White Paper High-Speed Rijndael Encryption/Decryption Processors (Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)) Introduction The Altera® high-speed Rijndael encryption/decryption processors are optimized for Altera APEX™ 20K devices. The current versions of the high-speed cores support block lengths of 128 bits and key lengths of 128 bits only. Two versions of the encryption/decryption cores are supported; one has 128-bit parallel inputs and outputs, and the other has a 16-bit wide bus (multi-cycle access) for all inputs and outputs. A test case generator is included with the core, which converts a file containing key and block data into a simulation file for the core. Core List The four cores are: RJPECAA—Encryptor with 128-bit wide I/O. RJPDCAA—Decryptor with 128-bit wide I/O. RJPESAA—Encryptor with 16-bit wide bus I/O. RJPDSAA—Decryptor with 16-bit wide bus I/O. The naming convention is as follows: RiJndael Parallel (Encryptor/Decryptor) (Core/System) AA where: Parallel—High-speed core (as opposed to Hammercores by Altera low-speed Rijndael processors) Encryptor/Decryptor—Self Explanatory Core—Core with 128-bit wide I/O System—Core with multi-cycle access bus AA—Version The Rijndael Algorithm The Rijndael algorithm processes an encryption or decryption operation in a number of rounds, a total of 10 when the block and key lengths are 128 bits. The key is expanded into a much larger keyspace. The keyspace is as large as the number of block bits, times the number of rounds. The block and keyspace are stored in byte format as matrices of four rows, with four columns due to the 128 bit block and key lengths. An encryption round consists of the following operations (decryption reverses the order of operations for each round): Byte by Byte Finite Field Substitution Matrix Index Shuffling Matrix Multiply over a Finite Field Key Addition WP-HGHSPDRIJNDL-1.0 Date: June 2002 1 Altera Corporation High-Speed Rijndael Encryption/Decryption Processors Ports and Parameters The ports for all four cores, RJPECAA, RJPDCAA, RJPESAA, and RJPDSAA are described separately. There are no parameters for any of the four cores. RJPECAA Ports Table 1 RJPECAA Input Signals Signal Description SYSCLK SYSCLK is the main system clock. After loading (using LOAD), 11 clocks are required to compute the encryption result. RESET The core is asynchronously reset when the RESET signal is asserted high. The core does not need to be RESET between encryption cycles. LOAD When this signal is asserted, data on the PLAIN[16..1][8..1] and KEYIN[16..1][8..1]busses are latched into the core. This signal needs to be only one clock in duration, and must be de-asserted before the CALC signal is asserted. CALC When CALC is asserted, processing begins. CALC must be held high until processing is complete (indicated by the ENCDONE) signal. The keyspace calculation is performed at the same time as the encryption operation. PLAIN[16..1][8..1] Plaintext input bytes are written into the core using this bus, when the LOAD input is asserted. KEYIN[16..1][8..1] Key input bytes are written into the core using this bus, when the LOAD input is asserted. Table 2 RJPECAA Output Signals Signal Description ENCDONE The core will assert ENCDONE when the encryption is complete. CIPHER[16..1][8..1] Ciphertext bytes are output on this bus when the ENCDONE signal is asserted. 2 Altera Corporation High-Speed Rijndael Encryption/Decryption Processors Ports - RJPDCAA Table 3 RJPDCAA Input Signals Signal Description SYSCLK SYSCLK is the main system clock. RESET The core is asynchronously reset when the RESET signal is asserted high. The core does not need to be RESET between decryption cycles. LOADKEY When this signal is asserted, data on the KEYIN[16..1][8..1]bus is latched into the core. Once a key has been loaded, and the keyspace calculated, it does not have to be done again until the key is changed. The signal must be de-asserted before CALCKEY is asserted. CALCKEY When this signal is asserted, the key space is calculated from the key that was previously loaded with LOADKEY. CALCKEY must remain high until the KEYDONE signal is asserted. When a key is being loaded or calculated, the core cannot be decrypting data. A keyspace must be calculated before any decryption operation can start. A total of 10 clock cycles are required to calculate a new keyspace. LOAD When this signal is asserted, data on the CIPHER[16..1][8..1] bus is latched into the core. This signal needs to be only one clock in duration, and must be de-asserted before the CALC signal is asserted. CALC When CALC is asserted, processing begins. CALC must be held high until processing is complete (indicated by the DECDONE) signal. CIPHER[16..1][8..1] Ciphertext input bytes are written into the core using this bus, when the LOAD input is asserted. KEYIN[16..1][8..1] Key input bytes are written into the core using this bus, when the KEYLOAD input is asserted. Table 4 RJPDCAA Output Signals Signal Description KEYDONE The core will assert KEYDONE when the keyspace calculation is complete. DECDONE The core will assert DECDONE when the decryption is complete. PLAIN16..1][8..1] Decrypted plaintext bytes are output on this bus when the DECDONE signal is asserted. 