Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide April 2003 Version 1.5 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 http://www.altera.com UG-EXCFSSIM-1.5 Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Copyright 2003 Altera Corporation. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. All rights reserved. ii Altera Corporation About this User Guide This user guide provides comprehensive information about the Altera® Excalibur™ Stripe Simulator (ESS). Table 1 shows the user guide revision history. Table 1. User Guide Revision History Date How to Find Information April 2003 Changes to the Solaris environment variables. October 2002 Changes to the UART connection port number and the ESS version text (upgrade to 2.2). September 2002 Amendments to emphasize using VHDL 93 syntax. August 2002 Amendments to include debugging with Solaris. June 2002 Minor amendments; inclusion of Mentor Graphics® XRAY debugger. April 2002 Version 1.0 release. ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation Description The Adobe Acrobat Find feature allows you to search the contents of a PDF file. Click on the binoculars icon in the top toolbar to open the Find dialog box. Bookmarks serve as an additional table of contents. Thumbnail icons, which provide miniature previews of each page, provide a link to the pages. Numerous links, shown in green text, allow you to jump to related information. iii About this User Guide Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide How to Contact Altera For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, go to the Altera world-wide web site at www.altera.com. For additional information about Altera products, consult the sources shown in Table 2. Table 2. How to Contact Altera Information Type Altera Literature Services Access Electronic mail Non-technical Telephone hotline customer service Fax Technical support Telephone hotline Fax General product information USA & Canada All Other Locations [email protected] (1) [email protected] (1) (800) SOS-EPLD (408) 544-7000 (7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time) (408) 544-7606 (408) 544-7606 (800) 800-EPLD (6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time) (408) 544-7000 (1) (7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time) (408) 544-6401 (408) 544-6401 (1) World-wide web site www.altera.com/mysupport /www.altera.com/mysupport FTP site ftp.altera.com ftp.altera.com Telephone (408) 544-7104 (408) 544-7104 (1) World-wide web site www.altera.com www.altera.com Note: (1) iv You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative. Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Typographic Conventions About this User Guide The Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide uses the typographic conventions shown in Table 3. Table 3. Conventions Visual Cue Meaning Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box. bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names, filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold type. Examples: fMAX, \QuartusII directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file. Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN 75 (High-Speed Board Design). Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type. Examples: tPIA, n + 1. Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type. Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file. Initial Capital Letters Keyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples: Delete key, the Options menu. “Subheading Title” References to sections within a document and titles of Help topics are shown in quotation marks. Example: “Configuring a Device with the Download Cable.” Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1, tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix _n, e.g., reset_n. Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For example: c:\quartusII\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in Courier. 1., 2., 3., and a., b., c.,... Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure. ■ Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important. v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only. 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention. r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key. f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic. Altera Corporation v Notes: Contents About this User Guide ............................................................................................................................... iii How to Find Information .............................................................................................................. iii How to Contact Altera .................................................................................................................. iv Typographic Conventions ............................................................................................................. v ESS Walkthrough ..........................................................................................................................................9 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................9 Features ...........................................................................................................................................10 Platform & Tool Support ..............................................................................................................10 Memory Initialization ....................................................................................................................11 ARM922T Processor Model ..................................................................................................12 PLD Interface ..........................................................................................................................12 Stripe Functionality ...............................................................................................................13 Using ESS as an Instruction Set Simulator .................................................................................13 Simulation Model Configuration Options .........................................................................14 Debugging a Program Using AXD ......................................................................................16 Debugging a Program using GDB with Insight Interface ................................................23 Using ESS in a Third-Party Logic Simulator ..............................................................................25 Simulating a Design Using ESS ...........................................................................................26 Using a Software Debugger in a Third-Party Logic Simulation Environment .....................30 Setting Up ModelSim ............................................................................................................31 Connecting AXD to ESS in ModelSim ................................................................................33 Connecting the GDB Debugger to ESS in ModelSim .......................................................35 Pins & Signals Supported by ESS ................................................................................................36 Excalibur Stripe Registers Supported by ESS ............................................................................39 