Summer Session (Quarter) Refund Schedule

 Summer Q
Quarter 2016
6 Refund Sche
edule This refun
nd schedule iss applicable to
o the nine‐we
eek Summer Quarter. Thiss refund schedule does not apply to TThe College off Law, Univerrsity College o
or The Womeen's College. PPlease visit th
heir websites for refund infformation. Re
efer to Late Registration Se
ervice Chargee on this website for moree information.. Session A 100% 75%
% 50% 0% Begin
ns 9 Weeks 6/13‐8/11 6/13‐6/19 6/20
0‐6/22 6/23‐6/26 6/27 Session B 4 Weeks 6/13‐6/19 Session C 4 Weeks 7/18‐7/2
24 6/20 6/13‐7/8 7/24 7/18‐8/11 Three Week Coursees Session D 100% 0% Beggins 06/13‐7/1 6/13‐6/19
9 06/20 Session E 7/5‐7/22 7/5‐7/10
7/11 Session F 7/25‐8/11 7/25‐7/30
0 8/1 Session G
G: Workshops and Courses with less thaan a three we ek duration: 100% refund for all classes dropped p
prior to the first class mee
MEETING. Contact 303.871.4095 for drop/add
d policy and tu
uition refund information for courses w
which do not fit into the above session configurations. Detailed ttuition and fe
ee information
n for all collegges, schools aand programss at the Univeersity of Denvver is availablle at Registrar Office Web Site's Registrration and Bil ling Section.