3 Altera Corporation High-Speed Rijndael Encryption/Decryption Processors Ports - RJPESAA Table 5 RJPESAA Input Signals Signal Description SYSCLK SYSCLK is the main system clock. RESET The core is asynchronously reset when the RESET signal is asserted high. The core does not need to be RESET between encryption cycles. LOADKEY When this signal is asserted, data on the KEYIN[16..1] bus is latched into the staging registers around the core. Once a key has been loaded it does not have to be done again until the key is changed. A total of eight 16 bit key portions are loaded. A new key can be staged while the previous key and plaintext are still being processed by the core. LOADTEXT When this signal is asserted, data on the PLAIN[16..1]bus is latched into the staging registers around the core. A total of eight 16 bit plaintext portions are loaded. New plaintext can be staged while the previous key and plaintext are still being processed by the core. INITCORE When this signal is asserted, both the plaintext and key in the staging registers is latched into the core. The input staging registers are independent of the core, and no transfer takes place from the input staging registers until the INITCORE signal is asserted. CALCCORE This signal enables the encryption operation, and must be held high until the operation is complete, as indicated by the ENCDONE signal. The keyspace calculation is performed at the same time as the encryption operation. UNLOAD Once encryption is complete, asserting UNLOAD will shift the result out of the output staging registers, starting with the least significant word. The encryption core can be unloaded at the same time as new key and plaintext is input to the core, as well as when an encryption operation is taking place. Note: The output staging registers are loaded automatically with ENCDONE. PLAIN[16..1] Plaintext input words are written into the staging registers using this bus, when the LOADTEXT input is asserted. The least significant word is loaded first. KEYIN[16..1] Key input words are written into the staging registers using this bus, when the LOADKEY input is asserted. The least significant word is loaded first. Table 6 RJPESAA Output Signals Signal Description ENCDONE The core asserts ENCDONE when the encryption operation is complete. The output staging registers will be automatically loaded with the encryption result. CIPHER[16..1] Encrypted words are shifted out of this bus, least significant word first, when the UNLOAD signal is asserted. 4 Altera Corporation High-Speed Rijndael Encryption/Decryption Processors Ports - RJPDSAA Table 7 RJPDSAA Input Signals Signal Description SYSCLK SYSCLK is the main system clock. RESET The core is asynchronously reset when the RESET signal is asserted high. The core does not need to be RESET between decryption cycles. LOADKEY When this signal is asserted, data on the KEYIN[16..1] bus is latched into the staging registers around the core. Once a key has been loaded it does not have to be done again until the key is changed. A total of eight 16 bit key portions are loaded. A new key can be staged while the previous key and plaintext are still being processed by the core. LOADTEXT When this signal is asserted, data on the CIPHER[16..1]bus is latched into the staging registers around the core. A total of eight 16 bit ciphertext portions are loaded. New ciphertext can be staged while the previous key and ciphertext are still being processed by the core. INITKEY When this signal is asserted, the key in the staging registers is latched into the core. The key staging registers are independent of the core, and no transfer takes place from the key staging registers until the INITKEY signal is asserted. CALCKEY This signal enables the keyspace calculation operation, and must be held high until the keyspace has been calculated, indicated by the KEYDONE output. A keyspace must be calculated before any decryption operation can take place, but once a keyspace has been calculated, it can be reused an unlimited number of times without recalculation. A total of 10 clock cycles are required to calculate a new keyspace. INITCORE When this signal is asserted, the ciphertext in the staging registers is latched into the core. The input staging registers are independent of the core, and no transfer takes place from