Appendix A Generating Input Files ..............................................................................................................................41 Appendix B Trace Output Format ..................................................................................................................................43 Trace Level 1 ...................................................................................................................................43 Trace Level 2 ...................................................................................................................................44 Trace Level 3 ...................................................................................................................................44 Appendix C ESS Version Changes ...............................................................................................................................45 Altera Corporation vii Notes: ESS Walkthrough Introduction The Excalibur Stripe Simulator (ESS) is a fast stripe simulation model developed specifically to facilitate the integration of software and hardware in Excalibur devices. ESS can execute more than 500,000 ARM instructions per second on a high-performance PC, with high visibility of the internal processor and stripe registers, PLD-to-stripe and stripe-toPLD bus transactions. ESS emulates the key functional behavior of the embedded stripe, which allows you to run operating system applications. ESS, which is supplied with the Quartus® II software version 2.1 or later, can be used in three ways: ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation For software simulation—you can use the model as an instruction set simulator, connecting to a software debug tool with full debug capabilities. In addition, you can easily pipe the character stream output from the stripe UART to a terminal window, such as telnet. For hardware simulation—you can instantiate the model in a hardware design for simulation in a third-party logic simulator, such as the Model Technology™ ModelSim® simulation tool, to model the ARM922T™ embedded processor, the stripe peripherals, the stripe bridges, and the PLD application interface. To instantiate the model within a design, you use alt_exc_stripe from the library of parameterisable modules (LPM). For software/hardware co-simulation—you can connect a software debugger to the software running on the model's embedded processor while simulating the hardware design in a third-party logic simulator. 9 ESS Walkthrough Features Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide ESS provides the following functionality: ■ ■ ■ A functionally-accurate model of the ARM 922T™ processor Models the watchdog timer, timer, and interrupt controller Embedded UART modeled as a character stream device 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A mechanism to connect the UART to a terminal window is provided. Models the interface to the PLD through the stripe-to-PLD bridge, PLD-to-stripe bridge, and the PLD application interface Mechanism to load a flash memory image connected to EBI0 (booting from flash memory) Fast mechanism to initialize on-chip SRAM and stripe registers Interface to appropriate software debuggers according to the platform used (see Table 4) Instantiation within a Verilog HDL or VHDL design See “Pins & Signals Supported by ESS” and “Excalibur Stripe Registers Supported by ESS” for lists of the stripe registers and pins that ESS supports. Platform & Tool Support ESS supports the software debug and HDL simulation tools listed in Table 4. Table 4. Platforms & Tools Supported by ESS Platform 10 HDL Simulation Environment ® Software Debugger PC (Windows) ModelSim Altera Edition, PE for Verilog HDL designs ModelSIm SE for Verilog HDL or VHDL designs ARM Developers Suite (ADS) debuggers AXD, ADW Mentor Graphics® XRAY debugger GNU debugger arm_elf_gdb Solaris ModelSim® Altera Edition, PE for GNU debugger arm_elf_gdb Verilog HDL designs ModelSIm SE for Verilog HDL or VHDL designs Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Memory Initialization ESS Walkthrough There are two means of initializing ESS: ■ ■ Booting from flash memory Fast initialization of the stripe memory image Booting from Flash Memory To simulate booting from flash memory, you need to generate a flash memory image. The image is an Intel hex format file, which can be identical to that required to program the flash memory on the EPXA10 development board. 1 When booting from flash memory, a temporary view of the first 32 Kbytes of flash memory is available to allow boot code to remap the EBI0 memory region to a different address and size in the address space. For details, see the Quartus II software help pages on generating a flash memory image, and Appendix A Generating Input Files. Fast Initialization of the Stripe Memory Image Fast initialization of the stripe memory image allows you to initialize stripe registers and on-chip SRAM without having to simulate running the boot code. This is consistent with the cycle-accurate full stripe model. Five initialization files are used. They share a common filename prefix and use specific extensions, as described in Table 5. Table 5. Memory Initialization Files Filename Extension File Contents .regs Embedded stripe register values .sram0 Memory image representing SRAM0 contents .sram1 Memory image representing SRAM1 contents .dpram0 Memory image representing DPRAM0 contents .dpram1 Memory image representing DPRAM1 contents 1 One of the on-chip SRAM memory regions must be mapped to physical address 0x0 in the address space. This is because the ARM922T processor begins execution from address 0x0. The initialization files can be generated by using either software mode in the Quartus II software, or the command line utility makeprogfile. See Appendix A Generating Input Files, for more information. Altera Corporation 11 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide ARM922T Processor Model The ESS model emulates, with functional accuracy, the operation of all 16bit and 32-bit ARM® instructions, all operating modes, and all exceptions. The memory management unit is modeled to provide the functionality required to run an operating system using the simulator. However, cache memory is not modeled. 1 The ARM922T five-stage pipeline is modeled as a flattened, three-stage pipeline (the execute, memory, and write-back stages have been merged into one execute stage), with each instruction executing in one cycle. A model of the pipeline is provided to allow the ARM code to remap its own memory—the instruction after the remapping, which has already been fetched and is in the pipeline, can jump to the next instruction in the remapped memory. ESS terminates when all of the following conditions are satisfied: ■ ■ ■ The ARM processor is executing a branch-to-self instruction Processor interrupts are disabled ESS is run from the command line PLD Interface ESS provides support for the following modules: ■ ■ The PLD application interface to the DPRAM blocks embedded in the stripe. All DPRAM operation modes are supported The PLD-to-stripe and stripe-to-PLD bridges 1 ■ Posted writes are not modeled Interrupts, including int_pld, int_timer, and int_uart When you use ESS as an instruction set simulator outside a logic simulation environment, writes to the PLD memory region are discarded, and memory reads return undefined values. Within a logic simulation environment, you can instantiate the model in a hardware design using alt_exc_stripe from the LPM by compiling the wrapper files: alt_exc_stripe_ess.v and ess_hdl.v for Verilog HDL designs; or alt_exc_stripe_ess.vhd and ess_hdl.vhd for VHDL designs. 