Chart 18

The rate of repetitive motion
injuries declined by 15 percent
from 2005 to 2006; the rate for the
category of fall on same level
declined by 11 percent. The 2006
incidence rate for repetitive
motion injuries was 4.1 per
10,000 full-time workers. Fall on
same level had a rate of 16.4 per
10,000 full-time workers.
Incidence rates the categories of
slips, trips; struck by object; and
contact with object, equipment
declined by less than the average.
The incidence rates for the
categories of assaults and violent
acts by persons; being caught in
object, equipment, or material;
and exposures to harmful
substances increased from 2005
to 2006.
C H A R T 1 8
Incidence rates for all events fell
by 5.8 percent between 2005 and
Percent change in incidence rate of injuries and illnesses, by
selected events and exposures, private industry, 2005–06
(cases involving days away from work)
Below average
No improvement
Above average improvement
Repetitive motion
Fall on same level
Transportation accidents
Fall to lower level
Overexertion in lifting
All events or exposures -5.8%
Slips, trips
Struck by object
Contact with object, equipment
Assaults, violent act, by persons
Caught in object, equipment, material
Exposed to harmful substances
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, November 2007