the input staging registers until the INITCORE signal is asserted. CALCCORE This signal enables the decryption operation, and must be held high until the operation is complete, as indicated by the DECDONE signal. UNLOAD Once encryption is complete, asserting UNLOAD shifts the result out of the output staging registers, starting with the least significant word. The encryption core can be unloaded at the same time as new ciphertext is input to the core, as well as when a decryption operation is taking place. Note: The output staging registers are loaded automatically with DECDONE. CIPHER[16..1] Ciphertext input words are written into the staging registers using this bus, when the LOADTEXT input is asserted. The least significant word is loaded first. KEYIN[16..1] Key input words are written into the staging registers using this bus, when the LOADKEY input is asserted. The least significant word is loaded first. Table 8 RJPDSAA Output Signals Signal Description KEYDONE The core will assert KEYDONE when a keyspace calculation is complete. DECDONE The core will assert DECDONE when the decryption operation is complete. The output staging registers will be automatically loaded with the decryption result. PLAIN[16..1] Decrypted words are shifted out of this bus, least significant word first, when the UNLOAD signal is asserted. Compiling the Core The core is optimized for Altera APEX 20K devices, because of the large amount of memory required, especially for the decryptor cores. 5 Altera Corporation High-Speed Rijndael Encryption/Decryption Processors Table 9 shows the resource requirements and fMAX of the four cores. Table 9 Core Summary Core LEs ESBs fMAX (MHz) RJPECAA 820 20 78 RJPESAA 1211 20 78 RJPDCAA 1437 28 60 RJPDSAA 1694 28 60 Core Performance The core performance (in Mbits/s) can be calculated as described. As the keyspace must only be calculated once per key, it does not affect the throughput, except for the first operation for a new key. Performance = fMAX × (128 bits/block) / (11 clocks) = fMAX × 11.63 For the encryptors, the throughput is 907 Mbps. For the decryptors, the throughput is 698 Mbps. Testing the Core A utility is included with the core package that encrypts a key and plaintext sequence stored in a file, and decrypts the ciphertext back into plaintext. It uses the plaintext and ciphertext to generate test cases for the Altera tools, for the encryption and decryption cores respectively. Example Test – Standard Sequence The data format in the test source file must be byte wide hexadecimal, from ‘00’ to ‘FF’. First create a testing file foo.txt, containing the following data: 12 13 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 ff ee dd ea a1 b1 b2 0a 0b 0c 0d 44 55 66 77 1a 1b 1c 1d 1 2 3 4 The utility will parse the data into a key, followed by plaintext. Now, run the utility: SIX (There are no input parameters for the utility) The utility returns: 6 Altera Corporation High-Speed Rijndael Encryption/Decryption Processors Key: 121323344556677889ffeeddeaa1b1b2 Plaintext: 0a0b0c0d445566771a1b1c1d01020304 Ciphertext: 69bf969db6c11b1ad3c66461f743a09f Plaintext: 0a0b0c0d445566771a1b1c1d01020304 At the same time, the utility generates testcases for the RJPESAA.TDF (encryption) and RJPDSAA.TDF (decryption) cores. Now, run the testcases. With the Quartus™ II software in simulator mode, open the vector file RJPESAA.VEC and start the simulation. After simulation is complete, the ciphertext is read out (left to right bytes) on the CIPHER[16..1] bus. The simulation of the decryption core is handled identically. Appendix A—Top Level Wrapper Unencrypted top level wrappers for all four cores (TOP_LEVEL_RJPECAA.TDF, TOP_LEVEL_RJPESAA.TDF, TOP_LEVEL_RJPDCAA.TDF, and TOP_LEVEL_RJPDSAA.TDF) are provided, to make it easier to instantiate the cores. The source code for one of the wrappers is described below: TOP_LEVEL_RJPESAA.TDF FUNCTION rjpesaa (sysclk, reset, loadtext, loadkey, unload, initcore, calccore, plain[16..1], key[16..1]) RETURNS (cipher[16..1], encdone); subdesign top_level_rjpesaa ( sysclk, reset : INPUT; loadtext, loadkey, unload : INPUT; initcore, calccore : INPUT; plain[16..1] : INPUT; key[16..1] : INPUT; cipher[16..1] : OUTPUT; encdone : OUTPUT; ) 7 Altera Corporation High-Speed Rijndael Encryption/Decryption Processors BEGIN (cipher[16..1], encdone) = rjpesaa (sysclk, reset, loadtext, loadkey, unload, initcore, calccore, plain[16..1], key[16..1]); END; 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 http://www.altera.com Copyright © 2002 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, mask work rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. 8 Altera Corporation High-Speed Rijndael Encryption/Decryption Processors 9
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