12 Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide 1 ESS Walkthrough ESS and the PLD are simulated asynchronously, i.e., the ratios between PLD clock domains and the stripe clock domains (AHB1 and AHB2) are not honored. This is to allow the ARM processor in the embedded stripe to execute large fragments of code without being delayed by the simulation of logic in the PLD unless there is stripe-to-PLD interaction. When AHB transactions occur, the stripe and PLD are synchronized to prevent wait cycles from being inserted. Stripe Functionality ESS represents the relative clock domains associated with AHB1 and AHB2. The model is not cycle-accurate, in that it does not model bus delays or delays associated with accessing different memory types. The watchdog timer, timer, and interrupt controller embedded stripe peripherals are modeled with full functional accuracy. The embedded UART is modeled as a character stream device, providing a mechanism to connect the UART’s input and output to a terminal window, which allows you to run interactive programs. Using ESS as an Instruction Set Simulator ESS can be used as an instruction set simulator by either running it from the command line or by using a graphical user interface (GUI) in conjunction with one of the following debuggers with debug control: ■ ■ On either PC or Solaris platforms: – GNUPro Tools for ARM debugger, GDB On PC platforms only: – ADS 1.1 debugger, AXD – ADS 1.1 debugger, ADW – Mentor Graphics® debugger, XRAY for Excalibur To use ESS, you must always select a memory image. Because the processor subsystem always starts execution at address 0x0, you can provide either a flash memory image in Intel hex format or a set of memory initialization files—see Appendix A Generating Input Files for details. Altera Corporation 13 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Simulation Model Configuration Options When you run ESS in a Command Prompt window, typing ess -hr at the command line displays usage parameters as presented below. ARM-Based Excalibur Fast Stripe Model (ESS) - Version 2.2 Copyright (c) Altera Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. --- Help Message --- Usage: ess [options] -bf<flash memory image.hex> ess [options] -fm<basename> where -bf Boot from flash - specify Intel hex format file (flash memory contents) -fm Fast memory intialisation - specify filename body (.regs .sram0 .sram1 .dpram0 & .dpram1 files are generated by ’makeprogfile’) Options: -c Specify Excalibur chip type (xa10|xa4|xa1) (default: xa10) -d0<dp0_mode>[r] Specify dpram0 mode as UNUSED | 1xSPx32 | 1xSPx16 | 1xSPx8 | 2xSPx16 | 2xSPx8 | 1xDPx16. (default: 1xSPx32) Register output by appending r. For example: -d01xSPx32r -d1<dp1_mode>[r] Specify dpram1 mode as UNUSED | 1xSPx32 | 1xSPx16 | 1xSPx8 | 2xSPx16 | 2xSPx8 | 1xDPx16. (default: 1xSPx32) Register output by appending r. For example: -d11xSPx32r -dc<dp_combined>[r] Specify dpram combined mode as COMBINEDx64 | COMBINEDx32 | COMBINEDx16 | COMBINEDx8. Register output by appending r. Combined mode cannot be used with -d0 and -d1 options. For example: -dcCOMBINEDx32r -e<b|l> Specify processor endianness as big <b> or little <l> (default: little) -g[port number] Connect SW debugger via TCP/IP - specify port number (default: 9998) -k[term. emulator] Spawn a terminal emulator to connect to UART (default: telnet) -m[port number] Use UART - connect terminal emulator, specified using -k option, via TCP/IP port (default: 9001) -t1[output file] Enable trace mode for processor & stripe registers -t2[output file] Enable trace mode for processor registers only -t3[output file] Enable trace mode for stripe registers only 14 Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide ESS Walkthrough Table 6 lists the GUI and command line equivalents for each parameter used to run ESS as an instruction set simulator. Table 6. Configuration Options for Using ESS as an Instruction Set Simulator AXD/ADW/GDB Option Command Line Option Description Connect to logic simulator N/A Turn on Connect to logic simulator only when connecting to ESS running in a logic simulator (ModelSim simulation tool). When Connect to logic simulator is turned on, all other standard options are not selectable because they are specified through the logic simulation environment. See “Using a Software Debugger in a Third-Party Logic Simulation Environment” on page 30. Chip type –c<xa10> | –c<xa4> | –c<xa1> Select from XA10, XA4 or XA1 Excalibur devices. Default XA10. Memory initialization Boot from flash –bf<filename> Select an Intel Hex file containing the flash memory image. Memory initialization Fast memory –fm<filename body> Select the filename body of the memory initialization files (.regs, .sram0, .sram1, .dpram0, .dpram1). Trace options Trace output level –t1 | –t2 | –t3 Three forms of trace output are selectable: Trace 1—Output ARM processor register values after each ARM instruction is executed and memory writes to all stripe registers. Trace 2—Output ARM processor register values after each ARM instruction is executed. Trace 3—Output memory writes to stripe registers. Default setting is 0 (no trace output). Note that enabling trace output severely impairs performance. Trace options - File –t1<filename> | –t2<filename> | –t3<filename> The trace output can be output to a file by specifying a filename. If no filename is specified, but trace output is enabled, the trace information is piped out to the display: either the command prompt window or the debugger RDI log window. Use UART Launch Terminal Emulator (UART Options) Specify Port: (UART Options) –k<terminal emulator> –m<port number> At the command line, when connecting the UART output to a terminal emulator, the –m argument must be specified. In addition, –k can be used to launch a terminal emulator, which by default is telnet. Hence, –k –m spawns a telnet window that connects using TCP/IP through default port number 9001. You can specify a path to any terminal emulator using –k and any available port number using –m. DPRAM configuration - –d0<dp0_mode>[r] DPRAM0 configuration –d1<dp1_mode>[r] DPRAM1 configuration –dc<dp_combined>[r] Specify DPRAM modes as described in usage. Default dp0_mode is 1xSPx32; default dp1_mode is 1xSPx32. Endianness Little Big –e<b|l> Specify processor endianness as big <b> or little <l>. Endianness is only selectable when using fast memory initialization files. Default little. TCP/IP port for GDB –g <port number> Selecting –g causes the simulator to initialize and then wait until a debugger is connected via a TCP/IP connection. The command line argument is required when using the GNU debugger (GDB). If no port number is specified for connection, 9998 is used as the default. Altera Corporation 15 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Debugging a Program Using AXD 1 Using debuggers in the ADS toolkit is only supported on PC platforms. To debug a program using AXD, ensure that you have generated the appropriate memory image file and debug symbol file, using the ADS toolkit to provide debug control. This process is referenced in Appendix A Generating Input Files. Configuring AXD to Use the ESS Target To configure AXD to use ESS as the target simulator, proceed as follows: 1. Start the AXD software by doing one of the following: – – – 2. In the AXD software, select ESS as the target simulator, as follows: a. b. c. 16 From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs>ARM Developer Suite>AXD Debugger. From the Quartus II software, change to software mode and choose Launch Debugger (Processing menu). Ensure that the ARM software toolset is selected: choose General Settings (Project menu) and click the Toolset Directories tab. See “Important Notes” at the end of this section. At the command line prompt, type AXDr. Ensure that the AXD path is listed in your PATH environment variable. Choose Configure Target (Options menu) to display the Choose Target window. If the target dll ESS-RDI.dll does not appear in the list of target environments, click Add and open the file ESS-RDI.dll in the path $QESS_ROOTDIR/bin directory. Highlight the ESS-RDI.dll target by clicking on it. See Figure 1 on page 17. Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide ESS Walkthrough Figure 1. Choose Target Window 1 Altera Corporation When you select the ESS target environment, you must configure it and specify a memory initialization file before you can proceed with AXD debugging. 17 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide 3. Configure the simulator target: click Configure to display the ESS Options window for the Altera RDI. a. Click the Standard Options tab to modify the memory initialization settings; see Figure 2. Figure 2. ESS Options Window—Standard Options Under Memory initialization, select a memory initialization method, browse to find the initialization file(s), and click Open. 18 Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide b. ESS Walkthrough Click the Stripe Options tab to override the default ESS settings. See Figure 3. Figure 3. ESS Options Window—Stripe Options Select the configuration settings you require. Each option is described in Table 6 on page 15. – Click the Advanced Options tab to modify the UART settings; see Figure 4 on page 20. 1 Altera Corporation You enable the UART by turning on Use UART in the Stripe Options tab. 19 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Figure 4. ESS Options—Advanced Options Optionally, you can use the advanced options to: - Connect to a terminal emulator which is not automatically launched by ESS Launch a different terminal emulator (select Launch other) For example, to launch a version of HyperTerminal, which allows connection over TCP/IP, you type the following text in the Launch other text box: <path>/hypertrm.exe /t 1 Ensure that you specify the UART connection port, which defaults to 9001. - 20 Connect over a non-default port if port 9001 is already used on your machine (select Specify port and enter the port number) Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide 1 ESS Walkthrough Turning on Launch terminal emulator under UART options automatically spawns a new telnet window. The new window connects to the UART transmit and receive FIFO buffers; it provides an I/O mechanism to the embedded UART. Click OK when you have finished ESS target configuration. 4. Click OK to close the Choose Target window. Check that the AXD RDI log (System Output Monitor window) displays the following banner: ARM-Based Excalibur Fast Stripe Model (ESS) - Version 2.2 Copyright (c) Altera Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. 5. You can optionally load the source code debug symbols from an executable and linkable format (ELF) file: select Load Debug Symbols (File menu) and choose the file containing the debug symbols associated with the ARM program source code. Typically, you would select files with extensions .elf and .axf, which are both ELF format. The debug symbols are generated by the ADS tools during the software compilation or assembly. Appendix A Generating Input Files refers to the appropriate Quartus II software help pages. 1 In general, ELF files containing debug symbols generated by the GNU toolset cannot be loaded by ADS debuggers, and vice versa. In addition, if the debug symbols are not loaded you only have debug control over the disassembled code. You can now use AXD to debug the program running on ESS. f Altera Corporation Refer to the AXD software documentation for help on using the AXD debugger. 21 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Important Notes The following points apply to debugging a program using AXD: ■ A flash memory image typically contains PLD programming data, and the boot code performs millions of instructions to configure the PLD through writes to the CONFIG_DATA stripe register. To reduce the time required to simulate this process, proceed as follows a. b. c. d. ■ When you launch AXD or ADW from the Quartus II software, the image associated with the user code and compiled in software mode is loaded into AXD/ADW automatically. This causes problems when AXD/ADW targets ESS using a flash memory image, because the boot loader has yet to map the required devices in the address space. To overcome the difficulty, do one of the following: – – ■ ■ 22 Return to the Quartus II environment Change to software mode Choose Software Build Settings (Processing menu). Click the CPU tab and remove the name of the slave binary image (SBI) file from the Flash memory configuration box under Programming File Generation. Choose Start Software Build (Processing menu) to rebuild the flash image. Start AXD/ADW from outside the Quartus II environment and load the debug symbols associated with the user code. Simulate using the fast memory initialization files If you are simulating using a flash memory image you should load the debug symbols associated with the user code. Do not load the ELF file generated by linking the Altera-provided boot code with the user code. To reset ESS you should reselect the target as described in Step 2 on page 16. If you are prompted to reload the previous image, always select No, and manually reload the debug symbols as described in Step 5 on page 21. Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide ESS Walkthrough Debugging a Program using GDB with Insight Interface This section describes how to use GDB with an Insight Interface to debug a program. Insight is a Tcl/Tk-based GUI for GDB, written by Cygnus. To debug an ARM program using GDB, ensure that you have generated the appropriate memory image file and debug symbol file using the GNU toolkit to provide debug control with the ARM program source code. This process is referenced in Appendix A Generating Input Files. To allow GDB to connect to ESS, you need to configure ESS at the command line, placing the simulation model in a state waiting for connection from the debugger, as follows: 1. Start ESS at the command line, using the –g argument. For example, type: ess –bf<flash_image.hex> –g –k –m↵ where –k –m automatically launches a Telnet window connected to the embedded UART transmit and receive FIFO buffers in the ESS model. Check that the following message is displayed in the command prompt: ARM-Based Excalibur Fast Stripe Model (ESS) - Version 2.2 Copyright (c) Altera Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. Info: Waiting for connection from Software Debugger ... 