Sum (7, - - 1.577 1.014 31.24 to.17 520.65 (8) USPSLRJ-84 Page 95 C ,NN”AL ACCOUNTlNG FEE (OVERSIGHT AND MAINTENANCE (1) WWkly (2) i4i w-w 16, From’INPUTS’weadaheet jei prom ‘INPUTS &resdshed (7) (8) - 1@3)-11*(4) (4)*(5)+ (7) (3) 14) wage ms 130.94 A"""& Ok& e 5224.52 A.““aI Workhn Workhn Per ACCO”nt Per A,cco”“t 0.14 ACTIVITIES) 7.28 - ,ONLETTERSlZE SRM MONTHLY FEE (BILLING AND SAMPLING) PRCVERSION -- USPSLRJ4.4 Page98 GSRM HlG” VOLUME PER-PIECE FEE (COUNTING ACTIVITIES) PRCVERSION m Olmd cam Per E?ss 0.412 0.083 WI* 0.083 P PwnlUrn tlsd&oI o.wB o.w1 0.019 O.WI USPSm-J-% Page08 ,BRM BASIC PER-PIECE FEE (COUNTING, RATING, AND BILLING ACTIVITIES) PRC“ENSlON P USPS LRJ-SI Page IW ERM HIGH VOLUME PER-PIECE FEE (COUNTING, RATING, AND BILLING ACTIVITIES) _. ._ EmMf-R”” ,EW Ma”“aI P USPS LR-J-84 Page 102 /- tONLETTER-SIZE PRC VERSION ERM PER-PIECE Countina Method From ‘INPUTS’ From ‘INPUTS I(2)‘~001~(~) From ‘INPUTS From ‘INPUTS’ I(5) - 11 l (3) (3) * (4) + (6) ACTIVITIES) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Marginal Productivity wage && Direct Cents Per Piece __ Piggyback w Premium pay m 7,414 $30.84 0.416 1.447 1.014 Weight Averaging (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) FEE (COUNTING spreadsheet spreadsheet spreadsheet spreadsheet (6) (7) Premium TOtal cents Per Pay Adk.Wn&ent , Pi%’ , USPS LR-J-64 Page 103 P COST STUDY INPUTS PRC VERSION Productivity Counting BRMAS Additional Workload Weight Averaging (letter size) Weight Averaging (nonletter size) Counting Machine Manual (Riffle Letters) Rating/Billing PERMIT/Postage Due Manual rating/billing Collection - Box section Pickup ERM at Postage Due Unit Examine end signe due bill (Form 3582-B) Prepare call slip and place in lock box Collect from customer Turn in postage CollecHon -Carriers Pickup BRM at Postage Due Unit Examine and sign due bill (Form 3582-B) Collect from customer Turn in postage Accept collections Wsae Rates Other mail processing Carrier Actual PcslHR Variability &g&r Marginal Pcrr(Hr 7,460 36,351 7.272 36,351 2,134 1.oo 0.98 0.96 0.96 0.96 7,466 37.059 7.414 37,059 2.176 Docket No. R97-1, USPS-T-27 USPS LR-J-60 Docket No. R2000-I. USPS-T-29 USPS LR-J-60 USPS LR-J-56 7,460 745 0.96 0.98 7,605 760 Dccket No. R97-1. USPS-T-27 Docket No. R2000.1, USPS-T-29 3.981 303 336 226 250 260 1 .oo 1.00 1 .oo 1.00 1.00 1.oo 3,961 303 336 226 250 260 Docket Docket Docket Docket Docket Docket No. No. No. No. No. No. R2000-1. USPS-T-29 R2000.1, USPS-T-29 P.2000-1, USPS-T-29 RZOOO.1, USPS-T-29 FQOOO-1.USPS-T-29 RZOOO-1.USPS-T-29 3,114 315 69 265 260 _._ .__ __. _.. .-. 3,114 315 69 265 260 Docket Docket Docket Docket Docket No. No. No. No. No. R2000-1, USPS-T=29 R2000-1. USPS-T-29 RZOOO-1,USPS-T-29 R2000-I. USPS-T-29 RZOOO-1.USPS-T-29 g& &ggg $30.640 $32.617 USPS LR-J-50 USPS LR-J-50 Pkmvback Factors MODS 11 BCSlDBCS MODS 16 BUSREPY MODS 79 LD79 CITY CARRIER m 1.971 Source Premium Pay Factor First-Class m 1.447 1.677 1.394 1.014 USPS USPS USPS USPS LR-J-61 LR-J-61 L&J-61 LR-J-60 USPS LR-J-60 FY2000 BRM ACTIVITY -- CBCIS PRC VERSION 1 il QBRM (TOTAL) ACCOUNTS NO: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ,$ - J 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ‘7 ,8 49 50 51 USPS LR-J-84 Page lO4A Total QBRM Other Counting lndicia Revenue Pieces Software BRMAS E.O.R. Machine Manual BR 16,088,456 49,405,413 49.405,413 BR 14,366,822 41,048,062 41,048,062 BR 3,683,877 11.693.366 11.693,366 BR 3,198,355 9,137,280 9,137,280 BR 2,435.191 6,957,689 6,957,689 BR 1,302,079 5,121,491 5,121,491 ‘BR 1,329.788 4,918,797 4,918,797 BR 1,462,462 4.637,098 4,637,098 BR 1,489,396 4,570,147 4,570,147 1.619.371 BR 4,482.677 4,482.677 BR I,322520 3,778,626 3,778,626 BR 1,215,519 3,472,910 3,472.910 1.121.889 BR 3.205,396 3,205,396 BR 1,033,987 3,105,235 3,105.235 BR 991,945 3,051,132 3.051.132 BR 1,000,164 29872,157 2.872.157 2,857,049 BR 1,000,817 2,857,049 BR 982,562 2,807.339 2,807,339 BR 714,832 2,790,415 2,790,415 BR 580.258 2.327.589 2.327.589 782,807 BR 2,236,558 2,236,558 BR 721,351 2,150,546 2.150,546 BR 744,849 2.128,127 