DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 http://www.altera.com Core Version: Document Version: Document Date: 1.2.0 1.2.0 rev 1 March 2003 DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Copyright 2003 Altera Corporation. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, mask work rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. All rights reserved. ii UG-DDRSDRAM-1.3 Altera Corporation About this User Guide This user guide provides comprehensive information about the Altera® DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore® function. Table 1 shows the user guide revision history. f Go to the following sources for more information: ■ ■ See “Features” on page 10 for a complete list of the core features, including new features in this release Refer to the readme file for late-breaking information and known issues that are not available in this user guide Table 1. User Guide Revision History Date How to Find Information March 2003 Column address strobe (CAS) latency information updated. February 2003 Cyclone™ and Stratix™ GX device information added. Timing analysis information improved and moved to Appendix B. Updated PLL diagrams. Changes to getting started section. June 2002 First full release. Includes Stratix™ device support information. March 2002 Preliminary release. ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation Description The Adobe Acrobat Find feature allows you to search the contents of a PDF file. Click on the binoculars icon in the top toolbar to open the Find dialog box Bookmarks serve as an additional table of contents Thumbnail icons, which provide miniature previews of each page, provide a link to the pages Numerous links, shown in green text, allow you to jump to related information iii About this User Guide DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide How to Contact Altera For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, go to the Altera world-wide web site at http://www.altera.com. For additional information about Altera products, consult the sources shown in Table 2. Table 2. How to Contact Altera Information Type Technical support Access USA & Canada All Other Locations Web site http://www.altera.com/mysupport http://www.altera.com/mysupport FTP site ftp.altera.com ftp.altera.com Telephone hotline (800) 800-EPLD (6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time) (408) 544-7000 (1) (7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time) Fax (408) 544-6401 (408) 544-6401 (1) Altera Literature Services Electronic mail [email protected] (1) [email protected] (1) Non-technical customer service Telephone hotline (800) SOS-EPLD (408) 544-7000 (7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time) Fax (408) 544-7606 (408) 544-7606 Telephone (408) 544-7104 (408) 544-7104 (1) Web site http://www.altera.com http://www.altera.com General product information Note: (1) iv You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Typographic Conventions About this User Guide The DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide uses the typographic conventions shown in Table 3. Table 3. Conventions Visual Cue Meaning Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box. bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names, filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold type. Examples: fMAX, \qdesigns directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file. Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN 75: High-Speed Board Design. Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type. Examples: tPIA, n + 1. Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type. Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file. Initial Capital Letters Keyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples: Delete key, the Options menu. “Subheading Title” References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.” Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1, tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn. Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For example: c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in Courier. 1., 2., 3., and a., b., c.,... Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure. ■ Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important. v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only. 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention. r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key. f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic. Altera Corporation v Notes: Contents About this User Guide ............................................................................................................................... iii How to Find Information .............................................................................................................. iii How to Contact Altera .................................................................................................................. iv Typographic Conventions ............................................................................................................. v About this Core ..............................................................................................................................................9 Release Information .........................................................................................................................9 Device Family Support ....................................................................................................................9 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................10 New in Version 1.1.0 ......................................................................................................................10 Features ...........................................................................................................................................10 General Description .......................................................................................................................10 Performance ....................................................................................................................................12 Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................13 Software Requirements .................................................................................................................13 Design Flow ....................................................................................................................................13 Download & Install the Function ................................................................................................15 Obtaining the DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function .........................................15 Installing the DDR SDRAM Controller Files .....................................................................16 Directory Structure ................................................................................................................17 Set Up Licensing .............................................................................................................................19 Append the License to Your license.dat File ......................................................................19 Specify the Core’s License File in the Quartus II Software ..............................................20 DDR SDRAM Controller Walkthrough ......................................................................................21 Create a New Quartus II Project ..........................................................................................21 Launch the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager .......................................................................22 Choose the Parameters ..........................................................................................................23 Complete the Custom Core ..................................................................................................32 Using the Reference Design ..........................................................................................................34 Set Up the Reference Design ................................................................................................34 Compile the Reference Design .............................................................................................35 Post-route Simulation ............................................................................................................36 Configure the PLL ..........................................................................................................................36 Behavioral Simulation ...................................................................................................................37 Simulate with the ModelSim VHDL Model .......................................................................37 Simulate with the Visual IP Model ......................................................................................39 Compile & Place-&-Route .............................................................................................................40 Cyclone Devices .....................................................................................................................40 Altera Corporation vii Contents Stratix & APEX II Devices .....................................................................................................41 Timing Analysis .............................................................................................................................42 Perform Post-Route Simulation ...................................................................................................42 License for Configuration .............................................................................................................43 Specifications ..............................................................................................................................................45 Functional Description ..................................................................................................................45 Signals ......................................................................................................................................45 Control Logic Module ...........................................................................................................49 Data Path Module ..................................................................................................................50 Controller Access Operation ........................................................................................................54 Write Operation .....................................................................................................................54 Read Operation ......................................................................................................................56 Refresh Timing .......................................................................................................................58 Initialization Timing ..............................................................................................................59 Miscellaneous SDRAM Settings ..........................................................................................60 PLL Configuration .........................................................................................................................61 APEX II Devices .....................................................................................................................61 Cyclone & Stratix Devices .....................................................................................................62 Core Verification ............................................................................................................................64 Simulation Testing .................................................................................................................65 Hardware Testing ..................................................................................................................65 Board Design Package ...........................................................................................................65 Appendix A—The Quartus II Constraint Settings ............................................................................67 APEX II Devices .............................................................................................................................67 Stratix Devices ................................................................................................................................70 Appendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Analysis ....................................................................................75 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................75 FPGA-SDRAM Interface ...............................................................................................................75 Write Data Timing .................................................................................................................75 Address & Command Timing ..............................................................................................77 Read Data Capture using DQS ............................................................................................78 Resynchronization of Captured Read Data from the DQS to the System Clock Domain .......................................................................................78 Appendix C—Board Design Guidelines ..............................................................................................87 General Guidelines ........................................................................................................................87 Decoupling Capacitance ...............................................................................................................89 viii Altera Corporation About this Core 1 Specifications About this Core DII Interface Release Information Table 4 provides information about this release of the DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function. Table 4. DDR SDRAM Controller Release Information Item Version Device Family Support 1.2.0 Release Date March 2003 Ordering Code IP-SDRAM/DDR Product ID(s) 0055 Vendor ID(s) 6AF7 Every Altera MegaCore function offers a specific level of support to each of the Altera device families. The following list describes the three levels of support: ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation Description Full—The core meets all functional and timing requirements for the device family and may be used in production designs Preliminary—The core meets all functional requirements, but may still be undergoing timing analysis for the device family; may be used in production designs. No support—The core has no support for device family and cannot be compiled for the device family in the Quartus® II software. 