2. Start up GDB with support for the ARM922T processor. a. b. c. 3. Altera Corporation Open a Command Prompt window. At the command line, type: arm-elf-gdb↵. Check that an empty GDB source window is active. Load the source code debug symbols: in the GDB Source window, choose Open (File menu) and choose the file containing the debug symbols associated with the program source code. 23 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide 4. Select ESS as the target simulator. a. Choose Target Settings (File menu); see Figure 5. Figure 5. Target Settings b. c. d. e. f. 5. f You can now simulate execution of the program on the stripe simulator. Refer to the GNU debugger software documentation for help on using arm-elf-gdb. 1 f 24 In the Target Settings dialogue box, select Remote/TCP from the Target drop-down box. Set Port to the port number on which the stripe simulator is waiting for connection; type 9998, unless the original ESS command line argument -g specifies a non-default port number. See Table 6 on page 15 for details. In the Hostname box, type localhost. Click OK. In the Source window, select Connect to Target (Run menu) Check that a dialogue box appears stating that GDB is successfully connected. When the debugger connects to ESS, any source code in the Source window could disappear, because the addresses associated with the source code symbols might not yet be mapped in the address space of the stripe simulation model. If this happens, reselect the appropriate source code file or source file list in the bottom left hand corner of the Source window. See “Simulation Model Configuration Options” on page 14 for additional information. Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Using ESS in a Third-Party Logic Simulator ESS Walkthrough ESS can be instantiated within a Verilog HDL or VHDL design using alt_exc_stripe from the LPM, and simulated in a third party simulation tool. Table 6 lists the HDL simulation parameters used to run ESS in a thirdparty simulator. Table 7. Configuration Options for Using ESS in a Third-Party Logic Simulator (Sheet 1 of 2) HDL Simulation Parameter (alt_exc_stripe) Description PROCESSOR="ARM" DEVICE_SIZE=1000 | 400 | 100 Select from XA10, XA4 or XA1 Excalibur devices. PROCESSOR is "ARM" and DEVICE_SIZE is 1000 (default),400 or 100. BOOT_FROM_FLASH="TRUE" | “FALSE” FLASH_HEX_FILE="filename” Select an Intel Hex file containing the flash memory image. BOOT_FROM_FLASH defaults to "TRUE". USE_INITIALISATION_FILES="TRUE" | “FALSE” (1) (2) Select the filename body of the memory initialization files. INITIALISATION_FILENAME="filename body” USE_INITIALISATION_FILES defaults to "TRUE" . The default INITIALISATION_FILENAME is “memory”. TRACE_LEVEL=1 | 2 | 3 Three forms of trace output are selectable: 1—Output ARM processor register values after each ARM instruction is executed and also after memory writes to all stripe registers. 2—Output ARM processor register values after each ARM instruction is executed. 3—Output memory writes to stripe registers. Default setting is 0 (no trace output). Note that enabling trace output severely impairs performance. TRACE_FILE="" ="filename” Trace output is directed to the specified file. The trace output file name must always be specified. TRACE_FILE defaults to ess_trace.out. USE_UART="TRUE" | “FALSE” When USE_UART is "TRUE", a Telnet window is launched automatically. The Telnet window connects to the UART transmit and recieve FIFO buffers. USE_UART defaults to “TRUE”. DP0_MODE="UNUSED" ="1×SP×32" etc. DP1_MODE="UNUSED" ="1×SPξ32" etc. Select from the following options: “UNUSED”, “1×SP×32”, “1×SP×16”, “1×SP×8”, “2×SP×16”, “2×SP×8”, “1×DP×16”, “COMBINED×64”, “COMBINED×32”, “COMBINED×16”, “COMBINED×8” ENDIAN=”BIG” | ”LITTLE” Specify processor endianness as BIG or LITTLE (default). Endianness is only selectable when using fast memory initialization files. USE_SW_DEBUGGER="TRUE" | “FALSE” USE_SW_DEBUGGER is required when you are using AXD, ADW, or GDB within a logic simulation environment. USE_SW_DEBUGGER defaults to "FALSE". CMD_LINE_PARAMETERS=”” Any advanced options (see “Debugging a Program Using AXD” on page 16) such as specifying which port to connect the software debugger on, can be specified within a logic simulation environment using CMD_LINE_PARAMETERS. The argument can contain any command line argument and overrides any previously defined parameters. For example, CMD_LINE_PARAMETERS="–g8888" connects the software debugger using port 8888 instead of the default 9998. See Table 6 on page 15 for details. Altera Corporation 25 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Table 7. Configuration Options for Using ESS in a Third-Party Logic Simulator (Sheet 2 of 2) HDL Simulation Parameter (alt_exc_stripe) Description MAX_AHB1_RUNAHEAD=number of cycles The MAX_AHB1_RUNAHEAD parameter specifies the maximum number of cycles that can be simulated for each CLK_REF cycle. MAX_AHB1_RUNAHEAD defaults to 1000. Setting it to 0 improves performance at the expense of simulation repeatability. ESS_OPTIONS_FILE="filename" ESS_OPTIONS_FILE provides a convenient mechanism to change ESS parameter settings without re-compiling the HDL files. ESS_OPTIONS_FILE defaults to "ess_options.txt". To set a parameter, create the file ess_options.txt in the simulation directory and add text to the file in the format: ESS_PARAMETER = ESS_VALUE The following parameters can be set using this mechanism: USE_SW_DEBUGGER USE_UART BOOT_FROM_FLASH FLASH_HEX_FILE USE_INITIALISATION_FILES INITIALISATION_FILENAME ENDIAN TRACE_LEVEL TRACE_FILE CMD_LINE_PARAMETERS MAX_AHB1_RUNAHEAD Note: (1) (2) When you set USE_INITIALISATION_FILES to "TRUE", ESS looks for initialization files with the filename body specified in INITIALISATION_FILENAME with extensions .regs, .sram0, .sram1, .dpram0, and .dpram1 as appropriate. The memory initialization mechanism is consistent with that required by the cycle-accurate full stripe model. When you set USE_INITIALISATION_FILES to "FALSE", ESS requires BOOT_FROM_FLASH to be "TRUE", and attempts to load the flash image identified by the FLASH_HEX_FILE parameter as the EBI0 memory region. Simulating a Design Using ESS You can use the ModelSim simulation tool to perform a pre-routing functional simulation of a Verilog HDL or VHDL design for Excalibur devices using either a PC platform or a Solaris platform. For Solaris platforms, you need to set up the environment variables first; see “Setting Up Solaris Environment Variables” on page 27; for PC platforms, you can proceed with the simulation straightaway; see “Starting the Simulation” on page 27. 26 Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide ESS Walkthrough Setting Up Solaris Environment Variables On Solaris platforms, you need to set up the Solaris environment variables before you can perform a simulation of a Verilog HDL or VHDL design. You use the following commands to set up the required environment variables: setenv QESS_ROOTDIR <ESS install dir>r setenv QESS_PLATFORM solarisr setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${QESS_ROOTDIR}/${QESS_PLATFORM}r 1 The ESS installation directory is the same as the Quartus II software installation directory. Starting the Simulation To use the ModelSim simulation tool to perform a pre-routing functional simulation of a Verilog HDL or VHDL design for Excalibur devices using ESS, proceed as follows: 1. Start the ModelSim simulation tool. 2. Click on Create a Project and specify the project’s home directory and a project name. 3. Click OK. 4. Add the following line to the modelsim.ini file, or to the <project name>.mpf ModelSim project file, under the VSIM section following the Veriuser comments line: Veriuser = $QESS_ROOTDIR/$QESS_PLATFORM/libess_sspli.so This provides the path to load objects for Verilog HDL PLI applications dynamically. 