White Paper ® Implementing an IEEE Std. 802.16-Compliant FEC Decoder Introduction The IEEE draft standard P802.16/D5-2001, Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems, “specifies the air interface of fixed (stationary) point-to-multipoint broadband wireless access systems providing multiple services.” (See “References” on page 5.) This standard enables vendors to create and deploy broadband wireless access products worldwide. This white paper describes the forward error correction (FEC) decoding requirements of the IEEE Std. 802.16 specification, and explains how you can implement decoders that comply with the requirements using the Altera® Reed-Solomon Compiler and Viterbi Compiler MegaCore® functions. IEEE Std. 802.16 Requirements Table 1 shows the FEC code types that the specification allows. Code types 1 and 2 must be supported, while code types 3 and 4 are optional. Table 1. FEC Code Types Note (1) Code Type Outer Code (2) Inner Code 1 Reed-Solomon over GF(256) None 2 Reed-Solomon over GF(256) (24,16) Block Convolutional Code 3 (Optional) Reed-Solomon over GF(256) (9,8) Parity Check Code 4 (Optional) Block Turbo Code – Note: (1) IEEE draft standard 802.16 page 261. (2) GF = Galois field. IEEE Std. 802.16 supports different channel sizes and modulation techniques as shown Table 2. Table 2. IEEE Std. 802.16 Channel Sizes & Modulation Techniques Channel Size (MHz) Symbol Rate (MBaud) Bit Rate QPSK (Mbits/s) Bit Rate 16-QAM (Mbits/s) 20 16 32 25 20 40 28 22.4 44.8 Notes (1), (2), (3) Bit Rate 64-QAM (Mbits/s) Recommended Frame Duration (ms) Number of PSs/Frame (4) 64 96 1 4,000 80 120 1 5,000 89.6 134.4 1 5,600 Note: (1) IEEE draft standard 802.16 page 285. (2) QPSK = quadrature phase shift keying. (3) QAM = quadrature amplitude modulation. (4) PS = physical slot. M-WP-IEEE802.16-1.0 December 2001, ver. 1.0 1 Altera Corporation Implementing an IEEE Std. 802.16-Compliant FEC Decoder White Paper Outer Code Requirements for Code Types 1 through 3 IEEE Std. 802.16 specifies the outer code requirements for code types 1 through 3 as follows: The specified code generator polynomials are given by: Code Generator Polynomial: g(x) = (x+µ0)(x+µ1)(x+µ2) ... (x+µ2T-1), where µ= 02hex Field Generator Polynomial: p(x) = x8 + x4 + x3 + x2 + 1 The specified code has a block length of 255 bytes and shall be configured as an RS(255,255-R) code with information bytes preceded by (255-N) zero symbols, where N is the codeword length and R the number of redundancy bytes (R = 2*T ranges from 0 to 32, inclusive). The value of K and T are specified for each burst profile by the MAC. Both Fixed Codeword Operation and Shortened Last Codeword Operation, as defined below, are allowed. When using Code Type 2, the number of information bytes K shall always be an even number so that the total codeword size (K+R) is also an even number. This is due to the fact that the BCC code requires a pair of bytes on which to operate. Inner Code Requirements for Code Type 2 IEEE Std. 802.16 specifies the inner code requirements for code type 2 as follows: The inner code in Code Type 2 consists of short block codes derived from a 4-state, nonsystematic, punctured convolutional code (7,5). The trellis shall use the tail-biting method, where the last 2 bits of the message block are used to initialize the encoder memory, in order to avoid the overhead required for trellis termination. Thus, the encoder has the same initial and ending state for a message block. For this concatenated coding scheme, the inner code message block is selected to be 16 bits. The puncturing pattern is described in Table 95 for the (24,16) case. Designing an IEEE Std. 802.16 Compliant System Using Altera MegaCore Functions You can use the Altera Reed-Solomon Compiler and Viterbi Compiler MegaCore functions to create a system that is compliant with IEEE Std. 802.16. The Reed-Solomon Compiler generates a decoder for the outer codes for code types 1 through 3 and the Viterbi Compiler generates a decoder for the inner code for code type 2. The Reed-Solomon decoder must be able to handle data rates up to 134.4 Mbps for code type 1. Code type 2 is only used for QPSK modulation. Therefore, the Viterbi decoder must be able to handle data rates up to 44.8 Mbps. Reed-Solomon Decoder Implementation You can use a variable discrete Reed-Solomon decoder to meet the requirements of IEEE Std. 802.16. The variable decoder supports real-time changing of N ,the number of symbols in the codeword, and R, the number of check symbols in a codeword. Therefore, the decoder supports both fixed codeword operation and shortened last codeword operation as defined in the specification. Additionally, if your implementation does not need check symbols, you can use the bypass functionality. Figure 1 shows a screen shot of the Reed-Solomon Compiler wizard, in which you set the parameters of the decoder for IEEE Std. 802.16. 