9 About this Core DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Table 5 shows the level of support offered by the DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function to each of the Altera device families. Table 5. Device Family Support Device Family ™ Stratix GX ™ Support Preliminary Cyclone Preliminary Stratix Preliminary APEX™ II Full Other device families No support Introduction The Altera DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function provides a simplified interface to industry-standard DDR SDRAM memory. New in Version 1.2.0 ■ Support for column address strobe (CAS) latency of 3.0 clock cycles Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Burst lengths of 2, 4, or 8 data words CAS latency of 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 clock cycles 16-bit programmable refresh counter for automatic refresh 1, 2, 4, or 8 chip-select signals Support for the NOP, READ, WRITE, AUTO_REFRESH, PRECHARGE, ACTIVATE, and BURST_TERMINATE SDRAM commands Data mask lines supported for partial write operations Bank management architecture, which minimizes latency Access cascading architecture, which maximizes throughput Memory data path widths of 8 to 80 bits Each dqs signal supports 8 dq bits and samples read data Multiple DIMM support OpenCore feature allows designers to instantiate and simulate designs in the Quartus® II software prior to purchasing a license Hardware tested at 167 MHz with DDR333 (PC2700) memory devices in Stratix devices Hardware tested at 133 MHz with DDR266 (PC2100) memory devices in APEX II devices ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description 10 The DDR SDRAM Controller handles the complex aspects of using DDR SDRAM—initializing the memory devices, managing SDRAM banks, and keeping the devices refreshed at appropriate intervals. The DDR SDRAM Controller translates read and write requests from the local interface into all the necessary SDRAM command signals. Altera Corporation GettingAbout this Core DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 1 shows a system-level diagram of the DDR SDRAM Controller (see Tables 13 and 14 on page 46 for signal descriptions). Figure 1. DDR SDRAM Controller System-Level Diagram clk a clk_shifted ba reset_n cs_n raddr cke b_size ras_n r_req w_req rw_ack d_req w_valid r_valid DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function cas_n we_n DDR SDRAM dm dq dqs datain dm_in dataout Altera Corporation 11 1 About this Core The DDR SDRAM Controller is optimized for Altera Cyclone, Stratix, Stratix GX, and APEX II devices. The advanced features available in these devices allow you to interface directly to DDR SDRAM devices and to use the data strobe signal (dqs) in the read and write direction. About this Core Performance DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Table 6 shows typical performance results for the DDR SDRAM Controller. Table 6. Typical Performance Device DDR SDRAM System fMAX (MHz) Cyclone (EP1C20F400C6) Pending Device Characteristics Stratix (EP1S25F780C6) Pending Device Characteristics APEX II (EP2A15F672C9) 133 Table 7 shows typical sizes for the DDR SDRAM Controller. Table 7. Typical Sizes Data Width (bits) 12 LEs Cyclone Device Stratix Device APEX II Device 8 700 660 630 16 800 710 700 32 1,000 830 850 48 1,200 950 1,000 64 – 1,020 1,130 72 – 1,050 1,200 80 – 1,100 1,250 Altera Corporation Getting Started Software Requirements This section requires the following software: ■ Quartus® II version 2.2 SP1 Design Flow 2 This section assumes you are using a PC with the Windows operating system. However, the core also works with UNIX platforms. If you are using UNIX, you must install the Java Runtime Environment version 1.3. Refer to the core’s readme file for more information on UNIX support. The DDR SDRAM Controller has the following design flows: ■ User top-level flow—Create a custom variation and instantiate it into your existing functional top-level design. However, follow the guidelines on setting up the PLLs and system timing analysis. 1 ■ If you do not have a functional top-level design, use the following method for evaluating the DDR SDRAM Controller. Do not use a DDR SDRAM Controller instance as a top-level design to compile in the Quartus II software. Dummy top-level flow—Create a custom variation and use the wizardgenerated dummy top-level design to compile it in the Quartus II software. The dummy top-level design instantiates your custom variation, PLLs for the appropriate family, and dummy logic that connects the local-side interface signals to pins via registers. This flow allows you to perform area and timing analysis. You can use this flow for any custom variation, but you cannot simulate, because the dummy top-level is non-functional. To simulate your instance, Altera provides a separate example testbench and script. In addition, Altera provides a VHDL reference design for each of the supported families in the \reference_design directory. You can compile each reference design in the Quartus II software, perform post-route simulation, and run in real hardware. The reference designs use read and write command sequences to drive the controller. A script is provided, which allows you to change the exact sequence of these commands. f Altera Corporation For more information on the reference designs, see “Using the Reference Design” on page 34 and doc\readme_test_stim.txt. 13 Getting Started 1 Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Table 8 shows the steps for the three possible design flows of the DDR SDRAM Controller. Table 8. Design Flow Steps User Top-Level Dummy Top-Level Reference Design HDL. VHDL, Verilog, or AHDL. VHDL or Verilog. VHDL only. Quartus II project location. Any directory. Any directory. The reference_design directory structure must be maintained, but can be moved. Perform walkthrough. Yes. Yes. No. Choose parameters. Any combination. Any combination. Fixed. 32-bit memory for Stratix and APEX II devices; 16-bit for Cyclone devices. Configure PLL. Follow PLL configuration section Fixed at 133 MHz (see in UG Note (1)). Behavioral simulation. Yes, you can simulate using your user top-level in VHDL or Verilog. Altera also provides a VHDL testbench that you can use to simulate your core (see “Simulate with the ModelSim VHDL Model” on page 37). No; you cannot simulate the No. dummy logic. However, Altera provides a VHDL testbench that you can use to simulate your core (see “Simulate with the ModelSim VHDL Model” on page 37). Run constraints scripts. See “Appendix A—The Quartus II Constraint Settings” on page 67. Only supported for one configuration and device for each family. Yes. Quartus II compile and place and route. Yes. Yes. Yes. Area estimates. Yes. Yes, but you must subtract the Yes. dummy logic LEs. Timing analysis. See “Appendix A—The Quartus II Constraint Settings” on page 67. Yes. No. No; you cannot simulate the dummy logic. Yes (VHDL only). Post place-and-route No. simulation with ModelSim script. Restrictions 14 – Ensure that the Quartus II toplevel design entity is the same name as your dummy toplevel. Fixed at 133 MHz (see Note (1)). – Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingGetting Started Note to Table 8: (1) To edit this frequency, see “Configure the PLL” on page 36. This getting started covers the following topics: Download and install the DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function. 2. Set up licensing. 3. DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function walkthrough. 4. Simulate your design to confirm the operation of your system. 5. Compile and place-and-route. 6. Timing analysis 7. Post-route simulation. 8. License the DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function and configure the devices. 2 Getting Started Download & Install the Function 1. Before you can start using Altera MegaCore functions, you must obtain the MegaCore files and install them on your PC. The following instructions describe this process. Obtaining the DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function If you have Internet access, you can download MegaCore functions from Altera’s web site at www.altera.com. Follow the instructions below to obtain the DDR SDRAM Controller via the Internet. If you do not have Internet access, you can obtain the DDR SDRAM Controller from your local Altera representative. Altera Corporation 1. Point your web browser to www.altera.com/ipmegastore. 2. Type DDR SDRAM in the Keyword Search box. 3. Click Go. 4. Choose your MegaCore function. 5. Click the Free Evaluation link. 6. Follow the on-line instructions to download the function and save it to your hard disk. 15 Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Installing the DDR SDRAM Controller Files To install the DDR SDRAM Controller files, perform the following steps: f 16 1. Choose Run (Start menu). 2. Type <path name>\<filename>, where <path name> is the location of the downloaded MegaCore function and <filename> is the file name of the core. Click OK. 3. Follow the on-line instructions to finish installation. 4. After you have finished installing the MegaCore files, you must specify the DDR SDRAM Controller’s library directory (<path>\ddr_sdram-<version>\lib) as a user library in the Quartus II software. Search for “User Libraries” in Quartus II Help for instructions on how to add a library. For additional installation instructions, refer to the readme file. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingGetting Started Directory Structure Figures 2 and 3 show the directory structure for the DDR SDRAM Controller. Figure 2. Directory Structure (Part 1 of 2) MegaCore ddr_sdram-<version> Contains the DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function files and documentation. 2 ahdl_for_cyclone Contains modified Quartus II AHDL files for Cyclone devices. dat Contains a data file for each Cyclone device combination that is used by the Tcl script to generate the instance-specific Tcl script. doc Contains the documentation for the core. lib Contains encrypted lower-level design files and some open-source example files that are used in the design flow. After installing the MegaCore function, you should set a user library in the Quartus II software that points to this directory. This library allows you to access all the necessary MegaCore files. sim_lib Contains the simulation models provided with the core. modelsim Contains the precompiled libraries for the ModelSim simulation tool. vhdl Contains the VHDL precompiled simulation libraries. visualip Contains the PC or UNIX precompiled models for the Visual IP software. Altera Corporation 17 Getting Started constraints Contains a Tcl script that generates an instance-specific Tcl script for each instance of the DDR-SDRAM Controller in a Cyclone device. Examples of how to run the script are included. Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 3. Directory Structure (Part 2 of 2) MegaCore ddr_sdram-<version> Contains the DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function files and documentation. reference_design Contains the reference design source files. apexii_example Contains an example Quartus II project for APEX II devices containing a 32-bit, 133-MHz DDR SDRAM Controller. cyclone_example Contains an example Quartus II project for Cyclone devices containing a 16-bit, 133-MHz DDR SDRAM Controller. stratix_example Contains an example Quartus II project for Stratix devices containing a 32-bit, 167-MHz DDR SDRAM Controller. test_stimulus Contains the clear text read and write command sequences and a Tcl script to convert the command sequences into ROM contents for the reference designs. user_simulation Contains example ModelSim simulation scripts. project_for_your-instance Contains a Quartus II project that you must run from the the MegaWizard Plug-In, before you run the user_simulation scripts. vhdl Contains the VHDL reference design source files. testbench Contains the testbench directories. vhdl Contains the sample VHDL testbench, which illustrates the functionality of the core. 18 Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Set Up Licensing GettingGetting Started You can use the Altera OpenCore® feature to compile and simulate the DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function, allowing you to evaluate it before purchasing a license. However, you must purchase and install a license from Altera before you can generate programming files or EDIF, VHDL, or Verilog HDL gate-level netlist files for simulation in third-party EDA tools. You can request a license file for your purchased DDR SDRAM Controller from the Altera web site at http://www.altera.com/licensing and install it on your PC. When you request a license file, Altera e-mails you a license.dat file. If you do not have Internet access, contact your local Altera representative. 1 Before you set up licensing for the DDR SDRAM Controller, you must already have the Quartus II software installed on your PC with licensing set up. Append the License to Your license.dat File To append the license, perform the following steps: 1. Close the following software if it is running on your PC: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Quartus II MAX+PLUS® II LeonardoSpectrum Synplify ModelSim 2. Open the DDR SDRAM Controller license file in a text editor. The file should contain one FEATURE line, spanning 2 lines. 3. Open your Quartus II license.dat file in a text editor. 4. Copy the FEATURE line from the DDR SDRAM Controller license file and paste it into the Quartus II license file. 1 Altera Corporation Do not delete any FEATURE lines from the Quartus II license file. 19 Getting Started To install your license, you can either append the license to your license.dat file or you can specify the core’s license.dat file in the Quartus II software. 2 Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 5. Save the Quartus II license file. 1 When using editors such as Microsoft Word or Notepad, ensure that the file does not have extra extensions appended to it after you save (e.g., license.dat.txt or license.dat.doc). Verify the filename in a DOS box or at a command prompt. Specify the Core’s License File in the Quartus II Software To specify the core’s license file, perform the following steps: 1. Create a text file with the FEATURE line and save it to your hard disk. 1 2. Run the Quartus II software. 3. Choose License Setup (Tools menu). The Options dialog box opens to the License Setup page. 4. In the License file box, add a semicolon to the end of the existing license path and filename. 5. Type the path and filename of the core license file after the semicolon. 1 6. 20 Altera recommends that you give the file a unique name, e.g., <core name>_license.dat. Do not include any spaces either around the semicolon or in the path/filename. Click OK to save your changes. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide DDR SDRAM Controller Walkthrough GettingGetting Started This walkthrough describes the design flow using the Altera DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore function and the Quartus II development system. Altera provides a MegaWizard® Plug-In with the DDR SDRAM Controller. The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, which you can use within the Quartus II software, lets you create or modify design files to meet the needs of your application. This walkthrough consists of the following steps: Create a New Quartus II Project Launch the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Choose the Parameters Complete the Custom Core 2 Create a New Quartus II Project Before you create a core, you must create a new Quartus II project. With the New Project wizard, you specify the working directory for the project, assign the project name, and designate the name of the top-level design entity. You also specify the DDR SDRAM Controller user library. To create a new project, perform the following steps: 1. Choose Altera > Quartus II <version> (Windows Start menu) to run the Quartus II software. 