1 When more than one Veriuser line is specified in a file, only the PLI object(s) specified by the first Veriuser line is loaded. If a Veriuser line already exists in the file, do one of the following: a. Altera Corporation Remove old PLI application objects by inserting a semi-colon (;) at the start of the Veriuser line to mark the line as a comment. Figure 6 on page 28 shows an example project file with the new Veriuser line added and a previous Veriuser line commented out. 27 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Figure 6. Modelsim.mpf in Notepad, Specifying One Dynamically-Loaded Object b. Add the following text to the existing veriuser list: $QESS_ROOTDIR/$QESS_PLATFORM/libess_sspli.so Figure 7 shows an example project file with multiple PLI objects listed. Figure 7. Modelsim.mpf in Notepad, Specifying Multiple Dynamically-Loaded Objects 5. Specify the ESS-specific parameters by creating the file ess_options.txt in the simulation directory and specifying a line for each required parameter in the format: ESS_PARAMETER = ESS_VALUE Table 7 on page 25 lists the parameters which can be set using this mechanism. 6. To create a new work library: a. b. c. d. 7. Choose Create a New Library (Design menu). Under Create, select a new library and a logical mapping to it. In the Library Name box, type the library name; for example, work. Click OK. Compile the design files: a. Choose Compile (Design menu). For VHDL designs, ensure that the ESS source files, ess_hdl.vhd and alt_exc_stripe_ess.vhd, are compiled using the VHDL 93 syntax by performing the following steps: i 28 In the Compile HDL Source Files window, select Default Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide b. c. d. e. f. ESS Walkthrough Options. Ensure that the Compiler Options window is displayed. ii In the VHDL page, turn on Use 1993 Language Syntax. iii Click OK to modify either the ModelSim project file (.mpf) or modelsim.ini. Select $QESS_ROOTDIR/eda/sim_lib/excalibur/ess_hdl/ess_hdl.v (or.vhd) and click Compile. Choose Compile (Design menu). Select $QESS_ROOTDIR/eda/sim_lib/excalibur/lpm/alt_exc_stripe_ ess.v (or .vhd) and click Compile. Choose Compile (Design menu). Select the Verilog HDL or VHDL design file(s), and the test bench file (if you are using a test bench) and click Compile. The ESS HDL files required for Verilog HDL and VHDL designs are listed in Table 8. Table 8. ESS HDL Files File Name Simulation model wrapper file for functional simulation of a Verilog HDL design with ESS. alt_exc_stripe_ess.vhd Simulation model wrapper file for functional simulation of a VHDL HDL design with ESS. ess_hdl.v Contains the Verilog HDL modules instantiated by alt_exc_stripe to model the interface between the PLD and the embedded stripe. ess_hdl.vhd Contains the VHDL components instantiated by alt_exc_stripe to model the interface between the PLD and the embedded stripe. 8. Load your design: a. b. 9. Altera Corporation Description alt_exc_stripe_ess.v Choose Load New Design (Design menu). Select your top-level design file or test bench file, and click Load. Simulate the design files: a. Ensure that the memory initialization files are in the simulation directory, and that stimulus is provided for the signals nPOR and CLK_REF. b. Select Run-All (Run menu) to run the simulation. 29 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide 1 Using a Software Debugger in a Third-Party Logic Simulation Environment ModelSim OEM does not support VHDL foreign language interface. To simulate a VHDL design or a VHDL testbench using ESS, you require the ModelSim SE simulation tool. ESS can be instantiated within a Verilog HDL or VHDL design using alt_exc_stripe from the LPM. In addition, by setting the USE_SW_DEBUGGER parameter, you can connect a software debugger to the simulation, to control code execution on the processor subsystem. You can connect a software debugger to ESS in a ModelSim environment on both PC platforms and Solaris platforms. Table 4 on page 10 shows the appropriate simulation tools and debuggers for each platform. Table 9 summarizes the process for using a software debugger with ESS in ModelSim. Table 9. Process For Using a Software Debugger With ESS in ModelSim PC Platform Solaris Platform √ √ √ √ √ √ Set up environment variables; see page 27. Set up ModelSim Set up one of the following software debuggers: – AXD see page 33. – GDB(1) see page 35 Note: (1) 30 You can use the GDB debugger on a PC platform or a Solaris platform. Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide ESS Walkthrough Setting Up ModelSim To use the ModelSim simulation tool to perform a pre-routing functional simulation of a Verilog HDL or VHDL design using ESS for Excalibur devices and maintain debug control over the code execution through a software debug tool, proceed as follows: 1. Start the ModelSim simulation tool. 2. Choose Create a Project (Design menu) and specify the project’s home directory and a project name. 3. Click OK. 4. Add the following line to the modelsim.ini file, or to the <project name>.mpf ModelSim project file, under the VSIM section after the Veriuser comments line: Veriuser = $QESS_ROOTDIR/$QESS_PLATFORM/libess_sspli.so This provides the path to load objects for Verilog HDL PLI applications dynamically. 1 When more than one Veriuser line is specified in a file, only the PLI object(s) specified by the first Veriuser line is loaded. If a Veriuser line already exists in the file, do one of the following: a. Remove old PLI application objects by inserting a semi-colon (;) at the start of the Veriuser line to mark the line as a comment. Figure 8 shows an example project file with the new Veriuser line added and a previous Veriuser line commented out. Figure 8. Modelsim.mpf in Notepad, Specifying One Dynamically-Loaded Object b. Add the following text to the existing veriuser list: $QESS_ROOTDIR/bin/libess_sspli.so Figure 9 shows an example project file with multiple PLI objects listed. Altera Corporation 31 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Figure 9. Modelsim.mpf in Notepad, Specifying Multiple Dynamically-Loaded Objects 5. Specify the ESS-specific parameters by creating the file ess_options.txt in the simulation directory and specifying a line for each required parameter in the format: ESS_PARAMETER = ESS_VALUE Table 7 on page 25 lists the parameters which can be set using this mechanism. Set the parameter USE_SW_DEBUGGER to "TRUE" by including the following line in ess_options.txt: USE_SW_DEBUGGER = ”TRUE” 6. Run the Altera debugger initialization macro alteradebugger.do, which is located in $QESS_ROOTDIR/eda/sim_lib/excalibur/ess_hdl, by choosing Execute Macros (Macro menu). This allows communication between the software debugger and Modelsim. 7. Compile the appropriate Altera-provided libraries, user design files and test bench as described in “Using ESS in a Third-Party Logic Simulator” on page 25. 8. Load your design: a. b. 32 Choose Load New Design (Design menu). Select your top-level design file or test bench file, and click Load. Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide 9. ESS Walkthrough Begin running the simulation: a. b. Ensure that the memory initialization files are in the simulation directory, and that stimulus is provided for signals nPOR and CLK_REF. Choose Run –All (Run menu). Check that the following text is displayed in the ModelSim window: # Info: Waiting for connection from Software Debugger ... # Break at alt_exc_stripe_ess.v line <line number> c. The simulation waits for a connection from a SW debugger from port 9998. Connecting AXD to ESS in ModelSim 1 This software debugger is only supported on PC platforms. To connect AXD to ESS in a ModelSim environment, proceed as follows: 1. Start the AXD software. 2. In AXD, select ESS as the target simulator. a. b. c. 3. In AXD, configure the simulator target: a. b. Altera Corporation Select Configure Target (Options menu) to display a Choose Target window. If the target dll ESS-RDI.dll does not appear in the list of target environments, click Add and open the file ESS-RDI.dll in the path $QESS_ROOTDIR/bin directory. Highlight the ESS-RDI.dll target by clicking on it. Click Configure to display the ESS Options window. Click the Standard Options tab to set up the simulator. See Figure 10 on page 34. 33 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Figure 10. ESS Options Window—Standard Options 34 c. Turn on Connect to logic simulator. d. Check that the other options in the ESS Options window are not selectable, because the parameters have already been selected in the logic simulation environment. e. Click OK. 4. Now you can connect to ESS in a logic simulation environment. Click OK in the Choose Target window. 5. Check that Logic Simulator connection successful is displayed in the AXD RDI window. AXD is now connected to ESS started in the ModelSim simulation tool. 6. In AXD, load source code debug symbols (optional): choose Load Debug Symbols (File menu) and choose the file containing the debug symbols associated with the ARM program source code. Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide 7. ESS Walkthrough In AXD, insert appropriate software breakpoints, data watch points as required. 1 You now have full software debug control over executing the ARM program. 8. In AXD, start simulation by selecting Go (Execute menu) or by single-stepping through instructions or higher level code. 9. To disconnect AXD from the ModelSim environment, in the ModelSim window, choose Restart (Run menu). Connecting the GDB Debugger to ESS in ModelSim 1 The GDB debugger can be used on both PC platforms and Solaris platforms. To connect the GDB debugger, arm-elf-gdb, to ESS in a ModelSim environment, proceed as follows: 1. Start the GDB debugger software, arm-elf-gdb. 2. In arm-elf-gdb, choose File (Open), select your debug image and click OK. 3. In arm-elf-gdb, choose Connect to target (Run menu), and specify the following settings: and click OK. – – – 4. Target: Remote/TCP Hostname: localhost Port: 9998 Click OK and check that the window shown in Figure 11 is displayed, to confirm that the software debugger is now connected to ESS in the ModelSim environment. Figure 11. arm-elf-gdb Successful Connection Window Altera Corporation 35 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide 1 You now have full software debug control over executing the ARM program. 5. In arm-elf-gdb, insert appropriate software breakpoints and data watch points as required. 6. In arm-elf-gdb, start simulation of the HDL design by selecting Continue, Run, Step, Next, Step Asm Inst or Next Asm Inst as appropriate. 7. To restart or end co-simulation, you must first disconnect arm-elfgdb from ESS by choosing Run>Disconnect in arm-elf-gdb. The following points apply to using a software debugger in a third-party logic simulation environment: ■ ■ You must pause and continue simulation using only the software debugger controls. When simulation is paused by debugger control, the ModelSim simulation tool displays: # Break at <verilog_file_name> line <line_number>. ■ Pins & Signals Supported by ESS The ModelSim simulation tool automatically resumes simulation when you use the debugger to continue execution, i.e., by using the Go or Step commands. At any point during execution, you can use the ModelSim simulation tool to provide information about data stored in the PLD. You use the software debugger to view data stored in the embedded stripe. ESS provides an interface to the PLD through the stripe-to-PLD bridge, the PLD-to-stripe bridge, and the PLD application interface. No support is provided for the EBI, SDRAM, or UART ports. Table 10 lists all pins and signals supported by ESS. Table 10. Pins and Signals Supported by ESS (Sheet 1 of 3) Signal nRESET 36 Source Input/output nPOR Input BOOT_FLASH Input DEBUG_EN Input MASTER_HCLK PLD MASTER_HADDR[31..0] stripe MASTER_HTRANS[1..0] stripe Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide ESS Walkthrough Table 10. Pins and Signals Supported by ESS (Sheet 2 of 3) Signal MASTER_HWRITE stripe MASTER_HSIZE[1..0] stripe MASTER_HBURST[2..0] stripe MASTER_HWDATA[31..0] stripe MASTER_HREADY PLD MASTER_HRESP[1..0] PLD MASTER_HRDATA[31..0] PLD MASTER_HLOCK stripe MASTER_HBUSREQ stripe MASTER_HGRANT PLD SLAVE_HCLK PLD SLAVE_HADDR[31..0] PLD SLAVE_HTRANS[1..0] PLD SLAVE_HWRITE PLD SLAVE_HSIZE[1..0] PLD SLAVE_HBURST[2..0] PLD SLAVE_HWDATA[31..0] PLD SLAVE_HREADYI PLD SLAVE_HREADYO stripe SLAVE_HRESP[1..0] stripe SLAVE_HRDATA[31..0] stripe SLAVE_HMASTLOCK PLD SLAVE_BUSERRINT stripe SLAVE_HSELREG PLD SLAVE_HSEL PLD SLAVE_HCLK PLD MASTER_HCLK PLD CLK_PLDA[3..0] PLD INT_PLD[0] (individual) PLD INT_PLD[1] (individual) PLD INT_PLD[2] (individual) PLD INT_PLD[3] (individual) PLD INT_PLD[4] (individual) PLD INT_PLD[5] (individual) INT_EXTPIN Altera Corporation Source PLD External INT_UART stripe INT_TIMER0 stripe 37 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Table 10. Pins and Signals Supported by ESS (Sheet 3 of 3) Signal 38 Source INT_TIMER1 stripe INT_COMMTX stripe INT_COMMRX stripe DP0_2_PORTACLK PLD DP0_PORTAENA PLD DP0_PORTAWE PLD DP0_PORTADATAIN PLD DP0_PORTAADDR PLD DP0_PORTADATAOUT stripe/PLD DP0_PORTBCLK stripe/PLD DP0_PORTBENA stripe/PLD DP0_PORTBWE stripe/PLD DP0_PORTBDATAIN stripe/PLD DP0_PORTBADDR stripe/PLD DP0_PORTBDATAOUT PLD/stripe DP1_3_PORTACLK PLD DP1_PORTAENA PLD DP1_PORTAWE PLD DP1_PORTADATAIN PLD DP1_PORTAADDR PLD DP1_PORTADATAOUT stripe DP1_PORTBCLK stripe/PLD DP1_PORTBENA stripe/PLD DP1_PORTBWE stripe/PLD DP1_PORTBDATAIN stripe/PLD DP1_PORTBADDR stripe/PLD DP1_PORTBDATAOUT PLD/stripe DP2_PORTAENA PLD DP2_PORTAWE PLD DP2_PORTADATAIN PLD DP2_PORTAADDR PLD DP2_PORTADATAOUT stripe DP3_PORTAENA PLD DP3_PORTAWE PLD DP3_PORTADATAIN PLD DP3_PORTAADDR PLD DP3_PORTADATAOUT stripe Altera Corporation Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Excalibur Stripe Registers Supported by ESS ESS Walkthrough ESS provides support for the stripe registers listed in Table 11. Regardless of whether the register functionality is modeled, all access permissions are modeled. In addition, with the appropriate trace level setting, as described in Appendix B Trace Output Format, trace information is available for memory writes to all stripe registers. Table 11 shows the registers supported by ESS. Table 11. Registers Supported by ESS Offset Name Supported by ESS 000H Reset and mode control 040H I/O control Yes 080H Memory map Yes 100H Bridge control No 140H PLD configuration Yes 200H Timer Yes 280H UART Partial 300H Clock control Yes 380H External bus interface No 400H SDRAM interface No 800H AHB1-2 bridge control No A00H Watchdog Yes C00H Interrupt controller Yes Altera Corporation Partial Notes All registers modeled except HM bit in BOOT_CR, DPSRAM0_LCR, and DPSRAM1_LCR. The PLD configuration master is not modeled. Therefore, data written to the CONFIG_DATA register is lost. However, the PC bit in the CONFIG_CONTROL register is set when the CONFIG_DATA register receives the correct number of words. No cyclic redundancy checks are performed on the configuration data. See UART register table for list of supported registers When writing to the SDRAM_INIT register, the bits PR, LM, LERR and RF are automatically set to zero, representing completion of the precharge all command, load mode register command, load extended mode register command, and refresh register command, respectively. 