2,128,127 BR 726,906 2,075.908 2,075,988 BR 720,178 2,057,655 2,057,655 BR 691,381 1,986,763 1,986,763 1.984,866 BR. 694,867 1,984,866 BR 690,673 1,973.350 1,973.350 BR 438,839 1.907,742 657,485 ‘I s878.520 1,870,528 BR 648,072 1.851,635 BR 1,851,635 524,909 1,849,486 BR 1,849,486 626,275 1,789,696 BR 1.789,696 602,701 1,722,002 BR 1,722,002 445,271 1,705,356 BR 1,705,356 575,429 1,844,111 BR 1,544.111 546,754 1,640,812 BR 1,640,812 1,593,388 557,796 1,593,388 BR 1,491,995 1,491,995 432,125 BR 1.431.312 1.431,312 500,959 BR 1,377,515 401,291 1,377,515 BR 1,331,027 465,859 1,331,027 BR 462,460 1.321,314 1,321,314 BR 1.314,045 1,314.045 321,948 BR 458,249 1,309,278 BR 1,309,278 446,218 1,274,902 1.274,902 BR 1.222.934 426,115 1,222.934 BR 1,203,746 421,314 1,203,746 BR 1,195.896 475,054 1.195,896 BR 1,193,054 373,239 1,193,054 BR 413,002 BR 1,180,005 1,180.005 Weight Averaging 1,907,742 52 gc L, 56 57 50 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 2 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 -15 I6 107 108 109 110 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR E3R BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR 412,904 407.738 384,405 380,474 376,771 342,390 363,323 337,339 354,693 352.013 350.813 348,898 343,126 343,794 342,828 224,897 338,769 332,486 323,416 328,380 327,890 327,833 319,497 309,025 317,601 315,900 312,528 310,811 246,196 246,498 309,565 202,179 305,195 213,647 282,374 333,710 298,853 295,818 291,871 191,324 288,658 288,323 187,061 270,582 212,646 270,432 286,841 285,953 258,144 218,920 251,904 251,795 248,634 171,681 248,289 247,777 228,611 208,813 241,554 1,179,725 1,166,442 1,098.280 1.087,068 1.076.488 1.044.200 1,037.969 1,031,418 1,013,408 1,005,744 1,002,319 998,853 984,290 982.524 979,567 977,652 967,910 950,853 940,960 938,229 937,871 935,191 928,590 916,247 907,430 902,572 892,937 892,827 886,910 886,122 884,470 877,273 871,985 867,427 862,797 861,153 853,865 844.617 841,416 831,845 825,455 823,004 813,309 781,528 780,143 772,955 762,402 759,816 737,570 736,189 719,727 719,418 711,947 711,511 710,075 707,931 704,530 695,030 690,147 1,179,725 1,185,442 1,098,260 USPS LR-J-84 Page 104 B 1,087.068 1,076,488 1,044,200 1,037,969 1,031.418 1,013,408 1,005.744 1,002,319 996,853 984,290 982,524 979,587 977,652 967,910 950,853 940,960 938,229 937,871 935.191 928,590 916,247 907,430 902,572 892,937 892,827 886,910 886,122 884,470 877.273 871.985 867,427 862,797 861,153 853,865 844,617 841,416 831,845 825,455 823,004 813,309 781.528 780,143 772.955 762,402 759,816 737,570 736,169 719,727 719,418 711.947 711,511 710,075 707,931 704,530 695,030 690,147 111 112 m I I5 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 43’: ..I 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR 240,207 239,083 238,688 237,812 159,805 236,403 233,704 232,600 229,922 228,637 154.782 227,479 224,991 220,040 214,561 213,887 214,237 213,113 138,498 208,318 208,239 208,242 207,809 213,950 205,585 135,940 202,516 132,370 197,328 196,067 195,721 192,571 189,680 188,914 185,889 179,088 181,736 181,005 180,130 178,667 220,054 686,177 883,094 681,967 679,456 677,786 677,746 668,578 664,414 656,919 653,250 651,176 649,941 643,205 628,885 613,766 611,105 610,923 608,894 601,228 596,825 595,249 594,976 593,189 590,557 587,387 582.864 578,808 574,990 587,844 560,160 559,236 549,304 542,625 540,628 531,309 525.711 519,240 517,158 515,779 510,478 506,348 Grand Total Total HyyuIHHHHm 49,405.413 100.00% 16.48% Other Software USPS LR-J-84 Page 104C 686,177 683,094 881,967 679,456 677.786 877,746 668,578 664.414 656,919 653,250 651,176 649,941 643,205 828,685 613.786 611,105 610,923 608,894 601,228 596,825 595,249 594,976 593,169 590,557 587.387 582,854 578,808 574,990 567,844 580,160 559,236 549.304 642,625 540,828 531,309 525.711 519,240 517,158 515,779 510,478 506,348 TOM 148,125.043 49.35% BRMAS TOW 90,556,522 30.17% E.O.R. Total 3,586,081 Total 1.137.874 1.19% Counting Machine 0.38% Manual Total 7.3488423 2.45% Weight Averaging
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