2. Choose New Project Wizard (File menu). 3. Click Next in the introduction (the introduction does not display if you turned it off previously). 4. Specify the working directory for your project. 5. Specify the name of the project. 1 Altera Corporation For the dummy top-level flow only, enter <variation name>_dummy_top as the top-level design entity name, where <variation name> is the name that you will chose for your custom function. 6. Click Next. 7. Click User Library Pathnames. 8. Type <path>\ddr_sdram-<version>\lib\ into the Library name box, where <path> is the directory in which you installed the DDR SDRAM Controller. The default installation directory is c:\megacore. 21 Getting Started ■ ■ ■ ■ Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 9. Click Add. 10. Click OK. 11. Click Next. 12. Click Next. 13. Choose the device family you wish to target from the Device dropdown box. Select Yes, you want to assign a specific device. 14. Choose an available device from the Device list. 1 - The DDR SDRAM Controller wizard-generated constraint script is suitable only for the following devices: Cyclone EP1C20F400C6 device Stratix EP1S25F1020C6 device APEX II EP2A15F672C7 device 15. Click Next. 16. Click Finish. Launch the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager allows you to run a wizard that helps you easily specify options for the DDR SDRAM Controller. To launch the wizard, perform the following steps: 1. Start the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager by choosing the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager command (Tools menu). The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager dialog box is displayed. 1 2. Specify that you want to create a new custom megafunction and click Next. 3. Expand the Interfaces and Memory Controllers directories. Choose DDR SDRAM-<version> in the Memory Controllers directory. 4. Choose the output file type for your design; the wizard supports , VHDL, Verilog HDL, and AHDL (except for dummy top-level flow). 1 22 Refer to the Quartus II Help for more information on how to use the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. The MegaWizard Plug-In also generates symbol files (.bsf). Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 5. GettingGetting Started Specify a directory, <directory name> and name for the output file, <variation name>. Figure 4 shows the wizard after you have made these settings. Figure 4. Selecting the Megafunction 2 Getting Started 6. Click Next. Choose the Parameters To specify your custom core parameters, perform the following steps: 1. Choose the size parameters (see Figure 5). 1 Altera Corporation To use the wizard-generated constraint script choose data width bits = 32 bits for Stratix and APEX II devices; 16 bits for Cyclone devices. 23 Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 5. Choose the Size Table 9 describes the available size parameters. Table 9. Size Parameters Parameter Range Description Data width bits 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 72, or 80 The memory interface width. The local bus interface width is twice the memory interface width, because the DDR SDRAM interface is clocked on both edges of the clock. The maximum memory width possible with the DDR SDRAM Controller on a Cyclone device is 48 bits, and this is reduced even further if more than one IO bank is not set to 2.5V. Row address bits 11 to 14 The number of row address bits in the memory device. Column address bits 8 to 13 The number of column address bits in the memory device. Number of banks 2 or 4 The number of banks in the memory device. Number of chip selects 1, 2, 4, or 8 The number of chip-select signals. 24 Altera Corporation GettingGetting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Table 10 describes the options. Table 10. Options Parameter Description Overwrite Overwrite indicates whether or not the MegaWizard Plug-In overwrites the existing dummy top-level design. Choose not to overwrite if you have edited the dummy toplevel design file and added your own code. Target device family The DDR SDRAM Controller supports the Stratix, Stratix GX, APEX II, and Cyclone device families. The device family is the same as the family that you chose in the Quartus II software, unless you chose an unsupported device family, whereby it defaults to Stratix. Non 2.5 V on left-hand side For Cyclone devices only. To use DDR-SDRAM byte groups on the left-hand side (LHS) of the device, the left-hand power bank must be set to 2.5 V, where LHS refers to the die orientation. Checking this option prevents you from making byte group assignments on the LHS of the device. This option also limits the maximum possible memory interface width to 24-bits for the smaller devices. For more information, refer to the Cyclone data sheet. 2. Click Next. 3. Enter a value for the System Clock (see Figure 6). The System Clock text box accepts values from 77.0 to 200.0 MHz. To set default timer settings for the chosen frequency, click Set Defaults. 1 4. Altera Corporation For frequencies other than 133.333 MHz, see “Configure the PLL” on page 36. Enter the timer settings and choose the timing parameters (see Figure 6). 25 2 Getting Started Dummy top-level design The dummy top-level design name, which is created with the custom variation. The dummy top-level design is a minimal design that allows you to compile the DDR SDRAM Controller into a device. It instantiates the DDR SDRAM Controller custom variation, some dummy logic (a set of registers) between the local-side interface and the FPGA pins, and the necessary PLLs. You can use the dummy top-level design to compile the DDR SDRAM Controller in the Quartus II software and perform a simple timing analysis. This dummy top-level design also illustrates how to create a working system with the DDR SDRAM Controller. You can edit this file, and replace the dummy-logic with a real local-side interface. The default name is <variation name>_dummy_top where <variation name> is the name you chose for your DDR SDRAM Controller. Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 1 The default initialization time is 50 cycles, which is appropriate for simulation. If you click Set Defaults, the initialization time sets the correct number of cycles to give a 200 µs delay. If you intend to simulate you should change the initialization time back to a small number (eg. 50 cycles) to avoid lengthy simulation times. Figure 6. Choose Timing Parameters & Timer Settings 26 Altera Corporation GettingGetting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Table 11 describes the available memory timing parameters. Table 11. Memory Timing Parameters (Part 1 of 2) Parameter Range Description 2, 4, or 8 The maximum number of data words in each DDR SDRAM data burst. The burst length on the local bus interface is half the burst length on the DDR SDRAM interface, because the DDR SDRAM interface is clocked on both edges of the clock. CAS latency (CL) 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 After you assert cas_n, the memory presents the data CL clock cycles later. Generally the higher the clock speed, the higher the CAS latency. DDR SDRAM typically uses a setting of 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 cycles. Consult your chosen DDR SDRAM memory device data sheet for appropriate settings. CL= 2.0 can typically be used for frequencies up to 133 MHz. CL= 2.5 can typically be used for frequencies up to 167 MHz. CL= 3.0 is typically required for frequencies of 200 MHz and above. The read resynchronization phase setting (see “Resynchronization of Captured Read Data from the DQS to the System Clock Domain” on page 78) may delay the read data a further clock cycle. Precharge command period (RP) 2, 3, or 4 The time that must elapse between a precharge command and banks becoming available for row access. RP is derived from tRP and the clock speed and is specified in clock cycles. RP = (tRP /clock period), rounded up to the next integer value, where tRP is the value from the SDRAM data sheet, clock period is the clock period of the SDRAM clock. Active A to active B (RRD) 2, 3, or 4 After an active command to one bank, there must be at least a minimum time interval before the DDR SDRAM Controller issues a subsequent active command to a different bank. RRD is derived from tRRD and the clock speed and is specified in clock cycles. RRD = (tRRD /clock period), rounded up to the next integer value, where tRRD is the value from the SDRAM data sheet, clock period is the clock period of the SDRAM clock. Altera Corporation 27 2 Getting Started Burst length Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Table 11. Memory Timing Parameters (Part 2 of 2) Parameter Active to read/write (RCD) Range 3, 4, or 5 Description The active command opens a row in a particular bank. After an active command, the DDR SDRAM controller does not issue a read or write command until the minimum time interval has expired. RCD is derived from tRCD and the clock speed and is specified in clock cycles. RCD = (tRCD/clock period), rounded up to the next integer value, where tRCD is the value from the SDRAM data sheet, clock period is the clock period of the SDRAM clock. Auto-refresh command period (RFC) 7 to 14 The auto-refresh command period is the amount of time that must pass between successive auto-refresh commands. RFC is derived from tRFC and the clock speed and is specified in clock cycles. RFC = (tRFC/clock period), rounded up to the next integer value, where tRFC is the value from the SDRAM data sheet clock period is the clock period of the SDRAM clock. Write recovery time (WR) 28 2 or 3 Set the write recovery time to 3 for operation at higher frequencies (consult memory device data sheet). Altera Corporation GettingGetting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Table 12 describes the available timer settings. Table 12. Timer Settings Parameter Description Refresh command interval The refresh command interval is the number of clock cycles that elapse between timer each refresh command and is given by: refresh period /clock period, rounded up to the next integer value. Initialization time The initialization time specifies the settling time after power up, and after the clocks have settled, that the SDRAM device requires before any command activity from the DDR-SDRAM Controller. This time is typically 200 µs and is given by: 200 µs/clock period, rounded up to the next integer value. For simulation a small value such as 50 cycles is sufficient. The DDR SDRAM Controller starts this initialization count when it is released from reset. If the reset is a known delay after power-on (and PLL settling), the initialization period can be reduced if advantageous. The mode registers are written after this delay. There is also a DLL lock timer delay built into the DDR SDRAM Controller. This is a fixed period of 200 cycles of clk (independent of frequency) during which the core waits while the DLLs within the memory device lock. This period starts after the mode registers have been written (thus enabling the memory devices DLLs) and when the delay is over, the core can accept user commands. 5. Altera Corporation Click Next. 29 2 Getting Started If an SDRAM device connected to the controller has a 64-ms, 4,096-cycle refresh requirement, the controller must issue a refresh command to the device at least every 64 ms/4,096 = 15.625 µs. If the SDRAM and controller are clocked by a 100-MHz clock, the maximum value is 15.625 µs/0.01µs = 1,562 clock cycles. Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 6. Select positive or negative clock edge (see Figure 7). This option allows you to control which edge of the system clock (clk) to use for the SDRAM address and command outputs. Which edge you choose depends on how your hardware is setup and how you have setup the clocks. For this walkthrough the following recommendations apply: – – For Stratix and Cyclone devices, select the negative edge. For APEX II devices, you can also select the negative edge. Use the positive edge if you are using the slower sidebanks for the address and command outputs and the sidebanks are sufficiently slow to guarantee hold time at the SDRAM. Figure 7. Select Output Edge & Resynchronization Phase 7. Select the Resynchronization Phase. This option allows you to control the resynchronization of data from the dqs clock domain into the system clock domain. You should understand your hardware before you decide which phase to select. f 30 For more information, see “Resynchronization of Captured Read Data from the DQS to the System Clock Domain” on page 78. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingGetting Started 8. Click Next. 9. For Cyclone devices only, select the positions on the device for each of the DDR SDRAM byte groups (see Figure 8). This flow only allows you to implement a 16-bit interface on the LHS of an EP1C20F400 device. f For more information on the floorplan, see the doc/readme.txt file. 2 To place an un-placed byte group, select the unplaced byte group in the drop-down box at your chosen position. Placed byte-groups are no longer available in the drop-down boxes. b. To move a placed byte group, un-place the byte group from the current location (select ’--’ in the drop-down box). The byte group now appears in all of the other empty byte group locations, so you can now place the byte group as described previously. The floorplan matches the orientation of the Quartus II floorplanner. The layout represents the die as viewed from above. A byte group consists of eight dq pins, a dm pin and a dqs pin. The larger Cyclone devices have eight possible regions where you can place a byte group—two on each side of the device. The smaller devices only have a total of four groups— one on each side of the device. On all devices, if the LHS power bank is configured for anything other than 2.5V (e.g., if you are using configuration devices), that side of the device is no longer available for use as DDR SDRAM pins. The EP1C3T100 cannot use the LHS or RHS of the device for 2.5V DDR, so is always limited to a maximum of three byte groups. The JTAG and configuration output pins are on the RHS and must be configured for 2.5 V operation, to use that side of the device for DDR. 1 Altera Corporation The wizard does not make assignments for the address and control pins; you must make these pin assignments. 31 Getting Started a. Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 8. Select Byte Group Position Complete the Custom Core To complete your custom core, perform the following steps: 1. The final screen lists the design files that the wizard creates (see Figure 9). Click Finish. The wizard generates the following files: – – – – – – – 32 One of the following files (depending on your selection), which are used to used to instantiate an instance of the function in your design: AHDL text design file (<variation name>.tdf) VHDL design file (<variation name>.vhd) Verilog HDL design file (<variation name>.v) A symbol file (<variation name>.bsf) used to instantiate the function into a schematic design An include file <variation name>.inc (Verilog HDL and AHDL only) An example of the instantiation of the core <variation name> _inst A blackbox Verilog HDL model, <variation name>_bb (Verilog HDL only) A component declaration file <variation name>.cmp (VHDL only) <variation name>_quartus_script.tcl, which can be used to apply the necessary constraints to your custom core (not applicable for Cyclone devices) Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide – – GettingGetting Started <dummy top-level wrapper>, which instantiates your synthesized instance of the DDR SDRAM Controller, some dummy logic, and the necessary PLLs A plain-text configuration file user_assignments.txt that is read in by the Cyclone constraint generation script. This file defines the byte group locations, which you chose using the floorplanner on page 4 of the wizard, with other assignments. Cyclone devices only. <variation name> is the variation name that you chose in the MegaWizard Plug-In. 1 <dummy top-level wrapper> is the dummy top-level design name, which you chose on page 1 of the wizard. The default name is <variation name>_dummy_top. Figure 9. Design Files 2. Altera Corporation Before performing any other actions, read and click OK on the message window (Figure 10). 33 2 Getting Started 1 Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 10. Message When you have created your custom megafunction, you can integrate it into your system design and compile. Using the Reference Design The reference design is the same for all device families with different parameters: 32-bits for Stratix and APEX II devices; 16-bits for Cyclone devices. 1 – – – f Altera recommends that you copy the following directories to a new directory <working directory> before use: /reference_design /testbench /user_simulation For more information on the reference design for Cyclone devices, read the doc/readme_test_stim.txt file. Set Up the Reference Design To set up the reference design, perform the following steps: 34 1. Choose Open Project (File menu). 2. Browse to the \<working directory>\reference_design\<family> directory. Click Open. Choose example_top.quartus and click Open. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingGetting Started 3. You must specify the DDR SDRAM Controller’s library directory (<path>\ddr_sdram-<version>\lib) as a user library in the Quartus II software. Search for “User Libraries” in Quartus II Help for instructions on how to add a library. 4. Choose MegaWizard Plug-In Manager (Tools menu). 5. Select Edit an existing Custom Megafunction and click Next. 6. Choose mw_wrapper.vhd file and Click Next. 7. Click Finish. 8. Getting Started 1 2 Do not change any of the MegaWizard Plug-In settings. Click OK on any warning messages. Compile the Reference Design For Cyclone devices, perform the following steps: 1. Open a Command Prompt. 2. Type the following command: cd <working directory>/reference_design/cyclone_example 3. Type the following command: generate_quartus_tcl_script_for_ref_design 1 4. Do not run the generate_quartus_tcl_script.bat file. In the Quartus II Tcl console type the following command: source add_constraints.tcl 5. Choose Start Compilation (Processing menu). For Stratix and APEX II devices, perform the following steps: 1. In the Quartus II Tcl console type the following command: source mw_wrapper_quartus_script.tcl 2. Altera Corporation Choose Start Compilation (Processing menu). 35 Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Post-route Simulation To simulate in the ModelSim simulator, perform the following steps: f Configure the PLL 1. Open the ModelSim simulator. Select Change Directory (File menu) and change to the \<working directory>\user_simulation directory. 2. Choose Execute Macro (Macro menu). 3. For ModelSim PE choose simulate_<family>_ref_design_gate.do; for ModelSim-Altera simulate_ae_<family>_ref_design_gate.do and click Open. For more information on the reference design test stimulus, see the /reference_design/test_stimulus/readme_test_stim.txt file If you have specified a frequency other than 133.333 MHz, you must edit the following PLL instances: ■ ■ /lib directory for the dummy top-level flow /reference_design directory for the reference design To edit the PLL instances for the dummy top-level flow, perform the following steps: 1. Open the Quartus II software. 2. Choose Open Project (File menu). 3. Browse to your relevant project. Click Open. 4. Choose MegaWizard Plug-In Manager (Tools menu). 5. Select Edit an existing Custom Megafunction and click Next. 6. Choose the \ddr_sdram-v<version>\lib directory in the Look-In box. 7. Choose the appropriate example_<family>.vhd file and Click Next. 8. Edit the PLL instance and click Finish. To edit the PLL instances in the reference design, perform the following steps: 1. 36 Open the Quartus II software. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 2. Choose Open Project (File menu). 3. Browse to the \ddr_sdram-v<version>\reference_design\<family> directory. Click Open. Choose example_top.quartus and click Open. 4. Choose MegaWizard Plug-In Manager (Tools menu). 5. Select Edit an existing Custom Megafunction and click Next. 6. Choose example_pll_<family>.vhd file and Click Next. 7. Edit the PLL instance and click Finish. 2 Altera provides a ModelSim VHDL model that you can use to simulate the DDR SDRAM Controller in your system. Altera also provides a Visual IP model in the sim_lib\visualip directory, which you can use with the Visual IP software and is supported by other Verilog HDL and VHDL simulators. The VHDL model is supplied as pre-compiled libraries for the ModelSim simulation tool and is installed in the sim_lib\modelsim\vhdl\ directory. You can use these models to simulate the core in your system, or you can use them with the testbench provided with the core. Simulate with the ModelSim VHDL Model Before you simulate the VHDL model of your instance using the testbench in the ModelSim software, perform the following steps: Altera Corporation 1. Download the Micron MT46V16M8 128-MB memory model (or equivalent) to the \ddr_sdram-v<version>\testbench\vhdl directory from the Micron web site, http://www.micron.com/products/simmodel.jsp?path=/DRAM/ DDR+SDRAM. 2. Open the Quartus II software. 3. Choose Open Project (File menu). 4. Browse to the \ddr_sdramv<version>\user_simulation\proj_for_your_instance directory. 5. Choose example.quartus and click Open. 6. Start the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager by choosing the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager command (Tools menu). The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager dialog box is displayed. 37 Getting Started Behavioral Simulation GettingGetting Started Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 7. Specify that you want to edit a custom megafunction and click Next. 8. Choose example.vhd (see Figure 11). Figure 11. Choose Example.vhd 9. Choose your parameters (see “Choose the Parameters” on page 23). 1 Set small value (e.g., 50) for memory initialization time, to keep the simulation time short. 10. Click Finish. 11. Click OK on the constraint script warning message. 1 You need not run the constraints scripts in this Quartus II project unless you want to compile this project. To simulate the VHDL model of your instance in the ModelSim simulation tool, perform the following steps: 38 Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingGetting Started 1. Open the ModelSim simulator. Select Change Directory (File menu) and change to the \ddr_sdram-v<version>\user_simulation directory. 2. Choose Execute Macro (Tools menu). 3. Choose simulate_your_instance_rtl.do (see Figure 12) and click Open. 2 Figure 12. Select simulate_your_instance_rtl.do Getting Started The simulate_your_instance_rtl.do script performs the following functions: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Maps the provided library Refreshes the library Creates a working library work Compiles your instance and the provided testbench into work Executes vsim and opens a wave window with the testbench signals Passes in parameters Simulate with the Visual IP Model Follow the instructions below to obtain the Visual IP software via the Internet. If you do not have Internet access, you can obtain the Visual IP software from your local Altera representative. 1. Altera Corporation Point your web browser at https://www.altera.com/support/software/download /eda_software/visualip/dnl-visualip.jsp. 39 Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 2. Follow the on-line instructions to download the Innoveda Visual IP software and save it to your hard disk. To use the Visual IP model, perform the following steps: 1. Set up your system to use the Visual IP software, as detailed in the Visual IP documentation (Simulating Visual IP Models with the ModelSim Simulator for PCs White Paper, Simulating the Visual IP Models with the NC-Verilog, Verilog-XL, VCS, or ModelSim (UNIX) Simulators White Paper). 2. Compile the wrapper for the core model. The Verilog HDL version of the wrapper is in the sim_lib\visualip\auk_ddr_sdram\interface\pli directory; the corresponding VHDL version is in the sim_lib\visualip\auk_ddr_sdram\interface\mti directory. 3. Compile the memory model that you want to use. 4. Compile the wizard-generated wrapper <variation name>.vhd, <variation name>.v. The Visual IP model is now ready for use in your simulator. Compile & Place-&-Route After you have verified that your design is functionally correct, you are ready to compile and place-and-route your design. The Quartus II software works seamlessly with tools from many EDA vendors, including Cadence, Exemplar Logic, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, Synplicity, and Viewlogic. Cyclone Devices For Cyclone devices, before you compile and place-and-route your project, perform the following steps: 1. Open a Command Prompt. 2. Type the following command: cd <your project> 3. Type the following command: generate_quartus_tcl_script 40 Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 4. GettingGetting Started In the Quartus II Tcl console type the following command: source add_constraints.tcl 5. Choose Start Compilation (Processing menu). Stratix & APEX II Devices If you selected an APEX II device in the MegaWizard Plug-In, the Quartus II constraint script performs the following actions on your Quartus II project: ■ ■ ■ ■ Selects an APEX II device (EP2A15C672) Applies the necessary Quartus II constraints for your chosen frequency Creates LogicLock™ regions that place the controller in the bottom right of the APEX II device Applies a sample pin configuration to match the controller If you selected a Stratix device in the MegaWizard Plug-In, the Quartus II constraint script performs the following actions on your Quartus II project: ■ ■ ■ ■ f Copies the reference design files into your project directory Selects a Stratix device (EP1S25F1020) Applies the necessary Quartus II constraints for your chosen frequency Applies a sample pin configuration to match the controller For more information on LogicLock incremental design capability, refer to AN 161: Using the LogicLock Methodology in the Quartus II Design Software. To apply the Quartus II constraint script, perform the following steps: 1. Choose Auxiliary Windows > Tcl Console (View menu). 2. In the Tcl console window type the following command: source <variation name>_quartus_script.tcl Altera Corporation 41 2 Getting Started Before you compile and place-and-route your project, you should run the MegaWizard Plug-In generated Quartus II constraint script (<variation name>__quartus_script.tcl), or follow the manual procedure in “Appendix A—The Quartus II Constraint Settings” on page 67. Getting Started DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide You can now compile your design. The Quartus II Compiler synthesizes, performs place-and-route, and applies the necessary timings to your design. 1 Timing Analysis Refer to the Quartus II Help for further instructions on performing compilation. After you have compiled your design in Quartus II, to check that the timing requirements have been met, perform the following step: v Check the compiler messages in the Processing tab in the Messages window. If the timing requirements were met, the following message appears during compilation: All timing requirements were met. See Report window for more details. If timing requirements were not met, open the Timing Analysis folder in the Compilation Report window. Open the Clock Requirements section for each clock to check that all requirements were met. Paths that failed to meet timing requirements are marked in red. 1 Perform PostRoute Simulation 42 You can use the MegaWizard-generated system to check timing in the Quartus II software. However, if you want to perform hardware testing or gate-level simulation, use the reference design. If you have licensed the core, you can generate EDIF, VHDL, Verilog HDL, and standard delay output files from the Quartus II software and use them with your existing EDA tools to perform functional modeling and post-routing simulation of your design. 1. Open your existing Quartus II project. 2. Depending on the type of output file you want, specify Verilog HDL output settings or VHDL output settings in the General Settings dialog box (Project menu). 3. Compile your design with the Quartus II software, see “Compile & Place-&-Route” on page 40. The Quartus II software generates output and programing files. 4. You can now import your Quartus II software-generated output files (.edo, .vho, .vo, or .sdo) into your third-party EDA tool for postroute, device-level, and system-level simulation. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 1 License for Configuration GettingGetting Started Alternatively, you can use the reference design for post-route simulation, see “Post-route Simulation” on page 36. After you have compiled and analyzed your design, you are ready to configure your targeted Altera FPGA. If you are evaluating the DDR SDRAM Controller with the OpenCore feature, you must license the function before you can generate programming files. To obtain licenses contact your local Altera sales representative. 2 Getting Started Altera Corporation 43 Notes: Specifications 1 The DDR SDRAM Controller instantiates a control logic module and one or more data path modules. Figure 13 shows a block diagram of the DDR SDRAM Controller. Specifications DII Interface Functional Description Figure 13. DDR SDRAM Controller Block Diagram raddr r_req w_req b_size Control Logic rw_ack r_valid d_req w_valid a ba cs_n ras_n cas_n we_n cke 3 Specifications clk Local Bus Interface SDRAM Interface clk_shifted dq Data Path Modules datain dqs dataout dm_in dm Signals Table 13 shows the DDR SDRAM Controller local interface signals; Table 14 shows the DDR SDRAM Controller SDRAM interface signals. The local interface signals operate on the positive edge of clk with the following exception: ■ Altera Corporation dataout[] is generated on either the positive or negative edge of clk depending on the read resynchronization phase setting (see 45 Specifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide “Resynchronization of Captured Read Data from the DQS to the System Clock Domain” on page 78). For a resynchronization phase of 0 or 2, the output is generated on the positive edge; for 1 or 3, the output is generated on the negative edge. The assumption is that dataout[] is always sampled on the positive edge of clk by the user's logic that is connected to the local-side interface. For this reason, r_valid is always generated on the positive edge of clk, regardless of whether dataout[] is generated on the positive or negative edge of clk. The core adjusts the timing of r_valid according to the read resynchronization phase. Table 13. Local Interface Signals (Part 1 of 2) Signal I/O Description clk Input System clock. clk_shifted Input clk_shifted is a shifted version of clk that is used only for SDRAM write data. clk_shifted must lead clk by 90° (lag by 270°). reset_n Input System reset. raddr[asize-1:0] Input Memory address for read/write requests. Width is set by asize. (1) The raddr input corresponds to the chip, row, bank, and column address in the SDRAM as follows: raddr = (ch, rw, bn, co) where: ch = 1 bit (2 chip selects) rw = number of row bits, e.g., 12 bn = number of bank bits, e.g., 2 co = number of column bits minus 1 (the LSB is unnecessary as local address is twice the width of the SDRAM data width). b_size[2:0] Input Burst size. Specifies the local-side burst size (1, 2, or 4) of the requested access, which correspond to SDRAM burst sizes of 2, 4, and 8 respectively. r_req Input Read request. w_req Input Write request. rw_ack Output Read/write acknowledge. Acknowledgement of the present read or write request. 