Credential Verification

Credential Verification Form
Faculty member’s name: _______________________________
Employment Status (FT/PT): _____________________________
Official Transcripts Received (Y/N):_____________
Transcripts Reviewed:
Certifying Body
If yes, date: ____________________________
Yes, unofficial—initials______ Yes, official—initials_____
Educational History
Date Degree Conferred
Relevant Work History
Job Title
Relevant Job Tasks
Relevant Certifications
Title of Certification
Date Certification Issued
Courses Approved to Teach
Relevant Academic Course
Relevant Work History
Work (list specific courses that qualify
Dates of Employment
Date Certification Expires
Relevant Certifications
the individual to teach the given course;
if degree is not in field, list at least 18
semester hours of course work)
Signature of program chair or coordinator:_______________________________________
Printed Name: ___________________
Date: ________________________________
Signature of dean:______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Signature of VPAA: ____________________________________
Date: _____________________
*Please attach copy of resume, unofficial transcript, and any relevant certifications.