39 ESS Walkthrough Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Table 12 shows the UART registers supported by ESS. Table 12. UART Registers Supported by ESS Offset 40 Name Access Supported by ESS R* Yes 280H UART_RSR 284H UART_RDS R Yes 288H UART_RD R* Yes 28CH UART_TSR R* Yes 290H UART_TD W Yes 294H UART_FCR R/W Yes 298H UART_IES R/S Yes 29CH UART_IEC R/C Yes 2A0H UART_ISR R Yes 2A4H UART_IID R Yes 2A8H UART_MC R/W No 2ACH UART_MCR R/W No 2B0H UART_MSR R* No 2B4H UART_DIV_LO R/W No 2B8H UART_DIV_HI R/W No Altera Corporation Appendix A Generating Input Files All input files can be generated within the Quartus II Software mode environment. To generate a flash memory image in Intel Hex format, or simulation model initialization files, refer to the following Quartus II version 1.1 (or later) help pages: ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation Overview: Creating Flash Programming Files Creating a Flash Programming File Alternative Procedure for Creating a Flash Programming File 41 Appendix A Generating Input Files Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Notes: 42 Altera Corporation Appendix B Trace Output Format Three levels of trace output are selectable using ESS. An example of each format is displayed below: Trace Level 1 Produce text output of ARM processor register values after each ARM instruction is executed and memory writes to all stripe registers ARM-Based Excalibur Fast Stripe Model (ESS) - Version 2.2 Copyright (c) Altera Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. Info: XA10 chip selected - ARM922T RISC processor core. Info: Excalibur stripe simulation model initialisation .... Info: Loading hex data (size = 0x00000578) to EXC_DEV_EBI0 (FLASH MEMORY) - offset 0x00000000 Info: Excalibur stripe simulation model initialisation complete. 00000000 EA000005 b pc, #0x14 ; (address 0x1C) r00=00000000 r01=00000000 r02=00000000 r03=00000000 r04=00000000 r05=00000000 r06=00000000 r07=00000000 r08=00000000 r09=00000000 r10=00000000 r11=00000000 r12=00000000 r13=00000000 r14=00000000 r15=0000001C cpsr=nzcv_IFt_SVC spsr=nzcv_ift_INV 0000001C E59F42CC ldr r4, r00=00000000 r01=00000000 r08=00000000 r09=00000000 cpsr=nzcv_IFt_SVC spsr=nzcv_ift_INV . . 00000090 E79DD004 ldr sp, r00=00000000 r01=00000000 r08=7FFFC000 r09=00000001 cpsr=nzCv_IFt_SVC spsr=nzcv_ift_INV [pc, #0x2CC] r02=00000000 r03=00000000 r04=00000028 r05=00000000 r06=00000000 r07=00000000 r10=00000000 r11=00000000 r12=00000000 r13=00000000 r14=00000000 r15=00000028 [sp, r4, lsl #0x00] r02=00000000 r03=00000000 r04=00000000 r05=7FFFC0C0 r06=80000781 r07=80000000 r10=7FFFC080 r11=7FFFC683 r12=7FFFC0C0 r13=01000781 r14=00000000 r15=0000009C Info: Mapping EXC_DEV_EBI0 from 00000000{base=00000000 size=0x0, np=0, en=0} Mapping EXC_DEV_EBI0 to 80000781{base=80000000 size=0x10000, np=0, en=1} 00000094 E5856000 str r6, [r5, #0x00] r00=00000000 r01=00000000 r02=00000000 r03=00000000 r04=00000000 r05=7FFFC0C0 r06=80000781 r07=80000000 r08=7FFFC000 r09=00000001 r10=7FFFC080 r11=7FFFC683 r12=7FFFC0C0 r13=01000781 r14=00000000 r15=000000A0 cpsr=nzCv_IFt_SVC spsr=nzcv_ift_INV Altera Corporation 43 Appendix B Trace Output Format Trace Level 2 Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Produce text output of ARM processor register values after each ARM instruction is executed. ARM-Based Excalibur Fast Stripe Model (ESS) - Version 2.2 Copyright (c) Altera Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. Info: XA10 chip selected - ARM922T RISC processor core. Info: Excalibur stripe simulation model initialisation .... Info: Excalibur stripe simulation model initialisation complete. 00000000 EA000005 b pc, #0x14 ; (address 0x1C) r00=00000000 r01=00000000 r02=00000000 r03=00000000 r04=00000000 r05=00000000 r06=00000000 r07=00000000 r08=00000000 r09=00000000 r10=00000000 r11=00000000 r12=00000000 r13=00000000 r14=00000000 r15=0000001C cpsr=nzcv_IFt_SVC spsr=nzcv_ift_INV 0000001C E59F42CC ldr r4, r00=00000000 r01=00000000 r08=00000000 r09=00000000 cpsr=nzcv_IFt_SVC spsr=nzcv_ift_INV . . 00000090 E79DD004 ldr sp, r00=00000000 r01=00000000 r08=7FFFC000 r09=00000001 cpsr=nzCv_IFt_SVC spsr=nzcv_ift_INV [pc, #0x2CC] r02=00000000 r03=00000000 r04=00000028 r05=00000000 r06=00000000 r07=00000000 r10=00000000 r11=00000000 r12=00000000 r13=00000000 r14=00000000 r15=00000028 [sp, r4, lsl #0x00] r02=00000000 r03=00000000 r04=00000000 r05=7FFFC0C0 r06=80000781 r07=80000000 r10=7FFFC080 r11=7FFFC683 r12=7FFFC0C0 r13=01000781 r14=00000000 r15=0000009C 00000094 E5856000 str r6, [r5, #0x00] r00=00000000 r01=00000000 r02=00000000 r03=00000000 r04=00000000 r05=7FFFC0C0 r06=80000781 r07=80000000 r08=7FFFC000 r09=00000001 r10=7FFFC080 r11=7FFFC683 r12=7FFFC0C0 r13=01000781 r14=00000000 r15=000000A0 cpsr=nzCv_IFt_SVC spsr=nzcv_ift_INV . . Trace Level 3 Produce text output of processor writes to stripe registers. ARM-Based Excalibur Fast Stripe Model (ESS) - Version 2.2 Copyright (c) Altera Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. Info: XA10 chip selected - ARM922T RISC processor core. Info: Excalibur stripe simulation model initialisation .... Info: Loading hex data (size = 0x00000578) to EXC_DEV_EBI0 (FLASH MEMORY) - offset 0x00000000 Info: Excalibur stripe simulation model initialisation complete. Info: Mapping EXC_DEV_EBI0 from 00000000{base=00000000 size=0x0, np=0, en=0} Mapping EXC_DEV_EBI0 to 80000781{base=80000000 size=0x10000, np=0, en=1} Info: Writing 0x00000001 to register BOOT_CR (Read/Clear access) at address 0x7FFFC000 - new register bit values {re = 1, hm = 0, bm = 0} Info: Mapping EXC_DEV_EBI0 from 80000781{base=80000000 size=0x10000, np=0, en=1} Mapping EXC_DEV_EBI0 to 01000781{base=01000000 size=0x10000, np=0, en=1} Info: Mapping EXC_DEV_SRAM0 from 00000000{base=00000000 size=0x0, np=0, en=0} Mapping EXC_DEV_SRAM0 to 00008701{base=00008000 size=0x8000, np=0, en=1} Info: Writing 0x00040000{ct=0x4, msb=0x0, lsb=0x0} to register CLK_PLL1_NCNT at address 0x7FFFC300 44 Altera Corporation Appendix C ESS Version Changes Table 13 lists the versions of the ESS software. Table 13. ESS Software Versions Version Description 1.0 First version 1.1 MASTER_HWDATA [31..0] is driven as ‘0’ instead of ‘X’ (undefined) in between stripe-to-PLD write transactions. 2.2 (version number now matches the Quartus II software version) a b Altera Corporation Correct decode and execution of the LDRSB instruction Default UART TCP port is 9001 instead of 9000 45 Excalibur Stripe Simulator User Guide Appendix C ESS Version Changes Notes: 46 Altera Corporation
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