46 Altera Corporation GettingSpecifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Table 13. Local Interface Signals (Part 2 of 2) Signal I/O Description d_req Output Data request. Indicates to the local bus interface that it should present data on the next clock edge. r_valid Output Read data valid. When r_valid is sampled high on the positive edge of clk, you can sample valid read data at the same time. The timing of this signal adjusts according to different user-selected read sample phases (see “Resynchronization of Captured Read Data from the DQS to the System Clock Domain” on page 78). For sample phases 0 and 1, r_valid goes high as early as is possible. For sample phases 2 and 3, r_valid goes high one cycle later to account for the extra cycle delay in sampling the read data from the SDRAM. The r_valid signal is always generated on the positive edge of clk. w_valid Output Write data valid. Indicates when data has been accepted by the DDR SDRAM Controller. datain[dsize-1:0] Input dataout[dsize-1:0] Output Read data bus; width is set by dsize. dm_in[(dsize/8)-1:0] Input Write data bus; width is set by dsize. (2) 3 Notes to Table 13: (1) (2) asize is ch + rw + bn + co. dsize is twice the width of the SDRAM data bus. Altera Corporation 47 Specifications Data mask. Masks individual bytes during data write. There is one dm_in bit per byte. Specifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Table 14. SDRAM Interface Signals Signal I/O Description a[n:0] Output Address bus. The a bits are sampled during the ACT command to latch Note (1) the row address and are sampled during the RD/WR command to latch the column address. n depends on the size of SDRAM. ba[n:0] Output Bank address. These signals determine to which bank the ACT, RD, WR, Note (1) or PCH command is applied. n depends on the number of banks in the SDRAM. cs_n[n:0] Output SDRAM chip selects. n depends on the number of chip selects in the Note (1) SDRAM. cke Output SDRAM clock enable signal. Note (1) ras_n Output Row address strobe SDRAM command input. Note (1) cas_n Output Column address strobe SDRAM command input. Note (1) we_n Output Write enable, SDRAM command input. Note (1) dq[dsize/2-1:0] I/O SDRAM data bus (half the width of local bus). dm[(dsize/16)-1:0] Output SDRAM data masks, which masks individual bytes during data write. There is one dm bit per byte of dq. dqs[(dsize/16)-1:0] I/O SDRAM data strobe, which strobes data into the DDR devices during a write operation and samples data into the Altera device in a read operation. There is one dqs bit per byte of dq. Note to Table 14: (1) 48 The DDR SDRAM Controller can generate this output on either the positive or the negative clk edge. Altera Corporation GettingSpecifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Control Logic Module Bus commands control SDRAM devices using combinations of the ras_n, cas_n, and we_n signals. For instance, on a clock cycle where all three signals are high, the associated command is a no operation (NOP). A NOP command is also indicated when the chip select signal is not asserted. Table 15 shows the standard SDRAM bus commands. Table 15. Bus Commands Command Acronym ras_n cas_n we_n No operation NOP H H H Active ACT L H H Read RD H L H Write WR H L L Burst terminate BT H H L PCH L H L Auto refresh ARF L L H Load mode register LMR L L L Precharge 3 The primary commands used to access SDRAM are read (RD) and write (WR). When the WR command is issued, the initial column address and data word is registered. When a RD command is issued, the initial address is registered. The initial data appears on the data bus 1.5 to 3 clock cycles later. This delay is the CAS latency and is due to the time required to read the internal DRAM core and register the data on the bus. The CAS latency depends on the speed of the SDRAM and the frequency of the memory clock. In general, the faster the clock, the more cycles of CAS latency are required. After the initial RD or WR command, sequential reads and writes continue until the burst length is reached or a burst terminate (BT) command is issued. DDR SDRAM memory devices support burst lengths of 2, 4, or 8 data cycles. The auto refresh command (ARF) is issued periodically to ensure data retention. This function is performed by the DDR SDRAM Controller. The load mode register command (LMR) configures the SDRAM mode register. This register stores the CAS latency, burst length, burst type, and write burst mode. Refer to the specification of the SDRAM you are using for more details. Altera Corporation 49 Specifications The DDR SDRAM Controller must open SDRAM banks before it accesses a range of addresses. The row and bank to be opened are registered at the same time as the active (ACT) command. The DDR SDRAM Controller closes the bank and opens it again, if it wants to access a different row. The precharge (PCH) command closes a bank. Specifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Data Path Module The data path module provides the SDRAM data interface to the local bus. Local data is accepted on datain for write commands and data is provided to the local interface on dataout during read commands. Figures 14 to 17 show block diagrams of the data path module. The data path width in and out of the controller is twice the data path width to the DDR SDRAM devices—the DDR SDRAM data interface is clocked on both edges. Figure 14. APEX II Data Path Module Block Diagram (Read) FPGA LEs I/O elements dq_oe dq[7:0] dq_out Q D Q D Q D Q D dataout[15:0] Q D FastRow Interconnect Programmable Delay clk dqs_oe dqs dqs_out Optional inversion (see Note 1) Note: (1) 50 You specify the optional inversion in the MegaWizard Plug-In. Altera Corporation GettingSpecifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 15. Stratix Data Path Module Block Diagram (Read) FPGA LEs I/O elements dq_oe dq[7:0] dq_out Q D Q Q D Q D dataout[15:0] D Q D ena clk latch dqs_oe dqs dqs_out Optional inversion (see Note 1) dqs Local Bus 90˚ Compensated Delay Shift 3 Note: (1) In the read direction, the double-rate data from the dq pins are fed into a positive and a negative-edge triggered register to sample data on both edges of the data strobe signal (dqs). This signal is then passed through another set of configurable registers to return it to the system clock domain. You can configure the clock edge that these two registers are clocked off in the MegaWizard Plug-In, to achieve good setup and hold times in the transition from the dqs clock domain to the system clock domain. In APEX II devices, the DDR SDRAM Controller uses I/O element (IOE) registers in the write direction to clock output signals, but uses logic element (LE) registers in the read direction to clock input signals. Using LE registers allows inputs to be clocked in with the dqs signals (via the FastRow™ interconnect) without using any global clock resources. This configuration has been successfully tested in hardware at speeds of up to 133 MHz. In Stratix devices, the DDR SDRAM Controller uses IOE registers in the write and the read direction. In the read direction, it uses the Stratix phase shifting reference circuit, which provides a compensated delay of 90° on each dqs signal that is used to sample the dq read data. Altera Corporation 51 Specifications You specify the optional inversion by selecting the appropriate read synchronization phase in the MegaWizard Plug-In. Specifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 16. APEX II & Stratix Data Path Module Block Diagram (Write) FPGA LEs dq_oe I/O elements D Q D datain[15:0] D Q [15:8] D Q Q dq[7:0] clk D Q [7:0] D Q clk_shifted dq_in The data path module’s datain and dataout are fixed at 16 bits and dq is fixed at 8 bits. To build data paths larger than 16 bits, the MegaWizard Plug-In cascades data path modules to increase the data bus width in increments of 16 bits (8 bits for SDRAM side). In the write direction, the datain signal is registered and the passed into the registers in the IOE where it is multiplexed onto the dq pins. This signal is clocked by a phase-shifted clock so that the dqs signal, also generated by the data path module, appears in the center of the data on the dq pins. 52 Altera Corporation GettingSpecifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 17. Cyclone Data Path Module Block Diagram (Read and Write) Note (1), (2), (3) FPGA LEs dq_oe I/O elements Q D Q clk 8 datain D Q D Q 0 16 S_Ao 8 D D Q AOE MUX dq Ao 1 Q S_Bo Bo clk_shifted 8 Q D Q D Q D Ai S_Ai Ci 8 dataout Q D Q D 16 Bi S_Bi Programmable Delay 3 Delay AND BOE Note 2 Specifications AOE dqs_oe (Note 3) D Q dqs_control D Q D Q 0 MUX dqs 1 2 1 dm_in D Q D 0 Q MUX Ao 1 D Q D dm 1 Q Bo altddio Megafunctions Notes: (1) (2) (3) This figure shows the logic for one dq output only. A complete byte group consists of eight times the dq logic with the dqs and dm logic. Each dqs requires a global clock resource. Invert combout of the altddio_bidir megafunction for the dqs pin before feeding in to in_clock of the altddio_bidir megafunction for the dq pin. dqs_oe is active high. Altera Corporation 53 Specifications Controller Access Operation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide The DDR SDRAM Controller provides a synchronous command interface to the SDRAM. The following sections describe the controller access operation. Write Operation When the local bus requests a memory write, the DDR SDRAM Controller writes to the SDRAM using the following memory command sequence: ■ ■ ACT WR Figure 18 on page 55 shows a typical sequence of DDR SDRAM Controller writes—three writes, two writes of four cycles, and one of two cycles. (For the SDRAM, there are two writes of eight cycles followed by a one write of four cycles). This typical sequence is described below: 54 1. The write request (w_req) signal is asserted with the address (raddr) and the burst size (b_size). The local bus requests to write four cycles’ worth of data to the SDRAM. 2. If writing to a row that is not already open, the DDR SDRAM Controller asserts the row address (a), bank address (ba), and chip-select (cs_n) signals, and the ACT command. In this case, the write targets a row that has previously been accessed so this is not necessary. 3. The DDR SDRAM Controller acknowledges the write request (rw_ack) and requests data from local interface (d_req). 4. Two clock cycles later, the DDR SDRAM Controller begins writing the data with the WR command. The controller asserts the w_valid signal to indicate that it has accepted the data during the write sequence. Four data cycles are processed. 5. The local interface write-request (w_req) remains asserted after the DDR SDRAM controller asserts an acknowledge (rw_ack), indicating it wishes to initiate another burst. After acknowledging the first write request, the local interface changes the local address. 6. As soon as the four write cycles from the first request are processed, the next WR command is issued and the four data cycles begin. 7. After acknowledging the second write request, the local interface changes the address and the burst size to two. Altera Corporation GettingSpecifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 8. After acknowledging the third write request, the local bus deasserts write requests and the DDR SDRAM Controller finishes writing data to the DDR SDRAM. 1 If a write to a different bank or row is requested, a PCH and ACT command sequence is automatically inserted between the data cycles. Figure 18. DDR SDRAM Controller Write Access Note (1) [1] [3] [5] [4] [7] [6] sys_clk 0000 dm b_size 4 4 2 raddr addr A addr B addr C r_req Local Bus Interface w_req 3 rw_ack Specifications r_valid dataout d_req w_valid A1 datain col 1 a A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 col 2 B4 C1 C2 col 3 ba 0 0 0 cs_n 2 2 2 cke DDR SDRAM Interface ras_n cas_n we_n dq dm_in FF 00 FF dqs Note: (1) The numbers in brackets refer to the step numbers in the preceding text. Altera Corporation 55 Specifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Read Operation When the local bus requests a memory read, the DDR SDRAM Controller reads the SDRAM using the following memory command sequence: ■ ■ ACT RD Figure 19 on page 57 shows a typical DDR SDRAM Controller read sequence—three reads, two reads of four cycles followed by a read of two cycles (for the SDRAM, there are two reads of eight cycles followed by a read of four). This typical sequence is described below: 56 1. The read request (r_req) signal is asserted with the address (raddr) and the burst size (b_size). The local interface requests four cycles worth of data from the SDRAM. 2. If the current row is not open, the DDR SDRAM Controller asserts the row address (a), bank address (ba), chip select (cs_n) signals, and the ACT command. 3. The DDR SDRAM Controller acknowledges the read request (rw_ack) and issues the RD command. The data appears on the local interface (dataout) a fixed number of clock cycles after the RD command is issued, depending on the CAS latency (2.5 in this case). The r_valid signal indicates valid data on the local interface. 4. After the controller asserts the acknowledge signal (rw_ack), the read request (r_req) signal remains asserted, indicating that another read command should be issued. After acknowledging the first read request, the local bus changes the local address. 5. As soon as the four read cycles from the first read request are processed, the second read command is issued and the second read cycle begins. 6. After an acknowledge of the second read sequence, the local interface changes the local address and burst size to two. 7. As soon as the four read cycles from the second request are processed, the next RD command is issued and the two data cycles begin. 