Excalibur Web Server Demonstration December 2002, ver. 1.0 Introduction Application Note 285 This document describes the Excalibur™ web server demonstration design and includes the following topics: ■ ■ ■ Design Overview Installation Run the Design 1 f Design Overview Altera Corporation AN-285-1.0 The design assumes that you have a basic level of knowledge of web servers. For important late-breaking information on this design, you must read the readme.txt file in the project root directory. The web server demonstration design is a simple web server running on top of the Nios Ethernet Development Kit (NEDK) plugs library. The design runs on the EPXA10 development board and serves web pages, which are stored in flash memory on the board. The design highlights the features of the Excalibur EPXA10 embedded stripe and the ability to incorporate soft intellectual property into the FPGA array. Figure 1 shows the design block diagram. 1 AN 285: Excalibur Web Server Demonstration Figure 1. Block Diagram SDRAM EPXA10 Development Board SDRAM Controller RS-232 UART EPXA10 Device 10/100 Ethernet MAC Flash 10/100 PHY Device PC RJ-45 The design serves both static and dynamic web pages. The web server runs on top of the plugs library, which handles the transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP). On top of the plugs library the web server embedded software parses incoming HTTP requests and responds with the requested web page. Web pages are stored in flash using the way over simplified file system (WOSFS). After an HTTP request is received, the requested page is retrieved from WOSFS and sent back to the host PC as an HTTP response. The web server assumes that all HTTP requests are GET requests. The design code runs out of on-chip SRAM. TCP/IP packets are transmitted and received by the Ethernet MAC MegaCore funciton over the on-board PHY device and RJ-45 connector. The design connects the Ethernet MAC to bus logic in the FPGA. The Ethernet MAC AHB master port buffers TCP/IP packets in the SDRAM via the PLD-to-stripe bridge. The processor configures the Ethernet MAC via its AHB slave port over the stripe-to-PLD bridge. Status information is sent out of the UART to the PC via the RS232 port. In addition, flash programming occurs over the ByteBlasterMV™ download cable, which is connected to the EPXA10 development board JTAG header. 2 Altera Corporation AN 285: Excalibur Web Server Demonstration Installation This sections details the hardware and software requirements and the design directory structure. Hardware & Software Requirements The web server demonstration design requires the following hardware and software: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ EPXA10 development board Quartus® II software version 2.2 ARM Developer Suite for Altera (Altera ADS-Lite) software version 1.1 Altera 10/100 Ethernet MAC MegaCore® function version 1.2.0 OpenCore® Plus evaluation license Terminal Program, e.g., Minicom or Hyperterminal Directory Structure To install the web server demonstration design, unzip an285.zip into the installation directory of your choice. Figure 2 shows the directory structure. Figure 2. Directory Structure webserver software Contains the embedded software source for the design; this includes the source for the plugs library. inc Contains project header files. lib Contains the plugs library and other functions used in the design. web Contains the web pages. altera_ahb_ext_irq_wire Contains a simple SOPC Builder component that is needed to handle the multiple interrupts for the Ethernet MAC. Altera Corporation 3 AN 285: Excalibur Web Server Demonstration Run the Design Running the web server demonstration design involves the following steps: 1. Compile the FPGA Hardware. 2. Compile the Embedded Software. 3. Configure the EPXA10 Development Board. 