2 Altera Corporation Implementing an IEEE Std. 802.16-Compliant FEC Decoder White Paper Figure 1. Setting Parameters for IEEE Std. 802.16 Reed-Solomon Decoder Table 3 shows the Altera device resources used and the throughput achieved by the decoder. Table 3. Reed-Solomon Decoder Resources & Throughput Device Logic Elements (LEs) Embedded System Blocks (ESBs) fMAX (MHz) Throughput (Mbps) APEXTM 20KE 4,378 APEX 20KC 4,378 3 83 151 3 100 APEX II 4,378 182 2 110 200 Viterbi Decoder Implementation You can use the Viterbi Compiler to create a parallel block decoder that can decode the convolutional codes specified in IEEE Std. 802.16. Sixteen bits of data are convolutionally encoded and the puncturing patterns are applied to obtain a 2/3 punctured code or 24 bits. The data is modulated using QPSK and transmitted to the receiver, which stores the 24 bits in memory. To decode the tail-biting method defined in the specification, the received data is read twice from memory and then feeds the depuncturing unit. The depuncturing unit introduces 0s to the punctured positions, which increases the number of symbols to 16 pairs. The result from the depuncturing unit feeds twice consecutively to the parallel decoder for a block size of 32. The number of coded bits of the parallel block decoder (n) is equal to 2. Therefore, a pair of symbols enter the block decoder during each clock cycle. Of the 32 bits at the output, the first 16 are discarded and the last 16 are used. Figure 2 shows the double-pass traceback operation for tail-biting decoding. The first pass converges to a last state that is the same as the starting state (as defined in the specification). Because the start state cannot be known when decoding begins, the decoder must use an arbitrary start state. The Altera Viterbi block decoder always starts a block from state 0. Therefore, the first traceback path bits are discarded, as shown in Figure 2. However, during the first pass, the decoder converges to the correct path and the first path terminates in the correct start state for the second pass. 3 Altera Corporation Implementing an IEEE Std. 802.16-Compliant FEC Decoder White Paper Figure 2. Double-Pass Traceback Operation for Tail-Biting Decoding Figure 3 shows the additional logic that you need to implement—in addition to the Viterbi block decoder—to meet IEEE Std. 802.16. The sequencer is a control block that implements the double-pass data feeding and FIFO control signals. The depuncturing unit performs the 2/3 depuncturing rate required by the specification. Figure 3. System Overview Implementing Double-Pass Tail-Biting Decoding Received Data Dual-Port RAM FIFO Depuncturing Viterbi Block Decoder Decoded Data Sequencer Figure 4 shows a screen shot of the Viterbi Compiler wizard, in which you set the parameters of the decoder for IEEE Std. 802.16. Figure 4. Setting Parameters for IEEE Std. 802.16 Parallel Block Viterbi Decoder 4 Altera Corporation Implementing an IEEE Std. 802.16-Compliant FEC Decoder White Paper Tables 4 and 5 show the Altera device resources used and the throughput achieved by the decoder. The value of the Softbits parameter, which you set in the Viterbi Compiler wizard, depends on the quality you want to implement. Table 4. Viterbi Decoder Resources & Throughput, Softbits = 3 without BER Block Device LEs ESBs fMAX (MHz) Throughput (Mbps) APEX 20KE 420 2 113 106 APEX 20KC 420 2 127 119 APEX II 421 2 144 135 Table 5. Viterbi Decoder Resources & Throughput, Softbits = 4 without BER Block Device LEs ESBs fMAX (MHz) Throughput (Mbps) APEX 20E 452 2 115 108 APEX 20KC 452 2 128 120 APEX II 453 2 165 155 Conclusion FEC is an important part of the IEEE Std. 802.16 specification. The Altera Reed-Solomon Compiler and Viterbi Compiler MegaCore functions have easy-to-use wizard interfaces that you can use to implement an IEEE Std. 802.16-compliant system. References IEEE Draft Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Part 16, Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems, IEEE P802.16/D5-2001, pp 1, 261 – 263. ® 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 http://www.altera.com 5 Copyright 2001 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
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