8. Because the current read burst length (2) is shorter than the memory burst length (4), the controller issues a burst terminate (BT) signal to the SDRAM to indicate that it should abort the burst. Altera Corporation GettingSpecifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 1 If one of the reads goes to a different bank or row, a PCH and ACT command sequence is automatically inserted between the data cycles. Figure 19. DDR SDRAM Controller Read Access Note (1) [1] [3] [4] [6] [5] [7] [8] sys_clk dm 0000 b_size 4 4 2 raddr addr A addr B addr C r_req Local Bus Interface w_req rw_ack r_valid A1 dataout A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 3 d_req Specifications w_valid datain a col 1 col 2 col 3 ba 0 0 0 0 cs_n 2 2 2 2 cke DDR SDRAM Interface ras_n cas_n we_n dq dm_in FF dqs Note: (1) The numbers in brackets refer to the step numbers in the preceding text. Altera Corporation 57 Specifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Refresh Timing The refresh timer causes the DDR SDRAM Controller to refresh the SDRAM periodically, which maintains the contents. Refreshing is performed by using the following memory command sequence: ■ ■ PCH ARF The auto-refresh command period (see “Choose the Parameters” on page 23) specifies the time that must elapse following a refresh command. The time is specified in clock cycles because of variability caused by different clock speeds. Figures 20 shows the DDR SDRAM Controller auto-refresh sequence. This sequence is described below: 1. A PCH command is sent to all banks by setting address bit a[10] high. 2. An ARF command. 3. After the auto-refresh command period (RFC) expires, the DDR SDRAM Controller issues the next command. Figure 20. Refresh Timing Note (1) [1] [2] [3] clk cke sa 0x400 ba 0 cs_n 0 ras_n cas_n we_n Note: (1) 58 The numbers in brackets refer to the step numbers in the preceding text. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingSpecifications Initialization Timing The DDR SDRAM Controller initializes the SDRAM memory devices by issuing the following memory command sequence: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ NOP (for 200 µs, programmable) PCH extended LMR (ELMR) LMR PCH ARF ARF LMR NOP (for 200 cycles of clk, fixed) Figure 21 on page 60 shows a typical initialization timing sequence, which is described below. The length of time between the reset and the first PCH command should be 200 µs. This time can be reduced for simulation testing by setting the start-up timer parameter in the MegaWizard PlugIn. A PCH command is sent to all banks by setting address bit a[10] high. 2. An ELMR command enables the internal DLL in the memory devices. An ELMR command is an LMR command with the bank address bits set to address the extended mode register. 3. An LMR command sets the operating parameters of the memory such as CAS latency (CL) and burst length (BL). This LMR command is also used to reset the internal DLL. The DDR SDRAM Controller allows 200 clock cycles to elapse after a DLL reset and before it issues a read command to the memory. 4. A further PCH command places all the banks in their idle state. 5. Two ARF commands must follow the PCH command. 6. The final LMR command programs the operating parameters without resetting the DLL. The DDR SDRAM Controller does not send any read or write commands to the memory until the 200 cycles of clk required after a DLL reset have expired. Altera Corporation 3 Specifications 1. 59 Specifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 21. DDR SDRAM Device Initialization Timing Note (1) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [5] [6] sys_clk cke sa 0 ba cs_n 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ras_n cas_n we_n Note: (1) The numbers in brackets refer to the step numbers in the preceding text. Miscellaneous SDRAM Settings The DDR SDRAM Controller implements the following mode register and extended-mode register settings that are not programmable: ■ ■ 60 The burst type is sequential (interleaved cannot be selected) The drive strength is normal (reduced cannot be selected) Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide PLL Configuration GettingSpecifications The PLL configuration differs for APEX II, Stratix, and Cyclone devices. 1 For Stratix GX devices, see “Cyclone & Stratix Devices” on page 62. APEX II Devices The DDR SDRAM Controller requires two or three PLLs, depending on whether or not a full-rate clock is available on the board as an input to the APEX II device. Figure 22 shows the case where only a slower-rate clock (e.g., 33.33 MHz) is available and one of the PLLs is used to multiply the clock up to the full SDRAM clock rate. Although the output of PLL2 is nominally the 0° output, in a real hardware system you must apply a phase shift to the PLL2 clock. At the DDR SDRAM inputs, the dqs signal and the clock should be in phase. The differential clock signal comes directly from the clock buffer, but the dqs signal is generated by the APEX II. You must compensate for the time-tooutput of the dqs signal and the PCB propagation delay of the dqs signal to the DDR SDRAM, by advancing the phase of the PLL. To measure the exact phase shift required, set the PLL shift to 0° and measure the difference in phase between the dqs and clock signals. On the APEX II memory interface board, which we used for hardware testing of the DDR SDRAM Controller, an advance of 3ns is required. Because the PLL can really only delay a clock, at 133MHz, the necessary delay is 4.5ns (7.5 - 3.0 = 4.5), see “Resynchronization of Captured Read Data from the DQS to the System Clock Domain” on page 78. f Altera Corporation For more information on the APEX II memory interface board, see “Core Verification” on page 64. 61 3 Specifications In this clocking scheme, PLL 1 multiplies the slower board-level clock up to the memory system speed. If the clock is 33.33 MHz, a ×3 or ×4 multiply produces a 100-MHz or 133-MHz clock, respectively. The resulting clock from the APEX II device drives the differential clock buffer (e.g., Cypress W256). The output of the clock buffer is sent back to the input of PLL 4 from where it can be internally routed to PLL 2 and PLL 4. PLL 2 creates the main system clock, synchronous to the clocks to the SDRAM, while PLL 4 creates the phase-shifted clock, which generates the write data phase difference. Specifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide In Figure 22, register A represents the command and address outputs of the controller, which are clocked off the output of PLL 2. Register B is clocked with the read data strobe (dqs) to sample the read data into the controller. Register C represents the data being brought back into the system clock domain. You can clock register C off either edge of PLL 2’s output, depending on your choice of rising or falling clock edge in the MegaWizard Plug-In. Register D generates the outgoing write data and is clocked off the output of PLL 4. 1 If a full-rate clock is available, you only need PLL 2 and PLL 4. Connect the full-rate clock directly to the input of the external clock buffer and connect the feedback output of the buffer to the input of PLL 4. Figure 22. APEX II PLL Configuration FPGA 33.33 MHz clock_source 133.33 MHz PLL 1 (x3 or x4 if used) PLL 2 (normal) clk_to_buf DDR SDRAM Controller clk C A Write dqs and control DDR SDRAM B PLL 3 (unused) Read dqs D clock_from_buf PLL 4 (phase shift) Write dq clk_shifted The APEX II memory interface board used this PLL configuration (see “Board Design Package” on page 65). Cyclone & Stratix Devices The recommended configuration for implementing the DDR SDRAM Controller in a Cyclone or a Stratix (including Stratix GX) device is to use a single enhanced PLL to produce all the required clock signals. No external clock buffer is required as the differential clock buffer can generate clk and clk# signals for DDR SDRAM memory devices. 62 Altera Corporation GettingSpecifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide The main difference between clock configuration for Stratix and Cyclone devices is that Cyclone devices do not have the DQS phase shift reference circuit. Thus Cyclone devices do not need the additional dqs_ref_clk clock input, which drives this circuit. Figure 23 shows the recommended configuration for Stratix devices for use with any PLL multiply or divide ratio including a ratio of one. Figure 24 shows an optional Stratix configuration for use only when the PLL input clock frequency (clock_source) equals the required SDRAM clock (clk_to_sdram). A separate reference clock input is not required in this instance. Figure 25 shows the Cyclone configuration for use with any PLL multiply or divide ratios including a ratio of one. 1 f The dqs_ref_clk input for Stratix devices can be either fedback from the clock output driving the SDRAM or a separate clock output from the PLL. The phase of dqs_ref_clk relative to the other clocks in the system is unimportant. For more detail on the relationships between the different clocks, see “Appendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Analysis” on page 75. 3 Specifications Figure 23. Stratix PLL Configuration dqs_ref_clk Stratix Device DQS Phase Reference Circuit clock_source Enhanced PLL (xN/M) clk clk_ext clk_to_sdram clk_shifted DDR SDRAM DDR SDRAM Controller Altera Corporation 63 Specifications DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 24. Stratix PLL Configuration (Clock Input Frequency equal to SDRAM Clock) Stratix Device DQS Phase Reference Circuit Enhanced PLL (x1 only) clock_source clk_ext clk clk_to_sdram clk_shifted DDR SDRAM DDR SDRAM Controller Figure 25. Cyclone PLL Configuration Cyclone Device clk_ext PLL (xN /M) clock_source clk clk_to_sdram clk_shifted DDR SDRAM DDR SDRAM Controller Core Verification 64 Core verification involves hardware testing and simulation testing. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingSpecifications Simulation Testing Altera has carried out extensive gate-level tests of the DDR SDRAM Controller with industry-standard Denali memory models to ensure that it meets the necessary timing parameters. A full timing simulation for APEX II and Stratix devices of a typical PCB, including propagation delays, was used to test the performance of the DDR SDRAM Controller in an APEX II device. This was tested against Denali models of Micron MT46V16M8TG_75 devices. Hardware Testing Altera has carried out hardware testing of the DDR SDRAM Controller v1.1.0 using the APEX II memory interface board. The testing was carried out at 133 MHz with an Altera EP2A15C672C7 device and PC2100 DDR DIMMs (e.g., Micron MT8VDDT1664AG-265A1). f For more information on the APEX II memory interface board, contact your Altera representative. 3 The following tests were carried out: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Walking ones on data lines Worst-case data patterns (e.g., all 64 data bits switching from zero to one at the same time) Varying burst sizes (2, 4, 8 cycles) Wrapping bursts Column, bank and row changes Partial writes (data mask tests) Back-to-back writes and reads Chip selects Soak tests—repetitive combinations of the above at room temperature for 24 hours at a time Board Design Package The following deliverables for board design are available for DDR SDRAM customers from an Altera representative: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation Schematic capture in ORCAD and PDF format Timing analysis in Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF format Power analysis in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PDF format PCB design files in PADS and PDF format for each layer PCB Gerber files Block diagrams of board design in Visio, Word, and PDF format IBIS models for the main memories and Altera devices in text and PDF format 65 Specifications ■ ■ Notes: Appendix A—The Quartus II Constraint Settings This appendix describes how to manually apply the necessary constraints to the Quartus II software for the DDR SDRAM Controller for Stratix or APEX II devices. You must manually apply the constraints if your requirements are different from those applied by the wizard-generated Quartus II constraint script. For example, you may require a different pinout or fMAX requirement to the standard constraints. The procedure differs for APEX II or Stratix devices. 1 To perform the actions manually, perform the following steps: 3 1. Appendix A APEX II Devices For information on Cyclone device constraint settings, refer to docs/readme.txt. Create a project called <variation name>_top, where <variation_name> is your DDR SDRAM Controller instance name and create a custom megafunction, see “DDR SDRAM Controller Walkthrough” on page 21. 1 The PLL files are configured for 133-MHz operation. To change the frequency of operation, use the MegaWizard Plug-In to edit the \lib\example_pll.vhd file. Choose Device (Assignments menu). 3. In the Family drop-down box, choose APEX II. Under Target Device, choose Specific device selected in the ’Available devices’ list. 1 Altera Corporation To specify the devices in the selected family from which you want to select a specific device, under Show in ’Available devices’ list, choose the desired settings in the Package, Pin count, Speed grade, and Voltage lists. 4. Choose the target device in the Available devices list. 5. Click Assign Pins. 67 Appendix A 2. 4 Appendix A—The Quartus II Constraint Settings DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 6. f In the Available pins & existing assignments list, choose the pin number for the pin to which you want to assign, change, or delete a node name assignment. Use the following recommendations: For more information on voltage reference pins, refer to AN 117: Using Selectable IO Standards in APEX 20KE/20KC & MAX 7000B Devices. a. Use either the top or the bottom banks for the dq and the dqs pins, because these banks have the necessary programmable delay feature to delay the dqs to clock the read data registers. b. Only place 16 dq and 2 dqs bits in each column so as not to exceed the amount of current which each bank can sink. c. Set all the pins that interface with DDR SDRAM memory devices to SSTL-2 CLASS II I/O standard. d. Set clocks to 2.5 V, to avoid conflict with the SSTL-2 assignment. e. Place the dqs pin with four dq pins immediately either side of it, as each dqs pin has 8 associated dq bits. f. Do not break groups of 8 dq bits across column boundaries. g. Define all necessary voltage reference pins. Each VREF pin can support 16 input or bidirectional pins, 8 on either side. Figure 26 shows an example of one column (or half a bank). Figure 26. One Column Half bank = One column VREF dq dq dq dq dqs dq 7. 68 dq dq dq VREF dq dq dq dq dqs dq dq dq dq VREF Create a LogicLock region for the top-level of the DDR SDRAM Controller, <variation_name>, which is 16 lab structures wide and 7 rows high. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingAppendix A—The Quartus II Constraint 8. Create LogicLock regions for the data path modules. The APEX II device supports two data path modules in each column. For the best results, create a LogicLock region for each pair of modules, which is 1 MegaLAB™ structure wide and 1 row high. For example if you have a 16-bit controller, create two LogicLock regions and place the first (auk_ddr_sdram_component_ddr_gen_0_datapath) and second (auk_ddr_sdram_component_ddr_gen_1_datapath) data path modules in one of the regions. Place the third and fourth datapath modules in the other region that you created. See the example Quartus II project for examples of these regions. 9. Inform the Quartus II software that the dqs signals are acting as clocks. b. Click New. Enter a suitable name, e.g. dqs_is_a_clock, select Based On, select example_pll in the drop-down box, click Derived Clock Requirements, and enter 1.75 ns in the Offset from base absolute clock fMAX box. Click OK. Click OK. c. Turn off the Cut Paths Between Unrelated Clock Domains check box. Click OK. d. Choose Assignment Organizer (Assignments menu), click the By Node tab, select Edit specific entity & node settings for, type dqs in the Name box and press TAB. Expand Timing in the Assignment Categories window. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. Add a Clock Settings = dqs_is_a_clock assignment to the dqs pins. Click OK. 10. Choose Assignment Organizer (Assignments menu), choose the By Node tab, select Edit specific entity & node for, type the relevant signal name in the Name box and press TAB. Expand Options for Individual Nodes Only in the Assignment Categories window. Apply the following assignments: Altera Corporation a. Decrease Input Delay to Internal Cells = On, to each dq bit. b. FastRow Interconnect = On, to each dqs bit. 69 3 4 Appendix A Choose Timing Settings (Assignments menu). Choose Clock in the category box. Select Settings for individual clock signals and click New. Enter a suitable name, e.g. example_pll, enter a required fMAX, and click OK. Board Design Appendix A Guidelines a. Appendix A—The Quartus II Constraint Settings DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide c. Apply the following setting to each dqs bit: For 100-MHz operation, set FastRow Interconnect Delay = 2130 ps. For 133-MHz operation, set FastRow Interconnect Delay = 1875 ps. d. Fast Output Register = On, to all the control and address signals. 11. Choose Start (Processing menu) and click Start Analysis & Elaboration. 12. Choose Assignment Organizer (Assignments menu), choose the By Node tab, click the 3 dots icon next to the Name box. In the Node Finder window, enter *dq_oe* in the Named box. Choose Registers: pre-synthesis in the Filter drop-down box. Click Start. Move the nodes from the Nodes Found box to the Selected Nodes box. In the Node Finder window, enter *dqs_oe* in the Named box. Choose Registers: pre-synthesis in the Filter drop-down box. Click Start. Move the nodes from the Nodes Found box to the Selected Nodes box. Click OK. Expand Options for Individual Nodes & Entities in the Assignment Categories window. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. Choose Remove Duplicate Registers in the Assignment Name drop-down box and choose Off in the Setting drop-down box. Expand Options for Individual Nodes Only in the Assignment Categories window. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. Choose Global Signals in the Assignment Name drop-down box and choose Off in the Setting drop-down box. Click OK. Stratix Devices 70 To perform the actions manually, perform the following steps: 1. Create a project called <variation name>_top, where <variation_name> is your DDR SDRAM Controller instance name and create a custom megafunction, see “DDR SDRAM Controller Walkthrough” on page 21. 2. Choose Device (Assignments menu). 3. In the Family drop-down box, choose Stratix. Under Target Device, select Specific device selected in the ’Available devices’ list. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 1 To specify the devices in the selected family from which you want to select a specific device, under Show in ’Available devices’ list, choose the desired settings in the Package, Pin count, Speed grade, and Voltage lists. 4. Choose your target device in the Available devices list. 5. Click Assign Pins. 6. In the Available Pins & Existing Assignments list, choose the pin number for the pin to which you want to assign, change, or delete a node name assignment. Use the following recommendations: 7. a. Set all the pins that interface with DDR SDRAM memory devices to SSTL-2 Class II I/O standard. b. Set clocks to 2.5 V, to avoid conflict with the SSTL-2 assignment. c. Set clk-to-sdram to differential SSTL-2 I/O standard. 3 Inform the Quartus II software that the dqs signals are acting as clocks. Choose Timing Settings (Assignments menu). Choose Clock in the category box. Select Settings for individual clock signals and click New. Enter a suitable name, e.g. example_pll, enter a required fMAX, and click OK. b. Click New. Enter a suitable name, e.g. dqs_is_a_clock, select Based On, select example_pll in the drop-down box, click Derived Clock Requirements, and enter 1.75 ns in the Offset from base absolute clock fMAX box. Click OK. Click OK. c. Turn off the Cut Paths Between Unrelated Clock Domains check box. Click OK. d. Choose Assignment Organizer (Assignments menu), click the By Node tab, select Edit specific entity & node settings for, type dqs in the Name box and press TAB. Expand Timing in the Assignment Categories window. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. Add a Clock Settings = dqs_is_a_clock assignment to the dqs pins. Click OK. 71 4 Appendix A a. Board Design Appendix A Guidelines Altera Corporation GettingAppendix A—The Quartus II Constraint Appendix A—The Quartus II Constraint Settings DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 8. 9. Choose Assignment Organizer (Assignments menu), choose the By Node tab, select Edit specific entity & node for, type dqs in the Name box and press TAB. Expand Options for Individual Nodes Only in the Assignment Categories window. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. a. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. Choose DQS Frequency in the Assignment Name drop-down box, type 7.5 ns in the Setting box. Click Add. b. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. Choose DQS Phase Shift in the Assignment Name drop-down box, type 90 in the Setting box. Click Add. c. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. Choose DQS Input Reference Clock in the Assignment Name drop-down box, type dqs_ref_clock in the Setting box. Click Add. Click OK. Choose Assignment Organizer (Tools menu), choose the By Node tab, select Edit specific entity & node for. For all control signals, expand Options for Individual Nodes Only in the Assignment Categories window. Choose Fast Output Register in the Assignment menu drop-down box, choose On in the Setting box. Click OK. 10. Choose Start (Processing menu) and click Start Analysis & Elaboration. 11. Choose Assignment Organizer (Assignments menu), choose the By Node tab, click the 3 dots icon next to the Name box. In the Node Finder window, enter *inclock_enable* in the Named box. Choose Registers: pre-synthesis in the Filter drop-down box. Click Start. Move the nodes from the Nodes Found box to the Selected Nodes box. Click OK. Expand Timing in the Assignment Categories window. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. Choose Cut Timing Path in the Assignment Name drop-down box and choose On in the Setting drop-down box. Click OK. 72 Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingAppendix A—The Quartus II Constraint 12. Choose Assignment Organizer (Assignments menu), choose the By Node tab, click the 3 dots icon next to the Name box. In the Node Finder window, enter *dq_oe* in the Named box. Choose Registers: pre-synthesis in the Filter drop-down box. Click Start. Move the nodes from the Nodes Found box to the Selected Nodes box. In the Node Finder window, enter *dqs_oe* in the Named box. Choose Registers: pre-synthesis in the Filter drop-down box. Click Start. Move the nodes from the Nodes Found box to the Selected Nodes box. Click OK. Expand Options for Individual Nodes & Entities in the Assignment Categories window. Choose Click here to add a new assignment. Choose Remove Duplicate Registers in the Assignment Name drop-down box and choose Off in the Setting drop-down box. Click OK. 3 Board Design Appendix A Guidelines 4 Appendix A Altera Corporation 73 Notes: Appendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Analysis Successful hardware implementation of a DDR SDRAM Controller is critically dependent upon board layout, FPGA placement, and set up of the clocks in the system. Furthermore, while it is relatively straightforward to get a single prototype working in hardware, you must fully understand the potential variations in timing that must be accounted for when designing for volume production. All of these issues become increasingly difficult at higher clock frequencies. This section describes the timing analysis that you must do, to verify your particular implementation of the DDR SDRAM Controller. Little of this analysis is individual to the Altera DDR SDRAM Controller, you can apply the following guidelines generally to the implementation of DDR SDRAM controllers using Altera FPGAs. FPGA-SDRAM Interface The FPGA-SDRAM interface timing analysis covers the following four areas: ■ ■ ■ ■ Write data timing Address and command timing Read data capture using dqs Resynchronization of captured read data from the dqs to the system clock domain 1 3 Board Design Guidelines Introduction Before you read this section, ensure that you have read “DDR SDRAM Controller Walkthrough” on page 21 and you are familiar with the DDR SDRAM Controller’s parameters and options. Write Data Timing This section describes the following two DDR SDRAM input pin requirements that must be met: 5 Data relative to dqs dqs relative to clock The dqs, dq and dm trace lengths should be tightly matched, so these requirements are met at the FPGA output pins and thus the DDR SDRAM input pins. Altera Corporation 75 Appendix B ■ ■ Appendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Analysis 1 DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide The timing requirements of dm at the input to the DDR SDRAM are identical to those for dq data. You must treat the dm bit exactly the same as the dq bits within the same byte group. Setup and hold times for the write dq and dm data are relative to the edges of DQS write (tDS and tDH). These are symmetrical and typically 0.5 ns for a 133 MHz device. The dqs signal is normally generated on the positive edge of clk (because of the tDQSS requirement described shortly). Thus dq and dm data out is clocked using clk_shifted, which leads clk by 90° (–90°). The edges of dqs are centred on the dq/dm data when they arrive at the DDR SDRAM. Table 13 on page 46 describes clk and clk_shifted. The DDR SDRAM has a write requirement tDQSS, i.e., the positive edge of dqs on writes must be within 25% (90°) of the positive edge of the DDR SDRAM clock input. At low frequencies you might meet this requirement without taking any special precautions. However, at 167 MHz the error is only ±1.5 ns. If the same clock phase on the FPGA is used to clock dqs and drive out to the FPGA clock pin via a buffer, the skew between them at the FPGA pins may be close to or greater than the tDQSS margin. A dedicated PLL output, with a small phase delay for the external clock, is used to align the edges of the clock and dqs at the FPGA pins. Figure 27 shows the phase adjustment of the external clock. The clock exits via a differential IO buffer (tPD clk_ext to pin), but the tCO for DQS write (tPD clk to pin) is made up of the IO register's tCQ and the IO DDR multiplex delay plus an output buffer delay so is typically longer. Therefore, the external clock (clk_ext) phase at the PLL (e0) must be about 1 ns later than the clk phase at the PLL (c0), for clk and dqs to align at the pins. The effective path tPD (clk to pin) is now equal to tCQ DQS write 76 Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingAppendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Figure 27. Phase Adjustment of External Clock and Address and Command Timing clk clk_ext FPGA CLK Pin tDQSS SDRAM Write Requirement DQS Write (at FPGA Pin) Phase delay setting of PLL output e0 relative to c0 tPD (clk_ext to Pin) tPD (clk to Pin) tCQ (DQS Write) tSU tH SDRAM Address/Command Input Timing tCO Address/Command Pins (positive edge) 3 Board Design Guidelines Address/Command Pins (negative edge) tCO Address & Command Timing The DDR SDRAM address and command inputs typically require symmetrical 1 ns setup and hold times with respect to the DDR SDRAM clock. The address and command FPGA pins nominally change at the same time as DQS write—they are both generated on clk. The positive edge of the DDR SDRAM clock is aligned with DQS write to satisfy tDQSS, therefore address and command outputs cannot reliably be generated on the positive edge of clk; the negative edge should normally be used. You can set the system clock edge (see Figure 27) upon which these outputs are generated in the MegaWizard Plug-In; it is negative by default. 1 77 5 Appendix B Altera Corporation You can use the positive edge of the clock for APEX II devices, if you can guarantee the hold time for the DDR SDRAM. The hold time can be guaranteed, if you use the slower sidebanks for DDR SDRAM address and command signals. Appendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Analysis DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Read Data Capture using DQS During read operations, DDR SDRAM devices output DQ and DQS such that they have simultaneous edges. To use dqs as a strobe (clock) to capture dq, the dqs signal must be delayed by 90° with respect to dq within the FPGA. APEX II, Stratix, Stratix GX and Cyclone devices include special delay element chains on the dqs input path, which generate a 90° phase shift of dqs relative to the dq data (as seen at the input of the first dq capture register). For APEX II and Cyclone devices, set these delays to a nominal time delay that represents a 90° phase shift at the chosen DDR SDRAM clock frequency. The delay is subject to process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations. Stratix and Stratix GX devices incorporate a DQS phase-shift reference circuit that continuously and automatically adjusts the phase shift to keep it at 90°, independent of PVT variations. The circuit requires a reference clock equal in frequency to the DDR SDRAM clock; the duty cycle, phase, and source of this clock are unimportant. The phase-shift error for Stratix devices is not subject to PVT variations. If you ensure that the dq, dm, and dqs trace lengths are tightly matched within each byte group, typically within 0.1 inches, the edges of dq data and dqs nominally arrive at the FPGA aligned. No further steps need be taken for the timing of dq sampling. On APEX II and Cyclone devices, the maximum phase delay is 2.1 or 2.8 ns, respectively. Therefore, the phase delay only provides the 90° phase shift for frequencies above 120 MHz or 90 MHz, respectively. For lower frequencies, this delay is nevertheless sufficient to ensure reliable capture of dq with the delayed dqs. Resynchronization of Captured Read Data from the DQS to the System Clock Domain Read data is captured into the DDR registers using dqs signals as a clock. Therefore, data must be transferred from the dqs clock domain to the system clock (clk) domain (resynchronization), to present data_out synchronously at the local-side interface. Figure 28 shows the timing analysis, which is required to reliably transfer data from register A to register B. 78 Altera Corporation GettingAppendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 28. Timing Analysis, Note (1), dqs_ref_clk FPGA DQS Phase Shift Reference Circuit DDR SDRAM Note 2 tPD (Clock Trace) tPD (clk_ext to pin) e1 clock_ source (2) clk_ext e0 PLL FPGA CLK clk_shifted (Note 3) c1 CLK tPD (clk to pin) clk (Note 4) c0 (3) clk_to _sdram tDQSS (Write) DDR SDRAM Controller DQS Write (Note 5) (1) D 3 Q D Q D Q Board Design Guidelines tDQSCK (Read) tCQ (DQS Write) Address/ Command Pins Note 6 tPD (Capture) Note 7 data_out (9) Q D DQ Read (8) Q DQ D A B 90 o tPD (Routing) tSU (Resynchronization) tH (Resynchronization) tCQ (Capture) (7) (6) DQS Read (5) (4) tPD (DQS Trace) Note 8 Notes: (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Altera Corporation 79 5 Appendix B (3) The text refers to the numbers in parenthesis. The dqs_ref_clk input for Stratix devices can be either fed-back from the clock output driving the DDR SDRAM or a separate clock output from the PLL. The phase of this reference clock relative to the other clocks in the system is unimportant. The clk_shifted signal is shown for completenes, but it is not needed in the timing analysis for round-trip delay or address/command timing. clk is the system clock, and there is no skew to be taken into account across the FPGA. The dqs signal is bidirectional. DQS Write and DQS Read are shown as two separate pins for this timing analysis. This signal path depends on the edge of address/command outputs selected on page 3 of the MegaWizard Plug-In. Register B’s clock input is inverted, if you select an odd phase number in the MegaWizard Plug-In. The DQS phase-shift reference circuit controls the 90° phase shift dynamically. The control path is not shown and its operation is user transparent. Appendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Analysis DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide At the output of register A, the data is already at single data rate, but is still in the dqs clock domain. 