4. Setup the Host PC. Compile the FPGA Hardware The project root directory includes the default hardware image for the web server demonstration design, webserver.sbi. If you have no changes to the hardware design, you need not recompile, so proceed to “Compile the Embedded Software” on page 4. If you need to change the hardware design, use the SOPC Builder for design entry. f For more information on how to use the SOPC Builder to build systems, refer to www.altera.com/literature/lit-sop.html. If you perform a hardware recompilation, you must obtain an OpenCore Plus license to re-synthesize and place-and-route the Ethernet MAC. f For an OpenCore Plus license, refer to www.altera.com/support/licensing/ip/lic-ipm-ocp.jsp. Compile the Embedded Software The design has the following default TCP/IP settings: ■ ■ ■ ■ Development board IP address: Development board subnet mask: Gateway address: DNS address: If the default settings remain unchanged, or if you are connecting to the board directly with a crossover cable, proceed to “Configure the EPXA10 Development Board” on page 5. 4 Altera Corporation AN 285: Excalibur Web Server Demonstration If the default TCP/IP settings are not acceptable for your network, perform an embedded software build. To build the embedded software, perform the following steps. 1. Run the Quartus II software and open the webserver.quartus project. 2. Change the IP address for the EPXA10 development board to the desired settings by modifying the following lines in the \software\web.c file: settings.nameserver_ip_address = nm_ip2n(137,57,109,1); settings.subnet_mask = nm_ip2n(255,255,255,0); settings.gateway_ip_address = nm_ip2n(137,57,193,254); settings.ip_address = nm_ip2n(137,57,193,114); 3. To build the design file, choose Start Software Build (Processing menu). Configure the EPXA10 Development Board You must configure the EPXA10 Development board to work with this design. To setup the jumpers and connect the development board to the host PC and network, perform the following steps: Altera Corporation 5 AN 285: Excalibur Web Server Demonstration 1. To configure the EPXA10 development board to boot from flash and enable the 78Q2120 Ethernet PHY device MII clocks to the EPXA10 device, adjust the jumper settings. Table 1 shows the jumper settings. Table 1. Jumper Settings Jumper JP1 On JP2 Connect 2 to 3 JP3 Connect 2 to 3 JP4 Connect 2 to 3 JP5 Connect 2 to 3 JP6 Connect 2 to 3 JP14 Off JP15 Off JP16 Off JP17 Off JP18 Off MSEL0 Connect 1 to 2 MSEL1 Connect 1 to 2 JP31 Off JP32 Off JP33 Off JSELECT Connect 1 to 2 DEBUG_EN Connect 2 to 3 BOOT_FLASH Connect 2 to 3 EN_SELECT Off JP40 Connect 2 to 3 JP41 Connect 2 to 3 U179 Connect 2 to 3 JP50 Connect 2 to 3 JP51 Connect 2 to 3 JP52 Connect 2 to 3 JP53 Connect 2 to 3 JP54 Connect 2 to 3 JP55 Connect 2 to 3 JP57 Off JP58 3V3 JP59 JP_AGND2GND 6 Setting 3V3 Connect 1 to 2 Altera Corporation AN 285: Excalibur Web Server Demonstration 2. Connect a straight-through Ethernet cable from the EPXA10 board to a network hub. Alternatively, you can use a crossover Ethernet cable to connect the EPXA10 board directly to your host PC. 3. Connect a ByteblasterMV™ cable from your PC’s parallel port to the MasterBlaster™ header on the EPXA10 development board. 4. Connect null modem cable to the RS-232 P2 port (the one in the upper left hand corner) on the EPXA10 development board. Setup the Host PC The Web Server Demo Design must communicate with a host PC, for flash programming, to display debug information, and serve web pages. To setup the host PC, perform the following steps: 1. Start a terminal session with the following settings: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 38400 Baud 8 Data bits No Parity 1 stop bit No Flow control 1 2. In this design, the UART presents status information. To download the combined PLD and software image, webserver_flash.hex, to the EPXA10 development board flash, use the prog_hw.bat file. 1 If you have not performed JTAG programming on the host PC before, start the JTAG server by typing the following command at a command prompt: jtagconfig -add byteblastermv lpt1r 3. Altera Corporation Launch a web browser and enter the board IP address in the URL field. For example 7 AN 285: Excalibur Web Server Demonstration 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 http://www.altera.com Applications Hotline: (800) 800-EPLD Literature Services: [email protected] 8 Copyright © 2002 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, mask work rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. Altera Corporation
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