1 Register A in Figure 28 represents the DDR capture logic. The Q output of register A represents the point at which the read data has been converted from DDR to SDR. dqH (dq data during dqs high) is sampled on the positive edge of the 90° phase-shifted dqs pulse, but re-sampled on the negative edge of the 90° phaseshifted dqs pulse, to align it with dqL (dq data during dqs low). Once sampled by the negative edge of the 90° phase-shifted dqs pulse, dqL and dqH are available for resynchronization. To sample the Q output of register A into register B, you need the time relationship between the clock input and the D input of register B,which depends on the phase relationship between dqs and clk and involves the following steps: ■ ■ ■ Calculate the round-trip delay (RTD) for your system. Select a resynchronization phase of the system clock that reliably samples the Q output of register A, based on the calculated safe resynchronization window (see Figure 30). Select the resynchronization phase on page 3 of the MegaWizard Plug-In. Round-Trip Delay The register B clock input is clk. To determine the timing of data at the D input of register B relative to clk, consider the following timing-path dependencies, which are in reverse order: ■ ■ ■ ■ Data arrives at the D input of register B Data arrives at the Q output of register A DQS strobe from the DDR SDRAM arrives at the clock input of register A The DDR SDRAM clock input arrives (a delayed version of clk). There are therefore three main parts to this path: ■ ■ ■ 80 Clock Delays—between the FPGA global clock net and the DDR SDRAM clock input. DQS Strobe Delays—between the DDR SDRAM clock input and dqs’s arrival at the FPGA capture registers Read Data Delays—between the output of register A and the input of register B. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingAppendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Figure 28 shows the individual delays between points (1) and (9). The sum of all these delays is the RTD—from the FPGA clock to the DDR SDRAM and back to the FPGA (input to register B). Figure 29 shows the timing relationship of the signals for the delays between points (1) to (9) for a CAS latency of 2.5. 3 Board Design Guidelines 5 Appendix B Altera Corporation 81 Appendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Analysis DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 29. RTD Calcuation Note (1) Round-Trip Delay Resynchronization Phase 0 1 2 clk (1) tPD (clk to pin) Clock FPGA CLK Pin (2) tPD (Clock Trace) SDRAM CLK Pin (3) tDQSCK SDRAM DQS Pin (4) (during Read CL = 2.5) tPD (DQS Trace) FPGA DQS Pin (5) DQS Strobe 90 o 90o DQS phase shift (6) tPD (Capture) Clock input at Register A (7) tCQ (Capture) Q Output of Register A (8) tPD (Routing) Captured DQ Data D Input of Register B (9) Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 82 The numbers in parenthesis refer to the numbers on Figure 28. The calculation of RTD requires the timing from the system clock (clk) to the FPGA clock pin. However, the clock pin is not driven by clk but clk_ext, which has different timing at the PLL. The DQS Strobe edge can be anywhere within +/- tDQSCK of the DDR SDRAM clock pin edge. For calculating the maximum RTD the diagram assumes the strobe occurs tDQSCK after the clock. For calculating the mnimum it has to be assumed it ocurs tDQSCK before. The delays in the DQS path from FPGA pin to capture register are matched to those for the DQ path with the exception of the DQS delay chain. Although data is initially sampled at a capture register on the positive edge of DQS, it is only on the negative edge that both DQH and DQL are available at the Q outputs of the DDR capture logic. At this point they are then single data rate. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingAppendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing To determine the point at which the data can be reliably resynchronized, calculate the minimum and maximum RTD. 1 Remember to take into account PVT variations. Delay (1) to (2) does not have a corresponding signal path. To meet the tDQSS DDR SDRAM write requirement (see “Write Data Timing” on page 75), the clock edge at (2) is nominally aligned with the edge of DQS write at the FPGA pin, tPD (clk to pin) = tCQ (DQS Write) So you can use tCQ (DQS Write) for the delay (1) to (2). Delay (2) to (3) is the trace delay for the clock. If there are multiple DIMMs or devices in the system, the one furthest away from the FPGA should be used for the maximum calculation; the closest for the minimum. Delay (4) to (5) is the trace delay for dqs, which is typically tightly matched to the trace delay for the dq signals in the same byte group. To calculate the maximum RTD, use the byte group with the longest trace lengths; for the minimum use the shortest. Similarly, if there are multiple DIMMs or devices in the system, the one furthest away from the FPGA should be used for the maximum calculation; the closest for the minimum. Trace lengths between different byte groups do not have to be tightly matched, but a significant difference between the longest and shortest increases the variation in the RTD. This increase reduces the window size within which the data can be reliably resynchronized. 3 Board Design Guidelines Delay (3) to (4) is the relationship between the clock and the timing of the DQS strobe during reads. This is tDQSCK in DDR-SDRAM specifications, nominally 0, but typically varies by ± 0.75 ns depending on the DDR SDRAM device-speed grade. The DQS output strobe is only guaranteed to be within ±tDQSCK of the clock input. So use tDQSCK (max), typically +0.75 ns, for calculating the maximum RTD; tDQSCK (min), typically –0.75 ns, for calculating the minimum delay. 5 Appendix B Altera Corporation 83 Appendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Analysis DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide PLL jitter and clock duty cycle also affect the RTD. Add each of these delays to the maximum value and subtract from the minimum. PLL jitter and clock duty cycle are not shown in Figure 28, but are included in Table 16, which shows example RTD calcuations. Table 16. Example RTD Calculations Delay Numbers in Figures 28 and 29 Example Maximum Values (ns) Example Minimum Values (ns) Notes tPD (clk to pin) (1) to (2) 3.00 2.00 Equal to tCQ (DQS Write) tPD (clock trace) (2) to (3) 0.50 0.33 2 to 3 inches @166 ps/inch tDQSCK (3) to (4) + 0.75 – 0.75 tPD (dqs trace) (4) to (5) 0.50 0.33 2 to 3 inches @166ps/ inch 90° phase-shift (5) to (6) 2.00 1.75 Ensure that you account for the phase error in Cyclone and APEX II devices. tPD (capture) (6) to (7) 1.50 1.00 tCQ (capture) (7) to (8) 0.05 0 tPD (routing) (8) to (9) 1.50 1.00 PLL jitter – + 0.10 – 0.10 Clock duty cycle – + 0.40 – 0.40 Round-Trip Total (1) to (9) 10.30 5.16 See SDRAM specifications. 45/55% duty at 133 MHz Resynchronization Phase Selection When you have calculated the maximum and minimum RTD, convert them to the equivalent number of system clock cycles at your operating frequency, to find the point at which the data becomes valid relative to clk. The example maximum delay in Table 16 represents 1.4 cycles at 133 MHz; the minimum represents 0.7 cycles. The resynchronization phase options are four consecutive clock edges numbered 0 to 3 starting at the first positive edge following the theoretical time at which the Q outputs of register A change. The resynchronization phases are therefore different for CAS latencies of 2.0 and 3.0 compared to 2.5. Figure 30 shows the effect of the RTD on the the time that the data is available for resynchronization against the theoretical time, which has zero implementation-specific delays and is just 90°. Figure 30 shows the example maximum delay from Table 16 and the minimum delay. 84 Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide GettingAppendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing The overlap of the minimum and maximum data valid windows defines the data valid window, which comprises the safe resynchronization window and tSU and tH of register B. You must choose your resynchronization phase to be within the safe resynchronization window. In the Figure 30 examples, choose phase 2 for CL = 2.0 or 3.0; and phase 1 for CL = 2.5. 3 Board Design Guidelines 5 Appendix B Altera Corporation 85 Appendix B—DDR SDRAM Timing Analysis DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 30. Effect of Read RTD on the Choice of Resynchronization Phase for RTL Example clk (PLL c0) dq (see Note 1) H L o dqs (90 shifted) (see Note 1) Theoretical Q Output of Register A at (8) (see Note 1 & 2) H/L Theoretical RTD Minimum RTD CL = 2.0 or 3.0 H/L Actual Data Valid at D Input of Register B at (9) (see Note 2) Maximum RTD H/L tSU (Register B) tH (Register B) Safe Resynchronization Window Resynchronization Phase dq (see Note 1) 0 H 1 2 3 L dqs (90o shifted) (see Note 1) Theoretical Q Output of Register A at (8) (see Note 1 & 2) H/L Theoretical RTD Minimum RTD H/L CL = 2.5 Actual Data Valid at D Input of Register B at (9) (see Note 2) Maximum RTD H/L tSU (Register B) tH (Register B) Safe Resynchronization Window Resynchronization Phase 0 1 2 3 Note: (1) (2) 86 These are the timings, if all of the implementation-specific system delays are zero. The numbers in parenthesis refer to the numbers on Figure 28. Altera Corporation Appendix C—Board Design Guidelines 6 Appendix C This appendix provides general guidelines for board design when using the DDR SDRAM Controller and information about decoupling capacitance. General Guidelines The following general guidelines apply. Keep the DIMM and the Altera device close together. The routing length between the Altera device and the DIMM should be within 4.5 inches. 2. Altera device target impedance is 50 Ω ± 10%. Locations of the series impedance-balancing resistors RS are important. For address and control signals, place these series-terminating resistors as close as possible to the Altera device. For data, data strobe, and data mask signals, place the series-terminating resistors as close as possible to the DIMM socket, to achieve the best signal integrity results. Pull-up resistors RT to VTT (1.25 V) are required for data, data strobe, data mask, address, and control signals and should be located after the end of the DIMM structure. Routing length to the pull-ups is less critical but most designs require 0.5 to 1 inch to route. Figure 31 shows this prescribed termination scheme. 1 Altera Corporation These instructions are guidelines only. The best way to predict that the termination arrangement meet your requirements is to simulate your design, including the PCB and device packages. For more information, see the Micron Technical Note on Termination, TN-00-13. 87 3 Board Design Guidelines 1. Appendix C—Board Design Guidelines DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide Figure 31. Termination Scheme VTT RT = 56 Ω Address and Control Signals RS = 10 Ω 50 Ω VTT DIMM Pin RT = 56 Ω Data Strobe, Data Mask, and Data Signals 88 50 Ω RS = 10 Ω 3. Data byte-groups must be matched as closely as possible when routing on the PCB. Data group dq0 to dq7, dm0, dqs0, for example, should have timing skews matched as closely as possible, i.e., 17 ps (0.1 inch). Data byte-group to data byte-group matching, of 17 ps (0.1 inch) is also recommended. To achieve this take the longest trace and match the rest of the signals (dq, dqm, dqs) with the longest trace. Also, vias have electrical length and should be accounted for in all trace balancing configurations. Proper routing topology is best achieved when all point-to-point connections match not only in physical length but also in electrical length. 4. Because unbuffered address and control signals are generally much noisier (they create crosstalk), route them on different layers or with greater spacing than data, data mask and data strobes, when escaping the Altera device BGA and on the memory channel. Do not route differential clocks and clock enables close to address signals. 5. Route differential clock pairs in parallel with lengths matched within 10 ps (0.0588 inch). The spacing ratio between the clock and clock_n should be 1:1. Keep the ratio between the differential pairs to a minimum of 3:1. 6. Avoid routing signals across split planes. Controlling returns at high frequencies is very desirable. Also, avoid routing memory signals any closer than 0.025 inch from AGP, GTL, PCI or system clocks. In addition, avoid routing memory signals in close proximity to system reset signals. Altera Corporation DDR SDRAM Controller MegaCore Function User Guide 7. When using resistor networks, Altera recommends that the address and control signals be confined to separate physical packages from data signals.The address/control lines and data (dq, dqm, dqs) should not share R-pack series resistors, to eliminate crosstalk within R-pack. Keep series and pull-up resistor network tolerances within 1 to 2%. In a worst-case scenario, as many as 81 drivers (64 data, 8 ECC, 9 strobe) may be switching from one state to the other on a memory module. The controller may have an additional 28 signals transitioning at the same time in a pipelined access. Traditional methods for providing decoupling involve placing capacitors in locations that are convenient, based on the routing of the board and applying some predetermined ratio of capacitors to driver pins. Unfortunately, the higher switching speeds of DDR may render such typical ratios less useful. Perform careful planning and analysis to ensure that sufficient decoupling is provided. 89 3 Board Design Guidelines The critical limiting factor in designing a decoupling system is usually not the amount of capacitance, but the amount of inductance in the capacitor leads and the vias attaching the caps to the power and ground planes. Using 0.1-µF caps in an 0603 package should provide sufficient capacitance. VTT voltage decoupling should be made on the motherboard very close to the parallel pull-ups. The decoupling capacitors should be connected between VTT and ground. The APEX II memory interface board has a 0.1-µF capacitor for every other VTT pin. The APEX II memory interface board also has 0.1-µF and 0.01-µF capacitors for every VDD and VDDQ pin. Altera Corporation 6 Appendix C Decoupling Capacitance GettingAppendix C—Board Design Guidelines Notes:
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